93-102145 "r►. r q�- la � �Y� CITY OF FEDERAL WAY B U I LDING PEI�:MI T PERISSUED- 09/OS/932� 33530 First Way South Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 661-4140 BY: FLF 661-4000 EXPIRES: 03/07/94 ADDRESS: 1928 S SEATAC MALL NO. : 762240-OO1Q PROJECT DESCRIPTION:TI - REMODEL E%ISTIN6 TENANT SPACE. ONMER CONTRACTOR LENDER KINMEY SHOES MIDDLESEX CSTM IMT/6EN COMT IN 1928 S SEATAC MALL P.O. BOX 1134 --DERAL MAY MA 98003 b65 MARTIN ST RANMAY N7 07065 908-396-0500 MIDDLCI104J3 BLD?:X MEC?:X PLM?: FLR--EXIST--PROP--- DMELLIN6 UNITS: 0 COMP PLAN.........:? FEES; TYPE OF MORK:TEM USE:COM 1ST.: 3360: 33b0:sf STORIES........: 0 RfQUIRED PARIIIN6..: 0 SPRIMKLERS?......:? PLAM CNECII DEP�IT.� : 184.93 CENSUS CATE60R1'.....:431 2ND.: 0: O:sf NEI6HT.....: 0.00 ft HAZA(� CLASS,..:? FINAL PLAM CNECK...i = 0.00 OCCUPANCY 6ROUP---------- 31�.: 0: O:sf YALUATIOM---------- REQUIRED SETBACKS------- FIRE fL011....: 0 gp� BUILDI116 PERMIT....� = 284.50 :62 :? :? :? : OTHR: 0: O:sf EXIST.,;: O FROMT.........: 0.00 ft PLCK-FIR coul only* = 14.23 TYPE OF CONST(�TION----- BSMT: 0: O:sf P�P...3: 29600 SIDE..........: 0.00 ft MATER SERVICE..:fED SBCC SURCHAR6E.....# = 4.50 :5M :? :? :? : DECK: 0: O:sf REAR..........: O.00:ft SEMER SERYICE..:fED MEC APPIIANCE FEES.i = 4.50 OCCUPANT LOAD------------ 6AR.: 0: O:sf RECEIVED.:08�20/93 : 40: 0: 0: 0: TOTI: 33b0: 3360:sf IMPERY SURFACE: 0 sf SEMSITIVE AREAS?.:? FUEL TrPES.: fAMS..........: 1 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS MATER CLOSETS......: 0 URINALS........: 0 TOTAL FEES = 492.66 PIPIM6.: 0 ft t�OD..........: 0 0-3 HP......: 0 BATH TUBS..........: 0 DRIMKIM6 fOUNT.: 0 N<100K..: 0 DUCT IIORI�.....: 0 3-15 HP.....: 0 SNOMERS............: 0 SUMPS..........: 0 tNIT....: 0 MOOD STOVES...: 0 15-30 HP....: 0 LAYATORIES.........: 0 VAC BREAKERS...: 0 COMY BURNER: 0 fURN>100K.....: 0 30-50 HP....: 0 SINKS..............: 0 DRAIMS.........: O BBQ........: 0 MISC.......,..: 0 5+ NP.......: 0 DISN MASHERS.......: 0 LAMN SPRINKLERS: 0 6AS DRYER..: 0 AIR HAMDLIM6 UNITS FUEL TAMKS--------- ELEC MTR HEATERS...: 0 OTNER fIXTURES.: 0 RAN6E......: 0 <=10,000 CFM: 0 ABOYE 61t0UIID: 0 LMIM NSHR WTLTS...: O 6AS L06S...: 0 > 10,000 CFM: 0 UI�ER6ROUMD.: 0 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAYS AfTER ISSUANCE IF MO MORII IS STARTED. RESIDENTIAL AND 6RADIM6 PERMITS EXPIRE ONE 1fEAR AFTER DATE OF ISSUAMCE. I CERTIFY TNAT THE IMFORMATIOM FURNISED ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT�T THE BEST OF MY KNONLED6E AMD TNE APPLICABLE CITY Of FERERAL MAY REQUIREMENTS MILL BE MET. ��, . � OWNER OR AGENT -,,��=- • - `�-'�---- - =------------- DATE � FILE COPY ——— �� — - - -��;-„;�a..E��.�.�,:�,.;.,..v.�n. �.,�.�.:°- a � � 33530OFirst�EWay South B U I LD I NG P EI�:MI T PERISSUED: 09/08/9324 Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspection Requests 661-4140 BY: FC 661-4000 EXPIRES: 03/07/94 � ** REVISED PERMIT ** ADDRESS: 1928 S SEATAC MALL iVO. : 762240-0010 PROJECT DESCRIPTION:TI - REMODEL EXISTIN6 TEMANT SPACE. REVISED APPLICATION REC'D 9/22/93 TO INCLUDE PLUMBIM6 MORK. OMMER COMTRACTOR IENDER � KINMEY SHOES MIDDLESEX CSTM INT�6EM COMT IM 3 5 SEATAC MALL P.O. BOX 1134 �RAL MAY MA 98003 b65 MARTIM ST AANMAY NJ 07065 908-3%-0500 MIDDLCI144J3 BLD?:X MEC?:X PLM?:X FLR--EXIST--PROP--- DMELLIN6 UNITS: 0 COMP PLAM.........:? fEES: TYPE OF MORK:TEM USE:COM 1ST.: 3360: 3360:sf STORIES........: 0 REWlIRED PARKIM6..: 0 SPRIMKLERS?......:? PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT.= = 164.93 CEMSUS CATE60RY.....:437 2ND.: 4: O:sf HEI6HT.....: 0.00 ft HAIARO CLASS...:? FINAL PLAM CHECK...* = 0.40 OCCUPAMCy 6ROUP---------- 3RD.: 0: O:sf VALUATIOM---------- REGUIRED SETBACKS------- FIRE FLON....: 0 gp� BUILDIN6 PERMIT....= = 264.50 :62 : : : : OTHR: 0: O:sf EXIST..=: 0 FRONT.........: 0.00 ft PLCK-FIR co�sl onlyt = 14.23 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOM----- BSMT: 0: O:sf PROP...=: 29600 SIDE..........: 0.00 ft MATER SERVICE..:fED SBCC SURCHAR6E.....; = 4.50 :5N : : : : DECK: 0: O:sf REAR..........: O.00:ft SENER SERYICE..:FED MEC APPIIANCE FEES.j = 4.50 OCCUPAMT LOAD--------=--- 6AR.: 0: O:sf RECEIVED.:08/20/93 PLM PRMT ISSUANCE.. = 20.00 : 40: 0: 0: 0: TOTL: 33b0: 3360:sf IMPERV SURFACE: 0 sf SENSITIVE AREAS?.:? PLUMBIM6 FIXT....93� = 21.00 TYPES.: FAMS..........: 1 BOILERS/COMPRESSORS MATER CLOSETS......: 0 URIMALS........: 0 TOTAL fEES = 533.b6 __ PIPIN6.: 0 ft HOOD..........: 0 0-3 HP......: 0 BATH TUBS.........,: 0 DRIMKIN6 FOUMT.: 0 FURiI<100K..: 0 DUCT MORK.....: 0 3-15 HP.....: 8 SNOMERS............: 0 SUMPS..........: 4 6AS NMT.,..: 0 MOOD STOVES...: 0 15-30 HP....: 0 LAVATORIES.........: 0 VAC BREAKERS...; 0 �a COMY BURMER: 0 fURll>100[.....: 0 30-50 NP....: 0 SINKS..............: 1 DRAINS.........: 0 BBp........: 0 MISC..........: 0 5+ NP.......: 0 DISH NASHERS.......: 0 LAMM SPRINKLERS: 0 6AS DR11ER..: 0 AIR HAMDLIN6 UMITS FUEL TANKS--------- ELEC MTR HEATERS...: 1 OTHER FIXTURES.: 0 RAN6E......: 0 <=10,000 CFM: 0 ABOVE 6ROlIND: 0 LAUN MSNR OUTLTS...: 0 6AS L�S...: O > 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDER6ROUND.: 0 PEAMITS EXPIRE 180 DAIfS AFTER ISSUAMCE IF NO MORK IS STARTEd. RESIDENTIAL AND 6RADIM6 PERMITS EXPIRE ONE 1fEAR AFTER DATE OF ISSUAMCE. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATIOM FURNISED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF M1f KNOMLED6E AND TNE APPLICABLE CIT11 OF FERERAL NAY REQUIREMENTS MILL BE MET. OWNER OR AGENT __ �__� -,��-�����____�_�___________�___ DATE �,���,��� FILE CC�PY < , � � � L/�1�`V �����►lrl�� NEf�:E•rl i N�T: c��i;>'�:,-0`.>N� �,� r �: �c way �i����.�� IS'�UE�: 09jCi8/93 , :..:.a=_�ra3 Way, �NA ����3Q3 Buildin�3 I�n�pection R��uest� 663-4240 �Y: FC 661-400C� �XPIRES. 03/07%`�4 ** REVZ�ED PERMIT �* r ADUF�E:aS: l`�:.'8 r� `_>EATAG �l�ti_.i_ NO. : 762�Q0-t'3010 PROJE�1' UESCRIPTIfJN:TI - REI�DEL EXISTIM6 TEIWlII SAACE. REYISED APPIICATIOM REC`D 9/22/93 TQ INCLNDE RLlNtBI14G MORI(. � �HtER CiMITRACiOR � IEIIDER °;Hi'iES 11IDDLE�EIi C�TM iMT/6EN CONT IN �r.;n�" �!„r P.O. 6171i 113d � ' bd5 MARTIM ST RAtMIAT MJ O70i65 � � e���►,kD�, m_ �- e r _ : ��� _ a,�� �, � _ �:_, �--��. ..--=-.---=- ` � �, a.. Bi.O?:X MfC?:l( PLM".:X FIR--t ���a�- ��ti� 4i�li�` * ++ f�' �tAN.........:? ; 'EfS: T�'Ff Of �0�(:TEN USE:COM iST,u ;�3dQ.� � ., sf °'�_ ;�k.1ES�,�����,�.�4� ��t1i��P��14�1�.� � � �'� ���t'� :".W „�°� ; PLAN CNECx DEPOSIT.; ; 18i.93 Cf.NSUS CATE60RY.....:137 2l�.: ' 4a �3.�� na N��NT�,««,�'�', �► 't �� �`d � . � � � 1���.+ ,.��e��� ��� FINAI pLAN CNfC�...� # 0.04 �, tiCCNPAI{CY 6�fl!UP-_______� ��.: � �f Y�}Aii�---- --- �1 k�.�? ��iE��Aw�����----- �E fl�i..�:. �" 0 pa�. ��PERMIT....s i 78�.50 rv�e :�2 : : : : ���t: �� �� �,'��� '� E�S't .+� � �P s: . . � �� � � coal only� � t1.23 � iYPE � CONSTRUCTIflN----- `�M�: � G "� . P,,.�- '?�s�? �.�,�,...,,....: 4.d0 ft iIHTER SERYICE..:FED SBCC 'SURCNAR�GE.....x S �.50 ;SN : : : : DC� t � t' €�`� �EAR.......,.,: Q.04:ft SEMER 5ER4'ICE..:fEO MEC APPIIRMCE FEfS.x ' 1.54 t�CUPANi LOAD------------ 6A�t ��� `��1 ��� 0 �y����EC � D.:08/�9� m PLM PAlIt ISSlMl�E.. ; 21i.D4 . 40: 0: 0: 4: TOiI 3� �� IIl�ERY SURfACE: 0 sf SEit5IT1YE A�EAS?.:? PLl�l6IN6 fI3IT....93Y � 21.96 . � � � , ""'l TCPES.: FAMS..........: i �ILERS/COMPRESSORS MATER CLOSETS....... 0 UR[lWLS........: � tE}TAL f�ES 3 S;i3.b6 PIAIM6,: 0 ft IIOOD..........: 4 0-3 NP......: 0 BAiN TUBS....,,....: 0 DRIIIKIM6 f(�1NT.: 0 FURM<lOQi�..; 0 �1 Mf1RK.....: 0 3-15 Mp.....: 0 SNOMEft�............: fl StlMPS..........; 4 f�dlS i�IT....: 0 N(�OD STDYfS...: 0 15-30 NP....: b i.AYATORIES.........: 4 YAC SREAKERS...: 0 COMY BURNER: 4 fURM>lOOX...... 0 34-50 NP,...: 4 SINKS..............: 1 DttAI1tS.........: 0 �8�...,....: Q MISC..........: 0 5+ N�.....,.: d 6tSH MASIi�R3.......: 0 LAMN SPRINi�IERS: Q 6AS DR1'E�..: 4 AIR NAi�liN6 UItITS fU�l TANXS--------- ELEC MTR NEAtERS...: 1 UTNER fIXTURES.. 4 RAN!�E......: 4 <�14,�rD0 f.fM: 0 ASOVE 6ROU11D: 4 LAUN it�INt Otlitl'S,,.; 0 6AS l�S.,.: 0 > 10,000 CFl1: fl !l�ER6�t1U1�.: � n�o�g�z. ry�r�rc e��, �n�c {;�TER ISSUAI�E I�' MO MORK i5 STARTED. RESIDENIIR�. AMD 6RfN1IMG �Eid1ITS EXPIRE DNE YEAR AfTER dATF Q� ISSUAMCE. , )N FURMISE� BY ?�E I� TRUE AMD CORRECT �0 iHE BEST 0� NY K�tOMlEB6E AKD iNE APPtICABtE CITY OF fERERAt MAY RE�liRE1fENT5 MTtI BE lIET. _ / • `� ' : -V � ( �A t.�'L-- , ,.. � _� � - , _ -- ��� �'� 0:� ��� � .. . : _ . , , �h�� � , . FiE�n c� ��� a �f . � ,., f;O�F irst�Way Sauth B tJ I �DING PEF:MI'I' ���ISSUED: �4J(}��93�� Federal Way, WA 9t3a03 Building In�pectian R�quests 661-R140 BY; Fl.� 661-a000 �x�����: 03,�o�/�a ADC�RES�: I928 S SEATAC MALL NO. : 7622A0-0010 f�ROJECT DESCRIPTION:iI - RE1�6E1 E%ISTIN6 Tfi1ANT 5PACE, �OM1�N CONIRACTOR .—�. LEI�EB . - . ._. .�_ .-�---�-z--,s--;-:�_.._._.. KIiNI�Y SHOES 1{I�IESEX C5TM IMT/6EN CDMT IM � �W?R C *�'ATnr !9�1t P.O. 8QX 113A ! b65 MARTiN 3T � ° RAIAIAY !IJ 47665 ! 908-34b-4500 f 11�861C� . _ ' ___—�.-�-.-_.`.�_�.,_�_,. . �._ : v.. . - ��= _ .,_. ,,_.._- _� __ _ . r:,��:�-�-,� � _ __� _.� BLD?:X MfC?:X PLM?: fi.R--fxi � -aM,pA . t7lfCttT� 111tTT5`. ?� '' C�lP PIAN. .......:? � FEE5: IYPE Of 11(lRt:TEN USf:COM 151.: ,:;,r,ratlt 33GO.sf`° �T�if'�.....'.,.:� .9 �[RE�J �e�K[i�..: 0 SPRINKl.ERa?......:? , PIAN CHfC1( DfPOStt.s t t94.43 � CF�NSUS CATEfiORr.....:431 'la}._: D: �� O:sf ''�� HE��#T.....,,°����F? �t �� ' „� � � fINAI PIAN CHECX...x ; 0.00 �,, _ -� OCGIIPAlICy �1�---_______ y� : �,�� �: �� "� ' V�UA1TtN{ _;�.� r�t���;3r�������'-, � �I�� Fl.�.... s yrr ���� s �lIlD1M6 AEIglIT....� � 281.54 :82 :? :? :? � �'f�� � °�°�` Q�Sfi ., E��T..�: , , } �k� „ �� � ��iu tt � �° � � Gf�-��I�. �1 anlX� i 24,23 : �� TYPE 4� COIN5T�11C1IDN--- ��� .8�: � #S� � ��; p�P...'�. � 7'4�,�� ' �x➢� ....... '�� �:����t 11A1ER SERV� ...ffD �" '�'�IIA�E..,..t f 4.50 :5M :? :? :? . ����C�C�, �� ��a a��,� �ro.` ��::,........ 8.t70:ft SEMEN SE�IICE..:fED MEC APPtIAlICE fEES.x = A.50 �� .� OCCt�AIIT I,OAD------------ � "; ��' '����� ���Y�Q.°�/20j� ;�. . i8: 8• fl• 4: T4� .3�! �i6��.�# °a i.PERY 5URfACE: 0 sf SENSITIYE AREAS?.:? • . �h ..a1 . ._.... . . . . .:.'T�:� ��a.. �;� .,. � ��,` fUEI TYPES.: FAMS ..:�.....: i� ��`` �'lILERS/COIIPRfSSi1RS i�I1ER fLOSETS......: 4 1lR1MALS........: 0 TOTAL fEES = /92.66 "'�" PIAIN�6.: 4 ft i�IOD..........: 4 Q-3 NP......: 0 BATN TU83..........: 4 DRINKI116 FOUNT.: 0 �N<140X... 0 DUCT INNtI(...... � 3-15 HP...... 4 SI�f.RS............. Q SIMlPS........... 0 ; �6AS iNOT....: 0 iN�)D STOYfS...: 0 l5-�Q N�....: 0 LAYATORIES.....,...: 0 YAC �REAKERS...: 0 CONY 6URMER: 0 fURN>14QK.....: 0 30-50 HP..,.: 0 SINKS..............: 0 DRAIM�.........: 0 88i1......... 0 IlISC....,,..... 0 5+ NP........ 0 DISiI MASilERS....,... 0 LAMiI SPR1Ni(tEt�: 0 6A� BR�ER..: 0 AIR !lAIM'il.IM6 UNiTS FUEi iAliXS--------- EIEC NTR NEAtERS...: 0 OTNER FIXTURE�.: 6 RAN6E......; 0 <-14,000 CiM: 4 ABQYE 6RW1lD: 0 LAfNI MSNR OUTIiS...: 4 &AS 106S...: 0 > 10,U00 CfM: 4 UNDfR6R0011B.: 0 .�,,� ____ __..-._� _ .. —,_,___ _. . ..,_.__. -�:.-��.-,-,__--._.�. _..�__._�_.-- —-�.-- :'��g�':, `t's�i�� ��tn ��AYS E�FiER ISSUAMCE 1F NO MQR[ IS SipR1fD. RESIDENttAI AI� 6RAQIN6 PER!!1(S EXPIRE aNE YEAR Af�ER DATE Of ISSUAIECE. �fOf�TiDM FUAqISE ME IS TRIlE AI� CO�RECT,,LB, iNf BE5� flf MY KlIONLED6F Rf10 tNE APP!ICA�IE CIT OF FfRERAt MAY REQUIRENEMTS IOIit P.E MET. /�/�, /�� r � � .f� _ '� � '--�i 1.!�. `J , , � ,� � , . {. _ FIELD COPY , , . .. , : � ' � � SE76ACKS & FOOTINGS Date By . FOUNDATION WALLS Date By PLUMBING GROUNDWbRK Date By UNDERFLOOR FRAMING Date By SHFAR WAlL5 Date By PLUMBING ROUGH=IN Date ��- � �/ -��;� By `� GAS PIPING Date By MECHANICAL ROUGH-II�f Date By MECHANICAL (OTHER) Date By FRAMING �``�a-��J Y�/�G�r�Uq QlL C7.c1 i,3,�j rEQvv:t� d-1�rJ �'���2 � . U/ � 5 t��=.�:,✓c, Date By GC�GiOi� 5,� a� , LL �C � CJ�� O/L `i -��/-q :h�v INSULATION Date By GWB - 1 ST LAYER Date ��- BY /��/ GWB - 2ND LAYER Date By SUSPENDED CEILING Date %�-7—�j3 By`Lj PLANNING FINAL Date By ENGINEERING FINAL Date By FIRE FINAL Date �. ; � �.n_. BY BUILDING FINAL \ , ., � / Date��% ,_ � � _� By ���� OTHER Date By OTHER Date By CD0193 '� 1 City of Federal Way � � c : IVEC� � v� � APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT � �, � , � ;L� &c`fa�es� :�CT�RA�Wttd PLEASE PR/NT "�� �EF�', APPLICAT/ON #: �-. ^ 6 � S1TE LOCATION ,address S � �� � yy� � Tenant (if known) ` Lot # Assessor's Tax # � 1 � S O� '7�zZ -td/� Building Owner Name Address City � State � � , Zip Phone Nature of Work APPLICANT Name (F,M,L) i ��� � �i i �L`_ C C ✓/'l/U ; , �:/J? ' ��',�r�.'?`�;f'� Address City State Zip Contact Person Day Phone Other Phone Fax B G CONTRACTOR ' Company me Address ' City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's # (card must be presented) Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No ARCHITECT Name � Address City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax LEGAL D IPTION Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 IRev 4l931 $'j'RiJC'j'[JRE ting Use posed Use Permit includes: .� Building Plumbing L, Mechanical ❑ Other 1`ype of Work: ❑ Residential ❑ New model ❑ Number of Units ❑ Deck � O Commercial ❑ Addition ❑ Garage ❑ Shed ❑ Other Enter 1 st Floor sq ft 2�d Floor sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Existing Floor Area sq ft Area Basement sq ft Decks sq ft Garage sq ft Proposed Total Area sq ft Water Availability ❑ Sewer Availability ❑ On-Site Septic System Availability ❑ Project Valuation S Zoning Lot Size Existing Bldg Valuation 5 LEI�IDER Name Address City State Zip NiECHANICAL C RACTOR � Contractor Name Address City State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No p� PLU1�fBING CONTRACTOR Contractor me � Address � N-�, �. �- S� L L r--- City � < State Zip Contact � Pt�q _/� Fa� � �� v �f g � License # �v (`U� � Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No '� I 5�� � 3 YLU11fBING FIXTURE COUNT Water Closets Sinks Urinais Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs Dish Washers Drinking Fountains Other Showers Electric Water Heaters Sumps Lavatories Washing Machine Drains Totai Fixture Count NfE MCAL UNIT COUN'T Fuel Type tric/other) Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons Length of Gas Pipin Range Air Handling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ To�s Furn >100 BTUs Fans Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt Hood Boilers Above Ground Conv Burner D Work 0-3 Tons Underground BBQ's Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons Total Unit Count DISCLAIMER: I certify under penelty of perjury that the information furnished by me ie true end correct to the beet of my knowledge and turther thet I em authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made.I further agree to seve harmless the City of Federat Way ae to any cleim(includinp costs,expe�ses, and attorneys'feea incurred in investigation and defenae of such claim�,which may be made by eny person,including the undersigned,and filed epainst the City of Federal Wey, but only where such claim arises out of the relience of the City, includinp its officers end employees,upon the accurecy of jyq iryf�mati rysu plied to the City as a part of this application. �A/ A C` / �Owner/Agent:_-----J�,��(�{„ � (�(�—� lJ�/�„� Date: ���_ City of Federal Way p_� Z �� �..� G _ �96 Z -�- �r-�r=� �� APPLIC _ �H�JILDING PERMI ��6 z- y E'f• � E"� i�i I l7 �: ;� ����y'As; PLEASE PR/NT APPL/CATION #: �'�s' /��D%�i� SITE LOCATION : Address � �������`'� � Tenant (if known) L/ G Lot# A������# OQ�D /f Building Owner Name Address _% �/ ii / City State Zip a Phone o � Nature of Work i � � �, v� APPLICANT ' ���� Name (F,M,L) y� /T � ' Address City � r- State Zip � Contact Person � Day Phone Other Phone Fax � T� C� r Z - 7Zo -- S�o 2�2'7Lo- yZ Z BUII,DING CONTRACTOR Compeny Name , � �- l ' E � Address 1 ' � T City State Zip p Contact Person Phone �//� Fax D —o D �O Contractor's �f (card must be presented) Expirati n te Verified ❑ Yes O No /y1. (�,l�G C l. /o,�J3 5� 9 y ARCHITECT < Name Address Z o a �/o City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax S!/ � Go 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Please Complete Reverse Side CD0492 IRev a;83i STRUCTURE use f •l Sed use � . �?� 4, Permit i�cludes: ❑ Building � Plumbing � Mechanical O Other Type of Work: ❑ Residential 0 New �9 Remodel ❑ Number of Units_ ❑ Deck [� Commercial ❑ Additio� ❑ Garage ❑ Shed ❑ Other Enter 1 st Floor sq ft 2nd Floor sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Existine Floor Area , �Q�6 sq ft Area Basement sq ft Decks sq ft Garage sq ft Proposed Total Area sq ft Water Availability ❑ Sewer Availability ❑ On-Site Septic System Availability ❑ Project Valuation S �p�,� Zoning Lot Size Existing Bldg Valuation S LENDER Name Address m.✓� City State Zip MECHANICAL' CONTRACTOR ' Contractor Name Address City State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No PLUI�ZBING CONTRACTOR . Contractor Name Address Ci� State ZiP Contact Pho�e Fax License # Expiration Date Verified � Yes � No PLUMBING FIXTIJRE �OiJNT Water Clo$ets Sinks Urinals Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs Dish Washers Drinking Fountains Other Showers Electric Water Heaters Sumps Lavatories Washing Machine Drains Total Fixiure Count 4 1�'IECHANICAI. UNTI' COITN�` Fuel Type (electric/other) Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons Length of Gas Piping Range Air Handling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ Tons Furn >100 BTUs Fans Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt Hood Boilers Above Ground Conv Burner Duct Work 0-3 Tons Underground ggQ'S Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons Tof81 Unit Count DISCLAIMER: I cartify undar penalty ot perjury that the information furnished by me is true end conect to the best of my knowledge end further that I em authorized by the owner of the above premises to perform the work tor which permit epplication is made.I further egree to cave harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim�includinp coste,expenses, and attorneys'tees incurred in investigation and detenae oi such claim�,which may be made by any person,includinp the undersigned,and tiled epainst the City ot Federal Way, but only where such claim arises out ot the reliance of the City, including its office�s and employaec,upon the accuracy of the information supplied to tha City as e pert of this application. OwnerlAgent: , Date: �/�Z�/ A���1► ����o o�r�� �e�r� �ter� ���or►► ��t�rr, ���9t/j �����4,� s „a��f�41/►� ,�ao��lll/�i�,,,aoo�l4l/js�,�a\,0190/j►,v,q�\`1111/0�,,,��\,11�/O�o,;����1���/ ♦ q�,\ \11�1/I/r�0�11111 �i�..v��11111 oi „ � �11111 s „ o e�illl e - � � �11�ll i „ \ ��1110 r% � �14�0/ s � �,��\ �,�� /,f9'��\��I111/j�/// ��\��1111I��///�\�\��1111/j�///s\�\��11111��///•\�\��I111/j�///s��\��N�lll�/���!�\��,,,�/ ���,o ���� �/ ..�_�����►��i�,,/�/.v_���������iii,/�/.�����������ii,,/�/���������i�iii,/�/.�����������ir,,/�/.�����������ri,/��_• 1111/�/� =`��\������/�i�/I����\��.—:>i///����\��.-;,i//�1�.��.\��.:—�,i%/�1���\��:;...�i///1�l�\��;�__;•i//�����\��._:;i/li������\,1�1�(i�/,i��4 � ���� ��o�� �.��-i-'i� l`�'��� °":s,,ii; C�t�� �� � .���z.-�xX ���r ��e�o�� ,���,.►� � ,,,.�, R\����j � � ��i�ii�„ ��\\��� `:J���t- �������� �� Vl��� ��� %%i��i�n �����\` � � //����� —i�`, A `i-i-�'�, � �`������ ��0��j�� This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the Uniform Building Code certifying ��\\��\� ��i♦ that at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City \i�D` - -��\��j regulating building construction or use.-For the following: � ��j/jj� �..�\��\ /,/i�ii.� �=����, � OCCUPANT LOAD: 40 PERMIT NUMBER: BLD93-0924 , '����� �" � • +�== � �=����►1 o���i;; ������r.� �jij% TENANT NAME. . : KINNEY SHOES \���\00 o������� ADDRESS. . . . . . : 1928 S SEATAC MALL \�0��;� o ,�� ♦�;D �O�r�\� GROUP: B2 , SQFT: 672 0 CONSTRUCTON TYPE: 5N `'�j���s r p�\\�\\ OWNER NAME. . . : SEATAC MALL ASSOCIATES �/�/��� ��_• ��_::` � 1���,;; ADDRESS. . . . . . : 1928 SO SEATAC MALL ,:=��e� �:��a�� s���-,�� . �,a,/O�j� FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 �����_� ��/�/�� f-' ...- �\�\\��- i� �� � �i,�► _,,�. ; 11�,�1 --- ��.j �,��o��� __ �A `� ��'�'��` — = --------- - -�--�=� � /0��/�,. ��`=\�\� BUILDING OFFICIAL . � � DATE ' ������- ��1�:; � . . . . ' ���0� ��'��= The riorrl ocus in the review and ins ection made b lhe Cr[ �riar lo issciance o lhrs Ce�•1� ccate was on lhose mallers which ex erience ��`����' �s�,�� P Y.f P Y Y 1 .f .� P . ����_-o� ��/�j� hus shown mos!severely alfecl lhe heu!!h und safety oJllte generu!puUlic. Although !!�e Cily hus»2ade us co»iplele u review and i�ispectron us �\��\��= ���/����, is reasonably possible (wi[hin budgetary fime and personnel limitations), lhe City neilher guarantees nor warrants !o the owner/occupant or ;�,;�r ���(��'�1 fo any olher person that this Cer[ificate evidences strict compliance wrth each and every ordiiia�ice or regulalion of the City or the slate of ������ ,��`� Washinglon ajjecting [he co��.struction or use ojsaid slruclure or the lond upan which il is si/ualed. Such campliance is the responsibility oj ����8 ��\\��� the owner and/or occupant of the premises. �%� ������ ii���� �`� POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ����� Oi� "O► �,;,...;;; _ ��;....:\� �f:;..•:�� ��'••� �f:....,,,� J':;��:;�� � 111 ����//���'1,``�`���./'�/�rn��\\�\ ti � � /�//��iii����� � � � /�/���ii���\��//�r�n����\��. - ///��i�iii���\� 1 �. ///�i�n������`:��/0�/1,1,\\\a�- I/ � � ,��ii����1�1�1�1���\�\i%����1�1�1�1��\\��\��o���l�i�l�\ �\\�\i o0��/l�j�1�1 ��o\i%O���l�1�1�1��\��\s%/�//j�j����\��\�.���0 � � �� / 1111 �//j \ \��r/�// \ ei•seo// �\ ���:�/�/� �\�\e�s/�// �\�\r�s/�// \\ `;; � lli\ \ r//���1���Oe�ti��/��l 11��\� ��/0�����`�e� �//�'��;�0��e �//II 11���� a�sl�41,0\� �//���1�,\�-y�/��b e����a�� (I���j�j�► a��i�►► r��', ees'► ���o�ie �`�o�,► ,eav0�► '���0�►� � ♦�