ORD 21-921 - Relating to Permanent Supportive HousingORDINANCE NO. 21-921 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to permanent supportive housing and transitional housing, and emergency housing and shelter; amending FWRC 19.05.040, 19.05.050, 19.05.190, 19.205.080, 19.215.070, and 19.220.100; repealing FWRC 19.105.060 and 19.230.080; and adding new sections 19.195.015, 19.200.045, 19.220.105, 19.225.055, 19.225.075, 19.230.055, 19.230.065, 19.240.085, and 19.240.095. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 94-233, 96-270, 97-297, 99-333, 01-385, 02-423, 06-515, 07-559, 08-585, 09-593, 09-605, 09-610, 12-713, 13-754, 14-778, 15-797, 17-834, 18-850, 18-884, and 20-898.) WHEREAS, on May 12, 2021, the Washington State legislature enacted ESSHB 1220 ("HB 1220"), which after partial veto by Governor Jay Inslee became Chapter 254, Laws of 2021; and WHEREAS, HB 1220 took effect on July 25, 2021; and WHEREAS, HB 1220 Section 3 preempts code city zoning authority as follows: A code city shall not prohibit transitional housing or permanent supportive housing in any zones in which residential dwelling units or hotels are allowed. Effective September 30, 2021, a code city shall not prohibit indoor emergency shelters and indoor emergency housing in any zones in which hotels are allowed, except in such cities that have adopted an ordinance authorizing indoor emergency shelters and indoor emergency housing in a majority of zones within a one -mile proximity to transit; and WHEREAS, HB 1220 expressly permits code cities to impose reasonable occupancy, spacing, and/or intensity of use requirements on permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, and indoor emergency shelters to protect public health and safety; and WHEREAS, any such requirements on occupancy, spacing, and intensity of use may not prevent the siting of a sufficient number of permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 1 of 137 indoor emergency housing, or indoor emergency shelters necessary to accommodate each code city's projected need for such housing and shelter; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Commerce ("Department of Commerce") has not provided the City of Federal Way ("City") with the inventory and analysis of the City's projected housing needs for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelter as contemplated by HB 1220 Section 2; and WHEREAS, the City communicated with the Department of Commerce regarding the availability of the inventory and analysis of the City's projected housing needs for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelter as contemplated by HB 1220 Section 2; and WHEREAS, the Department of Commerce indicated that it does not have the relevant data contemplated by HB 1220 Section 2, but is in the process of obtaining a consultant to develop the data over the coming months and anticipates having data available to send to King County by late 2022/early 2023; and WHEREAS, due to the lack of relevant data available from the Department of Commerce, the City Council of the City of Federal Way ("City Council") finds that it is reasonable and necessary to utilize existing and available data to determine the City's projected housing needs for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelter until such time as the Department of Commerce provides the data regarding the City's projected need; and WHEREAS, the 2020 Seattle/King County Point -In -Time Count of Persons Experiencing Homelessness identified 1,937 sheltered and unsheltered individuals in Southwest King County as a whole; and Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 2 of 137 WHEREAS, the City's total population constitutes 17% of the total population of Southwest King County; and WHEREAS, applying the City's proportionate share of the overall population of Southwest King County (17%) to the total number of persons experiencing homelessness in Southwest King County (1937) results in the City's current proportionate share of persons experiencing homelessness equaling 329; and WHEREAS, data from the 2020 Seattle/King County Point -In -Time Count of Persons Experiencing Homelessness indicates that the number of people experiencing homelessness has increased at a rate of ten percent over the past four-year period and it is reasonable to assume that the current growth rate will continue; and WHEREAS, by the year 2040, the City's projected need, including existing and future permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelter in the City, will therefore equal 482; and WHEREAS, data from the 2020 Seattle/King County Point -In -Time Count of Persons Experiencing Homelessness and an inventory of existing permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelter in the City indicate that the projected need in the City should be divided into 43% emergency housing and emergency shelter, and 57% permanent supportive housing and transitional housing; and WHEREAS, reasonable intensity, spacing, and occupancy requirements on permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, emergency housing, and emergency shelter are necessary to protect public health and welfare, and must be based on data currently available to the City; and Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 3 of 137 WHEREAS, the reasonable intensity, spacing, and occupancy requirements contained in this ordinance do not prevent the siting of a sufficient number of permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, and indoor emergency shelter necessary to accommodate the City's projected need for such housing and shelter; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance ("DNS") was properly issued for these code amendments on July 16, 2021, and no comments or appeals were received and the DNS was finalized on July 30, 2021 and the appeal period expired on August 23, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission properly conducted a duly noticed Public Hearing on these code amendments on August 18, 2021 and September 1, 2021; and WHEREAS, on September 1, 2021, the Planning Commission sent the code amendments to the Land Use & Transportation Committee of the City Council with no recommendation as to adoption of the code amendments; and WHEREAS, the Land Use & Transportation Committee of the City Council of the City of Federal Way conducted a study session on these code amendments on September 13, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Land Use & Transportation Committee of the Federal Way City Council considered these code amendments on September 13, 2021, and recommended adoption of the code amendments; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes the need to periodically modify Title 19 of the Federal Way Revised Code ("FWRC"), "Zoning and Development Code," in order to conform to state and federal law, codify administrative practices, clarify and update zoning regulations as deemed Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 4 of 137 necessary, and improve the efficiency of the regulations and the development review process; and WHEREAS, the City will review this ordinance for potential future amendment in April, 2022; and WHEREAS, this ordinance, containing amendments to development regulations and the text of Title 19 FWRC, has complied with Process VI review, Chapter 19.80 FWRC, pursuant to Chapter 19.35 FWRC; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the City Council to adopt the new and amended development regulations for FWRC Title 19 allowing permanent supportive housing and transitional housing and emergency housing and shelter within the City of Federal Way to conform with state law, the City Comprehensive Plan, and the public health and safety. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to the proposed amendments. (a) The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and restated as findings of fact. (b) These code amendments are in the best interest of the residents of the City and will benefit the City as a whole by ensuring conformance with state law, protecting public health and safety, and clarifying items within the Code resulting in less need for interpretation. (c) These code amendments comply with Chapter 36.70A RCW, Growth Management. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 5 of 137 (d) These code amendments are consistent with the intent and purpose of Title 19 FWRC and will implement and are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. (e) These code amendments bear a substantial relationship to, and will protect and not adversely affect, the public health, safety, and welfare. FWRC. (f) These code amendments have followed the proper procedure required under the Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to Chapter 19.80 FWRC and Chapter 19.35 FWRC, and based upon the recitals and the findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the proposed amendments: (a) The proposed FWRC amendments are consistent with, and substantially implement, the following Federal Way Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: HP12: The FWRC and Land Use chapter of the FWCP will be coordinated to facilitate locating housing affordable to low-income, very low-income, and special needs households throughout the City, especially around the City Center and other areas that provide proximity to employment, safe and convenient access to transportation and human services, and adequate infrastructure to support housing development. HGS: Develop a range of affordable housing opportunities for low-income households consistent with the CWPPs and the needs of the community. HP21: Promote fair housing access to all persons without discrimination. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 6 of 137 HG7: Develop a range of housing opportunities that meet the requirements of people with special housing needs, including the elderly, mentally ill, victims of domestic abuse, and persons with physical and/or developmental disabilities. HP39: Periodically review the FWRC and remove any regulatory barriers to locating special needs housing and emergency and transitional housing within the City as required by the federal Fair Housing Act, to avoid over -concentration, and to ensure uniform distribution throughout all residential and mixed -use zones. HP40: Review permit applications for special needs housing in close coordination with service providers and the City's Community Services Division. HP41: Assist special needs housing developers, local service organizations, and selfhelp groups to obtain funding and support. HP42: Ensure that access to special needs housing is provided without discrimination. HG8: Develop emergency shelter and transitional housing facilities for the homeless. HP43: Coordinate City actions related to homelessness with the City's Community Services Division and non-profit housing and human services providers. HP44: Emergency shelters should be permitted and regulated to ensure there are adequate opportunities to locate them within the City, to avoid overconcentration of facilities, to ensure that such facilities and housing are properly managed, and to avoid or mitigate significant impacts on existing residential neighborhoods or other surrounding uses. (b) The proposed FWRC amendments bear a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, and welfare because they provide for a diverse number of supportive housing and shelter types to address temporary and chronic homelessness, including supportive services Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 7 of 137 designed to improve health and housing outcomes, while imposing reasonable occupancy, spacing, and intensity of use requirements on such uses to protect public health and safety. (c) The proposed amendments are in the best interest of the public and the residents of the City of Federal Way because they provide for a diverse number of supportive housing and shelter types to address temporary and chronic homelessness, including supportive services designed to improve health and housing outcomes, while imposing reasonable occupancy, spacing, and intensity of use requirements on such uses to protect public health and safety. Section 3. FWRC 19.05.040 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.05.040 D definitions. "Day care facility, commercial" means the temporary, nonresidential care of persons on a recurring basis. See FWRC Title 19, Division VI, Zoning Regulations. "Dedication " means the deliberate appropriation of land by its owner for public use or purpose, reserving no other rights than those that are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses or purposes to which the property has been devoted. "Deleterious substance" includes, but is not limited to, chemical and microbial substances that are classified as hazardous materials, as defined in this chapter, whether the substances are in usable or waste condition, that have the potential to pose a significant groundwater hazard, or for which monitoring requirements of treatment -based standards are enforced under Chapter 246- 290 WAC. "Development" means any human activity consisting of any construction, expansion, reduction, demolition, or exterior alteration of a building or structure; any use, or change in use, of a building or structure; any human -caused change to land whether at, above, or below ground or water level; and any use, or change in use, of land whether at, above, or below ground or water Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 8 of 137 level. Development includes, but is not limited to, any activity that requires a permit or approval under zoning ordinances, subdivision ordinances, building code ordinances, critical areas ordinances, all portions of a shoreline master program, surface water ordinances, planned unit development ordinances, binding site plan ordinances, and development agreements; including but not limited to any activity that requires a building permit, grading permit, shoreline substantial development permit, conditional use permit, special use permit, zoning variance or reclassification, subdivision, short subdivision, urban planned development, binding site plan, site development, or right-of-way use permit. Development also includes, but is not limited to, filling, grading, paving, dredging, excavation, mining, drilling, bulkheading; driving of piling; placing of obstructions to any right of public use; and the storage of equipment or materials. "Development regulation" means controls placed on development or land use, but does not include decisions to approve a project permit application even though they may be expressed in a resolution or ordinance. "Diameter at breast height (dbh) " means the diameter of a tree trunk as measured at four and one-half feet above the ground surface. "Director" means the director of the department of community development, also known as the department of community development services, unless the context indicates otherwise. "Distillery" means an establishment primarily engaged in the production of distilled spirits, including all of the equipment and materials required for such production, and may include accessory uses such as tours of the distillery, sales, and/or on -site consumption, e.g., a tasting room. "Domestic animal" means an animal which can be and is customarily kept or raised in a home or on a farm. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 9 of 137 "Dredging" means removal of earth and other materials from a body of water, a watercourse, or a wetland. "Dredging spoils" means the earth and other materials removed from a body of water, a watercourse, or a wetland by dredging. "Driveway" means an area of the subject property designed to provide vehicular access to a parking area or structure located on the subject property. "Dry land" means the area of the subject property landward of the high-water line. "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms in a structure or structures, excluding mobile homes and outdoor storage containers and similar structures used or designed to be used as living facilities, providing complete, independent living facilities exclusively for one family, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking and sanitation. A factory -built home or manufactured home is considered a dwelling unit under this title only if it meets the standards and criteria of a designated manufactured home established in RCW 35A.63.145. There are the following 102 types of dwelling units: (1) "Dwelling unit, attached" means a dwelling unit that has one or more vertical walls in common with or attached to one or more other dwelling units or other uses and does not have other dwelling units or other uses above or below it. (2) "Dwelling unit, detached" means a dwelling unit that is not attached or physically connected to any other dwelling unit or other use. (3) "Dwelling unit, efficiency" means a small one -room unit, which includes all living and cooking areas with a separate bathroom. (4) "Dwelling unit, stacked" means a dwelling unit that has one or more horizontal walls in common with or attached to one or more other dwelling units or other uses and may have one or Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 10 of 137 more vertical walls in common with or adjacent to one or more other dwelling units or other uses. (5) "Dwelling unit, multifamily" means a building containing two or more dwelling units, which are either attached or stacked. See definition of "dwelling unit, townhouse." (6) "Dwelling unit, senior citizen housing" means housing available for the exclusive occupancy of persons over 55 years of age. (7) "Dwelling unit, small lot detached" means detached residential dwelling units developed on multifamily -zoned property. Each unit is located on its own fee -simple lot. One of the dwelling unit's sides may rest on a lot line (zero lot line) when certain site development conditions are met. (8) "Dwelling unit, special needs housing" means housing not specifically defined by this title, and which will be processed under the classification most closely related to the proposed use, as determined by the director. (9) "Dwelling unit, studio " means a one -room unit, which includes all living and cooking areas with a separate bathroom. Studios may have a wide open living space, and are typically larger than an "efficiency apartment." Studio apartments can contain a loft. (10) "Dwelling unit, townhouse" means a type of attached multifamily dwelling in a row of at least two such units in which each unit has its own front and rear access to the outside, no unit is located over another unit, and each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more vertical common fire-resistant walls. (11) "Dwelling unit, zero lot line townhouse" means attached residential dwelling units with common (or "party") walls. Each unit is located on a lot in such a manner that one or more of the dwelling's sides rest on a lot line. Each unit has its own entrance opening to the outdoors (to the Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 11 of 137 street, alley, or private tract) and, typically, each house is a complete entity with its own utility connections. Although most townhouses have no side yards, they have front and rear yards. The land on which the townhouse is built, and any yard, is owned in fee simple. 12 "Dwelling unit, permanent su ortive housing and transitional housin " means housing that combines low -barrier affordable housing_ health care, and supportive services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness and persons with a disability that presents barriers to employment and housing stability. Permanent supportive housing mU prioritize people who need comprehensive support services to retain tenancy and utilize admissions practices designed to use lower barriers to entry than would be typical for other subsidized. or unsubsidized rental housing. Permanent supportive housing has no limit on length of stay, whereas transitional housing is typically no more than two years. Permanent ;supportive Housing is paired with on -site or off -site voluntary services. Section 4. FWRC 19.05.050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.05.050 E definitions. "Easement" means the right to use the real property of another for a specific purpose. "EMF" means electromagnetic field, which is the field produced by the operation of equipment used in transmitting and receiving radio frequency signals. This term includes "radio frequency" or "RF radiation." "Erosion" means the removal and transport of soils or rock fragments by water, wind, ice, or similar natural forces. "Emer encv housin and shelter" means any permanent structure that provides tens or -y shelter or accommodations for individuals or families who are currently homeless or at imminent risk of Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 12 of 137 becoming homeless and may include day and warming centers that do not provide overnight accommodations. "Essential public facility" is any facility or conveyance that: (1) Is typically difficult to site due to unusual site requirements and/or significant public opposition; (2) Is a necessary component of a system, network or program which provides a public service or good; (3) Is owned or operated by a unit of local or state government, a private or nonprofit organization under contract with a unit of government or receiving government funding, or private firms subject to a public service obligation; and (4) Meets the following definitions of either a Class I or a Class II essential public facility: (a) Class I facilities are those facilities of a county, regional or state-wide nature intended to serve a population base that extends significantly beyond the boundaries of the city. Class I facilities may include several local jurisdictions or a significant share of the Puget Sound regional population and may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) State or regional education facilities (except minor branch facilities), including: research facilities, university branch campuses, and community colleges; (ii) State or regional transportation facilities, including: light and/or standard rail lines, commuter terminals, transit centers, and park -and -ride lots in residential zones; (iii) State or regional correctional facilities; (iv) Solid waste handling facilities (large scale), including: transfer stations and recycling centers; (v) Sewage treatment plants; Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 13 of 137 (vi) Power plants; (b) Class II facilities are those facilities of a local nature intended to meet the service needs of the local community. Class II facilities are typically characterized by providing some type of in -patient care, assistance, or monitoring and may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) Substance abuse facilities; (ii) Mental health facilities; (iii) Group homes/special needs housing; (iv) Local schools, including: elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools; r 9 e t tie l h d i helier he i CV�GiRT.]LT�f���jj��y^�RpTiI4�'I7�V7VI\.fyyG , Ii414Jd "Excavate " or "excavation " means the mechanical removal of soils or underlying strata. "Exposed building face" for sign regulations means the building exterior wall of a single - occupant building or the building exterior wall of an individual tenant's leased space in a multi - tenant complex, including the vertical distance between eaves and ridge of a pitched roof above it, used for sign area calculation for building -mounted signs. Section 5. FWRC 19.05.190 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.05.190 S definitions. "Schools" means institutions of learning, excluding those offering post -secondary education, offering instruction in the several branches of learning and study required by the Basic Education Code of the State of Washington to be taught in public, private and parochial schools, including those disciplines considered vocational, business -related, or trade in nature. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 14 of 137 "Secondhand merchandise" means used or remanufactured goods and includes used books, records, clothing, furniture, and appliances; and includes such merchandise typically for sale or found at pawn shops, thrift stores, consignment stores, and flea markets. Secondhand merchandise does not include used, remanufactured, or junk motor vehicles or boats; nor antiques or collectibles. "Self-service storage facilities" means a structure or group of structures for the storage of personal property where individual stalls or lockers are rented out to different tenants for storage. "Shared access points" means a common point of vehicle access from a street to more than one lot or use. "Sight line " means the line of vision from a person to a place or building. "Sign" means any communication device, structure, fixture, or placard that uses colors, words, letters, numbers, symbols, graphics, graphic designs, figures, logos, trademarks, and/or written copy for the purpose of: (1) Providing information or directions; or (2) Promoting, identifying, or advertising any place, building, use, business, event, establishment, product, good, or service, and includes all supports, braces, guys, and anchors associated with such sign. Painted wall designs or patterns which do not represent a product, service, or registered trademark, and which do not identify the user, are not considered signs. If a painted wall design or pattern is combined with a sign, only that part of the design or pattern which cannot be distinguished from the sign will be considered as part of the sign. The following types of signs are included in the definition of "signs": Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 15 of 137 (1) "Abandoned sign" means any sign remaining in place after a sign has not been maintained for a period of 90 or more consecutive days or if the activity conducted on the subject property ceases for 180 consecutive days. (2) Advertised activity for freeway profile signs. For the purpose of measuring from the advertised activity for an individual business, the distance shall be measured from the sign to the nearest portion of that building, storage, or other structure or processing area which is the most regularly used and essential to the conduct of the activity; and for a center identification sign, which identifies businesses within a multi -tenant complex, the distance shall be measured from the sign to the nearest portion of the combined parking area of the subject property. (3) "Animated or moving sign" means any sign that uses movement or the appearance of movement of a sign display through the use of patterns of lights, changes in color or light intensity, computerized special effects, video display, or through any other method, chasing or scintillating lights, fluttering or moving lights, lights with stroboscopic effect, or containing elements creating sound or smell; except for the scrolling of a static message, scene, or color onto or off a sign board in one direction per message. (4) "Awning sign" means a non -electric sign on the vertical surface or flap that is printed on, painted on, or attached to an awning or canopy. Illumination for the awning or canopy shall be for safety purposes only and, therefore, shall point toward the ground and not illuminate the canopy. (See also "marquee sign.") Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 16 of737 r, ]+I�T19G� �aI ��CSY Z—AlkMpg Figure 1 — Awning or Canopy Sign (5) "Banner" means a sign made of any nonrigid material with no enclosing framework. (6) "Billboard" means permanent outdoor advertising off -site signs containing a message, commercial or otherwise, unrelated to any use or activity on the subject property on which the sign is located, but not including civic event signs, signs oriented to the interior of sports fields, government signs, or instructional signs. (7) "Building -mounted signs" means any sign attached to the facade or face of a building or mansard roof including without limitation wall signs, marquee signs, under -canopy signs and projecting signs. (8) "Cabinet sign" means a sign constructed of a box, rigid material, or framework over or within which is secured the sign copy, text, graphics, or other sign elements. Cabinet signs may have either interior or exterior illumination. Figure 2 — Cabinet Sign Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 17 of 137 (9) "Canopy sign " means the same as "awning sign." (10) "Center identification sign" means a building -mounted or freestanding sign that identifies the name and/or logo of a development containing more than one office, retail, institutional or industrial use or tenant and which may separately identify the tenants. (11) "Changeable copy sign" means a sign whose informational content can be changed or altered (without changing or altering the sign frame, sign supports or electrical parts) by manual or electric, electro-mechanical, or electronic means. A sign on which the message changes more than eight times a day shall be considered an electronic changeable message sign and not a changeable copy sign for purposes of this chapter. A sign on which the changing is an electronic or mechanical indication of time and/or temperature shall be considered a time and temperature sign and not a changeable copy sign. (12) "Construction sign" means a temporary sign identifying an architect, contractor, subcontractor, and/or material supplier participating in construction on the property on which the sign is located. Construction signs also include "Coming Soon" and "Open During Construction" signs. (13) "Directional sign, on -site, "means a sign giving directions, instructions, or facility information and which may contain the name or logo of an establishment but no advertising copy (e.g., parking, exit or entrance signs). (14) "Electrical sign" means a sign or sign structure in which electrical wiring, connections, or fixtures are used. (15) "Electronic changeable message sign" means an electronically activated sign whose message content, either whole or in part, may be changed by means of electronic programming. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 18 of 137 (16) "Flashing sign" means a sign when any portion of it changes light intensity, switches on and off in a constant pattern, or contains moving parts or the optical illusion of motion caused by use of electrical energy or illumination. (17) "Freestanding sign " means a sign supported permanently upon the ground by poles, pylons, braces or a solid base and not attached to any building. Freestanding signs include those signs otherwise known as "pedestal signs," "pole signs," "pylon signs," and "monument signs." Figure 3 — Freestanding Sign (18) "Fuel price sign" means a sign displaying the price of fuel for motorized vehicles. (19) "Ground -mounted sign" means a pedestal sign, pole sign, pylon sign, monument sign, or any sign permanently affixed to the ground. (20) "Government sign" means any temporary or permanent sign erected and maintained by any city, public utility, county, state, or federal government for designation of or direction to any school, hospital, hospital site, property, or facility, including without limitation traffic signs, directional signs, warning signs, informational signs, and signs displaying a public service message. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 19 of 137 (21) "Instructional sign" means a sign which designates public information including, without limitation, public restroom signs, public telephone signs, exit signs and hours of operation signs. (22) "Integral sign" means a sign displaying a building date, monument citation, commemorative inscription, or similar historic information. (23) "Kiosk" means a freestanding sign, which may have a round shape or which may have two or more faces and which is used to provide directions, advertising or general information. (24) "Marquee sign " means any sign attached to or supported by a marquee, which is a permanent roof -like projecting structure attached to a building. (25) "Menu board" means a permanently mounted sign advertising the bill of fare for a drive-in or drive -through restaurant. (26) "Monument sign" means a freestanding sign supported permanently upon the ground by a solid base of landscape construction materials such as brick, stucco, stonework, textured wood, tile or textured concrete materials harmonious with the materials of the primary structure on the subject property. (See drawing set forth in FWRC 19.140.170(3)(b), Figure 3.) (27) "Identification sign" means a sign whose copy is limited to the name and address of a building, institution, or person and/or to the activity or occupation being identified. (28) "Identification sign (subdivision) " means a freestanding or wall sign identifying a recognized subdivision, condominium complex, or residential development. (29) "Illuminated sign" means a sign with an artificial light source incorporated internally or externally for the purpose of illuminating the sign. (30) "Incidental sign" means a small sign, emblem, or decal informing the public of goods, facilities, or services available on the premises (e.g., a credit card sign or a sign indicating hours of business). Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 20 of 137 (31) "Nameplate" means a non -electric, on -premises identification sign giving only the name, address, and/or occupation of an occupant or group of occupants of the building. (32) "Neon (outline tubing) sign" means a sign consisting of glass tubing, filled with neon gas, or other similar gas, which glows when electric current is sent through it. (33) "Nonconforming sign" means any sign which was legally in existence on the effective date of this Code, February 28, 1990, or on the effective date of annexation if located in areas annexed to the city thereafter, but which does not comply with this title or any other sections of this Code. (34) "Obsolete sign" means a sign that advertises a product that is no longer made, a business that is no longer in operation, or an activity or event that has already occurred, except for historical signs. (35) "Off -site sign" means a sign relating, through its message and content, to a business activity, use, product, or service not available on the subject property on which the sign is located. (36) "On -site sign" means a sign which contains only advertising strictly applicable to a lawful use of the subject property on which the sign is located, including without limitation signs indicating the business transacted, principal services rendered, and goods sold or produced on the subject property, or name of the business and name of the person occupying the subject property. (37) "Pedestal sign" means a freestanding sign supported permanently upon the ground by a solid base of landscape construction materials such as brick, stucco, stonework, textured wood, tile or textured concrete materials harmonious with the materials of the primary structure on the subject property. Such base shall be equal to at least 50 percent of the sign width. (See drawing set forth in FWRC 19.140.170(3)(a), Figure 1.) Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 21 of 137 (38) "Point of purchase display or sign" means an advertisement for an item accompanying its display indicating only instructions and the contents or purpose of the item (e.g., an advertisement on a product dispenser, tire display, recycling containers, collection containers, gas pumps, phone booths, etc.). (39) "Pole or pylon signs" means freestanding signs supported permanently upon the ground by poles or braces of materials such as brick, stucco, stonework, textured wood, tile or textured concrete materials harmonious with the materials of the primary structure on the subject property and not attached to any building. (See drawing set forth in FWRC 19.140.170(3)(a), Figure 2.) (40) "Political signs" means temporary signs advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or a political party, or signs urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot in connection with local, state, or national election or referendum. (41) "Portable sign" means any sign designed to be moved easily and not permanently affixed to the ground or to a structure or building. Portable signs differ from temporary signs in that portable signs are made of durable materials such as metal, wood, or plastic. (42) "Pre -opening sign " means a temporary sign which identifies a new business moving into a new tenant space or building. The sign must include the name of the business and copy stating the business will open soon (e.g., "Coming Soon..." "Opening Soon...," etc.). (43) "Private advertising sign" means a temporary sign announcing an event, use or condition of personal concern to the sign user including without limitation "garage sale" or "lost animal" signs. (44) "Private notice sign" means a sign announcing a restriction or warning regarding the subject property, such as, but not limited to, "no trespassing" or "beware of dog." Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 22 of 137 (45) "Projecting sign" means a sign, other than a flat wall sign, which is attached to and projects from a building wall or other structure not specifically designed to support the sign. Figure 4 — Projecting Sign (46) "Real estate, on -site sign" means a sign placed on the subject property and announcing the sale or rental of the subject property. (47) "Roof sign " means any sign erected, constructed, or placed upon, over, or extended above any portion of the roof of a building or structure, excluding signs affixed to the vertical face of a mansard or gambrel style roof, in which case a roof sign is any sign erected, constructed, or placed upon, over, or extended above the lowest vertical section of a mansard or gambrel roof. (48) "Snipe sign" means a temporary sign or poster posted on trees, fences, light posts or utility poles, except those posted by a government or public utility. (49) "Temporary sign" means a sign not constructed or intended for long-term use. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 23 of 137 (50) "Tenant directory sign" means a sign for listing the tenants or occupants and then suite numbers of a building or center. (51) "Time and temperature sign" means any sign that displays the current time and temperature, without any commercial message. (52) "Under -canopy sign" means any sign intended generally to attract pedestrian traffic suspended beneath a canopy or marquee which is at a 90-degree right angle to the adjacent exposed building face and which contains no commercial messages other than the name of the business. (53) "Vehicle sign" means a sign temporarily affixed or attached to a parked vehicle for the purpose of advertising a product or service, or providing directions to such products or services. (54) "Wall sign" means either a sign applied with paint or similar substance on the surface of a wall or a sign attached essentially parallel to and extending not more than 24 inches from the wall of a building with no copy on. the side or edges. (55) "Warning sign" means any sign which is intended to warn persons of prohibited activities such as "no trespassing," "no hunting," and "no dumping." (56) "Window sign" means all signs affixed to a window and intended to be viewed from the exterior of the structure. "Sign area" means the entire area of a sign on which colors, words, letters, numbers, symbols, graphics, graphic design, figures, logos, trademarks and/or written copy is to be placed, excluding sign structure, architectural embellishments and framework. Sign area is calculated by measuring the perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the module or sign face containing the graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademarks, and/or written copy; except that sign area is calculated for individual letters, numbers, or symbols using a canopy, awning or wall as the Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 24 of 137 background, without added decoration or change in the canopy, awning or wall color, by measuring the perimeter enclosing each letter, number, or symbol and totaling the square footage of these perimeters. Grocery G+r+o+c+e+r+y =Sign A€ea F 'A' i THEATER I . b VIDEO SHOES 'd. DELI l Wer a x ( b+c+d+e ) = Sign Area Figure 5 — Calculating Sign Area "Sign face " means the area of a sign on which the colors, words, letters, numbers, symbols, graphics, graphic design, figures, logos, trademark and/or written copy is placed. "Sign inventory sticker" means the sticker that is assigned to any sign after it has been inventoried and determined to be a legal nonconforming sign. "Sign inventory sticker number" means the inventory number that is assigned to a sign after it has been inventoried and determined to be a legal nonconforming sign. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 25 of 137 "Sign registration" means the approval issued to any sign that has an approved sign permit and that has passed all inspections required by the city, or is in conformance with this Code after an analysis conducted as part of a sign inventory. "Silt" or "sediment" means the soils or rock fragments mobilized and deposited by erosion, which are transported by, suspended in, or deposited by water. "Single housekeeping unit" means a person, a group of not more than three persons, or a group of persons connected through blood, marriage or other legal relationships by not more than four degrees of affinity or consanguinity including persons under legal guardianship. Any limitation on the number of residents resulting from this definition shall not be applied to the extent it would prevent the city from making reasonable accommodations to disabled persons in order to afford such persons equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling as required by the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, 42 USC 3604(f)(3)(b). This definition shall not be applied to the extent that it would cause a residential structure occupied by persons with handicaps, as defined in the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, to be treated differently than a similar residential structure occupied by other related or unrelated individuals. "Single -use building" means a building which contains one use. "Site" means subject property. "Small animals" means dogs, cats, birds, small exotic animals (snakes, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, etc.), foxes, bobcats and similar small wild animals. lieensed T t. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 26 of 137 limitation ., .1,� .,,,.,,beF nr, crsi, social y 11PAqRflable ace dwelling by the-Fademl Faiff Arn eiiuivuw opportunity to use and enjoy a as r-equifed USG This defi.nifien shall onet be apphed to o the extentthat it T �_ jkQ4(f)(3)(b). r.noupied b resid t:al .,+,-r-0--i ith 1, ,thee rr de e ned i i ed _ wetild eause a 11Ll ul .ALL u.va ua w. ,�,.�ura,a Act , .T UVllA14Ll .l lai uhe Hou g Amendments , Title 19, Division lx, -7uri:ag ?egulattnr.— , "Spa" means a commercial establishment offering health, relaxation, and beauty treatment primarily through such means as steam baths, baths, saunas, pools, and massage. See also "public bathhouse" in FWRC Title 12. "Specified anatomical areas" shall mean the following: (1) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, anus, pubic region, buttock or female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or (2) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. "Specifed sexual activities " shall mean any of the following: (1) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (2) Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, oral copulation, or bestiality; or (3) Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, or female breasts, whether or not clothed, of oneself or of one person by another; or (4) Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in this definition. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 27 of 137 "State Environmental Policy Act" means Chapter 43.21 C RCW. "Storm drainage" means the movement of water, due to precipitation, either surficially or subsurficially. "Story" means the area of a structure between the floor and the horizontal supporting members of the ceiling directly above that floor. If a floor is, on average, at least three feet below finished grade, the area between that floor and the ceiling directly above is not a story. "Stream " means a course or route, formed by nature, including those which have been modified by humans, and generally consisting of a channel with a bed, banks or sides throughout substantially all its length, along which surface waters naturally and normally flow in draining from higher to lower elevations. A stream need not contain water year-round. In a development, streams may run in culverts or may be channeled in a concrete, rock or other artificial conveyance system. This definition does not include irrigation ditches, stormwater facilities or other artificial watercourses unless they are used by resident or anadromous salmonid fish, or the feature was constructed to convey a natural stream which existed prior to construction of the watercourse. Those topographic features that resemble streams but have no defined channels shall be considered streams when hydrologic and hydraulic analyses done pursuant to a development proposal predict formation of a defined channel after development. For the purpose of defining the following categories of streams, "normal rainfall" is rainfall that is at or near the mean of the accumulated annual rainfall record, based upon the current water year for King County as recorded at the Seattle -Tacoma International Airport. (1) Streams shall be classified according to the following criteria: (a) Type F streams are those streams that are used by fish or have the potential to support fish. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 28 of 137 (b) Type Np streams are those streams that are perennial during a year of normal rainfall and do not have the potential to be used by fish. Type Np streams include the intermittent dry portions of the perennial channel below the uppermost point of perennial flow. If the uppermost point of perennial flow cannot be identified with simple, nontechnical observations, then the point of perennial flow should be determined using the best professional judgment of a qualified professional. (c) Type Ns streams are those streams that are seasonal or ephemeral during a year of normal rainfall and do not have the potential to be used by fish. (2) For the purposes of this definition, "used by fish" and "potential to support fish" are presumed for: (a) Streams where naturally reoccurring use by fish has been documented by a government agency;or (b) Streams that are fish passable, as determined by a qualified professional based on review of stream flow, gradient and natural barriers, and criteria for fish passability established by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. (3) Ditches are excluded from regulation as streams, unless they are used by fish. Ditches are artificial drainage features created in uplands through purposeful human action, such as irrigation and drainage ditches, grass -lined swales, and canals. Purposeful creation must be demonstrated through documentation, photographs, statements and/or other evidence. " Streambank stabilization" means treatments used to stabilize and protect banks of streams from erosion. "Street" means both a public right-of-way and a vehicular access easement or tract. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 29 of 137 "Street providing direct vehicle access" means the street from which a vehicle can enter the subject property without traversing another street or piece of property. In the case of a multi -use complex, the street providing direct vehicular access is the exterior street that borders the complex and not an internal street surrounded by the complex. "Streetscape " means the visual character and quality of a street as determined by various elements located between the street and building facades, such as trees and other landscaping, street furniture, artwork, transit stops, and the architectural quality of street -facing building facades. "Streetscape amenities " means pedestrian -oriented features and furnishings within the streetscape, such as bench seats or sitting walls, weather protection, water features, art, transit stops with seating, architectural facade treatments, garden space associated with residences, pedestrian -scale lighting, landscaping that does not block views from the street or adjacent buildings, special paving, kiosks, trellises, trash receptacles, and bike racks. "Structural alteration " means any change in the supporting member of a building or structure. "Structure " means a combination or arrangement of material for use, occupancy, or ornamentation, whether installed on, above, or below the surface of land or water. "Structured parking" means parking provided on more than one level and within a structure, either above- or below -grade. Structured parking shall not include a surface parking lot. "Subject property" means the entire lot or parcel, or series of lots or parcels, on which a development, activity, or use exists or will occur, or on which any activity or condition subject to development regulations exists or will occur. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 30 of 137 "Support structure " means any built structure, including any guy wires and anchors, to which an antenna and other necessary associated hardware is mounted. Support structures may include the following: (1) Lattice tower. A support structure which consists of a network of crossed metal braces, forming a tower which is usually triangular or square in cross-section. (2) Guy tower. A support structure such as a pole or narrow metal framework which is held erect by the use of guy wires and anchors. (3) Monopole. A support structure which consists of a single steel or wood pole sunk into the ground and/or attached to a concrete pad. (4) Existing nonresidential structure. Existing structures to which a PWSF may be attached with certain conditions. "Surface parking lot" means an off-street, ground level open area, usually improved, for the temporary storage of motor vehicles. Section 6. Chapter 19.205 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.205 MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RM)'- Sections: 19.205.010 Zero lot line townhouse and townhouse (attached) dwelling units. 19.205.020 Small lot detached dwelling units. 19.205.030 Detached dwelling units. 19.205.040 Multifamily dwelling units. 19.205.050 Manufactured home parks. 19.205.070 Senior citizen or special needs housing. 19.205.080 Social sen,jee transitional housing.Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. 19.205.090 Convalescent centers — Nursing homes. 19.205.100 Churches, etc. 19.205.120 Day care facilities, commercial — Up to 50 attendees. 19.205.130 Schools. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 31 of 137 19.205.140 Noncommercial sports fields, etc. 19.205.150 Recreation areas. 19.205.160 Public transit shelter. 19.205.170 Public utility. 19.205.180 Governmental facility. 19.205.190 Public parks. 19.205.200 Personal wireless service facility. 19.205.210 Urban agriculture. Section 7. FWRC 19.205.080 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.205.080 Social serviee`transi�l— housing.Perrnanent supportive housing and transitional housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the multifamily residential (RM) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: - - U-S€ REGULATIONS r J I ICE ZQnjE CHART BJREC4- QP(S: PI RST, . ad f n to find use HEN, ar=rass�� REGO LATI GN S g,,,i red P-rPc_P,,;5 MiRiMUFRS NA -AM irA I-'M Required PaFkiRg 'Spaces - Ci]CrIAI II AT1r1Al C_dfll� Lot .Size Lat QveFage Ida# Structure ]FFE)RJ;i e IEi�.Crl Re,-4 n SedaIS`p4cp_ Preeess inn 2-0 &4t.- -5 6"1 In RM 3.6 1-1r+�F '1 The dty rRay-perFni� And 'rvr^Res, 3 these uses nly in a FRU'WaFRIE# 2Rd-GFIIY-}t. A IRimi'm_rtf - PeFrri++e:d 961#ig ht w�iery4he t9tal .,wrRb F ^o�'f--i'-^c-`.r`'vc^=R y case ibas;s fl. abc e average average in RM 1A 66 -,.,z9Res, n "m-r"'r^mz rtS--c v"�rr.i'.+i a'rra`a-r"r FifFFia4eF aIlowed U RdeF tha .dnfi.,iti..o_c4 See the total rd..r^Ilinn ial 4. abcwe a-veFage hUmIdmRqh oleo R URItS G9MPF;Se r tr ritir r ^vir`'T'Tc'�. "v^Ft�• Th y rare Qe�ri ..s-.iY.r -III lirar� m""'rrlrrcvsr .,�Im s- 5 �"Rwa by the rate requiF,.d E. The j2E+ iR Tir �itu ated close pRiti, to a410 hk?1 E ;} err^r�t� Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 32 of'137 - - - -pey9eW •US RFM r } USE ZCAE CHART DIRECTL i- rL�-�-o•v"-e�1-� F•� fz-o-Tirrcrr. r-1 i THCAI r.rr. Fnr Q�rl II I �i-ry= i r cy. ' C-•FSSe i�FEr` vrTr� P,T'(T' ' g C R ECIA R_ _•I II A:rlC*4C.❑ W) L-Gt Req Yams i9t Height$ uiFed '�e RICOVerawC NI try OL e_lft rt � � • e iTVT�CTR L�L� she healik rare �r rcvrcz� wu rs r� Gyi4e eF fre..Uer,tl , Etil,zed by y ..y d The r.ram will p he rater) , hder vc-v-pc�-o-�tzr-vr �u L-� e the authority ^t OF gOVeMrRent agel�c�e to whorn st-aff are fespORSUP AR - - available to city officials, if to Feral v ca t n the facility. e The f5 riiifii ieri_IL securjy-aff4Rge, e r.f rl'er,tr a--R 1 to its hews of o-r qpn •'cr4i-Gr createREA uwea �i C4& ., traff;r r„ bli.- ar.d- envices 'zrc-�-�r�cr-r�r-. utilities �..4� v-c�r' `rc-Jrvice Rce . The facility 9. -has a4e9l �+�ff_c� �1pa4kR"nd#i e Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 33 of'l37 I - _ U-SE DCP111 ATIONIC Ej ti iSE;ZQNE CHAOT Fea „f .fown to find u se THEN, aEre r feF REGI U ATrrk NS DIRr Requf. P4:9cesS MiRiPAUFA irr RequiFed r3PEC-SPEC a�r_I II TI AGNS A.AIO �5 -SFz2 ❑e yards GqverageStr f Weight ^iPaF'(*Rg ryeSpaces IFFORt ed Si42 NOTES +6.ti rl+ara r}or. of with is: h. Thy t)lic_in n1'anrn�a+i+l+'"' ���� �� able ,k k, , h, , V 1d 5af2 requiremeRtS � plan ,ed V-thr. adminirtr_a+i.,ram Svc* Q � rt-.nT sperifircat-r, nrl which mquimments, sj4a4be-ao "u-vi +h., doFeGtGf rF Gr CGFRPRUn"`r de eflo T 5ef-_Wee �rJt k y I vv Rt l rl'4'yl'�]Jt h C iaL 7` ffije ;lR t4 G� be-fe lak.. e the f� 1 vV f.a d affect a if they ,.,ern s ^ram '� 1-45 ii�r ;lee MiRiMUFA nd hai l-r-gam rlo+orw,4nnrf r. Q�TGT�TfrkZg ....R..r case by case baasra'' 3. RefeF cnv Ch-,.,+.,r 7fl 7GC CIAlO �" ta da�armine-whi4 Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 3-1 0l-137 Res�i �e� Structure SPaces Gt4ef�`�Mens Of this t rifl. ay a - the subiO-prGpe4l - n Refer to rh pt I qmd Ea F3 c �eqyjTemeRts that r i.. 4., rha r,rGi^rr see fhaptBr- F CO aity �� „J e ''�7 cam„+�7 c See Per .details.. PA4;at height "44 sew Fee det „+,i�sreg RAIR o �c itin nT Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 35 of 137 _ _ USE ❑ ❑ Required Minimums Required Yards Maximums (Lot Height of Coverage e Structure Re iced RM ZONE SPECIAL REOULA IONS AND Lot Size Front Side each Rear (Review iProcess Parking_ Spaces NOTES Permanent supportive housing Process III 7,200 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 60% In RM 3.6 See Notes 10 and 11 1. Any proposed permanent s�C • ft. See Note and 2.4 zones, 0 supportive housing or transitional housing facilitY with and transitional housing _ ft. above more than 2 units or which avera e bu-ilding elevation. brings the total number of 2 permanents,u ortive housing or transitional h ousi no units on In RM 1.8 the propeEly to more than 3 zones, 35 units must be distanced at k above least 11/3 miles f7,040 ftI from ave, rage building elevation any propertywith m re than 3 units of permanent support housing and/or transitional housincl, as measured from the Barest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 50 residences located within a singe facility or complex: and, the minimum amount of lot area per dwellino is as follows: a. In RM 3.6 zones the subject property must contain at least 3,600 s . ft. of lot area per dig b. In RM 2.4 zones the subject property must contain at least 2,400 sq._ft. of lot area per dwelling_ c. In RM 1.8 zones the subject property must contain at least 1,800 so. ft, of lot area per dwelling 3. The propeoy is situated proximate to and has convenient access topublic transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities fre uentE utilized by the residents of the property, 4. The housing will be operated Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 36 of 137 IUSE ]DIRECTIONS: ZONE CHART FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ USE REGULATIONSNOTES Re uired Minimums Re uired Yards Maximums Height of Re uired RM ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Lot 'Size Lot CoveracLeStructure Front Side Leach Rea Review Process Parkin Spaces fi ❑ under the authority of a reputable goveming board social service or avernment a enc or proprietor, to whorn staff are resioonsible and who will be available to city officials if necessa to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will o erate under a written cam munit enctagement plan, approved b the governing agenQ& board or official which must address at a minimum: 1 how the facility will engage with the communi m 2 how the facilit will respond to community complaints or concerns- and 3 who is the point of contact for the community. The is shall be orovided tot e city riar to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive than es.are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC Outdoors Yards and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For s iq n req uirements that apply to the proiect, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. B. For c_Qmmunity deli n guidelines that apples project, see Chapter er 19.115 FWRC. 9. The sub'ect property must contain at least Oda sq. ft. per Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 37 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FlRST read down to find use .. THEM across for REGULATION5 _ - _ _ IISE R�Gt1LATfONS Required Review Process Minimums Required Yards Maximums Height of Structure Required RM ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AN❑ Lot Si ze Lot Coveraae Front Side each Rea Parkin S aces NOTES 0 El dwelling unit of usable o en space usable for many activities and ma include common Wen spaces such as plazas recreation rooms roofto terraces, p-patches,pa�ls active lobbies and atriums_ A minimum of 25 percent of the usable opengpen space provided must be common open sace. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, or and may be credited toward total residential usable open sace i such private o e space is a minimum of 48 square feet and has. a minimum dimension of six feet. At least_ 10 percent of this required open sace must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. If the sub'ect property contains four or more units, this required c ens ace must be in one or more pieces. each havin a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition if the subiect property contains_20 or more units at least 50 percent of this required open s. ate must be i one or more pieces each havin a length and width of at least 40 ft. 10. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows_; Efficient units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 38 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST read down to find use . , , THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums (Maximums RM - _ Reauired Re aired Yards Required ZONE Review Process Parkin _ _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front Side beachj Rear'Covera Lot e Height of Structure SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Spaces NOTES C] ❑ Studio units — 1.25 oer unit + 1 per 2 employees one bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0er unit + 1 er 2 employee 1. Altemativel an a licant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(Zj_. 12. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people ex eriendri homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral is not allowed. b. A description of transit pedestrian and bicycl access from the suhiect site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the followin elements: Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 39 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums RM - _ Reg uired Required Yards Required ZONE Review Process Parkin. _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front— Side each Rear'Covera Lot e Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure Spaces NOTES I� ❑ i. Roles and responsibilities of key -staff; H. Site facili management, including a security and emergency Ip an; iii. Site/facility maintenance: iv. occudanry policies, consistent with RCW 59.18, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threaterdm and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs, V. Access to human and Ordi,iame No. 21-921 Page 40 of 137 _ IUSE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . , . THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums RM - _ Re uired Required Yards Re uired ZONE Review Parking _ Lot Lot Heigh t_of Spaces USE REGULATIONS Process Size Front Sid e (each)TES Rear Covera e Structure PECIAL REGULATIONS AND [LLO n ❑ social services, Including a staffing plan and expected outcome measure vi, Procedures for maintafnin� accurate and complete records. d. Providers andlvr managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people ex eriencin homelessness and or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field and/or applicable experience in a related program with people ex eriencin homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain Ordinance No. 21-921 Page -41 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ (Minimums Maximums PM _ Required Required Yard_ s Required ZONE Review Process Parkin _ _ IUSE REGULATIONS Lot .Size Front Side each Rear Lot Coverage Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure $aces NOTES verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant,_it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with apolicable legal authorities. For other information about parking and parking areas, see Process 111III and IV are described in Chapter 19.S5 FWRC, Chapter 19.130 FWRC. Chapter 19.60 PWRC Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70: FWRC respectively, Far details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19,110.0S0 et sM. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et sec. Section S. Chapter 19.215 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 42 of'137 Chapter 19.215 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS (BN) Sections: 19.215.010 Office/retail. 19.215.015 Breweries, distilleries, and wineries. 19.215.020 Entertainment. 19.215.030 Vehicle service stations. 19.215.040 Schools — Day care facilities, commercial — Animal kennels or animal care facilities. 19.215.050 Multifamily dwelling units. 19.215.060 Group homes. 19.215.070 &teriee transitio 11ous-in Permanent suntrorik-c housing and transitional housing. 19.215.080 Government facility, public parks, public transit shelter. 19.215.090 Public utility. 19.215.100 Personal wireless service facility. 19.215.110 Churches. 19.215.120 Funeral homes — Mortuaries. 19.215.140 Urban agriculture. 19.215.150 Senior citizen or special needs housing. Section 9. FWRC 19.215.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.215.070 Social se -fiee transitional--hous}ngPermanent supportive flnnsing and transitional housin . The following uses shall be permitted in the neighborhood business (BN) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: - ` - - Imo€ R E;GI II ATI9i45 I 8 i ISF 70niG CHART ©ILK D ff1d use ... T��F^o5� p,-ocr_! I nTln� Reqkk4ed Process n "Fli li+S ^_ E) Structureside �� aces CRCrIAI RCr'-I L4PlY1A�C ',size RegUired Varrlc From (e , AN-PL.-NOT-ES C.�z Precess }4 PjeRe 2-0 f 9-:ft-. 8 35 ft. RhAup aveFage 4� e woe Rete geteFMiRed 1. T -44�� heYSiRg Ro case these uses en[. . OR as l�Y-`=-o''e Coo A C Rotes � ` FRMULA _itri;^h -eta! f number lea5t 1 QG() 4. fROM a. other stand aEr.nn faeility under 4Liic +h�r.i�x. beF Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 43 of 137 - - USE .-�r�E TlONS r f I ICE 70ISiE CHART cQv--v-vrrd,-,�" ge*R-�... THCAI rrrsrc v rl l o ry SPECIAL Rrr_I ii ❑T' d}RECT !ON J�`tKS Review Process , Height 9€ Structure equ Fed. D'rL'nn �lGRg � s,,�W FFORt�Spaces side 'AND I n�nPTr.Eps el-,cc'ficat'e h The fac il'ty aad -, Icy �� a dinfin4'r44 y." See all lirepses fflaiRtains by the state reqy red z-cr` 1�W �... c. The h'er+ vim4y to nxd close hn onion+ hrrs ct �4G che..pinr. healthease earl ethe provirlers iterr",�pc1ertly UtilliZed b, the r cidentc_c.f the rc�ro-c��-cTvr c, ,� p;epeny' .J The x,i4 he 0 n ,thoFity v.,f a rn Fep„+-.hle err, �I cepyire Diboard) s v}-�c-r-o-rci, OF gOV@FRFReRt respGRSmblF will he ailahle tr—rit.. 9ffifE li-oReEessaFy to nlye rnnc4 S tp'e�r�t�•ai g to the Tl, o��riliti�t_iyevi �.IL � v* iu security E eRt� aWp� stqte4044 rc `'Y .rn ``h'"'prf orli..n tc anrl to OtS hG61FS$f Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 44 oj'137 _ U-&€-R€£-jkkATION-S ICE ;ZCPjE CHART read rlr DIUCTIONS. FIRST PFGcess neA r.rlrn,-rror"rr5 Height 9 structure Required Spaces 'S4e rrclS IFFOR h7 Rear n nl n�Tgs ,te r ena4le impacts--eR traffic, rhl'r r.til't'dcand rby e ire cRccT r. The facrl y-h_-ac adequate v4-5tFeL4 arkir.e and the r fc rm� ehafacteF n dyer, rrc c�c h The faeility iE; rs r. m nl i ar.r__o_ iwith Ortiz .kabl. .h.,-.I�l, Firo r, m-c; h� �itdi.,r. r.d ehfot.. uv�mrg;vr•.o—�.-p re vrr r u i rcim na+r_ �-virc�-rn *rcr i The fa erlity Will operate Wrier a hnti.rl r. Gffi rial whir m ctrat prim �. �v c sta n7cRRda'raT .,+r n.hirJi reqUirernL- rhpll h., by ade pted the f d'rertaf-49 m GOMMURIty .,d .. rhirh_rha4 he e rcnr .......r r file in the ritr: rle4L s BXeeLr- ..,h i th �l lh �! he, f.,Il.,,gp4r And ha" the full fwp Arr r{ affect i4r if thr set ferrh i, frill it rh'� chapter. 2. The r't yy*411 deter. it e4he Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 45 of 137 _ - USE nrGI It ATIONIS 119G TnnIG QunRT d ,..0 find rvoECTlnn os read IReyiew 9recess �fFkS s iL,94 -S e Requimd Yards PFE)R Si4eh71�22F en1n� n�GES n, h r of n-ra'itiirrrcirv-r �57 �f1�5--dFFL�� RumbeF Gf rjwf4li +ar Pek:;�ltte.d i a stand o rdeyelepi:se- al9 base,d the following en ,y eF+tefda: a. Thospecific eGC-up-R£-Fide development. h The of +hQ dwelling un-A&� ites +l,a r c'fic aR @t'c of the C-eRfi. n itc mr nrswite The rtr GR _��uc�rcror-o�� t�-the PF9PG5ed dev&k;,PMEL� d. The 3rc�r ether .d site and an deci qr feat, rror CA tbo pFoppse� rde, e le n+ 7 A Gfr. nn "' G-mGFe than i +^ el�im o rl ��-n-ii-ccr-cc del^ R! m@y be seEaal r 1 lea Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 46 of ' 137 lam€-RE�TIONS B USE TnnlE CHART Rev! e RFAEess C+r��.+��ro Re-" i red cQrrIAI-A,rr_I lli. Let �iae#L2Ees Required YaFds W NOTES flaqWiFernents, rl. eping bathr..am and farili+inr u144e deto rt Red S. if r,FOGA_Oi_ aRy StF6IGtUFe R the s4bjec-t--pFGpe;ly is wi+hiR 1 nn st .,f a 4RgI ri.ieRtmal than zone, that Peronp r.f +ho structuFe shall Rr.+ aveFaige d' ry nle atie pd tho +rur+ure shall be set h-.ck a rtf 7f1 ft frs, .,., +ha nrr�nnrt •r' lipe-gF the , Rtia4 side zene. F A4e 'ro , �raJ.ot v=-rvv-n- c�mvr rr�.. m coverage �s o+a hl i rrn rlcdi the bumldabl., w„ill 13.e GleteFF!Rr Red by ntot hh`F smte do e �equireFAL-RtS, i.e., FequiFed 'u`Y eC , nar aris.n ��rfare I aRrlr r E ' ator fariE +ioS, etc. 7 C.. GGFRFRURit rl.-.rir.n +hit g Ui.- LAWL-s to tha .a er+ apply S4L,L6 C-haptei 10 9'S C*n+, 7src+--•r-�--r-rTr Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 47 of 137 USE ZOnjE CHART nAE��- e{Rc Required Review Let REGULATIONS ATIONS Rf:G 5 Si;-7e B apply tq t4ti-pf^je rh�`r 1 n 4 ac c�L about paddRq-w4d Char �It LYAlO �. C.-.r rdotail5_r PA4;_?t height Immit, see RAIRC 19414950 of &eq. CGr details r MF49 uirori_Yar.dr ee PA/RC 19. 17S_1 G!5 a+ sew 19.215.070 Social service transitional housing. (Continued) - - �€ 6i4TEAP�S USE ZnniG CHART IReview �Rr9E-25s Heigh! a# Required R'r _ r ii- ii nc vT!S SPECIAL K�F nnin�,� ni�TGc ;L,94 'fie Reqw4�5 �6p rhh�`r ei e CharteF 1 0 r T. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 48 of 137 _ - - - - U-SEorr--iii ATION- USE ZONE CHART 191k5 Req4pe4 Review � 5 Rb+l e6� Rar Spaces cazrlAl REGULATIONS Lot e "wired ds � EeaEk�} AND EES 1nRefer zo Ch 19.265 LlA K- gter deter. 'Re wha+st3enr f this i4le F a., qfGvirions r.iy tG *hr. - ,hiec4 n'-Pr`-p'��c}vz a 1u j4�. For GtheF infr.rrr.ati9r. r.,rLi Br.rLr.�- ki" process 1 II 411 �-A hl about Rg - 9 a Feeaas,--rse e TIC-,.,+..r 97rt iiAIDT ern .^Irhica..0 F} Chapter FWRG, ]O - - d thihjgk w .,..� eere,,1. Sew FOP details L1AfL7�TtQ_ 2 i60 et 1955 Chapter •.,•� rh-,.•,+,,. �l o 6�5 CIAO respectively. q- 'USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, air so s for REGULATIONS _ - - USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Maximums Height of Structure Re uired BN ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Side Rear each Lot Covera e Front Review Process Parkin. Spaces ❑ ❑ Permanent supportive housing Process See Note 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. None See Note 8 See Notes 10 and 1. Any proposed permanent su pportiive hou s ing cr transitional III and transitional housinct 2 housing facility with more than 2 11 units, or which brings the total number of er anent supportive housing or transitional housin units on the property to more tha 3 units, must be distanced at least Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 49 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use. .. THEN across or REGUE_ATIQN5 _ - _ USE REGULATIONS Require Minimums Required Yards Maximums He� 1pht Structure Required BN ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Lot FrontS[de each RearCoverageof evi ew Process Parkin �9 ;Spaces 1'/3 miles (7.040_ft.) from any prooerty with more than 3 units of permanent supportive housin and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest oints of each such prop_e 2. There shall be no more than 50 residences located within a sin le facility or cam lex- and the subiect propertymust contain t least 2400 s . f#. of lot are per dwelling or one acre for every 18 units. 3. The property is situated proximate to and has convenient access topublic transportation, shoppincj, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the propegy. 4. The housing will be operated under the a uth ority of a re putable governing board, social service, or jency,or proprietor, avemment ac to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to dty officials if necessa to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under.a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agengy, board or official which must address, at a minimum: 1] how the facility will engage with the community: 2) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and. 3) who is the point of contact for the community_ The plan shall be nrovided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 50 of'137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - - _ ,USE REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Re aired Yards Maximums .Height Staff Structure Required BN ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NO ES Lot Size Lot Coverage Front Side each Rear Parking Spaces L7 updated and provided to the dity as. substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. For si n requirements that appl to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 7. For community desi n guidelines that apply to the ro'ect see Chapter 19.115_FWRC_ 8. If any portion of the structure is within 100 ft. of a sing le-famil residential zone then that pGrtion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above avera a buildi efevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property lie of the residential zone. 9. The sub'ect property must provide usable o ens ace in a total amount a ual to at least 150 s . ft. per dwelling unit and may include common open space such as playgrounds, recreation rooms plazas, roofto.p terraces pools — active lobbies, atriumsr or other areas the director deems appropriate. A minimum of 25 percent of the usable o :ens ace provided must be common open space. Private open sace such as a patio, porch, balcony, or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open sace if such private open space is a minimum of 48 squarefeet-and has a minimum dimension of six feet. 10. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficient units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Ordh7ance No. 21-921 Page 51 of 137 _ 'USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIO S _ Minimums Maxim BN - " _ USE REGULATIONS Required Lot 5j e aired Yards Lot eo Height _ Structure Re uired ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES roze FtSide each RearCovera Review Process harking Spaces Studio units —1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 empl_oy_ees Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.4 er unit + 1 per 2 eml2loyees 11. Attematively, an applicant may choose to submit a arkirj stud in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080[2l. 12. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum + the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housin g and services for people experiencing homdewwss. Direct intake of residents at the site without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the sub iect site to services and schools must be provided to residents, c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key, staff; Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 52 of'137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS, FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for RE ULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums BN - - USE REGULATIONS Re ired Lot Size Re uired Yards Lot Coverage Height of Structure Required ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Front Side each Rea Review Process Parking Spaces ❑ ❑ ii. Site fadh management, including a seeu rlty and emergency plan; iii. Sitelfacility_ maintenance - iv. Occupancy oip ides, consistent with RCW 59.18, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a rvhlbp ition on threatening and unsafe behavior; an the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; V. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 53 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums TMaximums BN - Reauired Yards ZONE _ Required Require Par in _ Review Lot ILot Height Process Size ront Side Rea Coverage of Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES USE REGULATIONS each Structure ❑ l� outcome measures; A Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/ or managing - age ncies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experlencin homelessness and or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field and or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safe reasons the sponsor and or managing agency shall take all reasonable and I.e al steps to obtain verifiable identification information, i ncl ud ing full name and date of birth from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containin this information. f. Should the proVider become Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 54 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use— , THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums BN - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Lot Size Re uired Yards Lot Hei ht of Structure Required ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES F o tSide reach RearCoveraae- Review Process Parkin Spaces. aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with appllcable llegai authorities. For other information about parking and parking areas see Chapter 19.130 FWRC_ Process 1, 11, M and 1V are_ described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC _ Chaoter 19.65 FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRC res ectivel . For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et sea. For details regarding required Ord s; see FWRC 19.125.160 et sect, Section 10. Chapter 19.220 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.220 COMMUNITY BUSINESS (BC) Sections: 19.220.010 Office/retail — Manufacturing and production, limited. 19.220.015 Breweries, distilleries, and wineries. 19.220.020 Entertainment — Generally. 19.220.030 Vehicle and equipment sales, service, repair, rental — Self-service storage facilities. 19.220.040 Schools — Day care facilities, commercial — Animal kennels. 19.220.050 Multifamily dwelling units. 19.220.060 Hotels — Motels. 19.220.070 Hospital facilities — Convalescent centers — Nursing homes. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 55 of 137 19.220.080 Senior citizen or special needs housing. 19.220.090 Group homes. 19.220.100 Permanent supportive housin2 and transitional housin . 19.220.105 Emergency housinIZ and shelter. 19.220.110 Government facility, public parks, public transit shelter. 19.220.115 Public utility. 19.220.120 Personal wireless service facility. 19.220.130 Churches. 19.220.140 Urban agriculture. Section 11. FWRC 19.220.100 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.220.100 ifrl--semi Permanent supportive housing and transitional housin. The following uses shall be permitted in the community business (BC) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: _ IJASE Ia sE�.LATIONcc USE ZQNE CHART - SiK�E�%9 RTGC-QSri AA'r,im,imc Spaces -Size Yards equired iCAn+ Si4e , ref F AND NOTES Co h.. ri r..� i+ted r., +rinl-,+ryv16a n th.. +, tAl .. mbar 0. _ rider.+r rino�� the mav6m4m Precess NGRe 2-0 04t-. 8Rq:ft f: e averag .} e�v-atie , (A�) +n� RARE _ S,-e Rote` 5 •1-4he�pef miit these ., A s+ad-al ne fariiRy dicta rer -Determined by case �}S � ft. aIeRg singlef'. �I, "- s le r+ 1 Ann ft. frr.m > 7 ether r+artrl_aIGR �ari1'+,. u r, der +his cIa«i gip, h The fadli+.,_andd nor and exrce.,d .nb ,d o„rar allorb the definition of "famil„ eee P)VRC 191n5-060 *te 47-5 S,ee R and $ as mq4ke44y4h-e�. e. The bjeet h�zn„;Lp� onaccess E Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 56 of 137 - - - USE -REGULAT OM i icE ZQnjE CHART 'ead dGW.fltG flRd use. .. THEN, —cry••-•rr f— DCQ 1f ATl(1N-S €CTl�!A 1 F1 57 Review PFGce&s Po4a Rl r��F�rS Structure .D^r ng Spaces - L4e •Sipe b.,.,uired Yarns Side f i R<eaf AND NQTES r }ham_ res7 d„r,�e r! The will program be —rated understi UthGFity of a repdtabl r.,ira nr_. n+ raj jeyern v-r9vr�.���e�._��. te ' ..hr) rtaff W rihie .,d who �rrc rrcr-W4:- v ,ill be ail Plh.l n_r__4y .,ffirialr if ., anc_'tc. r.rtai. iRg to he fariiit.. The facility will 4,�.,a rt3ffinri rinn and securi+.1 approp;iate4e4hve tuber ofrliar��r �r,d -r�r-rc� u� �.. tG i+r hr of zo-resrrvvrroT QpeQti4H- v-��.razrc.rr. ff Thpf�rilit ill PAI . ah1R create impacts n +raff'c �hli� � i+ilitio� Intl o�y ridgy T .. The faG ts, hoc adequate off street d.i d the �*cr-rrre w'h the EhaFac4eF G4 �rrrti.nr{ n--. h Tho f�`rlil`i'}�i,�i" oomr l'aRce with Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 57 of 137 _ - - USE REGULATIONS ATION f � USE 7nniE CHART d9w fond use.allie ^tea-fee REGULATIONS DIRECTIONT�PIFIS-r, n.,n-W �S nhi WFAS C 9 ' r, - wtwpe Requ[Fe4 d ' RaFkiRg CaCCIAI Qrrl_lL-� i Size 6��i.erd yaf& e.r. Cen+ Rea-F SAND NQTES .,licahle i oa1th w-e bUmi.doRg „rd cafett, Fequ4peme•RtS: G The facility wall lRder a written aperal+ � . p rat p 'm "I-^ "ire h., a+hirh off 4ai Fd or , cm ist meet administrative eta nos rn�cz� shall be adopted —by- he d e�keie shAl_be .. and which Ale 0 the city, rlerk�s 9ff'c and whieh shall he f llowe.d nerd 4aye the full foFc r.ffac4 as f the were et fe,.+h .. fUll ir. t-.his--. .+er The city cw.m .i 4p +h^ n—t mhnr__nE ci.f.�^tom .,.d the w,beF Gf edwelliRy F;w r�itc cry �n nnt�l cr reams or ite r ppmi n c_1nd_ hh'''I`".'� a .de al.t.,m nit based the foliewiRg en c r ter a: Tho ecif ir_sat w Fe sp end of the OCEUpaRcy e ho Fre i.,.+hn_propese dinVeI$pML=Rt. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 58 of'137 USE #�� USE ZONE CHART r AI aCress for RCr'I.ILA44490 S MRF"hAl • PIRST, Process terra C to RequiredRevmpo_ CRCPIAI biCl II ATIC1AiC ,S✓I-�2 Required 'arnus S✓i+ e �'7 nnln�� njQTES h The of the rlwnllin., U nitl. nr eEGupapc�Gf and thr—L rif'r suitor n fio w at; r. „f+ho nits'reerns, i, r c 7hi7,rs. oaFbY rrac irlr n+isi of the PFGpea.d r!r. &Gpmernri: rl T1�a .,rri. i+.-.rtUrn te Glo o.d other ,design fea+wes of +ha 3 AFn�nmmumof on ..;+ a-n.d n rnwn than five pcccrrven ri.,�nllin,, U „itr_in_z be may seEmn trn si+'n.,nl 4,n� �A Fleer area Sleeping arnac �ci �rcc-�rrt�--crcz.-rug � �... bath r, r.. faCil't'or w, 4 h., vvczv-+-�rm+�-�v��'r c case by--c-arse—basis. • Y ,+ ., n ,rf �n f+ .,n ah aVef3g2 h4.diRq e4evarion (A A CCI when I.. ated he+ I—R 21) f+ Anil An ft fro�al.o_ faf�T+i ' ZORe; and may R ee An hn+,.,nen Afl f+ onrl 10(; ft Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 59 of 137 LS€ 1 9 c e &4e €`­ —' jPaFking �af�4 leaSpac USE ZONE CHART - - USE REGULATIONS t Review PAin �mc e# Da ,C r,PPr o c ������� `�"�` SPEQA.644E4i�NS AND NOTE L� FFeR C -Reif R-F8E2Sse "v Fsammmum lot c e4 +h.- h ar+ahlirhorl IR5te� arl ram � ,4..........� .,ill he det4miRed Lv. &thar aFea ske-deV t5 i-e required nar_leinq-w I r fa;il% andscapinr. s urfaro etG 7 Rog rn r�rniar_+wee Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 60 of 137 USE 70A1E CHAW f11E7CrT1llAiCSISZ� ro-•A A-WrL��'US2... 4WEAI acmss Fr.r L1G vl vA 7lfl.. A:.C. _ - - - LLSj€ DCr11I ATIONS Review S Atin rrrsrriirria+fr`a G -StF{ e Spaces _ ��-Cc 4 t� L49t .e SS4 ❑ervuimd YaFd-5 PFAt (e } .�♦: Chapter iQ 11C L��I17� mo-�c-ter 9 Ler Iaerlrnanlnrr r omeRtc that a. r.1.. Chanter 19125-PNRC tl Cr. ti.IrT SigRon��eremci�+r tethe prG0r=t, e C-hapter 9 149 MAlOC-- 110—RefeF+r. chapter WC- —6- te ..-. �.�h�k rrnrr'ss uca+crrriether iv +hir title m plt._fn the subject -f 1111- if a p Fe ed thm eh the the hainht sperifierl mview pferi__orr of S;FUEtUre may xcearL35_f-. L,.. hwiI.d`n el-.� eFage A A QC1 tr- a Gf 55 4. A,BC if all of the Fee Elewinn criteria aaFe met a. The.ardrlit�ep a1 height ,, ke-___mmr.d�y5, �e __"__a_y .gpErmtiGF)ti1 Reeds of the use L �,.,du teal in the hU1ldiRg Rd/9r ti11 - r.A fly have a o spaces h 17 ft. nrd RiFO im depth..g.f5 i-� Height .er 35 ft i back' set G from .,Ie_family zopr a hte i; height ever 75 ft •.and �d Rr.r.fliRes n ..ram ...,,�^y, �..... dG r.tl,. flat R d aveid a a featureless r�ai�hr h ^y, r.. OR of height ferms, ,Ea r,.d mate: alr Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 61 of 137 L - 7' • _ •AMP • ■ _ _ _ - USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS IMaximums BC ZONE Required Lot Height of Parking Covera e Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGUILATIONS AND NOTES Require d IMinimums Required Yards ILot Size Front Side each Rear (Review (Process Permanent supportive housing Process None L 10 2010 20 None 55 ft.. above average See Notes 14 and 15 1. Any proposed permanent suppQrtive housing or transitional 111 and transitional housinci housing facilijy with more than 2 bui, ]ding units or which brig s the total elevation number of aermanent su artive ABE See notes 9 and 10 housing or transitional housing units on the property to more than 3 units, mus be distanced at least 1'/3 miles 040 ft. from any prope with more than 3 units of ipermanent supportive housing and/or transitional housina, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2_ There shall be no more than 5 residences located within a single facility or complex. 3. The property is situated proximate Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 62 of `I37 - _ _ USE REGULATIONS IUSE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS ximums BC ZONE Required Height of Parking. overa e Structure Spaces 5PECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Required Minimums Required Yard Lot Size Front Side each T-oc Rear Review Process II 0 to and has convenient access to public transportation, shoppin health care providers, and other services and facilities fre uentl utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board social service, or government agency, ro rietor to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials if necessa to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community en a ement Fan approved by the gqNKmhg a enc bo rd or official which must address, at a minimum: 1] how the facili will enciage with the communit 2 how the facilitywil! respond to community complaints or concerns; and, 3) who- is the point of contact for the community. plan shall be provided to the city prior to occu pant and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate rectuirements. 7_ For si n requirements that appl to theepraiect, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For communiv design guidellnes that apply to the project. see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Building height may not exceed Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 63 of 137 _ _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS Maximums. BC ZONE Required ILot Height of Parking 'Covers e'Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Required Minimums Re aired Yards 'Lot :Size Front Side� each Rear Review Process ❑ ❑ 30 ft. above average buildin elevation for the i2ortion of the building located within 10o ft -from a single-family residential zone. 10. All bu i Iding s exce t for related parking structures up to 65 ft. in height six stories must be gabied with itched roofs unless the bu i Idinci is taller than 35 ft. Lthree stories with a rooftop that contributes to them lti anvil o en space requirements. 11. Housing and accessory living facilities may be located on the round floor only as follows: a ground level space that spans at feast 60 pgrcent of the total [en th of the primcipal commercial facade of all buildincis, as determined b the director, is occupied with one or more other uses allowed in this zone- an h round level s ace that spans at least 40 percent of the total lee th of all other street -facie facades of all buildings is occu 'ed with one or more other use(s) allowed in this zone. Parkin in conjunction with other uses allowed in this zone may also be located on the ground floor of the structure if non -visible f rom the right- of-wgor public 12. All nonresidential ground floor spaces must have a minimum ffoor- to-ceiling height of 1.3_ft. and a. minimum depth of 15 ft. 13. The subject property must provide usable open space in_a total amount equal to at least 150 s . ft. per dwelling unit and may include Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 64 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required_ Review Process Minimums Required Yards IMaximums Height of Required BC ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size ILot Coverage Front Side eat Rear Parkin Spaces Structure rivate spaces such as vards, patios, and balconies as well as common areas such as playgrounds, recreation rooms, Rlazasrooftop terraces, pools, active lobo s, atriums, or other areas the dir ctor deems appropriate. A minimum of 25 percent of the usable open sace provided must be common ❑ en space. Private ❑ ens ace such as a pati❑porch, balco_ny� or yard may be credited toward total residential usable ❑ en s ace if such private o❑enlace is a minimum of 48 .sguare feet and has a minimum dimension of six feet. 14, Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficient units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Studio units— 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units— 1.5 per unit + 1 iper 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or mare — 2.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees 15. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a arkin stud in accordance with. FWRC 19.130.08M), 16. The housiD-g will operate under a written ❑ erational plan that will include. at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness, Direct intake of residents at Oi-dinance No. 21-921 Page 65 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS Minimums _ Maximums BC - _ atuired Required Yards ZONE Req_u_ired Review Process _ 'USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front Side each Rear Lot Height of Parking Covera e Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Sitelfacility management including -A security and emffejenc�+ plan; iii. SitelfacilitX maintenance, iv. Occ policies, consistent with RCW 59.18i 'nc udin resident responsibilities and a code of Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 66 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIQNS IMinimums _ Maximums BC - _ Required Re .aired Yards ZONE Required Review Process _ USE REGULATIONS ILot ;Size Front Side each Rear Rear Lot Height of Parking Coverage_ Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatenin4 and unsafe behavior: and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs V. Access to human and social services, including a staffingplan and exp_e__cted outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintainin❑ accurate and cOmolete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have _either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 67 of'137 _ USE ZONE CHART ❑IRECTIONS. FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATION5 Minimums _ Maximums BC - _ Re uired Rewired Yards. ZONE Required Review Process _ _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front Side each Rear Lot Height of Parking Ca veraci e St ru lure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safet reasons the s onsor and/or managing agency skull take all reasonable and Iere al steps to obtain verifiable identification informatio including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a I_ag containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current. or, prospective resident who has an active felony warrant it shall follow a protocol to work with the particieant t❑ resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. For.ather information about parkIng and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. Process 1, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC Chapter 19.65 FWRC _ Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et sea. For details regarding required yards, Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 68 of']37 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use. .. THEN across for REGULAT ONS Minimums Maximums BC Required Yards ZONE Re uire Required Review Lot Lot Heiiiht of Parkin Process Size F aSident Rear Covera e Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES USE REGULATIONS see FWRC 19.125.160 et s Section 12. Chapter 19.195 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.105 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Sections: 19.105.010 Buildable lot. 19.105.020 Essential public facilities. 19.105.030 Lighting regulation. 19.105.040 Regulation of work hours. 19.105.050 Group homes. 19.105.070 Family day care. 19.105.080 Adult family homes. 19.105.090 Regulated wellhead. 19.105.100 Repair of site improvements. Section 13. FWRC 19.105.060 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 14. Chapter 19.230 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.230 CITY CENTER FRAME (CC-F)' Sections: 19.230.010 Office use. 19.230.015 Breweries, distilleries, and wineries. 19.230.020 Retail use. 19.230.030 Entertainment, etc. 19.230.040 Vehicle service station. 19.230.050 Hotel, convention and trade centers. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 69 of 137 19.230.055 Emeraency housing and shelter. 19.230.060 Multifamily dwelling units, senior citizen, or special needs housing. 19.230.065 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing, 19.230.070 Group homes. 1 . ..080SoeialT.l'L'1' iI.L4 iiuil.]i arilvuaa• l.vwu+ +g_ 19.230.090 Schools — Day care facilities, commercial. 19.230.100 Hospitals — Convalescent centers — Nursing homes. 19.230.110 Parking garages. 19.230.120 Government facility, public parks, public transit shelter. 19.230.130 Public utility. 19.230.140 Personal wireless service facility. 19.230.150 Churches. 19.230.160 Urban agriculture. Section 15. FWRC 19.230.080 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 1.6. Chapter 19.195 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.195 SUBURBAN ESTATE (SE)' Sections: 19.195.010 Detached dwelling unit. 19.195.015 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. 19.195.020 Public or private stables. 19.195.030 Raising agricultural crops. 19.195.040 Keeping, raising animals, etc. 19.195.050 Other agricultural, livestock uses. 19.195.060 Churches, etc. 19.195.070 Golf course. 19.195.080 Micro -breweries, micro -distilleries, micro -wineries. 19.195.090 Day care facilities, commercial — Up to 50 attendees. 19.195.100 Schools. 19.195.110 Noncommercial sports fields, etc. 19.195.120 Community recreation areas. 19.195.130 Public transit shelter. 19.195.140 Public utility. 19.195.150 Government facility. 19.195.160 Public parks. 19.195.170 Cemeteries. 19.195.180 Accessory dwelling units. 19.195.190 Personal wireless service facility. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 70 of 137 Section 17. Chapter 19.195 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.195.015 to read as follows: The fol lowing uses shall be permitted in the Suburban Estate zone (SE) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - USE REGULATIONS RM� ired Minimums Required Yards Maximums Height of Required SE ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Lot Size Lot e Front Side each Rear!Covera Review Process Parkin 5 aces Structure NOTES Cl 0 Permanent supportive housing Process 5 acres 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 10% 30 ft. above avers e building See Notes 9 1. Any proposed permanent III supportive_ housing_ or transitional housinq facility with and transitional housing and 10 more than 2 units or which elevation brie s the total number of permanent supportive housing or transitional housin units on the propeU to more than 3 units must be distanced at least 11A miles 7040 ft. from an pro perty with more than 3 units of permanent supportive housi nq and/or transitional housing, as measured fro the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 10 residences located within a single structure per lot. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The housing will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board social service, or government a en or proprietor, to whom staff are res onsible and who Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 71 of 137 (DIRECTIONS: USE ZONE CHART FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across.for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Require Minimums Re uired Yards Maximums Height of Structure Required SE ZONE SPECIAL REGtJLAT ON5 AND Lot Size Lot Covera e Front Side each Rear Review Process Parkin Spaces NOTES i',l ❑ will be available to cit officials if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. S. The housing it operate under a written communit en a ement lan a roved b the governing a ency. board or official which must address at a minimum: 1 how the WiFity will engage with the community: 2) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concems; and, 3l w o is the point of contact for the community. The Ian shall be provided to the city prior to accupanQj and shall be updated and provided to the tit as substantive changes are made to the. plan. 6. Refer to Cha after 19.125_ FWRC, Outdoors Yards and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For s' a n req u1rements that apply to the 12romect,see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community desi n guidelines that apply to the project -see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. ParkIng spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficient units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 e_mplo�Lees ^ Studio units — 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 em [o ees One bedroom units — 1,5 per Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 72 of 137 USE ZONE CHART. DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across For REGULATIONS _Minimums 'Maximums SE - _ Required Required Yards Re aired ZONE Review Process Parkin :Spaces _ USE REGULATIONS LaA Size Front 5Id_e .. each Rear Lot e' ht f SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES unit + 1 per 2 employees Units with two bedrooms ar more — 2.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees. 10. Alternativety, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130A8D[2]. 11. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include at a minimum the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site without prior referral, is not allowed- b. A description of transit pedestrian and bicycle access from the suUect site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be grovided that addresses the foilowin. elements: i. Roles and. responsibilities of key staff Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 73 of737 USE ZONE CHART _ DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums SE - _ Required Re uired Yards Required ZONE Review Process Parkin Spaces _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size FrontS1cle each RearCj Lot ra eStructure Hei ht of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ❑ ci ii. Site/facilily managements including a security_and emergency _T Man; iii. Sitelfacilitu maintenances iv. Occupan olp— i ieS� consistent with RCW 59.16, includinu resident resl2onsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition °n threatening and unsafe behavior; and. the on -site use and sale of illegal dru s; V. Access to human and social services includine�a staffing plan and erected Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 74 of ' 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fine! use ... THEN across for REGULATIO S _ (Minimums Maximums SE - _ Required Re .uired Yards Required ZONE Review Process Parkin •Spaces _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front Side each Rear Lot Coverage Heiciht of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AN❑ Structure NOTES ❑ El outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and Cof IetE records. d. Providers and/or managing ace ties shall have either a demonstrated experience rr� ovidinc similar services to people ex erienem homelessness and ❑r certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field and/o applicable experience in a related program with pep 1p a experiencing homelessness. e. For heailth and safet reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information includin full name and date of Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 75 of 137 ON u Process I, 11. 111 and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRC res ectivel . SE ZONE birth from current and prosoective residents, and shall keep a to containing this Information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felon warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the yarticipant_to resolve any outstandiag warrants with applicable legal authorities. Far other information about parking and narking areas see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 191 0.050 et se . Far details regardina required yards, see FWRC 19,125.160 et Section 19. Chapter 19.200 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.200 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (RS)' Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 76 of 137 Sections: 19.200.010 Detached dwelling unit. 19.200.020 Zero lot line townhouse and townhouse (attached) dwelling units. 19.200.040 Manufactured home parks. 19.200.045 Permanent supportive housinL, and transitional housinLy. 19.200.050 Churches, etc. 19.200.060 Golf course. 19.200.080 Day care facilities, commercial — Up to 50 attendees. 19.200.090 Schools. 19.200.100 Senior citizen or special needs housing. 19.200.110 Noncommercial sports fields, etc. 19.200.120 Recreation areas. 19.200.130 Public transit shelter. 19.200.140 Public utility. 19.200.150 Government facility. 19.200.160 Public parks. 19.200.170 Cemeteries. 19.200.180 Accessory dwelling units. 19.200.190 Personal wireless service facility. 19.200.200 Urban agriculture. Section 19. Chapter 19.200 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.200.045 to read as follows: 19.200.045 Permanent supportive housinLy and transitional housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the Single -Family Residential (RS) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: _ IUSE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Required Yards Maximums Lot Height of eStructure Re uired RS ZONE .SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Lot Size Front Side each RearCovera Review (Process Parking Spaces NOTES Permanent supportive housing Process See Note 1. 20 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. See Note 9 30 ft. above average See Notes 11 and 1. Minimum lot size is as follows: a. In RS 35.0 zones, th minimum lot size is 35,000 sic _ III and transitional housing building 12 elevation ft. b. In RS 15.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 15,000 s . Oi-dinance No. 21-921 Page 77 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use .. , THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ _ USE REGULATIONS Re uired Minimums Required Yards (Maximums H.Eight of Required RS ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Lot Size Lot e.Structure (Fron"t - Side each Rear,Covera IReview Process Parkin Spaces NOTES c. In RS 9.6 zones the minimum lot size is 9,600 sq. ft. d. In RS 7.2 zones the minimum lot size is 7,200 s . ft. e. In RS 5.0 zones the minimum lot size is 5,000 s , ft. 2. Any proposed permanent supportive housing or transitional -housing facility with more than 2 units, or which_ brings the total number of ermanent supoortive housin or transitional housing units on the property to more than 3 units must be distanced at least 11A miles_(7,040 ft.) from any property with more than 3 units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 3. There shall be no more than 6 residences located within a single structure per lot. 4_ The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient acces topublic transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 5. The housing will operate under a written Community engagement plan, approved b the overnin a enc board or official, which must address, at a minimum: 1 ] how the Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 78 of'137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _Review USE REGULATIONS Re uired Minimum Required Yards Maximums He' ht of Required RS ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Lot Size ILot e:Structure Front Side each Rear+Covera Process Parkin Spaces NOTES LQ El facility will engacie with the community2) how the facility_ will respond to community complaints or concerns, and, 3] who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the cijy prior to occupancy and shall be ul2dated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign re. uirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that angly to the proiect, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Maximum lot coverage is as follows: a. In RS 35.0 = 50%. b. In RS 15.0 = 50%. c. In RS 9.6 = 60%. d. In RS 7.2 = 60%. e. In RS 5.0 = 60%. f. See FWRC 19.1. 0.020 2_j(h or calculation of lot covera e for flag lots. 10. The subject property must eo tain at least 400 s . fL of open space per dwelling unit. This includes a minimum of 200 sq. ft. of private open space for each nit and the remainder as usable common open space. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 79 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONSNOTES Required Minimums Required Yards Maximums Height of Required RS ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Lot Size Lot Covera e Front Side each Rear Review Process Pa� rking Spaces Structure I"1 El Private open sace may include yards, patios, and balconies. Type III landscaping 10 ft. in width shall be provided along all arterial ri hts-of--wa . Said laridscapin.Cl shall be in a separate tract and shall be credited tot e common open space requirement. At least 10 percent of the public open space must be developed and maintained with_chi>dren's play_ e ui meet except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age in which case the o ens ace shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. If the s b ect rmgerty contains four or more units this required public open space must be in one or more pieces, each havIng both a length and width of at least 25 ft. in addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more wnits, at least 50 percent of this required .open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 4.0 ft 11. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows, ^ Efficient un' s — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units --1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Units with twQ bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + 1_per 2 Oi-dinance No. 21-921 Page 80 of 137 USE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums RS - _ Rggaired Required Yards Required ZONE 'Review Process Parkin ;Spaces _ _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front 'Side each Rear Lot Covera e Height of ;SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure INOTES employees 12. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080[2]. 13. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral. is not allowed. i b. A description of transit, edestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and res an�biiities of key staff: U. Site/facility management, Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 81 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums IMaximums RS - _ Required Re wired Yards Re uire ZONE Review Process Parkin Spaces _ _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front�,each Side �� Rea ILot ' overa e Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AN17 Structure NOTES including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site facilit maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with RCW 59.i8 includin resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that iniclu_ dot a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of i[leigal drugs; V. Access to human and social service including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 82 of'l37 FUSE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS. _ Minimums. Maximums RS _ Required Required Yards Required ZONE Review Process Parkin Spaces _ _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Fonts�de each Rear Lot Height of Structure SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Ll G vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and comp}e#e records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, ands applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing. homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons the -sponsor and/or mans i ng agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents and shall keep a log Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 83 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums (Maximums RS - _ Require Required Yards Required ZONE Review Process Parkinr� 'Spaces _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Size Front Side ea[h Rear Lot Coverage Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES ❑ ❑ containin this information. f. Should the 12rovider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active feloriv warrant it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding. warrants with_ap Ip iCable le al authorities. Process 1. I1 III and IV are described in For other information about Chapter 19.55 FWRCparking and parking areas see Chapter 19.13Q FWRC. Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC _ Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively_. _ For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.11150 et se . For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19,125.160 et sec. Section 20. Chapter 19.220 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.220.105 to read as follows: 19120.105 Emergency housing and shelter. The f0ll0wiII9 uses shall be. permitted in the community business (BC) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 84 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use . _ . THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - - _ USE REGULATIONS Require Minimums Required Yards Nei ht of Re uired Parkin Spaces es �— BC Zone SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND ❑ ES Lot Size Front— Side each Rear 'Review Process Structure Emerge_n!1 housing and shelter Process None 5 ft. See notes 45 ft. above average building14 elevation See Notes 13 and 1. Minimum side and rear yards I .1 and 2 shall be 20 feet adjacent to residential zones and 5 ft. adjacent - Except 2D ---� ft. along sin Ice fah residential to all other zones. 2. The dU may ermit these uses AABE to 55 ft. only- f: a. The proposed emerge AABE See Notes 6 housing and shelter is distanced at zones least 1,000 ft. from: i. any other emergency housing and shelter, or ii. public schools as measured from the nearest See Note 10 and 7 Dints of each such propeft b. The facility and program secures and maintains all licenses and/or appp.rovals as required by the state. c. The property [s situated proximate to, and has convenient access topublic trans ortation shopping, health are providers, and other services and facilities f req uently utilized by the residents of the property, d. The program will be ogeerated under the authority of a reputable governing boards social service, or government agency, or propprieto to whom staff are responsible_and who will be available to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the facilit . e. The facility will have staffing, supervision, and security arrangements appropriate to the number of residents and to its hours of operation. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 85 gf'137 _ (DIRECTIONS: USE ZONE CHAR FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - - USE REGULATIONS Re aired Minimums Required Yards Height of Structure Re uired BC Zone SPECIAL REGULATIONS Al�1Q NOTES Lot Size Front Side each Rear �' Review Process P "kin_ a@ Spaces --�— f. The facility will. not create unreasonable impacts on traffic public utilities and services or on nearby residences. g. The facility is in compliance with applicable health, fire, building, and safety requirements. h. The housing will operate under a written community engagement Ian approved by the governing agency, board or official which must address, at a minimum: 1) how the facilit will engage with the community; 2 how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and 3 who is the aint of contact for the communit . The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 3. The co will determine the maximum number of residents and the number of dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites permitted in a_stand-alone development based on the following criteria: a. The specific nature of the occupancy and the ersons that will be housed in the ro osed development. b. The size of the dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites and the specific configuration of the facilities within these units, rooms, or suites. c. The impacts on nearby residential uses of the proposed Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 86 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST read down to find use ... THEN acro s for REGULATIONS _ _ _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Required Yards Height of Re uired Parkin Spaces -ace�- BC Zone SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Front Side each Rear — Review Process Structure development_ d. The architecture, site design II II and other design features of the proposed development. 4. A minimum of one unit and no more than five percent of the total dwelling units in a mixed -use development may be social services transitional housing. S. Floor area requirements, minimum sleeping areas, and bathroom facilities will be determined on a case-b -case basis. 5. if approved by the director of communit development, the height of a structure may exceed 40 ft. above average building elevation (AABE), to a maximum of 55 ft. AABE and four floors if all of the following criteria are met: a. The increased height is necessaEy to accommodate the structural, equipment or ❑oerational needs of the use conducted in the building, and or all around floor spaces have a minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum of 15 •depth ft b. Height also complies with note 7 c. Height over 40 ft._is set back from nonresidential zones by one additional ft. for each one ft. of heiciht over 40 ft: and d. Rooflines are designed to avoid a predominantly flat and featureless appearance through variations in roof height, forms Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 87 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - - _ USE REGULATIONS Re uired Minimums Reqwired Yards Height ❑ Re uired BC Zone SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Front Side each Rear IReview IProcess R rkin Structure �S aces — angles, and materials. 7. Building height may not exceed C] ❑ 30 ft. AABE when located within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone. Process I, 11, III and IV are described in For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Cha 2tter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. Chapter 19.130 FWRC. _ For details of what may exceed this height limit. see FWRC 19.110.050 et sea. For details regarding required Ards see FWRC 19,125.160 et seg. 19.220.105 Emergency housing and shelter. Continued _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIR T read dawn to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ USE REGULATIONS Required IMinimums Required Yards Height of Structure Required BC Zone SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot r ont Side each Rea Review Process Parkin :Spaces Size _ 8. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, i.e.. required buffers, parking tot landscaping, surface water facilities etc. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the pro see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 10. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project. see Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 88 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums BC - e ui d Yards Zone _ Re fired ]Height Required IReview ProcessS Parkin _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Front Side each Rea of Structure SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES i ze S aces Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 11. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140.FWRC.. 12. Refer to Cha pter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may apply to the subject ro e 13. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees T Studio units — 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit +_1_ aer 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + 1_per 2 employees 14. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 15. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include; at -a minimum, the fallowing: a. Residents must be referred b providers of housing and services for people .experi.encinr� homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site without priot referral, is not allowed. b. A.description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 89 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... TH across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums BC - _ Required_ Required Yards Height Required Zone Review Process Pa_ rking. Spaces �— _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Front Side each Rear of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Size following elements: 1. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency Ip an; iii. Site/facility maintenance iv. Occupancy olicies consistent with RCW 59.18 including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; V. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 90 of737 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums BC - Re uired Reg aired Yards Height Required Zone Review Pam Lot of USE REGULATIONS Process Fran# Side each Iaces �Structures — SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Size A. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing age cies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experlencin� homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents and shall keep a logcantaining this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active feign warrant, it shall -follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 91 0f737 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use. . . THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _Required _ USE REGULATIONS Minimums Re u i red Yards Height of Structure Required BC Zone SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Front Side � each Rea Review Process Parkin Spaces �ac— with applicable legal authorities. Process I Il 1,11 and IV are described For other information about parking in Chapter 1935 FWRC Chapter 19.60 FWRC Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. and parking areassee Chapter 19.130 FWRC. _ _ For details of what maH exceed this height limit. see FWRC et SM. For details regarding req�t_ired yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Section 21. Chapter 19.225 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.225 CITY CENTER CORE (CC-C)t Sections: 19.225.010 Office use. 19.225.015 Breweries, distilleries, and wineries. 19.225.020 Retail use. 19.225.030 Retail shopping center, regional. 19.225.040 Entertainment. 19.225.050 Hotel, convention or trade centers. 19.225.055 Emergency housing and shelter. 19.225.060 Parking garages. 19.225.070 Multifamily dwelling units, senior citizen, or special needs housing. 19.225.075 Permanent sunnortive housing and transitional housing. 19.225.080 Hospital — Convalescent centers — Nursing homes. 19.225.090 Schools — Day care facilities, commercial. 19.225.100 Government facility, public parks, public transit shelter. 19.225.110 Public utility. 19.225.120 Personal wireless service facility. 19.225.130 Churches. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 92 of 137 19.225.140 Urban agriculture. Section 22. Chapter 19.225 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.225.055 to read as follows: 19.225.055 Emergency housing and shelter,. The following uses shall be ennitted in the City Center Core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS - _ _ Required Minimums Re uired Yards Height of St ucture Required — CC-C. ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Front Side each Rear Review Process Parking 5 aces USE REGULATIONS ❑ ❑ Emergency housing and shelter Process III None 20 ft. 5 ft. 70 ft. or 200 ft. See Notes 11 and 12 1. Minimum sid e and rear yards shall be 20 feet along residential zones and 5 ft. alonci all other zones. 2, The city may ermit these uses ❑nly ii; a. The proposed emergency housing and shelter is distanced at See Note 5 least 1,000 ft. from: iii. any other emergency housing and shelter, or iv, public schools as measured frorn the nearest Dints of each such_propertV. b. The facility and program secures and maintains all licenses andlor approvals as required by the state. c. The property is situated proximate to and has convenien access to, public transportation, shopping, health care proyiders and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property_ d. The 1program will be o erated under the auth_Qrity of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor to Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 93 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Re uired (Minimums e uired Yards Height of Structure Rye uired Parking Spaces � CC-C ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND MOTES ILot Size _ Front Sjide each Rear Review Process whom staff are responsible and who 0 ❑ will be available to city officials if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the facility. e. The facility will have staffin supervision, and security arrangementsappropriate to the number of residents and to its hours of operation. f. The facility will not create unreasonable imams on traffic, public utilities and services: or on nearby residences. g. The facilit is in compliance with applicable health, _fre bui{ding, an safety requirements_ h. The housinq will ❑ erate under a written community_engagement plan, approved by the governing ag ency, board or official which must address, at a minimum: 1) how the facility will engage with the communit 2 how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and, 3) who is the paint of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city riar to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 3. The city will determine the maximum number of residents and the number.of dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites permitted in scan -alone development based an the following criteria: a. The specific nature_ of the occupancy and the persons that will be housed in the proposed development. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 94 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Required Yards Hei ht of Structure Required CC-C ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot 5ize Front Side each Rea Review Process Pa rki n Spaces IA ❑ b. The size of the dwelling units or occupancy rooms .or suites and the specific configuration of the _facilities within these units, rooms ar suites. c. The impacts on nearby residential uses of the proposed development. d. The architecture site desi n and other design features of the proposed development 4.. Floor area requirements, minimum sleeping areas, and bathroom facilities will be determined on a case -by -case basis. 5. Building height may be increased_ from the permitted outright height of 70 ft. to 200 ft. in exchange for providing publicly visible streetscape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190 along the ri t-of- wa . the siting and design of which shall be aaproved by the director. Process I I1 III and IV are desc6 bed in. For other information about parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC Chapter 19.60 FWRC,_ Chapter 19.65 FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively_ and parking areas,_see Chapter 19,130 FWRC. _ _ For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seg For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. 19.225.055 Emergency housing shelter. (Continued USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Minimums Hei It Required REGULATIONS Review Lat Re uired Yards of Parkin Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 95 of 137 _ Process Sire Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES - USE Front eSide ach R ar ❑ ❑ 6. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, i.e.. required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 7. For community design guidelines that a_poly to the project, see Chapter 19;115 FWRC. S. For landscaping requirements that apply to theeproiect, see Chapter 19.125.FWRC. 9. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 10. Refer to Chapter 1.9.26_5FWRC to determine what other provisions oft is title may apply to the subject property_. 11. Parking spaces shall_be_proyided as follows. Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or more —2.0 per unit+ 1 per 2 employees 12. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a 12arkin study in accordance with FWRC 19,130-aEM1 13. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following, a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transitpedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 96 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN cross for REGULATIONS _ Minimums - Required Yards _ ReQuired Height Required IReview (Process _ USE REGULATIONS Lot Front Side each Rea of Structure Parking Spaces S a �— SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Size c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff i.i. Site facillt management; including a securit ,y and emergency Ip an; id. sitelfacility maint� e iv. Oceu anc Dip IC1E� consistent with RCW 59.18, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on thre.atenin� and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 97 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums - Required Yards _ Required Height Required (Review Process .Size Parkin s �ace— USE REGULATIONS Lot Front Side � each Rea of Structures SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES V. Access to human and social services includin a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; Vt. Procedures for maintainin accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated ex erience providing similar services to pea pie ex erien cing homelessness and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safetV reasons the sponsor and or mans i ng agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification Information including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents and shall keepa lag containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 98 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use .._ THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Re aired Minimums Required Yards Height of Structure Required Parking 5 aces _ SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Front Side each Rear Review Process Size ❑ El a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant it shall follow a protocoI to work with the participant to resolve any outstandin warrants with applicable legal authorities. Process I, It, III and IV are described For other information about parking and in Chapter 19.55 FWRC Chapter 19.60 FWRC Chapter 19,65_FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. marking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC, _ _ For details of what may exceed this height limit see FWRC 19.110.050 et sea. For details regarding required ands see FWRC 19,125.160 et sect. Section 23. Chapter 19.225 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.225.075 to read as follows: 19.225.075 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. The followina uses shall be permitted in the City Center Core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and dotes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS; FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULA IONS _ - USE REGULATIONS Re uired IMinimums Re uired Yards Maximums Hei ht Structure Required CC-C ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot Size Lot e� Front Side j each RearCovera Review Process Parkin ;spaces u ❑ Permanent supportive housing Process None 10 feet None 70 ft. or 200 ft. See Notes 16 and 1. Any proposed permanent su pportive housi ng rrtransit IonaI III and transitional housing facility with more than 2 Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 99 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ USE REGULATIONS Re aired IMinimums Required Yards Maximums He! ht of Required CC_C ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Lot Coverage —Structure Front Side each Rear IReview Process Parkin Spaces ❑ ❑ housing _ See Notes 11 and 12 17 units or which brings the total number of permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units on the argoerty to more than 3 units must be distanced at least 1'/a miles 7040 ft.) from an propertywith more than 3 units of permanent supportive housing and or tr nsitional ho Li-si ng, as measured from the nearest RqLnts of each such property 2. There shall be no more than 110 residences located within a sin le facility or complex. 3. The proper-ty propertyis situated proximate to and has convenient access to, public transportation shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the properV. 4. The facility ar complex will be operated under the authority of a rpputabie governing_�oard, social service or overnment agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials i# necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. S. The housing it o grate under a written community engagement I -an approved by the governin agency, board or official which must address, at a minimum: 1) how the facility will engage a with the community, 2 how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns: and. 3) who is the Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 100 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ _ j SE REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Required Yards Maximums Height of Re uired CC-C ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Lot eIStructureSpaces Front Side each RearGovera Parkin E] of t of contact for the commu it . The plan shall be provided to the 61y prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the Cityas jes are made to substantive chanc the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC Outdoors Yards and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign re uirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Where the building is located near right-of-way, the ground floor must consist of non-residential space(s) with a minimum fl.gor-to- ceiling height of 13 ft.; ar residential s aces hat contribute an active presence to the streetscapg 10. Primary building entries to residential, retail ❑r parking. must face an arterial street with no multifamily residential round -floor parking visible from arterial streets. 11. All buildings, except for relate parking structures u . t❑ 65 ft. in hei ht six stories must be gabled with pitched roofs, unless the building is taller than 35 ft. three stories) with a rooftop that contributes to the multifamily -open space requirements_ 12. Building height may be increased from the permitted outright heicjht f 7Q ft. to 2 0 ft. in exchange for providing I _publi visible streetscape amenities, as Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 101 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Re uired Minimums Required Yards Maximums Height Structure Re uired 'CC-C ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NO I:S Lot Size Lot Coveraoeof Front Side each Rea Review Process. Parking St aces defined in FWRC 19.05.191alon the right-of-way; the siting and design of which shall he approved by the director. 13. The subiect property must rovide usable open sace in a total amount equal to at least 1Q0 s . ft. per dwelling unit and may include private open saces such as yards, patios, and balconies as well as common open sacessuch as plazas, playgrounds, recreation rooms roo-ftop terraces - atches Dols active lobbies, and atriums. A minimum of 25 percent of the usable open sace prcvided must be common open s ace. All elicilble usable open space shall also meet the re u'r ments specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu payment may be utilized for up to 50 percent of the usable open space asspecified in FWRC 19.115.115. 14. Any common open sace requirements may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space stud documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 15. Surface garking areas must be located so that they are not visible from arterials or pedestrian oriented walkways. When determined by the director or designee that such requirement is not feasiblesurface parking may be Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 102 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS' FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums - Required Yards CC-C Front 5 de each Rea _ Required_ Review Process Lot Size Lt Coverage Height of Structure Required r GAVE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES parking Spaces USE REGULATIONS screened from ublic view by a compact eve[green hedge, a solid wall or fence or in a manner approved by the community development director or designee. 16. Parkin sac --shall provided as follows: Efficient units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees T One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employe Units with two bedrooms or more — Z.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees 17. Alternatively, an applicant ma choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080l2]. 18. The hou si ng will ❑ erate under a written operational plan that will include, at a_minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred bV providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral is not allowed. b, A description of transit, pedestrian and bicyde:access from the subiect site to services and schools must be Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 103 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS- FIRST, read down to find use _ .. THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ IMinimums Maximums - Required Yards CC-C _ Required IHeight Required ZONE Review Lot iLot Aar_ Process .Size Front 'Side each)ES Rear Overage: o Structure S aces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOT USE REGULATIONS CI ❑ provided to residents. c. An operations plan must he provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and respomihi_lities of key staff,' H. Site/facility management, Including a security and emergency Ip an; Iii. Site facility maintenance; iv. OgLui ancy polir,i consistent with RCW 59.18, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 104 of 137 USE ZONE CHART ❑IRECTI0NS: F1RST,_read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums - Required Yards CC-C I _ Re uired Hei ht �— Required ZONE Review Lot Lot Pam _ Process Size Front Side each Rear Covera e of Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGUL TION5 AND NOTES USE REGULATIONS and sale of illegal drugs; V. Access to human and social service including a staffing plan and expected� outcome measures, vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and or mana in agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessnessandjor certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field and ar applicable experience in a related program with people. experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons the sponsor and or managink agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps Oi-dinance No. 21-921 Page 105 of 137 IUSE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: F1RST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums (Maximums - Required Yards CC-C Fro t each Leach IRearCovera _ _ Required Lot Size Lotof Hei ht Structure Structure Re uiredZONE - SP ECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Review Process rkin Spaces USE REGULATIONS to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containin this information. f. Should the provider became aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant it shall follow a prutocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. Process 1, 11, 111 and 1V are described in For other information about parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC and parking areas, see Chapter 19..60 FWRC, Chapter 19.130 FWRC. ChaCter 19.65 FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. _ For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et sew. For details reciarding re ured yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et se . Section 24. Chapter 19.230 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.230.055 to read as follows: 19.230.055 Emer ency housing and shelter. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 106 of 137 The following uses shall be permitted in the City Center Frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes sot forth in this section: _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST. read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATION Required Minimums Required Yards Heim Required Parking S aces CC-F ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot a ize Front' :Side each Rear— Review Process Structure ❑ ❑ Emergency housing and shelter Process III None 5 ft. See notes 45 ft. above average See Notes 11 and 1. Minimum side and rear yards shall 1 and 2 be 20 feet along residential zones and 5 ft. aloe all other zones. 2. The city may permit these uses See note 8 building 12 elevation aaV if: a. The proposed emer e.nc housing and shelter is distanced at AABE to 55 ft. AABE See notes 4 and 5 least 1,000 ft. from: V. any other emergency housing and shOter, or vi. public schools as measured from the nearest points of each such property. b. The facility and program secures and maintains all licenses and/or approvals as_required by the state. c. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property_. d. The program will be operated under the authority of a reputable govemma board, social service, or govemment agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the facility. e. The facility will have staffing supervision, and security, arrangements appropriate to the number of residents and to its hours Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 107 of 137 IUSE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ _ USE REGULATIONS Re uired Minimums Required Yards Height of Structure Re uired CC-F ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Front 'Side Rear Review Process parkins Spaces e c of operation. f. The facility will not create unreasonable impacts on traffic, public utilities and services or on nearby residences. The facility is in compliance with. _a. applicable health, fire, building, and safety requirements. h. The housing, will operate under a written community engage plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which must address at a minimum: 1 how the facility will engage with the community; 2] how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns*, and 3 who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to. the citXprior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to thecity as substantive changes are made to the p an. 3. The city will determine the maximum number of residents and the number of dwelling units ar occupancy rooms or sultes permitted in a stand-alone development based on the following criteria; a. The specific nature of the occupancy and the persons that will be housed in the proposed development. b. The size of the dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites and the specific configuration of the faci_li_ ies within these units, rooms, or suites_ c. The impacts on nearby residential uses of the proposed development. d. The architectures site design. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 108 of 137 E CHART INS: FIRST Id U I L Process I II 111 and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC. Cho ter 19.60 FWRC Chapter 19.65 FWRC. Chapter 19.70 FWRC res ectivel . =i:l CC-F ZONE T and other design features of the proposed development. 4. If approved by the _director of communb development, the height of a structure may exceed 40 ft. above average building__ elevation AAB to a maximum of 55 ft. AASE an.d four floors, if all of the following criteria are met: ^a. The increased height is necessary to accommodate the structural, equipment, or operational needs of the use conducted in the building. and/or all ground floor spaces have a minimum floor -to - ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum depth -of 15 ft.• b. Height also compiles with note 5 c. Height over 40 ft. is set back from all residential zones by one additional ft. for each one ft. of height over 40 ft.; and d. Rooflines are designed to avoid a predominantly flat and featureless appearance -through variations in roof height, forms, _angles, and materials. 5. Buddha hei ht may not exceed 30 ft. AABE when located within 100 ft. of a singe -family residential zone. For other information about -parking and Qarking areas, see - Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seg. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 109 of 137 DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read _ Minimums - Required Re uire Review Lot Process Size FrnJSJJ l0 9 1 CC-F ZONE A For details regarding required yards; see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULA ONS Minimums - Required Yards CC-F Required Height Required ZONE Review Lot of Parkin Process Size Front Side Rear Structure Spaces USE REGULATIONS each SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NO ES ❑ ❑ 6. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined_ by other site development requirements, i.e. required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities etc. 7. For community design uidelines that apply to the project see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 8. For (andscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.125 FWRC 9, For sign requirements that a I to the project, see Chapter 19-140 FWRC. 1 0, Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may agn I y to. the subiect property. 11. Parking spaces_shaII be erovided as follows: Efficiency units — 1,0 per unit + 1 ger 2 employees Studio units — 1.25 per Unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 110 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums - _ _ Required_ Required Yards Re uired CC-F ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Fro Side Rear (Review (Lot (Process :Size Height of Structure Parkin Spaces — USE REGULATIOeachl _+ 1 per 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or mare - 2.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees 12. Alternatively. an agplicant ma choose to submit a parking studyin accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 13. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include at a inimum the following: a. Residents must be referred b providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site without riot re erral is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An o emdons plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of keV staff- ii. site/facility management, includinga security and emergency_ plan; Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 111 of 137 USE ZONE CHART !DIRECTIONS' FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Lot Size - _ _ egec uired Required Yards Height of :Structure Re uired CC-F ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Front Side each Rear Review Process Pa ki Spaces i-�— USE REGULATIONS iii. 5ite Ifty maintenance - IV. Occu pancy policies, consistent with RCW 59.18, includinn resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a rvhil7�n on threatenin and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of Illegal V. Access to human and social services, includinp a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 112 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Lot Size _ _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Required Yards Height afi Re uired Parki n CC-F ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Front Side Rear Review Process Spaces .Spaces each records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience prowding similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field,_ and or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and saftiy reasons the sponsor and ar managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, includingfull name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents and shall keep a to containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or Prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 113 of 137 USE ZONE CHART D I RECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across far REGU ATIQNS - - _ USE REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums aired Yards Height ❑f :Structure Regaired Parking CC-F ZONE AND NOTES SPECIAL REGULATION Re Lot Size Front Side RearS Spaces each - Process] II 111 and IV are described in For other information about parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC Chapter 19.60 FWRC Chapter 19.65 FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRC res ectivel . and parking areas, see Chapter 19;1.30 FWRC. _ For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et sec. For details regarding required yards see FWRC 19.125.160 et se . Section 25. Chapter 19.230 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.230.065 to read as follows: 19.230.065 Permanent supportive housinp- and transitional housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the City Center Frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS USE REGULATIONS Re aired Minimums Required Yards Maximums Lot Height Covera ego Structure 1Require CC-F ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size. Front— Side ea IReview IProcess Parkin !Spaces :� each Permanent supportive housin Process None 10 feet None 70 ft. or, 85 ft. _ See Notes 9 and 10 See Notes 15 and 1. Any proposed permanent su P portive housi ng ❑r transitional III and transitional ha, uslnq _ housing facility with more than 2 16 units, or which brings the total. number of p.ermangnt supportive housing or transitional housing units on the property to more than 3 units, must be distanced at least 11A miles 17 040 ft. from an Ordinance No. 21_921 Page 114 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ...THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Required Yards Maximums JH ht of Structure Required CC-F ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot Size ILot e Front'Side each RearCavera (Review (Process Parking Spaces ❑ ❑ roj2eU withore than 3 units of permanent supportive houslag and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 110 residences located wit hi an single facility or complex. 3: The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to ublic transportation. shoppLn,g, health care providers and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be ❑ erated under the a uthorijy of a reputable coverning board social service or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are resl2onsible and who will be available to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement Ian approved by the overnin agency, board, or official, which must address at a minimum: 1 how the facility will enga❑e with the Community; 2] how the facility will res and to community complaints or concems, and, _3who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be l2rovIded to the city rior to occupancy and shall be undated and provided to the city as substantive chap es are made to t e lan. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 115 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS- FIRST, read down to find use. . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONSeach ReQuire Minimums Required Yards Maximums Hei ht ofparking Structure Re uired CC-F ZONE SPECIAL REGULAT OIVS AND NOTES Lot Size Lot .e FrontLeac RearCovera Review Process Spaces ❑ ❑ 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC Outdoors Yards and Landscaping, for appropriate_ requirements. 7F r si n requirements that appl . to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. S. For communitv desi n auidelines that apply to the ra"ect see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. 3 u i Id i na hei ht may be i creased from the permitted owtri ht hei ht of 70 ft. to 85 ft, in exchange for pro-vidinci pubklyvisible streetsca a amenities as defined in FWRC 19.05.190 along the ri ht-of- wa m the siting and desicin of which shall he approved by the director. 10. Structures an property that adioins a single-family esidential zone shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft, from the property line adiacent to the single-family residential zone. The height of structures shall not exceed 30 ft. above average build ina elevation when located within 100 ft from such property line unless the project proposes utilizing an existing building. 11. All buildings, except for related parking structures up to 65 ft. in height six stories must be ciabled with pitched roofs, unless the building is taller than 35 ft. (three stories) with a rooftop that contributes ta the m ultifamil .a en space -requirements. 12. Where the building is located near right-of-way. the around flo r must consist of non-residential Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 116 of 137 _ FUSE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ _ _ USE. REGULATIONS RequiredJHe'Qht Minimums Required Yards Maximums Structure Required CC-F ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot Size Lot CoveraaelDf Front Side each (Rear Review Process Parkin Spaces space(s) with a minimum floor-tc- ceiling height of 13 ft.; or, residential spaces that have been designed to contribute to an active presence to the_streetscap.e. 13. The sub'ect propeU must provide usable open sare in a t tal amount equal to at least 100 s . ft. per dwelling unit and may include pprivate .spaces such as yards, patios and balconies, as well as common open saces such as plazas, playgrounds,recreation rooms rooftop terraces, patches, pools, active lobbies, and atriums. A minimum of 25 percent of the usable open space provided must be common open space. All eligible usable open sce shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu option is -available for up to 50 percent of the usable open sace asspecified in FWRC 19.115.115. 14. Any common open sace requirements may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open sce study documents that less common open sace will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 15. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficient units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 117 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ iMinimums Maximums - Required Yards CC-F FrantSide RearCovera _ USE REGULATIONSeach e uired Lot Size Lot e— of Height Str cture Re uired ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND N OTES Review Process arkin Spaces C7 ❑ more — 2.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees 16. Alternativedy, an applicant ma choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 17. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral is not allowed. b. A descriotion of transit pedestrian and bicycle access from the sub ectsiteto services and schools must be rovicied to residents. c. An operations plan must he provided that addresses the following elements: L Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii_ Site/facility management, including a security and Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 118 of 137 'USE ZONE CHART _ DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums - Required Yards CC-F Front Side each Rea Required Lot Size Lot Coverage Hg ht of Structure Required - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Review Process ParkingZONE Spaces U5E REGULATIONS C] ❑ emergency Ip an; Hi. 5ite facili maintenance; iv. Occupancy Me consistent with RCW 59.18 including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition an threatening and unsafe behavior, and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; V. Access to human and social services includlng a Staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 119 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums iMaximums - Required Yards CC-F Front' Side each Rear, _ USE REGULATIONS !Re uired Lot Size Lot overage JHe ght �f Structure e uire ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 'Review Process Parkin Spaces maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness and/or certifications or academic credentials In an applicable human service field and/or applicable experience in a related program with, people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons the sponsor and or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a pfotocol to Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 120 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums IMaximums - Required Yards CC-F Front'Side each Rear,Covera _ _ Re uired Lot. Size Lot e Height of of Structure Re uired ZONE _ SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES IReview Process Parkin Spaces USE REGULATIONS ❑ LI work with the participant to resolve any ❑utstandin warrants with applicable legal authorities. Process 1, 1 L III and IV are described in For other information about arkin Chapter 19.55 FWRC and parking areas see Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19,130 FWRC. Chapter 19,6S FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRCrespectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit .see FWRC 19.110.050 et sera. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et-seq. Section 26. Chapter 19.240 Sections is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.240 COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE (CE)' Sections: 19.240.010 Manufacturing and production, general. 19.240.020 Warehouse — Distribution — Storage facilities — Truck stops — Automotive emissions testing facilities. 19.240.030 Commercial photography — Communications — Product testing — Industrial laundry facilities. 19.240.040 Hazardous waste treatment and storage — Chemical manufacturing — Gravel batch plant — Transfer station. 19.240.050 Vehicle, boat, equipment, and outdoor storage container sales, rental, service, repair — Self-service storage — Tow and taxi lots. 19.240.060 Retail — Bulk retail. 19.240.070 Retail, general and specialty — Manufacturing and production, limited. 19.240.080 Office uses. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 121 of 137 19.240.085 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housin. 19.240.090 Hotels — Motels. 19.240.095 Emergency bol6sing and shelter. 19.240.100 Business, vocational, trade schools — Day care facilities, commercial — Animal kennels. 19.240.110 Entertainment — Generally. 19.240.115 Breweries, distilleries, and wineries. 19.240.120 Entertainment — Adult entertainment, activity, retail, or use (adult uses). 19.240.125 Public utility. 19.240.130 Government facilities, public parks, public transit shelter. 19.240.140 Personal wireless service facilities. 19.240.160 Churches. 19.240.170 Urban agriculture. 19.240.180 Group homes. Section 27. Chapter 19.240 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.240.085 to read as follows: 19.240.085 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the Commercial Enterprise (CE) zone subject regulations and notes set forth in this section: IUSE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Required Yards Maximums Heiaht of Reg uired CE ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES � Size Lot Covera e Front side each Rear — Rarkin Spaces Structure Permanent supportive housing Process None .5 ft. See Note None 45 ft. above average See Notes 13 and 14 1. Any proposed permanent supportive housing crtransitional III 12 and transitional housing hou si n_q faci I ity with mire than 2 bOldin elevation units, or which brings the total_ number of permanent supportive A( ABE) to 55 ft. AABE and four floors See hous-ing or transitional housing units an the property to more than 3 units, must be distanced at least 1113 miles 040 ft. from an property with more than 3 units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measored from the nearest points of each such property. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 122 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use _ .. THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ _ _ USE REGULATIONS Re uired Minimums Required Yards Maximums Height of Require CE ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot ;Size Lot Front Side each Rear�Coverage:Structure Review Process Parkin Spaces Notes 9 and 10 2. There shall be no more than 110 residences located within a sin le facility or complex. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shooping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently tilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be ❑ erated under the a uthqLty of a reputable governing board,_social service, or government_agency, or proprietor,to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials if necessa to resolve concerns pertaining to th-e property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community en a eme t plan, approved by the governing agency, board or official which must address at a minimum: 1 how the facility will engage with the community' 2 how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and, 3) who is the Hint of contact for the communi _ The plan shall be provided to the city prior city occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 5. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC Outdoors, Yards, and Landscapi� for appropriate requirements_ 7. For s ig n reg uirem ents t at an pi to the project see Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 123 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required (Minimums Rqquifed Yards (Maximums Height of Structure Re uired CE ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot ;Size Lot Covers e I I F Side each Rear (Review Process Parkin . Spaces Chapter 19.140 FWRC. B. For community design guidelines that apply to the proiect, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. If approved by the director, the height of a structure may exceed 40 above average building elevation _ft. AABE to a maximum of 55 ft. AABE and four floors if all of the following criteria are met: a. The increased hei ht is necessary to accommodate the structural, equipment, or operational needs of the use conducted in the building, and .or all ground floor spaces have a minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum depth of 15 ft b. Height complies with note 10; c. Height over 40 ft. is set back from all residential zones by one additional ft. for each one ft. of height over 40 ft.: and. d. Rooflines are desi_nq ed to avoid a predominantly fiat and featureless appearance throw h variations in roof height farms, angles, and materials. 10. Buildincl height may not exceed 30 ft. AABE when located within 100 ft. of a single-family residentia zone. 11. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 s . ft. per dwelling unit and -may include private spaces such as yards patios and balconies as well as common open spaces such as plazas, Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 124 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required (Minimums Required Yards Maximums eI ht of Required CE — ZONE SPECIAL REGULA IONS AND NOTES iLot ;Size Lot Coverage — Front >Ide each Rear Review Process Par incl Spaces Structure ❑ ❑ playgrounds, recreation rooms rooftop terraces, p-patches, pools, active lobbies and atriums. A minimum of 25 percent of the usable open sace provided must be common open sace. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu ❑ tion is available for up to 50 percent of the usable open space ass pecified in FWRC 19.115.115. 12. Minimum side and rear yards shall be 20 ft. adjacent to single- family residential zones and 5 ft adjacent to all other zones. 13. Parking spaces shall be -provided as follows: Efficient units -1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Studio units -1.25 per unit + 1 per 2 employees One bedroom units - 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Units with two bedrooms or more - 2.0 oer unit + 1 per 2 employees 114. Alternatively, an applicant may Noose to submit a parkbg gudyin accordance with FWRC 19.130.080f21. 15. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by proviiders of housing and services for people Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 125 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums IMaximums - Required Yards FrontSide 'ea h RearCOvera _ Required Lot Size Lot eStructure Height of Re uired ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES (Review (Process Parking ;Spaces USE REGULATIONS experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit pedestrian and bicycle access from the subiect site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: L Roles and res and of key staff: I Site/ facifitV management, including a securilyand emergency Ip an; iii. Site facilit maintenance, iv. Occ� u ancy policies, consistent with R ind n resident responsibilities Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 126 of 137 _ FUSE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use _ .. THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums Maximums - Re ufred Yards CE _ _ Required Lot Size Lot overage Hei ht of Re uired,ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Front Side each Rear Review Process Parkin Spaces Structure USE REGULATIONS ❑ ❑ and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; V. Access to human and social services, includinga staffing plan andand exectnd outcome measures vi. Procedures for maintaining. accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or mans in agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services tQ people experlencing homefessness, a_n certifications or academic credentials In an applicable Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 127 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST (Minimum! Rec _ Required Review Lot Process ;Size Fro ■E Process I, II, III and IV are describe in Chapter 19.55 FWRC) Chapter 19.60 FWRC Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. emir E It human service field,_and ❑r applicable ex ertence in a related program wfth people exgeriendng homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons: the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full na_me_and date of birth from current and prospective residents and shall keep a_log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant it shall follow a protocol to work with the participantto resolve any outstandin warrants with applicable legal authorities. For other information about parking and. aru rking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For -details reoardingrequired Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 128 of 137 USE ZONE CHART ❑iRECT[ON 5: FIRST. read down to find use.... _ THEN, across for REGULA' Minimums (Maximums Rpouired Yards I I �rl-p Process ISize IFrnntlUC. Rearl'CoveragelStructure ISpaces ❑ ❑ Ards see FWRC 19.125.160 et s Section 29. Chapter 19.240 of the Federal Way Revised Code is hereby amended to add a new section 19.230.095 to read as follows: 19.230.095 Emergency housin2 and shelter. The following uses shall be permitted in the commercial enterprise (CE) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use.— THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - ` _ 'USE REGULATIONS R ired Minimums Required Yards Height o f Re uired Parkin � ZONE C E AND OTES Lot Size Front Side each Rear Review Process Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS Emergency housing shelter Process III None 5 ft. See notes 45 ft. above average building See Notes 10 and 11 1. Minimum side and rear yards 1 and 2 shall be 20 feet adjacent to single family residential zones and 5 ft. See note 3 ad6acent to all other zones. 2. The city mayl2ermit this use only elevation AABE to 55 ft. AABE See notes 3 and 4 if: a. The proposed emergency housing and shelter is distanced a# least 1,000 ft. from: vii. any other emergency housing and shelter, or viii. public schools, as measured from the nearest points of each such property, b. The facility and program secures and maintains all licenses Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 129 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS' FIRST read down to find use. .. THEN across for REGULATIONS _ - - _ USE REGULATIONS — Rp--wed Minimums Re aired Yards. Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces ZONE C E SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot 5ize FrontRear Side Review Process each 11 El and/or approvals as reguired by the state. c. The property _is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public trans ortation shopping, health care providers, an other services and facilities frequently uti ized by the residents of the property. d. The fa ci I ity will be o perated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to rit�ls if necessa to resolve concerns pertaining to the facility. re. The facility will have staffing, supervision, and securi arrangements apgropriate to the number of residents and to its hours of operation. f. The facility will not create unreasonable impacts on traffic public utilities and service� or on nearby residences. The facility is -in compliance _g. with applicable health, fire building, and safe1y requirements, h. The housing will operate under a written community engagement Ian approved by the overnin acrency, board, or official, which must address, at a minimum. 1) how the facility will engage with the community; Zl how the facility will respond to community complaints or concernsand, 3 who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 130 of 137 iUSE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS _ - _ _ USE USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Required Yards Heiaht of Structure Required Pa� rking :Spaces ZONE C E - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ILot Size Front Side each Rea r Review Process ❑ ❑ rior to occu ganc and shall be updated and i2rovided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 3. If approved by the director, the height of a structure may exceed 40 ft above average building elevation (AABE), to a maximurn of_55 ft. AABE and four floors if all of the following criteria are met: �a. The increased height is necessa to accommodate the structural, equipment or operational needs of the use conducted in the building, and or all ground floor spaces have a minimum floor -to -ceiling height afi 13 ft. and a minimum depth of 15 ft., b_ Height also complies with note 4 c. Height over 40 ft. is set back from nonresidential zones by one additional ft. for each one ft. of height over 40 ft.: and d. Rooflines are designed to avoid a predominance flat and featureless appearance through variations in roof height farms. angles, and materials. 4. Building height may not exceed 30 ft. AABE when locatedwith in 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone. Process I, II III and IV are described in For other 'information about parkin Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectivelX and parking areas, see Chapter 19,130 FWRC. Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 131 of 137 DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fi Minimums - Re wired Yards _ Required " 1� 1 Ic;'4o 1 IStructu ❑ ❑ 19.240.095 Emergency housing and shelter. Continued MOM For details of what may exceed this height limit see FWRC 19.110.050 et SM. For details regarding required yards see FWRC 19.125.160 et sect USE ZONE CHART (DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Minimums Required Yards Height of Structure Require CE ZONE :SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Front Side each Rear Review Process Parking Size Spaces 5. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead. the buildable area will be determined by other site development re uirements i.e. required buffe_rs,_parkincj lot landscaping, surface water_ facilities, etc. 6. For community design guidelines that apply to thethe_proje_ct see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. T. For landscaping requirements that apply to the proje_ct,_see Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 8. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 9. Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may apply to the subject pronert . 10. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 132 of 137 _ USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATIONS _ Minimums - Required Yards +CE Front' Side each Rear _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required Lot Height of Structure Required ZONE - SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES (Review (Process Parkin Size Spaces Studio units — 125 per unit + 1 per 2 .employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + 1 per 2 employees Dwelling units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + 1 per_2 empl ogees 11. Aiternatively, an_ applicant may_ choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130,080 2 . 12. The housing will operate gander a written operational plan that will include at a minimum the followin : a. Residents must he referred b roviders of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the sublect site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff: N. Sitelfacility management, Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 133 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS. FIRST read down to find use ... THEN across for REGULATID S _ Minimums - Req ui red_ Yards CE _ _ Required Lot Heiclht of Re uired ZONE Review Parkin Size ace s �- USE REGULATIONS Process Front Side each Rea 5tructure.S - SPECIAL REGULATIONS_AND NOTES including a_securi and emergency plan; i ii. 5itejfacility maintenance- iv. Occupancy policies consistent with RCW 59.19, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition firs threatening and unsafe behavior; and, the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; V. Access to human and social services including a staffin Plan and expected outcome measures A. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or mans in agencles shall have either a demonstrated experience Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 134 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read dawn to find use. THEN across for REGULATIONS _ IMinimums Required Yards CE _ _ USE REGULATIONS Required ILot IHei ht of Structure Re uired ZONE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Front Side each (Rear Review IProcess Pa kin Size Spaces providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencingaxperiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonahl_e_and legal steps to obtain veriflable identification information including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. Process I. li, III and IV are described For other information about parking in and Qarking areas see Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.130 FWRC. Chapter 19.60 FWRC, _ Chapter 19.65 FWRC, _ Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 135 of 137 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS., FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIQNS (Minimums - Required Yards CE Required Hei ht Re uired ZONE Review (Lot of Parking Process :Size Front Side Rear Structure Spaces USE RMULATIONSI SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Q � height limit, see FWRC 1�.050 et sec.. For details regarding _required yards we FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Section 29. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Section 30. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 31. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 32. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 19th day of October, 2021. [signatures to follow] Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 136 of 137 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIMr ELL, MAYOR ATTEST: IL4'i dj.# t , 4 4, . --,p S P ANTE COURTNE , CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 09/08/2021 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 10/19/2021 PUBLISHED: 10/22/2021 EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/27/2021 ORDINANCE NO.: 21-921 Ordinance No. 21-921 Page 137 of 137