20-101386-Existing Conditions Summary Memo-09-11-2020-V2Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 25 August 2020 TAL-1572B Mr. Eric Labrie 33400 8th Avenue South, Suite 205, Federal Way, Washington 98003 REFERENCE: Federal Way Parcel #2121049014 Drainage SUBJECT: Existing Conditions and Drainage Study Summary Dear Eric: At your request, Talasaea Consultants has prepared the below summary of existing conditions on Parcel #2121049014 in Federal Way, Washington. This property was initial evaluated as part of the greater Weyerhaeuser Campus in the winter of 2015-2016. PROPERTY LOCATION The property (“Site” hereafter) is a single, approximately 24.3-acre parcel located south of Highway 18 and west of Weyerhaeuser Way South in Federal Way, Washington (King County Parcel #2121049014) (Figures 1 and 2). The Public Land Survey System location of the Site is the SE ¼ of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LAND USE The Site is undeveloped and completely forested with a native mixed deciduous-coniferous forest and a large wetland complex (Photo 1). The Site is bordered to the south by single- family residences and a church, to the east by Weyerhaeuser Way South, and to the north and west by Highway 18. Southwest of the Site is a large contiguous forested system associated with Weyerhaeuser Creek on property owned by King County Solid Waste Division. Site topography is varied and includes an approximately 50 percent west-facing slope near the eastern property boundary, a horseshoe-shaped depressional area associated with the large wetland complex in the central area of the Site (described in more detail below), and a northward protruding ridge in the western area of the Site. Four (4) wetlands and one (1) stream were identified on the Site. Additionally, one (1) stream (Weyerhaeuser Creek) was identified offsite to the west. Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 2 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 Photo 1. Project Site outlined in red and surrounding land uses. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Background information from the following sources was reviewed prior to field investigations: • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Wetlands Online Mapper (National Wetlands Inventory, NWI) (www.wetlandsfws.er.usgs.gov/wtlnds/launch.html); • Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Web Soil Survey (www.websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app); • King County Critical Areas Database (King County, 2019); • City of Federal Way Critical Areas Database (Federal Way, 2019) • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) Database on the Web (wdfw.wa.gov/mapping/phs); • Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Natural Heritage GIS database, 2019; • Fish usage data from SalmonScape (http://apps.wdfw.wa.gov/salmonscape/map.html), StreamNet (http://www.streamnet.org/data/interactive-maps-and-gis-data/) and the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (https://geo.nwifc.org/swifd/); • Orthophotography from Earth Explorer (2019), Google Earth (2019); and Historic Aerials (www.historicaerials.com, 2019). The USFWS NWI identifies two wetlands on the Site (Figure 3): A Palustrine forested, seasonally flooded (PFOC) wetland and a Palustrine scrub-shrub, seasonally flooded Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 3 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 wetland (PSSC). The onsite mapped wetlands correlates to Wetland CR/CS (described later), which is located in the horseshoe-shaped topographic depression. NWI also maps a Palustrine forested, seasonally flooded, diked/impounded wetland and a Palustrine scrub- shrub, seasonally flooded, diked/impounded wetland as occurring approximately 75 feet southwest of the Site and west of the Site across Highway 18, respectively. King County, Federal Way, and WDFW PHS all identified the aforementioned wetland features on their databases. King County and Federal Way also map a southward-flowing stream west of the Site, which corresponds with Weyerhaeuser Creek, but do not map any streams on the Site. Salmonscape, StreamNet, and the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, do not map any features on, or within a 300-foot vicinity of, the Site. The NRCS maps three soil types as occurring onsite (Figure 4). Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0-8 percent slopes is mapped throughout the majority of the Site. However, a portion of the southwest area of the Site is mapped as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 8-15 percent slopes, and a small area in the northeast of the Site is mapped as Shalcar muck. Of these three soil types, Shalcar muck is considered a hydric soil by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils. The area mapped as Shalcar muck is generally consistent with the location of Wetland CQ (see below for more details). FIELD INVESTIGATIONS We evaluated the Site on 22 December 2015 and again on 22 February 2019. Four (4) wetlands (Wetlands CR/CS, CP, CQ, and F) and one (1) stream (Stream A) were identified onsite. Additionally, one (1) stream was identified offsite to the west (Weyerhaeuser Creek) (Figure 5). No other wetlands or streams were identified on or adjacent to the Site that would extend additional buffers onto the Site. Features are summarized in the Critical Area Summary Table (Table 1) below. The routine approach described in the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2010) was used as a baseline for evaluating the Site for the presence of wetlands. Wetlands were rated using the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington (Hruby 2014), but buffers were assigned according to the 1994 Federal Way City Code (FWCC) and the Concomitant Zoning Agreement (CZA). Wetland rating forms are attached (Attachment 1). The ordinary high-water mark (OWHM) for streams was determined using the methodology described by Washington State Department of Ecology’s “Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark on Streams in Washington State” (Olson and Stockdale 2016). Wetlands and streams were typed according to FWRC §19.145.260. Stream buffers were assigned according to the 1994 FWCC and the CZA. The OHWM of the stream flowing through Wetland CR/CS was not delineated in the field due to high water levels during site visits, Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 4 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 which precluded a clear determination of the physical OHWM. The entire system becomes a slough after large rain events with stream waters extending well into the adjacent wetlands. WETLAND CR/CS Wetland CR/CS is a large (approximately 3.1-acre) wetland complex with forested, scrub- shrub, aquatic bed, and emergent components. The wetland is almost wholly contained within the Site, except for the northernmost portions of the horseshoe shaped wetland, which extend north of the northern property line into the Highway 18 right-of-way. Typical vegetation in Wetland CR/CS includes red alder (Alnus rubra), western red cedar (Thuja plicata), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilits), spirea (Spiraea douglasii), and slough sedge (Carex obnupta). Hydrology for the wetland is supplied primarily by overbank flooding from Stream A, with secondary inputs from direct road runoff from Highway 18, groundwater, and surface water contributions from the adjacent steep slopes. Road runoff from Highway 18 sheet flows into the wetland from the adjacent right-of-way during rain events. There are several locations where excess water from the upslope wetlands (CQ and F) overflows towards Wetland CR/CS. Wetland CR/CS rated as a Category II wetland with a habitat score of 7. Federal Way Category II wetlands with habitat scores of 6 to 7 require a standard 150-foot buffer per FWRC §19.145.420(2). However, under the 1994 FWCC and CZA, a 100-foot standard buffer would apply. Photo 2: Wetland CR/CS, typical on-site conditions. Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 5 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 WETLAND CP Wetland CP is a small (3,146 square-foot) forested wetland located adjacent to the eastern property boundary. This wetland is located in relative isolation from other critical areas in the area. This wetland has no direct (surface) connections to any of the other on-site wetlands. Typical vegetation in Wetland CP includes red alder, salmonberry, spirea, and evergreen blackberry (Rubus laciniatus). Soils in Wetland CP are generally black (10YR 2/1) to 4 inches below the surface. Surface water ponding up to 18 inches above the soil surface made it difficult to obtain a soil sample deeper than 4 inches. The soil within the boundary of Wetland CP was assumed to be hydric based on strong hydrology indicators. Hydrology for Wetland CP is supplied primarily by groundwater and precipitation, as well as stormwater inputs from the east. The wetland has no surface outlet and ponded areas exist during parts of the growing season, as evidenced by Hydrology Indicator A1 (Surface Water) during field visits. This wetland was rated as a Category III wetland with a habitat score of 4. Federal Way Category III wetlands with habitat scores of 4 or less require a standard 80-foot buffer per FWRC §19.145.420(2). However, under the 1994 FWCC and CZA, a 100-foot standard buffer would apply. Photo 3: Wetland CP, typical conditions. Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 6 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 WETLAND CQ Wetland CQ is a large (33,704 square-foot (0.77 ac)) wetland with forested and scrub-shrub components, located adjacent to the eastern property boundary on a topographic shelf north of Wetland CP. Typical vegetation in Wetland CQ includes red alder, Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia), and salmonberry. Soils in Wetland CQ were assumed to be hydric based on strong hydrology indicators. A soil sample could not be taken due to surface water ponding of over 18 inches within the wetland. Hydrology for Wetland CQ is supplied primarily by groundwater and precipitation, as well as stormwater inputs from the east. A natural pop-off location in the southwest corner allows some water to discharge from this wetland to Wetland CR/CS and Stream A, which are located downslope to the west of Wetland CQ. This wetland was rated as a Category II wetland with a habitat score of 5. Federal Way Category II wetlands with habitat scores of 5 require a standard 100-foot buffer per FWRC §19.145.420(2). Under the 1994 FWCC and CZA, a 100-foot standard buffer would also apply. Photo 4: Wetland CQ, typical conditions. WETLAND F Wetland F is an 8,843 square-foot scrub-shrub wetland located adjacent to the eastern property boundary, south of Wetland CP. Typical vegetation in Wetland F includes salmonberry and spirea. Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 7 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 Soils in Wetland F were assumed to be hydric based on strong wetland hydrology indicators. Surface water ponding between 2 and 3 feet above the soil surface made it difficult to obtain a soil sample. Hydrology for Wetland F is supplied primarily by groundwater and precipitation. Similar to Wetland CQ, Wetland F has a naturally restricted surface water outlet west to the large Wetland CR/CS complex to the west. This wetland was rated as a Category III wetland with a habitat score of 5. Federal Way Category III wetlands with habitat scores of 5 require a standard 80-foot buffer per FWRC §19.145.420(2). However, under the 1994 FWCC and CZA, a 100-foot standard buffer would apply. STREAM A AND DRAINAGE Stream A begins near the northeast corner of the Site and appears to start with multiple stormwater discharge locations into a relatively small area within the Highway 18 ROW. A culvert was mapped by WDFW (Site ID 932924, WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database, Attachment 2) that identifies a culvert at a location consistent with the start of this wetland/stream system. However, WDFW notes “…culvert goes under Highway 18 and takes a 90 degree turn under overpass…” so it is unclear exactly from where this culvert receives water. This WDFW report also misidentifies this stream as one that is piped underneath the (former) Weyerhaeuser building (now Woodbridge Headquarters Building). A culvert inlet exists on the north side of Highway 18, more or less north of this culvert outlet, that was mapped as part of the Federal Way Campus, LLC Woodbridge Buildings A and B projects. This culvert is not mapped by WDFW. The below map was provided in a report titled Weyerhaeuser Headquarters Site, Conditions and Considerations, Existing Public Sector Services to and through Weyerhaeuser Site Which Affect Next Use Effort, January 2015, prepared by the City of Federal Way in conjunction with other local utilities. A storm sewer network map was provided on Page 25 of this PDF, and a portion of this map is provided as Figure 1 below. This map inaccurately reflects some of the drainage patterns of this area, but does show the stormwater discharges into the Site. Based on this more in-depth review of existing data about these culverts, it appears that the existing drainage (Stream EA) within parcel #3142600200, which was described in the Critical Areas Report and Buffer Management Plan produced by Talasaea Consultants on 24 August 2017 (File #16-102947-UP and #16-10248-SE), is simply one of several drainages that converge near the northeast corner of the Site to become Stream A through this Site. Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 8 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 Figure 1. Map of Storm Sewer Network, Wyerhaeuser Campus, 2015 Conditions and Considerations Report. Once Stream A enters the Site from the Highway 18 ROW, it flows generally westward in a horseshoe shape through Wetland CR/CS (Figure 5). At the end of Wetland CR/CS, Stream A enters a 36-inch diameter concrete culvert (WDFW Site ID 932912) that directs flow to the southwest for approximately 775 feet within the Highway 18 ROW. After exiting the culvert, Stream A flows above ground in the Highway 18 ROW to the southwest for approximately 75 feet before comingling with Weyerhaeuser Creek. The confluence of these stream systems occurs at the outlet of Weyerhaeuser Creek from a twin culvert system that directs water south underneath Highway 18 (WDFW Site ID 996277). Stream A has a direct connection to Weyerhaeuser Creek, a fish bearing water, and is therefore classified as a Type F water throughout the Site based on the known connections. Federal Way Type F streams require a standard 100-foot buffer per FWRC §19.145.270(1). The 1994 FWCC and CZA also require a 100-foot standard buffer for major (fish-bearing) streams. WEYERHAEUSER CREEK (OFFSITE) Weyerhaeuser Creek is located approximately 225 feet southwest of the Site at its closest point. The headwaters of Weyerhauser Creek include North Lake and associated wetlands and tributaries. Two (2) streams converge north of, and flow into, Weyerhaeuser Pond. An approximately 1,690-foot pipe serves as the outlet of Weyerhaeuser Pond and directs water under the headquarter building to a wetland system south of Weyerhaeuser Road and north of Highway 18. The outlet of the pipe is the beginning of Weyerhaeuser Creek proper, which flows south through a wetland for approximately 925 feet before entering the twin culvert system that passes underneath Highway 18 (WDFW Site ID 996277). Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 9 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 Once Weyerhaeuser Creek exits the twin culvert system, it comingles with Stream A west of the Site and continues to flow south for approximately 1.27 river miles before comingling with West Hylebos Creek, west of Highway 161. This system collectively becomes East Fork Hylebos Creek where these streams converge with the stream outlet of Lake Killarney some distance south of the Site. Weyerhaeuser Creek is classified as a Type F water because of its direct connection with West Hylebos Creek, which has document populations of fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Federal Way Type F streams require a standard 100-foot buffer per FWRC §19.145.270(1). The 1994 FWCC and CZA also require a 100-foot standard buffer for major (fish-bearing) streams. The buffers of Weyerhaeuser Creek do not extend onto this Site. TYPICAL UPLANDS The majority of the site is dominated by a second-growth mixed deciduous-coniferous upland forest. Typical upland species include: Douglas fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii), red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa), big -leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), red alder (Alnus rubra), creeping buttercup (Ranunculus repens), sword fern (Polystichum munitum), red huckleberry (Vaccinium parviflorum), bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), trailing blackberry (Rubus ursinus), Pacific bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa), Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), cascara (Frangula purshiana), creeping mahonia (Mahonia nervosa), and salal (Gaultheria shallon). Typical upland soils from 0 to 20 inches below the soil surface are a brown silt loam with no evidence of redoximorphic features. Photo 5: Typical upland. Mr. Eric Labrie 25 August 2020 Page 10 of 10 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 Table 1. Critical Area Summary Table Feature Category/Type Habitat Score Buffer Width (feet) per FWRC Buffer Width (feet) per FWCC/CZA Wetland CR/CS Category II 7 150 100 Wetland CP Category III 4 80 100 Wetland CQ Category II 5 100 100 Wetland F Category III 5 80 100 Stream A Type F N/A 100 100 Weyerhaeuser Creek Type F N/A 100 100 SUMMARY The Site is an undeveloped forested parcel located south of Highway 18 and west of Weyerhaeuser Way South, in Federal Way. Four wetlands (Wetlands CR/CS, CP, CQ and F) and one stream (Stream A) occur onsite. Additionally, one stream (Weyerhaeuser Creek) occurs offsite to the west (Table 1). Drainage on the Site is primarily directed to Stream A and Wetland CR/CS, which conveys water offsite to the west through a culvert to the Weyerhaeuser Creek drainage system. We trust that the information presented here sufficiently addresses your needs at this time. If you have additional questions or require more information, please contact Bill Shiels or me at (425) 861-7550. Thank you. Sincerely, TALASAEA CONSULTANTS, INC. Jennifer Marriott, PWS Senior Wetland Ecologist, Senior Project Manager Attachments: 1. Figures 2. Wetland Rating Forms, Talasaea Consultants, 2015 3. WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Culvert Forms Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map and Driving Directions Figure 2. Parcels Map Figure 3. National Wetlands Inventory Map Figure 4. NRCS Soils Map Figure 5. Existing Conditions – 1994 Buffers a a a a a a ATTACHMENT 1 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 Wetland Rating Sheets, Talasaea Consultants 2018 ATTACHMENT 2 Resource & Environmental Planning 15020 Bear Creek Road Northeast • Woodinville, Washington 98077 • Bus: (425)861-7550 Fax: (425)861-7549 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Culvert Forms WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Site Description Report Latitude (WGS 84):47.289774 Longitude (WGS 84):-122.299654 East (HARN 83):1,193,831.9 North (HARN 83)718,569.3 Geographic Coordinates Site ID 932912 Road Name: Mile Post:-999.99 WDFW Region:4 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 River Mile:-999.99 Location/Directions Site Comments inlet at 47.291021 / -122.296997 Project WSDOT Name:King County General Location Waterbody Owner County:King Fish Use Potential:Yes FUP Criteria:Physical Type:County Sockeye Pink Chum Chinook Coho Steelhead Sea Run Cutthroat Resident Trout Bull Trout PI Species Culvert Non-Culvert Xing Fishway Natural Barrier Other Dam Diversion Associated Features These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/14/2019 Site ID:932912 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Level A Culvert Assessment Report Fish Use Potential:Yes Latitude:47.289774 Longitude:-122.299654 No Image Available Field Crew:Fleming; Kruse Review Date:10/3/2019 Average Width (m):2.92 Culvert/Stream Width Ratio:0.31 Length (m):0.00 Max Depth (m):-99.99 OHW Width (m):-999.99 Fill Depth (m):1.50 Plunge Pool Recheck:LB Channel Description Road Comments culvert runs parallel to SR 18; seasonal wetland area above. Apron length of 1.54 meters both DS & US. Survey Type:RSFS Length (m):897Spawning (sq m):4 Rearing (sq m):5,104 Potential Habitat Gain PI Total Barrier:Unknown Passability (%):Unknown Reason:Level B Required Assessment Results Method:Level A Significant Reach:Yes Data Source WDFW Fishway Present:No Toe Width (m): ID Shape Material Span Rise Length CountersunkWSDrop Location Slope (%)WDIC Apron Culvert Details Level A Parameters Backwater RND PCC 0.91 0.91 237.20 0.00 0.750.00 BE1.1 No 0 All dimensions in meters Print Date: 10/14/2019 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Site ID:932912 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Habitat Survey Summary Report Latitude:47.289774 Longitude:-122.299654 PI Total: Survey Type RSFS Spreadsheet File(s): 992064.xlsx, 992064_2.xls, 992064a.xls, 992064b.xls, 992064add1.xls Date:6/20/2014 Length (m):1,053 Downstream Comments: WSDOT target site 992064. Two stream gauges US of non-barrier culvert 105 R121622a. Overflow drainage channel from retention ponds into channel from LB. No DS barriers. Date:10/23/2014 Crew:Fredley;Reaves Length (m):897 Upstream Comments: Urban stream system with numerous barrier culverts. Stream is piped underneath the Weyerhauser building for approximately 500m from the pond to the dam site 996307. System is connected to North Lake which greatly increases rearing production values. Spawning Area (sq m):4 Rearing Area (sq m):5,104 Downstream Survey Upstream Survey Potential Habitat Gain Lineal (m):897 Crew:Phinney;Thompson Distribution Anadromous Resident Only Unknown Gain Direction (Resident Only) Sockeye / Kokanee Pink Chum Chinook Coho Steelhead Searun Cutthroat Resident Trout Bull Trout Potential Species Benefit These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/14/2019 Site ID:932912 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Image Report - Active Fish Use Potential:Yes Latitude:47.289774 Longitude:-122.299654 Culvert Non-Culvert Xing Fishway Natural Barrier Other Dam Diversion Associated Features Image Name: 932912_1.JPG, Date/Time: 10/03/2019 13:31 Image Name: 932912_2.JPG, Date/Time: 10/03/2019 12:13 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/14/2019 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Fish Passage & Diversion Screening Inventory Database Report Cover Sheet The following report is extracted from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (WDFW) Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database (FPDSI). WDFW makes every attempt to keep these reports in sync with FPDSI; however, the dynamic nature of the data and workflows associated with maintaining the database may result in short-term differences. Users are encouraged to contact WDFW to discuss appropriate use of the data and how we can assist with fish passage barrier removal or inventory. Please visit the Fish Passage web site for contact information at: https://wdfw.wa.gov/species-habitats/habitat-recovery/fish-passage/about Disclaimers: • Data presented here represent a snapshot observation of conditions in a dynamic environment that is subject to change. Fish passage data are also collected from a variety of agencies and sources. Therefore, WDFW makes no guarantee concerning the data’s content, accuracy, completeness, or the results obtained from use of the data. WDFW assumes no liability for the data represented here. • These data are not an attempt to provide you with an official agency response as to the impacts of your project on fish and wildlife. • Note that some fish passage features, habitats or species may occur in areas not currently known to the WDFW Fish Passage division, and may not be reflected in this database. A lack of data does not necessarily indicate that a feature, habitat, or species are not present. • Unauthorized attempts to alter or modify these data are strictly prohibited. • Bankfull width measurements included in these reports should not be used for fish passage crossing design. They are solely for assessment purposes. • The barrier status reported in this document is based on the swimming abilities of adult salmonids. Passabilities are a qualitative value, and should not be interpreted as a quantitative calculation. Please see page 1-4 of the Fish Passage Inventory, Assessment and Prioritization Manual for further clarification: https://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/02061 • EXIF data presented with Image Reports may be erroneous due to camera battery failures and resetting of camera clock functions. Abbreviations: Most abbreviations in this report are defined in the Quick Reference Tables of the Fish Passage Inventory, Assessment, and Prioritization Manual. Additional commonly used abbreviations are defined as follows: NFB = no potential salmonid use, BB = both banks, LB = left bank looking downstream, RB = right bank looking downstream, US or U/S = upstream, DS or D/S = downstream, WSDrop = water surface drop, BFW = bankfull width, OHW = ordinary high water, SLW = scour line width, CMP = corrugated metal pipe, Qfp = fish passage flow, V&D = Velocity and Depth, ROW = Right of Way The FPDSI database often uses default values such as ‘-99.99’ or ‘-999’ to represent null values. WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Site Description Report Latitude (WGS 84):47.292697 Longitude (WGS 84):-122.293982 East (HARN 83):1,195,263.4 North (HARN 83)719,603.1 Geographic Coordinates Site ID 932924 Road Name: Mile Post:-999.99 WDFW Region:4 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 River Mile:-999.99 Location/Directions Site Comments Project WSDOT Name:King County General Location Waterbody Owner County:King Fish Use Potential:Yes FUP Criteria:Physical Type:County Sockeye Pink Chum Chinook Coho Steelhead Sea Run Cutthroat Resident Trout Bull Trout PI Species Culvert Non-Culvert Xing Fishway Natural Barrier Other Dam Diversion Associated Features These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 4/18/2019 Site ID:932924 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Level A Culvert Assessment Report Fish Use Potential:Yes Latitude:47.292697 Longitude:-122.293982 No Image Available Field Crew:Fredley;McIntyre;Reaves Review Date:11/6/2014 Average Width (m):2.67 Culvert/Stream Width Ratio:0.21 Length (m):-999.99 Max Depth (m):-99.99 OHW Width (m):-999.99 Fill Depth (m):3.00 Plunge Pool Recheck: Channel Description Road Comments Unable to shoot slope, culvert goes under hwy 18 and takes a 90 degree turn under overpass. Top of DS end of culvert is damaged. Wetland immdiately DS of culvert. Unable to get reliable bankfull. Survey Type:RSFS Length (m):613Spawning (sq m):0 Rearing (sq m):5,085 Potential Habitat Gain PI Total Barrier:Unknown Passability (%):Unknown Reason:Insufficient Data Assessment Results Method:Level A Significant Reach:Yes Data Source WDFW Fishway Present:No Toe Width (m): ID Shape Material Span Rise Length CountersunkWSDrop Location Slope (%)WDIC Apron Culvert Details Level A Parameters Backwater RND PCC 0.56 0.56 -999.90 0.00 -99.990.16 NO1.1 No 0 All dimensions in meters Print Date: 4/18/2019 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Site ID:932924 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Habitat Survey Summary Report Latitude:47.292697 Longitude:-122.293982 PI Total: Survey Type RSFS Spreadsheet File(s): 92064.xlsx, 992064_2.xls, 992064a.xls, 992064b.xls, 992064add1.xls Date:6/20/2014 Length (m):1,053 Downstream Comments: WSDOT target site 992064. Two stream gauges US of non-barrier culvert 105 R121622a. Overflow drainage channel from retention ponds into channel from LB. No DS barriers. Date:10/23/2014 Crew:Fredley;Reaves Length (m):613 Upstream Comments: Urban stream system with numerous barrier culverts. Stream is piped underneath the Weyerhauser building for approximately 500m from the pond to the dam site 996307. System is connected to North Lake which greatly increases rearing production values. Spawning Area (sq m):0 Rearing Area (sq m):5,085 Downstream Survey Upstream Survey Potential Habitat Gain Lineal (m):613 Crew:Phinney;Thompson Distribution Anadromous Resident Only Unknown Gain Direction (Resident Only) Sockeye / Kokanee Pink Chum Chinook Coho Steelhead Searun Cutthroat Resident Trout Bull Trout Potential Species Benefit These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 4/18/2019 Site ID:932924 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Image Report - Active Fish Use Potential:Yes Latitude:47.292697 Longitude:-122.293982 Culvert Non-Culvert Xing Fishway Natural Barrier Other Dam Diversion Associated Features Image Name: 932924_1.JPG, Date/Time: 11/06/2014 14:06 Image Name: 932924_2.JPG, Date/Time: 11/10/2014 10:18 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 4/18/2019 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Site Description Report Latitude (WGS 84):47.2898339 Longitude (WGS 84):-122.3002162 East (HARN 83):1,193,691.3 North (HARN 83)718,606.2 Geographic Coordinates Site ID 996277 Road Name:SR 18 Mile Post:0.29 WDFW Region:4 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 River Mile:-999.99 Location/Directions Site Comments inlet : 47.290589, -122.300319; Defunct fishway 15m DS of culvert. Formerly as WSD barrier of 1.03m. Center removed to allow flow. Culverts are no longer backwatered. Fishway record deleted. Project WSDOT Name:Washington State Department of Transportation General Location Waterbody Owner County:King Fish Use Potential:Yes FUP Criteria:Physical Type:State Sockeye Pink Chum Chinook Coho Steelhead Sea Run Cutthroat Resident Trout Bull Trout PI Species Culvert Non-Culvert Xing Fishway Natural Barrier Other Dam Diversion Associated Features These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/21/2019 Site ID:996277 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Level A Culvert Assessment Report Fish Use Potential:Yes Latitude:47.2898339 Longitude:-122.3002162 No Image Available Field Crew:Fleming;Kruse Review Date:10/3/2019 Average Width (m):3.06 Culvert/Stream Width Ratio:0.81 Length (m):0.00 Max Depth (m):-99.99 OHW Width (m):-999.99 Fill Depth (m):10.00 Plunge Pool Recheck: Channel Description Road Comments [LVLB-Kruse,10/08/19,HY-8,V/D 1.2,Qfp=.32] Engr review by D Ponder 08/08/07 agrees w/ Lvl B.LB-bituminous coating,some sections disjointed. RB- some cobble at outlet, curved to east. 3.15m wingalls BE. Defunct fishway DS. Scour pool below 5.9m L x 5.6m W Survey Type:RSFS Length (m):2,279Spawning (sq m):209 Rearing (sq m):23,126 Potential Habitat Gain PI Total 28.55 Barrier:Yes Passability (%):33 Reason:Depth Assessment Results Method:Level B Significant Reach:Yes Data Source WDFW Fishway Present:No Toe Width (m):-99.99 ID Shape Material Span Rise Length CountersunkWSDrop Location Slope (%)WDIC Apron Culvert Details Level A Parameters Backwater RND CST 1.27 1.27 116.90 0.00 0.480.01 BE1.2 No 0 RND PCC 0.91 0.91 116.90 0.00 0.440.05 BE2.2 No 0 All dimensions in meters Print Date: 10/21/2019 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Level B Culvert Assessment Report Site ID:996277 Location:RB Outlet InvertElevation (m):100.00 Basin Area (sq mi):1.24 Basin Precipitation (in):41.90 0.00 100.41 1.25 100.07 1.45 100.04 1.80 100.09 2.30 100.04 3.95 100.10 5.20 100.34 Downstream Control Water Surface Elevation (m)100.05 Downstream Control OHW Surface Elevation (m)-999.99 Culvert Elevations Distance (m) Elevation (m) Station Top LB Toe LB Bed 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Toe RB Top RB Downstream Control X-Section 15 Meters Downstream of Downstream Control Water Surface Elevation (m):99.80 Dominant Channel Substrate:Gravel Velocity (m/sec):1.11 Depth (m):0.09 Results Reference Point Drainage Basin Culvert ID Corrugation USIE (m)USCBE (m)DSIE (m)DSCBE (m) 1.2 2"x6"100.58 -999.99 100.01 -999.99 2.2 Concrete 100.52 -999.99 100.00 -999.99 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/21/2019 Site ID:996277 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Habitat Survey Summary Report Latitude:47.2898339 Longitude:-122.3002162 PI Total:28.55 Survey Type RSFS Spreadsheet File(s): 996277.xls;996277a.xls Date:6/20/2014 Length (m):3,168 Downstream Comments: Large wetland habitats with numerous urban-setting culverts in between. Overflow drainage channels from retention ponds into channel from LB. Channel passes through several urban areas including a private gated community. Date:10/23/2014 Crew:Fredley;Reaves Length (m):2,279 Upstream Comments: Urban stream system with numerous barrier culverts. Stream is piped underneath the Weyerhauser building for approximately 500m from the pond to the dam site 996307. System is connected to North Lake which greatly increases rearing production values. Spawning Area (sq m):209 Rearing Area (sq m):23,126 Downstream Survey Upstream Survey Potential Habitat Gain Lineal (m):2,279 Crew:Phinney;Thompson Distribution Anadromous Resident Only Unknown Gain Direction (Resident Only) Sockeye / Kokanee Pink Chum Chinook Coho Steelhead Searun Cutthroat Resident Trout Bull Trout Potential Species Benefit These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/21/2019 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Barrier Priority Index Report Site ID:996277 2 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 209 1 1 4.78 1 20,453 2 1 8.00 1 0.00 1 20,453 3 1 4.01 1 20,453 1 1 6.24 1 23,126 1 1 5.52 1 0.00 TOTAL PI 28.55 Sockeye Pink Chum Coho Chinook Steelhead Searun Cutthroat Resident Trout Dolly/Bull Trout B H M D C Species PI Stream unnamed Trib To EF Hylebos Cr WRIA 10 B = proportion of fish passage improvement (1, 0.67, 0.33). H = potential habitat gain (square meters), spawning habitat for sockeye, pink and chum, rearing habitat for the rest. M= mobility modifier (anadromous = 2, resident = 1). D = stock condition modifier (critical = 3, depressed = 2, not 2 or 3 = 1). C= repair cost modifier (<$100K = 3, $100K - $500K = 2, >$500K = 1). Habitat (H) Estimatiom Method RSFS 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/21/2019 Site ID:996277 Stream:unnamed Tributary To:EF Hylebos Cr WRIA:10 WDFW Fish Passage and Diversion Screening Inventory Database Image Report - Active Fish Use Potential:Yes Latitude:47.2898339 Longitude:-122.3002162 Culvert Non-Culvert Xing Fishway Natural Barrier Other Dam Diversion Associated Features Image Name: 996277_1.jpg Image Name: 996277_3.jpg Image Name: 996277_2.jpg, Date/Time: 11/04/2014 11:41 These data represent a snapshot of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's current records. Due to the ongoing nature of assessment and inventory of these features, these data may not accurately represent conditions on the ground, and are subject to change. Print Date: 10/21/2019