98-100502 i 98` /OD TDd CITY OF FEDERAL WAY � � �L 11�,,. x,,,.� �� d PERMIT NO: ELE98-0152 33530 First Way South J,;;;;, N_ !l,;. �..,,. ,1"'��. ...II.,, h,._ �,.,., w, (1,„,,� .o.II`'1o.M I. ..� ,, ISSUED: 02/18/98 Federal Way, WA 98003 Electrical Inspection Requests 253--661--4140 BY : FC2 253-661-4000 EXPIRES : 02/12/99 ADDRESS : 2213 S 284TH ST NO. : 422220-0320 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:ADDING 4 CIRCUITS FOR ADDITION f= OWNER ----- - - - -= CONTRACTOR _____..__.__________ LENDER • DAVE SEATZ ; FULLER ELECTRIC 2213 S 284TH ST i 37107 12TH AVE S FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 1 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 946-4989 i 661-7181 FULLEEIO27BK n* CONTRACTORS, PLEASE USE LOCATION CODE 1732 WHEN REPORTING SALES TAX FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF FEDERAL MAY. TAX RATE = 8.2% X22 I * STRUCTURE INFORMATION * * NEW RESIDENTIAL * * MOBILE HOMES * i * RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS * * MUILTI FAMILY NEW * SEV FEED CONST. TYPE.: V-N NEW SINGLE FAM.: SERVICE OR FEEDER ONLY: 0 i 0-200 AMPS • 0 0-200 AMPS...: 0 ... 0 OCC. GROUP..: ' OUT BUILDINGS..: 0 SERVICE AND FEEDER • 0 201-600 AMPS • 0 201-400 AMPS.: 0 ... 0 OCC. LOAD...: 0 t SERVICE OR FEEDER (PK): 0 OVER 600 AMPS • 0 I 401-600 AMPS.: 0 ... 0 SQUARE FEET.: 0 MASI/METER REPAIR.: 0 601-800 AMPS.: 0 ... 0 NUMBER OF CIRCUITS: 4 i 801 AND OVER.: 0 ... 0 - ii __....-_. __. Ii T * COMM. ALTERATIONS * * TEMP SERVICE * * MISCELLANEOUS * * COMM/IND NEW * I * INSPECTION RECORD * { 0-100 AMPS • 0 ... 0 SERVICE DATE 0-200 AMPS • 0 0-100 AMPS • 0 THERMOSTATS • 0 101-200 AMPS...: 0 ... 0 201-600 AMPS • 0 101-200 AMPS..: 0 LOW VOLTAGE • 0 f 201-300 AMPS...: 0 ... 0 COVER.. DATE 601-1000 AMPS...: 0 201-400 AMPS..: 0 SWIMMING POOL..: 0 301-600 AMPS...: 0 ... 0 OVER 1000 AMPS..: 0 401-600 AMPS..: 0 SIGNS • 0 601-800 AMPS...: 0 ... 0 ( FINAL.. DATE NUM. OF CIRCUITS: 0 OVER 600 AMPS.: 0 TEMP. POLES . 0 801-1000 AMPS..: 0 ... 0 !, COMMENTS: -------------- 1--- -- YARD METER LOOP: 0 OVER 1000 AMPS.: 0 ... 0 TOTAL PERMIT FEES.......: 60.00 OVER 600 VOLTS.: 0 I MAST/METER RPR.: 0 -.- PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE IF NO WORK IS STARTED. I CERTIFY THAT THE INF RMA ION FURNISHED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THE APPLICABLE CITY OF FEDERAL MAY REQUIREMENTS WILL BE NET. OWNER \ jC DATE a`«-If OR AGENT FILE COPY 09 Ad00 a131d 41 --------7---,7.___-_-,7 3180 ___ .._.. _. �____... _ �__ .._. l ,•. __ . 1� __ .. 11139V 40 43000 l '1:111 11 1114 S181818ItN138 AVN 1883411 JO AlI) 311011448 301 81W 13131110111 AN 18 IS38 3181 81 1?3888) INV 3481 SI IN A8 438SI0801 88 888(01111 3111 1881 AII183) I '0311815 SI 1808 ON iI 3#VOSSI 831111 SAVO 0811 14411 S110834 .,:tlY.'n Y".- ,.__.. mw'-•r 4tco:c'.a>>ma ,tc.n:-cur- r?•XJ1.CRSS fP:Yssss+t�TL 1tt;t:C:G:Aa;`.r:x:a Qeaa �rar.`w.aa.LR �sxzr.at:�a�.caa?xasmarrin.:azrfmttmlleCs^:aLaes9alRssmataN a�..:p_-zx aa�aecm:4'.seY-msa1"xa rx ...::amar<. ••.:T;1 f110 :'144 43.13W/1SVN 0 :'5110A 009 43A0 00'09 • 5331 11881dwIul 0 "' 0 :1411V 0001 83A0 0 :dO01 43130 OJVA -... _..._.__.._ _. _. .___.. _.__..._.__...I _......._.. _...._ ._.. ....._ ._..._ _.__. -.� __:.S1•034110) 0 '.. 0 ..SdWV 0001-108 0 S310d 'd031 0 .'SdOV 009 43A0 0 �S101)4I) JO 1401III ���1� 31d<I i�� 10NIJ 0 ... 0 ... 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Date By 5 FO.OTING/DOWNSPOIT DRAINS Date By ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................. ............................................. 6 UNDERFL OOR FRAM1F'iG >>€ > >> >> .. ....... ............................................................... .. ..... ....... .. ............................................................................................. 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Date By ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 15 ...........................................................................................:..... ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Date By 16 .. ................................................................................:::........... ................................................................................................. Date By 17 Date By ......................... ....................................................................... ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 18 ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................. Date By .. ......................................................................................... .. ............................................................................................. . ............................................................................................. . .............................................................................................. 19 ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Date By 0 2 Date ) .re:F. By CD0193(Rev 4/97) CITY , IC; 33530 First Way South r�E ' IV� Federal Way WA 98003 vv RY iia Phone (206) 661-4000 1 fa 19911 ELIE CTItICALVPERMIT"APPLICATION . (-,,•t ot. taiG"" ELE- TAW- Job Address ,�i 3 5 . s(�/ ' S-fr, t Job Site Phone<:>L� �t (7L' v �I�S f � Parcel No / Lot No Subdivision Name Owner Mail Address Phone S /` 61 Z Z/ 3 S . (-/'7`,Sf�eef )_s_3 9t/6 -1/1,Y�� Electrical ContractorMail Address Phone 125 3 --66/-7/F/ F4le/ C lec //r, . r - 3 )/p ) j License No.F UMC'e;0 a-7.64" !_ ✓e S d Expiration Date IF ,5/000 ❑ Use of Bldg: ASF Res °Comm ❑Other Multi ❑Church/School Class of Work: ❑New °Alteration eiAddition C1J °Repair Describe Work: nooS A0/064-0„ q (: i Type of Const: Aid,-i;04 NEW RESIDENTIAL SERVICES MOBILE HOMES Occupancy Group: _ Service or feeder only . . . . $40 Occupancy Load: _ Single Family _ Service and feeder 65 Square Feet: i J.CC Si /-16-1/J;-40-. (First 1300 ft2-$60; Each add'n 500 ft2-$20) MOBILE HOME/RV PARK If plans are required for review, the fee is __ # of service or feeders 35% of the permit fee plus $50. Additional Each outbuilding or garage . $25 (First service/feeder-$40; Add'n plan review for other submissions is $60/hr. service/feeders-$25 each) MISC EQUIPMENT/TEMP SERVICES NEW MULTI-FAMILY COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL f _# of Thermostats (Includes three units or more) Amps Service or Add'n (First thermostat-$30; Add'n thermostats- Service Feeder Feeder $10 each) Up to 200 amp . . $ 65 . . . $ 20 _ 0 to 100 $ 65 . . $ 40 _ # of Low voltage fire or burglar alarm 201 - 400 amp . . 80 . . . . 40 101 - 200 80 . 50 (First 2500 ft2-$35; Each add'n 500 ft2-$10) _ 401 - 600 amp . . 110 . . . . 55 201 - 400 150 . 60 _ it of Signs _ 601 - 800 amp . . 140 . . . . 75 _ 401 - 600 175 . . 70 (First sign-$30; Add'n sign-$15 each) _ 801 and over . . 200 . . . 150 _ 601 - 800 225 . . 95 _ Progress inspection per hr $60 __ 801 - 1000 . . . . 275 . . . 115 _ Swimming pool, hot tub, spa . . . . 60 _ over 1000 300 . . . 160 _Temporary Pole 35 _ Over 600 volts surcharge . . . 50 _ Yard Pole meter loops 40 Mast or meter repair 55 ■ Issuance fee for each permit 20 ALTERED SINGLE- OR COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Inspections requested before 3:30 will be MULTI-FAMILY Altered Service or Feeders made the following work day, 661-4140. (When inspected separately from the _ 0 to 200 $ 65 services.) _ 201 - 600 150 I hereby certify that I am the owner(or Service or Feeder _ 601 - 1000 225 authorized agent) of the above named _ 0 to 200 amp $ 55 _ over 1000 250 property or a licensed contractor(or firm's 201 - 600 amp 80 _ # of circuits authorized agent) and am making the __ over 600 120 (First 5 circuits-$50; Add'n installation or alteration in compliance with Mast or meter repair 30 circuits-$5 each) all applicable city, county, and state laws. 11/ of circuits 40 Temporary Service (First circuit-$40; Add'n circuit- _ 0 to 100 $40 Applicant's Signature: $5 each) - 101 - 200 50 0 �"1 L '7� _ 401 - 600 80 9over 600 90 � Date: ' ,1:rLp,.i.An, its Isen 3/31195