20-104351_Narrative Design Guidelines Compliance-11-06-2020v1 1 Redondo Heights TOD Land Use Application Design Guideline Applicant Response Summary KC Parcels 720480-0172 and 720480-0174 Federal Way Revised Code Applicant response analysis Below is a summary to demonstrate the proposed project will comply with applicable design guidelines per Federal Way Revised Codes (FWRC) 19.115 Community Design Guidelines FWRC 19.115.010 Purpose. (2) Implement crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles by: (i) Natural surveillance. Applicant response: The majority of proposed buildings face a central common open space, with windows and decks of residential units overlooking all public areas. For remaining north and south fronting buildings facing S 276th St and Barkley Ridge respectively a property setback and perimeter landscape buffers are provided to help discourage public use of a private development. Ample windows, several stories of proposed building height, and a shared development strategy with the existing Silver Shadows site will allow for natural surveillance, controlled site access, increased privacy, heightened security, and a sense of resident ownership that will limit potential for vandalism. (ii) Access control. Applicant response: Vehicular access to the site is limited to a curb cut located off Highway 99 through the existing Silver Shadows Apartments and the driveway meanders throughout this private development by way of a looped system that exits back onto Highway 99. A series of connected walkways is provided throughout the site to created a network that links the existing Silver Shadows site to the proposed 5 acre development site and what will become a common outdoor amenity area. All access into buildings will be secured, and visible from view from the parking area and driveway, including the below grade garage of each of the larger 47-unit buildings. (iii) Ownership. 2 Applicant response: All common areas have defined use, shared by the tenants of a particular building or all tenants of the development. The design intent is to encourage community interaction and a sense of belonging and ownership. This will encourage residents to foster relationships with their neighbors, and provide eyes and ears on the site to discourage any attempts to vandalize property or to heighten security. FWRC 19.115.040 Security program. (1) Develop written security policies and an emergency management plan, including evacuation procedures. Applicant response: Life safety plans and signage will be provided throughout the buildings and site to allow for safe and legible means for entering and existing. Ownership will provide security policies and emergency management plan. The design team will provide a detailed lighting plan to clarify general site, parking, and building lighting to minimize dark zones after hours. (2) Provide illumination in all areas of the building, including parking facilities and entryways to buildings, according to requirements of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Lighting Handbook. Applicant response: Illumination will be provided in all areas of the site, including at building entries, within the parking lot, pedestrian walkways, shared outdoor common areas, and trash enclosures that need to be accessible throughout the day. (3) Ensure that the lobby and the area immediately outside its doors are free of places of concealment for persons. Applicant response: For buildings with enclosed corridors, all entrances and exits from the building will be free of encumbrances and secured to restrict access from non-residents implementing other CPTED strategies will help protect building entries from potential opportunities for someone to conceal themselves. (4) Install large glass panels in lobby doors. Applicant response: The larger 47-unit buildings will have (1) primary building entry through a highly transparent lobby space that faces into the parking lot and central common outdoor area. The smaller 12-unit buildings will have private entry doors, and are located centrally on the site to maintain a higher level of visibility on them from the larger 3 buildings, and from the common outdoor area. Any residences at ground level will be provided with lockable doors and sufficient glazing at the units. (5) Design buildings so that the elevator area is fully visible throughout the lobby. On levels other than the lobby floor, elevators should open directly to hallways, without recesses or blind corners that restrict two-way visibility. Applicant response: Elevators will be included within the larger 47-unit buildings, and will be clearly visible from the main building entry and lobby that opens directly to the corridor on residential levels. (6) Locate laundry rooms in a more active area of the building, adjacent to common space or the main lobby, and install large glass windows in the laundry room. Applicant response: Washers and dryers will be provided in each unit. (7) Keep laundry rooms and exercise rooms secure and accessible by residents. Applicant response: Washer and dryers will be provided in each unit, and exercise rooms will be accessed via key card. (8) Locate mailboxes and mail rooms adjacent to the main lobby of the building. Applicant response: Mailboxes will be located in the secured lobby of the larger 47-unit buildings with elevator access and adjacent to entries of the smaller 12-unit buildings without elevator access. (9) Store keys in a secure location and control their distribution. Applicant response: Management will keep key cards in a secure location and control the distribution. Any keys or controls required for fire department will be coordinated with South King Fire and Rescue. (10) Control access into the building by locking all exterior entrances, including accessible roof openings, doors to accessible balconies and terraces, and parking garage entrances. Provide automatic door closures, as needed. Applicant response: All building entries, including parking garages, roof decks, and private patios will be 4 lockable and secured. Automatic closures will be provided on all exit doors. (11) Provide deadbolt locks, peepholes, and (night latches) on resident doors. Applicant response: All unit entry doors will have deadbolts, peepholes and latches. (12) Install a functioning high quality video monitoring system with cameras located in the lobby, elevator, playground, and parking lot. Applicant response: Security systems will be provided in all public areas. (13) Keep plants and shrubs trimmed to provide for visibility of the building and surrounding property. Applicant response: Plants and shrubs will be maintained to provide visibility of the building and surrounding property. (14) Trim tree branches up from the ground in order to discourage the possibility of a person hiding. Applicant response: Management will provide regular landscape maintenance to keep the appearance and discourage crime. (15) Make sure fences can be seen through. Applicant response: Any fences within the development and between the existing Silver Shadows and proposed 5 acre site will provide a level of porosity. Appropriate walls, fences or site screening at other areas of the site with be thoughtfully considered to increase security while enhancing the design quality and character of this development. (16) Post the site and building addresses clearly. Applicant response: Project signage will be provided at each entrance consistent with the requirements of Federal Way. Building signage will be provided per Fire Department requirements. FWRC 19.115.050 Site Design – All Zoning Districts (1) General criteria. 5 (a) Natural amenities such as views, significant or unique trees, or groupings of trees, creeks, riparian corridors, and similar features unique to the site should be incorporated into the design. Applicant response: The wooded site contains many mature trees, and overlooks a nature landscape buffer to the east. The proposed site plan with a central open space intends to preserve a number of these trees. Existing trees will undergo review by a certified arborist to determine their health. (b) Pedestrian areas and amenities should be incorporated in the overall site design. Pedestrian areas include but are not limited to outdoor plazas, arcades, courtyards, seating areas, and amphitheaters. Pedestrian amenities include but are not limited to outdoor benches, tables and other furniture, balconies, gazebos, transparent glass at the ground floor, and landscaping. Applicant response: Community gardens, outdoor play areas, and other amenities are currently planned at a central open space that will be shared between Silver Shadows and the proposed development to encourage a stronger sense of community (c) Pedestrian areas should be easily seen, accessible, and located to take advantage of surrounding features such as building entrances, open spaces, significant landscaping, unique topography or architecture, and solar exposure. Applicant response: Community building and outdoor amenity areas are locate in the central park-like area with mature trees and other natural and man-made landscape/hardscape. Existing trees will undergo review by a certified arborist to determine their health. (d) Project designers shall strive for overall design continuity by using similar elements throughout the project such as architectural style and features, materials, colors, and textures. Applicant response: Continuity between buildings of the 5 acre site is a key design objective. The building design of the proposed 5 acre site uses a regional architectural sloped roof style with overhangs, and a color palette that is warm with cues from nature. Although each building is uniquely different in its mass, scale and location on site, the design strives to create a harmonistic rather static repetition of identical materials and colors. Fiber cement board and lap siding are primary materials, with special use materials such as wood (or wood alternatives), brick, and metal implemented as accents. Features such as balconies, bump outs, and a range of window sizes adds depth, interest and secondary 6 architectural treatment that enhance the overall building character and add modulation. There are (3) primary building types: 1) an elongated 47-unit building, 2) a nearly square 12-unit building, and 3) a single story clubhouse all of which pull cues from one another. (e) Place physical features, activities, and people in visible locations to maximize the ability to be seen, and therefore, discourage crime. For example, place cafes and food kiosks in parks to increase natural surveillance by park users, and place laundry facilities near play equipment in multiple-family residential development. Avoid barriers, such as tall or overgrown landscaping or outbuildings, where they make it difficult to observe activity. Applicant response: All community areas and activities will be clearly visible. (f) Provide access control by utilizing physical barriers such as bollards, fences, doorways, etc., or by security hardware such as locks, chains, and alarms. Where appropriate, utilize security guards. All of these methods result in increased effort to commit a crime and, therefore, reduce the potential for it to happen. Applicant response: Site will be fully secured. Lighting, and security hardware will be used in all appropriate areas. (g) Design buildings and utilize site design that reflects ownership. For example, fences, paving, art, signs, good maintenance, and landscaping are some physical ways to express ownership. Identifying intruders is much easier in a well-defined space. An area that looks protected gives the impression that greater effort is required to commit a crime. A cared-for environment can also reduce fear of crime. Areas that are run down and the subject of graffiti and vandalism are generally more intimidating than areas that do not display such characteristics. Applicant response: Site and building design will be clearly identified to express Ownership. Main entry, paved walkways, building signage as well as community gardens and other amenities will reflect ownership by providing a range of opportunities for community engagement, and leisure (2) Surface parking lots. (a) Site and landscape design for parking lots are subject to the requirements of Chapter 19.125 FWRC. Applicant response: 7 Site and landscape design for parking lots meet the requirements of Chapter 19.125 FWRC. (b) Vehicle turning movements shall be minimized. Parking aisles without loop access are discouraged. Parking and vehicle circulation areas shall be clearly delineated using directional signage. Applicant response: Vehicle circulation will be clearly delineated using directional signage. All surface parking aisles are looped. (c) Driveways shall be located to be visible from the right-of-way but not impede pedestrian circulation on-site or to adjoining properties. Driveways should be shared with adjacent properties to minimize the number of driveways and curb cuts. Applicant response: All driveways will be marked and clearly visible so as not to impede pedestrian circulation on-site. The existing main entry will be improved to be more visible from right-of-way. (d) Multi-tenant developments with large surface parking lots adjacent to a right-of-way are encouraged to incorporate retail pads against the right-of-way to help break up the large areas of pavement. Applicant response: Not applicable, no commercial component in this project. (3) Parking structures (includes parking floors located within commercial buildings). (a) The bulk (or mass) of a parking structure as seen from the right-of-way should be minimized by placing its short dimension along the street edge. The parking structure should include active uses such as retail, offices or other commercial uses at the ground level and/or along the street frontage. Applicant response: Parking structures will be below grade, away from right-of-way and out of general public and private view (b) Parking structures which are part of new development shall be architecturally consistent with exterior architectural elements of the primary structure, including rooflines, facade design, and finish materials. Applicant response: 8 Parking structures will be mostly below grade. The portion above grade will be architecturally consistent with exterior elements of the primary structures. (c) Parking structures should incorporate methods of articulation and accessory elements, pursuant to FWRC 19.115.060(3)(b), on facades located above ground level. Applicant response: The portion of parking structures above grade will incorporate methods of articulation and accessory elements on facades of structures. (d) Buildings built over parking should not appear to “float” over the parking area, but should be linked with ground level uses or screening. Parking at grade under a building is discouraged unless the parking area is completely enclosed within the building or wholly screened with walls and/or landscaped berms. Applicant response: Parking garage will be below grade. (e) Top deck lighting on multi-level parking structures shall be architecturally integrated with the building, and screened to control impacts to off-site uses. Exposed fluorescent light fixtures are not permitted. Applicant response: Not applicable to this project. (f) Parking structures and vehicle entrances should be designed to minimize views into the garage interior from surrounding streets. Methods to help minimize such views may include, but are not limited to, landscaping, planters, and decorative grilles and screens. Applicant response: Vehicle entrances will be located at the furthest end of the property away from the street. (g) Security grilles for parking structures shall be architecturally consistent with and integrated with the overall design. Chain-link fencing is not permitted for garage security fencing. Applicant response: Decorative metal grills and overhead doors will be architecturally consistent with the overall design will be used for the parking structures. (4) Pedestrian circulation and public spaces. 9 (a) Primary entrances to buildings, except for zero lot line townhouse development and attached dwelling units oriented around an internal courtyard, should be clearly visible or recognizable from the right-of-way. Pedestrian pathways from rights-of-way and bus stops to primary entrances, from parking lots to primary entrances, and pedestrian areas, shall be accessible and should be clearly delineated. Applicant response: The site doesn’t abut right-of-way. Building entrances will be clearly visible and identifiable from internal driveway and parking lot. (b) Pedestrian pathways and pedestrian areas should be delineated by separate paved routes using a variation in paved texture and color, and protected from abutting vehicle circulation areas with landscaping. Approved methods of delineation include: stone, brick or granite pavers; exposed aggregate; or stamped and colored concrete. Paint striping on asphalt as a method of delineation is not encouraged. Applicant response: Painted striping, stamped and/or colored concrete will define and delineate all pathways and pedestrian areas. (c) Pedestrian connections should be provided between properties to establish pedestrian links to adjacent buildings, parking, pedestrian areas and public rights-of-way. Applicant response: Pedestrian connections between buildings, parking, and the right-of-way will be provided. (d) Bicycle racks should be provided for all commercial developments. Applicant response: Not applicable. No commercial in this project. Bike storages are provided for residential tenants for convenience. (e) Outdoor furniture, fixtures, and streetscape elements, such as lighting, freestanding signs, trellises, arbors, raised planters, benches and other forms of seating, trash receptacles, bus stops, phone booths, fencing, etc., should be incorporated into the site design. Applicant response: All the items listed applicable to the project have been incorporated. 10 (5) Landscaping. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC for specific landscaping requirements and for definitions of landscaping types referenced throughout this chapter. Applicant response: Landscaping will comply with 19.125 FWRC. (6) Commercial service and institutional facilities. Refer to FWRC 19.125.150 and 19.125.040 for requirements related to garbage and recycling receptacles, placement and screening. (b)(ii) Site utilities including transformers, fire standpipes and engineered retention ponds (except biofiltration swales) should not be the dominant element of the front landscape area. When these must be located in a front yard, they shall be either undergrounded or screened by walls and/or Type I landscaping, and shall not obstruct views of tenant common spaces, public open spaces, monument signs, and/or driveways. Applicant response: All site utilities will be locate out of the front if possible, intergraded into site design and landscape, not dominating the front landscape area. No above grade stormwater vault is proposed. All above grade utilities will be screened. (7) Miscellaneous site elements. a) Lighting shall comply with the following: (i) Lighting levels shall not spill onto adjacent properties pursuant to FWRC 19.105.030(3). (ii) Lighting shall be provided in all loading, storage, and circulation areas, but shall incorporate cut-off shields to prevent off-site glare. (iii) Lighting standards shall not reduce the amount of landscaping required for the project by Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping. Applicant response: i. No lighting shall be spilled onto adjacent property ii. Adequate lighting will be provided in parking, loading, storage and circulation areas, with cutoff shields to prevent off-site glare. iii. Landscape design per FWRC 19.125, not impacted by lighting standards. FWRC 19.115.060 Building Design – All zoning districts. (1) General criteria. 11 (a) Emphasize, rather than obscure, natural topography. Buildings should be designed to “step up” or “step down” hillsides to accommodate significant changes in elevation, unless this provision is precluded by other site elements such as stormwater design, optimal traffic circulation, or the proposed function or use of the site. See FWRC 19.120.110 for related standards for development on sites with slopes of 15 percent or greater. Applicant response: Each building is designed to follow the grades and step down to accommodate the natural slope of the site. (b) Building siting or massing shall preserve public viewpoints as designated by the comprehensive plan or other adopted plans or policies. Applicant response: This item is not applicable. (c) Materials and design features of fences and walls should reflect that of the primary building(s) and shall also meet the applicable requirements of FWRC 19.120.120, Rockeries and retaining walls. Applicant response: Materials and designed features of fences and walls will be reflected in primary buildings and will also meet the applicable requirements of FWRC 19.120.120, Rockeries and retaining walls. (2) Building façade modulation and screening options, defined. (a) Facade modulation. Minimum depth: two feet; minimum width: six feet; maximum width: 60 feet. Alternative methods to shape a building, such as angled or curved facade elements, off-set planes, wing walls and terracing, will be considered; provided, that the intent of this section is met. Applicant response: Features such as balconies, bump outs, and plane changes will add depth, interest and secondary architectural treatment that enhance the overall building character and add façade modulation. (b) Landscape screening. Eight-foot-wide Type II landscape screening along the base of the facade, except Type IV may be used in place of Type II for facades that are comprised of 12 50 percent or more window area, and around building entrance(s). For building facades that are located adjacent to a property line, some or all of the underlying buffer width required by Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, may be considered in meeting the landscape width requirement of this section. Applicant response: Landscape screening will be provided per FWRC 19.125. Community gardens, outdoor areas, and yards will be used for landscape screening. (c) Canopy or arcade. As a modulation option, canopies or arcades may be used only along facades that are visible from a right-of-way. Minimum length: 50 percent of the length of the facade using this option. Applicant response: Not applicable – project not visible from right-of-way. (d) Pedestrian plaza. Size of plaza: Plaza square footage is equal to one percent of the gross floor area of the building, but it must be a minimum of 200 square feet. The plaza should be clearly visible and accessible from the adjacent right-of-way. Applicant response: Not applicable – project not visible from right-of-way. (3) Building articulation and scale. (a) Except for zero lot line townhouse development and attached dwelling units, building facades visible from rights-of-way and other public areas should incorporate methods of articulation and accessory elements in the overall architectural design, as described in subsection (3)(b) of this section. Applicant response: The building facade visible from the adjacent Park and Ride will have residential scaled modulation including roof overhangs, eaves, windows, balconies, and bump outs, and plane changes that add articulation to the overall architectural design. (b) Methods to articulate blank walls. Following is a nonexclusive list of methods to articulate blank walls, pursuant to FWRC 19.125.040(22) and subsection (3)(a) of this section: (i) Showcase, display, recessed windows; (ii) Window openings with visible trim material, or painted detailing that resembles trim; (iii) Vertical trellis(es) in front of the wall with climbing vines or similar planting; 13 (iv) Set the wall back and provide a landscaped or raised planter bed in front of the wall, with plant material that will obscure or screen the wall’s surface; (v) Artwork such as mosaics, murals, decorative masonry or metal patterns or grillwork, sculptures, relief, etc., over a substantial portion of the blank wall surface. (The Federal Way arts commission may be used as an advisory body at the discretion of the planning staff); (vi) Architectural features such as setbacks, indentations, overhangs, projections, articulated cornices, bays, reveals, canopies, and awnings; (vii) Material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, or textural changes; and (viii) Landscaped public plaza(s) with space for vendor carts, concerts and other pedestrian activities. Applicant response: The overall architectural design will feature setbacks, indentations, overhangs, projections, articulated bays and canopies. Along with exterior material changes such as colors and textural changes. (4) Methods to reduce building massing. (a) Reduce the apparent bulk of a building by breaking it into several smaller masses and varying the roof line with architectural elements. Applicant response: Stepping, varying roof lines and slope, material transitions and breaks, color changes, and other architectural secondary features such as balconies, eaves and trim will break the overall mass into smaller elements. (b) Consider options such as upper level setbacks in order to minimize bulk and shadow impacts on adjacent development. Applicant response: The upper level of the two larger 47-unit buildings will have a mix of lofted, pitched roof and roof terrace applications that help to break up the massing. FWRC 19.115.070 Building and pedestrian orientation – All zoning districts. (1) Building and pedestrian orientation, for all buildings except zero lot line townhouse development and attached dwelling units. (a) Buildings should generally be oriented to rights-of-way, as more particularly described in FWRC 19.115.090. Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows should be 14 oriented to the right-of-way; otherwise, screening or art features such as trellises, artwork, murals, landscaping, or combinations thereof should be incorporated into the street-oriented facade. Applicant response: Not applicable – the project is not adjacent to right-of-way. (b) Plazas, public open spaces and entries should be located at street corners to optimize pedestrian access and use. Applicant response: Not applicable – the project is not adjacent to right-of-way. (c) All buildings adjacent to the street should provide visual access from the street into human services and activities within the building, if applicable. Applicant response: Not applicable – the project is not adjacent to right-of-way. (d) Multiple buildings on the same site should incorporate public spaces (formal or informal). These should be integrated by elements such as plazas, walkways, and landscaping along pedestrian pathways, to provide a clear view to destinations, and to create a unified, campus-like development. Applicant response: A Large open space is centered on the site, surrounded by residential buildings. A Community Center is located in the area, along with play area, gardens, and walkways. FWRC 19.115.080 Mixed-use residential buildings in commercial zoning districts. Facades of mixed-use buildings that front a public right-of-way shall meet the following guidelines. (1) Residential component(s) shall contain residential design features and details, such as individual windows with window trim, balconies or decks in upper stories, bay windows that extend out from the building face, upper story setbacks from the building face, gabled roof forms, canopies, overhangs, and a variety of materials, colors, and textures. Applicant response: Residential scale windows with trim, balconies, gabled and sloped roof forms, bump outs, and roof overhangs and other features will be incorporated throughout the site. 15 (2) Commercial component(s) shall contain individual or common ground-level entrances to adjacent public sidewalks. Applicant response: Not applicable. The site is not adjacent to right-of-way and no commercial component in this project. (3) Commercial and residential components may have different architectural expressions, but the facade shall exhibit a number of unifying elements to produce the effect of an integrated project. Applicant response: No commercial component in this project. The design of the Community Center for the tenants will be consistent with the rest of the project. (4) If parking occupies the ground level, see FWRC 19.115.050(3). Applicant response: Not applicable. (5) Landscaped gardens, courtyards, or enclosed terraces for private use by residents should be designed with minimum exposure to the right-of-way. Applicant response: The site is not adjacent to right-of-way. All private gardens, terrace, courtyards will have landscape buffer or be elevated with minimum exposure to parking and driveway. FWRC 19.115.090 District guidelines. (1) Professional office (PO), neighborhood business (BN), and community business (BC). (a) Surface parking may be located behind the building, to the side(s) of the building, or adjacent to the right-of-way; provided, however, that parking located adjacent to the right-of-way maximizes pedestrian access and circulation pursuant to FWRC 19.115.050(4). Applicant response: Surface parking will be located behind or to the sides of the buildings. (b) Entrance facades shall front on, face, or be clearly recognizable from the right-of-way; and shall incorporate windows and other methods of articulation. Applicant response: 16 Entrance façades are clearly recognizable from other part of the site, with canopy, window and other expression. (c) Building entrances shall be architecturally emphasized and shall incorporate transparent glass. Applicant response: All entrances will incorporate transparent glazing, where applicable. (d) Ground floor entrances to retail sales or services shall incorporate plaza features or considering the scale of the retail use(s) and entrance(s) to the overall building or development, and the proximity and access to other existing plaza or streetscape features. Applicant response: Not applicable – no commercial in this project. (e) Ground-level mirrored or reflective glass is not allowed adjacent to a public right-of-way or pedestrian area. Applicant response: All ground level glazing will be clear and transparent. (f) If utilized, chain-link fences visible from public rights-of-way or adjacent properties, and not screened by Type I landscaping as defined by Chapter 19.125 FWRC, shall utilize vinyl-coated mesh, powder-coated poles, dark color(s), and architectural element(s) such as pole caps and/or decorative grid pattern. Applicant response: Not applicable – no chainlink fencing will be utilized on this project. (g) Landscaped yards shall be provided between building(s) and public street(s). Parking lots should be beside or behind buildings that front upon streets. Applicant response: A 20-ft wide landscaping buffer has been included between the north building and S267th Street (a private street). (h) Parking lots should be broken up into rows containing no more than 10 adjacent stalls, separated by planting areas. 17 Applicant response: Parking lots have been designed to be broken up into rows containing no more than 10 adjacent stalls, separated by planting areas. (i) Pedestrian walkways (minimum six feet wide) shall be provided between the interior of the project and the public sidewalk. Applicant response: All pedestrian walkways have been designed to be a minimum of 6’-0” in width, and provide connections to existing public sidewalks. (j) Lighting fixtures should not exceed 20 feet in height and shall include cutoff shields. Applicant response: Lighting fixtures will not exceed 20 feet in height and will include cutoff shields. (k) Principal entries to buildings shall be highlighted with plaza or garden areas containing planting, lighting, seating, trellises and other features. Such areas shall be located and designed so windows overlook them. Applicant response: Principal entries to each building have been highlighted with small entry plazas, architectural canopies, and plantings. (l) Common recreational spaces shall be located and arranged so that windows overlook them. Applicant response: A large common recreational spaces are centrally located and visible from adjacent buildings. (m) Units on the ground floor (when permitted) shall have private outdoor spaces adjacent to them so those exterior portions of the site are controlled by individual households. Applicant response: All ground floor units will have private patio space. (n) All new buildings, including accessory buildings such as carports and garages in PO and BN zones only, shall appear to have a roof pitch ranging from at least 4:12 to a maximum of 12:12. 18 Applicant response: This item is not applicable to this project. (o) Carports and garages in front yards should be discouraged. Applicant response: No carport or garage in front yard. (p) Building facades that exceed 120 feet in length and are visible from an adjacent residential zone, right-of-way, public park, or recreation area shall incorporate a significant structural modulation (offset). The minimum depth of the modulation shall be approximately equal to 10 percent of the total length of the subject facade and the minimum width shall be approximately twice the minimum depth. The modulation shall be integral to the building structure from base to roofline. Applicant response: The longest length of façade is just over 250’-0” of the 47 unit buildings. These buildings implement extensive use of undulating facades, balconies, and setbacks on the north face of the north building and south face of the south building to break down what would otherwise be a long uninterrupted facade. In addition there is a 5’-0” building step that distinguishes the east from west wings of these buildings. All facades facing east/west are under 120 feet. (q) Buildings should be designed to have a distinct base, middle and top. The base (typically the first floor) should contain the greatest number of architectural elements such as windows, materials, details, overhangs, cornice lines, and masonry belt courses. The midsection, by comparison, may be simple. (Note: single-story buildings have no middle.) The top should avoid the appearance of a flat roof and include distinctive roof shapes including but not limited to pitched, vaulted or terraced, etc. Applicant response: At the upper (top) level the buildings are most distinguishable by a combination of or one of several roof gables, slopes, or flat rooves that serve an outdoor roof top terrace. Sloping sections of roof are intended to include a portion of photovoltaic panels that are south facing and angled to maximize energy intake. The middle of the buildings are identifiable by a distinct transition from roof eave or roof line to vertical façade with accent panels used strategically amongst a field of fiber cement panel and/or lap siding that serves as the primary building material. Vertical recesses implement balconies with 19 vertical rails. While the base level is simplified from the levels above by eliminating the vertical rail at the ground level patio, supplementing this with a range of landscape features such as retaining walls, and planting. (r) Residential design features, including but not limited to entry porches, projecting window bays, balconies or decks, individual windows (rather than strip windows), offsets and cascading or stepped roof forms, shall be incorporated into all buildings. Window openings shall have visible trim material or painted detailing that resembles trim. Applicant response: Residential design features, such as balconies, decks, windows with trim, gable ends, sloped roofs, overhangs, and offsets will be provided. (s) Subsection (1)(n) of this section shall apply to self-service storage facilities. Applicant response: This item is not applicable to this project. (2) Office park (OP), corporate park (CP), and commercial enterprise (CE). (a) Surface parking may be located behind the building, to the side(s) of the building, or adjacent to the right-of-way; provided, however, that parking located adjacent to the right-of-way maximizes pedestrian access and circulation pursuant to FWRC 19.115.050(4). (b) Entrance facades shall front on, face, or be clearly recognizable from the right-of-way. (c) Building entrances shall be architecturally emphasized and shall incorporate transparent glass. (d) Ground floor entrances to retail sales or services shall incorporate plaza features or furnishings, and/or streetscape amenities, in a context-sensitive amount and combination, considering the scale of the retail use(s) and entrance(s) to the overall building or development, and the proximity and accessibility from the building to other existing plaza or streetscape features. (e) Ground-level mirrored or reflective glass is not allowed adjacent to a public right-of-way or pedestrian area. (f) If utilized, chain-link fences visible from public rights-of-way or adjacent properties, and not screened by Type I landscaping as defined in Chapter 19.125 FWRC, shall utilize vinyl- coated mesh, powder-coated poles, dark color(s), and architectural element(s) such as pole caps and/or decorative grid pattern. 20 (g) Subsections (1)(g) through (r) of this section shall apply. Applicant response: Not applicable in RM1800 zone. FWRC 19.105.030 Lighting (3) Glare from subject property prohibited. The applicant shall select, place and direct light sources both directable and nondirectable so that glare produced by any light source, to the maximum extent possible, does not extend to adjacent properties or to the right- of-way. Applicant response: Lighting will be provided to avoid glare. FWRC 19.110.060 Exceptions (1) Unless otherwise provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section: (a) Rooftop appurtenances may exceed the applicable height limitation by a maximum of four feet, if the area of all appurtenances and screening does not exceed 10 percent of the total area of the building footprint. These appurtenances must be located in such a way as to minimize view blockage. Applicant response: The building design will include appurtenances such as: 1. Parapets 2. Railings 3. Rooftop Planters 4. Roof Rakes 5. Mechanical Equipment 6. Elevator and/or Stair Penthouses All appurtenances will be limited to or below 4’-0”, with exception to elevators and/or stair penthouses and select mechanical systems that are necessary for building function and that enhance building operation. Mechanical systems exposed to public view will be screened. Elevators and/or stair penthouses will require a departure request for permitted use per FWRC 19.110.060(1)(b). (b) Appurtenances that do not meet the standards of subsection (1)(a) of this section may be permitted using process I if the director determines that, based on accurate graphic 21 representations provided by the applicant, views from adjacent properties will not be significantly affected. Applicant response: Mechanical systems and vertical circulation elements including elevators and stairs require a range of code and clearance requirements in order for them to comply and function including hositways and head heights that are essential to building operation. We will work with the city to provide any graphics beyond that shared in our Land Use submittal to clarify intent, and encourage their use as permitted by the director. FWRC 19.110.070 Mechanical Equipment FWRC 19.125.040 General landscaping requirements – All zones. (1) All portions of a lot not used for buildings, future buildings, parking, storage or accessory uses, and proposed landscaped areas shall be retained in a “native” or predeveloped state. The department of community development may allow or require supplemental plantings in these areas, pursuant to the provisions of this title. Applicant response: All portions of the site – except areas around existing trees to be retained -- are being disturbed as a consequence of necessary grading, retaining walls, building excavation, pathways, vehicular circulation/parking, or utility work. Therefore, the entire site will be affected by new hardscape, buildings, or planting. Required perimeter buffers will consist primarily of native and naturalistic planting. (2) All outside storage areas shall be fully screened by Type I landscaping a minimum of five feet in width, as described in FWRC 19.125.050(1), unless determined by the community development review committee (CDRC) that such screening is not necessary because stored materials are not visually obtrusive. Applicant response: All outdoor storage area will be fully screened per FWRC 19.125.050(1). (3) Slopes in areas that have been landscaped with lawn shall generally be a 3:1 ratio or less, length to height, to assist in maintenance and to allow irrigation systems to function efficiently. In other areas of plantings, a slope of up to a 2:1 ratio, length to height, may be used if acceptable to the public works director, upon review of a geotechnical/soils study submitted by an applicant to ensure soil slope integrity. 22 Applicant response: Lawn areas have a maximum slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical slope. (4) All trash enclosures shall be screened from abutting properties and/or public rights-of- way by a 100 percent sight-obscuring fence or wall and appropriate landscape screen. Applicant response: Trash enclosures will be screened with a wall, covered, and Type I landscape planting. (5) Type III landscaping, defined in FWRC 19.125.050(3), shall be placed outside of sight- obscuring fences abutting public rights-of-way and/or easements unless determined by the director of community development that such arrangement would be detrimental to the stated purpose of this article. Applicant response: No sight-obscuring fencing shall be used along public rights-of-way and/or easements. 6-ft tall sight obscuring fences will only be installed along the MV Towing property in the southeast corner of the site and will be fronted with 5 feet of Type III perimeter landscaping (6) With the exception of lawn areas, at least 25 percent of new landscaping materials (i.e., plants, trees, and groundcovers) shall consist of drought-tolerant species. All developments are encouraged to include native Pacific Northwest and drought-tolerant plant materials for all projects. Applicant response: A minimum of 25% of proposed plants will be either native species or drought tolerant species (7) Deciduous trees shall have a caliper of at least 1.5 inches at the time of planting measured 4.5 feet above the root ball or root structure. Applicant response: Minimum size of deciduous trees will be 1.5 inches caliper. (8) Evergreen trees shall be a minimum six feet in height (measured from tree top to the ground) at the time of planting. Applicant response: Minimum size of evergreen trees will be 6 feet in height. 23 (9) Shrubs shall be a minimum 12 to 24 inches in height (measured from top of shrub to the ground) at the time of planting based on the following: (a) Small shrubs – 12 inches. (b) Medium shrubs – 18 inches. (c) Large shrubs – 24 inches. Applicant response: Minimum size of shrubs will be between 12 and 24 inches depending on species/variety. (10) Groundcovers shall be planted and spaced, using a triangular planting arrangement, to result in total coverage of a landscaped area within three years. Applicant response: Groundcovers will be planted in a triangular arrangement. (11) All portions of a lot not used for buildings, future buildings, parking, storage or accessory uses, and proposed landscaped areas shall be retained in a “native” or predeveloped state. The department of community development may allow or require supplemental plantings in these areas, pursuant to the provisions of this title. (a) Constitute no more than 75 percent of landscaped areas; provided, there shall be an exception for biofiltration swales; and Applicant response: Lawn areas are less than 75% of the overall landscaped areas (see sheet L.1601) (b) Be a minimum of five feet wide at the smallest dimension. Applicant response: Lawn areas are a minimum of five feet wide. (12) Grass and required landscaping areas shall contain at least four inches of topsoil at finish grade. Applicant response: All planted areas shall be graded or over excavated to allow at least four inches of topsoil at finish grade. (13) Existing clay or sandy soils shall be augmented with an organic supplement. Applicant response: 24 Existing soil to be utilized in new planting areas shall be amended with organic compost, per general landscape notes. (14) Landscape areas shall be covered with at least two inches of mulch to minimize evaporation where plant materials will cover and three inches of mulch over bare soil. Applicant response: Proposed planting will be mulched to a minimum depth of 2 inches. Bare mulch areas, such tree rings, shall be mulched with 3” depth. (15) In order to reduce irrigation requirements, design principles using xeriscape techniques are encouraged. In meeting water conservation goals, and to deliver appropriate amounts of water necessary to maintain planted vegetation, species that are not drought tolerant should be grouped together and have irrigation systems, and be separated from any other irrigation system provided for drought-tolerant species. Applicant response: All non-native plant species in the landscape design have been selected for their ability to adapt to our climate. Separate irrigation zones will be provided if required by plant material selection. (16) Mulch shall be used in conjunction with landscaping in all planting areas to meet xeriscaping goals, assist vegetative growth and maintenance or to visually complement plant material. Mulches include organic materials such as wood chips and shredded bark. Nonvegetative material shall not be an allowable substitute for plant material. Applicant response: A 2-in minimum thickness of composted wood mulch will be used throughout the site. (17) All development shall comply with city of Federal Way street tree requirements. (See the City of Federal Way Right-of-Way Vegetation Standards and Specifications Manual.) Applicant response: The site doesn’t abut public right-of-way. (18) Landscaping proposed to be located within or adjacent to utility easements shall be reviewed by the respective utility agency(ies). Applicant response: Acknowledged. 25 (19) Landscaping and fencing shall not violate the sight distance safety requirements at street intersections and points of ingress/egress for the development. Applicant response: Landscaping and fencing has been located as to meet sight distance safety requirements. (20) All tree types shall be spaced appropriate for the compatibility of the planting area and the canopy and root characteristics of the tree. Applicant response: All tree types have been spaced and located in accordance with mature size and health. (21) All permanent lawn or sod areas shall have permanent irrigation systems. Applicant response: Permanent overhead spray irrigation will be provided in lawn areas. All shrub/groundcover area will have underground drip irrigation. (22) Screening of blank building walls. Building walls which are uninterrupted by window, door, or other architectural feature(s) listed in Chapter 19.115 FWRC, Community Design Guidelines, FWRC 19.115.060(3)(b), that are 240 square feet or greater in area, and not located on a property line, shall be screened by landscaping. Such planting shall include trees, shrubs and groundcover appropriate for the area proposed. Applicant response: Building walls over 240 sf which are uninterrupted by window, door, or other architectural feature(s) have been screened with plantings that include trees, shrubs, vines, and groundcovers. (23) Foundation landscaping is encouraged for all developments to reduce the scale, bulk and height of structures. Applicant response: Wherever possible, foundation landscaping has been included soften buildings and other structures. (24) All loading areas shall be fully screened from public right-of-way or nonindustrial/manufacturing uses with Type I landscaping. 26 Applicant response: Not applicable to this project. (25) Use of products made from post-consumer waste is encouraged whenever possible. Applicant response: Acknowledged. (26) Soil in parking lot landscaped areas must be noncompacted to a depth of 18 inches prior to planting of any shrubs, trees, or groundcovers. Applicant response: Soil amendment detail ensures that soil will be loosened and amended to a depth of 18” prior to planting. (27) Landscaping shall not be required along interior lot lines within a development where parking is being shared. Applicant response: The project is an extension of the existing Silver Shadows Apartments to the west and will share amenities. No landscape buffer will be provided between the two sites. (28) Landscaping is not required along perimeter lot lines abutting rights-of-way where the building is constructed so that the building’s side(s) rest directly on the lot line and no yards can be provided pursuant to Division VI, Zoning Regulations. Landscaping along the perimeter lot lines abutting rights-of-way shall be required pursuant to Division VI, Zoning Regulations, where the building is constructed so that the building’s side(s) do not rest directly on the lot line. Applicant response: Not applicable. FWRC 19.125.050 Solid waste receptacles – Placement and screening. (1) Type I – Solid Screen. (a) Purpose. Type I landscaping is intended to provide a solid sight barrier to totally separate incompatible land uses. This landscaping is typically found between residential and incompatible nonresidential land uses, such as industrial/manufacturing uses, and around outdoor storage yards, service yards, loading areas, mechanical or electrical equipment, utility installations, trash receptacles, etc. 27 (b) Description. Type I landscaping shall consist of evergreen trees, large shrubs and groundcover, which will provide a 100 percent sight-obscuring screen within three years from the time of planting; or a combination of approximately 75 percent evergreen and 25 percent deciduous trees, with an allowable five percent variance, with large shrubs, and groundcover backed by a 100 percent sight-obscuring fence. Tree, shrub, and groundcover spacing shall be appropriate for the species type, and consistent with the intent of this section. Applicant response: A 12’x40’ covered trash enclosure with compactor is provided on the SW end of the side, with landscape screen on three sides. The existing trash enclosures on the current Silver Shadows site will be relocated to provide access/connection between the two sites. Landscape screen will also be provided around the relocated trash enclosures. FWRC 19.125.060 Landscaping requirements by zoning district. (6) Community Business, BC. (a) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all properties abutting public rights-of-way and ingress/egress easements. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (6)(a) and (b) of this section. Applicant response: Not applicable. (8) Office Park, OP; and Corporate Park, CP-1. (a) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights-of-way and access easements. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (8)(a) and (b) of this section. Applicant response: Not applicable. FWRC 19.125.070 Parking lot landscaping. 28 (1) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to break up large areas of impervious surfaces, mitigate adverse impacts created by vehicle use areas which include noise, glare and increases in heat reflection by buffering, screening adjacent properties and shading, respectively, to facilitate movement of traffic, and improve the physical appearance of vehicle use areas. Developments are encouraged to use parking lot landscaping as on- site LID stormwater infiltration facilities, unless such techniques are infeasible. LID stormwater infiltration facilities shall be designed and constructed accordance with FWRC Title 16, Surface Water Management. Applicant response: Noted. (2) Type IV Landscaping. Type IV landscaping shall be provided within surface parking areas as follows: (a) Required interior lot landscaping. Landscape area shall be provided at the following rate within paved areas: (i) Commercial, industrial, and institutional developments shall provide the following: (A) Twenty square feet per parking stall when up to 49 parking stalls are provided; and (B) Twenty-two square feet per parking stall when 50 or more parking stalls are being provided. (ii) Residential developments with common parking areas including, but not limited to, subdivisions, PUDs or multifamily, shall provide landscape areas at a rate of 15 square feet per parking stall. Applicant response: Minimum 15 sf per parking stall is provided within the surface parking areas. (3) Landscape islands. Landscape islands shall be a minimum size of 64 square feet and a maximum of 305 square feet, and a minimum width of six feet at the narrowest point for islands at the end of 90-degree parking rows, three feet at the end of rows with angled parking, and eight feet in width for islands used to separate head-to-head parking stalls and shall be provided at the following locations: (a) At the end of all rows of parking; and (b) For separation buffering between loading doors or maneuvering areas and parking areas or stalls; and (c) Any remaining required landscaping shall be dispersed throughout the interior parking area in a manner to reduce visual impact of the parking lot; 29 (d) Deciduous trees are preferred for landscape islands within interior vehicle use areas. Applicant response: Landscape or landscape islands minimum 64 sf will be located at the end of each row of parking. (4) Curbing. Permanent curbing shall be provided in all landscape areas within or abutting parking areas. Based upon appropriate surface water considerations, other structural barriers may be substituted for curbing, such as concrete wheel stops. Applicant response: All landscaping that abuts parking areas shall be provided with permanent curbing or wheel stop. (5) Parking areas/screening for rights-of-way. (a) Parking areas adjacent to public right-of-way shall incorporate berms at least three feet in height within perimeter landscape areas; or alternatively, add substantial shrub plantings to the required perimeter landscape type, and/or provide architectural features of appropriate height with trees, shrubs and groundcover, in a number sufficient to act as efficient substitute for the three-foot berm, to reduce the visual impact of parking areas and screen automobiles, and subject to approval by the director of community development. Applicant response: Not applicable – the site is not adjacent to public right-of-way. S 267th Street is a private street and the parking area is separated from the street by 20’ wide landscape area. (b) Parking adjacent to residential zones shall reduce the visual impact of parking areas and buffer dwelling units from light, glare, and other environmental intrusions by providing Type I landscaping within required perimeter landscape areas. Applicant response: The parking area adjacent to residential zone will have a 20’ wide landscape buffer. (6) Vehicular overhang. Vehicular overhang into any landscaping area shall not exceed two feet. Applicant response: Noted. 30 (7) Landscaping and irrigation. (a) All landscape islands within parking areas shall use drought-tolerant trees, shrubs and groundcovers. The use of plants native to the Pacific Northwest is encouraged. Lawn shall not be permitted in landscape islands less than 200 square feet and shall be used as an accessory planting material to required trees, shrubs, and other groundcovers. Applicant response: Noted. (b) No plant material greater than 12 inches in height shall be located within two feet of a curb or other protective barrier in landscape areas adjacent to parking spaces and vehicles use areas. Applicant response: Landscape islands will be planted with drought tolerant or native plant material, and no plant material greater than 12 inches in height will be located within 2 feet of a curb. FWRC 19.125.085 Planting requirements for certain trees. (1) The following types of trees may not be planted closer than the listed minimum planting distance to rights-of-way or sewers: Applicant response: Trees listed will not be used in rights of way or sewer areas (2) In addition to any other enforcement mechanism or penalty contained within or authorized by this chapter, any person violating this provision is responsible for any damage caused by the tree or trees. Applicant response: Noted. (3) All street trees and other plantings shall be installed in conformance with standard landscaping practices and with appropriate city guidelines and regulations. Applicant response: Not applicable – no street trees is required for this project.