98-100668 • CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PERMIT NO: MEC98-0052 33530 First Way South ill t';;..M:.,w N et N I ,.,:i 'it1»..., ""f .ft1 I "1" ISSUED: 03/03/98 Federal Way , WA 98003 Mechanical Inspection Requests 253-661-4140 BY: KLC 253-661-4000 EXPIRES: 08/29/98 ADDRESS: 2008 S 282ND ST NO. : 422231-0250 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:HVAC - CHANGEOUT OF 1 ELECTRIC HWT F. OWNER CONTRACTOR - - -- - _ -_: -..__.. LENDER PATRICIA PORTER NORTHWEST WTR HTR INC/DAVIS WH 1 2088 S 282ND ST 2800 THORNDYKE AVE W FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 SEATTLE WA 98199 j 4 (253)984-6404 800-292-4328 NORTHWH103R2 -_A___-----------. - ----._-- 3____.. __.__.-.-_...__......_.._ X** CONTRACTORS, PLEASE USE LOCATION CODE 1732 WHEN REPORTING SALES TAX FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. TAX RATE = 8.25 us PROJECT VALUATION 0 FEES: FUEL TYPES.:? ? FANS • 0 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS MEC PRMT ISSUANCE... $ 20.00 GAS PIPING.: 0 ft HOOD • 0 0-3 TON • 0 Mechanical Permit* $ 7.00 FURN<100K..: 0 DUCT WORK • 0 3-15 TON • 0 GAS HWT • 1 WOOD STOVES...: 0 15-30 TON...: 0 CONV BURNER: 0 FURN>100K • 0 30-50 TON...: 0 BBQ • 0 MISC 0 50+ TON • 0 GAS DRYER..: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS FUEL TANKS RANGE . 0 <=10,000 CFM: 0 ABOVE GROUND: 0 GAS LOGS...: 0 > 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDERGROUND.: 0 J TOTAL FEES $ 27.00 € Does the water supply system contain a Pressure Reduction Device or Check valve? ( ) Yes ( ) No (If "Yes" then water expansion tank is required on Hot Water Tank) Inspection Record: Mechanical Rough-in Date Gas Piping Date _. MECHANICAL FINAL Date PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE IF NO WORK IS STARTED I CERTIFY THE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY ME IS TRUE AND CO:' CT TO �� ;s'°T'► sWLEDGE AND THE APPLICABLE CITY FE AL N REQUIREMENTS WILL BE MET. OWNER OR AGENT ile'l DAT ' 7-7 ._ _ _ FILE COPY CITY OF G BUILDING DIVISION • ED 33530 First Way South N>.\> �/ Federal Way,WA 98003 (253)661-4000 Co- N`e° Fax(253)661-4129 • SRR 0 S 19APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT ►E��pEPT A MEG Y ,50 (;C C l D►NG PARCEL# \ 1 -6 `' 0 (--1/ k C Single Family❑ Multi-Family❑ Commercial❑ SITE LOCATION Tenant/Owner \-)K,� •�� L iVINVei`F Phone (2---C73-) Zct— i J Address/City/State/Zip %3 L C' A-) 1 (-1411% �� l'1 r6'p- ,„ , `1 c*x C 1Z3 Nature of Work L� -1. AL1 '{ 1 �'I AU"; n+'1 \1--- Project Valuation:$ APPLICANT Name Address/City/St/Zip Contact Person Phone Fax V MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Company Name �� w1� �t 7 Address/City/St/Zip 2 ((C' I n 4 5)r & S id} l A(-d m4 ' 4-/`f'e- J� f t/�G �� �"5�5 9=� -�G 4;( / Contact Person l" '/,II 2 Phone f Fax State L&I Contractor Registration# ti6i 1 rt (111)3 -- Exp.Date (Card must be presented) MECHANICAL UNIT COUNT Fuel Type(gas/other) ���as Dryer Air Handling<=10,000cfm Fuel Tanks: Length of gas piping , Range Air Handling>=10,000cfm Above Ground Fum<100K BTU's Gas Log Unit Heater Underground Fum>100K BTU's Fans Boiler BTU/H Miscellaneous Gas Hwt Hood Boiler BTU/H Other Cony Burner Duct Work A/C TONS Other ....*:,::......................................................... ....... ............. .......................................... ................................................................. ....... ............. .......................................... ................................................................. BBQ's Wood Stoves A/C TONSTotoviiifCwit::: 5:;......: %::::.........,,, DISCLAIMER:I certify,under penalty of perjury,that the information furnished by me is true correct to •owledge and further that 1 am authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made.I further agree to save harmless the City of Federal as to any cl+.a. . rr:' cos.,expenses,and attorneys'fees incurred in investigation and defense of such claim),which may be made by any person,including the undersigned,and filed against the City of Federay y but only w ens "out of the reliance of the city,including its officers and employees,upon the accuracy of the information supplied W the city as a part of this application. Owner/Agent Date ' t MrcUArr RevrsrD 8/26/97 • Cct ry 01 1 EDERAL WAY PERMIT NO: MEC98-0052 33530 First Way South PI EC T rl H I CIA L. P Enm 1 T It;SUED: 0:3/03/913 Fede rat Way, WA 98003 11(— h -to I , I riF.pet:-Eion re1ue,..,1—, '25:' 661 4140 BY: Kt.(.2 ''.• 253661- 4000 EXPERE : 08/29/98 • ADDRESS:2008 S 28214D sr WCL : 4222711 -0250 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:MC - (111001 t tiv, I t.., NKR 111111111:41....n==1,C=ZMAYUC=459=WatillaPs...-.4.. ?NW 4 ,A,,==...m.m.....A . LENDER ..=...........=..........*.........m... 1 PATRICIA PORTER 1‘ ' : - T' R INC/1s I 2088 S 28?N SI ? I . 'YEE AVE 0 FEDERAL WAV WA 9000/ i A E 'A 98119 S n3)984 .......,...--- -- ----...--. —..„ , „ „. "11141141"2 1% su CONTRACTORS, PLEASE USE t 1.00 COI( 1732 N SAILS TAX RC'S V11111 TUE CITY Of FEDERAL MAY. TAX RATE : 11.25 UI MAWm.xliMM=a1Mult4WIC=UU=.0.4,,,,WnZuM.44...=r.=.«....P7=4,1.n.=x6M, *"."—"-`,4E -. ..====900==MUINIKAM1jiAIMMWOM ,..=== cmc4=1A= ,.=,dgamlm.P.on,g==.:,..4,-4.5.....x1,1-tmmo..22.7,WW.,‘Zw= PROJECT VALUATION 0 FEES: WEL TYPES.:? ? CANS . U hALEWCOMPPISSOR MEC PROT ISSUANCE... $ 20.00 GAS PIPING.: 0 ft 000D : 6 0-3 Al_ „: 0 Mech:ioical Permit* $ 7.00 TURMOIL.: 0 POO WOMf.... • 0 ic TOM ..,: 0 CAC NWT ' 1 WOOD STOVES...: P 15-30 PA . 0 (ONV BUTNER: 0 TURR100r.....: .10-50 TOL.: 0 1 $ DOO • 0 MISC. ' 0 !)04. 104.....: u GAS DRYER. : 0 AIR 101401.10t, 01111c. FUEL lAW--- RANGE.... ,: 0 <:10,000 Cfn: 0 AIME GROUID: i! 1 US LOCS...: 0 > 10,000 CFN: 0 UNDERGROUND.: 0 TOTAL FEES $ 27.00 1 AS2 41.,V1,1./X=St 21.V.MS.caza.....crt,s7.r r,o4r.,..41..aim,-...c.w.,str....x.a..,x,./11A41,1r.SQ,..C....=tr.:,./c tar...r.m.v./..^.wams,,,,a2ma...It, a'^aeor..11,,, ,,..., al....14 41.1=0.3 nalt,a,022,1419T*S 7.01.1.,4.31,1.44V.V4,,C44...2,27....1 fitec.a.,Ln. —1 1 Does the water supply system contain a Pressure Reduction Device or Check valve? ( ) Yes ( ) No (It 'Yes° then water expansion tank is required on Hct Pater lank) 1 Inspection Record: Mechamical Rouqh in Date Gas Piping __ Date .............._. MECHANICAL FINAL Date l„......,. A e SS e,,,..,C.,.7.,414.1,K.V13.,-X T.-,14.....7...a:rt .siet..'n,M,airAia.,...WS Ae,SZ4.191=.4.1:S.,X6.0214inl.......M.234% a+- . IS, SS,.Mr..71V71,.4a.-,1,.7 -.1,...7.,"4,,.1,45,27CX.r...1., sia.-1.14.1w...ux.muncsansetax..m.warasir,.,440:.,AG X d2.11., .1.A.W.1,.......Z., .,4.1.- I cY 41,- A -,- PERMITS EXPIRE 1OP DAYS AfIER ISSUANCE If WI WRC IS STANIED -- I CERTIFY INF IRFORAATION FORKISRto AY NC IS 1101 AO COpftI le ': - .1. if NY i . LEW ARO INE APPLICABLE CITY DI MUM NAY 10001RLIONTS 0111 BF Ittl. 000 OR KAT . ......_______ ,,,-' ,...... , or , FIELD COPY CITY OF • EO . BUILDING DIVISION NA) FEN,- 33530 1ST WAY SOUTH ■ • ' FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 66 1 -4000 NOTICECORRECTION ADDRESS: 00 S • 2V Ill 49 PERMIT : � VCI�JG- VIOLATIONS OF CITY AND/OR STATE LAWS ARE LISTED BELOW: 1;) _45Ure "5r&ll - rnrkfr�}�1 pc,-}syc _Zy --FCD rO ura- P�� �.� � Xo w iv tt r = c, G C (oO / wkey S 3 e: r� � -I� Y❑U ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT NO MORE WORK SHALL BE APPROVED UPON THESE PREMISES UNTIL THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS ARE CORRECTED. WHEN CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, CALL 661-4140 FOR RE-INSPECTION. OVAIII/0 Vir DATE SP TDR FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE