AG 20-583 - A1 Seattle Taxiffim CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM I ORIGINATING DEPTAXV. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: TIM JOHNSON --- EXT: — 2412 , 3. DATE REQ. BY. ASAP TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): 0 CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) El PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT El SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT El PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT 0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 0 GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT 0 HUMAN SERVICES/ CG [I REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT 0 SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.G. BOND RELATED DOCUMENTS) El ORDINANCE Ei RESOLUTION Ei CONTRACTA T (AG#): El INTERLOCAL X OTHER CARES ACT FUNDS BUSINESS SUPPORT GRANT AGREEMENT PROJECT NAME: CARES ACT GRANT - ROUND 2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Al SEATTLE TAXI ROAIT MUM LL -e -- ADDRESS: 1253 SW 304TH ST, FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-3417 TELEPHONE: (206) 488-7488 E-MAIL: HARISHKSHARMA2@GMAIL.COM SIGNATURE NAME: HARISH S TITLE: SEE ATTACHED 0 . TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: COMPLETION DATE: TOTAL COMPENSATION $ (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) ONE THOUSAND AND N01100 ($1000.00) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: 0 YES X NO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED 11 YES X NO IF YES, PAID BY: El CONTRACTOR 0 CITY RETAINAGE: RETAINAGE AMOUNT: - ------- —E] RETAINAGE AGREEMENT (SEE CONTRACT) OR El RETAINAGE BOND ROVIDED DOCUMENT/CONTRACT x"ITKI71Eli7 bi PRO ECT MANAGER ECTOR El RISKMANAGEMENT (IFAPPLICABL-E) El LAW INITIAL / DATE REVIEWED SCHEDULED COMMITTEE DATE: SCHEDULED COUNCIL DATE: [Nrl"IAL Q E APPROVED CommiTTEE APPROVAL DATE: CouNaL APPROVAL DATE: El SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE REC'D: El ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS El CREATE ELECTRONIC REMINDER[NOTIFICATION FOR 1 MONTH PRIOR TO EXPIRATION DATE (Include dept. support staff if necessary and feel free to set notification more than a month in advance if council approval is needed.) INITIAL DATE SIGNED El LAW DEPARTMENT N P,8T6KATORY (MAYOR OR DIRECTOR) 4> F-1 CITY CLERK 0 ASSIGNED AG# AG# 'OMMENTS: TITH RORITNIMITT LLC !-l1.is 4..€C`ant bigt're.m61mt! CIA juvdvi_.,, e 1~3 -mud;: bobi°ci."C. &x Ct,y of FcalcTa- 'Wpi"7 a V�;di'm,�Lit€A €ituiiiBa*`l,N wq"cWMI ("Q, , , arld .a~Bhi: M,ohit LLC: + ILM-Lited l3ani 'Ly.::..cotn1€,n'"j> �m��..ai:^li°ti�4 .e.�. Tac City .Fu°1.d Cr".. e;c (rogcthcr `'i'aa.!cs� ) are �,O,;a.-'2 a:Ad ,„l thy" buliivrtdtvss i�^ At , shall be v:di'd for =, not: MqUirW LOW this Apamm The Panic alano as Slows. CITY OF FED ER -4 L WA Y: Ade Ariwr,�A,,i 33323 SO Ave. T 5.15 (25. )' 35^m2901) ° TEX41: T,ht�_ �,cmcn-,- comm , l; -.ass a covdme grant C.6la 1u add to the Gruntcz ",ia:d r mc cond_t°.ons 2. trON- l"F a!-r°L1ttl% - ! 11e (..fl1-=1'..:-- %. ,"a' ;-,n. I,,, ° I,C rk111LLi%%,ii-1g. wtiiw,,,n arc p:.aw-`r4:. q a is -,t"€ S f, --'-r mv.: ?-2.I" t,Ii� giZ-1 r z) 07ruiat:= ilpi.°'G^acc--...m business:phy'-la.�t�. ;.:.loatk N", Df L tiC Cii iH w i.sl ;.3 4l€T�: P ,i . {af.. Fcdon i'` iiL1s] cs',> a!,-e'nse, G_ ttec hm pa all mics and fftN dLe U;, 10 17 [We or excmuP m of w grant apasamenu d) Grt,m[a., ,�7C M € ca'p 13 no nanncdian the rquivatc;nt of "Ler. (10) til1-drm a enmloYW ee (2M 00ap` Omar, total hay` alim loyees &=-)� l rant.m-s, sirs r tia�-� d -(J n0l um—c d mms Imn 05 a&Hon qu ycu F) GimMuc docs rapt op nac as a t . Qi .Y as s 2.1; dttrir ed hV tNt tate.°] ffYtf-, --c Dut IL) `t t, ilk l , taa-RMQL. L1Sir1-Ss (al ar ale that apjAy)� [1: Was Z tiCt d by -state .r k i'- Y et" to ck1 se Was nvmed to la k), -f ' ' ploy'.e ''".L%. a `i'mka=:.:Wi.]. j:""rt'ai"t7i¢a..V.A .2 t s- y -(F, ".' do : G71TILW Uffirims that gmit funds `ijil bc t%sc -Scirt dic "pLSS"po.%cs: h) l`quit:jmc-n( i��:-arctcc ti�-a-ccs tc rcca:n reccip, dmumarog we n -f grzri Funi' and %vi] vzen' to r ie Cir, it-, Ck"Dwe qwTl TERMINATION. SMA! aq�x.s.I sccLcqi zLb;wz�. r,,k?T 1"Lrnei" ,,he C, m,wi rercrvor -Y" di5b4:sod pot Wds wd tcrahnno this yzeenie n - , �T kNIOCI.Nr G Y R AT, A I YonmmL in _xei.ivzr to gymon WW", ovx":K'raic' thC C]171 We il'i �:i 1�--c hl%'scs t'I — 10t l"Q G-rE77TCQ -2, "Z ='11-i, —7�,'T'L=-- ]-,1-4 '�T-.0`117U%3 ;�,�X- i� tk C 9 D-:Md(-V-jLC-- T.11c CIEY WN PnWak :,i v7,'�T'� 1 1 12 it: n I q 01 FWA az xTi&,, If suFficiem L--�ds ar�i -�uyl CC- '5at rzn,--,ner,,t unc-7 --L.» An am, 5:0 palm ! -he -,;J*,.n_. bz oblbiated C.1 EY,,tTMC7.L'j UT,Jr:- ,113 5INDFNri NIFIC-ATIOM 7f! i."-_€14.. 7, ! i c LP, o Gyr a n t Lc L. 10 r:f L-a3e 7 r'fv tC-- c L 7-d 4,1 C11 o 'Q C'" i i ump'myucs. agwrls, rprwencOves. Awarr, Wracy, ;irndl vc-Lzro=s ha-inl S f?-onc� 'ATI-"' ';Ind ci'anns- dcrnz.�ds- a 44w -sin' clTbftninnns- awani-.,. nili-jxie�- Magek RAW—, &M, IOSSCS, f!ACS� fCC-5- JKnRftiia5 4iTiv':31;oTl to 0AYMY dud A PUMS Or WNIX Mulag. wil"IuW kii: La6;-xi7- tncrair rcspecii'vc agcnLs- Wenw, or adsing t=4 rvxu:&�-- Mw or m, xw-curcan with OT per-tormance. cf zncn� 'C-x�xpt fk',r Lh--t pvnk?n off the causdil by L!w Cilv's '�4�7Q 51[.cki::J a ccirT de--�niine :hai tii-; Ai�ri�cfrrin-,, -r,,,, suince; ct�) RC,;N; -1,24-15, i , t�e wmof haj t dby for dainages &M, ow of bodjj� Jr 0 V17jr _-, - by 7dS U I I i T I V 7,.n '-W, I"',) Ej Ij P -c rc. n,' n, r cri ce o -' ±,c 61 an re e a v !!-IV hc-curdcr sna.J ber onyto evaucfde std" ntft-sne-g1-'6r:!T1cc'GTU71t=S-rLU11 m:Litirc., thatcad, ;zub-Grantce shaii a� ree W-Jtlrr%-f L76 i. " - II c '� - - hv C -Iv. i(:5 Akers, emnoloyees, aI- en'-';, rerr&sc-roaLives, insunms, ana:agm an w1UTatv4T--Ek cxmm and on ve smne tos art -d conditiom., bv Grnnwc pur-suant cc r]-TLs pw-agMPTL Th�2 CAy! :wpambn or 2=17nowe or I ary of 07;mno:z's -work -'vhc-n !xIMPIcred" Shall lict nc f ocz-wls LS` aioid LT-. y by F Lhv.,,4t! 5 2, A.,,z WaAr it is Sixei-FICLdly and expresiTy unccm,tt:Kwj, ', "7w thc (3rantox: t 'L "' U Til! 5! mvc�s -any 1. :t T.a-y- ,ae7,c, , Under Uw WMpagn S aic ind-uSTTi-di WL soleil, t -or die (IF 11 is' -:nfjrcirmicattior- Grarncc-s t-adcmniflcattcr*i Sha� MY., ht in an -v byany con 07T Of &!Ma,-=,es� compemwdior� or hwnoi`Is p-,i°vz;blc Lo t_r' 'J-, =y tLyind tang widc.- -xokem' wripmakni uw. GYRAy b ac -u -i orarry L'thcr 1-w-cric-fins act q or Thtf ?-&-zcs' AM-, wknow,'cdgc, -±e, Azy havc canvilynceohmmd thk svwvcr- 13 Av a Amy The City agmcs na r6cm, indeirmfy, deferdi and iwld the Ciruatce,, iL� C ARES AC"T 3'-,'91-NE,SS � 2 - d fara any an -a, 'al . c"ajr17's, "IV-1%1rids, suili, CMISt-S 0-," WTJCrLt, aSlliTlaLiCn.';, pro cc od�ngs€ "`s'1--1 15. WA VCL16, il],jUrrks, dBum'--'es-, I ,ahj I j I, as7 I . ins. PCM1 fe�. Laws, and or AngwAxi cxrcise; u'l 1 -Ir b� ar� a7d oE pcmons or crawks. InspCC&C, agalm. or ahkag AM. Unulling morn or co-m-Weied, "Oh AS Agreernenr to b, the ncgUgan aw em)rs, cur cani o' C 5-4 7 7,1,z of this secdon sh—kh Lilt: C;Kpinlbor tr wKnakna of 1ho" Ng =ml ivvidrccay a-spcct i) aC','-'31t LiM )CCUFr.IPUR-) SM -M1ich CNPiT3t-,'%JT1 C1-TTC1-=-,j::ai:or,, 7Q & (JENIMAL. PRAVISHAS 41 HuDgWonjind A8:-CrrTR!7,i k,r,,-,naims: aLl of the idyl, the -PartiOs with rospcci tc, any marat coutred or rnontion cd in diAgn-pn"'pgrernnts,-xrz 2Lido iemnts "�r a v,'h%dcher orui w- 1,,-r-.ttcr3, "l di, L., for any p�qX�e'r Any of Agri? cul ihmf.is d L-c,aTtNd WOPMAV, XUAI and WALL Im- %gal No! in ro -xqY a0ha Or wiy cysher h, �f c a. -L nuc]l othe- P. Sam; T1:M,ii[-- Ll fill -I fbITC and cfkc- No proOPM W" Lhis Lhis provieko--4, moy bc anncrd-cd., dr aived. or txc--T�t T?�y -,vH-,[cp ajgrccT_,j --,t sit- z -.jcby dully author-'Zcoi Tc�;Yrcscr,.mEr%,c-,9 of the, Pazrtze, V2 nior_,, Ary rioliac,,i ri,quinio hi; 1746= by U Pshess shal] be deflvero-, at thz, -ildrcsscs set ibrill at 0�1t cif ',hs A,=ccruLk-im Ary 001 be dW'1V%-r'--dr TwrNovally w, tht of"01c. nmicc (IF =,',vi 'gQ &PLISized Ln t9c Ljniu:-,d Sunen, ;7,ail, prrT.-pactj, to thc a6dsyss sc-t frinh, abovc, Al -v ZcLkv so pos-cod m, to I ni-zm�S!„ Itz -,rzil shIdl be dccmod z:ccci-vcd Three, (z) da� iiie, dxze oC n,,, of :'ti rtz-emem :we nwg inunkad to A c0nor, bw A& &�:7 tLjeyr roriiedie,7 ava-,11)'Gl . t1c alityTa%,,-, ir. .q City -,r-b-TU faiurc., of±ccir,,,-tocuy- =,y 'ic zc.rr.-czi-,,,,,.,.i Lu -id agretYle-IU, CL)11L68:1-N,1 iTHAL:,rce�menl, of, tO ex=L7,sr-''myclo1on co-va-t-'r70d by NS Ag==VM1 W Ont t= TTUMe 5hI,11 rc, -N' to bc a A'shcr -,r rc-17-riqu-,s',unieIii i)f 'Uoos& co% n3unr-,j, agucm-ztcqzs kyr ollans- aW ffic same shlal 'oma ----id reniaji-,. 3n Full force and eIrrm-I, F;�!ITv or d';?dy wA',LxChy to dec!ar-c- ani; breach or defauli irnrneL4izicl% SUCHbl-CaCh Or dCLUIL j"ai JUN. tit lh,2 Cit ' to dQuAro ouz Wan h ord&w1td4Dcs :�o:a,-,-asa -,xar,;cn.-of'thccAYS "tclrc brcnach ar d6a,,jL '11,,is Agreemem shall he TMid-C iT-, ]-F, Ur.E- Qxs o0he Soot oCNV*QinpKM, di-CTcnxor ciaini a.-n3in8, livirn thi,i -57,c t. the cxclusivc mmis -Of WSOPQ I& CLSMLLe, I L Clajill, be ZtIld jijr_-�r C'uuv� Kiq, (74)uriy, ,.�Ajje[jr�fj ij by Rling suit Lmdu thc vcquc, riii'e-q 'I the, King Cot!r,y np iz 3 `A ashi ngmn, Act PMO M Q701 W WANg 10 LUI 3iTC1natiVc proccss, if ti: , King, co-anzy Superior C'b Lal suitmaybe fhedu;an Each puiy c�)tlsenis 1,L) LhcPenowd JuT-LsOkficin rof ft; swic =c, [a, CTal C-10=5 ill King Coul-ity, a7ndwaAic5 any objcction that such coum ar,-- am icjrwn- 1�' eid)ei ParLy bdngs: afi clum or kwuht arisinl:, frorn this, Ag en o=h Parz�, shall -p-',,y 1,11 �,:%- lcga, i. i:. ind attki.mry'.,i 6m --s kind expesis,, ivvwTcd ;n d0k ,rig ur bringing, such A= or lawxhuiclulirg &Iap- ^cah;, in ad1hon to any olerr rc;07CT"or avvirad pro-viderf by lav�, [Hrl,1%,--vcr ncching in this paragrzil'-i hc- cigistrued. to undt fic Pai el H g% Em indcnmi ficaticin uv dcr Svcdva 5 c [ tEtz AzTwncc=t A Monmam Eadi individual MCCLIA§ lhi-, A,-T�=,M-cra i)n co' Ck,% ,j -,d C-si-a-'ee rqwescmis arxi woumns tha, R.ch ladividuat is dul[y authci�-zcd to c,,Lcv;ru ard dizli'vu t-ais AgTCCT-rcnL llhh-� Agrcenicar may b -c cxccurec, ic any rmrnb�r of ccou-n"[efpmr-,;4 t-ach of ;which -,,ha:., Kc Ae=nad mi o,nh zod Wh [he 01-rtx:r qR 'humte Wd sii- "iQ to smiac Tymmmt. AE such ��17? C Fe *eral Way 710, d fara any an -a, 'al . c"ajr17's, "IV-1%1rids, suili, CMISt-S 0-," WTJCrLt, aSlliTlaLiCn.';, pro cc od�ngs€ "`s'1--1 15. WA VCL16, il],jUrrks, dBum'--'es-, I ,ahj I j I, as7 I . ins. PCM1 fe�. Laws, and or AngwAxi cxrcise; u'l 1 -Ir b� ar� a7d oE pcmons or crawks. InspCC&C, agalm. or ahkag AM. Unulling morn or co-m-Weied, "Oh AS Agreernenr to b, the ncgUgan aw em)rs, cur cani o' C 5-4 7 7,1,z of this secdon sh—kh Lilt: C;Kpinlbor tr wKnakna of 1ho" Ng =ml ivvidrccay a-spcct i) aC','-'31t LiM )CCUFr.IPUR-) SM -M1ich CNPiT3t-,'%JT1 C1-TTC1-=-,j::ai:or,, 7Q & (JENIMAL. PRAVISHAS 41 HuDgWonjind A8:-CrrTR!7,i k,r,,-,naims: aLl of the idyl, the -PartiOs with rospcci tc, any marat coutred or rnontion cd in diAgn-pn"'pgrernnts,-xrz 2Lido iemnts "�r a v,'h%dcher orui w- 1,,-r-.ttcr3, "l di, L., for any p�qX�e'r Any of Agri? cul ihmf.is d L-c,aTtNd WOPMAV, XUAI and WALL Im- %gal No! in ro -xqY a0ha Or wiy cysher h, �f c a. -L nuc]l othe- P. Sam; T1:M,ii[-- Ll fill -I fbITC and cfkc- No proOPM W" Lhis Lhis provieko--4, moy bc anncrd-cd., dr aived. or txc--T�t T?�y -,vH-,[cp ajgrccT_,j --,t sit- z -.jcby dully author-'Zcoi Tc�;Yrcscr,.mEr%,c-,9 of the, Pazrtze, V2 nior_,, Ary rioliac,,i ri,quinio hi; 1746= by U Pshess shal] be deflvero-, at thz, -ildrcsscs set ibrill at 0�1t cif ',hs A,=ccruLk-im Ary 001 be dW'1V%-r'--dr TwrNovally w, tht of"01c. nmicc (IF =,',vi 'gQ &PLISized Ln t9c Ljniu:-,d Sunen, ;7,ail, prrT.-pactj, to thc a6dsyss sc-t frinh, abovc, Al -v ZcLkv so pos-cod m, to I ni-zm�S!„ Itz -,rzil shIdl be dccmod z:ccci-vcd Three, (z) da� iiie, dxze oC n,,, of :'ti rtz-emem :we nwg inunkad to A c0nor, bw A& &�:7 tLjeyr roriiedie,7 ava-,11)'Gl . t1c alityTa%,,-, ir. .q City -,r-b-TU faiurc., of±ccir,,,-tocuy- =,y 'ic zc.rr.-czi-,,,,,.,.i Lu -id agretYle-IU, CL)11L68:1-N,1 iTHAL:,rce�menl, of, tO ex=L7,sr-''myclo1on co-va-t-'r70d by NS Ag==VM1 W Ont t= TTUMe 5hI,11 rc, -N' to bc a A'shcr -,r rc-17-riqu-,s',unieIii i)f 'Uoos& co% n3unr-,j, agucm-ztcqzs kyr ollans- aW ffic same shlal 'oma ----id reniaji-,. 3n Full force and eIrrm-I, F;�!ITv or d';?dy wA',LxChy to dec!ar-c- ani; breach or defauli irnrneL4izicl% SUCHbl-CaCh Or dCLUIL j"ai JUN. tit lh,2 Cit ' to dQuAro ouz Wan h ord&w1td4Dcs :�o:a,-,-asa -,xar,;cn.-of'thccAYS "tclrc brcnach ar d6a,,jL '11,,is Agreemem shall he TMid-C iT-, ]-F, Ur.E- Qxs o0he Soot oCNV*QinpKM, di-CTcnxor ciaini a.-n3in8, livirn thi,i -57,c t. the cxclusivc mmis -Of WSOPQ I& CLSMLLe, I L Clajill, be ZtIld jijr_-�r C'uuv� Kiq, (74)uriy, ,.�Ajje[jr�fj ij by Rling suit Lmdu thc vcquc, riii'e-q 'I the, King Cot!r,y np iz 3 `A ashi ngmn, Act PMO M Q701 W WANg 10 LUI 3iTC1natiVc proccss, if ti: , King, co-anzy Superior C'b Lal suitmaybe fhedu;an Each puiy c�)tlsenis 1,L) LhcPenowd JuT-LsOkficin rof ft; swic =c, [a, CTal C-10=5 ill King Coul-ity, a7ndwaAic5 any objcction that such coum ar,-- am icjrwn- 1�' eid)ei ParLy bdngs: afi clum or kwuht arisinl:, frorn this, Ag en o=h Parz�, shall -p-',,y 1,11 �,:%- lcga, i. i:. ind attki.mry'.,i 6m --s kind expesis,, ivvwTcd ;n d0k ,rig ur bringing, such A= or lawxhuiclulirg &Iap- ^cah;, in ad1hon to any olerr rc;07CT"or avvirad pro-viderf by lav�, [Hrl,1%,--vcr ncching in this paragrzil'-i hc- cigistrued. to undt fic Pai el H g% Em indcnmi ficaticin uv dcr Svcdva 5 c [ tEtz AzTwncc=t A Monmam Eadi individual MCCLIA§ lhi-, A,-T�=,M-cra i)n co' Ck,% ,j -,d C-si-a-'ee rqwescmis arxi woumns tha, R.ch ladividuat is dul[y authci�-zcd to c,,Lcv;ru ard dizli'vu t-ais AgTCCT-rcnL llhh-� Agrcenicar may b -c cxccurec, ic any rmrnb�r of ccou-n"[efpmr-,;4 t-ach of ;which -,,ha:., Kc Ae=nad mi o,nh zod Wh [he 01-rtx:r qR 'humte Wd sii- "iQ to smiac Tymmmt. AE such Cry Am --�wh 1 2- -32 ug- -3� ViA -eaera, vvv- r:: -= B:32 3 - w"gelhe'T and z:r)rK-Z1i,,uw onc insa=iml, but Uil =K�ng proof- hcm-�f it slio, I oniv be iiece..SNary vi M)duc-� onc 5ucL coumcrpart.. T[ic s[gma-m-c --ad acknowl--d�7mcnt pa�,;P-% t�xirn such cotmLcj7iT,-�i Tnay bQ �is.wmblc.J Logethei to form incun-mifilt. wrnpn-,,�- or L,11 jmg=-i of ujisanc p et ct of a! d a orn I c s f til FnhaVe eXtCLIed a jtliru ai?j jckn4.)wWg:m= jmgvz. Thc date ,qx1n wluich 6c last of afl of te Ra-,-itN, comitziparr of th!'s A.,grectmcr, shall be the "date o fniucma! CfTY OF FEDER-AL. DTF. ?AT - - - ----- - ------- RO Hrr NIO H IT LLC. By, Printed Name: Titi'e, _DweI - 9/29/2020 Washington State Department of Revenue < Business Lookup License Information: New search Back to results Entity name: ROHIT MOHIT LLC Business name: Al SEATTLE TAXI Entity type: Limited Liability Company I: 604-194-989 Business ID-. 001 Location ID: 0001 Location- Active Location address: 1253 SW 304TH ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-3417 Mailing address: 1253 SW 304TH ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98023-3417 Excise tax and reseller permit status: Click here Secretary of State status: Click here Endorsements Endorsements held at this loco License # Count Details Status Expiration date First issuance Federal Way Home Active Apr -30-2021 Apr -08-2020 Occupation Business For Hire Permit Active Feb -28-2018 For Hire Vehicle 2 Active Nov -30-2020 Feb -28-2018 Governing People May include governing people not r"Uterezi with Secretary ofState Governing people Title SHARMA, HARISH Registered Trade Names Registered trade names Status First issued Al SEATTLE TAXI Active Apr -07-2020 https://secure.dor.wa.gov/gteunauth/—,/#31 1/2