7b - 21st Ave S Pedestrian Imp Condemnation OrdinanceCIT Federal Wa 215t Ave S (S 316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements CONDEMNATION ORDINANCE 5/ 11 /2021 .qMr . .. _ S 31_61h St Town Square T C amw Park ;� .-7I� r•�T1T— .— Mau -2iG E .. }. . w d } Panda ' W orid - al�mack 5tea9c ,- house to S 320th St - CIT Federal Wa POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve an ordinance that authorizes the City Attorney to commence legal proceedings to acquire the necessary property for the 21 St Ave S (S316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements by condemnation if the negotiation process fails? 5/ 11 /2021 2 CIT Federal Wa Backiround: • Previously, the City Council authorized staff to acquire right-of-way for the 21 St Ave S (S 316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements project for fair market value. • Staff has sent offer letters and has been working on negotiating the purchases of the required strip takes since September 2015. • The ordinance authorizes the City Attorney to commence legal proceedings to acquire the necessary property by condemnation if the negotiation process fails after a reasonable amount of time, in order to allow the project to proceed. 5/ 11 /2021 3 CIT Federal Wa Condemnation Property List 21 st Ave S (S 316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements Condemnation Ordinance Property List Certified Tracking Parcel Offered Mailing Owner Name Business Name Site Address Amount Number Number Date 01 Feb 2016 01 092104-9297 NWCC CENTER PLAZA, LLC NWCC CENTER PLAZA 2012 S 320TH ST $295,000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT 1 $295,000.00 5/ 11 /2021 CIT Federal Wa The options before Council are: 1. Approve to send the condemnation ordinance for the 21 St Ave S (S 316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements to the City Council Meeting on March 1, 2016 for the second reading. 2. Do not approve to send the condemnation ordinance for the 21 St Ave S (S 316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements to the City Council Meeting on March 1, 2016 for the second reading and provide direction to staff. 5/ 11 /2021 E CIT Federal Wa MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve to send the condemnation ordinance for the 21St Ave S (S 316th St to S 320th St) Pedestrian Improvements to the City Council Meeting on March 1, 2016 for the second reading. 5/ 11 /2021 0 Public Works: LiatULA= Streets * Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management