20-104598 Gode gster$nces:�a15::�Rc:�ecUon�Z3'z5 tVVAc 51�57} . • AaPuc�roN NU�a��: '� �� �'���.�, $ECTIONS 'I. 2. 3. AND d Adi]S7 BE�AMRI.E'i�D BY APPLIC�'INTB�Ft�RE INSPECTICJN UYILL 8E RRQGESSED � � r � • * • � • � ,. ' ��,� � , . : �°"�`. � .. . � � , ' � �t�1�;}�; SITEADDRESS; �#.?��., �G��y� t� �L� 1�,t������.�.,�'„��SSESSt7f�'S TRXIPA�C�La����..: ._ _..._� a� � i ' � + +. .+ � � . mm � � , � . �^y � . � ,��'" ;,� '��; �� 'd , }� � � �� ���+° 4 � � .�. �Ra���r�owh�n�ar��3� g �...�:,�'� Y , ....�..�..�. ���n�re��c�r:�: 1�FN'�4,ICE�N�EE�1aM�:iF D[��tF�t);�.,..�<._..�.....�.,.�,��.�._w., ,�....,.:�::.:..�,. .�.....,.__�:� DAYTtME PH�NE�.,.,..,,�. • i • ' ' � �.ln a sep�rate sh�et af pap�r�8 �/Z x il) dr�vrr a f�or �an �inc�udin� a�l ��ors) af'yaur pro�c�iv�AF'�. �nc�ude a�� sleeping ro�ms �bedrat�ms) indicating�hich b�edr+�omis: �4, B, C D, � and �� �abe! al� �co��anentsf�r�xiting i.e.r stairs,'r�mps, p�a�orrns, lifts and el��ra��►�s. _ � 1 • " � " S • I cer�y u��°�en� tti per�r� #ha�i�te utfora'n�sr� htrc��i t>y s� �s� ar��€ tarre�t t4 the��st Of sYty kn4w�dc�e, atKi th�tt I �m` csque�n+� �r��n aut#�or'�ed #ry=tt��owr�et+�f ff�e: stttt�r�pr� tc� �t�t �sRecti�n ftst � oper�nn oF an Adt�#t�amitY ��tr�e �.t���ac�F t a�gtee t�t t�id#��m#� t�se ��ris�ik:�kar� cvt�t�utg su�� ��+�c�ns� at mY t�� � Co �r►Y`��irrt �ir�c�ad�� c�, '�c�Ze�, an��arn 5 fe�S in�t�tt`�f l�t�e�nv�g �fs�s�tr��a�ra�, ���t�rt�e r�de i�y�stY t�soc�,i��tiir��t�h�und�slg�+�st f �tt! t�ec4 ac,�s�t t�e���d�Eiort; �t crnt� mhe�°e �c�l�� ar� +�t+� t�f �S� r ce of �e'�tris�l�C�, in�tfin+� �s af°ftcers a� e�sbYee�' � a�f y a t�� �ifarn�cn��p�ti t� 1�e�ur�ci�cticrrt as a �tart�P�rs �tp�iiran. , � �f � �.,b � � , ��fr��r�: x.n �#� "' ' <o�:��' _ � � = � �� e�7�; /•�'��'�C` . �f��JPERTb'dWNER aAPPLiGANT ��,ICENSEE (Ef�ecti�: July 1, 2013.� . Effective;2013 July_Q1 Updated:2017 ��bruary .., »� .�, � W �,.�». , Se�tian (�315—Adult'familyhomes. SECTIE)N R325 ADULT FAMILY'HOMES R325.'t Gene�al.This sectian shaf!appiy to ail new ly constructed adulF farrily hornes and �ll axisting sir�gke famly homes beinc� canverted to a�ulk fiamily homes. This sectir�n shall not apply tn thase a�iuit famly homes license� by the state af Washington department, af social ai�d heaitt� services prior to July 1, 2001, ���s�.�:��r�rr�d. R325.3 Sleepingroom classificafian. Each 5leeping ro�om in an aduft family hame shall be ciassified as; 1.Type S -Where'ihe means o#egress contains stairs, eievators or plaifarm lifts. 2.Type NS3 -Where one means o#egress is at grade level or a rarrp cans�ructed i►t accordarice w ith R32�.9 is presvided. 3,'typs N52 -'U1«ere tw o means of egress are at grade leve#or ramps constructed in accordance w ith R325.9 are prvvided, R325.4 Types c3f Ilocking devices and doot ac�ivation. All bedroom and bathroom daors shaB be openable from the outside w'ben lticked. Every closet sha11 be readily apenabie from the inside. Oper�bl� parts of door ha,ndles, pu0s, latches,lacks and other devices instafled in adult farnily hames'shall be'operable w ith ane; hand and shall nat'require tight grasping, pinchirrg or tw isting of't17e'w rist.PackeT dnqrs shaU have gras�able harc�w are available w hen in th� ciosed or open posilian. The fflrce required io activate operable parts shall be 5.0 pounds (22.2 IV) maximum. Required exit daors shall h��ve no a�itlition�l Jocking devices. Rzquired �xit daor hardw are sh�ll�nlock inside,and'outside mechanisms w hen exiting the building a{low ing reentry inta the ad ukt family horrie w ithout the use of a key, tool or special knaw ledge. R325.a Sm oke and carbon Monoxide alarm requirements.Al)aduft family homes shall be equipped w ith smvke and carbon rrbnoxide' alarms' instailed as required in Sections R314 and fi3,1�.1. �tilarms shall be installed in suci�a manner so'that the detection device w arning is au�ible from all areas af the dw elting upon activat�an of a singie a{arm R325.6 Escape windaws and doors.�vE:rysl�e�ing room shail be p�ovided with emergency escape and rescuewindows as required by Section R310, No BPCernatives to thP s1l height such as steps, raised platforms or oth�r devices placed by the openings w�l be approved as meeting this,requfrercent. R325.� �ire apparatus access roads antl water supplyforfire protection.Aduftfamily homes sh:aA be servsdby fire apparatus access ro�ds and'w ater su�piies meet+ng, the requirerr�ents of khe local jurisdiction. R325.8 Grab bargeneralrequirertiant�.Wh�refacitities are des�gnated foruse by:adult farrily home clients, grab bars forwater cl�sets;bathtubs"and show ars#alls shaN be installe� aecording to this s,ection. R325.8.1 'Grahbar cross sectton.Grab bars w Rha circular crass seCtion shall have an autside diarneter o€ 1 1l4 inches rrinimu m and �inches maximum. Grab tsars w ith nonc�rcular crass section she11'have a-cross section dimension af 2 inches rrraxirrum and,a perimeter dimensian of 4 inches rrinimum and 9 5L8 inct�es maximur?�. R3�5.8.2 Grab bar installation:Grab k�ars sha0 have a spacing of 1 i!3 inches betw een the w a�and the ba�. Prnjecting objects, control va�vesand bathtub or showerstall enclosure featuras ahove;'below and at the ends of the grab bar sha11 have a ciear space of 9 112 inches ta the grab bar: EXCEPTION: Swing-up grab ba:rsshall nat be,requited td meatthe 1 1'12 inch�pacing requiremerrt Gfabs bars shali have a structvral strength of 25(} pau,nds applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, mounting device or s,upparting structural member.. Grab bars shall not be supported directly by any residentiai grade fibergiass�athing' ar shaw ering unit. AcryGc aars found in bath3ng units s'half be rernovsd. Fixed position grab bars,when mounted, shall nat rotate, spin'or move and h'ave a graspable'surfacef'�nish. R325.8.3 Grab bars at water close#s.INater closets shalt have grab bars mounted on both side5. Grab b�rs can be a combir�ation af fixetl pos�ion and sw ing-up bars.Grab bars shaN meet the requirements of R325.8. Grab bars shall rnaunY aetw een 33 inches and 36 inch�s above floor grade. �enterJine dis,tance belw een grab bars,regardless of type used,'shall be betw een 25 inchas Effective: 2013 July 01 Updat�d:�01�February R� Fxed position grab bars.Fxed position grah bars shall be a minimum of 3s inches in lengtn and start 1�inches fram th� rear w all. R325.8.3.2 Sw'tng-up grab bars;Sw ing-up yr�b bars shall be a minimu,rn af 28 inches in length frorn thc rear w aii. R325.8.�# Grab bars at bathtubs:Horizontal and vertical grab bars shall meet the requ�rements of R325.8. R325.8.�.1 Verticalgrabbars.Vertical grab bars shall'be a minimum af 18 inchesJong and'installsd �t the controi'�nd wa11 and head end w a�.Crab bars shafl rnaunt w ithin d inches of ihe ex terior of the laaih tub edge or w ithin 4 inches w ithin thz baih tuk�, The bottam end o#th�'�ar shall startbetween'3f inche� at�d'd2 inche$above flaor'grade. EX'CEPTtON:The required'vertical grab barcan be substituted wi#h a flaprto ceiling:grab bar rneeting the requirementsaf R325.8 atthe control:end and head end entry poir►ts; R325.8.4.2 Fbrizontal grab bars.Horizontai grab bars'shall be'pravided at the control end, head end, and the back w all within the t�attttub area.Grab bars shalt he mounted betw een 33 inr,hes and 36 inches at�ove#loor grade. Control end and head end grab bars shall be 24 inches minimum in iength. Back ru aII grab bar shaN be 36'inches rnnimum 'tn fength. R325:8.5 Grab bars at shower stafls.Wh�;ee show ersta!!s are ptovided to meet the r�quirerr�nts for bathing faeilities, grab bars shali meet the requirem,ents of l�25:8. EXC�RTION: ShQwer stalls with permane�built-in:seats a,ce not requirecl to have vertical or horizontal grab' bars at the seat end wall. A vertical floor to ce',iling grab bar shall be installed'with�in 4 inches of the exterior of the shaw�r:aligned with the nr�s of the built-in:sea#. R325.8.5.1 Verficatgrab bars.VertiGal grab ba�s shall be 18 inches minimum in lenyth and 'rnstalled at the con#ro1 c�nd wall and head end w all.Vertica!bacs shall 'be rmunted w ithin 4 inches of the exterior af the shqw er stall or w ithin d inches inside the shaw er stall. 17ie bot#om end of vertical bars rrount between 36inr.hes and 42'inches abo�e floar grade. R325.8.5:2'Fbrizantal g�ab bars.Horizontaf grab bars shalt be installed on all sides of the show erstall rnounted betw een 33� inehes artd 36 inches above the ffoar grade. Horizontal grab pars shap be a maximum of 6 inches framadjacent wakls.Harizontal grab bars shaN rto2 ir�tetfere w ith show er'controf�ah+es. R325!9 Ram ps.Alk interior and exterior ramps, w hen provided, shall be cansf�ucteci in accordance w'rth Section R311.8 w ith a maximum slope of 1 verfieal to 12 horizontal, The exception to R311.d:1 is nc�t allav+red foradult farnify homes. Hand�ails sfialt be insiaUed in accordance w ith R325,9.1. ,��,1' Fiandrails farxamps.Handraif� shall be install�d on both sides of ramps between the slope af 1 vertical to 12 horizc�ntal and 1 vertieal and 20 horizontal in accordance,w ith R311.8.3.� '.through R311.8.3.3. �� Stair treads and risers.Stair#reads and risers sha8 be constr�cted in accordanCe with R31 t.7.5. H�ndrails shaN be installed in accordance w ith R325.10.1. ,�,�� FFandrails for treads and risers.Handra�ls shall be installed an t�oth sides of tr�ads and risers:numbering from on� riser to multiple risers, Handrails sha�be instalted in"accordance w ith F�.i11.7.#3:1 thrnugh'R311.7.8.4 R325.11 Show e�stalls.Where pravided to meet th�requirements for bathing facil'dies, the minimum size of show er stalls far an adult family home shaU be 34 inches deep by 48'inches 9ong. [5tatukoryAuthority;RCW 4��,andchap�rs�.�7 and 3�fi�45RCW.13-0�-i368,§51-51-0325,fil�d�/1/13,ef�cfive 7f1t13.Stahitory Auih�stily:t�p�r�„�R`�.10-3 8-036,§5 7-5i-Q32�,f i led 812511 D,eFf��e$��+`1 C!.�rtatutory Autho�it�t;i'ttCW 19.2T.#�.1.�;�,.QZS��a�d cha�st�1�„�?,�t�d"���F��J.49�04-023,§51-51-0325,filed 1/27/09,�if8�ve��°t�1tl.�t�ttutary t�u#hori�y:R�iP�J 19."�7�i9."�,�,C..,,'�,'�,.�.2�rtd chap�Ets 19:'27 and�RCW.07-01-09D,g 51-51-U32a,filed 121191Qfi,�ff�tive 7t�}4?.Statuis�ry�4�thot�r;R�'�+t i�;?=g��,�nd�,,.4,.�,,.t��.04- 0'f'-1 DJ,§51-51-0325,filed 12�17103,leffective 7t1l04.j Effective:2013 July 0'1 Updated:2017'February . .. .... _--- ' ea � '` ` : w � ' � a k '.,� p t'� I�' �. � � �' ���� � �.�. + ? �,„�fi �. ' `f Fy � N i0 N C7 � � es - _ «� � � 'r �� ;, r. :. ,. ��� � �, � �.�.'} � •�. (f� ,�° �. � 6 � � . '"f = z�, a< iJ� � � '��"� � � � � w ... .. . ; � - 3. .`. t�� n : � ,�`�' M11 ; 4i w ����� � � f `� �Y }��• C i �N iV W. � +an �� � � . . . �� .. � � �5, ' ( . 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C� ' hJ _ .� �( . �� �` � � � a a C c ov -+ � � 7�'� �1 _1 .� .�� . ��=> �'->_ ,.. w, A � !Ak W `.� ' � r�s t N � itY �4 � � 3 � � � � � fi7 ` ����. 4Jt �i �... �.� . . .. � �F � � S2 L3 � � �. � .. �� � h� .i�a (� � � �'f 1 _ � � t - rp � • ��� � t � a � �-�l...�f� � . N v' ID�.� . . �' � � �. � �: � �' � C7� N � 1�1 ��'�, m V C3 � � � � � � �::� �,� ti.. � ��.• ��Il: ��� �� , �}r� 'C �' � � -� " � . �■� �'ry,, c ,c :, �.�. v = ,,,;:�`' ; ; .. �` ;�; � �, d � � ��-� � � � ,. , � ,�� 1.\!-fl7tV V� 11:f �i� �.��..• ...... � ' ������� � �', �� . PLEASE CHECK AlL APPLICABL��OX�S; hIHT�N THE�15T B£LGVti1 Tfl :tiE AFPLtC�tVT'S Fl,�tlA PLAt� -USiNf T�3E i�'�RQSPECTIV€ R�.SIDEfVT B£DR�t�M DEStG�tATtf7N5 OF AB CD EANb FAri(0 CLAS51FICl�TI�N CODE S. M1i51 �R NSZ. � + r . � . . f R32�.351e�ping Roqm Classifitat(an: �ecn s3�eping roaan in an Adu:; famr'q Humeshali be class;fiecl as. 7ypeS—whe:�c the inean5 of egress contains staits,etevata�s 4r�iatfarm Hfts ta�vac�ate resi�ents te pubiic area: 7�pe NS3.—w�ere 2 means of egress at grade Ievel (ha�.nv stain}oc tamp constructed cornp�iant wit� H325 9�s prov;ded to evacuate tesieienc, to public �,rea. Ty�t�tS2—where 2 me�ns af�re.s at ae le��el�t't !.ave n�sCa�}or ram�i c+�rrstruc4ed comp[iant w�tt� �.�25 9 are�tr�+�t�.�v�cuar���sider,ts tu�bac a re : �i"�,� , ;� �:: �� ,, �'', � ��� �Y��� �� ype N�1 Ty�ae Nsz vES �'� IV�l� ��� �, _ � � .. F;%1 : � �. ..�..,., '. . ,.�..- �. . . . Clesetc�s�t+rjsarereat�yd��na���rt�mtheir�side es No 5rnolieaiarmisirr�L�lEedinthebedro�m � Bed roo rn d oo r operss ea s��t�n�quie�f�t fro m ther�uts ide when 1 c�ic�ci � �ee�in�'roamwi�owh�s� r��tap�n�ngaf5.7SF{rninimumdi�ensiansatleast24"high;atl�ast2i3"wide) �'' 0 D(�EPT per R31d.2.1.at-gra�de e�cape wi;�d�u1s�-may have net ci earance apening 5 SF SI i 'rc�csmr+vindo�+uhas�r�tt�lt�murr�siilt�ei i�tof44"ala�veflc�ortaclear� �t� �r�as�� sunt�r'windc>wallc�u '' � � `,�,��...��.. � '�� " ` 7ype S 1`�'Pe NSl ��� TYPe NS2 YES:� �0���� 2 _;. � . . ,. .:. _. . .� .. , . CC'osetdc�r,��are��a�i � ablefr�mthe'rnsid� Yes Na SmQlt�alarmisinstalledintheber�room Bedresa�doary ��easi �r�f uickl ;roc-ntis�outsid�+�henlock�d �I eepi n�rovm wi n�'ow has� n�et apensng o�5,7 SF(fni nimum dimensions a t�past��''high,at 4 e��st 20"wi de} �' ESiCE�Tper R31t�.2.l.�t-gradeescape wi nd�ws-ma�r i�ave net cl earanc��pening 5 SF � ir� rv�cxnw�nda�t�has��'nn�yc�t��'ssiliktei h�.�€�"aboveftat�tac{�ara �r3€r� �nost �under��c�aa�+t�;lcn�r :� �� �. : : z. .. ,� '`.�. . „`�� �, �Y��NS1 T N52 YES MC ��. ... : �; �. � , . �YF�s : Cktsset�at�r �arer�cc�l o abtefrorr;th�inside Y+�� �� Sm�akeala�isir.stalledinfihebedroorn 8er3�€�t�mdoQro ense�s� a��i u[�t� frdr�thenu�'sdewhenl�cketi Sleepin�rt�o€r�windr�whas2 r�etopenfngof5.7SF(rr�:nimumd;rn�nzivnsatl�ast2�"high;atleastZt7"wide} �, EXCE�'T'per R3�0.2.2,at-grac�esGape,w°naows-rnay have netclearan��v��nin�5 SF Sf it� rt�amwin�c�wh�sar�tax.fmumsilVn " htof44"aboveflaartocl�ar�p�in �nastepsur�derwindr�wal�� , �., ," ' � U YY�Se 5 T�.►3�51 'E�+'pe NS2 YES: A{C ' Ciosetdoarsac�readiE � �a�e`rt�rr�theinside Yes No Smak�alarmisinst�ifedinthe#a�draarr, � � Bedracamdrsor'o .�r�eas� a�s4 uickt frc�mth�Qutside�vt��:n���ked : � �lee��rtgroc�nw'sndawhasanet��eningpfS.�SF(minirriumr�3rn��siansatlea�k��"highl:�ilea�t2�"wide} � � EkCEPTper R�14.2,l�at-gratieescape wi r,daws-may have net�i earan�e�pening S 5F �f�p�rt�,ro orn uvs r►ciov+r��a r►�axi mum s itE he►g�'�cf 44"a boa�f��or to clear Qpenict�;no�t�ps u nder wir�tit�r a 11�ur ��� �. �; . , . �� �YPe Y�Y�'� � i� � �,: �yp� S2' YES Nt _ �1.,. -�-�.. � -.� ; S-� NSi Ctoset/dar�r,js�rereadi o r��bleframth,eir�s€d� Yt� Na Srnc�kea�a�misinstalled"tnth�bsdroorr Bedr�doors� ��rseas� and ���Ic1 fr�mt�ec��€tsidewhenlr�cked ' � Sleepingroomwindow�,as�neto�eningo�5."�S��minimumriirnens[c�nsat�east2�"hightati�ast�t�wid�} � p E34�EPT per R310.2.1:at-gra�cle escape wi n�iours-inay hav�c��tck earanea opaning 5 SF S[� in roomwirxiowh�� m��itn�[nsi;l�i� t�t�f4�"abovefloortoCl�arg eain ;nast� sunderwi�dC�wa�! �::-- � �� - �.i�fi�� � -`„ ' TyP�5 T��e�I51 Ty�t�N5� YES tNE ... .w "� �„` ,; ,w����. . �„ w. 6. � ., � �' �� Ctosetdaorjsarer+e�dilyt��e�ak��fromth�inside T 1les ' Na �mok�8��rmiSinStailedin�3eb�t�'t 8ed��+Gtimd�trrapensi�s�ya�d quiCtclyfrorntheoutsidewt�e�locked SleepingroQmwii���iwhasa'neto�en�ngaf�,7S�tm�ni�r;umdim�nsl�rv�atleast�A'"t��h;atleast20"v+si�#e} � � E3fCEPTper#t31Q.2.1�at-gradeeseap�wincvu+s-,nay haver�et�learanceap+ening5 SF �t € roamwind�whasamaximumsillh�� f�taf44"ab�fl�ort4ci�r� ��Mn �nost �underwin�owal�t�re ' Effe�iive; 2413 July (31 _ 'Updated:�017 Febru�ry' Bathroar?m doors ar�easi �r�d t�G� ' o �n�bl��ram tlae outsict�wt�en 1oc,ced Li ' CarbonMonoxidealarm�arefnstal�da�requirecli�R315ar�P2cttlevelafthehome. � �rnpfceafarmsareinstal}e�a�a�l��r�efs�ft:-�r�c�v�el�ir�g,�neacl�residentsleepingroam,c�uts'se�e�achse�arare � � s(ee�i ng area i n the i�mmediateui cinity a;�:eep�r�r�orns I�31�t), Sr'nokeandCarbonManax,dealarrnsa•eir��tailQdinsuchamannersothattheaudibiewarnir��naybeheardinai► � � parts of the develling�pon ackivatio�t �Fa sir�g{edev�c�. A�c�ss rQadandwat�rsuppi�rrteetl��a]fire;u�isd;c�iG�n�ir�quire��er,ts. R;325.4 Opefa afe parCs Qf�oar handles.pal's,is�fE#�s.#cck �nci otttErdav:ces ir�stal?ed in�1FH shal!be ope>aole wtth cne haroc � �nd 5:��f 9 rtot re��ii re ti�;ht graspsn�,pinct,i•f�c,r cw.s[:n�of ta�urr:s��tever-tYpe). Pocx�k t�t�e;ets s`�all have gta Spable hardwa r�uvati�,�lewF:en in the Glosed ar open pasi�r+ar3. �� , 7 ,.,>. , � � - . �� �� .�� �'�,,, � �� �., >� >,�,, � . .w A �x- ... ��:_� ..� . � �� � �� � YE� �� NO'� � . _ �� :� �.. : _ ���� � ;< , : , , : � � .� ,, � .. � .., �. � , Nl��������1�1t3.�aximumSa� aneur�itvetttca `.. . ,, �. �, ,,.. �� _. .� � � '� �� !�n twe ive ti n i�s k�pri zr�nta 1(8.39G�Ic�p��a�Ex��pti�n t��1:.B.1 Nc�t a i�ow���-��,F N) R3'1� fi.2 L�nding RequireFn�nts:rn'�,�}f3 r7a',anr.3ir;ga:ie;(�ailtt�rr,whe�re docr,cpert ontc ramps,��d wha'e ra mpchanges dir�c:iflns, _ R325.9.9.Ftan;#ra;±srequiredor.bp*�`�:�es�'raiftp na�Cardan��ivi�I�R311.�.3.1 -�Fc313.8<3.3. � I� � ��i ;y �� � w, � �.��� ���> '; YE5 M1{O :R�r1.8,1 Maxim�m Siop���one�nit verticai;n twelve ur�i�s�prixo3�ta1{$,��5 sl�ope�.(f.x[eption R31 t.$.�.t�ot������d i�f A��',� R3TY.S.2 La7dir,gRequirements;rni�.3X3 f�oi ta�z#rt�ga*L�p1'�otiom,where d+�u�'sapen qn[o rarnps,ar,d where r�rnpeh�rt�e� � �iirect�ons. R325.�J.3l�landraiisr+e uiredc��bothssd�sof��t€� ir�accar�ancedvikhR311.&3.3 —�331.8.3.3. � ���r��t�e�cw�r a r�d i�t�t!�rer�it��! as�ra+�c�rr� �c�nt <A!i�arn �mus#�►�v�Guards ?�t�nc�raia�a�tr,.i:e5 w► 1.sbss tF�an 4"' f 3�±'`-3;3.. *^-� : __ � g.�.- g� �! � � ,�,�� � F � � ` �� �� !'�1� � �� '4 � �«� �� �..�� � ..�,. �� � "' E p '_d s1 � w:f . .�'sUDF/,� � j t E �# � t � �� .t � �� " � �!:.,i �.,,yq 3 3Ei"mtn g, � � £ ' , , s� � � # �i �r �� i � � ' � � i: � r� �. � � 3 i ( ..� � ;�. � " � � � �a s � .� '�', � E I F �. i',. . ; � ] � � w��.�, ���� �'� ��x� � � � � � } '� � � �� � ' �I E� � '`�`x?1`rYtir'�' � . .,,.,t t��t��"��.`�..� .c.di"w[.� � � , ° ; ; , w ��r�'x y,���x8� a � � { j '� � � sj�� � � � , � f�2rndin�q�� _ � y��"Y" .�!.r�,.� Y'1r � 3 . . � ; . . _ `5-:tM: " ,....�. ._........,.�..,:< ...�. . C..at:t p � q � ..,�_ �9 �.l i � ,��,�� �a 3 ��.�, ��%� IY`�IC � .� .. .. .. t .. .... ... .... �"3��. 't�Y z 1 . . x ; �' landin� � � �• _ ,.. � _ .w. �„ � . � � � ,v �. "`...�' ..,� �; q". ,.:.Lyi .. ... ... .._.. :.».� x w'� ._.,... ,. .w... � '. ... _e,.,. . ... . ._......,.,e».w . � .. ., a.: �. ._ i. ! _ �x ._ . � r E ��e��=ut�_L�rer#ical in tweive unrks hor��ontak _ .. 3� _ ._.•.,� },...._ __... 3 . _�..�.,�_ # mininrum �s F�»8.�95 sieape cE5�lorlg surface nf[he rarr.�. minimum ::- " . . � ;�;.. ' "''� �: �s'� t ,-� � � � �:� � , � � -�� �� --- �. �� � �'A37,3..�Qaar must#�e s��de,hin�w}tf�min,w,dth ofi�2'snch�s is��w�e[t fa��o`c'soor arrd stcs��He�g�tt rtot less than 7�inches. R325.4OperablepartsA'�daor�tanC�les,puiis,'sat�es,fcs�3tsa�.d�th�rd+��r1�.�5if1�C�11ed:irlAi�H�h0llbenperabl�evrithone ,"�anc� an�3 gha(1 nflt require�tgtt���asq�r..g.Pintriirtgor*v.�s,+rjg�°c�e wrMst(�ever�typ�l. � R.32S,4 Repu��ectexl�dassrhardxvarnsha!lunicckinsid2an�€outside�+:C�t�i��S�2nexitingthe��`tld�gallpwi�gre-ent!y � ��withou�usc�ofkey,�onl or s�Ctai knov�rl+�t3ge= � _ � vEs r < , � �� '' � ' � �, .,'AC.a . '.���+sa '`_ '� :�� �" ' �.. r`.:, � '. �� -.v.. �:=, . ,.r . -_ . . . _ . � , ... _. _-> . ., �.L. , 1���.'�'.�a.t M�i�+�si�t���i.t�xrlserheighY�h�lbe�'� }nc ss{S+nc#sesinstr�.ctur:��i�ui�tprior2t�JuMy�.2iX�d} R311.T.S.Z Tread� h:M1tii11.��2��L�� h SIYet�be in:�"tnthe5��ii�CheS in strtGtures�ui1t r�arloluly�.2Q04� R325.IO.IHan:�railsfafT�aadsa�d�iscrsshai�beinsta!?�d�rcb�thsid<>sr,ftrc>adsandrtsersnumfaQringFromqnerisertnmult,i�l� � � fi�erS.Hanclra�s���b�instaCled in acer,rdartce�teitt�R312.7.$.1—R313,7.8.4 Ef€ective:20131u1y O1 _ Updated:20'17 February � ��� � � ��� � ��. �� � �� � —� �� t� � � _ ,�. � ;r. .�_� f� �,.��� � � � �� � �� � � � � ' s �'_ � � � ���-m�-- -�--� �� ; ���� ._„�...�.�.w � �f �''�� '`�" �,,/"'� ����l� _.��� _ _ � �, _ �-� � �.w- � f �� � � � � ..l��� � - �.- ._.. . � � ��� , � � � ; : �� r '��� �.-,,-�.=--� � `� �m• y� ,.. �3 � a� t : f * `;� �� -�'" j�' ! �.✓ �? ..1 :i' � � � `�""� ��. �� °; . *-•'_ — ��`' �' ` " 1 �i � h �f f 3 � � ���' " � ( _....;....,.�, _�.:.,�._:�.�." � „ ��3 ' �l� '� .�,.r , ���� � _� } :f,..,�i��� �����:�.• � �� ';�"f�+�� �� �' � ----- - ;��' ; � v � � ��� "� - �- � x� ;.. � ��y� , . �� �r � # �., � �i� ; y� . y y r:` 1 4 v :^ i . . . . . .. ... .. � . �, . . �`�4. � .�'" t � ��.� ��� - w.. .._,.. � � ,��'1� `-� �:� _ . �/ �- ,_ � ���,�` �� ,� � 3 �� ���� R -� � �-� , �� � � . 8� £ rMF ... . � �aj yj;�y.,r .. �A{ ' .. 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