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CITY OF _ • ;•-y -».I�-- F-. DEPARTMENT 0 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EO 33530 First Way South "" Ry AUG � � ���� Federal Way,WA 98003 V V 7s-A3 DO3 (253)661-4000 Fax(253)661-4129 5�*j F8 - 0) 87 CI BUILDING DEPT.OF FEDEHAL hr — SIGN PERMIT# Sclic: 711731-9 Registration# Registration# Registration# Registration II SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION This application must be submitted to the Building Division and a sign permit must be issued prior to displaying any sign,except as expressly allowed in Federal Way City Code Section 22-1599(c),Permit Exceptions,whether or not the proposed sign requires construction or structural alteration. WARNING: Do not construct or order a sign until a - 't . . b . ssued. The installation permit will expire 180 days after issuanc,. Owner of Sign }-1 f T 12i✓' A 1C Phone 3 Address ')7 J t/--t:7 f C l\ 01/411 t Name of Business , YcLit Business Lic.# Parcel Number SingleTenant 0 Multi-Tenant[ Address of Sign - N,at S ♦ ve Sign Contractor 0Y0/` , - v Phone 2S Contra. •r's Address . C2' Registration# 4�Ir�nn 033AH Contact 0 p\-- LiQa- Phone 1. Number of ants, or available business spaces,on property L- - c T 1 Z-2,-- 2. r2. Does the parcel have a comprehensive sign plan approved by the city? If yes,what is the file number? 3. List type and size of all existing signs associated with the business (locate on plot plan). 4. List type and size of all other existing signs on the parcel. 5. Are any signs part of a Center Identification Sign? . 07-3Q-98, , 14: 31 STANLEY Rillk ESTATE INC ID=2 443 8212 P . 01 i 1: ii Citi _;:.)EPALWAY DEPT.(1F G ;eiMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' 31840 PACIFIC HWY S SGN98-0187 . WALL SIGN I KOHARU RESTARAUNT ' l f 08-11-98 rr 1 111211/11 1 I . _ ___.__T-i ._,;,-ir„, DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPR VE 1 '?_ jil APPROVED BY - T_. .. _ _(..Z 1 _j N • '---) 1 l' .b1C3 '' ( d 1) !3 / /V;ip ‘ I 4. ) If\.‘V i 1 ___-. ,,./Q176 ,,s() ...._..... _,_,,,_ . _ . ..,.,- ....q. __ '...„...___ i ; .r. 4 h R. —�-, 1 1, V t AUG 1 1 199 N' s M ` F- C\ , .). CITY U �Lul�li .L H eaY � ❑ BUILDING DEPT. 070-9a 13:48RECEIVED �i `\,. FROM: P • 01 ..;;..re t' ; k , -/ 1C,cey © g -73 --R c \Q K 0H AL Ell er-:, U °WilICE 1 �� Limp/ suslly .....,.....„ /J�'� / u- � '/ a.�v���,�Z�D a- C-- 37/ /�•& /4-�. ' 4 8/ A) N oZ/ ► S lv XS-1 -11)(i( .r f .. it:L.^Htirw�:.v»x :+:.a•1. ....u+wa..+x.:....a.n.a....�............. ...............� ... )to4e P 1 ki--11 9 , ) 1 • t/ Wood i it y «Q s .,.Di Yd‘ /) 1/ OR ZE- - 5 c S !u k w C� czQUe.ire,is -t-, •., 5- ---- �k , t - ���� �� %��t=l.��con;l>uk T/6---To.C�113CE `t 4 --r- /A NS Ha z , kie •• upgo C 7//i", l' 7-7-t-LAIE-u - .Frtic6-3 ztir-'-'r-ok ,'; i .4 tem, N�oiv �5 � � -6 ' . ____ ,t _ .: _. =': -7 /z / L 4SCo 7 A,//L!04 p i , `4-- / f/ DPA 1 � D L& R 1 � /' 1. _ -_ / i 50Cia p 1, — N -` 1, G., - ----------::;" '' ' ' '.. '-rl__4;t4'°7 CCCA't)‘ 1\ alr-e-00 ,V sil 4c1- \r)v.± v.) 42 .Ais :.\. •- • 9: `t-€-_ t0\2 SA(A) (z)(57) -7-: b Riii2,1?,,fri-,06itfiek ai:cr--- N3ned ,$) , )7 _,_...u= 5 SUSHI KOHARU RESTAURAN1 ILI g9,{ O IJL �dp �; l�1 (ndj � � �iV T <1 Lz-7'1� i , - 3/k=- (25)041---) ----- 211, , PI ,, -a 1 • u d(e) ' , av:=Lua) zo)-Sera ►. A = ( )C 0 ' ) - . •►. j". ---- )---- ... Jo 6 7r--swie kotitilN Pj.5rAcitNeT 1_ AWRE.5 3 'c feqC(FrI'd Hu7 r,, r --> -/ C, GvA-9 31 :TTE-L -- c,2.5-y4_-2,-,_ /,Gpz 0 --�" e hL f141__ A- y