Comment LetterCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com Jim Ferrell, Mayor Mr. Eric LaBrie July 27, 2020 ESM Consulting Engineers LLC 33400 8th Avenue South, Suite 205 Federal Way, WA 98003 eric.labrie@esmcivil.com Re: Permit #20-101386-CO; COMMENT LETTER Woodbridge Building “A,” 3120 South 344th Street, Federal Way Dear Mr. LaBrie: City staff has conducted review of the above-mentioned building permit application for Woodbridge Building “A.” A review of the submitted materials indicates the following issues that must be addressed prior to building permit approval. Please direct questions regarding any of the technical comments to the appropriate staff representative. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – PLANNING DIVISION Stacey Welsh, 253-835-2634, stacey.welsh@cityoffederalway.com 1. Conditions of Approval – Please address the comments in the enclosed Conditions Compliance spreadsheet. 2. Critical Areas Reports – In addition to related items noted in the spreadsheet referenced in comment #1, please address the following comment: a) Regarding the March 2, 2020, off-site wetland report, “Existing Conditions and Drainage Study Summary,” prepared by Talasaea, the submitted critical areas report primarily references the 1994 code. The report must be revised per prior direction regarding the Campus property with regard to critical areas for parcels other than those of Woodbridge Buildings “A” and “B.” Revise the report in accordance with current code, Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) Chapters 19.145 (“Environmentally Critical Areas”). 3. Technical Information Report – Section 4 contains a description of wetland mitigation that is no longer proposed. 4. Civil Plans – On Sheet 4 under Site Data, remove the “253” related to parking stalls, the information is not accurate. 5. Landscape Plans – Please address the following comments: a) On Sheet LA-02, cite FWCC, not FWRC, for Type I and II landscaping. b) On Sheet LA-03: i. Clean up discrepancies between the three Preliminary Landscape Calculations sections between this sheet and Sheet LA-08. Also, correct the “total interior parking lot landscape area” analysis—see Section 10 of the Use Process III staff report for further detail. ii. Need landscape planter islands at the ends of all rows of parking, some are missing near the southwest corner of the sheet. Mr. Eric LaBrie Page 2 of 4 July 27, 2020 20-101386-00-CO Doc. ID 80496 PUBLIC WORKS – DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION Ann Dower, 253-835-2732, ann.dower@cityoffederalway.com Development Services has reviewed the submittals provided on April 9, 2020, April 14, 2020, April 22, 2020, and the TIR requested on June 22, 2020. The following comments must be addressed: General 1. Add the city’s inspection notification phone number (253-835-2700), and the “One Call” utility locate number to the civil plan set. 2. Please review the city’s current standard general and drainage notes and correct as needed. 3. Add the city standard approval block to all civil and streetlight plans. Provide the permit number on the top of the approval block. 4. Call out the right of way width on all street plans. Storm Drainage 5. Stationing must be tied to an existing monument. Please call out the existing monument on the plans. 6. The site plan key notes call out a pervious cement concrete sidewalk. Where is this used? 7. Call out where perforated pipe will be used for the conveyance system, as stated in the TIR and as required in the KCSWDM C.2.11, as a BMP. 8. Show the project benchmark description, location, and elevation on each sheet where elevations are called out. On the survey, provide a tie from the temporary benchmarks to a city benchmark. 9. The stormwater control structure must be a minimum of 54-inches diameter, per KCSWDM figure 5.1.4.A. 10. On sheet 7 of the storm drainage plan, a portion of the access road is labelled “temporary.” An access road is necessary for all structures. If there is a different permanent road planned, please show it. The access road should have bollards. 11. Show the public sidewalk on the drainage plans and verify that all catch basins (#1 and 2) are not within the sidewalk. Frontage Improvements /Managed Forest Buffer 12. The Managed Forest Buffer will be damaged by grading related to sidewalk installation in some areas. Installation of a small wall in lieu of grading should be considered. If grading must occur, a planting plan must be provided for disturbed areas of the Managed Forest Buffer using native plants. Landscape related to Civil Improvements 13. To meet BMP requirements, the plans need to specify that the top duff layer will be retained and used on all pervious disturbed areas, and the soils shall meet the following requirement from King County Code: “Areas that have been cleared and graded shall have the soil moisture holding capacity restored to that of the original undisturbed soil native to the site to the maximum extent practicable. The soil in any area that has been compacted or that has had some or all of the duff layer or underlying topsoil removed shall be amended to mitigate for lost moisture-holding capacity. The amendment shall take place between May Mr. Eric LaBrie Page 3 of 4 July 27, 2020 20-101386-00-CO Doc. ID 80496 1 and October 1. The topsoil layer shall be a minimum of eight inches thick, unless the applicant demonstrates that a different thickness will provide conditions equivalent to the soil moisture-holding capacity native to the site. The topsoil layer shall have an organic matter content of between five to ten percent dry weight and a pH suitable for the proposed landscape plants. When feasible, subsoils below the topsoil layer should be scarified at least four inches with some incorporation of the upper material to avoid stratified layers. Compost used to achieve the required soil organic matter content must meet the definition of ‘composted materials’ in WAC 173-350-220.” 14. The bottom of the pond and its interior side slopes must be sodded or seeded. Please include the seed mix on the plan set. 15. Grass is required in the planter strip (street trees have been deferred). Please indicate on the plans. Channelization 16. Please provide WSDOT approval of the channelization and roadway plans. 17. Provide a table with a summary of all street signs. Streetlighting 18. Show the existing and proposed J-Box locations. 19. The streetlight poles must be in the planter strip. Mast arms must be changed out to a length that extends only to the face of curb, so that a 2-foot overhang is accomplished with the addition of a 36¼-inch luminaire. 20. Replace all luminaires with LED lighting. 21. Revise the wiring schedule as necessary. Erosion Control 22. Dimension the sediment pond depth, length, and width. 23. Indicate the pond storage required. 24. Provide two section views of the pond and outlet structure. 25. Add a note to the silt fence detail to require .02 permittivity and native backfill. Technical Information Report 26. The TIR has established that the downstream wetland on parcel #2121049014 is not anticipated to suffer damage from flooding as a result of this development, since level 3 flow control is being provided. The applicant must also establish that the total volume of water into the wetland during a single precipitation event will not be more than 20 percent higher or lower than the pre-project volumes, and that the total volume of water into the wetland on a monthly basis will not be more than 15 percent higher or lower than the pre-project volumes. See Guide Sheet 3B, Reference 5 in the KCSWDM. 27. The TIR addendum (an April 22, 2020, memorandum), demonstrates project compliance and consistency with the Executive Proposed Basin Plan Hylebos Creek and Lower Puget Sound (King County Surface Water Management, 1991); this shall be added to the TIR. Mr. Eric LaBrie Page 4 of 4 July 27, 2020 20-101386-00-CO Doc. ID 80496 PUBLIC WORKS – TRAFFIC DIVISION Sarady Long, 253-835-2743, sarady.long@cityoffederalway.com Rick Perez, 253-835-2740, rick.perez@cityoffederalway.com 28. Comments are deferred until the outstanding transportation items noted in the applicant’s Response to Conditions of Approval Letter are submitted. CLOSING The purpose of this plan review is to verify code compliance, to the extent possible and reasonable, given the information provided on the plans and the city’s plan review resources and capabilities. In no way does any city approval constitute a guarantee of code compliance; authorize any work in violation of any applicable codes; or relieve the owner of responsibility for complying with pertinent codes and ordinances. When resubmitting requested information, please provide plans and/or reports the same format and size as the originally submitted plans, with the enclosed resubmittal form. Revised/resubmitted drawings shall indicate by means of clouding or written response, what changes have been made from the original drawings. Please include this comment letter with your written responses with your resubmittal. The Department of Community Development is implementing safety protocols and modifying our services. As a result, our doors will remain closed for in-person business. Staff will be able to serve customers electronically by email (permitcenter@cityoffederalway.com), by electronic submittal (Document Upload Link or https://www.cityoffederalway.com/node/4588), or by phone (253-835-2607). This practice is intended to help protect our citizens, customers, and staff from potential exposure to the virus. We thank you for your understanding in this matter. Further corrections may be necessary as a result of submitting additional information. If you have any questions, please contact me at 253-835-2634, or stacey.welsh@cityoffederalway.com. Sincerely, for Stacey Welsh, AICP Principal Planner enc: July 24, 2020, Conditions Compliance Spreadsheet July 8, 2020, ESA Memo Resubmittal Information Form c: Greg Kirk, Plans Examiner Ann Dower, Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer Sarady Long, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer Dana Ostenson, dostenson@industrialrealtygroup.com Nohely Moreno, nohely.moreno@esmcivil.com