7a - Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase VCIT Federal Wa SR 99 PHASE V HOV LANES (S340THSTREET TO S 359THSTREET) BID AWARD x IF r a 6/23/2021 1 CIT Federal Wa POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council award the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? 6/23/2021 2 CIT Federal Wa Background: • Six (6) bids were received and opened on July 29, 2016 for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V (South 3401h Street to South 359th Street) improvement project (See attached Bid Tabulation Summary). • The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Graham Contracting Ltd. The low bid received was $16,700,526, 1.13% above the engineer's estimate. 6/23/2021 3 CIT Federal Wa Project Estimated Expenditures: Planning and Design ROW Acquisition $2,200,000 $3,420,000 Low Bid (from Graham Contracting Ltd.) $16,700,526 10% Construction Contingency Construction Management (12.5%) Underground Conversion (PSE) Project Management (City Staff- 3 years) Total Project Costs $1,670M52 $2,087,566 $600,000 $300,000 $26,978J44 6/23/2021 4 CIT Federal Wa Available Funding: Total Grant Funding Authorized (PSRC Countywide and Regional- Federal) Total Grant Funding Authorized (TIB -State) Total Grant Funding Authorized 2016 (WSDOT) Budgeted City Funds Surface Water Fund (continued on next page) 6/23/2021 K639,331 $610001000 $1,220,424 $512251000 $114651000 E CIT Federal Wa Available Funding: Lakehaven Utility District $2,020,126 CenturyLink $660,517 Comcast $4881264 PSE Gas $39,955 Impact Fee $284,146 Interest Earning $2,293 Total Available Budget $27,0099056 Project Budget Balance: $309912 6/23/2021 0 CIT Federal Wa This project is within available budget and we anticipate construction will commence in early September 2016. The project is scheduled for 350 working days, which places anticipated final paving in the spring of 2018. 6/23/2021 7 CIT Federal Wa The options before Council are: 1. Award the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V project to Graham Contracting, Ltd., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $16,700,526.50, and approve a 10% contingency of $1,670,052.65 for a total amount of $18,370,579.15, and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 2. Reject all bids for the S Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase V project and direct staff to rebid the project and return to Committee for further action. 6/23/2021 0 CIT Federal Wa MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION The Mayor recommends approval of option 1. 6/23/2021 Public Works: LiatULA= Streets * Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management