93-100638 33530OFirs��Way so�th �U I LD I NG P El�:M I T QE�ISSUED- 03/07/9483 Federal Way, WA 98003 Building Inspectian Requests 661-4140 8Y= FLF 661-4000 EX�Z��� - �Q/O?/44 ADDRESS:29325 18TH AVE S �!� '��D�� � NO. : 304020-0075 P ROJ E C T D E SC R I P T I O N:NEM MULTI-FAMILY - CONSTRUCT 4-PLEX (BLD6 #1) PORTIOM OF LOTS 2 6 3 , BLK 2, NALL'S ACRE TRACTS OpNER CONTRACTOR LEkDER JONN STALDER 6ARY E 60RDON CORSTRUCTION INC MASHIN6TON STATE BAMK 1717 S 341ST PL 34904 - 4TH AYE S S 320TN ST BRARCH FEDERAL MAY NA 98003 FEDERAL MA1' MA 98003 fEDERAI MAY MA 98403 838-4086 838-9b91 927-6712 6ARYECI195J0 BLD?:X MEC?:X PLM?:X FLR--EXIST--PRDP--- DIOELLIM6 UMITS: 4 COMP PLAM.......,.:? fEES: TYPE OF MORK:NEM USE:COM 1ST.'.' 4: 1992:sf STORIES........: 2 REQUIRED PARKIN6..: 4 SPRINKLERS?......:N PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT.= = 184.23 CENSUS CATE6URY.....:104 2ND.: 0: 1992:sf NEI6NT.,..,: 0.00 ft NAZARD CLASS...:LIT FINAL PLAN CHECK...r t 0.00 OCCUPANCY 6ROUP---------- 3RD,: 0: O:sf YRLiiATIDld---------- REOUIRED SETBACKS------- fIRE flOq....: 1324 gp� PLCK-FIR conl only= t 60.33 :R1 :? :? :? : OTHR: 0: O:sf EXIST..=: 0 FRONT.,. .....: 0.00 ft BUILDIN6 PERMIT....= S 1206.50 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION----- BSMT: 0: O:sf AROP...S: 2b1282 SiDE....,..,..� 4.06 ft MATER SERYICE,..FEb SBCC SURCHAR6E.....; t 10.50 :5M :? :? :? DECK: 0: 288;sf REAR...,...,..; 0.04:ft 5EMER SERVFCE..;FED MEC APPLIRNCE FEES.x = 18.00 OCCUPANT LOAD------------ 6AR.: 0: O:sf RECEIVED.;03i15/93 PlUil$IR6 FIXL...93� = 280.00 : 12: 0: 0: Q: . TOTI: 0: 4272:sf IMPERV SURFACE: 0 sf SENSITIVE AREAS?.:? P/M BOND........... 3 5333b.00 — ----- Additional fees not shomn here... FUEL TYPES.:ELE FANS......,,..: 4 BOILERS/CO!!PRESSORS 1lATER CLOSETS......: 8 URINALS........: 0 TOTAL fEES = 58220.06 6AS PIPIN6.: 0 ft HDDD..._..,...: 4 0-3 !iP......c 0 BATH TUBS..........: 8 DRINKIN6 FOUNT.; 0 fURN<100K..: 0 DUCT IOORK.....: 0 3-15 NP.....: 0 SHDOIERS............: 0 SUMPS..........: 0 6AS HMT....; 0 MOOD STOVES...: � 15-30 NP....: 0 LAVATORIES.........: 8 YAC BREAKERS...: 0 NV BURMER: 0 FURH>100K.....: 0 30-50 HP....: 0 SINKS..............: 4 DRAIMS.........: 0 Q........: 0 MISC..........: 0 5+ HP.......; 0 DISH �ASHERS.......: 4 LAMN SPRINKLERS: 0 6AS DR9ER..: 0 AIR NANDLIM6 UNITS fUEL TANKS--------- ELEC MTR NEATERS...: � OTNER FIXTURES.: Q � RAN6E......: 0 <=10,000 CfM: 0 ABOVE 6ROUND: 0 LAUN MSHR OUTLTS...: 4 6AS LDGS...: 0 � 10,000 CFM: 0 UNDER6ROUND.: 0 PERMITS EXPIRE 180 DAY AF ER ISSUANCE IF RK S ARTED. RESIDEMTIAL AND 6RADIN6 PERMITS EXPIRE OME YEAR AfTER DATE OF ISSUANCE. I CERTIFI' THAT T FO M IDN FURNISED IS U AMD CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KMOMLED6E AMD THE APPLICABLE CITY OF FERERAL MAII REQUIREMENTS MILL BE MET. ,/ �� OWNER OR AGENT __ �, "t ��-� ___ DATE __�_��___f�_ �------- ------- ---------------------------------------- FILE f:OPY 'i _ * P� Ilt # ��'���� '� iJ L,�� ������G� CIT`if OF FEDERAL WAY MAR 15 1993 gUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION �QF����/�Y —Please Print— c.vu�71 BOX 1 TENANT NAME: OWNER . 1^�1-fi�� i x'�1--(J�.`�,. SITE LOCATION i'-}���i ' � OWNER'S ADDRESS ��I l� � � 3�-� ��'-- �L. CITY --C�y � 1��1/�`�� PHOfVE ���'��'���% DESCRIBE JOB �,!`��;�1�'}�Zi����� � � G(,�y� ��U�t..j�r�Cz; �� � THE PROPERTY IS OWNED BY: SINGLE/MARRIED PARTNERSHIP CORPOFir?TION BOX 2 CONTRACTOR'S NAME -��`�r- i "��`�'�''i�'+ CONTRACTOR'S REG. # Card MUST be presented CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS CITY PHONE EXPIRATION DATE — OR— I HAVE READ CHAPTER 18.27.010 RELATING TO DEFINITIONS OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS AND CHAPTER 18.27.110 WHICH PROHIBITS ISSUING PERMITS WITHOUT PROOF OF REGISTRATION. BOX 3 CONTACT PERSON �'t�� �": �'�"�,.�v�-�1<. � PHONE � � �f��< `�-° BOX 4 SEWER DISTRICT �i ��`;�' C'��i�4�'7���'� -1/'��- �h,J WATER DISTRICT � 1 P��� `�"'�'�ei�-i�.�f /`%���� ��^lv BOX 5 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST Z��' �"`Y� EXISTING BUILDING VALUATION ' � �� �� BOX 6 PROPERTY TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER :><'�- r t-� • <`�c 'zt" LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' (If necessary, please submit a separate page with the legai description.) K.C. Plat Recording # r�-� ���.l BOX 7 BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE: (Existing/Proposed) 1ST FLOOR l G hca:�D FLOOR l I � ::�-�1! 3RD FLOOR / BASEMENT / DECK /�� GARAGE / BOX 8 ( ) INGLE FAMILY ( NEW CONSTRUCTION ( MULTIFAMILY (N0. OF UNITS = ) ( ) EXISTING STRUCTURE O COMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAL TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY `� ly r��� Q, SQ FT BOX 9 PLU B_NG FIXTURES (including rough-ins) MECHANICAL APPLIANCES— BASIC FEE$ N0. " WATERCLOSETS GAS PIPING, FEET $ �BATHTUBS N0. FURNACE, ELEC. GAS $ �" •- SHOWERS GAS HOT WATER HEATER $ � �? LAVATORIES CONVERSION BURNER $ ��SINKS BOILER, SIZE BTU $ �DISHWASHERS AIR HANDLING UNITS $ ---�`--LELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER , HEAT PUMPS, SIZE $ LAUNDRY WASHER OU�LET UNIT HEATERS $ ' URINALS AIR COOLING UNITS, SIZE $ -' DRINKING FOUNTAINS COMMERCIAL HOOD $ SUMPS, SPRINKLER VACUUM BREAKERS OTHER $ - DRAINS $ ,� � ��,;�OTHER $ -�"1,'�=�TOTAL FIXTURES $ TOTAL MECHANICAL FEE $ I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED BY ME IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ANO FURTHER THAT I AM AUTHORIZED BY THE OWNER OF THE ABOVE PREMISES TO PERFORM THE WORK FOR WHICH PERMIT APPLICATION IS I MADE.I FURTHER AGREE TO SAVE HARMLESS THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AS TO ANY CLAIM(INCLUDING COSTS,EXPENSES,AND ATTORNEYS' FEES INCURRED IN NVESTIGATION AND DEFENSE OF SUCH CLAIM), WHICH MAY BE MADE BY ANY PERSON, INCLUDING THE UNDERSIGNED, AND FILED AGF�IN T HE CITY 0 ,FEDERAL WAY, BUT ONLY WHERE SUCH CLAIM ARISES OUT OF THE RELIANCE OF THE CITY, INCLUDING ITS OFFICERS AND E L YEES, T URACY OF THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO THE CITY AS A PART OF THIS APPLICATION. ./l OWNER/AGENT: � t-� DATE: � � , ANP-1 �.,,� � City of Federal Way 93-/aa�� $ � ���EVi�l���b N FOR BUILDING PERMIT J U L � 1 �994 PLEASE PR/NT APPUCAT/ON#: ��L,� ��� �-���� .��T.Q�4����1v '� �: Address .�`✓�-:: `-, � ;' �, •" Tenant (if known) Lot# Assessor's Tax # Building Owner Name�, ' % Address j, `t i � City State Zip Phone Nature of Work r '� �" 1 � ,r� �� � f �� r'.�� f )� APPLICANT Name (F,M,L) Address City State Zip Contact Person Day Phone Other Phone Fax BUII.DII�1G CONTRACTOR ` _..... Company Name "'�i '�F�� ' ' - � Address • City State Z�p Contact Person Phone Fax Contractor's #(card must be presented) Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No _._ ...._....___ .. AR�H�TE�T Name Address City State Zip Contact Person Phone Fax LEGAL DESCRIPTION P/ease Comp/ete Reverse Side cooaez�R��aia3� STRUCTUR� :: F e u3e osed uge Permit includes: � Building ❑ Plumbing ❑ Mecha�ical ❑ Other Type of Work: ❑ Residential ❑ New � Remodel O Number of Units ❑ Deck ❑ Commercial D Addition ❑ Garage ❑ Shed ❑ Other Enter 1 st Floor sq ft 2nd Floor sq ft 3rd Floor sq ft Existing Floor Area sq ft - Area Basema�t sq ft Decks sq ft Garage sq ft Proposed Total Area sq ft Water Availability ❑ Sewer Availability ❑ On-Site Septic System Availability ❑ Projact''Valuatio� S Zoning Lot Size Existing Bldg��,`\!a[uation $ __ _...._ _ _ .__ .._. ___ _ __.. __...._....._ _._....... __. __... _ _ ............. ___ __ _ _ _ ..... ....... _.._... ._ Y.ENDER Name Address City State Zip __ _ _ ._..... _ __ _ __. __ _. _ __ __ _ _ _ _. __.. ............... _____ _ _ _ _.._. _....... ....__. MECHAIVICAY: CQNTRACTQR __ ___ __ _ ___ _ _ ; _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __..... ___ Contractor Name Address City State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified ❑ Yes ❑ No _.. ....... __ _ . ....__ ....._. _ _... .. .._.... ........ _...................... . __. _...._........ _.. _ ...... .... ___... ....__......... 'PLUMBTNG �GONTRACTOR Contractor Name Address City State Zip Contact Phone Fax License # Expiration Date Verified O Yes ❑ No PLU147BING FIXTURE GQIIN'I` __ _ _.... . _ _ __ .. _........ _ _ _ _ .... ...... __ Water Closets Sinks Urinals Lawn Sprinklers Bathtubs Dish Washers Drinking Fountains Other Showers Electric Water Heaters Sumps Lavatories WashingMachine Drains Total'Fxture.�Count ._ MECHATVICAI: UNIT'COUNT Fuel Type (electric/other) Gas Dryer Air Handling < = 10,000 CFM 15-30 Tons Length of Gas Piping Range Air Hendling > = 10,000 CFM 30-50 Tons Furn <100K BTUs Gas Log Unit Heater 50+ Tons Furn >100 BTUs Fans Miscellaneous Fuel Tanks Gas Hwt Hood Boilers Above Ground Conv Burner Duct Work 0-3 Tons Underground BBQ's Wood Stoves 3-15 Tons 7otal:llnit Cuunt DISCIAIMER: 1 certify under pe�elty of pery'ury that the informetion furniahed by me is trua end correct to the best of my knowledpe and further that I am authorized by the ow.»r of the above premises to perform the work for which permit application is made.I turther apree to save ha►mless the City of Federel Wey as to any claim(including coets,ezpenses, and ettomeys'faes incurred in investigetion end defense of such claiml,which may be made by any person,includinp the undersigned,and filed epainst the City of Federal Wey, but only where such claim arises out of the reliance of the City,including ita officers end employees,upon the accurecy of the intormation supplied to the City as s part ot this application. Owner/Agent: Date: �/g�t� ��� •�'h�s cert�ficate pravides the � , • � please return to: Department of 1�ealth and ; � BUILDING & LAND DEVELOPMENT B u i 3 d i n g � L a n d D e v e 1 o p m e n t � parks, Pl�anning & Resouroes Dept. with �nformat.ion nc�cessary tc+ 3600 - 136th PLACE Soutt�e.ast e va 1 u�����-�r�,a c p r o p o s a 1 s. � Bellewe, Washington 98006-1900 ~ � / MAR 15 1993 ' , c 206� 296-6600 ��� �, . ���A+-� G COU Y CERTIFICATE OF SEWER AVAILA3ILiTY � � � � amr a �I N NT __,,,I L � � o no w ` e i is ox ; +� .-� � , a_ � • c . , o � ca number name � � .� ' � � � . ' � Duilding Permit ❑ �reliminary Plat or PUD ,� � u- ❑ Short Subdivision ❑ Rezone or other � �'` — p f �; �� � APBL 7CANT'S NAME �6?�/b RK M,O�-rEa�-Cy� ��JG._ . — �- � U . ' _ � � PRUPOSED USE �I/�ULT l - I`�lU I l-'i - • s � 1 I - ^ . � � c;., � L LOCAT ION PO� �SJ7 S Z-t-�, ��-I� �-� N�-1� S 6-�UZ� ��-T S � U' �' S ZSf3 T+��- /�T E S — �PP�dX � c � � (Attacli m.ip & legal d�scription if necessary) � � �j O .� � � # � # tt # �E � # # . � # � a � �s � . � �� SEWE R AGF NCY INFU1l:18T ION � � Y �� 1. a.� Sewer service iri�-Y be provided by side Eewer connect3.on only to an existing � " size sewer �30t feet from the site and th� sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed use. OR b. � Sewer service will rsquiz� an im�z•ovement to the sc:wer system of: ❑ (1) feeti of sewer trunk ur lat:.eral to reacli thEi site; and/or • Q (2) the constructioii of a collectio�i system on tl�►e site= rnd/or [) (3) �i:her (descr:.be) ___ _ 2. a. � The sewer system improvement is in conformance witli a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. . � . OR � b. � The sewer 3ystem improvement will require a sew�ar comprer sive • plan xmendment. 3. a. � The proposed project is withi.n the corporate limits �•� the di.s�rict, nr has been granted Boundary Re�•iew Board approval �o.r extension of service outside the uistirict or city. ' OR b. � Annexation or DRB approval will be necessary to provide servi.:e. � 4. Service is subject to the fallow�nq: , a. C.unnection charqe : 7D �,E C�LLUC_. 7E b. Easement (s) : » c. O t h e r: _ __ _.__. ; ; I hereby certiFy L•hat �he aL'ove sewer a�ency �n:�urmat3.on is true. Tlus ; .certification shall bc: valid for one year �rocn claic of signAture. � . � ' ' /1���Y > �v�.�,�� �l�Y WATER A�IJD SE w�,e � �. CssETr� _ $ . Agency Name ' Signatory ame 3 �/6/NE�R/�t16 �EC N-�//UA-n/ . � /�-�-- Title S gnar.ure D t F279 . � Ph .ezZ. . .. . . . ���193 ��� This certificate provide he ple� return to: Depar�ment oI lreal th and BUILDING & LAND DEVELOPMENT D u i 1 d i n g & L a n d D e v e 1 o p m e n t pazks, Pl.anni.ng & Resow.�ces Dept. wi Ch informa tion necessary to � 3600 - 136th PLl1CT Southeast eva�r!l���ment proposals. Be]1ewe, Wasttington 9I100G-1�00 r7T..v MAR 15 1sg3 c 206� 29G-GG00 � cmroF��!���YKING COUNTY CERTIFICIITC OF WATER IIV11ILl�BILITY KJ o no wri e in �is ox v7 � � . � � � number name � � � . � Duildinq Permit ❑ Preliminar� Plat or PUD � �� Short Subdtvision ❑ Rezone or other '� � � ,1 � ro � APP L 7iCANT'S N11ME �1 ET�,J OR,IL Iv\��Z.'f C� Er� �t�l L � � �,L, r.. P ROPOSED USE � Iv`Ul..-'C l FAI�I�LY � � � 3 LOCAT ION P -T Z't' Z� ' � TS � � U P>>Z � V N S 2�-�H- -�d- /8-r�- A JE S — �P�D�C = .c (Attach map & legal description if necessary) �'`a � � # # # # N # # # R # # # H H H � M�1 U � WATER PURVEYOR INFORMIITION "'� .� C c A N � �� -_;:, :_.. � 0 1. a. Water �w�. be provided by service connection only to an existing Z :;� � U � water main ��{fi feet from the site. size Y' — � OR � j C b. � Water service will require an improvement to the water system of: '�- � Y (] �l� feet of water main to reach t}ie site; and/or ❑ (2) the construction of a distribution system on the site; and/or ❑ (3) other (describe) 2, a. � The water system is in conformance wit11 a County aPproved water comprehensive plan. OR b. � The water system improvement will require a water comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district, or l�as been � granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the di�t�:i.ct or city, or is within the Counry approved service area of a privaL-e water purveyor. OR b. � Annexation or IIFtI3 anproval will be necessary t-o provide service. 4. a. WaL-er is/or will be available at the raLe oP flow and dur.alion ind�.ca�ed below at �no less than 20 psi measured at the nearest fire hydrant �� t feeL- Irom t-he ��•"���;property (or as marked on the attached map) : Rate of Flow Duration ❑ less than 500 gpm (approx. gpm) ❑ less than 1 l�our � 500 to 999 gpm ❑ 1 tiour to 2 }iours � 1000 gpm or m�re I'OR � 2 hours or more ❑ flow test of gpm ❑ other �.. calcul�ition o: -y�Do�-l- gPm (Commercial I3uildinq Permits require flow OR test or calculation) b. � Water system is not capable of providing fire �flow. , COMt�NTSICONDTTI0N5 ��' ADDIT/t».I�4�- �'DKA-N7'.5 OR OT'H�E.R F/R� PRaTE.:c-7io�/ �crur�� /i�R� R�QulRED� OWNEfZ 5H-A�� CD►JST�2u�T" SU�/f �AuUTIF_..5 qT ��5/�'fF� �KPE.�/S� ,�:/�1 D� DE V rE�-t�PE.R EKT F N S/Qn/ A�REL.titEN� U1/Tf�' %H"E' D�37'R I GT. I hereby certi�y that 1;lie above wai;er purveyor information is true. Ttiis certiiication shall' Ue valid lor one year trom date o.f si6nature. ��PAL Lnl�Y GlI�4TFR A��SID �4�l�12 A��Dv � 55F7T,� Agency Name Signal:ory ame �, 3�6 3 �� /�JEF�III/C� EG��CI�G/Ac�/ i�na.�ure llat;e Tli;le ' F 278 �.�� 3l���y3 .: , � ENNOS '_.. .. --. �--- o..;..� . . ;, 1..�' .; ..'.'... ., - x , ....: n �. i . - - y+�n. C3., ..,.. _.,_ .. :.. '_: /. \.l�- . :. ...>J'.", i+. -::..fie. .:::: :..:.. ...... .::: �.:, ) _.... �. .,yp."+�.�.� ...:. ppxk , ia' Jb!..9+� 1. +t� .�y, ,.,:.,.:., .- ,... �. : ,.:. .. ^''. ..'t-. _ 4 ` -...'.. .. ": �:.:' - - . - ... .... _ . - ,.:".. .Abe-'': ,.::0, d ,,:.; .. .. J�eraSiiG. 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