01-26-2019 Ethics CodeCouncil Rules of Procedure Ethics Code Ethics Code City Council Retreat January 26, 2019 Modify - 2.4 Gift Current rule exempts “things of minimal value” from the definition of a “gift.” Many agencies have a monetary definition of what “minimal value” means. Federal government uses $20 per occurrence and no more that $50 per year from the same source. The state also exempts “Payment of enrollment and course fees and reasonable travel expenses attributable to attending seminars and educational programs sponsored by a bona fide governmental or nonprofit professional, educational, trade, or charitable association or institution. As used in this subsection, "reasonable expenses" are limited to travel, lodging, and subsistence expenses incurred the day before through the day after the event.” Modify – 4.3 Remote Interest Add language to conform with RCW 42.23.040 that states that when an officer has a “remote interest” in a contract, that officer may not “influence or attempt to influence any other officer of the municipality of which he or she is an officer to enter into a contract.” Essentially, the change would make it clear that a recused officer will not advocate for the appropriation of money to an organization that the officer has a remote interest in. Questions?