8a - Level 3 CommunicationsPublic Works: LiatULA= Streets * Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management CIT Federal Wa POLICY QUESTION: Should the City grant Level 3 Communications, LLC. a Franchise Ordinance to install, construct, maintain, repair, and restore a fiber optic communications system within and through the City of Federal Way rights - of -way? 6/23/2021 2 CIT Federal Wa Backiround: • Level 3 Communications, LLC has requested a franchise from the City of Federal Way, in order to install, operate, and maintain a fiber optic communications system in the City owned or controlled rights -of -way. • This system is an existing system previously installed in the Military Road right-of-way by WilTel Communications, LLC under a franchise agreement that expired May 23, 2015. • Level 3 Communications, LLC purchased WilTel. 6/23/2021 3 CIT Federal Wa Background: • The term of this Franchise is for a period often (10) years commencing on the effective date of this Franchise consistent with franchises the City has granted to other utility provider. • Level 3 Communications, LLC agrees to pay a fee or a charge in the amount of $1,000.00 to recover the actual reasonable administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to preparing and approving this Franchise. 6/23/2021 FE CIT Federal Wa Background: • The previous Franchisee installed, at no cost to the city, a communication conduit system on Military Road between 320th Street and Star Lake Road. • Level 3 Communications, LLC will maintain insurance of $5 Million combined single limit for commercial general liability and $5 Million for automobile insurance. • The proposed franchise requires Level 3 Communications, LLC to post a bond for $100,000. 6/23/2021 E FeCITY OF eral Wa The options before Council are: • Approve to send the Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchise ordinance to the City Council Meeting on September 6, 2016 for the second reading. • Do not approve to send the Level 3 Communications, LLC Franchise ordinance to the City Council Meeting on September 6, 2016 for the second reading and provide direction to staff. 6/23/2021 0 CIT Federal Wa MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve to send the Level Communications, LLC Franchise Ordinance to the City Council Meeting on September 6, 2016 for the second reading. 6/23/2021 7 Public Works: LiatULA= Streets * Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management