93-103238 , 10-&.13 2' CITY 3353O0Firstt Way South F FEDERAL WAY MECHANICAL PERMIT PER ISSUED:MIT NO: 12/29 /9370 Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 661-4140 BY: FLF 661-4000 EXPIRES: 06/27/94 ADDRESS:231O S 300TH ST NO. : 768380-0213 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:HVAC - INSTALL PROPANE TANK. OWNER t -- CONTRACTOR -- LENDER PATRICIA WHEELER SUBURBAN PRPN DEV QNTH CHM CRP 310 S 300TH ST 12642 INTERURBAN S FEDERAL MAY WA 98003 SEATTLE NA 98168 529 0181 244-1530 SUBURPOO88PA FUEL TYPES.:GAS FANS - 0 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS FEES: GAS PIPING.: 0 ft HOOD - 0 0-3 HP • 0 PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT.* $ 30.00 FURN<100K..: 0 DUCT WORK - 0 3-15 HP • 0 MEC APPLIANCE FEES.* $ 50.00 GAS HNT - 0 WOOD STOVES...: 0 15-30 HP • 0 CONV BURNER: 0 FURN>100K • 0 30-50 HP - 0 BBQ • 0 MISC - 0 5+ HP - 0 GAS DRYER..: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS FUEL TANKS RANGE - 0 <:10,000 CFM: 0 ABOVE GROUND: 1 GAS LOGS...: 0 > 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDERGROUND.: 0 TOTAL FEES $ 80.00 ilk Does the water supply systen contain a Pressure Reduction Device or Check valve? () Yes () No (If 'Yes' then water expansion tank is required on Hot Mater Tank) Inspection Record Water Line OK Mechanical Inspection Notes: GAS PIPING OK Date By __i PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE IF NO WORK IS STARTED. RESIDENTIAL AND GRADING PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF ISSUANCE. I CERTIFY THAT THE I RMA ION FURNISED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THE APPLICABLE CITY OF FERERAL NAY REQUIREMENTS WILL BE MET. OWNER OR AGENT ___ _ ' 7172—.__119/1.446c—. DATE FILE COPY CITY F RAL 33530OFirstEWay South MECHANICAL PERMIT PERISSUE.D: 12,993/9370 Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 661-4140 BY: ELF 661-4000 EXPIRES:- 06/27/94 ADDRESS:2310 S 3001H ST NO. : 768380-0213 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:HVAC - INSTAR PROPANE TANK. tNINfR -__,�_...s-..w....__Y...,.....---------- ��-� ._�...�.��.r....�..�.._.. COMFRACTUR ---,--_T-s—. -___...____. .__.�,--. LENDER .�._- -�.;_.�..._..,� PATRICIA WHEELER SUr�URBAN PRPN DEV Q1111;-1 H$ CRP 310 S 300TM ST 12642 INTERURBAN S EUFRAI WAY MA 98003 SEATTLE NA 98168 529-0181 FUEL TYPES.:GAS fAN5 g B E OMPA d°�` � IEPOSIT $ 30.00 GAS PIPING.: O ft HtiliD. � ,r fi � 3 • � g r� FURN<IDOK... 0 NAR l� 4.-'V P. Pit t E FFE5 ' S 50.4{1 GAS IT • 0Ps 7 S" �e �� �.. r" CONY BURNER: 0 FI I 880 • 0 MI5 0 ,t t4 �, GAS DRYER..: 0 AIR NA w e �+ N w„ M RANGE......: 0 <:10,� , .IVE I' ND: I GAS LOGS...: 0 IO,OOO s O %� UNDERi,R0UNO.: 0TOTAL FEES t 80 =+0 Does the water supply system contain a Pressure Reduction Device or Cheri, valve'? () Yes () No ill 'Yoa' thea eater expansion tanl is required on Hot Nater Tank) Inspection Record Water Line OK Mechanical Inspection Notes: GAS PIPING OK Late ,la ?d-93 /'/ /a.-3o -53 mo✓ I PERMITS EMPIRE 180 DAYS AITER ISSUANCE IF PO MORI IS STARTED. RESIPOENTIAL AND GRHDING PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF ISSUANCE. I CERTIFY THAI THE I RMA IDN FURNISED BY NF. IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST d+F MY KNDIILEDGE AND THE APPLICABLE CITTYYY OF FERERAL NAY REQUIREMENTS WILL RE NFL ( Al (170 4 FIELD COPY \/ a,,,�rZ City of Federal WayLIt • APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT DEC Z ‘j 1993 PLEASE PRIN71N BOIDDGEAWAY APPLICATION #: 60(i3--- /1 70 SITE•LOCATION • Address 31O 5 Fei Qcc _Wi � Loa . iV( Tenant (if known) Lot # Assessor's Tax # 7 30 a a, 3 Building Owner Name Address C1C - m. Luh-eever 9-3)o City Feder \ o-1 , State �� ,� ( Zip q g' o heck.*� 1 Phone 5 a9 -0t • Nature of Work )�j CLI\ �c c c\- . kA l `� • ccc- E 1" &L* APPLICANT Name (F,M,L) I eL. Wit)--€1-e Address )0 City 7f ra tiyAu\ State 11_,\Cti q l�Zip 3V 3 Contact Pe son Day Phone Ot er Phone tCc� l�h�el�� 5a9 o�� l 3o-L OL Fax 3ic,Li saoa Bt/II.DINNG CONTRACTOR Company Name , lJ,or n PcoQôc Address j ', City ��t 1 State ( L,(; . Zip ' Contact Person � . bCt_ke� Phone LI L I )J C Faye 14 Li-1 US-- I Contractor's # (card must be presented Expiration Date Verified ElYes [11No L1C30tZP - I_ `(LI ARCHITECT Name Address City State Zip Con ct Person Phone Fax LEGAL DESCRIPTION The_ vki 15 StO ;Eel- 61 -the •Gu4-1n 1qa.o0 €€ - G�C- a ana .1-he las+ S9. CeeA u4 Jcrac c)-I i SY(ornO Suburban 4r'ac4s , 60Coy clini5 .0 --k11-Q \cvA- Thfrea-C , ceccrd-ecl n uvlurne 3'9 of- ebt5, par Cs) ao, ► n kinc even-k\ , uc5111nc�Vii-\ s (-"yc -the Nci4) L-17U;tt C 4€e-1- 0-c !t--(L< \ 1 Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492(Rev 4/93) STR'tr4T11YtE ting Use f posed Use —� Permit includes: U Building ❑ PlumbingMechanical ❑ Other Type of Work: ❑ Residenti ❑ New ❑ Remodel ❑ Number of Units_ ❑ Deck ❑ Commercial ❑ Addition ❑ Garage ❑ Shed ❑ Other Enter 1st Floor sq ft 2nd Floor sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Existing Floor Area sq ft Area Basement'' sq ft Decks_ sq ft Garage sq ft Proposed Total Area sq ft Water actability ❑ Sewer Availability ❑ On-Site Septic System Availability ❑ ProjVal ectuabtin $ defyinLot Size Existing aldg Vatuatlon $ Name Address C/ State Zip ............................................................................................ ........................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ........................................................................................... MECHANICAL:CONTRACTOR Contractor Name Address IVO r 4 We -.\- LiiCt\-€r c\--et City State Zip Contact 1 6‘� E-0 Qc— Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No ....... .. ....... ...................................... .............................. ........... ............ .. .. .......................................................... ............ ............. ............................... .............................. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR::':::::: :iim Contractor Name Address City State Zip — Contact'- Phone Fax icense # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No ................................................................................ ............................................... ............................ ........................................................................................ PLUMBING:FIXTURE C Water Closets Sinks Urinals Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs Dish Washers Drinking Fountains Other Showers Electric Water Heaters Sumps " <Washin Machine Drains TaaFtute'Cau�``>`>'%> ??i'> > MECHANICAL UNIT COUNT' Fuel Type (electric/other) LP(( /015 Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons '..- Range Air Handling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ Tons Furn >100 BTUs Fans Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt Hood Boilers Above Ground 00,30,)) lk:'i��) Cony Burner Duct Work 0-3 Tons Underground ................................................................ ............................................................... BBQ's Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons Total'iUntt Count:.. DISCLAIMER: I certify under penalty of perjury that the information furnished by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and further that I am authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made.I further agree to save harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim(including costs,expenses, and attorneys'fees incurred in investigation and defense of such claim),which may be made by any person,including the undersigned,and filed against the City of Federal Way, but only where suc aim arises out of the reliance of the City, including its officers and employees,upon the accuracy of the information supplied to the City as a part of this application. �j�- Owner/Agent: /��(CA-- Lin ( u i-r Date: /✓ —3-3_ 73