Parks Comm MINS 04-01-2021g:\parks comm mtg notes\2021\04-01-2021 minutes.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION April 1 , 2021 Video Conference 5:00 p.m. City Hall MEETING MINUTES Present: Chair Campsmith, Vice Chair Dawn Coggins, George Pfeiffer , Gary Rich, and David Berger Excused: Carrie BeS erra and Thomas George Unexcused: George Vadino Staff: John Hutton, Parks Director, Jason Gerwen, Parks Deputy Director and Mary Jaenicke, Parks Adm. Asst. II. Chair Campsmith called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. PUBLIC FORUM None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Pfeiffer moved to approve the March Parks and Recreation Commission regular meeting minutes as written. Commissioner Rich sec onded. Motion passed. COMMISSION BUSINESS Prioritization Matrix The two questions to be discussed are: 1) Will this promote public safety and 2) Is this currently an area that is geographically underserved. Will this promote public safety? Discussion was held on whether or not a park truly promotes public safety. Staff Gerwen stated that in the industry there is a term called CPTED which stands for cr ime prevention through environmental design. How does this question relate as to how a project is rated and scored ? The original intent of this question was that we wanted our parks to stay safe and green. Commissioner Berger stated that he agreed that in the broad sense parks don’t make the community safer, but in a narrower sense the design of a park could promote safer use of the park. Vice Chair Coggins added that improvements to a park such as trail repair can also improve the safety of the park. Commissioner Rich added that it could be separated into two categories: Safety and Design and Safety Improvement. After discussion it was decided that this is a question that needs to stay on the Matrix. Is this currently an area that is geographically underserved? Chair Campsmith asked who determines the underserved. Is it Per Capita? Staff Gerwen answered that there are several different metrics that can be used. Per Capita is used in the Parks Plan. There is a City map that shows all of the parks in the city and there are some areas that have more parks than other areas. Staff Gerwen added that he thinks of underserved areas in two ways: Where do we have pockets that people live that they can walk to a Park in 15-20 minutes and what areas are lacking that? We need to make sure we focus on underserved and underrepresented communities. Commissioner Berger agreed with the walking proximity and he strongly agrees that this question should be interpreted not only in terms of geography, but also who is in the geography. Many park users tend to be people that can’t afford to pay for recreation. Vice Chair Coggins added that this discussion is similar to the accessibility discussion that took place last month. Accessibility didn’t mean only physical limitations but also Parks and Recreation Commission, April 1, 2021 Page 2 g:\parks comm mtg notes\2021\04-01-2021 minutes.doc economic and age. Perhaps that word geographically should be removed. Commissioner Berger suggested adding demographic. Chair Campsmith stated that this needs to be able to measure one parameter against the other . Discussion continued and it was decided to have two categories: Geographic and Demographic/Socio- Economic. STAFF REPORTS Park Maintenance Work Plan Staff Gerwen reviewed the Park Maintenance Divisions 2021 Work Plan. It’s a very extensive Work Plan and includes projects such as playground inspections, short term housing for the Park Maintenance Crew, support recreation programs, installation of sneeze guards at City Hall and the PAEC, gate installation at Celebration Park and Town Square Park and fron t door replacement at City Hall. OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Berger received a call inquiring why the Parks Department is not hosting Parks Appreciation Day this year if you can do social distancing . Staff Hutton answered that it takes a lot of planning to host a large volunteer event. The rules regarding C ovid are changing weekly and it’s very hard to plan anything. The decision was made to not host the event. The Red, White & Blues Festival has also been cancelled this year. Staff Gerwen added that Par ks staff is also concerned for their own health and safety when it comes to working in large groups. Staff is discussing doing an event in conjunction with Serve Day if it can be done safely. Commissioner Pfeiffer voiced his concern regarding vaping and off-leash dogs at the tournaments . He would like a reminder to go out to the Tournament Directors. Vaping has been addressed in the updated Park Code. This is Vice Chair Coggins last meeting. Her term expires in April and she has decided to not reapply. Staff and Commissioners thanked her for her seven years of service and all of her hard work; she will be missed. Staff Hutton updated the Commission regarding the waterslide replacement at the FWCC. The Slide is no longer structurally safe and has been shut down. Staff will be issuing an RFP and also applying for a grant. NEXT MEETING/AGENDA ITEMS Commission Business Prioritization Matrix 1. Will this increase usage of current location? 2. Are there outside funding sources? Vice Chair Elections Staff Reports ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Coggins and seconded by Commissioner Berger to adjourn the meeting. Chair Campsmith adjourned the meeting at 6:17 pm.