11-05-2019 Sidearm Mower ReplacementPowerPoint Presentation Purchase of a ReplacementSidearm Mower Public Works Department Policy Question Should the City Council authorize staff to purchase a replacement sidearm mower in the amount of $175,209.92? Background The sidearm mower is included in the 2020 budget for replacement. Collected reserves for the replacement are $105,454 Sidearm mower is used for all non-maintained grass areas. We were recently made aware of the lead time to receive a replacement. Funding Previously authorized use of reserves Surplus of existing sidearm mower Surplus of vehicles in 2019: Truck 121-1 (replaced by 8228-1) Truck 8251-1 Truck 8250-1 Balance will be from Streets Operations account Funding Reserves: $105,454 Truck/Mower Surplus: $49,500 Streets Operations: $20,255.92 Total Available: $175,209.92 No new funding or impact to the General Fund is proposed. OPTIONS Authorize staff to purchase a replacement sidearm mower in the amount of $175,209.92 and re-appropriate 2020 replacement reserve value of $105,454 into 2019 budget. Do not authorize staff to purchase a sidearm mower and provide direction to Staff. Mayor’s Recommendation The Mayor recommends Option 1. Questions?