AG 96-097 - STATE OF WA/DEPT GEN ADMIN REQUEST F"OR ROUTING SLIP rE IN: DATE OUT :: ::::::::::: :::::~O~":~ o. O....~ ." 4. TYPE OF DOCUMENT REQUESTED (CHECK ): 0 PROFESSIDNAC SERVICES AGREEMENT 0 MAINTENANCE/LAsoR A"REEMENT 0 PUSCIC WORKS CONTRADT 0 SMACC PUSCIC WORKS CONTRACT ICE.. THAH .",OOCI 0 PURCHASE A"REEMENT <MATC.'A~. .UNNU.., EOU'NNEN" 0 SECURITY DOCUMENT IE..., A..EEMENT & P....MA'N .ONO, .O.'.NM.HT O' 'UNO' 'N .'.U.' mONO' 0 CONTRACTOR BECECTION DOCUMENT -..J. I..... B'., .'P. .'Q' ~ \ ~ CONTRACT AMENOMENT AG#: ~ ()- \. I 0... 0 EASEMENT 0 OTHER 5. PRO.JECT NAME: , PHONE:\.N~ R<\ì - ~ì~l.\ 6. NAME OF' CoNTRACToR: ADDREBS: \~ -'-\.\..Q.\b,.~ Ë, ~,~ , ~ ~~ TYPE OF' PERBON OR ENTITV (CHECK ONE): 0 INOIVIDUAC 0 PARTNERSHIP 0 SOCE PROPRIETORSHIP STATE: 0 CORPORATION TAX 10#/BB#: SIGNATURE NAME: ~~\~ TITLE: 7. BCOPE OF' WORK: ATTACH EXHISIT A - A COMPLETE AND DETAILED DEBCRIPTION OF THE SERVICES OR SCOPE DF B. :::::N::~::~c:::::E:':TNE:DAT5\~\ ~~H PHASE OF WORKc::p~::::O~A:::~~'\\J~ 9. TOTAL COMPENSATION: $ \\\£::0..... (INCLUDEB EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANV) IIN CA~ULATCO ON HOU.LT LA,.. CHAP.' . ATTACH 'C~~' O. EMNLOU'. mL" ANO HOUO.T PAuol REIMBURSASLE EXPENSES: o~ 0 No 0 YES~O ND ~ VES, MAXIMUM DOLLA IF~$ .~ 0 C~CTDR OCITV Is SALEB TAX OWED? 0 AR ITECT & ENGINEER LI"T 0 SMAC WDRKS RD"TER 1 1. CONTRACT REVIEW ~IRECTDR n, I INITIAUDATE ApPROVED ~.hc I:>~ ~~ - ~.ACTS) - .!.J.I'-" '«.~ <:~::::;:,A~~:::T~:: ';,';,~':::.:~~;" ~.. ~ 12. CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING INITIAUDATE ApPROVED EI ~- -- ~.-..:x;.. 9J"~- """~r~ ;;7;:~ :::: SA~H'N%~~ ~"'GNEO AG # "( I ¿¿ 0 PURCHASING: PCEASE CHARGE TO: COMMENTS WNOTE' OO'O'NA. "ATO WOTH CDNnAC. CANA.T - C.EOK.O"'" PINK - CAW CENT. "DLDENBOO - O.,C'NAToN. ..... LD4.. 'BEV .,.., ~ c;.& <;7 ~ AMENDMENT NO.1 TO AGREEMENT This amendment to the agreement by and between the Department of General Administration and the City of Federal Way is entered into for the purpose of including the disposal of miscellaneous merchandise through the State of Washington surplus facility, currently located in Fife, Washington. A copy of this agreement is attached for reference. The City of Federal Way Treasurer hereby grants the authority to the Washington State Department of General Administration, Surplus Property Division, to sell, on his behalf, surplus property designated by the City of Federal Way, at a public sale, held at times and iocations that the state determines as reasonable and to remit all agreed upon fees to the treasurer after the sale. The City of Federal Way agrees to provide advance notice of shipments to the surplus facility, deliver items as requested by surplus staff, and accept prices received at time of sale. Adequate tagging to satisfY Federal Way requirements and state inventory criteria, shall be mutually agreed upon at time of delivery. Method of tagging may be revised at any time based on sale data required by the City of Federal Way. In consideration, the State agrees to reimburse the City of Federal Way 20% of all revenue generated from the sale of miscellaneous merchandise. The City of Federal Way can expect remittance on a monthly or quarterly basis. ~d17P~4 / Gen. Admm. State Surplus DATE IN: '1& -III CITY OF" F"EDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT REQUEST F"OR CONTRACT PREPARATION/DoCUMENT REVIEW/SII3NATURE ROUTINI3 SLIP 4A t!h ú4 pr¡ ...:' d' <.LS - C} (, EXT: 4c.,¡73. DATE REIiI. Bv, 3 ';Z(J- 7 & 1. ORIGINATING DEPT./Dlv.: 2. ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: 4. TVPE OF DOCUMENT REQUEBTED (CHECK ONE!: 0 PROFUSIONAC SERV'CES A"RnMENT 0 MAINTENANCE/LASDR AGREEMENT 0 PUSCIC WoRKS CONTRACT 0 SMACC PUSCIC WORKS CDNTRACT 'LU. THAN .U,CCCI 0 PURCHASE AGREEMENT <NA".'AL., Bu"PCIE., EOU'P.'NTI 0 REAC EsTATE PURCHASE & BACES A"REEMENT 5. PRO.JECT NAME: .s t-<./i MfAA- -S /~~ 6. NAME OF' CONTRACTOR: ADDREBS: --'- TVPE OF PERSON OR ENTITV (CHECK ONE': 0 INOIVIOUAC 0 PARTNERSHIP 0 BECURITY DOCUMENT 'L." A..'E.ENT .. _""A'. aD... A'.'SH..NT D' "'.0. 'N CIEU O. aDHOI 0 CDNTRACTDR .ECECTIDN DOCUMENT IE.... aFa, a.p. a'Q' 0 CONTRACT AMENDMENT AII#, g{~:~:ENT .....bJ iN Jce .J a ~v1..U /VcJL,,-1- I fr/) r¡ r¡ iF I:J¡ hJA. 1< c- ~ k ,,~ '-^-1 O..JcA...O fÞu¡. J -k~ Do+, i "'-d 4J-^ --1,.).~^ PHONE: 0 SDCE PROPRIEToRsHIP 0 CORPORATION STATE:- TAX 10#'..#: SIGNATURE NAME' TITLE' 7. SCOPE OF' WORK: ATTACH EXHIBIT A - A COMPLETE AND DETAILED OESCRI"TION OF' THE BERVICEB OR BCO"E OF' WORK, INCCUDING COMPLETION DATES F'OR EACH "HABE OF WORK AND LOCATION OF' WORK. B. TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: COM"LETION OATE: REIMBURSABCE EXPENBEB: DYES 9. TOTAL COMPENBATION: $ ,.. OALOULATEO ON HOU"", LA'O. OHA..' . ATT~H OOH'OU~. ON EMN"T<U T"L" A.O .OU..T PATE.' Is SALES TAX OWED? 0 YES 10. SELECTION PROCEBB UBED (CHECK ONE': 0 REQUEST FDR SIOS 0 REQUEST FDR PROPDSAca ONe DNa IF VEIl, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: '" IF VES, "AIO BY: 0 CONTRACTOR 0 CITV O_~""'"-"-,, .Ø~' 0 .MALe Wom RaaTEi t1 uì ~J] è . ';::'.'"-3~:7i:G '11'-Þ ~ - ) I ~l 40-~ryl 0 REQunT FOR QUOTEa 0 REQunT FDR QUACIF'lCATIDNa 11. CONTRACT REVIEW 0 LAw (ACC CONTRACTS' 0 RISK MANA"EMENT ':~~:::O""'::'.":~L":O",.~:: ';::.~':....';~';',., 0 PURCHASING 1 \ C!NTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING ~W OEPARTMENT ~CITV MANAUR 0 CITY CCERK ~S"s7::E:D:: a;Cql~ 9'7'NATIN" oEI'T. COMMENTS P b ~- ¿'-L~ fJ r,:) v"--€.- C'-'<l--.-- iv ;:'1 .r-. WHITE, D.'.'NAL OTAn W'TH O.NT.~TO CAHAaY' ..'.'HAT'H. OTA'~ PINK' LAW ..~., mOLDENaOD . LAW D'~, CC4" laEY 7/941 AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Department of General Administration of the State of Washington is Authorized by RCW 43_19.1919 to sell surplus personal property to the State by public Auctions; and WHEREAS, the Ci tv of Federal Way authorized to sell surplus property by public auction; and (hereinafterreferredtoasCitv of Federal Way )is WHEREAS, the Department of General Administration has the facilities and personnel to sell surplus personal property at public auctions; and 1996 WHEREAS, automobile auctions are currently scheduled for 1222 46th Ave E, Fife, WA 98424, , at the Surplus Property Yard, THEREFORE, it is agreed pursuant to the tenns ofRCW 29.34.080, that; I. The State of Washington, De~ent of General Administration, Surplus Property, hereinafter referred to as the State, agrees to sell, by public auction, as agent for C i t Y ofF e d era 1 Way the items listed on attached sheel. 2. to: b). c). d). e). In consideration for the services provided by the State City of Federal Way hereby agrees a). VEHICLES (sedans, pickups, station wagons, vans): Pay 10% of the sale price for each vehicle sold; EQUIPMENT: for each item of equipment sold: Pay 20% for first $2500.00, plus 10% of amount over $2500.00 to $7500.00, plus 5% of amount over 7500.00 up to $15,000.00, if over $15,000.00, fee subject to negotiation. Accept the high bid received at the time of auction. Deliver vehicle to the sale site prior to sale date- Transmit titles to the State with a letter of transmittal at least four weeks prior to sale date. Provide detailed information concerning the condition of the vehicle, to the State at time the titles are transmitted. Provide tires for vehicle, including the spare, if any, that confonn to the requirement ofRCW 46.37.423. Provide a statement that the mileage shown on the vehicle's odometer is correct. Clean and wash all vehicles before delivery. Save and hold harmless the State of Washington, Department of General Admiuistration, its officers, employees, and agents (including the auctioneers) from and against, any and all claims arising from the sale transaction, either before, during, or after the sale, including but not limited to, claims of governmental agencies concerning the vehicle, claims made by the buyer or others based on faulty, damaged, missing or otherwise unsatisfactory parts or components, and claims for damage to property or injury to persons resulting from use of the vehicle. t) g). h). i). 3. The State of Washington agrees to sell the equipment listed by public auction, collect payment from the buyer, and reimburse the owing agency all of the proceeds of sale except for the selling cost often per cent (10%) per vehicle, andlor percentages of gross sale proceeds as indicated above. - 4. If for any reason City of Federal Way not be returned. Tax ID# or Soc. se,k 1/. Approved as ~~m: 1-'/ & ;2 5" :n;) ')L< /> /-( r /":'-1 i-c.:o. .s ~~ ~. Lindell, City Attorney \ . x~¿Ú!.l .'~<J ¿uoc/ 4)/1 City / State 9J/v¿;3 Zip Code ORIGINAL (206) 66 HIOOO FEDERAL WAY. WA 98003-6210 Apri13,1996 Darrell Green State of Washington Department of General Admin.. Division of Commodity Redistribution 2805 C Street SW, Bldg 5, Door 49 Auburn, WA 98001 RE: Vehicle Auction Dear Darrell, Enclosed please find a fully executed agreement between the City of Federal Way and the State of Washington. The City is requesting participation in your next vehicle auction slated for June 22, 1996. At this time, we have one 1986 Plymouth 4 door Reliant; license number 06050D. This vehicle has 102,514 miles. If any additional information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me at (206)661-4077. Sincerely, / I U~S ) )u~/~/~"-- ~:rphY, Purchasing Coordinator cr-- Enclosure (1)