AG 20-663 - Edward Nelson Law OfficesRETURN TO: Tim Johnson EXT: 2412 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM 1. ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV. —ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- 2. ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON:, TIN4 JOHNSON EXT: 2412 3. DATE Q. BY. AS 4. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): 13 CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, REP, RFQ) 0 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT 0 SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT El PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT El MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT El GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT 0 HUMAN SERVICES / CDG 11 REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT El SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.G. BOND RELATED DOCUMENTS) El ORDINANCE El RESOLUTION * CONTRACT AMENDMENT (AG): DINTERLOCAL * OTHER CARES ACT FUNDS BUSINESS SUPPORT GRANT AGREEMENT, 5. PROJECT NAME: CARr-S.�NCL7L(LiBRAJA1,14T Rto�UND-2? 4 C- 6. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFICES, PLLC ADDRESS: 31620 23RD AVE S ft 315, FEDERAL WAY WA 98003-5064 T ELEPHONE: (253) 941-6340 E-MAIL: EDW ARDNELSON @EANLAW.COM SIGNATURENAME: EDWARD NELSON TITLE: SEE ATTACHED 7. EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS: El SCOPE, WORK OR SERVICES El COMPENSATION E] INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATE 0 ALL OTHER REFERENCED EXHIBITS El PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN 0 REQUIRED LICENSES D PRIOR CONTRACT/AMENDMENTS 9. TOTAL COMPENSATION$ (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) ONE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($1,000.00) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: El YES X NO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED El YES X NO IF YES, $"mm PAD) BY: 0 CONTRACTOR 0 CITY RETAINAGE: RETAiNAGE AMO uNT.- 0 RETAINAGE AGREEMENT (SEE CONTRACT) OR 0 RETAINAGE BOND PROVIDED Ei PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: 001-1800-990-518-1 -490 - 'Proiect Code #267662-25060 10. DOCUMENT/CONTRACT REVIEW INITIAL DATE REVIEWED INITIAL DATE APPROVED 02PRO ECT MANAGER QRECTOR -2 0 El RISK MANAGEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) z 0 LAW t 11. COUNCIL APPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) SCHEDULED CONIMITTEE DATE:_. C01,BUTTEE APPRovAL DATE - SCHEDULED CouNaL DATE: CouNcu- APPRovAL DATE: 12. CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING 1-1 SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATEREC'D:— • ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS • CREATE ELECTRONIC REMINDER/NOTIFICATION FOR I MONTH PRIOR TO EXPIRATION DATE (Include dept. supports if necessary and feel free to set notification more than a month in advance if council approval is needed.) INITIAL / DATE SIGNED • LAW DEPARTMENT P43<N—ATORY (MAYOR OR DIRECTOR) h Z -j El CITY CLERK 16[wifiruz 0 ASSIGNED AG4 AG 2L0-663 COMMENTS: 1/2020 i !ill v rMICS am wCHOU SIDE GO OUSTOW 81 me below aawwm WfucH SIMM v (P for any notice required under this Agroo*�: NELSON LAW OFFICES, PLLQ I- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: 1. TERNL This agreement eontempWes a one-time gmnt of fundB to the Grantee under the condifions described herein. 2. CONDITIONS OF GRANT 2.2 Use, of -Funds: Grantee affirms that gmnt funds wifl be used for the following purposm: a) Mortpge or Rent b) Perwnal Protoction Biquiptnent CARES ACT BUSINESS GRANT AGREEMENT - I - 7/2020 VAr.fTY OF �, Federal Way CITY HALL 33325 Ifth Avenue Souft FWorsl Way, WA 98003-8325 '253, w mc� COM Gmtw agrem to relmn reMPU dmwtenting use of gmt funds aud wU pmvide tbcm to the City or ib des'pm upon reqwjt, 3. MR_MINATION. Should any ofthe conditions described in section 2. 1, above, not be mid, the City may rewver all dnbrasW grant funds and tcn ®s agmment. 4. 9BAB1AM—Q-t_JNT. 4.1 Anto-UN, In order to promote healthy economic activity in the City and in response to the losses Grantee has inc� due to the COVED- 19 pandemic, the City AaU provide a grant to the Gmtee in an amount not to exceed Onefhoumd and NO/100 DoUars ($1,000.00). 5. 1NDEMNffj9&U0--N-- CARES ACT BUSPIESS GRANT AGRIMMENT -2- CITY KAU 33325 Me Avonue South 4A� FiWeral V��y F*" WWI, WA NW345325 (253) 835-70W offiz4r� di tthe negligent art% errors, or onussions of the City 5.4 Sy x&Aj, The provisions ties shall surviver ternuitation of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring pnor to such expizabon or tenumation.' CARES 'i BUSINESS GRANT AGREEMENT -3- CITY Of CITY HALL I W 33325 ft Avtnus South OA� F&detal W FedwW VV* WA 90WW03-8 12 WW7W CM Mil instrument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all sigmaure and a&wwWgMz-M pages. The date upon which the last of all of the Parties have executed a counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution7rpt f. MWARD NELSON LAW OFFICES, PLLC: X" By. Printed Name: DATE: t CARES ACT BUSINESS GRANT AGREEMENT -4- 7/2020 Washington State Department of Revenue < Business Lookup Entity name., EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFICES, PLLC Business name: EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFICES, PLLC Entity type: Professional Limited Liability Company UBI 4% 603-614-183 Business ID- 001 Location ID: 0001 Location: Active Location address: 31620 23RD AVE S STE 315 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003-5064 Mailing address- 31620 23RD AVE S STE 315 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003-5064 Excise tax and reseller permit status: Secretary of to status: Endorsements Endorsements held at this location License # Count Federal Way General Business 16 -102801 -00 -BL Governing People May WWd. g.v &w p-&- -tcy&ft,.d Uh.1.cmWo,.fSth, Governing people NELSON, EDWARD Registered Trade Names Registered trade names Status EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFICES PLLC Active Click here Click here Status Active I The Business Lookup information is updated nightly. Search date and time: 10/12/2020 1:14:01 PM Contact us How are we doing? Take our survey[ New search Back to results Expiration date First issuance date Apr -30-2021 Jun -23-2016 First issued May -27-2016