5e - Citywide Flashing Yellow Arrow Retrofits ProjextCIT Federal Wa CITYWIDE FLASHING YELLOW ARROW RETROFITS BID AWARD Presented by Rick Perez City Traffic Engineer 5/11/2021 CIT Federal Wa Policy Question: Should the City Council award the Citywide Flashing Yellow Arrow Retrofits Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? 5/11/2021 2 CIT Federal Wa Background • The Citywide Flashing Yellow Retrofits Project will install Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal indications at 17 intersections and Overhead Lane Use Sign at SR 161 & SR 18 (SB and EB) • Five bids were received and opened on January 12, 2016. • The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Valley Electric Co. of Mount Vernon, with a total bid amount of $443,950.00. 5/ 11 /2021 tJ Public Works: i Streets *Traffic • Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management Public Works: LiatULA= Streets * Traffic • Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management CIT Federal Wa Project Estimated Expenditures: Citywide FYARetrofits Design $16000 Right -Of -Way Acquisition N/A Low Bid $443,950.00 10% Construction Contingency $44,395.00 Construction Management $89,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $737,345.00 Project Available Funding: Citywide FYA Retrofits City Safety Program Grant Funding (Federal) $9131600.00 City Funding $16,500.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $930,100.00 PROJECT FUNDING BALANCE 5/11/2021 $1929755.00 C CIT Federal Wa Options Considered: 1. Award the Citywide Flashing Yellow Arrow Retrofits Project to Valley Electric Co. of Mount Vernon, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $443,950.00 and approve a 10% contingency of $44,395.00 for a total of $488,345.00, and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 2. Reject all bids for the Citywide Flashing Yellow Arrow Retrofits Project and direct staff to rebid the project and return to Committee for further action. 5/ 11 /2021 7 CIT Federal Wa Mayor's Recommendation The Mayor recommends forwarding Option 1 to the February 16, 2016 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. 5/ 11 /2021 Public Works: i Streets *Traffic • Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management