98-102176 -w 98410 -17P - CITY OF FEDERAL WAY �p PERMIT NO: DLD98-0375 33530 First WaySouth M p .".,� b, .µ; E. ,N q .,. �... .� ..If,.. �` N N.,.p :.,. „H �'"`'h .. it ISSUED: 06/15/98 Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 253-661-4140 BY: FC 253-661-4000 EXPIRES: 12/12/98 ADDRESS: 1908 S 341ST PL Unit: 4 NO. : 390380-0070 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:TI - REPAIR 1 HOUR FIRE WALL = OWNER CONTRACTOR -- LENDER FRAME SHOP I OWNER IS CONTRACTOR 1908 S 341ST PL, 114 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 !410 ! �_.. - • 1 ::: CONTRACTORS, PLEASE USE LOCATION CODE 1732 WHEN REPORTING SALES TAX FOR PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. TAX RATE : 8.6% *** BLD?:X MEC?: PLM?: FLR--EXIST--PROP--- DWELLING UNITS: 0 1 COMP PLAN 0 FEES: TYPE OF WORK:TEN USE:COM 1ST.: 0: 892:sf STORIES • 0 I REQUIRED PARKING..: 0 SPRINKLERS' •' PLAN CHECK FEE $ 14.30 i CENSUS CATEGORY •437 2ND.: 0: 0:sf HEIGHT • 0.00 ft I HAZARD CLASS •' PLCK-FIR comml only* $ 1.10 OCCUPANCY GROUP 3RD.: 0: 0:sf VALUATION REQUIRED SETBACKS FIRE FLOW • 0 gpm BUILDING PERMIT....* $ 22.00 :H4 :? :? :? OTHR: 0: 0:sf EXIST..$: 0 f FRONT • 0.00 ft SBCC SURCHARGE * $ 4.50 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BSMT: 0: 0:sf PROP...$: 200 i SIDE • 0.00 ft WATER SERVICE..:? :5N :? :? :? DECK: 0: 0:sf 1 REAR • 0.00:ft SEWER SERVICE..:? OCCUPANT LOAD GAR.: 0: 0:sf RECEIVED.:06/15/98 . 0: 0: 0: 0: TOTL: 0: 892:sf IMPERV SURFACE: 0 sf SENSITIVE AREAS?.:? - LEL TYPES.:? ? ------'4W-- ANS. • 0 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS WATER CLOSETS 0 URINALS 0 TOTAL FEES $ 41.90 S PIPING.: 0 ft HOOD • 0 O 3 TON 0 BATH TUBS 0 DRINKING FOUNT„ 0 FURN<100K..: 0 DUCT WORK 0 3-15 TON • 0 1 SHOWERS • 0 SUMPS • 0 GAS HWT • 0 WOOD STOVES...: 0 15-30 TON...: 0 LAVATORIES • 0 VAC BREAKERS...: 0 CONV BURNER: 0 FURN>100K • 0 30-50 TON...; 0 ! SINKS • 0 DRAINS • 0 1 } BBQ • 0 MISC • 0 50+ TON • 0 DISH WASHERS • 0 LAWN SPRINKLERS: 0 GAS DRYER..: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS FUEL TANKS ELEC WTR HEATERS...: 0 OTHER FIXTURES.: 0 RANGE • 0 <:10,000 CFM: 0 ABOVE GROUND: 0 LAUN WSHR OUTLTS...: 0 GAS LOGS...: 0 > 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDERGROUND.: 0 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE IF NO WORK IS STARTED. RESIDENTIAL AND GRADING PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF ISSUANCE. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THE APPLICABLE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY REQUIREMENTS WILL BE MET. OWNER OR AGENT ' ' CLP-tt _ _ __, DATE " / -6-ii- FILE COPY ., . L-, — --;/ ,-- C I1 ( UI fEDLRAt WAY PERMIT NO: BLD98 -03/5 )3530 first Way *..;outh DI) I I. 1)1 NG PERM ! I I ;ULD: 06/15/98 !t'ederal Way, WA OU7 fluilding inspection Requests 2.53 -661 4140 8Y: EC 2J-66i - 4000 LXPIRES: 12/12/98 A DDRE' S:1908 ‘2. 341S I PL Unit.: 4 NO. : ,390380 -011/0 P, 0,11 CT DESCRIP I ION:TI - REPAIR 1 HOUR FIRE WALL I FRAME SHOP OWNER IS CONTRACTOR 1908 S 341ST P1, 14 I FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 )11111 I _ . . ,....,F=,,, ..,..`....='.....,...,,A.C.. _==.1..uss.aswars..mageo,.=urutu.t,..,,,..._ .3.1.43t,==MWA......41..,.. Int CONTRACIONt, PIEA L Ili LOCA1101011§11114111DINNINI1ING SALES TAX FOR PROJECTS 11110114 IN tilt OF FEDERAL NAY. TAX RATE : 8.6% Is: I111.r:\ MEC?: PLM?: FO--EYISI YI"' WlAil-,u UNt',. b .449 PLAN .' FEES: 1 TYPE Of WORK:TER USE:COM 1ST.: 0: IOW' ', REDORED PARKING..: 0 SPRINKLIRS'' ' PLAN CHECK FEE $ 14.30 I CENSUS CATEGORY 437 2N! A" ":- : LI1J'1... . 0 00 #t 3; Or, ' - o; " "14;4i .. PICK-FIR coiil onlyt $ 1.10 1 OCCUPANCY GROUP- --.-- -- 44411,:,,, t",. -..1 ALI:Jou - - . --. POIRE .% IR -:- . :4;1 ' '' -.', -1,'' BUILDING PERMIT....* $ 22.00 1 :H4 :? :? :? : 01*: U. U-' ' qi .$: 0. f "4. , 3.:=I --- - Ant * S 4.50 1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION-- At ' :s .°O .... ,U6 '..i.iloppg • 0.00 ft WATER SERVICE..:? I :5N :? :? :? : - 0.00:ft SEVER SERVICE..:? OCCUPANT LOAD- G . 0:sf pr E1 _06 ? 11( • 0: 0: 0: 0: TOIL. ti ..,,' .'''' '' " INPERV SURFACE: 0 sf SENSITIVE AREAS?.:? —...--------„,r ..,.,..4,1.101::- tCGIP.. i.". - -'' '—LI -.17.--=."i =0119 RI=. ,as Palitia....11.1,V.St==C OZ....-...24..a-f.t16....”,..1,..T 1...111..,,.......e .. Il01.1EL TYPES.:? ? FANS v 80ILIRS/COMPRESSORS WATER CLOSETS • 0 URINALS AS PIPING.: 0 ft ig HOOD - u 0-3 TON • 0 BATH TUBS • • 0 DRINKIRG FOUNT.: 0 TOTAL FEES $ 41.90 I FURN<1.00K..: 0 DUCT WORK • 0 3-15 ION • 0 SHOWERS • 0 SUMPS • 0 1 GAS NWT • 0 WOOD STOVES. • 0 15-30 TON. • 0 LAVATORIES 0 VAC BREAKERS...: 0 1 CONV TIMMER: 0 FURIMOOK • 0 30-50 TON. • 0 SINKS • 0 DRAINS • 0 1 BRO e MISC • 0 50+ TON • 0 DISH WASHERS • 0 LAWN SPRINKLERS: 0 GAS DRYER..: 0 AIR HANDLING UNITS FUEL TAMS------- ELEC RIR HEATERS...: 0 OTHER FIXTURES.: 0 RANGE 0 <10,000 CFM: 0 ABOVE GROUND: 0 LAUN WSHR OUILTS...: 0 GAS LOGS...: 0 > 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDERGROUND.: 0 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS MIER ISSUANCE IF NO WORK IS SIARIED, RESIDUUM AND GRADING PERMITS EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER SAFE OF ISSUANCE. J (LAMY THAI THE IMORNAIION FURNISHED DY NE IL TRUE AND ORRECI TO IHI REST OF MY KINVIEDGI AND IDE MIAOW CITY OF FEDERAL NAY REOUIRENENTS NIEL BE NEI. ,--- -OWNER OR AGENT / -y.. 4- NI[ , "A FIELD COPY • SETBACKS & FOOTINGS Date By FOUNDATION WALLS Date By PLUMBING GROUNDWORK Date By Ansommi 7 UNDERFLOOR FRAMING Date By SHEAR WALLS Date By PLUMBING ROUGH-IN Date By GAS PIPING Date By MECHANICAL ROUGH-IN Date By MECHANICAL (OTHER) Date By Le FRAMING Date By INSULATION Date By GWB - 1ST LAYER Date By GWB - 2ND LAYER Date By SUSPENDED CEILING Date By PLANNING FINAL Date By ENGINEERING FINAL Date By FIRE FINAL .................. ................ . . Date "Z6, -`p3 ByGttif✓) BUILDING FINAL Date (i - ( By Di_ OTHER e ( -;G_ Date ��C_c J By W O p OTHER Date By CD01 93 L... iiia...... .. ......:...:.::.:.......................::...... ............:. .. . ::.: .�:::.�.�. • . . ::::::::...;............. .............. .. . ..... ... ...................................... .... .. ..iiia.:.•::: : : .i ;: :-. :.::::. :.. .t. .................. ............... .. ......:... ,. ♦..:..,. .4........,C, • }. \.iiia: $R, ............... .•:. .. .iiia.{y.y.. .:..r,...r.........n::..vv::.::::.:nv:.v,.,:.::,.....:............ :.::...�::::::-.!:::.•:— ::..:.�:.�:::::............... .. ....:.:........... . ... ..• .,•':. •. . } ...,. ..................................... ..... .... . . a: ii a. :::.. :, .iiia a .::..,..: :. . ..:.:;o-:;::+>�::: :::::::•: .: ..... iiia.. : -- s ' -Ill ;.{: v C1iL ®_ Federal VVa ■ f. Lir caie of Occupancy f ' This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: OCCUPANT LOAD: 0 PERMIT NUMBER: BLD98-0375 TENANT NAME. . : FRAME SHOP ADDRESS • 1908 S 341ST PL Unit: 4 GROUP: 114 ? ? ? SQFT: 892 CONSTRUCTON TYPE: 5N 2 ? ? - OWNER NAME. . . : FRAME SHOP ADDRESS • 1908 S 341ST PL, #4 x�3:'i ... FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 iiia �8 Building Official Date 4i. The priority focus in the review and inspection made by the City prior to issuance of this Certificate was on those matters which experience has shown most severely affect the health and safety of the general public. Although the City has made as complete a •• review and inspection as is reasonably possible(within budgetary time and personnel limitations), the City neither guarantees nor warrants to the owner/occupant or to any other person that this Certificate evidences strict compliance with each and every ordinance or regulation of the City or the State of Washington affecting the construction or use of said structure or the land up on which it is situated. Such compliance is the responsibility of the owner and/or occupant of the premises. ...!.. .1-..i.l....'....:-; ...:..iii..f..:::;.:.:' M POST IN A CONSPIC UOUS PLACE iiia; L! ' ill .... ....,{:::iiia}.::::::::::::::::.�... . . ...... ........... ............. .}:.::..:h.:::::: ::,:..:.....:...r...::......iiia:}:.::::.:..t:.:.�::::::.. .......... ...... :...... r..... . ................. .. ... ................. ............iiia.:... r•:..;•...r..v....;i.a ,.....::::.h.:�:Y:. • BUILDING DIVISIO Cf of �� 33530 First Way Sou _ -- -- �•- - Federal Way,WA 9800 uV � _ V (53)661-4000 4�� c Fax(253)661-4129 ,.3014 1 199V aT „1 wAY YOFFE- APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PLEASE PRINT APPLICATION # 1.3LN'g-Q 7j"?5 .iSiliktfiMATIUMMMENREE''d Address 341Y-- P1 44-/ Tenant(if known) Lot# Ass s T It F ft 4ltE sW vyyo �fc�3yO-- (7u:io Building Owner's Name Address To es4fc 1 �2 PG NvCSTi1jtjS 72/ So City 4-D'DI04/L. W/Q>/ IState ..U#4 Zip 9 T d 2- Phone Nature of Work REPg///i j bd A w,¢LZ A.:>h'5.1.CANT,.::.;:>;;..;:.:;.;::.;:.;:.;;;;:.;;:.:.:;.::.:.>::.;>:«.;:.;.;:::.;:.:.:<:. Name (F,M,L) Address City State Zip Contact Person Day Phone Other Phone Fax Company Name GAiy gOZ\I A/ Gwti&-OZ. Address 3z` 3 a 2 PL/ City FED A '/ L 1,(J/9 y State Zip 9cFati 3 Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's It (card must be presented) Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes 0 No ARCHITECT > <' >< > >><>> '< €€€`'>'> ``? ' Name Address City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax LEGAL DESCRIPTION Please Complete Reverse Side IIII T�xistin Use Proposed osed Use 9 , Permit includes: ❑ Building ❑ Plumbing D Mechanical 0 Other Type of Work: 0 Residential 0 New ❑ Remodel 0 Number of Units 0 Deck lir Commercial ❑ Addition 0 Garage ❑ Shed 0 Other Enter 1st Floor a'2 sq ft 2nd Floor sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Existing Floor Area sq ft Area Basement sq ft Decks sq ft Garage sq ft Proposed Total Area sq ft Water Availability IW Sewer Availability ❑ On-Site Septic System Availability 0 Project Valuation $ /.„UCI 4' Zoning I Lot Size Existing Bldg Valuation $ tENDER%: > >`?':< >« ><i.:< :M:i: z:<:><.>"`' Name Address City State Zip Contractor Name Address City State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No Contractor Name Address City State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No *,,,.;; ; ;:;:.;;:.;::: ;;.; :.;;;;;:.;: P4U1V1M1S1G>f1XT1:lFiEO. . *X...... .. Water Closets Sinks Urinals Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs Dish Washers Drinking Fountains Other Showers Electric Water Heaters Sumps Lavatories Washing Machine Drains Total Fixture jCount ONLY ATI N $ O MECHANICAL EVALU Fuel Type (electric/other) Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons Length of Gas Piping Range Air Handling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ Tons Furn >100 BTUs Fans Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt Hood Boilers Above Ground Cony Burner Duct Work 0-3 Tons Underground BBQ's Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons Total Umt G4Upi DISCLAIMER:I certify under penalty of perjury that the information furnished by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,and further,that I am authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made.I further agree to save harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim(including costs,expenses,and attorneys'fees incurred in investigation and defense of such claim),which may be made by any person,including the undersigned,and filed against the City of Federal Way,but only where such claim arises out of the reliance of the city,including its officers and employees,upon the accuracy of the information supplied to the city as a part of this application. : :ent: ngQ'/ 1 iAf,71-''t----- Date: ING D