Finance ProposalF*ina �e Budget City Council Special Meeting October 4, Zoi6 Presented byAde Ariwoola, Finance Director FINANCE ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS Chase Donnelly Accounting Supervisor ■ Payroll ■ Accounts Payable ■ Purchasing ■ Cash Receipting ■ Accounts Receivable ■ Business License ■ Interoffice Mail ■ Utility Tax Rebate Ade Ariwoola Director ■ Department direction and administration ■ Interdepartmental Coordination ■ Debt Management ■ Budget Management ■ Financial Planning ADMINISTRATION Robyn Buck Administrative A sst. TI ■ Support to Finance Director/Office ■ FEDRAC ■ Business License ■ Utility Tax Rebate FINANCIAL PLANNING: ■ General Accounting ■ Budget ■ Banking Services ■ Cash & Investment Management ■ Monthly Financial Report ■ Year -End Financial Reporting ■ Audit Coordination ■ Internal Controls ■ Financial Analysis CASH & INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ■ Banking Services ■ Cash Management ■ Cash Investment Accomplishments Awards: GFOA Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting GFOA Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation Received: Unqualified audit opinion Accomplishments continued Implemented GASB Statement 68: • New accounting standard for pension reporting. Improvements: • Improved communication and presentation of the City 's financial information. • Streamlined the Ciry's aoi7/i8 budget development process. 2017/18 Goals and Objectives Pay employees and vendors accurately and on time. Submit the City's 2oi6 and aoi7 CAFR to the GFOA Excellence in Financial Reporting award program. Submit the City's 2017/18 Biennial Budget to the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation award program. r 2017/18 Goals and Objectives continued Continue active participation on the SCORE Finance Committee. Continue active participation in M E BT. Maintain Aa3 Bond rating by continuing to manage the City's debt. Continue monitoring for proper controls and procedures to ensure unqualified audit opinion. i 2017/18 Goals and Objectives continued Provide timely and accurate financial information and services to citizens, City Council, and city staff. Ensure compliance with purchasing laws and regulations. Ensure proper internal control in City operations to safeguard City resources. Performance Measures --pelDescription 2015 2016 2017 1018 Workload Measures- • I umber of new business licenses issued. renewed 9 317 1.1,) � 1.1. - 6 800 5 6 Outcome Measures- FOA OAFR Awards - of documents submitted.: awarded 26 } 26 , - , - 28 Y 28 29 / 9 • FOA Budget Award - ir�r; of documents submitted. awarded + (s-witched to bionrialbudget begiun g vAth 199- 199E do cument) 16 } 16 17 i 17 17/17 Unqualified Audit Opinion— consecutive years 26 27 28 29 • Bond Rating per Mood 's Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 • Investment return_ total SIP and 6 month T-Bill benchmarks 0.25% SIP & 0.49% T-Bill 0.49% SIP & 0.47% T-Bill 0.49° 4 SIP & 0.47% T-Bill 0.49° o SIP & 0.47% T-Bill Of month Cash reconciled v�ithin 15 days of receiving bank statement 12 12 12 12 Efficiency ie asures: FTE Staffing: Finance.--City-Wide 8.0 .' 323.95 8.0 .' 333_20 S .: 336_20 81337_20 Average working days to compile M FR 3 3 3 3 Average number of weeks to issue aregular business license 2-3 weeks 2-3 -;.-eels 2-3 weeks 2-3 ;�-eel:s .i■ r 1 r Position Inventor 201i )016 201' 2019 Positions } Actual ....................................... ........................................ ....................................... { Adopted dusted Ro ected Ira ased Proposed {Trade DLLLLLar-zrnance 1.00 1.�� 1.�� 1. 1. 1. jB ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................q.......................................q....................................... . ccoutltttl u �r�� or 1.00 1.00 1.00 IN 1.00 1.00 -4 ................................In..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... q....................................... q....................................... FirmcialAnaly.st ,UU DO DO ).N DO DO a� .....................................n............................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pa all real St I.00 - 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.00 a 1 ........................................................................................... ¢ . c �untin T tnician II .............................................................................................................................. .......................................¢.......................................¢.......................................¢.......................................¢.......................................¢.......................................¢....................................... . U .................................. a. U .................................................................... . U .................................. ).002.00 .................................................................... .................................. Administra6ve AssistantII ........................................................................................................................................:........................................:................................................................................:........................................:........................................:........................................:........................................ - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ALLOuntu-echniclanl Told Reg St;f fi g .00 DO Eu DO DO DO n a 1.00 - - - - n a GrmdIota[ Staffing 9.00 DO Eu Eu U DO n a Highlights/Changes Operating Budget Increase of 2% from 2oi6 2017 - $959,591 2o18 - $971,822 Salaries and Wages Increase of $7,848 Step increases Salary adjustments Benefits Increase of slo, 632, Salaries increasing percentage driven benefits Health insurance premium increase BUD ,ET Revenue and Expenditure Summary Code Item 2014 2015 Actual I Actual 2016 I------------ 7--------- I Adopted I Adjusted Projected 2017 Proposed 2018 Proposed 11 Proposed -16 Adj ------------ T--------- $ Chg I % Chg Expenditure Summary, 1XX Salaries & Wages 312�SQ 388�112 624�444 %444 %444 %292 NQ74 1,848 1,3% 2XX Benefits 193�657 224� 49 234�191 D4J91 D4J91 244�W 24Q72 10,632 4.5% 3XX Supplies 0.0% 4XX SXX Services and Charges Intergovernmental 0.0°/ 6�717 gsv ������ ������ ������ ������ ����� - 0.0% 9XX Internal Services nla Total Fxpen(Itures;, $ 962,916 $ 883,630 941,111 $ 941,111 $ 941,111, $ 959,591 $ 971,822 $ 18,480 2.0% e.aerai we 2017 Proposed Expenditures by Category ParwDDI 91.E 1phas eva Svc, rh' S 1. EM Lugo-Vt 6-3% 12 Questions