AG 20-590 - Morning Shine LLCRETURN TO: Tim Johnson EXT: 2412 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM I ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON:, TIM JOHNSON EXT: 2412 3. DATEREQ.BY, ASAP TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): Ei CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) El PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT 0 SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT El PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT [I MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT El GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT Ei HUMAN SERVICES/ CDBG El REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT El SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.G. BOND RELATED DOCUMENTS) * ORDINANCE [I RESOLUTION * CONTRACTA NT (AG#):_ El INTERLOCAL * OTHER CARES ACT FUNDS B QS[NESS SUPPORT G.RANTAGREEMENT PROJECT NAME: CART SACT ROUND Mj�OZtjjNG 6AINE L—L& NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ADULT HOMECARE ADDRESS: 31428 28TH PL SW, FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-7837 T ELEPHONE: (206) 946-2226 E-MAIL: SARASNAKEW@GMAIL.COM SIGNATURE NAME: SARA HAILEMARIAM TITLE: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS: El SCOPE, WORK OR SERVICES 0 COMPENSATION 0 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICAFE 0 A OTHER REFERENCED EXHIBITS 0 PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN El REQUIRED LICENSES El PRIOR CONTRACT/AMENDMENTS I TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: SEE ATTACHED AGREEMENT ► DATE TOTAL COMPENSATION$ (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($1000.00) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: I] YES X NO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED El YES X NO IF YES, $___ PAID BY: El CONTRACTOR El CITY RETAINAGE: RETAINAGE AMOUNT: RETAINAGE AGREEMENT (SEE CONTRACT) OR El RETAINAGE BOND ROVIDED 0 =P,JECT MANAGER i I IR8CTOR 11 RISKMANAGEMENT (rEAPPLICABLE) El LAW 11K#0109[a " Kwa I Z I I " ' ! �1 INITIAL / DATE REVIEWED C) SCHEDULED COMMITTEE DATE: SCHEDULED COUNCIL DATE: INITIAL1 DATE APPROVED COMMITTEE APPROVAL DATE: COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: [_1 SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE RECD: 0 ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS El CREATE ELECTRONIC REMINDER(NOTIFICATION FOR I MONTH PRIOR TO EXPIRATION DATE (Include dept. support staff if necessary and feel free to set notification more than a month in advance if council approval is needed.) INITIAL / DATE SIGNED El LAW PARTMENT Y LAW P. (MAYOR OR DIRECTOR) e 2 - CITY 0 ASSIGNED AG# eAa# 'OMMENTS: 1/2020 CITY OF UrY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South 4A� Fbdetal V%M Federal Way, WA 90003-6325 y (253) 835-7000 www. ciWoffederalway com CARES ACT FUNDS BUSINESS SUPPORT GRANT AGREEMENT WITH M 0 III 1111111111vill 11�� III I and Urantep- corporation ­Ultylly, —and ffioming Slime LLL;, a limitea I taI131111y Company k-kirantee- j. I ne—Uio (together "Parties") are located and it business at the below addresses which shall be valid for any noti required ur er this Agreement: i SiM.A. HAILEMARL&M 31428 28th PI SW FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023-7837 (206) 946-2226 (telephone) sarasnakew(&�j wt ail. cow, fty Ade Ariwoola 33325 8th WWA Ia. 1. TERM. This agreement contemplates a one-time grant of fiinds to the Grantee under the conditions described herein. 2.1 Warranties. The Grantee warrants the following, which are pre -requisites for grant eligibility - a) Grantee operates a business physically located within the political boundaries of the Ci of Federal b) Grantee maintains a current City of Federal Way business license; c) Grantee has paid all taxes and government fees due up to the date of execution of V- ant agreement; d) Grantee's business employs no more than the equivalent of ten (10) full-time employe (20,800 man-hours total for all employees per year); e) Grantee's net revenues do not exceed more than 1 per year; f) Grantee does not operate as a tax-exempt business as defined by the Interrial ev Service; g) Due to COVID- 19, Grantee business (check all that apply): Was required by state or local order to close Was forced to lay off employees due to reduced patronage Incurred over $ 1,000 in COVID-1 9 related expenses Experienced 10-50% lost revenue Experienced over 50% lost revenue 2.2 Use of Funds: Grantee affirms that grant funds will be used for the following purposes: a) Mortgage or Rent b) Personal Protection Equipment Fodeml AAby MY CITY HALL 33325 Sth Avenue South (253) 835-7000 wwwcifyoffederoiwoy.corn Grantee agrees to retain receipts documenting use of grant fimds and will provide them to the City or designee upon request i 3. TERMINATION. Should any of the conditions described in section 2.1 above, not be met, the City may recover all disbursed grant funds and terminate this agreement. 4.1 Amount. In order to promote healthy economic activity in the City and in response to the losses iot to exceed One Thousand and NO/I 00 Dollars ($ 1,000.00) 4.2 Non-Anropn a] �ation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or located for payment under this Agreement for any fiscal period, the City will not be obligated to make payments under this agreement. �� 113 1) 3105 1a I al 5.1 Granted 16deMiti fication. The Grantee agrees to release indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, .qwards,JnLun ee , v ties expenses, attowey's fees, costs- !v-idIg �eg, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, f s enal event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or p_qj ali iijj tAe co-Tzgr-(�o�t -re * 4.i6e of the Grantee and I MMMI P M Mi M MIN i W- NOW"Ll ILLVL-WL%:-,�yAtN,�L7i�79gulmiKIW�--Lwtyv-m.agI "AMMY911-1 volunteers to the extent and on the same terms and conditions as the Grantee purgutnt� to tis papgraph. The these covenants of indemnification. 5.2 industrial lwuram Acis specifically and expressly understood that the Grantee waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State industrial insurance act, Title 51 by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. The Parties further acknowledge that they have mutually negotiated this waiver. oll 1 4 lg-r6l to) L'.M Oro t-740 J*J (11vi IM gr, 1 to I kg 11; Igo J41 a I t� 1) v�ky-]W194m; 14 to W3 I I OJ2,41t) I I I V Vdmoffl�� i ory OF CRY HALL `r F4deraf n = _SouthFederal Way, WA 98003-6325 835-7000 e one 1 counterpart, lan and acknowledgment pages fr1m such counterparts m.: be assembled together to form a single insh-ument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signatureandacknowledgment pages.. Fri of all of the Parties executed counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution" hereof. CrIY OF ERAL Y: DATE: 0 411-, MORNING SHINE LLC: By:, Printed e: Title: DATE: 2 . ., Washington State Department of Revenue Services Business Lookup ADULT HOME CARE License Information: Entity name: MORNING SHINE LLC Business name: ADULT HOME CARE Entity type: Limited Liability Company UBI #: 604-473-891 Business ID: 001 Location ID: 0001 Location: Active Location address: 31428 28TH PIL SW FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-7837 Mailing address: 31428 28TH PIL SW FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-7837 Excise tax and reseller permit status: Click here Secretary of State status: Click here Endorsements Endorsements held at this location License # Count Details Federal Way Home Occupation Business Governing People May include governing people not registered with Secretary ol'State Governing people Title HAIL EMARIA M, SARA Registered Trade Names Registered trade names Status MORNING SHINE Active New search Back to results Status Expiration date Active Oct -312020 Z���