20-104567-SE- APPROVED NEPA - 11-24-2020-V1Adft Washington State wo Department of Transportation NEPA Categorical Exclusion Documentation Form Federal Aid Project Number HSIP_OOOS(528) NEPA Start Date 7-23-2020 Intent of Submittal Preliminary❑✓ Final Re -Evaluate Agency City of Federal Way Project Title 47th Ave SW / SW Dash Point Rd (SR 509) Compact Roundabout County King Beginning terminus: SRMP 9.08 Ending terminus: N/A Miles: 0.0000 Township(s): 21 N Range(s): 3E Section(s): 11 Part 1 - Project Description (Attach Vicinity Map) The City of Federal Way is planning to install a compact roundabout at the intersection of SW Dash Point and 47th Ave SE. The project will stay within the existing right of way, with retaining walls at the southeast and southwest corner of the intersection. The proposed roundabout has an inscribed circle diameter of 85'. The diameter of the center island is 60' including the truck apron (and 47' without). There are no known geometric constraints for a potential roundabout, as the site is relatively flat, and the roundabout is relatively compact within the existing right-of-way. Part 2 - Categorical Exclusion & STIP • Identify one CE from 23 CFR 771.117 (CE Guidebook -Appendix A) that fits the entire project • Per 23 CFR Part 452(I) identify the subsequent project phase identified on the STIP? [:]ROW ❑✓ Construction • Attach a copy of the STIP page to the CE documentation form. w.1bh&teyhed a�waPE v rb 0 Cift, & Date.2 4y6 3h2469:49:36-9]'00' Digitally signed by NEPA Approval Signatures Melanie Vance 8/24/2020 Local Agency Approving Authority Date Digitally signed by Mehrdad Moini, PE Date: 2020.08.25 12:04:57-07'00' Regional Local Programs Engineer Date Date: 2020.08.26 09:25:01-07'00' Local Programs Environmental Engineer Date Federal Highway Administration Date Completed By (Print Official's Name) Telephone (include area code) E-mail Address DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 Part 3 - Permits, Approvals & Right of Way (ROW) Yes No Permit or Approval Yes No Permit or Approval ❑ ❑✓ Corps of Engineers ❑ Sec. 10 ❑ Sec. 404 ❑ ❑✓ Water Quality Certification - Section 401 ❑ Nationwide Type Issued By ❑ Individual Permit No. ❑ ❑✓ Tribal Permit(s) (if any) ❑ ❑✓ Coastal Zone Management Certification ❑ ❑✓ Other Permits (List) ❑ ❑✓ Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) Permit ❑ ❑✓ Is permanent ROW acquisition needed? If yes, ❑ ❑✓ Forest Practices Act Permit amount needed: (acres/sq. ft.). ❑ ❑✓ Hydraulic Project Approval ❑ ❑✓ Is any temporary ROW needed? ❑ ❑✓ Local Building or Site Development Permits ❑ ❑✓ Is relocation required? ❑ ❑✓ Local Clearing and Grading Permit ❑ ❑✓ Has ROW (property and/or property interests) ❑ ❑✓ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System been acquired for this project prior to the NEPA (NPDES) Baseline General for Construction start date? If yes, documentation demonstrating ❑ ❑✓ Shoreline Permit compliance with 23 CFR 710.501 may ❑ ❑✓ State Waste Discharge Permit be required. ❑ ❑✓ Water Rights Permit ❑ ❑✓ Is a detour required? If yes, please attach detour information. U.S. Coast Guard Permitting a. Does the project propose any new or modify any existing bridges or culverts crossing a waterway? [:]Yes ❑✓ No b. If Yes, attach a copy of the jurisdictional determination email or letter from the U.S. Coast Guard. Other Federal Agencies - Does the project involve any federal properties, approvals or funding from other/additional federal agencies? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, please describe. Part 4 - Environmental Considerations Will the project involve work in or affect any of the following? Identify proposed mitigation. Attach additional pages or supplemental information if necessary. 1. Air Quality - Identify any anticipated air quality issues. Is the project exempt from Air Quality conformity requirements? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No a. If Yes, identify exemption - please refer to Appendix G in the CE Guidebook for a list of exemptions. Exemption under 40 CFR 93.126- Safety- Traffic control devices and operating assistance b. Is the project included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No If Yes, date Metropolitan Transportation Plan was adopted January 2019 c. Is the project located in an Air Quality Non -Attainment Area or Maintenance Area for carbon monoxide, ozone or PM 10 or PM 2.5? [:]Yes ❑✓ No 2. Critical and Sensitive Areas a. Is this project within a sole source aquifer? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If located within a sole source aquifer, is the project exempt from EPA approval? If Yes, please list exemption: If No, date of EPA approval: b. Will this project impact Species/Habitat other than ESA listed species? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Explain your answer. c. Is this project within one mile of a Bald Eagle nesting territory, winter concentration area or communal roost? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, the local agency must go to the US Fish & Website (http://www.fws.gov/pacific/eagle/) and work through the Do I Need a Permit? section. d. Are wetland present within the project area? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, estimate the impact in acres: Please attach a copy of the proposed mitigation plan. DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 3. Cultural Resources/Historic Structures - Identify any historic, archaeological or cultural resources present within the project's Area of Potential Effects. Does the project fit into any of the exempt types of projects listed in Appendix J of the CE Guidebook? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No If Yes, note exemptions below. A-1, A-19, and A-22 If No: Date of DAHP concurrence: Date of Tribal consultation(s) (if applicable): Adverse effects on cultural/historic resources? If Yes, date of approved Section 106 MCA: ❑ Yes ❑ No 4. Floodplains and Floodways a. Is the project located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No b. If Yes, is the project located within a 100-year floodway? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No c. Will the project impact a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, describe impacts. 5. Hazardous and Problem Waste - Identify potential sources and type(s). a. Does the project require excavation below the existing ground surface? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No b. Will groundwater be encountered? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No c. Will any properties be acquired as part of this project? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No d. Is this site located in an undeveloped area (i.e. no buildings, parking, storage areas or agriculture)? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No e. Is the project located within a one -mile radius of a known Superfund Site? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No f. Is this project located within a 'X mile radius of a site or sites listed on any of the following Department of Ecology databases? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, check the appropriate boxes below. ❑ Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), State Cleanup Site (SCS), or Independent Cleanup Program (ICP) ❑ Underground Storage Tank (UST) ❑ Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) ❑ Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List (CSCSL) g. Has site reconnaissance (windshield survey) been performed? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No (Please identify any properties not identified in the Ecology or ERS database search as an attachment -- name, address and property use). h. Based on the information above and project specific activities, is there a potential for the project to generate, acquire or encounter contaminated soils, groundwater or surface water? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Please explain: Minimal excavation is required for this project and all project activities will occur within legal ROW. If you responded Yes to any of these questions above (5A - 5F or 5H), contact your Region LPE for assistance as a "Right -Sized" HazMat Analysis Report/Memorandum most likely will be required. DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 6. Noise a. Does the project involve constructing a new roadway? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No b. Is there a change in the vertical or horizontal alignment of the existing roadway? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No c. Does the project increase the number of through traffic lanes on an existing roadway? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No d. Is there a change in the topography? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No e. Are there auxiliary lanes extending 1-'/2 miles or longer being constructed as part of this project? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No f. If you answered Yes to any of the preceding questions, identify and describe any potential noise receptors within the project area and subsequent impacts to those noise receptors. Please attach a copy of the noise analysis if required. If impacts are identified, describe proposed mitigation measures. 7. 4(f)/6(f) Resources: parks, recreation areas, wildlife refuges, historic properties, wild & scenic rivers, scenic byways a. Please identify and 4(f) properties within the project limits and the areas of impacts. None b. Please identify any properties within the project limits that used funds from the Land & Water Conservation Fund Act. None c. Please list any Wild and Scenic Rivers and Scenic Byways within the project limits. None 8. Agricultural Lands - a. Are there agricultural lands within 300 feet of the project limits? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, describe impacts: b. Are impacted lands considered to be unique and prime farmland? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, date of project review by Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS): 9. Rivers, Streams (continuous or intermittent) or Tidal Waters a. Identify all waterbodies within 300 feet of the project limits or that will otherwise be impacted. There is a stream approximly 570 feet away from the project limits with permanent idenfityed # 155182458. The SWIFD indicates the creek as only gradient accessible for Chinook and steelhead, but not presumed or documented presence. b. Identify stream crossing structures by type. None within the project area however approximly 570 feet to the east the culvert crossing under SW Dash Point Road is documented as a barrier and total blockage accourding to WDFW Salmon Scape. The culvert along with an artifuical waterfall (created by rocks and concrete blocks) approximaly 550 feet down stream from the culvert is also a physical, total blockage barrier. DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 10. Tribal Lands - Identify whether the project will occur within any Tribal lands, including reservation, trust and fee lands. Please do no list usual and accustomed area. none 11. Water Quality/Stormwater a. Will this project's proposed stormwater treatment facility be consistent with the guidelines provided by either WSDOT's HRM, DOE's stormwater management manual for eastern/western Washington or a local agency equivalent manual? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No If No, explain proposed water quality/quantity treatment for the new and any existing pollution generating impervious surface associated with the proposed project. b. Amount of existing pollution generating impervious surface within the project limits: 22292 c. Net new pollution generating impervious surface to be created as a result of this project: 4605 d. Amount of proposed post -project untreated pollution generating impervious surface: 4248 12. Previous Environmental Commitments Describe previous environmental commitments that may affect or be affected by the project - if any. None 13. Environmental Justice - Does the project meet any of the exemptions noted in Appendix L of the CE Documentation Guidebook? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No If Yes, please note the exemption and appropriate justification in the space below. If No, are minority or low-income populations located within a 0.50-mile of the project? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No See attached Social and Community Impacts Decision Matrix and supporting data. If No, attach appropriate data to support findings. If Yes, describe impacts and attach appropriate supporting documentation. Findings should be confirmed using at least two information sources. Please refer to the CE Guidebook for more information. Part 5 - Biological Assessments and EFH Evaluations 1. Do any listed species potentially occur in the project's action area and/or is any designated critical habitat present within the project's action area? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Attach species listings. 3. Does the project involve blasting, pile Affected ESA Listed Species 2. Will any construction work occur within driving, concrete sawing, rock -drilling or 0.25 mile of any of the following? rock -scaling activity within one mile of any of the following? Oregon Spotted Frog proposed critical Yes ❑✓ No Yes ❑✓ No habitat or suitable habitat? Yellow -billed Cuckoo suitable habitat? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Spotted Owl management areas, designated critical habitat or suitable ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No habitat? Marbled Murrelet nest or occupied stand, designated critical habitat or suitable ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No habitat? Western Snowy Plover designated critical ❑Yes ❑✓ No ❑Yes ❑✓ No habitat? Is the project within 0.25 mile of marine waters? If Yes explain potential effects on Yes ❑✓ No Yes ❑✓ No Killer Whales and on Marbled Murrelet foraging areas. DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 Killer Whale designated critical habitat? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Grizzly Bear suitable habitat? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Gray Wolf suitable habitat? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Canada Lynx habitat? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Columbia White-tailed Deer suitable ❑Yes ❑✓ No ❑Yes ❑✓ No habitat? Woodland Caribou habitat? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Streaked Horned Lark designated critical Yes ❑✓ No Yes ❑✓ No habitat or suitable habitat? Taylor's Checkerspot designated critical Yes ❑✓ No Yes ❑✓ No habitat or suitable habitat? Mazama Pocket Gopher designated critical Yes ❑✓ No Yes ❑✓ No habitat or suitable habitat? Eulachon designated critical habitat or ❑Yes ❑✓ No ❑Yes ❑✓ No suitable habitat? Rockfish proposed critical habitat or ❑Yes ❑✓ No ❑Yes ❑✓ No suitable habitat? A mature coniferous or mixed forest stand? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4. Will the project involve any in -water work? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 5. Will any construction work occur within 300 feet of any perennial or intermittent waterbody that either ❑ Yes ❑✓ No supports or drains to waterbody supporting listed fish? 6. Will any construction work occur within 300 feet of any wetland, pond or lake that is connected to any ❑ Yes ❑✓ No permanent or intermittent waterbody? 7. Does the action have the potential to directly or indirectly impact designated critical habitat for salmonids ❑ Yes ❑✓ No (including adjacent riparian zones)? 8. Will the project discharge treated or untreated stormwater runoff or utilize water from a waterbody that ❑✓ Yes ❑ No supports or drains into a listed -fish supporting waterbody? 9. Will construction occur outside the existing pavement? If Yes go to 9a. ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 9a. Will construction activities occurring outside the existing pavement involve clearing, grading, filling or ❑✓ Yes ❑ No modification of vegetation or tree -cutting? 10. Are there any Federally listed Threatened or Endangered plant species located within the project limits? If Yes ❑✓ No Yes, please attach a list of these plant species within the action area. 11.Does a mature coniferous or mixed forest stand occur within 200' of the project site? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No Analysis for No Effects Determination — If there are any Yes answers to questions in Part 5, additional analysis is required. Attach additional sheets if needed. This project will occur entirely within the existing wearing surface of legal ROW within an urban,single family residential area that lacks suitable habitat for listed species. There will be no in -water or over the water work. There is a stream approximly 570 feet away from the project limits with permanent idenfityed # 155182458. The SWIFD indicates the creek as only gradient accessible for Chinook and steelhead, but not presumed or documented presence. The culvert crossing under SW Dash Point Road approximly 570 feet to the east is documented as a barrier and total blockage accourding to WDFW Salmon Scape. The culvert along with an artifuical waterfall (created by rocks and concrete blocks) approximaly 550 feet down stream from the culvert is also a physical, total blockage barrier. Overall the project is approimly 1120 feet away DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 Analysis for RRMP ESA 4(d) determination for NMFS — A local agency must be certified by the Regional Road Maintenance Forum to utilize 4(d). Maintenance Category (check all that apply) ❑ 1. Roadway Surface ❑ 6. Stream Crossings ❑ 2. Enclosed Drainage Systems ❑ 7. Gravel Shoulders ❑ 3. Cleaning Enclosed Drainage Systems ❑ 8. Street Surface Cleaning ❑ 4. Open Drainage Systems ❑ 9. Bridge Maintenance ❑ 5. Watercourses and Streams ❑ 10. Snow and Ice Control Describe how the project fits in the RRMP 4(d) Program: Effect Determinations for ESA and EFH ❑ 11. Emergency Slide/Washout Repair ❑ 12. Concrete ❑ 13. Sewer Systems ❑ 14. Water Systems ❑ 15. Vegetation If each of the questions in the preceding section resulted in a "No" response or if any of the questions were checked "Yes," but adequate justification can be provided to support a "no effect' determination, then check "No Effect' below. If this checklist cannot be used for Section 7 compliance (i.e., adequate justification cannot be provided or a "may effect' determination is anticipated), a separate biological assessment document is required. NMFS USFWS EFH Determination ❑✓ No Effect ❑ NLTAA - Date of Concurrence ❑ LTAA - Date BO Issued ❑ RRMP 4(d) Part 6 - FHWA Comments ❑ No Adverse Effect ❑Adverse Effect - Date of NMFS concurrence ❑ Not Applicable DOT Form 140-100 Revised 12/2019 w� _ o u �0 o HUa .E aE c m W I— L a c — o H N N M i N v N � � aL £ fA N 0 Z m H 0 N N C a L 3 LL � a � Z L a � d C O ! Q_ W H a) v w U) o�a=i 0 Q Q 0 acn H > (4 U � °c_� am CO m Z d Y LL a p a c o d dm E IL aZ C N LL U O 02 oQ 0 0 C 0 Cl) e0 Q Z co 0 O a K U 0 Z W U o o a c 0 0 O c 1 Q E O LO O O LL O c d L N N LO U 0 U Q o v 1 R 0 H N a c 3 LL 16 V O J N a C LL .O+ R N d a 0 U a c LL d is cn w a LL d a LL 0 O � ❑ a O � U 0 a o C If� c7 LL co Ca E L 0 0 O LL O c as O 0 0 O r N r a) N o` E c L 0 o a LL 0 0 0 0 00 o 0 0 0 O 0 O O M 0 O O 0 00 co I U 2 0 N O N z U 0 O O O O W 0 J J Q 0 N R 0 H Service Layer C.dib Coppght.Z2013 National Geogr W Society, ic.be Content may not reflect National Geographic'. current map policy. Sources: National Geographic, E.N, OeLorme, HERE, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, nc-tP C.T. Figure 2. APE SW Dash Point Rd & 47th Ave SW Compact Roundabout City of Federal Way T21N R03E S11 May 22, 2020 1121039077 `LU Legend APE King County Parcels w1w N 0 75 150 A Feet wDAgF{ POINT RD 6uAILODUJ6Ufgl ln2f!C6 gGfGLWIU9flOU' A62 —1p12 blol6Cf MITI L6dnll6 9 gl2clbllU6 L6bOLf guq bnpllc onjLG9cp fO WgK6 gu blol6Cf,2 bOfGtJfIgI IUJbecf2 lU fp6 tOLW 019u El Vq6UJ0' WO — Vu El WGWO 12 LGdnll.6q' 1p6 1OC91 99GIJCA wn2f g62CLlp6 guq gUglAS6 >_p6 bLobO26q 2) Do62 fp6 bLobo26q bl016Cf L6dnll6 gl2blgc6W6uf Ot WOL6 fpgu Tp LG21gGuc62 Ol pn2lu62262y AG2—bLOC66q fO dn62flOU 2' 9U91A212 12 L6dnll6q' }Iuglug2 2ponlq p6 COU}ILUJ6q pA n2iug gf 1692f fN\O IUtOLW9f!OU 20nLC62' wo tnLfp6L 00 — DOCnWGUf t!Uq!UE2 OU CE gocnWGUfgf!OU tOLW gUq IuCing6 g6UJOPaLgbp!c ggfg. q) D062 fp6 b6LWgUGUf L11zpi OtMgA gcdnl2lf!OU L6dnlL6 WOL6 fpgu TO b6LCGUf 0}guA b9LC61j guq gUgIAS6 fp61L 26AGLIfA' bLOC66q fo dn62flOU I' A62—`du El WGW0 121IK61A L6dnll6q' IJ20' fp6 IOC91 99GUCA wn2f g62CLlp6 fp6 bL016Cf IUJbecf2 9U911\212 12 L6dnll6q' tIUg1UE2 2ponlq p6 COU}ILUJ6q pA n21IJR 9f IG92T fMO IUtOLWgf!Ou 20nLC62' 14o tnLfp6L WO — DOCnWGUf tIUg1UE2 OU CE gocnWGL1f9flOU tOLW gUq IUcing6 gGWOELgbp!c ggTq. 3) D062 fp6 bLobo26q bL016Cf L6dnlL6 9UA L610Cgf!OU Oj L691 guq\OL b6L2OUgl bLOb6Lf/\j A62 — bLOC66q jo dn62flOu 3' gUgIA212 12 L6dnll6q' tiugIU92 2ponlq p6 COUJILUJ6q pA n21UR gT 1692T fMO IU}OLWgf10U 20nLC62' VIO }nLfp6L l/10 DOCnWGIJf jIugiuR2 Ou CE gocnWGLJfgf!OU tOLW gUq Iucing6 gGWOELgbp!c ggfg. $) DO 2 fp6 bL016Cf L6dnlL6 b6LUJ9U6Uf LIRpf-Ot-MgA gcdnl21f10Uj ybLOc66q fo dn62flOu 5. 9U9lA212 12 L6dnll6q' !_IUg1UR2 2ponlq p6 COU{ILUJ6q pA n2IUg gf 1692f fMO IUtOLWg1_IOU 20nLC62' Wo tnLJ=p6L WO — DOCnWGUf }IUg1uE2 Ou CE gocnWGUfgflOU tOLW guq IUCing6 gGWORLgbp!c qqW T) yL6 guA bL0f6cfGq bobnlgflou2 bL626Uf MlfplU fp6 bLobo26q IIWlf2 Ot fp6 bLol6Cf,2 ILubecf2y bobnlgflOU2 IU fp6 9u91A212' It ggg1f10ug1 gocnWGUfgf!OU 12 UGC6229LA' COU21g6L 911 bofGuflgl 20nLC62 Oj IUJb9Cf2 fO bL0f6Cf6q bLOAlg6 glLGCflOU oU Mp6U ggglflougl guglA212 guq gocnWGLJf91=1ou 12 gbbLobLlgf6 tOL 9 bLob026q bLolsCf' 1p6 tOIIOMIUE g6C1210U WgfLIX 12 9u gbbLO9Cp fpgf n262 9 26LI62 Oj dn62flOU2 mlfp A62\HO 9u2M6L2 fO 20CIVF 81 COWVVmmiA INbdCl2 DEC121OVI NViHIX ri`AJ}h'[APTnP4Lx EJSCREEN Census 2010 Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 0.5-miles radius Description: 47th Ave SW/SW Dash Point Rd Compact Roundabout Summary Census 2010 Population 2,608 Population Density (per sq. mile) 3,495 Minority Population 712 % Minority 27% Households 1,083 Housing Units 1,144 Land Area (sq. miles) 0.75 % Land Area 66% Water Area (sq. miles) 0.39 % Water Area 34% Population by Race Number Percent Total 2,608 ------- Population Reporting One Race 2,421 93% White 2,009 77% Black 162 6% American Indian 21 1% Asian 158 6% Pacific Islander 25 1% Some Other Race 46 2% Population Reporting Two or More Races 187 7% Total Hispanic Population 187 7% Total Non -Hispanic Population 2,421 93% White Alone 1,896 73% Black Alone 159 6% American Indian Alone 19 1 % Non -Hispanic Asian Alone 156 6% Pacific Islander Alone 24 1% Other Race Alone 4 0% Two or More Races Alone 164 6% Population by Sex Number Percent Male 1,253 48% Female 1,355 52% Population by Age Number Percent Age 0-4 157 6% Age 0-17 563 22% Age 18+ 2,045 78% Age 65+ 411 16% Households by Tenure Number Percent Total 1,083 Owner Occupied 719 66% Renter Occupied 364 34% Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic population can be of any race. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2010 Summary File 1. 1/1 iE AA A�rpl � EJSCREEN ACS Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 0.5-miles radius Description: 47th Ave SW/SW Dash Point Rd Compact Roundabout Summary of ACS Estimates Population Population Density (per sq. mile) Minority Population % Minority Households Housing Units Housing Units Built Before 1950 Per Capita Income Land Area (sq. miles) (source: SF1) % Land Area Water Area (sq. miles) (source: SF1) % Water Area Population by Race Total Population Reporting One Race White Black American Indian Asian Pacific Islander Some Other Race Population Reporting Two or More Races Total Hispanic Population Total Non -Hispanic Population White Alone Black Alone American Indian Alone Non -Hispanic Asian Alone Pacific Islander Alone Other Race Alone Two or More Races Alone Population by Sex Male Female Population by Age Age 0-4 Age 0-17 Age 18+ Age 65+ 2013 - 2017 2,465 3,244 921 37% 1,061 1,061 64 36,136 0.76 67% 0.38 33% 2013 - 2017 Percent MOE (±) ACS Estimates 2,465 100% 376 2,396 97% 840 1,763 72% 292 397 16% 221 17 1% 60 199 8% 167 1 0% 12 20 1% 88 69 3% 151 282 11% 249 2,183 1,544 63% 274 354 14% 222 17 1% 60 199 8% 167 1 0% 12 0 0% 12 69 3% 150 1,189 48% 222 1,276 52% 219 236 10% 110 525 21% 147 1,940 79% 252 525 21% 111 Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic population can be of any race. N/A meansnot available. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 2013 - 2017 May 11, 2020 1/3 r�� &,; h �x EJSCREEN ACS Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 0.5-miles radius Description: 47th Ave SW/SW Dash Point Rd Compact Roundabout 2013 - 2017 Percent ACS Estimates Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Total Less than 9th Grade 9th - 12th Grade, No Diploma High School Graduate Some College, No Degree Associate Degree Bachelor's Degree or more Population Age 5+ Years by Ability to Speak English Total Speak only English Non -English at Home1+2+3+4 'Speak English "very well" 2Speak English "well" 'Speak English "not well" 4Speak English "not at all" 3+4Speak English "less than well" 21114Speak English "less than very well" Linguistically Isolated Households* Total Speak Spanish Speak Other Indo-European Languages Speak Asian -Pacific Island Languages Speak Other Languages Households by Household Income Household Income Base < $15,000 $15,000 - $25,000 $25,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $75,000 $75,000 + Occupied Housing Units by Tenure Total Owner Occupied Renter Occupied Employed Population Age 16+Years Total In Labor Force Civilian Unemployed in Labor Force Not In Labor Force Data Note: Datail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic population can be of anyrace. N/A means not available. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) *Households in which no one 14 and over speaks English "very well" or speaks English only. MOE (±) 1,766 100% 213 20 1% 32 87 5% 74 509 29% 134 682 39% 161 203 12% 89 468 26% 125 2,229 100% 339 1,914 86% 311 315 14% 228 199 9% 153 96 4% 96 18 1% 53 2 0% 25 20 1% 57 116 5% 105 32 100% 40 1 3% 30 0 0% 12 31 97% 34 0 0% 12 1,061 100% 123 95 9% 63 78 7% 54 253 24% 100 197 19% 97 438 41% 141 1,061 100% 123 756 71% 119 305 29% 84 1,980 100% 290 1,098 55% 277 58 3% 56 882 45% 185 May 11, 2020 2/3 EPA EJSCREEN ACS Summary Report Location: User -specified polygonal location Ring (buffer): 0.5-miles radius Description: 47th Ave SW/SW Dash Point Rd Compact Roundabout 2013 - 2017 Percent ACS Estimates Population by Language Spoken at Home" Total (persons age 5 and above) English Spanish French French Creole Italian Portuguese German Yiddish Other West Germanic Scandinavian Greek Russian Polish Serbo-Croatian Other Slavic Armenian Persian G ujarathi Hindi Urdu Other Indic Other Indo-European Chinese Japanese Korean Mon-Khmer, Cambodian Hmong Thai Laotian Vietnamese Other Asian Tagalog Other Pacific Island Navajo Other Native American Hungarian Arabic Hebrew African Other and non -specified Total Non -English Data Note: Detail may not sum to totals due to rounding. Hispanic popultion can be of any race. N/A meansnot available. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 2013 - 2017. *Population by Language Spoken at Home is available at the census tract summary level and up. MOE (±) 3,144 100% 398 2,327 74% 411 208 7% 223 0 0% 30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 62 2% 70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24 1% 58 49 2% 72 N/A N/A N/A 238 8% 199 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0% 17 36 1% 72 44 1 % 71 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 19 1% 36 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 0% 17 817 26% 572 May 11, 2020 3/3 Enrollment (2019-20 School Year) 365 • • 1 13% 61% English Low Learners Income Student Performance How are we doing getting students to their learning goals? English Language Arts 55 °/ Math Science 4P 1% 0 49% 41 it 1# : Met grade level standards on state administered tests How engaged are our students? 87% ki 40% �.» 49% Have Regular Have High English Have High Math Attendance Language Arts Growth Growth About Our Teachers and Classrooms 22 45.5% 8.5 Number of Have Master's Average Years Teachers Degree or Higher Experience 15.9 Number of Students per Teacher Finances (2017-18 School Year) How much money do we spend on each student? $12)840 Staff Salary & Benefits $2)384 Non -Personnel Costs cc; O 47th Ave SE & SW Dash Point Rd SW 30 11 h SI �f any Dark y 1 - �• e r- 034472 V 5' n 1+1i d SAV 313 in 51 r 41 99s266 � 96 4 ti OW773 x SW 31,11h F'I � lr 934069 9 i 7. if � dye _1`dhPI . 17M I L t, 934?68 wq115 J j1h PI !s .0 11 �.1 Q L � eft July 23, 2020 Other Barriers Culverts V Total Blockage 0 Total Blockage V Total Blockage, Fishway Present Total Blockage, Fishway Present 0 Partial Blockage Partial Blockage Partial Blockage, Fishway Present Partial Blockage, Fishway Present Unknown Blockage Unknown Blockage 1:9,028 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community, NOAA, USFWS, WDFW