20-103207 • Aduit Family Home (AFH) LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTION CHECKLIST Code References:Z0151RC Ssc#Pon R325(WAC 51�6i) ' APPUCA710N NUMBER' ��`� �O �o(O� SEC'itON3 1. Z. 3. AND 4 MUSTSE COMPLE7ED BY APPLICANT BEFORE INSPECTION WILL BE PROCESSED � . .� . . i• � • SITEADDRESS: ���� I � �� I` ' C! ""` � � �e[(9�I +'�7 � AgSE3SOR'ST/WPARCEL#_______-____ � t � . � � . 4 � PROPERTYOWNBtNAME: �YC�R t�1U� c11� '"� DAYTIMEPHONE: �� �-"2Z �f"g�6S AFH LICENS�NANE(IF��T): —� I-�!" � I TN' � l��,r`�� � �I��f'�'� � DAYTIME PHONE: ��O � � 1 � ���/ • � � ' ' � On a separate sheet of pa�r(8 �/z x li) draw a floor plan (including all floors) of you r prospective AFH. Include ai!sieeping rooms (bedrooms) indicating which bedroom is: A, B, C D, E and F. Label all companentsfor exiting i.e.,stairs, ramps, pla�orms, lifts and elevators. , S�� �-�� � � . . • • . . I certffy und�penalty of p�jury tt�at the information furnisfied by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,and that I am requesting or i am author�ed by the own�of the above prerr�es t� req uest inspecdon for ti�e operation of an AduR Family Home at tfiis bcation. I agree G� hold ffar� the jur�dictlon conductlng�ch fnspectlons, at my reques�, �bo any claim (inciuding costs, expenses, and attorneXs' f�ees incurred U ifie investigatlon of such cinim), which may be made by any person,(ncluding the undersigned and flled against the�urisdictlon, but only where such cl�m arises out of the reHance of the jurisdictlon, including its afficers arxr NAME��pon tfi�cura�y qf the�i�1�l�f� I upp �� C ju�� n as��O V''J Cy 1Q catlon. /� �� /_0 a-Ir,.J � `�f �`� ��� DATE: �PROPERTY OWNER QAPPLICANT �UCENSEE (Effecti�e July 1,2013.) � Effective:2013 July 01 Updated:2017 February WAC 51-61-0325 �Section R325--Adult family homes. � SECTION R325 " ADULT FAMILY HOMES R325.1 General.Th� section shad apply to aq new ly constructed aduft faRiiy homes and aq existing single famiy homes being comerted to aduit family homes. Thi� section shaq not apply to those aduR fam'ly homes licensed by the state of Washington department of social and health services prior to Juy 1,2001. R325.2 I�eserved. R325.3 Sleeping room dassifiication.Each sleep�g room in an aduft family home shaN be classified as: 1.Type S-Where the means of egress contains stairs,elevators or platform fiFts. 2.Type NS1 -Where one means of egress is at grade level or a rarr� constructed in accordance w ith R325.9 is provided. 3.Type 1�2 -Where tw o means of egress are at grade level or ramps const�ucted in accordance w ith R325.9 are provided. R325.4 Types of locking devices and door activation. All bedroom and bathroom doors shaq be openable from the outside w hen tocked. Every ci�et shall be readily apenable from the inside. Operab� parts of doar handles, puls, latches, bcks and other devices instaGed in adult farrily homes shall be operable w ith one hand and shaR not require tight grasping, pinching or tw isting of the w rist Pbcket doors shaN have graspabie hardw are ava(lable w hen in the cbsed or open position. The force requUed to acth+ate operable parts sha@ be 5.0 pounds (22.2 1V} maximum F�Squired exit doors shaN have no add'Rionat bcking dev�es. Rsquired exit door hardw are shaN untock inside and outside mect�rtisms w hen exiGng the building albw ing reentry into the ad ult farriy home w ithout the use of a key,tool or special Iv�ow ledge. R325.5 Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm requirements,Aliaduft fam�y homes shaM be equipped w ith smoke and carbon monoxide alarms instaN� as required in Sec4ons R314 and R315.1. Alarms shaN be lnstaMed in such a menner so that the detection device w arning is audible from aN areas of the dw elting upon activation of a single alarm. R325.6 Escape w indowa and doors.Every sleeping room shaN be provided w ith emergency escape and rescue w indow s as required by Section R310. No aftematives to the s�height such as steps,raised platforms or other devices placed by the openings w iil be approved as meeUng this requirement R325.7 Flre apparatus access roads and water supplyfor fire protectlon.AdultfamNy homes shap be served by fire apparatus access roads and w ater supp�es meetlng the requirements a(the local jur�d'icfian. R325.8 Grab bar general requirements.Wherefacaities are designated for use by aduR famly home ciients, grab bars for w ater closets,bathtubs and show er staNs shaR be insta�d according to this section. R325.8.1 Grab ba�cross sectlon.Grab bars w ith a circular cross sectbn sha� have an outside diameter of 1 1/4 inches minimum and 2 i�rches max�num Grab bars w ith nonci�cular cross section shaN have a cross section dimension of 2 inches maximum and a permister dimension af 4 inches mi�imum and 4 5/8 inches maucarum R325.8.2 Grab bar Installation.Grab bars shaq have a spac�g of 1 1/2 inches betw een the w atl and the bar.Phojecting objects, control valves and bathtub or show er stafl enclosure features above, bebw and at the ends of the grab bar shaN have a clear space of 1 1/2 inches to the grab bar. EXCEPTIOt�Swing-upgrab bars shalt nat be reqWred�meet the 11/2 inch spacing requiremerit Grabs bars shaa have a structura!strength of 250 pounds applied at any poirrt on the grab bar, fastener,m�unting device or supporting structural member. Grab bars shall not be supported drcecty by any resident�l grade fiberglass bathing or show er ing unit.Acrylic bars found in bathing units sha8 be removed. Fbced position grab bars,w hen mourrted, shall not rotate, spin or rrove and have a graspable surtace finish. R325.8.3 Gra6 bars at wate r ctosets.Water ctasets shall have grab lmrs mounted on both sides. Cxab bars can be a corrbination of fixed positbn and sw ing-up bars.Grab bars shaq meet the requrcements of R325.6. Grab bars shaq mount betw een 33 inches and 36 inches above fioor grade. Centerline distance betw een grab bars,regardless of type used, shall be betw een 25 nches Effective:2013 July 01 Updated:2017 February minimum and 3Q�ches maxlrrum R325.8.3.4 Fbced posltion grab bars.Fixed p�iti�on grab bars shafl t�a min�num of 36 inches in lengtt� and start 12 inches from , the rear w aA. f�32S.8.8.2 Sw ing-up grab bars.Sw ing-up grab bars shap be a rrinimum of 28 inches in length from the rear w aa. R325.8.4 Grab bars at bathtubs.Norizorrtal and vertical grab bars shafl maet the requiremer�ts of R325.8. R325.8.4.1 Vertical grab bars.Vertical grab bars shap be a rrinimum of 18 inches bng and instaNed at the control end waN and head end w all.Grab bars sha�rrount w�h�4 inches of the exterior of the bath tub edge or w ithin 4 inches w ithin the bath tub. The bottom end of the bar shaq start betw een 36 inches and 42 inches above fbor grade. EXCEPTION:The required vertical grab barcan be substituted with a floorto ceiling grab ba�meetin�the requirements of R325.8 at the contrd end and head end entry pdnts. R325.8.4.2 Horizontal grab bars.Horizontal grab bars shad be provided at the control end, head end, and the back w aN w ithin the bathtub area.C3rab bars shaN be mounted betw een 33 inches and 3B inches above fbor grade. Control end and head end grab bars shall be 24 inches minimum in length. Back w aUgrab bar shaN �36 inches mininmium in length. R325.8.5 Grab bars at shower stalls.Whsre show er stalls are provided ta meet the requirements for bathing facilides, grab bars shall meet the requirements of R325.8. EXCEPTIOI�Shower stallswith permaner�buiit�n seats are not required to have vertical or horizontai grab barsatthe seatendwali.Avertical floorto ceilinggrab bar�all be ir�talled witl�n 4 inchesof �s exterior of the shower aligned with th�no�e of the buiit-in s8at R325.8.5.1 Vertical grab bars.Verticai grab bars sha8 be 18 inches rri�imum in length and instaNed at the contr�ol end w all and head end w a1L Yertical bars sha� be mounted w ithin 4 inches of the exterior of the show er staA or w ithin 4 inches inside t he show er stali. The bottom end of vertical bars mount belw een 36 inches and 42 inches above floor grade. R325.8.5.2 Horizontal grab bars.t-br¢ontai grab bars shaH be instaded on atl sides of the showersta8 mounted between 33 inches and 36 inches above the fbor grade. Horizontal grab bars shaR be a maximum af 6 inches from adjacent w aNs.Fbrizontal grab bars shall not interfere w ith show er controt valves. R325.9 �m ps.All interior and exterior ramps, w hen provided, shaA be constructed in accordance w ith Section R311.8 w ith a maximum sbpe of 1 vertical to'!2 hor¢ontal. The excepfion to F�i11.8.1 is not albwed foraduR faMly homss. Handrails shaU be installed in accordance w ith R325.9.1. R325.9.1 FlQndralls for ram ps.Handraiis shab be instaded on both sides of ramps betw een the slape af 1 verticai to 12 horizontal and 1 vertical and 20 twr¢ontal in accardance w ith R311.8.3.1 through R311.8.3.3. R325.10 Stair treads and risers.Sta�treads and r�ers shall be constructed in accordance w ith Fxi11.7.5. Handrails shall be instaAed in accordance w ith R325.10.1. 25.1 .1 Haodrails for treads and risers.Handra�s shaN be �staNed on both sides of treads and r�ers numbering from one rise� to multip{e risers.Fiandrads shaN be installed in accordance w ith R311.7.8.1 t}uough R311.7.8.4 R325.11 Showe r stalls.Where provided to meet the requ�ements for bath�g fac�1ities, the rrinimu m size of show er stal�for an adult family home shaN be 30 �ches deep by 48 inches bng. [Statutory Authority:RCW 19.27.031 and chapBers 19.27 and 34.05 RCW.13-04-06$,§51-61-0325,flled 2/1/13,effedive 7/1l13.Statutory Authority:Chapter 19.27 RCW.10-18-036,§51�1-0325,fi led 8/25f 10,effecUve 9/25t10.3tatutory Authority:RCW 19.27,190,19.27.020,a nd chapters19.27 and 34.05 RCVU.09-04-023,§51-51-0325,filed 1/27/09,effective7lll10.StatubryAutharity:RCVU 19.27.074,19.27.020.and chapteB 19.27 and 34.05 RCW.U7-01-090,§57-51-0325,filed 12/19/06,effective 7/1/U7.Statutory Authority:RCW 19.27.031 and 01-109,§51-51-0325,flled 12/17/a3,e#fec�ive 7/1l04.] Effective:2013 July 01 Updated:2017 February 111AME OF AFH: ,S�C�I��� P�� � �G �1 D�((it �1 I�.-� ►'vf� ��,� SECTION 5 MUSTBE COMPLETED BYTHEBUILQING DEPARTMENTINTHEJURISDICTIONTHE HOME WILLBE LOCATED. • PIEASE CHECK ALLAPPLICABLE BOX�; MATCH THE LIST BELOW TO THE APPLICANTS FLOOR PLAN—USING THEIR PROSPECTIVE RESIDENT BEDROOM DESIGNAT10N5 Of ABCD EANQ PAND CLASSfFiCATiQN CODE S,NSl OR N52. • L � ' i ' • • R325.3 Sleeping Room dassification: Each sieeping room in an Adult family Home shall be dassffied as: Type 5—where tt►e means of egress contains stairs,elevabors or platfortn lifts to evacuate residents to public area. Type t�l—where 1 means of egress at grade level(has no stafrs)or ramp tor�structed�mpliant with R325.9 is provlded fi�evacuate resider�to public area. Type N52—where 2 means of egress at grdde levef(both have nastairs}or ramps constructed compliarrt with R325.9 are provided to evacuate reside�to pubiic area. 5����i�f�4�V!� ' 7ype S Type NS1 Type NS2 YES NO ` Closetdoor/sarereadilyopenablefromtheinside Yes No Smakeatarmisinstalledinthebedroom Bedroom door opens eas�y a nd quicklyfrom the outside when 1 ocked Sleepin�roomwindowhasanetopeningof5.7SF(minimumdimensioruat{east24"high;atleast20"wide) � � IXCEP'T per R310.2.1:at-grade escape wi ndows—may have net cl earance opening 5 5F SI in roomwindowhasa maximumsillhei htof44"abov�efloortociearo e ' ;noste sunderwindawaliowe �rR��tN�`r�tt�!B TYpe S Type N51 Type NSZ YES Na Closetdoor/sarereadii o ableftomtheinside Yes No Smokealarniisinstaliedinthebedroom Bedroomdooro enseas� ar� uidcl fromtheoutsidewhenlocked SleepingroomwindowhasanetopeningofSJSF(minimumdimensionsatleast24"high;atleast20"wide) ,�� � EXCEPT per R310.2.1:at-grade escape wi rulows—may have net c)earance opening 5 SF Slee in roomwindowhasamaximumsillhei tof44"abovefloortoclearo enin ;noste sunderwindawallow � � S�$�Il�i's RU���:���;�; . �,> ; � Type S rype NSi 7ype NS2 1��� � NO Ciosetdoor/sarereadil o enableframtheinside Yes No Smokealarmisinstalledinthebedroam eedroomdooro enseastl and uickl fromtheou idewhenlocked 0 Sleepingroomwindowhasa netopeningof5.75F(minimumdimensionsatleast24"high;atleast20"widej � � D(CEPT per R310.2.1:at-grade escape wi ndows—may have net ci earance opening 5 SF Siee in roomwindowhasamaximumsillhei htof44"abovefloortoclearo enin ;noste sunderwindowailow Q Type S Type NS1 Type N52 YE5 NO Closetdoor/sarereadil o enablefromtheinside Yes No Smokealarmisinstalledinthebedroam 0 Bedroomdooro enseasil and uidci fromtheoutsidewhentocked 0 Sleepin�roomwindowhasanetopeningof5.7SF(minimumdimensior�atleast24"high;atleast20"wide) � � EXCEPT per R310.2.1:at-grade escape wi ndows—may have net cl earance opening 5 SF SI eepi ng room wi rxlow has a maximum s iil height of 44"a bov+e fl oor ta clear opening;no s#eps under window a ilaw ���NC R�Nf Type S Type NS1 Type NS2 YES NO Closetdoor/sarerea�il a ena�efromtheinside Yes No Smokealarmisirutalledinthebedroom Bedroomdooro enseas� ar�d uidcl fromtheou idewhenlocked SI eepi ng room wi ndow has a net opening of 5.7 SF{mi nimum dimensions at i east 24Nhigh;at I east 20"wi de) 0 EXCEPT per R310.2.1:at-gra�escape wi►ulows—may have net cl earance open ing 5 SF Slee in roomwindowhasamaxfmumsillhei htof44"abov�efloortoclearo enin ;noste sunc�rwinda�vailawe Sl��Pf�`���` <° . ' TYPe S T1rpe NSi Type NS2 YES NO Closetdoor/sarerea�ilyopenablef einsi� es No Smokealarmisi inthebedroom Bedroom door opens eas�y a quicklyfr the i whe cked Sieepingroomwindowhasanetopening . SF(minimumdimensions 4"high;atleast20"wide) � 0 IXCEPT per R310.2.1:at-gra�es cape wt ndows—ma y have ne�t cl earance opening 5 SF Slee in roomwindowhasamaximumsilthei htof44"abouefloortoclearo enin ;noste sunderwindawailowe Effective:2013 July 02 Updated:2017 February .��N�A�`' ` YES �10 Bathroomdoorsareeasil and uicid o enal�efromtheautsidewhen locked , CarbonMono�adealarrnsareinstalledasrequiredlnR315oneachlevelofthehome. � Smoke a i a rms a re i nstal led on a II I ev�els of the dwel i ir�,i n ea ch res ident s leeping room,outside ea ch separate sleepingareaintheimmediatevicinityofsleepir�roorr►s(R314j. � � SmokeandCarbonMonoxideatarmsareinstailedinsuchamannersothattheaudiblewamir�maybeheardinall � pa rts of the dwe!ling upon activation of a single device. � Access road a ndwater supply meet I ocalfl re j urisc�ctionai requirements. R325.4 OPerable parts ofdoor handtes,puNs,latches,iocks and ather devices installed in AFH shall be operabie with one haM andshallnotrequiretightgrasping,pinchingortwistingofthewrist(lever-type�. � Q Pocket doors shall have graspable hardware availablewhe�in the closed or open position. ��i�rw�npa� : YES NO ;�.� � � R311.8.1 Maximum Slope one unit verticat in tweNe units horizontal(8.3%slope).(Exception R311.8.1 Not allow�in AFM) R311.81 Landing Requirements:min.3X3 foot landingattop/bottom,where doorsopen onto ramps,and where rampchanges directions. 0 R325.9.1 Handraiis required on both sides of ramp in accordancewiih R311.8.3.1—R311.8.3.3. �' � YES NO R311.8.1 Maximum Slope one unit vertical in twelve units horizontal(8.3%siope).(Exception R311.8.1 Not ailowed in AFH) R311.8.2landing Requirements:min.3X3 foot landingattop/bottom,where doorsopen onto ramps,and where rampchanges � directions. R325.9.1 Handrails required on both sfdes of ramp in accordancewith R311.8.3.1—R311.8.3.3. � Gua rds bei ow a re de i cted verticali as a n exam le onl .All Ram s must have Guards Handrail both sides �-- Less than 4" 34"-38" � Guard 36"min � 3'x3'min landing 3'x3'min landing 3' One unit vertical in twelve units horizontal �—g�—.,.I minimum is an 8.3%slope all along surEace of the ramp. minimum R31�.��e��:!►��es� YESi NO R311.2 Door must be side-hinged with min.width of 32 inches between face of door and stop.Height not less than 78 inches. R325.4 Ope�able parts of door handles,pulls,latches,locks and other devfces installed in AFH shall be opera ble with ane har� and shall not require tight grasping,pinchingortwistingofthe wrist(lever-type). � R325.4 Required exit door hardware shail unfock insideand outside mechanismswhen exitingthe bui d'mgalbwing re-entry without use of key,tool or specia!knowledge. R311.7 9tairNr� ; fk' YES NU R311.7.5.1 Riser Height:Max riser height shall be 7 id inches(8 inches in structuresbuiltpriorto July 1,2004) R311J.5.2 Trtad D� h:Min.tresd d• th sh�U ba 1n 10 inch�s 9 frtches fn atruetures bullt rlortoJul 1 2004 R325.10.iH�ndr�IlsforTnadsandRl�ersshallbelnatal�donbotftsidesoftreadsandrisersnumberir�fromonerisertomultiple � O rls�rs.H�ndr�llssh�ll b�inatall�d In�ccardanta with R311.7.8.1-R311.7.8.4 Effective:2013 July 01 Updated:2017 February �+'"`�8�r�b,IE�a#�1�t1�t�r�m�; `'�1A ' ` 11�S Nty . _ „_. • Grab bars shali be installed for all water closets toilets),bathtubs andshowersaccordin to R325.8. WaterClosets(toilet)shaN havegrab bars instalied on both sfdes aaordingto R325.8—R325.8.3.1 or R325.8.3.2. ' Bathtubs shall have two vertical and three horizontai grab bars instatled accordingto R325.8-R325.8.4—R325.8.4.2 Shower stalis have two vertical and harizontal grab bars mou�ted on all sid�ofshower acwrding to R325.8—R325.8.5— R325.8.5.2. Shower stalis must be minirnum size of30 inches deep by 48 inches long(R325.11) A1G103-�1�:�ridritmi►tg ih�;,�,Hot�ub Y NO AF105.2 Must be surrounded by a ba rrierthat is 48 inches hi , ve doors and or gates that must have audible a lartns whe n � � opened. AG105.5 IXCEP110N: Pools,Spas or Hot Tubs with a safety cover which complies wfth ASTM F 1346 �P/t3SED �GL�R�[it3At�R�+4UlRfD �,f�MITR�Q�i11��., � iNSP�Cf`Olt`S N �' +v� : •�' o �s su�t s f� v�� � `� ��.:� �S',3-8`3�.5�,�2{'� �- 11�Cfit7�'S pt�ICE a1G�. I!HDAI�Nt#MBEit: ' Ap�fCati�r a��d inspectbn d�cski�Sti�are�ped ENiA�shln��4ssoda�n t�fBuibdir�p�aks(iM1fA8C1�,t�'ooa�ei�i�i.`�Wt#t�3epartme�t c€�ac�a!and HeaiNt Se�i�(#�H5}fd'use b�r`kr�•departme�and�pCs. 0?1��� Ef#ectiva:2013 July OS Updated;2017 February i y , � ! � � � +� 't � f �` . �. �__. _ �. ._.._.___._,_._..��.�.�..,:..� .._._..._____e„�_ ---_ �; �. �. , , • .., M .�_ � f` ,. . : _ � �:"".� � �.- ��'�"" , s\ '� _., __ __.. .. _ .� _ � � Q �__.,,,...,�,�� •� �,,,,,_, �'' �..._ �.-��; 'C� _ p� .._.._��.w,..,,.,___�_� � �l '� ,� . � ; � � i � � �. �_ i ���� � i , �.�-_-___�__ _._�.. � Q_ . � _ _._ __. � __ _ _ :-+.�.. � � ] . ..Q,;i+_. ,,,,�,, ',�_ . •-;, i a�..M� "+Ms+s �f ti i " y. � ' � � � � � ��� I ,�. - � �"' "'a.,.�' .. , � � � � � � . �