07-21-2020 Small Wireless7/20/2020 1 EXTENSION OF INTERIM ZONING REGULATIONS FOR SMALL WIRELESS Public Works Department Policy Question Should Council extend the interim small wireless zoning regulations and development guidelines, enacted by Ordinance No. 19-862, for a 6- month period, after conducting a public hearing, in order to complete review of new federal rules? 2 Background Information •January 2019, Ordinance No. 19-862 was enacted to address Federal Communication Commission (FCC) zoning and design requirements for small wireless facilities •The code was adopted as interim code to allow time for appeals to be heard and addressed. •FCC enacted new rules in response to the appeals in June 10, 2020. 3 Background Information •Current interim zoning expired July 9, 2020 •Staff recommends extension of the interim zoning in order to have time to review and incorporate the newly adopted “FCC Rules” 4 Background Information 5 Options Considered 1.Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2.Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. 6 Mayor’s Recommendation Option 1: Adopt the proposed ordinance. Note: Request suspension of rules for two readings of this ordinance. 7 Questions? 8