7c - Historical Society Ongoing FundingHistorical Society Ongoing Funding By Ade Ariwoola Finance Director City Council Meeting August 9, 2016 Background • July 26 FEDRAC Meeting • Funding for Historical Society o Annual $20,000 Funding o For 5 years o Remove current reporting requirement o Forward to the Council for discussion 0 Support of Historical Society from 2008-2015 Architect services $9,200 Roofing $11,935 Windows $10,300 Boiler $11,030 Electrical $22,236 Awning $1, 976 In -home repair $5,000 Storage $18,947 8 YEAR TOTAL $90,624 Approximately $11,328 per year Additional Support 2015/16 • 2015 oLodging Tax $10,000 oAnonymous Donation $10,000 • 2016 o Lodging Tax $10,000 - Pending Support of Historical Society Annual Breakdown Rental value basei • $1,500 per month = $18,000 per year on •• • - storageCity"s • $152.10 per month = $1,825.20 per year rental Lawn maintenance $317.60 per • $3,811.60 per '. 2 hours per week 0 Budget Process )ubmit request to the City by Community ?rogram Director Council deliberation if needed Public Hearing &.First Reading Mayor's Sept20 'A budget to Council Oct 18� Public Hearing Presentation Council deliberation rO Second Budget Presentation Reading & Enactment Mayor's Recommendation • This item and all discussions regarding City fund allocations should take place during the normal biennial budget process. 9 Questions 11 L OW