04-05-2022 Council Packet - RegularCITY OF I Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall - Council Chambers* *remote attendance option available via zoom April 5, 2022 - 6:30 p.m. The Mayor and Council encourage you use one of the following ways to participate in the meeting remotely if you are unable to attend in person: • Watch the meeting live via Zoom, Federal Way YouTube Channel, or FWTV Channel 21 (via Comcast) • Call in and listen to the live meeting: (888) 788-0099 or 253-215-8782 • Public Comment may be submitted in -person or sign-up here to provide comments via phone line • Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. MAYOR EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT State Legislative Report — Senator Claire Wilson, State Representatives Jamila Taylor and Jesse Johnson; and Steve McNey, Intergovernmental & Public Affairs Officer Report on State and Federal Grant Opportunities for Drug Prevention and Illegal Encampment Cleanup — Brian Davis, Interim City Administrator 4. PUBLIC COMMENT RULES: In accordance with State Law, the City of Federal Way prohibits any testimony regarding any campaign for election or promotion of, or opposition to, any ballot proposition during the public comment. City Council Rules of Procedure prohibit any personal, impertinent, threatening or slanderous remarks during public comment. The Mayor may interrupt comments that continue too long or violate the rules of conduct. No speaker may convey or donate their time for speaking to another speaker. The Mayor has the authority to preserve order at all meetings of the Council, and to cause the removal of any person from the meeting for being disorderly. All individual comments are limited to 3 minutes each. 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: Sexual Assault Awareness Month/April 2022 — Marty Nelson, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KSCARC) — Legal Advocacy Supervisor b. South King County Community Impact Fund Update — Sam Cho, Port Commissioner, Andy Gregory, Senior Program Manager Community Engagement and flays Aden, Environmental Program Coordinator, Port of Seattle c. NLC Conference Report —Council President Kochmar, Deputy Mayor Honda and Councilmember Assefa-Dawson The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. 6. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS • Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) • Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) • Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) • Deputy Mayor & Regional Committees Report • Council President Report 7. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: March 15, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes b. Monthly Financial Report — February 2022 c. A/P Vouchers 02/16/2022 - 03/15/2022 & Payroll Vouchers 02/01/2022-02/28/2022 d. 2022 Highline College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Interagency Agreement e. Spectra Venue Manaaement 2021 Incentive Fee 8. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Assessment Lien for Abatement at 30601 1st Place SW b. Grant Acceptance of $10,000 from King County for a Veterans Committee Project to Recognize Gold Star Families c. Grant Acceptance of $100,000 from King County for a Grant Program for Small Business and Community Groups Impacted by COVID-19 d. Appointment of Senior Advisory Commissioner — Alternate to Voting Member e. Resolution: City of Federal Way Investment Policy 9. COUNCIL REPORTS 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Sale or Lease of Property Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(c) 11. ADJOURNMENT The City Council may add items and take action on items not listed on the agenda. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. CITY OF �. Federal Way PROCLAMATION "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" WHEREAS, Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every person in this community; and WHEREAS, rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment harm our community, and statistics show that one out of three girls, one out of five boys, and 23% of women are the victims of sexual assault; and WHEREAS, on college campuses, one in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted during their time in college; and WHEREAS, we must work together to educate our community about sexual violence prevention, support survivors, and speak out against harmful attitudes and actions; and WHEREAS, prevention is possible when we increase education, awareness, and community involvement; and WHEREAS, each day of the year is an opportunity to create change for the future; and NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned Mayor and City Council of the City of Federal Way, do hereby proclaim April 2022 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the City of Federal Way and encourage all citizens to join in this special observance, and join advocates and communities across the country in taking action to prevent sexual violence. SIGNED this 5th day of April, 2022. FEDERAL WAYAL4 YOR AND CITY COUNCIL V errel1, ayor oelw dn1dA--- SuAn Honda, Deputy Mayor Erica Norton, Councilmember (DW W, 4 tlWalsh, Councilmember UnO6 Kochmar, Council esiclent L i Assefa-Da on, Councilmember Hoang V. Tran, touncilrnefmhr 9i� Ja is ❑ Bey, Co cilmem r COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 ITEM #: / u CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes for the March 15, 2022 Regular Meeting? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtne , City Clerk Attachments: Draft minutes for the March 15, 2022 Regular Meeting Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A Committee Chair ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Mayor's Office.. N/A CITY CLERK APPROVA Council Initial/Date N/A Committee Member Initial/Date N/A Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFIC9 COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CIT Awl ,�k, Federal Way CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Hall — Council Chambers March 15, 2022 — 6:30 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. RAFT City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Councilmember Erica Norton, Councilmember Hoang Tran, and Councilmember Jack Walsh. City staff in attendance: Interim City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. Council President Linda Kochmar, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa- Dawson attended the meeting remotely via Zoom from Washington DC. Mayor Ferrell excused Councilmember Dovey who is currently out of the country. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. COUNCILMEMBER NORTON MOVED TO AMEND THE AGENDA TO ADD AN ITEM TO COUNCIL BUSINESS 6(f) TO LOOK INTO APPLYING FOR TWO GRANTS; A STATE GRANT FOR HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP, AND A FEDERAL GRANT FOR DRUG TREATMENT ASSISTANCE; COUNCILMEMBER WALSH SECOND. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson inquired as to why these grants would not follow the usual process of staff review and discussion at a Council Committee. Mayor Ferrell suggested the Council can discuss and direct staff to look into these grants. Main motion passes unanimously 6-0 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey excused Councilmember Norton yes 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Mayor's Emerging Issues and Report Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 8 March 15, 2022 Aid to Ukraine: Mayor Ferrell reported on the need for aid to Ukraine. He recently spoke with Mayor Tretiak from the city's Sister City in Rivne, Ukraine. Mayor Tretiak relayed events from the past weeks and the need for humanitarian supplies. Mayor Ferrell is currently in discussions with a container company in effort to arrange delivery of multiple shipping containers to the war - torn region. St. Patrick's Day Flag Raising: Mayor Ferrell and Craig Patrick reported the city would be raising the Irish Flag in honor of St. Patrick's Day on Thursday, March 17 at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. Deputy Mayor Honda suggested the city look to adding a flag pole for special event flags. March of Diapers: Cheryl Hurst reported on the March of Diapers and noted they are collecting diapers in multiple areas around the city including City Hall. She reported the numerous organizations who will benefit from the donated diapers and wipes. There will be a collection effort at the Twin Lakes Fred Meyers on Saturday, March 26 at 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mayor Ferrell reported on recent wildfires in the city's Sister City of Donghae, Korea. The wildfire burned eight square miles in Donghae; approximately twenty homes were damaged, one hundred residents displaced, and over three hundred buildings damaged or destroyed. The Federal Way Korean American Association is accepting donations for relief and aid. b. Council Committee Reports Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS): Councilmember Walsh noted items passed at the Committee meeting are on tonight's agenda for final approval. He noted the Committee discussed regulating improper disposal of needles, second-hand fentanyl exposure, and revenue projections for turf fields at Celebration Park. Mayor Ferrell added additional information regarding regulations regarding smoking dangerous substances on public transportation. City Attorney Call noted the ordinance is currently in draft form and is intended to address public spaces with emphasis on public transportation. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC): No report was provided. Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC): Councilmember Tran noted the next meeting would be held March 22 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC): Councilmember Assefa-Dawson had no report. Deputy Mayor and Regional Committees Report: Deputy Mayor Honda reported on her attendance at various regional meetings including the Public Issues Committee (PIC) meeting, Seattle -King County Board of Health, and the South County Area Transportation Board. She further noted the Senior Advisory Commission will be meeting next week and are planning a Senior Health and Wellness Fair. Council President Report: Council President Kochmar reported on their trip to Washington D.C., where much of Capitol Hill remains shut down due to COVID restrictions. While in D.C. they attended the National League of Cities Conference and were able to meet virtually with Adam Smith's Office where they lobbied for federal dollars for broadband and turf fields. She is excited to push for federal dollars for Federal Way. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson and Deputy Mayor Honda look forward to reporting more when they return from Washington D.C. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 8 March 15, 2022 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Jane Sidlo reported on her continued concern regarding "Agenda 21" a political movement and global plan of action which she believes is seeking to control the world; she feels US citizens rights are being trampled on. Susan Strong spoke in concern over the very low rankings statewide of the four high schools in the Federal Way School District in science, math and literacy. She would like to understand why the schools are failing and supports bringing the district meetings back to city hall. Ken Blevens echoed previous comments and concern for the school district rankings statewide; he believes the school district should return to holding meetings at City Hall for transparency to tax -payers. He supports the proposal to move public comment earlier in the agenda; he also believes reading letters into the record at the meeting should remain, as should the use of "citizen comment" versus "public comment". Geoffrey Tancredi shared school statistics noting Todd Beamer High School scores the lowest of all high schools in Federal Way ranking 411; Thomas Jefferson ranks 394; and Decatur ranks 376 out of 455 total schools. He further shared state averages in comparison to Federal Way percentages. He is concerned the School Board meetings are not televised. Cynthia Ricks-Maccotan spoke as the Community Integration Program Manager for Virginia Mason Health, and was pleased to report a sharp decrease in the number of Federal Way referrals of youth of color to juvenile detention. Referrals have decreased from 223 in 2015, to 55 in 2021. She extended kudos to the Federal Way Police Department and Community Partners who are working on behalf of our youth. Carolyn Hoover is concerned those waiting for the bus cannot use the shelter due to people who are passed out or sleeping. She shared a story of someone camping in her backyard sharing the police who were helpful in moving them along. She would like to see more treatment programs and not just relocating them throughout the city. Betty Taylor shared a clothing line her recently slain grandson, Ezra Taylor started. Along with her daughter, they are promoting the clothing line "Keep it Easy" in pop up shops and throughout the community on the 26th of every month. Letter from Derek Purton with questions regarding the current solid waste management contract and increased costs to customers read by City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. Letter from Mark Strong supporting a fiber-optic municipal broadband read by City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: March 1, 2022 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes b. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Power Pole Easement c. Lawson Contracting, dba Wright Roofing LLC Retainage Release d. 2021 Program Year Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) e. Systems for Public Safety Agreement - Amendment 2 f. Jail Services Contract - Puyallup City Jail Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 8 March 15, 2022 g. Distribution Agreement between Seattle Police Department and Federal Way Police Department h. Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force (PSATT) Interlocal Cooperative Agreement i. Amendment to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) FY 2018 j. NTS Program Project — 30th Ave SW (SW 312th PI to SW 320th St) pulled and approved separately. k. NPDES Annual Report and Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan Update I. Transportation Grant Funding Applications Deputy Mayor Honda pulled item j. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF ITEMS A THROUGH I; AND K-L ON THE CONSENT AGENDA; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Norton yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey excused j. NTS Program Project — 30th Ave SW (SW 312th PI to SW 320th St) EJ Walsh provided a presentation on this item which was discussed at length at the LUTC Committee meeting on Monday, March 14 regarding Twin Lakes Neighborhood Traffic Safety. The recommendation is to phase the traffic calming measures over multiple years following Council policy. The policy limits spending to $15,000 per neighborhood, per year, to ensure equity throughout the city and the $50,000 budget is not spent on one neighborhood. The staff recommendation, which is inline with policy, provides for 3 speed humps in 2022, 2 more speed humps in 2023 (for a total of 5); bank funds in 2024 and erect the traffic circle in 2025, if still warranted. Council thanked Mr. Walsh for the presentation and asked various clarifying questions including sharing their concern for the safety of students in the area, as this neighborhood borders Decatur High School. Mr. Walsh answered additional questions regarding collision history, which this area does not have, and addressed if there are possible other requests for neighborhood traffic measures pending for the annual budget. In response to additional questions, he noted the difference needed to fund all speed humps in 2022 is $8,400. Mayor Ferrell agreed to find $8,400 in the general fund, if the Council desires to construct all speed humps in 2022. DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA MOVED TO APPROVE INSTALLING FIVE (5) SPEED HUMPS ON 30TH AVE SW IN 2022 AT A COST OF $12,600 PLUS AMENDING THE BUDGET TO ALLOCATE AN ADDITIONAL $8,400 FROM THE GENERAL FUND; COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6-0 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmemberpovey excused Councilmember Norton yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 8 March 15, 2022 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Resolution: Amending Council Rules of Procedure — Changing Order of Meeting to take Public Comment Earlier/APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 22-822 b. Resolution: Amending Council Rules of Procedure — Decorum in Meetings/APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 22-823 c. Resolution: Amending Council Rules of Procedure — Written Comments /APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 22-824 d. Resolution: Amending Council Rules of Procedure — Update to Travel & Expenses/APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 22-825 e. Resolution: Amending Council Rules of Procedure — Using the Term "Public" instead of "Citizen" /APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 22-826 City Attorney Ryan Call presented all five proposed amendments to the Council Rules of Procedure before the Council for consideration. He referenced a hearty discussion on each of these topics at the City Council Retreat, and has taken Council direction and brought back the five (5) items for Council consideration. He briefed the Council on the following proposed changes: • Order of Meeting - Reordering the agenda to move public comment earlier in the meeting. • Decorum in Meetings - Limiting "cheers and jeers" from the audience as audible support or disapproval of the speaker's comments. This rule would not apply to a response of awards or recognitions. • Written Comment - Written comments will be forwarded to Council and uploaded to the website, instead of reading them out loud during meetings. • Travel & Expenses - Councilmembers may use city funds to purchase seats to attend charity or civic events when attendance at the event will benefit the city. • Term "public" vs. "citizen" - The term citizen comment is used throughout the City Council Rules of Procedure, which can be exclusionary to those who live in the city, yet might not be a U.S. Citizen. The change would substitute the work "public" or "member of the public" throughout the rules. Councilmembers thanked Mr. Call for the presentation and preparing the resolutions. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION RELATED TO THE ORDER OF MEETINGS; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER NORTON. Council was pleased for this reorganization of the agenda; the intent is to get to public comment very quickly after the start of the meeting. The motion passed unanimously 6-0 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmemberpovey excused Councilmember Norton yes COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION RELATED TO DECORUM IN MEETINGS; SECOND BY DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 8 March 15, 2022 Councilmember Tran suggested the rule include limiting "audio and visual displays". COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ADD THE LANGUAGE VISUAL DISPLAY; COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON SECOND. The amendment passed unanimously 6-0; as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Norton yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey excused Councilmember Walsh understands the intent, however believes there could be unintended consequences. City Attorney Call noted this rule would be enforced by, and at the discretion of the Chair. He also clarified this policy is directed at the audience members, to ensure everyone is comfortable in providing their comments. The main motion as amended passed 4-2 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh no Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey excused Councilmember Norton no DEPUTY MAYOR HONDA MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION RELATED TO WRITTEN COMMENTS; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER NORTON. Council President Kochmar believes it is important to read individual letters. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson suggested with remote attendance, anyone is able to call and provide comments without needing to travel to City Hall. Councilmembers shared their understanding of how other cities handle written comment, and support the letters being added to the meeting file and available on the city website. Council would also like names to be read at the meeting of any written comments accepted for that specific meeting. The motion passed 5-1 as follows: Council President Kochmar no Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey excused Councilmember Norton yes COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION RELATED TO COUNCIL TRAVEL & EXPENSES; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously 6-0 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Norton yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey excused COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION RELATED TO USING THE TERM "PUBLIC" INSTEAD OF "CITIZEN" IN THE COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. Councilmembers discussed the option of using the term "public", "resident" or "citizen", and clarified it is not the intent to limit anyone who is giving testimony, however there was a desire to be able to identify speakers that are city residents. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 8 March 15, 2022 Council also discussed the term "citizen" and how it could be viewed as exclusionary to some who reside in the city, yet are not U.S. citizens. Council is open to all comments however believe feedback from residents is different than the comments from those living outside the city. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO CHANGE THE TERM "PUBLIC" TO "RESIDENT"; COUNCILMEMBER NORTION SECOND. The amendment failed 3-3 as follows: Council President Kochmar no Deputy Mayor Honda no Councilmember Assefa-Dawson no Councilmember Norton yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey excused Councilmembers requested those making comment first state their name and connection (resident, business owner) for the record, prior to beginning comments. City Attorney Call stated the sign-up sheets in Council Chambers will be updated to include that language, and staff will post a reminder on the podium, if possible. The main motion passed 5-1 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey excused Councilmember Norton no f. ADDED ITEM: Approval Grant application for State Funding for Homeless Cleanup and Federal Grants for Drug Treatment program. Councilmember Norton shared information on two grants she would like to see the city apply for, including a federal grant to assist with drug treatment programs and a state grant to assist with homeless encampment cleanup. Mayor Ferrell asked if Councilmember Norton would like to make a motion directing the Mayor and Interim City Administrator look into these grant opportunities and report back to Council. COUNCILMEMBER NORTON MOVED TO DIRECT THE MAYOR AND INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL REGARDING THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GRANT TO HELP CITIES WITH THE OPIOID CRISIS AND SPECIFICALLY HELP THE DRUG ADDICTED HOMELESS POPULATION FOR REHAB SERVICES; AND FURTHER INVESTIGATE THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY MATCHING GRANT FOR HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT CLEAN-UP; COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR SECOND. The motion passed unanimously 6-0 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Norton no Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey excused Mayor Ferrell asked Interim City Administrator Brian Davis to provide a report back to Council at the next regular meeting regarding these grants. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes March 15, 2022 Page 7 of 8 7. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Walsh inquired as to the Grant Writer position which was previously approved in the budget stating he would like to see that position refilled. He is also thankful for a Council who are able to discuss issues and disagree without being disagreeable. Councilmember Tran shared his perspective on the current events unfolding in Ukraine and how he is reminiscent of his childhood and the fall of Saigon, 46 years ago. He personally relates to what the Ukrainian people are going through and suggested a YouTube video of a young 9-year old Ukrainian singer. Councilmember Norton had no report. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson thanked Councilmember Tran for sharing his story, and noted war is devastating and destroys both lives and families. She was reminded of her recent trip to Ethiopia earlier in the year where the children were attending school under a tree due to the schools being destroyed. She believes in fighting for what we love, rather than fighting what we hate. Deputy Mayor Honda was pleased to attend the National League of Cities (NLC) Conference in Washington D.C. She noted there is a large delegation from South King County and it was nice to partner with their friends from neighboring jurisdictions. She extended prayers to the Pierce County Sheriff's Department as two deputies were shot. She extended safe wishes for all police officers. Council President Kochmar reported the war in Ukraine is very big news in Washington DC, noting Ukraine President Zelensky is requesting a humanitarian drop. She extended sympathies to the reporters killed in Ukraine and the hearts that are breaking as the war continues. She reminded everyone of the Multi -Service Center Crab Feed is coming in June. She was also pleased to report they would be meeting with Senator Murray's office tomorrow in DC. Mayor Ferrell thanked Councilmember Tran and the Council for their comments; he offered prayers to the Pierce County Deputies and their families, and to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney, CMC City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 8 March 15, 2022 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 05, 2022 ITEM #: /b . ... ....... .... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: FEBRUARY 2022 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the February 2022 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: Mar. 22, 2022 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director Attachments: • February 2022 Monthly Financial Report DEPT: Finance Options Considered: 1. Approve the February 2022 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the February 2022 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION;. -Mayor recommends approval of Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: ( (1: / 'Utif -vn DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Z COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the February 2022 Monthly Financial Report to the April OS, 2022 consent agenda for approval. a3� '—D qv zY- ' CXursnc-D Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the February 2022 Monthly Financial Report. BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED 1ST reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # CITY OF Federal Way DATE: March 22, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council Management Team FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: February 2022 Monthly Financial Report FINANCE DEPARTMENT This report is to brief you on monthly and year-to-date (YTD) revenues and expenses, compared to budget and prior year, and on the city's cash and fund balance positions. General/Street Fund Summary: Revenues & Transfer In, are unfavorable to YTD budget of $3.1M by $0.09M or (2.9%). Expenditures & Transfer Out, are favorable to YTD budget of $8.3M by $0.5M (6.0%). $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 0.00% -2.00 % -4.00 % -6.00 % -8.00% General/Street Fund Cumulative Yearto Date Revenue ■ Budget Revenue General/Street Fund % of Budget Expense Actual Expense CITY OF �.... Federal Way Cash and Investments: The City's cash balance trend is shown below: ■ Cash trend increased, primarily due to Property Tax receipts • Investments increased from $12 million to $16 million City of Federal Way Cash & Investments Trend $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 00 00 00 O1 0) 0) O1 T O1 O O O O O O a--1 —4 .--i `_'i `"'� `"'� --� `-"{ •--� `""� `"'{ .� N N fV N N N N N CV N N N ry 7 Q 0 C A Q 7 C L A Q 7 C L A 1Z 7 C 1n Z cn z Ln Z ro cn Z a FINANCE DEPARTMENT ■ Investments (yield) ❑ LGIP (liquidity) ❑ Checking (safety) Purchases: During the month, the following investments were purchased (see addendum for rationales): One 3-year maturity: • 2021-017 US Treasury $1,000,000 to mature 02/12/2025, to yield 1.420% And three more maturity dates, back -filling open maturity dates: • 2021-018 US Treasury $1,000,000 to mature 09/30/2023, to yield 1.063% • 2021-019 US Treasury $1,000,000 to mature 08/24/2023, to yield 1.440% • 2021-020 US Treasury $1,000,000 to mature 07/31/2023, to yield 1.380% CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Policy Limits: The purchases during the month brought per -issuer to the following levels, all within policy limits: Issuer $ Actual % Policy % Limit LGIP $ 64,669,460 76.4 / 100.0% US TREAS $ 11,000,000 13.0% 100.0% FHLB $ 3,000,000 3.5% 5.0% FNMA $ 2,000,000 2.4 / 5.0% FFCB $ 2,000,000 2.4% 5.0% FHLMC $ 2,000,000 2.4% 5.0% 84, 669,460 100.0% Improved Yield: The purchases during the month brought the total annual yield of investable cash to $245,098: Maturity Date Aepnry Fare Value Cnct Yield 0/ Yialrl t LG I P $ 64, 669, 460 $ 64, 669, 460 0.102 % $ 66,006 Jul-23 USTREAS 1,000,000 982,188 1.380916 13,554 Aug-23 FHLMC 1,000,000 982,140 1.440% 14,147 Sep-23 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,029,570 1.063% 10,945 Oct-23 US TREAS 1,000,000 987,930 1.071% 10,584 Nov-23 FFCB 1,000,000 989,745 1.120% 11,085 Dec-23 FFCB 1,000,000 995,970 0.890. 8,865 Jan-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,037,770 0.705% 7,316 Feb-24 FNMA 1,000,000 1,037,530 0.726% 7,533 Mar-24 FHLB 1,000,000 1,036,546 0.736% 7,629 Apr-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,036,094 0.750% 7,771 May-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,032,220 0.715% 7,380 Jun-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 991,680 0.572% 5,672 Jul-24 FNMA 1,000,000 1,029,480 0.640% 6,589 Aug-24 FHLB 1,000,000 1,023,285 0.660% 6,754 Sep-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 995,898 0.515% 5,129 Oct-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.625% 6,250 Nov-24 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,001,170 0.711% 7,118 Dec-24 FHLB 1,000,000 995,541 0.900% 8,960 Jan-25 US TREAS 1,000,000 1,006,719 1.150% 11,577 Feb-25 FHLMC 1,000,000 1,002,357 1.420% 14,233 City Portfolio: 20,000,000 20,193,833 0.895% 179,092 State Investment Pool: 64,669,460 64,669,460 0.102% 66,006 $ 84, 669, 460 $ 84, 863, 292 0.289% $ 245, 098 AkCIT Feder aWay FINANCE DEPARTMENT City investments are being increasingly diversified by issuer (partially mitigating credit risk) City of Federal Way USTREAS, Diversification by Issuer- February 2022 $11,000,000, 13.0% FHLB, $3,000,000 , 3.5% FNMA, $2,000,000 , 2.4% FFCB, $2,000,000 , 2.4% FHLMC, $2,000,000 , 2.4% LGIP, $64,669. 7 . City investments are being increasingly diversified by maturity date (partially mitigating reinvestment risk); each maturity will result in $1 million to be reinvested in staggered investment rate environments we've now locked in 20 of 36 maturity dates with fixed yields: Jul-LL l,000,UUU Aug-22 1,000,000 Sep- 22 1,000,000 Oct-22 1,000,000 Nov-22 1,000,000 Dec- 22 1,000,000 Jan-23 1,000,000 Feb-23 1,000,000 Mar-23 1,000,000 Apr- 23 1,000,000 May- 23 1,000,000 Jun-23 1, 000, 000 Jul-23 1,000,000 Aug-23 1,000,000 Sep-23 1,000,000 Oct-23 1,000,000 Nov-23 1,000,000 Dec-23 1,000,000 Jan-24 1,000,000 Feb-24 1,000,000 Mar-24 1,000,000 Apr-24 1,000,000 May-24 1,000,000 Jun-24 1,000,000 Jul-24 1,000,000 Aug-24 1,000,000 Sep-24 1,000,000 Oct-24 1,000,000 Nov-24 1,000,000 Dec-24 1,000,000 Jan-25 1,000,000 Feb-25 1,000,000 Mar-25 1,000,000 Apr- 25 1,000,000 May- 25 1,000,000 Jun - 25 1,000,000 February investments CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues and Expenditures: General & Street Fund Financial Highlights As detailed in the table below: u Sales Tax revenue is trending unfavorably, $3K or 0.2% below 2022 year-to-date budget, but $49K or 3.1% above 2021 year-to-date collections. Retail sales and services are $70K above 2021 year-to-date collections. This is an indicator of the health of the local economy. ' CD Permits & Fees revenue is trending favorably, $0.07M or 19.2% above 2022 year-to-date budget, but $0.29M or 39.9% below 2021 year-to-date collections. = Total Expenditures & Transfer Out is trending favorably, $0.50M or 6.0% below year-to-date budget, but $0.55M or 7.6% above 2021 year-to-date actuals. This is primarily due to the delay of hiring temporary staff for Parks activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic, filling of Police Department vacant positions, and timing of expenditures in departments. GENERAL & STREET FUND SUMMARY 2021 2022 YID Budget vs. Actual FmraNel(IlnfnraNe) Annual Budget Annual Actual YID Actual Annual Budget YID Budget YTD Actual S % Beginning Fund Balance $12,5151815 $12,5751815 $12,575,815 $10,852,341 $10,852,341 $ 21,211,711 nla nla Revenues: Covid-191American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Grants 4,542,226 4,536,748 nla Sales Tax 11,149,155 17,494,058 1,604)2201 16,949,755 1,656,532 1,653,281 (3,252) -0.2% PropertyPropefty Taxes 11,385,965 11,268,928 97,762 11,357,280 98,529 20,839 (77,690) .78.8% State Shared Revenue 3,022,000 2,927,100 81,593 3,022,000 84,239 89,017 4,778 5.70,/o CDPermits&Fees 3,114,363 3,229,113 7381088 2,564,111 372,100 443,721 71,627 19.2% Business License Fees 622,000 686,157 90,516 622,000 155,759 102,954 (52,805) .33.9% Admissions Tax 506,513 597,434 306,513 51,086 45,423 (5,663) -11,1% Other Revenues 25,466,031 15,453,566 392,463 10,904,328 682,293 654,042 (28,251) 4.1% Transfers in fromOtherFunds to support operations 7,843,850 6,735,166 1,233,933 7,356,718 nla Total Revenues & Transfer In 73,652,703 62,928,270 4, 3U% 53,082,705 3,100,538 3,009,283 (91,255) -2,9% Total EVenkures & Transfer Out 75,376,178 54,232,311 7, 43,472 53,941449 8,292,922 7,795,946 496,976 6.0% Total Ung Fund Balance $10,852,340 I S 21,211,715 S 9,570,919 S 9,993,498 1 $ 5,659,957 $16,485,047 nla ula CITY OF Federal Way Other Fund Highlights FTNAN('F r)PPARTAAPNTT Utility Tax revenue is trending favorably, $0.4M or 33.9% above 2022 year-to-date budget, and $0.30M or 2 1. 1 % above 2021 year-to-date actual. Extension of utility tax on water services and addition 10% on solid waste services account for the increase. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) is $0.11M or 28.6% above 2022 year-to-date budget, and $0.08M or 18.4% above 2021 year-to-date collections. This is an indicator of the Federal Way real estate market's volume and valuations. Expenditures & Transfer Out is favorable, $1.51 M or 46.4% below YTD budget, and $1.34M or 43.4% below 2021 year-to-date actuals. This is primarily due to timing of arterial street overlay projects for residential streets, lower jail service costs due to having lower average daily population in jails, and reduction in costs for city facilities due to closures from the COVID-19 pandemic. OTHER SIGNIFICANT 2021 2022 YID Budget vs. Actual Annual Annual YID FUNDS OF NOTE Annual YfD YID Fawrable/ftfamMe) Budget Actual Actual Budget Budget Actual $ % Revenues: Utility Tax 10.884,294 11,270,979 880.989 10.414,294 689,263 1,158,271 469,008 68.01/'n Utirfl Tax- PrDp 1 Voter Package 3,263.312 3,598.291 346,047 3,263,312 241,498 348,821 107,323 44.41/o Utility Tax- Solid Waste 10% 2,000,000 1123,439 169.799 2,000,000 333.333 185,088 148.245) -44.5% Real Estate Evise Tax 5.040.000 5,174,908 431,483 3,640,000 397,346 510,986 113.640 28.6110 TrallicSafcl (Red l.i ht/Schoo1Zone) 2,872,4421 2,909,314 286,740 2,87Z442 474,257 682,499 208,242 439% 1-lotel/Molei Lodging Tax 150,0001 195,7201 7,186 150,000 10.299 15.770 5,471 53.1°/u Federal Way Community Center 1,073,568 1,028,134 70,612 2,190,875 365,146 175,372 (189,774) -52.N Ferfomting Arts & Event Ctr Operations 1.660,176 1443,088 15261 1,611,664 268,611 133,226 (135.3841 -50.49'o Dumas Bay Centre Fund 375,151 227,807 129 835,151 139,192 52,673 (86,518) -62.2°0 Total Revenues 27318.943 27,971,679 2208.246 26,977,738 2,918,944 3262,706 343,762 11.8% FiVenclitures & Transfers Out: Utili[ Tax%p art to Other Funds for operations 10.193.206 9.737,590 1,616,578 9,659,803 1 99,639 99,639 0.01/10 LltiEity TiOmppaitim 1 operations 4.097,154 3,823,525 569.259 4,170,275 695,046 587.147 107,899 15.5% Solid Waste 10'No Wit Tax -Residential Streets Overlay 1,100,000 994.212 2,900,000 483,333 5.363 477,970 98.90,,o Real Estate Excise TaxSupemt to Debt and Capital 1hn'ecls 3,973,018 3,973,018 5,207,986 n/a Trade Safer (Rcd L ht/5chooIZone) 3.359.865 1 3344.173 366,979 3.521,322 586.887 450,386 136,501 23.3% Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 155,0001 34,393 810 155.000 25,833 10.492 15,341 59.4% .Tail Fund Services 3,303,463 1223.602 152569 1,819,594 303,264 65,881 237383 78.3% Federal Way Community Center 2.078342 2,126,275 234,552 2,756,334 459,389 240,831 218,558 47.6% Performing Arts & Event Ctr 0 erations 2.506.5861 1,653.441 76.530 2,631,641 438.607 198,509 240.098 54.7% Duns Bay Centre Fund 682.431 632,483 66.265 1,000,1101 166,685 86,854 79.831 47.9°ro Total nditures & Transfers Out 31,449.064 28442,711 3,083542 33,822.056 3258,683 1,745,101 1 1.513,582 46.4% Fhch ng Fund Balance Utility Tax(man-1'm 1] 1.932.473 3,340.728 1,632,828 1,800.000 4,402.869 n/a n/a Uti I IK Tax - Pro IVoter Packase 1,475,288 1,498,515 1,109.307 1.475,289 1,260,183 n/a n/a Utilit y Tax- Solid Waste 10% 900.000 1,441.302 1,622.248 n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 3,979,419 4,084.586 3,314.456 2.441,433 4.598.523 n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund Ir199.999 2,132,492 1,136,192 1200.001 2,366,282 n/a n/a Hotefttel Lodging Tax 1,441,1771 1.602,856 1.47,858 1,441,177 1,609.304 n/a n/a Jail Fund 164.252 1 98,535 1 n/a n/a Federal Way Conwnity Center 1,507,233 1,500,010 1.500,000 1,500.001 1,500.000 n/a n/a Performing Arts & Event OrOperations 237.532 873,589 0 237,533 808.308 n/a n/a Dumas 13ay Centre Fund 1.569,899 1,500.001 1,500,000 1,500.001 1,500,000 n/a n/a TWsi hdat Fund Balance $14243,020 $ 18138J32 I $ 11,640,641 $11,595,432 $ $19,766,250 n/a ola CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Sales Tax Revenues are above 2021 year-to-date actual by $49K or 3.1%, but below 2022 year-to-date budget by $3K or 0.2%. The sales tax collected for transactions at point of sale is remitted to state one month later, and remitted to city two months later, therefore monthly reporting shows a lag. City of Federal Way - Sales Tax Revenue Received CurrFntYeai Acnialvs. Bu4etnnd Prioi Ye.ir $20,000,000 $18,000,000 516,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 O Budget Cumulative $4,000,000 — Prior Year Cumulative $2,000,000 —c-- Actual cumulative $0 c c Q c` LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES YID February Month 2021 Actual 2022 Fawrabl a/(Unfavorable) Change from 2021 YID Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 1,604,220 $ 1,656,532 $ 1,653,281 $ 49,060.89 3.1% $ (3,251.78) -0.2% Feb 1,228,579 1,214,993 - - Mar 1,185,132 1,136,096 - - - - Apr 1,508,266 1,416,360 - - - - - May 1,401,831 1,285,521 - - - - - Jun 1,473,417 1,387,271 - - - - - Jul 1,607,373 1,548,641 - - - - - Aug 1,566,626 1,492,831 - - - - - Sep 1,520,312 1,475,120 - - - - Oct 1,509,402 1,556,227 - - - - - Nov 1,455,577 1,390,734 - - - - - Dec 1,433,324 1,389,428 - - - - YFD Total $ 1,604,220 $ 1,656,532 $ 1,653,281 $ 49,061 3.1 % $ (3,252) -0.2% Annual Total $ 17,494,058 $ 16,949,755 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CITY Of Federal Way City of Federal Way Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Group si,t0o-ala 5900.D00 S800,000 s70o,WO S000,000 s5o(%000 - 5400,000 s30n IviO 5zoo.o00 $100'D00 C- neta� .._,.+ Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT City of Federal Way Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Location $300,000 $250,000 520C,000 5 50,00c ■ YTD 2021 YTD2022 5100,000 $50,000 , 5 He:., GW :a), Pavi- The Corn coons S312;h to I348th Retail M etels Center Center 3161h Ble'% at 2021 202' Revenues are favorable, above 2021 year-to-date actual by M or 119.4%, and above 2022 year-to-date budget by $5K or 53.1 % and improving, as the graph below indicates. Although the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry has been greatly affected by CDVID-19, tourism is starting to increase again. City of Federal Way - Lodging Tax Revenue Received $200,000 Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year $180,000 $160,000 5140,000 5120,000 5100,000 $80,000 $60,000 ® Budaet Wmuledve $40,000 - Priory-ctanuleW 520,000 ° --c- Actual cumulative $0 �14 zo rev ��i pQ� �Sz lJo 1` S.oF 5¢a c�- City of Federal Way Historical Lodging Tax Remittances by Month 54G,fl00 535r.000 $33,0UC 5:5'" $20,tlltr 5M r. - SIMON I 55.aa� Si: W i h771r r, ir017 ■ 2018 ■ 2Dle ■ 2D70 - 2021 ■ 2022 HOTEL/MOTM LODGING TAX REVENUES Y/'D Fehrmetr7- 1' avuratll O t.; n ra %ova U e1 2021 2022 Change from 2021 YrD Actual w B w1get Month Actual lautlgrt Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 7,186 $ 10,299 $ 15,770 $ 8,583 119.•I"•, $ 5,471 53.1% Feb 8,765 9,832 - Mar 9,582 10,750 - _ Apr 13,702 11,907 - _ May 16,381 11,380 - _ Jun 15,774 11,761 - _ Jul 21,509 15,814 - Aug 26,408 17,306 - _ Sept 24,748 17,300 Oct 19,722 13,790 - Nov 17,395 11,690 Dec 14,547 8,171 _ }'M-1,01al $ 7.186 1 $ 10,299 S 15,770 S 8-583 119.4°! 1 S 5,471 53.1% Annual Total I S 195,720 1 $ 150,ouo n/a I n/a n/a I n/a n/a Feder I Wa � a y Business License Fees FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are above 2021 year-to-date actual by $12K or 13.7%, but below 2022 year-to-date budget by $53K or 33.9%. 350 329 360 250 200 550 100 50 0 New Monthly Business License Count !an *excludes outside contractor businesses FPJ Total 2021 BL ■ Total 2022 BL 218 Business License Revenue Month 2021 Actual 2022 Favorable/(Unfawrable) Change from 2021 YID Actual w Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 70,098 $ 96,562 $ 52,893 $ (17,205) -24.5% $ (43,670) 45.2% Feb 20,418 59,197 50,062 29,643 145.2% (9,135) -15.4% Mar 65,283 43,430 - - - - - Apr 67,260 47,721 - - - - May 44,296 33,868 - - - - - Jun 64,628 67,971 - - - - Jul 60,422 43,715 - - - - Aug 48,811 50,504 - - - - Sep 48,338 43,978 - - - - Oct 52,249 315387 - - - Nov I 61,032 38,977 - - - Dec 831324 64,690 - - - - YTD Total $ 90,516 $ 155,759 $ 102,954 12,439 13.7% (52,805) -33.90/6 Annual Total $ 686,157 $ 622,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CITY OF Federal Way Community Development Permit Activity FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are below 2021 year-to-date actual by $0.29M or 39.9%, but above 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.07M or 19.2%. Annual Total 2017 - $2,019,477 2018 - $2,595,395 2019 - $4,546,432 2020 - $1,964,825 2021 - $3,229,113 Real Estate Excise Tax BUIIAING & LAND USEPERNM AND FEES (CD) Year -to --date thru February Month 2021 Actual 2022 Change from 2021 Favorable/(Unfavorable) YTD Actual va Budget Budget Actual S % $ % Jan 409,140 129,607 198,005 (211,135) -51.6% 68,398 528% Feb 328,948 242,493 245,722 (83,226) -25.3% 3,229 1.3% Mar 318,047 189,977 - - Apr 156,801 248,320 May 168,559 314,707 - - Jun 228,661 181,514 - Jul 179,865 225,746 - Aug 409,214 228,785 - - Sept 276,209 190,122 ,Oct 139,178 248,948 - Nov 280,365 191,240 - Dec 334,125 172,652 - YrDTotal $ 738A88 S 372,100 $ 443,727 $ (294,361) -39.9%1 $ 71,627 19.2% Annual Total S 3,229,113 S 2,564,111 n/a n/a n/a I n/a n/a Revenues are above 2021 year-to-date actual by $0.08M or 18.4%, and above 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.11M or 28.6%. January thru February's 2021 activities include 189 real estate transactions. There were 186 taxable residential sales (total sales $95.OM / $470K tax) and 3 commercial sales (total sales $6.OM / $30K tax). REAL ESTATEEXCISETAXREVENUES Year-to-date thru February Month 2021 Actual 2022 Fawrabl e/(Unfawrabl e) Change from 2021 YID Actual w Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 193,639 $ 167,413 $ 241,514 $ 47,875 24.7% $ 74,101 44.3% Feb 237,843 229,933 269,472 31,628 13.3% 39,538 17.2% Mar 339,701 309,387 - - - Apr 427,556 251,111 - - - Mav 381,942 261,001 - - - - Jun 509,935 305,807 - - - - Jul 438,542 282,608 - - - - Aug 898,086 412,671 - - - - Sep 419,855 269,402 - - - - Oct 551,866 303,971 - - - - Nov 353,248 245,427 - - - Dec 422,693 601,270 - - - - YID Total 431,483 397,346 510,986 79,503 18.4% 113,640 28.6% Annual Total $ 5,174,908 $ 3,640,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CITY OF Federal flay Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are above 2021 year-to-date actual by $0.30M or 21.1%, and above 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.43M or 33.9%, due to extension of utility tax on water and sewer services and additional 10% on solid waste services. The utility tax collected by utility companies for December 2021 is paid to the City in February 2022. UnLm TAXES Year-to-date thru February Month 2021 Actual 2022 Fawrable/(Un fawrabl e) Change from 2021 YID Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ Var % Var $ Var % Var Jan $ 1,396,834 $ 1,268,051 $ 1,692,180 $ 295,346 21.1% $ 424,129 33.4% Feb 1,420,015 1,416,471 - - - Mar 1,505,864 1,466,254 - - - - Apr 1,627,736 1,397,998 - - May 1,820,591 1,223,939 - - - - - Jun 1,236,109 1,445,802 Jul 1,232,554 999,096 - - - - Aug 1,197,098 1,161,676 - - - Sept 1,438,956 1,341,194 - - - - Oct 1,141,163 1,108,539 - - - Nov 764,192 1,145,159 - - - Dec 2,213,907 1,723,426 - - - YTDSubtotal $ 1,396,834 $ 1,268,051 $ 1,692,180 $ 295,346 21.1% $ 424,129 33.4% Rebate - (3,956) - 0.0% 3,956 -100.0% YTDTotal $ 1.396.834 $ 1.264,095 $ 1,692,180 $ 295,346 21.1% $ 428,085 33.9% Annual Total $ 16,992,709 $ 15,677,606 n/a n/a n/a I n/a n/a UMITY TAXES - by Type so Year-to-date thru February Utility Type 2021 Actual 2022 Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2021 $ % Electric $ 482,116 $ 683,842 $ 201,726 41.8% Gas 309,930 $ 278,372 (31,558) -10.2% Water/Sewer 75,723 213,511 137,788 182.0% Solid Waste 131,594 143,443 11,849 9.0% Solid Waste - 10% 169,799 185,088 15,289 n/a Cable 128,561 130,046 1,485 1.2% Other 99,111 57,878 (41,233) -41.6% Tax Rebate - - n/a YTD Total $ 1,396,834.. $ 1,692,180. $ 295,3461 21.1% City of Federal Way- Utility Tax Revenue Received 518,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 ` $12,000,000 10,000,000 Ss,000,000 S6,000,OG) _ Budget Cumulative 54,00Q0(1) —Prior Year Cumulative e_000,000 —Actual cumulative 50 The City has a utility tax rebate program that opens January 1 St and closes May 31 St of each year for qualifying low-income residents. The City processed 41 rebates in 2021, for a total of $2,310. The City has not processed any rebates in 2022 CITY OF Federal Way Proposition 1 Voter -Approved Utility Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are above 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.1M or 40.5%. The increase in collections is due to the extension of Utility tax to water and sewer services. - PROP 1 Utility Tim Aind 2021 2022 YID Budget vs. Actual Favorable/ favorable Budget Annual Actual Budget YID Budget YIDActual $ Beginning Balance: 1,332,301 1,332,301 1,475,288 $ 1,475,288 1,498,515 23,227 17% Total Prop 1 Revenues: 3,263,312 3,598,302 3,093,312 $ 241,498 $ 348,821 $ 107,323 40.5% Transfer in from Utilitv Tax Fund 976,829 391,439 1,076,964 $ - 0.0% Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs: Police Services (includes 1 Records Specialist, 16 Police Officers, & 2 Lieutenants) 2,779.468 2,543,497 2,832,128 $ 472,021 435,306 36,715 1 1 3% Court Services (includes ,50 Judge, 1 Court Clerk, and Pro Tern Pay. Public Defender contract. 15 Prosecutors) 1,029,837 1,005,076 1,038,769 $ 173.128 118,987 54,141 5 3% Total Public Safety Improvement Costs 3,809,305 3.548,573 3,870,898 $ 645,150 554,293 90,856 2.4% Community Safety Program Costs: 1 Code Enforcement Officer 103,811 96,052 109,114 $ 18,186 18,962 (776) -0 7% .5 Assistant City Attorney 79,236 68,183 85,462 $ 14,244 11,698 2.546 32% 1 Parks Maintenance Worker & Security 104,802 110,719 104,802 $ 17,467 2200 15267 146% Total Community Safety Improvement Costs 287,849 _ 274,954 3.823.527 299,378 $ 49,896 32,859 17,037 5.9 Total Prop 1 Expenditures: 4.097.154 4.170.275 $ 695.046 587.153 107.893 2.6% Total Ending Fund Balance: $1,475.288 S IA98515 $ IA75.288 1 $1.021.740 $1 260.183 $ (238 443) 15.7% Traffic Safety - Red Light / School Zone Revenues are above 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.21 M or 43.9%, and above 2021 year-to-date actual by $0.4M or 138.0%. School closures, and employees working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic have affected this revenue source, but employees have started to return to work resulting in a return to pre -pandemic levels. Traffic Safety Fund - Red Light Photo Revenue Month 2021 Actual 2022 Favorable/"hwrable) Change from 2021 YID Actual is Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 153,068 $ 246,302 $ 344,394 $ 191,326 125.0% $ 98,092 Feb 133,672 227,955 338,105 204,433 152.9% $ 110,151 48.3% Mar 172,973 234,311 - $ - - Apr 146,259 243,691 - - - $ - - May 212,005 241,520 - $ - - Jun 336,071 289,097 - $ Jul 303,388 266,645 - $ - Aug 339,516 188,460 - $ - Sep 278,272 186,581 - - $ - Oet 256,820 246,568 - $ - - Nov 280,745 283,294- Dec 296.524 218.018 - $ - - YrD Total $ 286,740 $ 474,257 $ 682,499 $ 395,760 138.00/6 $ 208.242 43.9% Annual Total $2,909,314 n/a n/a n/a n/a I n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund pays for 1 Lieutenant, 8 Police Officers, 3 City Traffic positions, Municipal Court security services, red light photo services, Valleycomm emergency communication services, School Zone Enhancements capital improvement projects, and patrol vehicles. CITY OF . Federal Way Police Department Overtime The total overtime budget of $1.06M consists of $1.08M for City overtime and $327K for billable time. City's portion of overtime is $0.13M or 82.6% above year-to-date projections, and $0.18M above 2021 year-to-date actuals. The January -February combined overtime increase of $184K above 2021 actual is primarily due to an increase in special events, and an increase in shift call -in overtime. Jail Services FINANCE DEPARTMENT PD overtime by Month Year-tn_hifr Wru February Month 2021 Actual 2022 (FmorableyWf nerable Change from 2021 YID Actual w Budget Budget Actual $ % S Jan $ 59.146 $ 86,081 $ 145,407 $ 86,261 145.8% $ 59,326 68 9% Feb 52,169 76,068 150,708 98,540 188.9% 74,640 981% Mar 60,392 70,792 Apr 106,611 80,332 May 130,940 92,626 Jun 92,484 79,083 Jul 171,311 127,832 Aug 131,914 85,620 Sep 138,630 80,652 Oct 161,113 94,943 Nov 158,576 94,096 Dec 130,800 93,063 Citv Portion 111.314 162,149 296,115 184301 166.0%1 133.967 82.6% Billable 53,142 54.464 75,365 22,223 418%1 20,901 38.4% YrDTotal S 164 56 1 $ 216.613 1 S 371.4811 S 207.0241 125.9% LS 154.867 1 71S% Billable $ 306,682 $ 272.322 $ $ $ Annual Total S 1,753,809 S 1,387,975 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Actual Actual Actual Actual Annual Budeet YID Actual Total Jail Operations $6,417,479 ' $5,932,095 $1,712,883 $ 2,223,602 $ 1,819,584 $ 65,881 Debt Service Fa ments for SCORE Jail - 889,718 847,566 851,925 852,425 Total Jail Cost $6,417 479 . $6,821,813 $2,560,449 $ 3,075,527 1 $ 2,672,009 1 $ 65,881 The City maintains multiple contracts with other governmental agencies for its jail services, after it discontinued its owner relationship with SCORE Jail in December 2019. The budgeted average daily population (ADP) is 70, but year-to-date average ADP has been 34.2. City of Federal Way Jail Cost Hx_wd ::AW.tlIS: a gym.. ti,�crca 5 Average Daily Population 45 40 38.1 35 30 3 30 25 21.9 20 2 20 15 10 5 C � ❑ 2021 ■ 2022 Jdr CEO The City continues to be liable for its portion of the debt service on the SCORE building. The total remaining principal debt the City owes as of 12/31/2021 for SCORE is $10,175,000, and we're servicing this debt by about $0.9 million a year. CITY OF Federal Way Federal Way Community Center FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are below 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.19M or 52.0%, but above 2021 year-to-date actual by $0.1OM or 148.4%, primarily due to the facility reopening in limited capacity due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Expenditures are $0.22M or 47.6% below the 2022 year-to-date budget. Community Center remaining debt service principal as of 12/31/2021 was $8.30M. Federal Way Community Center as of02/28/2022 2021 — _ 2022 YID Budget is Actual hworstAeitlufa�orable) Budget Annual Actual YID Actual Budget YID Budget YID Actual 5 0110 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500.000 $ 1,507,233 $ 1,500.000 $ 1,500,000 We n/a Total Revenues 1,073,568 1.028.134 70.612 2,190.875 365,146 175,372 (189,774) -52.0% Total Expenditures 2.078.342 2.126.275 234.552 2,756,334 459,389 240.831 218.558 47.6% RevenuesOwr/(Under)Expenditures (1,004,774) (1,098,141) (163,940) (565.459) (94.243) (65,459) 28,784 -30.5% Recovery Ratio 1 51.7% 48.4% 30.1% 79.5% 79.5% 72.8% n/a n/a Total Transfer In from General FundgMlity TaxJ 1,012.007 1.098.143 163.940 558-227 65,459 65,459 0 0°/u i]tdio Fuud Balance $ 1507,233 S 1300 002 $1.500,000 S 1.500.000 $1.471,216 $1,500,000 S 28,784 2.0% Debt Service Payments 817,723 820.123 - n/a Deck Service Refunding 8.850.000 n/a Total FWCC Cost S 10,928342 $2943.998 $ 234,552 $ 3.576.457 $ 459389 $ 240.831 S 218.558 47,6% Total City Support $ 9,862,007 S 1.915.866 FS 163,940 S 1378,350 S 65,459 S 65,459 Dumas Bay Centre Revenues are below 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.09M or 62.2%, but above 2021 year-to-date actual by $0.05M or 407.3%. The facility reopened as of the beginning of August 2021. Expenditures are $0.08M or 47.9% below 2022 year-to-date budget of $0.2M. 1 Dumas Bay Centre Fund as oF02/28/2022 2021 2022 YID Budget vs Actual Budget Annual Actual YID Actual Bucket YID Budget YID Actual Fa►nrnlic/(I'nfxtorable) S % Beginning Fund Balance $1,500,000 1 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1 569 900 $1,569,900 $1,500,000 n/a n/a Total Revenues 375.151 227.807 129 835151 139,192 52.673 86518 -62.2% Total ISr nses 682.431 632.483 66265 1,000,110 166.685 86,854 79,831 47.90/o Revenues Over/(Under) Fx nses (307.280) 404,676) (66.136) (164,959) (27,493) (34,181) (6,687) 24.3% Recovery Ratio 54.97% 36.02% 0.19% 83.51% 83.51% 60.65% n/a n/a Total Transfer In 377,179 404.676 66.136 95,060 34.180 34,180 - 0.0% Encli ng Fund Balance I $1.569.900 1 $1,500,fin 1 S 1 500,000 $1500,000 $1576.587 $1.500.000 S (76587) -4.9% Performing Arts & Event Center Operations (PAEC) Revenues are below 2022 year-to-date budget by $0.1M or 50.4% primarily due to the facility reopening in limited capacity due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Expenditures are $0.24M or 54.7% below the year-to-date budget. Performing Arts & Event Center remaining debt service principal as of 12/31/2021 was $3.96M. 115 Performing Arts 3 Event Center Operations (PAW) 2017 Actual 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Adjusted Budget YTO budget 2022 YTD Actual YM Budget vs. Actual Favorablel(Unfavorable) Beginning Balance 177,413 477 (447,382) (110,546) 237,533 237,533 873,590 $ % Total Reveune 323,827 553,529 1,410,377 591,152 1'443,088 1,611,664 2 88,611 133,226 (135,384) .50.4% Total Transfer In from LkIllty Tax/General Fund 694,703 626,762 1,516,000 972,310 1,083,942 1,019,977 169,996 (169,995) -100.0% Total Expenditures 1,195,466 1,628,150 2,589,541 1,452,916 1,653,440 2,631,641 438,607 198,508 240,099 54.7%. Total PAB: Operation Balance $ 477 $ (447,382) $ (110,546) $ ll $ 313.590 $ 237,533 $ 237,533 $ W8,308 $ 570,776 na' Debt Servlce Payments 538,247 553,255 553,955 nta Total PAEC Costj $ 1,195,466 $ 1,628,150 $ ZW9,541 $ 1,891,163 $ 2 Z06,1i85 $ 3,185,586 $ 438,607 $ 198,W8 $ 240,099 54.7% Total City Suppo $ 1,510,557 $ 1,637,197 $ 1,573,932 1 $ 169,996 $ $ 169,996 100.0-A CITY OF �._. Fe d e ra l inlay Fund Activity Summary FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fund 4lFund Name Begin Balance 1/1/2022 YID ReNenues YID Expenditures YID Net Income/(loss) Ending Balance 02/28/2022• Required Fund Balance 001/101 General/Street Fund" $ 21,271,711 $ 3,356,189 8,142,852 $ (4,786,663) $ 16,485,047 $ 9,500,000 Special Revenue Funds; 102 Arterial Street 659,917 42,091 32,095 9,996 669,913 100,000 103 Utility Tax(*) 3,340,728 1,161,779 99,639 1,062,140 4,402,869 1,500,000 104 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax 255,702 14,390 - 14,390 270,093 - 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 261,325 (22,551) 86,383 (108,934) 152,392 107 Special Contracts/Studies Fund 878,659 633 633 879,292 - 109 Hotel/MotelLodging Tax 1,602,856 16,940 10,492 6,448 1,609,304 200,000 110 2% for the Arts - - I I l Federal Way Community Center 1,500,000 240,831 240,831 (0) 1,500,000 1,500,000 112 Traffic Safety Fund 2,132,495 684,173 450,385 233,788 2,366,282 1,200,000 113 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 4,084,586 513,937 - 513,937 4,598,523 2,000,000 114 Prop 1 Utility Tax 1,498,515 348,815 587,147 (238,332) 1,260,183 1,000,000 115 Perfonning Arts & Event Ctr Operations 873,590 133,226 198,508 (65,282) 808,308 - 116 Solid Waste 10%Utility Tax 1,441,303 186,308 5,363 180,946 1,622,248 - 119 CDBG 28,269 - 108,195 (108,195) (79,926) - 120 Path & Trails 1,585,150 1,946 - 1,946 1,587,097 - 121 Technology 295,110 34,164 - 34,164 329,274 - 122 Jail Fund 164,252 164 65,881 (65,717) 98,535 - 188 Strategic Reserve Fund 2,999,001 2,188 - 2,188 3,001,189 3,000,000 189 Parks Reserve Fund 1,131,994 826 - 826 1,132,820 1,125,000 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 24,733,453 3,359,860 1,884,918 1,474,942 26,208,395 $11,625,000 201 Debt Service Fund 3,672,023 2,660 34,038 (31,378) 3,6409645 - Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 3,900,162 2,888 2,888 3,903,050 - 302 Municipal Facilities 290,185 212 - 212 290,396 303 Parks 1,967,896 1,437 5,946 (4,509) 1,963,386 - 304Surface Water Management 3,545,971 2,599 34,487 (31,888) 3,514,082 306Transportation 8,466,403 321,973 266,932 55,041 8,521,444 307 Capital Project Reserve Fund 369,963 270 270 370,233 308 PAEC Capital Fund - - - .Subtotal Capital Project Funds 18,5409579 329,377 307,365 22,013 18,562,592 Enierprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 2,776,713 40,912 512,902 (471,989) 2,304,723 690,000 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 1,500,000 86,853 86,854 (1) 1,500,000 1,500,000 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 4,276,713 127,766 599,756 (471,990) 39804,723 $ 2,190,000 Infernal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 1,271,019 237,631 1,204,411 (966,780) 304,239 600,000 502Information Systems 4,241,138 515,615 448,389 67,225 4,308,364 503 Mail & Duplication 304,979 23,314 6,874 16,440 321,419 504 Fleet & Equipment 7,557,939 665,958 360,952 305,006 7,862,945 505 Buildings & Furnishings 2,265,683 83,293 76,406 6,887 2,272,570 2,000,000 506 Health Selflns urance Fund 3,770,611 832,334 636,286 196,048 3,966,659 - 507 Unemployment Insurance Fund 315,846 234 234 316,081 250,000 ,SubtotalInternal Service Funds 19,7279216 2,358,379 2,733,318 (374,939) 19,352,277 $ 2,850,000 Total All Funds $ 92,221,694 $ 9,534,231 $ 13,702,246 $ (4,168,015) $ 88,053,679 CITY OF Federal Way Addendum — Investment Rationales Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: February 3, 2022 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2022-017 is a 3-year Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (FHLMC/Freddie Mac), face value $1,000,000, maturing February 12, 2025, 1.5000% coupon purchased at 100.23570 (premium) to yield 1.4200%. This trade settles February 4, 2022 with Wedbush Securities, US Bank Safekeeping, reducing our position in the Washington State LGIP investment pool. Liquidity: At Jan 31st, month -end, checking account balance was $10.2 million (target minimum is $6 Million), investment portfolio was $16.0 million (target is $36 million for Treasuries and Agencies). State LGIP investment pool balance was $66.4 million (target minimum is $30 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of a government -sponsored enterprise (GSE), that carries an explicit Federal guarantee, equivalent to Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 1.42%. This investment is 134 basis points over LGIP. Comparatle yields publicly posted prior -day are: LGIP current eld 0.085993% Treasu 1.16% / 1.38% bullets�i.42% Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). www.secureaccess.wa Treasury.gov Broker inquiry Diversification. This purchase brings this issuer to 1.2% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently low and flat; the 1-year Treasury at 0.76%, the 2- year at 1.16% the 3-year at 1.38%, and the 5-year at 1,60%. The Federal Reserve Bank has been keeping rates low with continued uncertainty of a 2022 rate hike. By filling maturity gaps in a 3-year ladder, we minimize reinvestment risk subject to rates at any one point in time and hedge against further decreasing rate LGIP exposure. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director: yu� Date Finance Director: Date Z - 3 - Z Zz CITY OF Federal Way Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: February 3, 2022 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2022-018 is a 3-year US Treasury (US T), face value $1,000,000, maturing September 30, 2023, 2.875% coupon purchased at 102.95703 (premium) to yield 1.0630%. This trade settles February 4, 2022 with Wedbush Securities, US Bank Safekeeping, reducing our position in the Washington State LGIP investment pool. Liquidity: At Jan 318t, month -end, checking account balance was $10.2 million (target minimum is $6 Million), investment portfolio was $16.0 million (target is $36 million for Treasuries and Agencies). State LGIP investment pool balance was $66.4 million (target minimum is $30 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of the Federal government, equivalent to Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 1.06%. This investment is 98 basis points over LGIP. Comparable yields publicly posted prior -day are: LGIP current 30-dayield 0.085993% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 2-year/3-year Treasu 1.16% 1 1.38% Treasu ov 2-year Agency bullets 1.04% Broker inquiry Cailability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase brings this issuer to 11.8% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently low and flat; the 1-year Treasury at 0.76%, the 2- year at 1.16% the 3-year at 1.38%, and the 5-year at 1.60%. The Federal Reserve Bank has been keeping rates low with continued uncertainty of a 2022 rate hike. By filling maturity gaps in a 3-year ladder, we minimize reinvestment risk subject to rates at any one point in time and hedge against further decreasing rate LGIP exposure. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director: o A.Date 2 13 2c:�2—z- 14 Finance Director: Date 2 - 3 - 7.02- Z crr ., Federal Way Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: February 15, 2022 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2022-019 is a 1%-year Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp (FHLMC/Freddie Mac), face value $1,000,000, maturing August 24, 20230 0.2600% coupon purchased at 98.21400 (premium) to yield 1.4400%. This trade settles February 16, 2022 with Wedbush Securities, US Sank Safekeeping, reducing our position in the Washington State LGIP investment pool. Liquidity: At Jan 31-9t, month -end, checking account balance was $10.2 million (target minimum is $6 Million), investment portfolio was $16.0 million (target is $36 million for Treasuries and Agencies). State LGIP investment pool balance was $66.4 million (target minimum is $30 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of a government -sponsored enterprise (GSE), that carries an explicit Federal guarantee, equivalent to Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 1.44%. This investment is 135 basis points over LGIP. Comparable yields publicly posted prior -day are: LGIP current 30-dayield 0.088521 % www.secureaocess.wa.gov 1-year/2-year Treasur y 1.13°fo ! 1.58% Treasu ov 1167year Treasury 1.41% Broker inquiry Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase brings this issuer to 2.3% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently low and flat; the 1-year Treasury at 1.13%, the 2- year at 1.58% the 3-year at 1.80%, and the 5-year at 1.90%. The Federal Reserve Bank has been keeping rates low with continued probability of a 2022 rate hike. By filling maturity gaps in a 3-year ladder, we minimize reinvestment risk subject to rates at any one point in time and hedge against further decreasing rate LGIP exposure. Staff review: " f (Alp"f _ Deputy Finance Director: Date r Finance Director: I Date �s CITY OF Federal Way Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: February 25, 2022 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2022-020 is a 1%-year US Treasury (US T), face value $1,000,000, maturing July 30, 2023, 2.875% coupon purchased at 98.21875 (discount) to yield 1.384057%. This trade settles February 24, 2022 with Wedbush Securities, US Bank Safekeeping, reducing our position in the Washington State LGIP investment pool. Liquidity: At Jan 31st, month -end, checking account balance was $10.2 million (target minimum is $6 Million), investment portfolio was $16.0 million (target is $36 million for Treasuries and Agencies). State LGIP investment pool balance was $66.4 million (target minimum is $30 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of the Federal government, equivalent to Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 1.38%. This investment is 128 basis points over LGIP. Comparable yields publicly posted prior -day are: LGIP current 30-day vield 0.096017% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 1-year/2-year Treasu 1.17% / 1.56% Treasu ov 1 Y2- ear Agency bullets 1.38% Broker Inquiry Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase brings this issuer to 12.7% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently low and flat; the 1-year Treasury at 1.17%, the 2- year at 1.56% the 3-year at 1.74%, and the 5-year at 1.85%. The Federal Reserve Bank has been keeping rates low but is poised to start rate hikes as inflationary measures. By filling maturity gaps in a 3-year ladder, we minimize reinvestment risk subject to rates at any one point in time and hedge against further decreasing rate LGIP exposure. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director: Finance Director: f =� Date Date COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 05, 2022 ITEM #: 7C .... .................. . ... . .. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AP VOUCHERS 02/16/2022-03/15/2022 AND PAYROLL VOUCHERS 02/01/2022-02/28/2022 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the AP vouchers in the total amount of $3,032,738.38 and payroll vouchers in the total amount of $3,872,392.02? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: March 22, 2022 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of F ' Way, W hington, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said liens. Hance Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: initial I move to forward the vouchers to the April 05, 2022 consent agenda for approval. CoYnmittee Chair ommittee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYCITY CLERKS OFFICE} COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED I" reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 08/12/2010 RESOLUTION # A�kCITY OF Federal Wary Date: March 22, 2022 To: Steve Groom, Finance Director From: Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director Subject: Monthly Disbursements Summary The monthly AP and Payroll vouchers report is attached. Finnnro rlcnnrFmnn+ The following summarizes current and prior 2 months' disbursements for reasonableness comparison. Account Payable Voucher totals: • February $3,032,738.38 Construction projects totaled 404,077 (p. 9) Consulting contracts total 79,302 (p. 9) Medical Claims totaled 179,061 (p. 17) Minor Equipment totaled 543,620.79 (p. 18) Misc. Services & Charges totaled 252,840.08 (p. 19) Operating Rentals and Leases totaled 102,374.49 (p. 26) Professional Services totaled 441,443 (p. 32) Repairs and Maintenance totaled 145,425 (p. 39) ® January $2,855,499.65 • December $2,088,333.22 Payroll voucher totals: • February $3,872,392.02 • January $3,785,983.99 December $3,803,417.73 City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal ACCOUNT PAYABLE-ESCOM $150.00 280841 3/15/2022 MOUNTAIN VIEW, LUTHERAN 3/3/2022 62637 $150.00 DBC-REFUND CANCELLED PGM #6263 ADVERTISING $10,263.22 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $500.00 DBC-DUMAS BAY ADS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $125.00 SWR-AD RECYCLING EVENT 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $75.00 SWR-AD RECYCLING EVENT 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $108.47 SWR-AD RECYCLING EVENT 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $137.63 FWCC-ONLINE ADS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $299,17 FWCC-MARKETING 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $199.00 FWCC- EGYM APP PYMT 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $73.71 PARKS-FACEBK ADS 280708 2/28/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/14/2022 FWM946525 $287.77 PW-AD ACCT #83722479 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/28/2022 8057379 $275.00 MO -AD ACCT#83722480 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/31/2022 8054231 $336.13 FWCC/PARKS-AD ACCT#83722480 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/31/2022 8054231 $336.12 FWCC/PARKS-AD ACCT#83722480 280789 3/15/2022 FEHR & PEERS, 2/7/2022 152075 $7,186.40 PW-AG21-154 21STAVE S & S 320 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/11/2022 FWM948461 $323.82 PWST-AD ACCT#83722479 AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $2,177.84 280655 2/28/2022 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN 2/9/2022 465054 $1.884.53 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 280847 3/15/2022 NATIONAL SAFETY INC, 1/19/2022 0642063-IN $293.31 SWM-SAFETY SUPPLEIS AIRFARE $1,178.42 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $607.21 PD-2022 CALEA-AIRFARE 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $571 21 PD-DAR TRAINING -AIRFARE ASPHALT & ROAD OIL $994.03 280824 3/15/2022 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC, 2/12/2022 187317 $913.08 PWST-REPAIR SUPPLIES 280915 3/15/2022 TRINITYACE HARDWARE, 2/18/2022 225118 $80.95 SWM-SUPPLIES ASSOCIATION DUES $7,151.17 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $275.00 CD-MEMB RENEWAL Key Bank Page 2 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descrlptlon AmountGL Total 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $55.00 CD-YRLY MEMB. 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $6.11 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $244-49 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $6.11 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $11.72 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $468.98 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $11.72 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $11.95 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $244.49 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $11.72 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $478.00 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $468.98 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $11.72 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $468.98 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30 00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $500.00 CHB-ELEVATOR FEE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $12.50 CHB-PROCESSING FEE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $726.00 SWM-MEMB DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $11.72 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $468.98 LAW-WSBA DUES Key Bank Page 3 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date __ Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $100.00 RM-WA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $466.98 LAW-WSBA DUES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 LAW-WSAMA DUES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $115.00 PD-FBINAA MEMB 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $115.00 PD-FBINAA MEMB 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $115.00 PD-FBINAA MEMB 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $50.00 PD-FBI LEEDA MEMB 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $37.02 PD-YRLY MEMEB WA STATE ASSOC 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $50.00 PD-NTIA MEMB. 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $50.00 PD-NTIA MEMB. 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $50.00 PD-NTIA MEMB. 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $25.00 PD-WAPRO MEMB 280820 3/15/2022 KIRK, GREG 3/2/2022 KIRK 2022 $241.00 CD -DEDUCTIBLE REIMB 280772 3/15/2022 DMCJA, 2/22/2022 WILLIAMS 2022 $1,000.00 AI HLt I It.; JUNYLItS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $33.02 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $23.24 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLIES BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $399.60 PD-LAW BOOKS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $5.95 PD-MNTHLY SUBCR 280930 3/15/2022 WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT,2111/2022 7875 $40.00 IT- GEO DATABASE PLAN UPDATE - BUILDING MATERIALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $-56.87 FWCC-RTNED FLOORING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $56.87 FWCC-MAT FLOORING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $24.72 FWCC-BLDG MATERIALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $-56.87 FWCC-RTNED FLOORING MAT 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $18.47 FWCC-BLDG MATERIALS $56.26 $445.55 $1,705.14 Key Bank Page 4 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2124/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $660.30 FWCC-MAT FLOORING 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/10/2022 02062 $744.90 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280706 2/28/2022 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 2/9/2022 0237-9 $222.40 PKM-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 280791 3/15/2022 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPAN'2/28/2022 465246 $19.64 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 3/1/2022 02527 $58.75 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/24/2022 09503 $12.83 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES CASH SHORT & OVER $1,102.00 280843 3/15/2022 MURKLE, EMILY 3/3/2022 002-00100931 $1,102.00 CD -REFUND CHARGED THE WRONG AM CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $16,676.84 280631 2/28/2022 AT&T MOBILITY, 2/11/2022 287288982773XO119202 $3,922.19 IT-2/22 DATA CARDS 280921 3/15/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2022 9699547739 $5,734.00 IT/PAEC/PD-01122 CELLULAR SVC 280921 3/15/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2022 9899547739 $5,733.99 IT/PAEC/PD-01/22 CELLULAR SVC 280922 3/15/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2022 9899547740 $205,78 IT-01/22 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 280922 3/15/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2022 9899547740 $205.78 IT-01/22 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 280912 3/15/2022 T-MOBILE USA INC, 2/21/2022 830401935 $73.21 IT-01/22 CELLULAR SVC 280746 3/15/2022 AT&T MOBILITY, 2/5/2022 287290386709XO213202 $801.89 IT-1/22 DATA CARDS CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $33,770.05 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $764.89 PKM-UNIFORMS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $665.94 PKM-UNIFORMS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $208.08 FWCC-BOOTS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $396.03 PARK -DAY CAMP SHIRTS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $1,127.35 FWCC-STAFF SHIRTS 225229467 2/2512022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $351.50 PD-UNIFORM 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/2512022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $430.31 PD-UNIFORM 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $88.08 PD-UNIFORM PANTS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $527.25 PD-UNIFORM 225229467 2125/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $248.98 PD-UNIFORM Key Bank Page 5 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $248.98 PD-UNIFORM 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $1,006.96 PD-UNIFORM 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $413.88 PD-UNIFORM 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $500.00 PD-UNIFORM BOOTS 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/21/2022 4443 $154.13 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/21/2022 4444 $269.65 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/21/2022 4445 $154.13 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/21/2022 4447 $214.51 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/21/2022 4448 $99,08 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/21/2022 4449 $258 71 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/13/2022 4429 $901.56 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/14/2022 4431 $49.53 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280729 2/28/2022 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR 1-I1/10/2022 5549 $16.62 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/11/2022 4421 $66.04 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280729 2/28/2022 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR 1-I1/11/2022 5555 $753.29 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280729 2/28/2022 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR 1-I1/11/2022 5556 $899.04 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280643 2/28/2022 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUPI1/12/2022 4423 $242.20 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280729 2/28/2022 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR 1-I1/1212022 5557 $229.86 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280733 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 3/3/2022 INV-2-16939 $1,556.82 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 260939 3/15/2022 WONG, NICHOLAS 3/4/2022 WONG 2022. $200.00 PD-EQUIPALLOW 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/23/2022 CM-2-1722 $-2,471,74 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280774 3/15/2022 EAGLE GRAPHICS INC, EAGLI2/25/2022 508077 $4,981.26 PKM-UNIFORMS 280738 3/15/2022 ADAMS, RICHARD 2/28/2022 ADAMS 2022 $600.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 280801 3/15/2022 GREEN, GEORGE 2/28/2022 GREEN 2022 $200.00 PD-EQUIPALLOW 280870 3/15/2022 ROBERTSON, CODY 2/28/2022 ROBERTSON 2022 $89.54 PD-EQUIP/UNIFORM ALLOW 280747 3/15/2022 ATLANTIC SIGNAL LLC, 2/8/2022 30365-01 $1,215.00 PD-COMBAT PTT W/RADIO REMOTE V Key Bank Page 6 of 49 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEARI/31/2022 202201SU228 $60.67 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/2/2022 202202SU023 $94.86 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280794 3/15/2022 GALLS LLC, 2/3/2022 020361097 $286.26 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/3/2022 202202SU039 $85.48 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280891 3/15/2022 SOUND SAFETY PRODUCTS 11/24/2022 216528/3 $553.86 SWM-SAFETY CLOTHING 280891 3/15/2022 SOUND SAFETY PRODUCTS 11/24/2022 216861/3 $87.01 SWM-SAFETY CLOTHING 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEARI/18/2022 202201SU121 $581.33 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR1/18/2022 202201SU130 $24.82 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEARI/25/2022 202201SU196 $95.41 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR1/26/2022 202201S7204 $609,96 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280933 3/15/2022 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR L112/14/2021 5516 $191.85 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280933 3/15/2022 WASHINGTON WORKWEAR 1-I1/10/2022 5597 $97 82 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280765 3/15/2022 D J TROPHY, 2/21/2022 286417 $125.51 PD-CLOTHING SUPPLIES 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/18/2022 202202SU161 $2,536.90 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/18I2022 202202SU168 $24.77 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/17/2022 202202SU153 $121.33 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280810 3/15/2022 HINCKLE, CHARLIE 2/17/2022 HINCKLE 2022 $200.00 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/1712022 INV-2-16602 $31.91 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/17/2022 INV-2-16603 $71.55 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280852 3/15/2022 OLINGER, BRADLEY 2/17/2022 OLINGER 2022 $187.12 PD-UNIFORM ALLOW 280869 3/15/2022 ROATA, NICU 2117/2022 ROATA 2022 $175.04 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/11/2022 INV-2-16510 $1,057.09 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/11/2022 202202SU108 $104X4 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/9/2022 1NV-2-16439 $30.83 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/10/2022 INV-2-16475 $72.65 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/10/2022 INV-2-16476 $1,314.60 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 7 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/10/2022 INV-2-16477 $989,74 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/10/2022 INV-2-16478 $989.74 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/10/2022 INV-2-16479 $33.03 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16535 $70.45 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16536 $576.02 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16537 $1,494.21 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16538 $601.34 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16539 $209.17 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16540 $93.57 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/14/2022 INV-2-16541 $1,422.65 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280938 3/15/2022 WILSON, JUSTIN 2/15/2022 WILSON 2022 $600.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 280849 3/15/2022 NEAL, STEPHAN C 2/22/2022 NEAL2022 $210.00 %' VIVIIVI V IV ILIA I I V NO 280637 2/2812022 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2022 206-Z04-0609472B IT-02/22 PHONE SERVICES 280637 2128/2022 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2022 206-Z04-0609472B IT-02/22 PHONE SERVICES 280637 2/28/2022 CENTURYLINK, 2/4/2022 206-Z04-0609 4726 IT-02/22 PHONE SERVICES 280746 3/15/2022 AT&T MOBILITY, 215/2022 287290386709X0213202 IT-1/22 DATA CARDS CONCEAL PISTOL LIC-RENEW-CITY 280657 2/28/2022 GERARDI, DONALD 2/13/2022 003-00100164 PD-REFUND OVR PYMT 003-0010016 CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - FBI 280724 2/28/2022 WA STATE PATROL, 2/l/2022 122004542 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS 280926 3/15/2022 WA STATE PATROL, 3/3/2022 122004684 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE 280657 2/28/2022 GERARDI, DONALD 2/13/2022 003-00100164 PD-REFUND OVR PYMT 003-0010016 280924 3/15/2022 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN2/28/2022 02/28/22 CPL FEES PD-02/28/22 CPL FEES CONFERENCE/SEMINAR REGISTRATH 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD CDHS-PRIMER TRAINING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD PKM-ONLINE COURSE $434.66 $20.47 $135.99 $135.98 $142,22 $14.00 $14.00 $1,072.75 $450.00 $622.75 $2,647.00 $18.00 $2,529.00 $10,640.60 $100.00 $45.00 Key Bank Page 8 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $65.00 PWST-TRAINING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $65 00 PWST-FLAGGER TRAINING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $120.00 PWST-ONLINE CLASSES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $120.00 SWM-WSU SEMINAR 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 SWM-WSU SEMINAR 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $150.00 PKM-RECERT.CLASSES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $42.00 PKM-BAT RECERTIFICATION 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $30.00 PKM-RECERT CLASSES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $195.00 PWST-TRAINING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $51.50 PWST-TRAINING PESTICIDE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $15.00 PKM-RECERT CLASS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $45.00 PKM-RECERT CLASS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $58.05 PWST-MNTHY MEMB TRAINING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $58.05 SWM-MNTHLY MEMB 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $35.00 LAW -PROCUREMENT TRNG 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $35.00 LAW-OPMA TIRING 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $3,018.50 SWM-CDL TRAINING 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $47,00 CC -WORKSHOP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $47.00 CC -WORKSHOP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $35.00 CC-MRSC CONF. 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $50.00 CC -CONFERENCE 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $25.00 CC -CONFERENCE 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $750.00 PD-DAR-C TRAINING 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $750.00 PD-DAR-C TRAINING 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $289.00 PD-PLET 2022 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $579.00 PD-TRAIING Key Bank Page 9 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $325.00 PD-NWGIA 2022 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $325.00 P D-NWGIA 2022 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $35.00 CC-TRAING S. HONDA 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $135.00 FWCC-TRAINING 225224759 2/2512022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $2,970.50 PWST-CDL TRAINING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $404,076.68 280676 2/28/2022 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP2/9/2022 T3227401 $2,856.82 PKM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 280685 2/28/2022 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 2/2/2022 49261 $1,929.45 PK/PL/ADM: MEMORIAL BENCH & PL 280685 2/28/2022 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 2/2/2022 49261 $722.67 Freight 280685 2/28/2022 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 2/2/2022 49261 $267.86 Sales Tax 280719 2/28/2022 TUCCI & SONS INC, 10/13/2021 AG21-037 #5 $306.475.41 PW-AG21-037 2021 ASPHALT OVERL 280719 2/28/2022 TUCCI & SONS INC, 10113/2021 AG21-037 #5 $-15,323.77 PW-AG21-037 2021 ASPHALT OVERL 280726 2/28/2022 WASHINGTON TRUST BANK, 10/13/2021 AG21-052 #5 $15,323.77 PW-AG21-052 2021 ASPHALT OVERL 280857 3/15/2022 PIPELINE VIDEO INSPECTION2/1/2022 930050R $4,006.80 SWM-AG21-088 2021 STORM DRAIN 280857 3/15/2022 PIPELINE VIDEO INSPECTION2/1/2022 930051R $908.00 SWM-AG21-088 2021 STORM DRAIN 280888 3/15/2022 SOUND PACIFIC CONSTRUCT2/1/2022 AG21-127 #4 $78,148.05 PW-AG21-127 SW DASH POINT RD @ 280857 3/15/2022 PIPELINE VIDEO INSPECTION2/17/2022 929531 $2,307.00 SWM-AG21-088 2021 STORM DRAIN 280857 3/15/2022 PIPELINE VIDEO INSPECTION2/21/2022 930049R $2,510.62 SWM-AG21-088 2021 STORM DRAIN 280799 3/15/2022 GRAYHAWK CONSTRUCTION,2/21/2022 53476 $3,944,00 PKM-DEMOLITION DEBRIS CONSULTING CONTRACTS $79,302.37 280670 2/28/2022 KPG INC, 2/4/2022 1-7622 $6,904.00 PW-AG21-195 ON -CALL PLAN REVIE 280635 2/28/2022 CARLSON. KAREN J 2/8/2022 21896 $210.00 PWST-INTERPRETING SVCS 280669 2/28/2022 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING2/8/2022 408067 $9,528.37 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 280717 2/28/2022 TRANSPO GROUP USA INC, 2/10/2022 27550 $852.74 PWST-CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC 280717 2/28/2022 TRANSPO GROUP USA INC, 2/10/2022 27557 $14,782.94 PW-AG21-152 S 288TH ST RD DIET 280667 2/28/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:2/17/2022 02/17/22 $10.00 PW-EXCISE TAX PROCES. FEES 280822 3/15/2022 KPG INC, 3/3/2022 2-7722 $7,516.00 PW-AG21-195 ON -CALL PLAN REVIE Key Bank Page 10 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280822 3/15/2022 KPG INC, 3/3/2022 2-7822 $10,139.69 PW-AG21-195 ON -CALL PLAN REVIE 280846 3/15/2022 NARWHAL MET LLC, DBA WEP2/28/2022 2022-20001 $3,660.00 SWM/PWST-WEATHER FORECASTING S 280795 3/15/2022 GEOENGINEERS INC, 2/18/2022 0177750 $10,556.45 PW-AG21-192 34293 REDONDO CREE 280935 3/15/2022 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL'2/10/2022 222-FED-JAN $2,465.00 PW-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION 280854 3/15/2022 PARAMETRIX INC, 2/7/2022 33080 $8,971.18 PWST-CITY CENTER ACCESS AG17-1 280822 3/15/2022 KPG INC, 2/8/2022 1-14022 $3,706.00 PW-AG21-195 ON -CALL PLAN REVIE COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $1,091.78 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112085-0 $127.01 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112086-0 $254.02 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112087-0 $127.01 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112088-0 $127.01 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112090-0 $190.52 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112092-0 $63.51 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112106-0 $63.51 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280634 2/28/2022 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 2/7/2022 483969 $59.19 HR-COFFEE SUPPLIES 280751 3/15/2022 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 2/21/2022 485083 $80.00 HR-COFFEE SUPPLIES COURT -AUTO THEFT PREVENTION $4,979.26 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $1,932.72 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $3,046.54 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - CRIME VICTIMS $1,254.20 280697 2/28/2022 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C2/14/2022 2/14/2022 $446.85 FI-REFUND KC CRIME VICTIMS REM 280859 3/15/2022 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C3/10/2022 3/10122 $807.35 FI-REFUND KC CRIME VICTIMS REM COURT - DEATH INV ACCT $134.57 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $66.33 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $68.24 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - HWY SAFETYACT $650.76 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $268.48 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVEN UES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $282.27 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - PSEA JIS $16,463.03 Key Bank Page 11 of49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $6,086.93 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3110/2022 FEB 2022 $10,376.10 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - SCHOOL SAFETY ZONE $22.36 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $1.45 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $20.91 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE ACCESS COMM ACCT $307.04 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVEN UES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $107.06 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $199.98 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE MULTI TRANS ACCT $307.05 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $107.07 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $199.98 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PORTION $38,968.38 280726 2128/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $13,392.76 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $25,575,62 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PSEA 2 $16,411.73 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $6,630.57 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $11.781.16 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PSEA3 $345.70 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVEN UES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $86.58 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVEN UES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $259.12 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - TRAUMA BRAIN INJURY $2,175.49 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $871.45 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $1,304.04 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - WSP HIWAY ACCT $764.28 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN UES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $376.75 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $387.53 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT -TRAUMA VICTIMS $2,486.65 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $965.09 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $1,521.46 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT -VEHICLE LIC FRAUD $39.58 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $39.58 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F Key Bank Page 12 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total CPL LAMINATION $5.00 280657 2/28/2022 GERARDI, DONALD 2/13/2022 003-00100164 $5.00 PD-REFUND OVR PYMT 003-0010016 CUSTODIAL & CLEANING $1,106.45 280709 2/28/2022 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECI1/27/2022 6002108489 $129.00 CHB-MAINT SHOP 03/01/22-05/31/ 280709 2/28/2022 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECI1/27/2022 6002117498 $79.50 CHB-STEELE LAKE 03/01/22-05/31 280709 2/28/2022 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECI1/27/2022 6002133713 $184.50 CHB-STEELE LAKE BH 03/01/22-05 280866 3/15/2022 REGENCY CLEANERS, DBA: 12/28/2022 1482 $639.46 PD-AG21-017 PD DRY CLEANING SR 280745 3/15/2022 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE2/1/2022 512000243548 $73.99 FWCC-LINEN SVC DEF REV-GEN REC-REC TRAC $284.00 280800 3/15/2022 GREEN, ANGEL 2/28/2022 634648 $76.00 FWCC-REFUND CANCELLED PGM #634 280771 3/15/2022 DAVIS, TARA 3/1/2022 635479 $131 00 FWCC-REFUND CANCELLED PGM #635 280803 3/15/2022 GRISWOLD, JAMIE 3/1/2022 635481 $77.00 FWCC-REFUND CANCELLED PGM #607 DEPOSIT-CD-BLDG OTHER BLDG RV $10,925.46 280935 3/15/2022 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL72/10/2022 222-FED-JAN. $10,925.46 CD-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION DEPOSIT-ENVIRON REVIEW $3,450.00 280740 3/15/2022 AHBL INC, 1/31/2022 129916 $2,550.00 CD-AG20-555 EVALUATION OF LAND 280740 3/15/2022 AHBL INC, 12/31/2021 129484 $900.00 CD-AG20-555 EVALUATION OF LAND DP COMPONENTS $94.32 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $9.90 IT -DP COMPONENTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $84.42 CD -DP COMPONENTS EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE $1,018.50 280821 3/15/2022 KOPIS, GARY 3/7/2022 KOPIS 2022 $1,018.50 PD-TUITION REIMB CJUS 340 ELECTRICAL PERMITS $968.61 280764 3/15/2022 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SERVI(2/28/2022 22-100350 $211.82 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100350 280796 3/15/2022 GO HAWK ELECTRIC, 2/26/2022 22-100700 $124.18 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100700 280911 3/15/2022 TITAN ELECTRIC, 1/27/2022 22-100025 $58.26 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100255 280897 3/15/2022 STEELE LAKE GRANGE HALL,1/31/2022 22-100368 $211,82 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100368 280868 3/15/2022 RESICON LLC, 2/1/2022 22-100454 22-100455 $58.26 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100454 & 280829 3/15/2022 LIN R ROGERS ELECTRICAL, 2/11/2022 21-102228 $55.91 CD -REFUND PERMIT 21-102228 280760 3/15/2022 COPPER CREEK ELECTRIC IN2/16/2022 22-100675 $124.18 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100255 Key Bank Page 13 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280793 3/15/2022 FULLER ELECTRIC, 2/22/2022 22-100823 $124.18 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100823 ELECTRICITY 280712 2/28/2022 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 1/6/2022 100826512 $23.62 PWTR-09/16/21-11/12/21 1909 SW 280699 2/28/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/15/2022 220018358782 $222.76 PKM-01/22 550 SW CAMPUS DR #ZO 280699 2128/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/11/2022 220025635438 $131.19 PKM-01/22 31132 28TH AVE S 280699 2/28/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/10/2022 300000009526 $47,684.84 PW7R-01/22 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 280699 2128/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/10/2022 300000009526 $44.049.52 PWTR-01/22 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 280863 3/15/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/15/2022 220027462302 $30.01 SWM-34016 9TH AVE S FEDERAL WA 280863 3/15/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/14/2022 220028560633 $23.38 PKM-01 /22 34701 11 TH PL S. 280863 3/15/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/11/2022 220014198398 $12.25 PKM-01/22 2645 S 312TH ST ELEC FEDERAL INDIRECT GRANT 280721 2/28/2022 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC2/24/2022 LA-9925 $31,663.23 PW-OVERPAYMENT FILING & RECORDING FEES-INTGOV 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $217,49 CD -FILING FEES FIRST CLASS POSTAGE 280695 2/28/2022 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV2/5/2022 1020073859 $211.02 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 280695 2/28/2022 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV2/5/2022 1020073858 $1,525.61 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 280918 3/15/2022 UNITED STATES POST OFFICE3/2/2022 03/2/22 $7,001.51 PARKS -BULK MAILING FOR RECREAT 280787 3/15/2022 FEDEX OFFICE, 2/25/2022 7-673-22083 $8.27 IT -MAILING SVC FOOD & BEVERAGE 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $144,79 PARKS-GRP MEAL SENIOR TRIP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $313.40 CC-1/4/22 STAFF DINNER 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $175 00 CC-MEMB DINNER 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $43.96 CC -COUNCIL RECEPTION SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $9.90 CC -WATER DLV SVC 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $220.10 CC-1/18/22 STFF DINNER 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $3 99 MO -CREAMER FOR OFFICE 225224759 2125/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $3.69 MO-TEABAGS FOR OFFICE $92,177.67 $31,663.23 $217.49 $8,746.41 $7,696.39 Key Bank Page 14 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 225224759 212512022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $136.45 PARKS -MEAL SNR TRIP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $232.88 PARKS -MEAL SNR TRIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $82.70 PD-LUNCH PANEL INTERVIEW 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $19.80 PD-HOMICIDE INVSET. FOOD ITEMS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $151.44 PD-PANEL INTERV. LUNCH 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $106.80 PD-LUNCH PANEL INTERV. 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $30.03 PD-CHIEFS CALL MEETING -FOOD IT 280700 2/28/2022 QUENCH, INC, 2/1/2022 INV03721065 $139.06 DBC-DRINKING WATER SERVICE 280700 2/28/2022 QUENCH, INC, 2/1/2022 INV03736401 $34.62 PARKS/FWCC-DRINKING WATER SVC 280700 2/28/2022 QUENCH, INC, 2/1/2022 INV03736401 $34.62 PARKS/FWCC-DRINKING WATER SVC 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2111/2022 033569 $37.57 PARKS-COSTCO-F-DUB KARAOKE SNA 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $35.85 PARKS-COSTCO-RICE & CHIPS FOR 280840 3/15/2022 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER, 2/28/2022 077665 $93.02 PD-WATER ACCT#077665 280750 3/15/2022 CAFE PACIFIC INC, CAFE PAC2/26/2022 36593 $1,701.05 MO-AG21-170 DUMAS BAY CENTRE C 280864 3/15/2022 QUENCH, INC, 3/1/2022 INV03792639 $139.06 DBC-DRINKING WATER SERVICE 280865 3/15/2022 QUENCH, INC, 3/1/2022 INV03816199 $34.62 PARKS/FWCC-DRINKING WATER SERV 280865 3/15/2022 QUENCH, INC, 3/1/2022 INV03816199 $34.62 PARKS/FWCC-DRINKING WATER SERV 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $26,00 PARKS-FRED MEYER-SNACKS FOR CU 280750 3/15/2022 CAFE PACIFIC INC, CAFE PAC313/2022 36623 $3,224.28 MO-AG21-170 DUMAS BAY CENTRE C 280934 3/15/2022 WATERLOGIC USA LLC, 2/1/2022 1202200 $395.17 PD-02/22 RENTAL DEFERRED COOLIE 280840 3/15/2022 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER, 1/31/2022 077665 $91.92 PD-WATER ACCT#077665 GASOLINE $39,348.76 280654 2/28/2022 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCH00/31/2022 AR13352 $28.037.93 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 280654 2/28/2022 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(1/31/2022 AR13352 $258.55 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 280654 2/28/2022 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCH00/31/2022 AR13353 $9,95Z29 FLT-01/22 VEHICLE FUEL 280650 2/2812022 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2115/2022 703805CT $85.31 FLT-VEHICLE FUEL Key Bank Page 15 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280782 3/15/2022 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/28/2022 709519CT $313.54 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 280782 3/15/2022 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 2/15/2022 703806CT $701.14 PD-VEHICLE FUEL HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $200.00 280894 3/15/2022 SPERRY, LINDSEY 3/9/2022 SPERRY 2022 $100.00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280939 3/15/2022 WONG, NICHOLAS 3/4/2022 WONG 2022 $100.00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $9,067.82 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $396.34 FWCC-FACE MASKS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $88.00 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $220.00 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $64.89 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $37,71 FWCC-HOUSE HLD SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $15.03 FWCC-HOUSE HLD SUPPLS 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/16/2022 852013 $843.98 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/11/2022 851313 $653.76 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/14/2022 851727 $80.81 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/9/2022 850999 $1,009.97 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/3/2022 850247 $992.85 CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/8/2022 850826 $11.10 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280727 2/28/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/4/2022 850393 $1,021.85 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/3/2022 854239 $133.13 DBC--JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/3/2022 854240 $753.14 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/2/2022 853929 $272.10 PKM—JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/2/2022 853930 $898.46 CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/2/2022 853931 $37.61 DBC--JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/25/2022 853412 $677.91 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/18/2022 852559 $224.50 CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/17/2022 852314 $561.71 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 16 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invofoa Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280928 3/15/2022 WALTER E NELSON CO., 2/16/2022 852250 $72.97 DBC--JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INSURANCE -STOP LOSS $65,375.21 301223040 3/1/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/1/2022 MAR 2022 #2 $57,827 49 FI-03/22 ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL 301223039 3/1/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/1/2022 MAR 2022 $7,54772 FI-03/22ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL JAIL CS - ISSAQ $90 AG19-068 $34,100.00 280756 3/15/2022 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 2/9/2022 22000061 $34.100 00 PD-AG21-091 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO JAIL CS - KENT $150 + AG19-133 $25,749.00 280757 3/15/2022 CITY OF KENT. 2/8/2022 RI 65793 $25,749.00 PD-AG19-133 JAIL SVC INMATE HO JAIL CS - YAKIM CTY $57.65+ AG19-06i $3,565.00 280940 3/15/2022 YAKIMA COUNTY, 2/10/2022 JANUARY 2022 $3,565.00 PD-AG19-066 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO LEGAL NOTICES $2,669.65 280633 2/28/2022 BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF, 2/4/2022 1071056-1 $19.15 FWCC-PUBLISH PROJECTS ONLINE 280890 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/11/2022 FWM948457 $100.31 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/18/2022 FWM949004 $141.77 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280767 3/15/2022 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER2/18/2022 3375698 $253.00 CD -NEWSPAPER AD 280878 3/15/2022 SEATTLE TIMES, 1/31/2022 14091 $555.18 CD -ADVERTISING 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/2812022 FWM947570 $73.27 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/28/2022 FWM947573 $112.93 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/14/2022 FWM946730 $129.15 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/21/2022 FWM947165 $203.05 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 12/31/2021 FWM945972 $176.51 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 12/3/2021 FWM943974 $148.00 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 12/3/2021 FWM944318 $139.80 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 12/1012021 FWM944892 $73.21 CK-AD ACCT#83722476 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 12/10/2021 FWM944923 $93.10 FWCC-AD ACCT#86029354 280889 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 10/8/2021 FWM939902 $132.76 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 280890 3/15/2022 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 10/8/2021 FWM939996 $208.46 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 LODGING $2,711.27 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $190.12 PWST-LODGING Key Bank Page 17 of 49 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $766.21 PD-DAR TRAINING -LODGING 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $997.72 PD-SHOT SHOW -LODGING 280804 3/15/2022 GROOM, STEVE 2/28/2022 02/28/22 $755.22 FI-GFOA COMMITTEE MEETINGS MECHANICAL PERMITS $146.09 280868 3/15/2022 RESICON LLC, 2/1/2022 22-100454 22-100455 $146.09 CD -REFUND PERMIT22-100454 & MEDICAL SERVICES $1,630.42 280756 3/15/2022 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 2/9/2022 22000061 $209.66 PD-AG21-091 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO 280877 3/15/2022 SCORE, 10/12/2021 5533 $308.75 PD-AG21-002 JAIL SVC INMATE HO 280877 3/15/2022 SCORE, 12/17/2021 5654 $332.01 PD-AG21-002 JAIL SVC INMATE HO 280877 3/15/2022 SCORE, 1/25/2022 5746 $341.25 PD-AG21-002 JAIL SVC INMATE HO 280877 3/15/2022 SCORE, 1/25/2022 5747 $146.25 PD-AG21-002 JAIL SVC INMATE HO 280877 3/15/2022 SCORE, 2/9/2022 5774 $292.50 PD-AG21-002 JAIL SVC INMATE HO MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $179,061.49 218229987 2/18/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF2/18/2022 INVSF0009987 $1,973.69 FI-02/08/22-02/14/22 KAISER HE 218220014 2/18/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF2/18/2022 INVSF0010014 $36,134.02 FI-02/08/22-02/14/22 KAISER HE 225220030 2/25/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF2/25/2022 INVSF0010030 $9,858.81 FI-02/15/22-02/21/22 KAISER HE 304220073 3/4/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/4/2022 INVSF0010073 $13,105.15 FI-02/22/22-02/28/22 KAISER HE 304220093 3/4/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/4/2022 INVSF0010093 $36,683.25 FI-02/22/22-02/28/22 KAISER HE 311220118 3/11/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/11/2022 INVSF0010118 $3,993.15 FI-03/01/22-03/07/22 KAISER HE 311220134 3/11/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/11/2022 INVSF0010134 $77,021.42 FI-03/01/22-03/07/22 KAISER HE 280850 3/15/2022 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CEN2/1412022 74416104 $292.00 HR-DOT RECERT MINOR DP EQUIPMENT $31,796.63 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,180,02 PD-DP EQUIP 280768 3/15/2022 DATEC INCORPORATED, 2/9/2022 35309 $3,476.00 IT-PD: CRADELPOINTS FOR SIU- 280768 3/15/2022 DATEC INCORPORATED, 2/9/2022 35309 $351.08 Sales Tax 280768 3/15/2022 DATEC INCORPORATED, 2/8/2022 35308 $24,332.00 IT-PD: CRADELPOINTS FOR SIU- 280768 3/15/2022 DATEC INCORPORATED, 2/8/2022 35308 $2.457.53 Sales Tax MINOR DP SOFTWARE $3,886.99 Key Bank Page 18 of 49 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $3.886.99 IT -SOFTWARE MINOR EQUIP-MISC $643,620.79 280625 2/22/2022 AXON ENTERPRISE INC, 9/27/2001 INUS019232. $500,000 00 PD-AG21-196 POLICE BODY -WORN C 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $362.23 IIKM-MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $554.95 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,519.00 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $71.54 VLT-MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $77.04 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $106.61 F LT -MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $221.76 F LT -MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $81.14 F'D-MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/2412022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $228.80 PWST-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $133.41 F'D-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2125/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $49.36 F'D-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $89.90 F'D-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $488.98 F'D-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $227.99 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $1,219.89 F'D-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,288,10 FD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,160.35 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $218.99 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $192.23 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $807.49 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2125/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $66.00 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/2512022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $418.00 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $171.76 PD-MINOR EQUIP Key Bank Page 19 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2125/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $168 85 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,513.11 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,160.35 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,288.10 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,160.35 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2125/2022 US BANK, 2125/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,160.35 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $399.00 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $43.98 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2125/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $319 22 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2125/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $66.05 PD-MINOR EQUIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $2,160.35 PD-MINOR EQUIP 280678 2/28/2022 MCCONNELL, JOSH 2/9/2022 MCCONNELL2022 $200.00 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 280814 3/15/2022 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 3/3/2022 96473P $277.19 PKM-MAINT SVC 280814 3/1512022 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 3/3/2022 96474P $4,980.73 PKM-MAINT SVC 280734 3/15/2022 911 SUPPLY INC, 2/24/2022 INV-2-16757 $1,194 59 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 280870 3/15/2022 ROBERTSON, CODY 2/28/2022 ROBERTSON 2022 $67 98 PD-EQUIP/UNIFORM ALLOW 280875 3/15/2022 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME2/16/2022 651000 $8,475.30 PD-POLICE AMMUNITION SUPPLIES- 280875 3/15/2022 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME2/16/2022 651000 $856.00 Sales Tax 280892 3/15/2022 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR2/11/2022 202202SU109 $1,187.89 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 280844 3/15/2022 MURPHY, CARY 2/17/2022 MURPHY 2022 $20 78 PD-MINOR EQUIP 280743 3/15/2022 ALLEN, EDWARD 2/22/2022 ALLEN 2022 $165.10 PD-EQUIP ALLOW MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS-INTERGOV 280723 2/28/2022 WA STATE LABOR & INDUSTR3/17/2022 293587 $140.90 FWCC-ELEVATOR OPERAT CERT L&I 280926 3/15/2022 WA STATE PATROL, 12/15/2021 00075924 $600.00 IT -ACCESS USER FEE 280925 3/15/2022 WA STATE OFFICE OF MINORI9/22/2021 30313851 $300.00 FI-POLITICAL SUBDIVISION FEE 280899 3/15/2022 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 2/24/2022 134091 $4.332.57 HR-AG21-156 LEGAL SVCS MISC SERVICES & CHARGES $5,373.47 $252,840.08 Key Bank Page 20 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmounfGL Total 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $82.58 CD-BLDG DEPT RESEARCH 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $32 49 PD-E-FILE COPIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $32.49 PD-E-FILE COPIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $36.99 LAW -PROTECT ORDER DOCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $5249 LAW -CERTIFIED COPIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $8.49 LAW -CERTIFIED COPIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $479.40 MO-QR CODE CREATION SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $174.99 SWR-AD RECYCLING EVENT 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $30,00 PARKS -BAGGAGE FEES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $30.00 PARKS -BAGGAGE FEES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $1.600.00 PARKS -GROUP TOUR 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $88.60 PARKS -BAGGAGE FEES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $30.00 PARKS -BAGGAGE FEES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $30.00 PARKS -BAGGAGE FEES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $5.80 CC-FACEBK AD 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $5.95 CC -ONLINE SUBSCR 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $25.00 CC-FACEBK AD 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $3,359.28 PARKS -TICKETS SENIOR TRIP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $-1,334.02 PARKS -LODGING REFUND 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $131.99 CC-SUBCR. RENEWAL 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $50,04 CC -ENGRAVING 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $491.04 PARKS -TRANSPORTATION SNR TRIP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $506.74 PARKS -TRANSPORTATION SNR TRIP 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $-1,703.00 PARKS -TOUR REFUND 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $0.99 PD-CLOUD STORAGE 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $75.00 MOED-STORAGE Key Bank Page 21 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2125/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $515.00 PARKS -GAME TIME SNR TRIP 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $74.25 PD-SHOOTING RANGE 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $422 00 PD-MNTHLY PSA 280653 2/28/2022 FEDERAL WAY LIONS, 2/19/2022 501 $810.00 MO -MAKE MUSIC EVENT 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $22.01 PARKS -HARBOR FREIGHT-PICKLEBAL 280652 2/28/2022 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC2/4/2022 232 $545.00 PD-INDIVIDUAL RANGE US 280681 2/28/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/7/2022 24162 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280681 2/28/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/7/2022 24215 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280681 2/28/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/7/2022 24218 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280724 2/28/2022 WA STATE PATROL, 2/1/2022 122004542 $137,50 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS 280680 2128/2022 MULTI -SERVICE CENTER, 2/1/2022 DEV2022-3715-02 $5,000.00 MO -SPONSORSHIP LUNCHEON 10/20/ 280680 2/28/2022 MULTI -SERVICE CENTER, 2/1/2022 DEV2022-3716-09 $5.000,00 MO -SPONSORSHIP LUNCHEON 6/4/22 280636 2/28/2022 CELLEBRITE USA CORP. 1/31/2022 Q-231250-2 $4,734.30 PD-CELLEBRITE 1 YR RENEWAL 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402251 $7,235.53 MC -SECURITY SERVICES AG16-023 280641 2/28/2022 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, 10/7/2021 PD-01738 $19,610.94 FI-09/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280640 2/28/2022 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, 10111/2021 9302021 $14,895.44 FI-09/21 WATPA GRANT AUTO THIEF 280693 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY FINANCE DE10/11/2021 CI-307603 $15,288.24 FI-09/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280696 2/28/2022 PORT OF SEATTLE, 10/15/2021 CM-4672 $9,017.57 FI-09/01/21-09/30/21 AUTO THIEF 280642 2/28/2022 CITY OF TACOMA POLICE DEF10/18/2021 0050 $12.381.92 FI-09/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280698 2/28/2022 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 10/18/2021 2021-604 $1,988.00 PD-AG21-189 SUBSCRIBER AGREEME 280639 2/28/2022 CITY OF AUBURN, 10/20/2021 21-035913 $3,125.00 FI-09/21 GAME FARM PARK ADMIN 280640 2/28/2022 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, 12114/2021 11302021 $14,001.64 FI-11/21 WATPA GRANT AUTO THIEF 280642 2128/2022 CITY OF TACOMA POLICE DEF12/15/2021 0052 $12,349.91 FI-11/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280639 2/28/2022 CITY OF AUBURN, 12/15/2021 21-035971 $3.125.00 FI-11/21 GAME FARM PARKADMIN 280696 2/28/2022 PORT OF SEATTLE, 12/22/2021 CM-4791 $5,462.20 FI-11/01/21-12/31/21 AUTO THIEF 280698 2/28/2022 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 12/27/2021 2021-824 $1,988,00 PD-AG21-189 SUBSCRIBER AGREEME Key Bank Page 22 of 49 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280640 2/28/2022 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, 11/8/2021 10312021 $13.398.32 FI-10/21 WATPA GRANT AUTO THEF 280641 2/28/2022 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, 11/10/2021 0074 $15,294.63 FI-10/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280693 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY FINANCE DE11/10/2021 CI-308851 $11,056.93 FI-10/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280642 2/28/2022 CITY OF TACOMA POLICE DEF11/16/2021 0051 $17,775.10 FI-10/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280639 2/28/2022 CITY OF AUBURN, 11/16/2021 21-035950 $3,125.00 FI-10/21 GAME FARM PARK ADMIN 280696 2/28/2022 PORT OF SEATTLE, 11/19/2021 CM-4736 $8,641.92 FI-10/01/21-10/31/21 AUTO THEF 260693 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY FINANCE DE12/8/2021 CI-309904 $10,706.73 FI-11/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280641 2/28/2022 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, 12/9/2021 PD-01763 $18,681.58 FI-11/21 WATPA GRANT REIMB 280701 2/28/2022 REGIONAL TOXICOLOGYSER1/31/2022 61294013122 $702.46 MC -DRUG TESTS 280926 3/15/2022 WA STATE PATROL, 3/3/2022 122004684 $34.25 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS 280766 3/15/2022 D J TROPHY, 3/4/2022 286482 $115.00 PD-PLAQUE 280813 3/15/2022 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC2/28/2022 GJWP920 $1,312.18 PD-STORAGE SVC 280867 3/15/2022 REGIONAL TOXICOLOGYSER2/28/2022 61294022822 $742.59 MC -DRUG TESTS 280905 3/15/2022 TAN, JEDIDIAH T 3/2/2022 TAN 2022 $1,303.93 PD-OTHER TRAVEL EXPENSES 280914 3/15/2022 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERN3/1/2022 837597-202202-1 $217.34 PD-2/22 BACKGROUND CHECKS 280786 3/15/2022 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC3/1/2022 233 $251.03 PD-INDIVIDUAL RANGE US 280742 3/15/2022 ALLAROUND FENCE COMPAI\10/28/2021 2021-1663 $4,321.00 PD-SUPPLY LABOR AND MATERIALS 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 1/26/2022 22799 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280737 3/15/2022 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL WJ1/20/2022 A8015 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 280862 3/15/2022 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 1/19/2022 2022-4 $380 00 PD-AG21-189 SUBSCRIBER AGREEME 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/7/2022 24158 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/7/2022 24159 $77 07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/17/2022 24180 $77 07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280737 3/15/2022 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL Wf212012022 A8078 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/18/2022 24237 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280662 3/15/2022 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 2/11/2022 22022-28 $440.00 PD-AG21-189 SUBSCRIBER AGREEME Key Bank Page 23 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date_ Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280921 3/15/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS, 2/13/2022 9899547742 $1,131.26 PD-01/22 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/10/2022 24225 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/10/2022 24226 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/14/2022 24227 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/22/2022 23824 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280845 3/15/2022 MV TOWING LLC, 2/22/2022 24079 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW NATURAL GAS 280699 2/28/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 2/21/2022 220006213759 $25,05 PKM-01/22 726 S 356TH GAS #493 280863 3/15/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 3/9/2022 220006213759 $13.62 PKM-01/22 726 S 356TH GAS #493 NON GOVT DP SERVICES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $46.62 IT -DOMAIN PURCHASE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $991.02 IT -DOMAIN PURCHASE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $69.95 IT-INTRNET SVCS 2242294.91 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $25.00 IT -ONLINE PERMITTING 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $16.46 IT-MNTHLY CHRGE EMAIL SVCS 280702 2/28/2022 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 2/17/2022 SI-173989 $4,435.20 IT- BARRACUDA CLOUD ACCOUNT- 280702 2/28/2022 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 2/17/2022 SI-173989 $5,544.00 IT - BARRACUDA CLOUD ACCOUNT- 280702 2/28/2022 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 2/17/2022 SI-173989 $1,108.80 IT- BARRACUDA CLOUD ACCOUNT- 280702 2/28/2022 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 2/17/2022 SI-173989 $447;96 10.10 TAX 280702 2/28/2022 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 2/17/2022 SI-173989 $559.95 10.10 TAX 280702 2/28/2022 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 2/17/2022 SI-173989 $111.98 10,10 TAX 280773 3/15/2022 DMX LLC DBA MOOD MEDIA, 3/1/2022 56706531 $51.45 IT-03/22 MEDIA SERVICES 280828 3/15/2022 LEXISNEXIS, 2/28/2022 3093723084 $434.90 IT-01/22 WEST LAW SVC 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $3,045.00 IT-GISARCGIS DESKTOPADVANCED 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $2,436.00 IT-GISARCGIS DESKTOP ADVANCED 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $503.88 IT-GISARCGIS DESKTOP ADVANCED 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $1,523.00 IT-GISARCGIS DESKTOP ADVANCED $38.67 $66,"2.28 Key Bank Page 24 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $1,218.00 IT-GISARCGIS DESKTOP ADVANCED 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $711.00 IT-GIS ARCGIS DESKTOP ADVANCED 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $1,524.00 IT-GISARCGIS DESKTOP BASIC CO 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $508.00 IT-GIS SPATIALANALYST FOR DES 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $508.00 IT- GIS 3D ANALYST FOR DESKTO 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $406 00 IT-GIS DESKTOP BASIC SINGLE US 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $1,525,00 IT-GIS DESKTOP BASIC SINGLE US 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $102.00 IT - GIS ENGINE SINGLE USE WIT 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $508.00 IT-GIS NETWORK ANALYST FOR DES 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $83 98 IT-GIS NETWORK ANALYST FOR DES 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $200.00 IT - GIS BUSINESS ANALYST WEB 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 211712022 94199369 $10,150.03 IT -GIS ENTERPRISE ADVANCED U 280780 3/15/2022 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, 2/17/2022 94199369 $2,520.14 Sales Tax 280881 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/17/2022 B14777643 $8,567.16 IT- AUTODESK ARCHITECTURE, ENG 280881 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/17/2022 B14777643 $2,478.00 IT-AUTODESKARCHITECTURE, ENGI 280881 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/17/2022 B14777643 $2,715.92 IT-AUTODESKARCHITECTURE, ENGI 280881 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/17/2022 B14777643 $8,152.60 IT-AUTODESKARCHITECTURE, ENGI 280881 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/17/2022 B14777643 $2,213.28 Sales Tax OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,796.91 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $49.51 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $60.17 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2124/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $45.84 PW-OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $-60.17 PWST-REFUND OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $62.53 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/2412022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $40.62 CD-OFFICF= SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $22.65 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS Key Bank Page 25 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $100.29 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $16.16 IT -OFFICE SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $46.23 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $26.40 PD-OFFICE SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $129.84 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $237 15 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $34.29 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $40.08 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/17/2022 2113677-0 $118.57 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/8/2022 2111590-0 $155.36 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/8/2022 2111940-0 $8.35 CK-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/9/2022 2111975-0 $23.46 MO/ED-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280692 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH -MC CHANGE FU2/9/2022 033568 $44.02 MC- SHOP VAC FOR OFFICE 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112362-0 $33 02 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112434-0 $26.48 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/10/2022 2112091-0 $127.01 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280686 2/28/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 1/27/2022 223845826001 $10.70 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 11/1/2021 2088830-0 $4.20 IT -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 9/13/2021 2077170-0 $190.40 CD/PW-OFFICE EQUIP 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/3/2022 2117254-0 $89.51 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518510 $127.82 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518511 $5.54 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518512 $20.92 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT12/28/2022 3501518513 $20.92 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518514 $20.04 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518515 $23,85 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 26 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice ❑escription AmountGLTotal 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518517 $124,01 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518518 $79.60 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518519 $12.60 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTQ/28/2022 3501518520 $40.73 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518522 $152.22 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280896 3/15/2022 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/2/28/2022 3501518523 $10.75 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/28/2022 2116156-0 $44.14 IT -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/28/2022 2116324-0 $29.36 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/l/2022 2116414-0 $35 01 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/1/2022 2116534-0 $45.36 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/l/2022 2116613-0 $127 82 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/2/2022 2116819-0 $4.78 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/18/2022 2111975-1 $17.88 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 280851 3/15/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/8/2022 225886314001 $39.18 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/9/2022 2110836-1 $22.38 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280851 3/15/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/4/2022 223486097001 $16.50 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280851 3/15/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/3/2022 223482791001 $10.20 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280851 3/15/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/312022 223486104001 $13.08 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280851 3/15/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 2/3/2022 225885934001 $13.95 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280851 3/15/2022 OFFICE DEPOT, 1/28/2022 223894754001 $46.31 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280759 3/15/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/7/2021 2116156-1 $17.69 IT -OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING RENTALS/LEASES $102,374.49 301226907 3/1/2022 FWPAEC QALICB, 3/l/2022 2022 QTR 1 $89,525.00 FI-SUBLEASE PAYMENT 280748 3115/2022 BALLI ROAD LLC, 3/1/2022 3602 $3,000.00 PD-AG21-016 POLICE SUBSTATION 280916 3/15/2022 TWIN LAKES PLAZA LLC, MAR3/112022 2626 $655.00 PD-AG21-136 TWIN LAKES SUBSTAT 280907 3/15/2022 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 3/l/2022 IVC0002439 $6,333.33 PD-AG21-033 ANIMAL SHELTER PSA Key Bank Page 27 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280813 3/15/2022 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC2/28/2022 GJXD810 $2,806 56 CK-STORAGE SVC 280907 3/15/2022 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 2/28/2022 IVC0002440 $54.60 PD-AG21-033 ANIMAL SHELTER PSA OTHER DEPT - PREMIUM $7,472.07 280753 3/15/2022 CFC CONSTRUCTION LLC, CF2/28/2022 2 $7,472.07 RM- BELLTOWER REPAIR; RM-PW; OTHER MISC REVENUE $2,567.61 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $1.95 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $2,452.53 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $113.13 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $-1,045.54 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $-1,045.54 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $19,023.17 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $48.42 IT-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $671.61 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $32.53 CC-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $123.29 CDHS-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,090.00 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,090.00 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,090.00 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,090.00 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,090.00 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $70.36 CDHS-OPER SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $22.00 CD-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $22.04 CD-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $19 75 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $80.36 CD-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $5 49 CD-OPER SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $93.53 FLT-OPER SUPPLIES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $35.19 CC-OPER SUPPLS Key Bank Page 28 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $17.60 CC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $183.72 CC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $54.99 CC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $9.85 CC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $16 50 CC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $13.60 CC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $141.78 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $70.92 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $143.12 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $110.10 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $1,131.14 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $66.65 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $42.71 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $553.72 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $64.94 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $135 88 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $60.64 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $3.28 PD-MAINT SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $99.08 PD-MAINT SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $179.76 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $264.06 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $444.95 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $975.00 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $76.08 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $23.11 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $86.98 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS Key Bank Page 29 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $27.11 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $10.98 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $12.49 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $142 06 PD-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $156.22 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $12.99 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $79.12 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 280704 2/28/2022 SAFECHECKS, 2/17/2022 0541396 $685.25 F I-SAFECHECKS 280651 2/28/2022 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/9/2022 16061312 $98.22 PWST-OPER SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 2/9/2022 2111975-0 $51.82 MO/ED-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $20.91 PARKS-COSTCO-ROSES FOR DANCE R 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $48.05 PARKS -TARGET -CHILD CARE SUPPLI 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $14.31 PARKS -PARTY CITY -BEAN BAGS FOR 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $33.00 PARKS-FRED MEYER-HDMI FOR COMM 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $8.81 PARKS -DOLLAR TREE -CULTURES & C 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $40.45 PARKS-MICHAEL'S-CULTURES & CRA 280798 3/15/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/23/2022 9223208696 $234.87 PWST-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/23/2022 02817 $29.33 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280915 3/15/2022 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 2/23/2022 225862 $16.46 PWST-SUPPLIES 280920 3/15/2022 VADINO, BILL 2/28/2022 VADINO 2022 $154.71 MO-OPER SUPPLS 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $13.24 PAR KS-WALMART-SU PPLIES FOR CUL 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $29.62 PARKS -DOLLAR TREE -SUPPLIES FOR 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $66.95 PARKS-FRED MEYER-SUPPLIES FOR 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $8.80 PARKS -TARGET -SUPPLIES FOR CULT 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY. SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $46.40 PARKS -TARGET -SUPPLIES FOR CULT 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $30.75 PARKS -TARGET -CRAFTS FOR CULTUR Key Bank Page 30 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280838 3/15/2022 MONTGOMERY, SARA 3/1/2022 033589 $132.12 PARKS -TARGET -CRAFTS FOR CULTUR 280742 3/15/2022 ALLAROUND FENCE COMPAM0/28/2021 2021-1683 $436.43 Sales Tax 280901 3/15/2022 SUPERIOR PRESS, 12/27/2021 4450856 $329.42 FI-DEPOSIT SLIP BOOK 280917 3/15/2022 ULINE, 1/19/2022 143938853 $365.22 PD-EVIDENCE SUPPLIES 280885 3/15/2022 SIGN STOP NORTHWEST, 12/30/2021 10232022-70 $3,052.52 CD -SIGNS 280766 3115/2022 D J TROPHY, 2/9/2022 286363 $16.52 PWST-OPER SUPPLIES 280882 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/21/2022 B14791016 $338.83 IT - HR ADOBE ACROBAT PRO 2020 280882 3/15/2022 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 2/21/2022 B14791016 $34.22 Sales Tax 280879 3115/2022 SEDERBERG, ANDREW 2h4/2022 SEDERBERG 2022 $167.45 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 280783 3/1512022 EVIDENT CRIME SCENE PRO12/15/2022 183565C $143,00 PD-EVIDENCE SUPPLIES 280739 3/15/2022 AGRISHOP INC, 2/9/2022 66723/1 $125,48 PWST-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 280798 3115/2622 GRAINGER INC, 2122/2022 9221876775 $37.22 PWST-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280784 3/15/2022 EXCEL SUPPLY COMPANY, IN(2/22/2022 136293 $105.07 PWST-SAFETY SUPPLIES PARKING/TOLLS $7.25 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $7.25 PD-TOLL FEE PD - CLAIMS AUTO $3,022.39 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45939 $3,022.39 RM-PD 6214 SNOW -DITCH; RM-PD; PD - CLAIMS GLIPL $5,378.00 280638 2/28/2022 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 2/7/2022 9964 $527 00 RM-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES 280638 2128/2022 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 2/2/2022 9963 $859.50 RM-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES 280754 311512022 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 3/7/2022 10033 $3,991.50 LAW-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES — PER DIEM MEALS $3,638.68 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/2412022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $17.35 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2124/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $23 65 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $149.32 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS 224229491 212412022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $197.19 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $156.80 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $65.45 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS Key Bank Page 31 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $84.89 PWST-PER DIEM/MEALS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $106.54 PWST-PER DIEM/MEAL 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $56.52 PWST-PER DIEM/MEAL 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $9.48 PWST-PER DIEM/MEAL 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $149.05 PWST-PER DIEM/MEAL 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $308.65 PWST-PER DIEM/MEAL 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $193 69 PWST-PER DIEM/MEAL 280630 2/28/2022 ASSEFA-DAWSON, LYDIA 1/18/2022 ASSEFA-DAWSON 2022 $160.00 CC-NLC 2022 ANNUAL CONF. 280662 2/28/2022 HONDA, SUSAN 1/18/2022 HONDA2022 $160.00 CC-NLC 2022 ANNUAL CONE 280668 2/28/2022 KOCHMAR, LINDA 1/18/2022 KOCHMAR 2022 $160.00 CC-NLC 2022 ANNUAL CONE 280732 3/4/2022 CABRERA, CHRISTOPHER 3/4/2022 CABRERA2022 $650.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB MOTORCYCLE TR 280871 3/15/2022 ROGERS, AUSTIN 3/9/2022 ROGERS 2022 $400.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB DARC - SWAT 280876 3/15/2022 SCHWAN, KURT 3/7/2022 SCHWAN 2022 $315.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB CALEA SPRING 280905 3/15/2022 TAN, JEDIDIAH T 3/7/2022 TAN 2022 $165.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB SHOT SHOW 280808 3/15/2022 HEAVENER, DONOVAN 3/8/2022 HEAVENER 2022 $65,00 PD-UNIFORM ALLOW 280741 3/15/2022 ALIZAI, SHEKIB 2/2/2022 ALIZAI 2022 $25.00 PWST-ADV TVL REIMB WABO BLUEBE PLUMBING PERMITS $93.46 280931 3/15/2022 WASHINGTON ENERGY SERV2/7/2022 22-100588 $93.46 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100588 POSTAGE/DELIVERY SERVICES $1,339.28 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $189.85 CD -PASSPORT MAILINGS 280695 2/28/2022 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV2/5/2022 1020073858 $363.24 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 280695 2/28/2022 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV2/5/2022 1020073858 $532.76 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 280695 2/28/2022 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV2/5/2022 1020073859 $50.24 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 280695 2/28/2022 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV2/5/2022 1020073859 $73.69 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 280735 3/15/2022 ABC LEGAL SERVICES LLC, 2/24/2022 11142106.100 $64 75 LAW-MNTHLY SRV CHRG; INV# 1114 280735 3/15/2022 ABC LEGAL SERVICES LLC, 2/24/2022 11142106.100 $64.75 LAW-MNTHLY SRV CHRG; INV# 1114 PRESCRIPTION SERVICES - CLAIMS $52,928.97 Key Bank Page 32 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description Amou ntG L Total 218220014 2/18/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI-2/18/2022 INVSF0010014 $20,421.81 FI-02/08/22-02/14/22 KAISER HE 218229987 2/18/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI-2/18/2022 INVSF0009987 $18.06 FI-02/08/22-02/14/22 KAISER HE 225220030 2/25/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI-2/25/2022 INVSF0010030 $39.12 FI-02/15/22-02/21/22 KAISER HE 311220134 3/11/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI-3/11/2022 INVSF0010134 $32,114.75 FI-03/01/22-03/07/22 KAISER HE 311220118 3/11/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI-3/11/2022 INVSF0010118 $335.23 FI-03/01/22-03/07/22 KAISER HE PF INTING/PHOTO SERVICES $4,664.63 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $221.43 HR-BUSINESS CARDS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $396.45 HR-BUSINESS CARDS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,380.00 HR-BUSINESS CARDS 280659 2/28/2022 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT1O1/12/2022 94140 $1,674.07 PD-PRINTING SERVICES 280711 2/28/2022 SUPERIOR PRESS, 2/15/2022 4475812 $121.12 FI-DEPOSIT SLIP BOOK 280647 2/28/2022 D J TROPHY, W/2022 286360 $96.01 MC -NAME PLATE/ENGRAVING 280874 3/15/2022 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYST1/11/2022 034827627 $508.75 MC -CUSTOM CHECKS 280797 3/15/2022 GOS PRINTING COR PO RATIO 1014/2021 93907 $220.14 PD-PRINTING SERVICES 280785 3/15/2022 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR2/18/2022 7-665-31916 $46.66 PD-MAILING SVC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $441,443.47 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2124/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $13.08 Ch: SHREDDING SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $26.14 Ck; SHREDDING SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2124/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $69.71 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $222.29 FWCC-ESPRESSO MACHINE REPAIR 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $692.53 FVICC-ESPRESSO MACHINE REPAIR 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/2512022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $302 00 PARKS-MNTHLY STORAGE 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $695.00 FVIICC-MNTHLY LICENS, FEES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $450.00 PARKS -DJ DIPH -MUSIC 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/2i5/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $366.00 PD-PRE EMPLOY. CK 280669 2/28/2022 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING2/872022 408067 $6,756.37 PVV-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 280665 2/28/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DW/8(,2022 2/8/2022 $72.50 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION Key Bank Page 33 of 49 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280703 2/28/2022 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/8/2022 2/8/22 $130.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280687 2/28/2022 OGDEN, MURPHY. WALLACE, 2/7/2022 859914 $40.85 LAW-AG18-150 LEGALSERVICES- 280638 2/28/2022 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 2/7/2022 9962 $1,471.00 LAW-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES- 280707 2/28/2022 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES2/7/2022 2014 $1,366.20 PARKS-AG18-009 SOCCER REFEREE 280677 2/28/2022 MADRONA LAW GROUP PLLC2/4/2022 11139 $216.75 LAW-AG19-245 LEGAL SERVICES- 280626 2/28/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/3/2022 2/3/22 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402402 $300.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY I12/4/2022 402409 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY I12/4/2022 402438 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY I12/4/2022 402439 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402484 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402485 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402706 $375.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402723 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402752 $300.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280694 2/28/2022 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 112/4/2022 402795 $175.00 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES AG17-061 280679 2/28/2022 MULTICARE CENTERS OF, OC211/2022 151510 $2,908.00 PD-OFFICER PHYSICAL 280675 2/28/2022 M.A.D. CONSTRUCTION, LLC, 1/27/2022 1 $16,002.63 CDHS-HRP CRAWFORD CHIMNEY 280627 2/28/2022 ADURO LLC, 1/31/2022 INV4790 $1,722.16 HR-AG19-209 WELLNESS PGM- 280670 2/28/2022 KPG INC, 2/11/2022 1-19822 $15,790.43 PW-AG21-191 S 356TH ST WIDENIN 280703 2/28/2022 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/11/2022 2/11/22 $130.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280663 2/28/2022 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/11/2022 22-069 $1,137.50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280688 2/28/2022 OLBRECHTS & ASSOCIATES, 12/13/2022 JAN 2022 $124.00 CK-AG20-961 HEARING EXAMINERS 280717 2/28/2022 TRANSPO GROUP USA INC, 2/11/2022 27559 $1,968.65 PWST-CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC 280705 2/28/2022 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO 2/9/2022 219/22 $130.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280665 2/28/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAQ/15/2022 2/15/2022 $159.50 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION Key Bank Page 34 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280680 2/28/2022 MULTI -SERVICE CENTER, 2/19/2022 1/1/22 - 1/31/22 $22,696.17 CDHS-AG21-077 COVID-19 RENT AS 280665 2/28/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\42/18/2022 2/18/2022 $530.00 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION 280628 2/28/2022 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIC12/31/2021 INV0027350 $52,250.00 PD-AG21-034 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT 280720 2/28/2022 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 1/31/2022 489299 $1,813.51 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 280720 2/28/2022 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 1/31/2022 489299 $5,707.10 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 280730 2/28/2022 WEX HEALTH INC, DBA WEX 1/31/2022 0001467383-IN $4.95 FI-COBRA MAILING 301223039 3/1/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/1/2022 MAR 2022 $7,011.15 FI-03/22 ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL 301223040 3/1/2022 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF3/1/2022 MAR 2022 #2 $39,666.06 FI-03/22 ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL 280769 3/15/2022 DAVID M DIXON, DR DAVID DM/2/2022 03032022 $5,454.00 MO -PSYCHOLOGICAL EVAL 280815 3/15/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA�3/1/2022 3/1/22 $101.50 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION 280816 3/15/2022 KENNETH MUSCATEL PH.D., 13/1/2022 3046 $2,375.00 MO -LEGAL SVCS 280842 3/15/2022 MULTICARE CENTERS OF, OC3/1/2022 152307 $2,373.00 PD-OFFICER PHYSICAL 280805 3/15/2022 H2 GOVERNMENT RELATION;3/l/2022 H2 CFW 2186 $3,000.00 MO-AG20-013 LOBBYING SVC- 280769 3/15/2022 DAVID M DIXON, DR DAVID DI,3/1/2022 03012022 $5,810 00 MO -PSYCHOLOGICAL EVAL 280860 3/15/2022 PROTECT YOUTH SPORTS, 2/28/2022 935547 $88.00 HR-BACKGROUND CHECK 280848 3/15/2022 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, 2/2812022 10435941 $298.70 HR-FLEX PLAN ADM SVCSAG12-061 260923 3/15/2022 VIGILNET AMERICA LLC, 2/28/2022 2751499 $4,160.00 MC -PROBATION ALCOHOL MONITORIN 280919 3/15/2022 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 2/28/2022 494340 $5.25 PWTR/SWM-AG19-076 UGD ULT LOCA 280919 3/1512022 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 2/28/2022 494340 $16.50 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 280919 3/15/2022 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 2/28/2022 494341 $1,966.09 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 280919 3/15/2022 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 2/28/2022 494341 $6,187.26 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/25/2022 02/25/22 $147.50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280826 3/15/2022 LAW OFFICES OF MATTHEW F2/24/2022 394 $465.00 MO-AG16-049 CONFLICT DEFENDER 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/23/2022 2/23/22 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280815 3/15/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAW/23/2022 2/23/22 $780.00 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION 280873 3/15/2022 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY,ALMIRA2I23/2022 2/23/22 $130.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC Key Bank Page 35 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280908 3/15/2022 THE TIGER KIDS, 2/23/2022 1/12/22-2/23/22 $721.00 PARKS-AG19-217 MARTIAL ART CLA 280900 3/15/2022 SUMNER VETERINARY HOSPI2/23/2022 1185214 $501.60 PD-VETERINARIAN SERVICES 280846 3/15/2022 NARWHAL MET LLC, DBA WE/2/2812022 2022-20001 $3,660.00 SWM/PWST-WEATHER FORECASTING S 280812 3/15/2022 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/28/2022 22-072 $280.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280815 3/15/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA)v2/26/2022 2/26/22 $232.00 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION 280815 3/15/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAb2/25/2022 2/25/22 $330.00 IT-AG21-009 VIDEO PRODUCTION 280778 3/15/2022 EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFIC2/25/2022 2022-3 $530.00 MO-AG21-160 PUBLIC DEFENSE ATT 280812 3/15/2022 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/25/2022 22-094 $1,235.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280806 3/15/2022 HAWKINS & CRAWFORD, PLL(3/9/2022 20220309 $61,860 00 MO-AG19-109 03/22 PUBLIC DEFEN 280754 3/15/2022 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 3/7/2022 10034 $1,609.00 LAW-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES- 280755 3/15/2022 CITY OF BURIEN, 3/10/2022 1799 $28,000.00 CDHS-2022 BURIEN MOU PMT 280770 3/15/2022 DAVIDOV, JULIA 3/3/2022 03/03/22 $130.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280758 3/15/2022 CITY OF RENTON, 3/3/2022 55297 $49,000.00 CDHS-RENTON MOU 2022 280884 3/15/2022 SHOOTING STARS, 3/3/2022 FEB 2022 $3,913 20 PARKS-AG20-002 BASKETBALL TRAI 280826 3/15/2022 LAW OFFICES OF MATTHEW F3/4/2022 397 $3,500.00 MO-AG16-049 CONFLICT DEFENDER 280778 3/15/2022 EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFIC3/4/2022 2022-5 $1,665.00 MO-AG21-160 PUBLIC DEFENSE ATT 280855 3/15/2022 PETEK &ASSOCIATES, REIGN3/5/2022 1174 $770.00 PD-JAN 22 PSYCH EVA 280754 3/15/2022 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 3/7/2022 10032 $2,011.00 LAW-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES- 280815 3/15/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA�3/7/2022 3/7/22 $72.50 CC-AG21-009 LUTC MTG 3/7/22 280839 3/15/2022 MOSS & BARNETT, 2/21/2022 764481 $3,174.00 LAW-18-046 LEGAL SVC CABLE FRA 280812 3/15/2022 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS2/18/2022 22-079 $3,190.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/17/2022 02/17/22 $118 00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/10/2022 2/10/22 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280873 3/15/2022 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/15/2022 2/15/22 $227.50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/16/2022 2/16122 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 2/15/2022 02/15/22 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC Key Bank Page 36 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 260763 3/15/2022 CORRECTIONS SOFTWARE, cl/l/2022 51154 $500.00 MC-02/22 PROBATION COMPUTER SY 280812 3/15/2022 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.1/7/2022 22-001 $2,660.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280904 3/15/2022 TALAKAI CONSTRUCTION LLC12/28/2021 1 $34,791.60 FWCC-AG21-176 CENTER SLIDE REM 280812 3/15/2022 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS1/14/2022 22-018 $1,607.50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280736 3/15/2022 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 1/19/2022 01/19/22 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 280839 3/15/2022 MOSS & BARNETT, 1/19/2022 762235 $2,976.00 LAW-18-046 LEGAL SVC CABLE FRA 280809 3/15/2022 HELIX DESIGN GROUP INC, 1/31/2022 0002536 $415.00 PW-AG20-925 OPT & MAINT FACILI 280825 3/15/2022 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 11/31/2022 10447040 $1,660.90 PD-AG21-199 LANGUAGE SVC 280817 3/15/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/31/2022 117407-117413 $7,008.64 PW/PWTR/SWR/IT-RSD FW#117407-1 280856 3/15/2022 PETHEALTH SERVICES INC, 1/31/2022 SIUN14154094 $3,000.00 PD-PETHEALTH ONLINE LIC- 280815 3/15/2022 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\,2/22/2022 2/22/22 $101.50 CC-AG21-009 FEDRAC MTG 2/22/22 280932 3/15/2022 WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH, 2/22/2022 22006 $750.00 PD-POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION 280819 3/15/2022 KING COUNTY RECORDER, 2/22/2022 02/22/22 $204.50 MC -JUDGES OATH RECORDING 280873 3/15/2022 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA2/22/2022 02/22/22 $130.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES $54.64 280644 2/28/2022 COMCAST OF WASHINGTON 12/1/2022 8498 34 016 1554623 $54.64 FWCC-2/22 CABLE SVC PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS $1,177.01 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $359.84 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $6,20 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $27.95 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $24.40 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $457.96 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 280691 2/28/2022 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 2/11/2022 033569 $43.49 PARKS-COSTCO-CAFE RESALE ITEMS 280749 3/15/2022 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF2/1/2022 285653 $257.17 FWCC-CAFE COFFE SUPPLY PW - CLAIMS GL/PL $61.60 280656 2/28/2022 FLOYD, PFLUEGER & RINGER2/3/2022 65163 $61.50 RM-AG21-035 LEGAL SVCS— PW - CLAIMS PROPERTY $10,988.16 280666 2/28/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE1/31/2022 117368-117369 $10.988.16 RM-RSD FW#117417-117465 Key Bank Page 37 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invel+we Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal REC PROG - TRIPS & TOURS - CONTR $-76.00 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $-75.00 PARKS -REFUND RENTAL OF FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT $2,767.26 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $393.30 SWM-MNTHLY RENTAL 280710 2/28/2022 SUNBELT RENTALS, 12/10/2021 120494586-0001 $462.62 SWM-EQUIP RENTAL 280807 3/15/2022 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 2/28/2022 39266 $1,400.00 PARKS-AG18-017 SANICAN SERVICE 280811 3/15/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250.07-9/28/2021 1901790 $100.00 PWST-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 280811 3/15/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-25007',9/29/2021 901884 $11.34 PWST-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 280811 3/15/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-25007;10/4/2021 5902531 $400.00 PWST-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $14,916.76 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $215.89 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $185.06 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $269.43 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $300.32 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $439.30 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $160.40 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 225224759 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 CITY VISA $4,402.90 SWM-MAINT SUPPLS 280706 2/28/2022 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 2/15/2022 0401-1 $444.80 PKM-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 280661 2/28/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/2/2022 5620759 $21.33 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 280690 2/28/2022 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/7/2022 054198 $952.18 PARKS -POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/7/2022 23752 $29.32 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/7/2022 23765 $23.00 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/8/2022 23842 $16.72 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 280660 2/28/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/14/2022 9212198270 $45.99 PKM-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280660 2/28/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/14/2022 9212198288 $173.46 PKM-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/10/2022 01885 $66.86 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280713 2/28/2022 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 6/17/2021 130010285-00 $248.34 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 38 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 1/31/2022 58109 $451.54 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280915 3/15/2022 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 3/3/2022 226870 $16.37 PKM-SUPPLIES 280903 3/15/2022 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS 2/23/2022 130022236-00 $145.24 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/23/2022 23843 $17.77 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280880 3/15/2022 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 2/24/2022 4832-0 $90.19 CHB-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 280915 3/15/2022 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 2/24/2022 226036 $19.75 PWST-SUPPLIES 280811 3/15/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/24/2022 2610044 $37.87 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 280798 3/15/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/24/2022 9225006890 $242.87 PKM-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280798 3/15/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/24/2022 9225006908 $19.84 PKM-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280739 3/15/2022 AGRISHOP INC, 2/23/2022 66809/1 $684.27 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/24/2022 01466 $29.10 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/28/2022 23524 $115.05 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 280880 3/15/2022 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 3/2/2022 5038-3 $117.43 CHB-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 280777 3/15/2022 ECOLAB INC, DBA: PROGUAR12/29/2021 6265820537 $297.09 DBC-DISHWASHER RENTAL 280761 3/15/2022 CORE & MAIN LP, 1/7/2022 Q189997 $704.00 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280779 3/15/2022 EJ USA, INC, 1/26/2022 110220006127 $238.48 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280863 3/15/2022 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/18/2022 220027462302 $29 87 SWM-34016 9TH AVE S FEDERAL WA 280779 3/15/2022 EJ USA, INC, 1/12/2022 110220002502 $1,391.33 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280744 3/15/2022 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 2/1/2022 TM-207236 $63.86 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280830 3/15/2022 LINDE GAS & EQUIPMENT INC2/16/2022 68909346 $109.11 PKM-OPER SUPPLS 280915 3/15/2022 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 2/10/2022 224075 $85.49 SWM-SUPPLIES 280853 3/15/2022 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/11/2022 054308 $1.095.97 PARKS -POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 280886 3/15/2022 SIX ROBBLEES' INC, 2/16/2022 02P2309 $49.44 SWM-SUPPLIES & MAINT 280853 3/15/2022 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 2/18/2022 054409 $482.24 PARKS -POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/18/2022 10230 $206.93 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280834 3/15/2022 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP2/21/2022 FICS2013616 $180.36 SWM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL Key Bank Page 39 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total REPAIR PARTS $13,674.10 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $189.24 PKM-REPAIR PRTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $32.92 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $65 66 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $25.53 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $42.93 FWCC-BLDG MATERAILS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $37.97 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $497.10 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $13.12 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $26.37 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $297.79 PD-REPAIR PARTS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $234.12 PD-REPAIR PARTS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $176,23 PD-REPAIR PARTS 225229467 2/25/2022 US BANK, 2/25/2022 JAN 2022 PD VISA $105.69 PD-REPAIR PARTS 280682 2/28/2022 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 2/15/2022 079052 $37.19 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 280660 2/28/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/4/2022 9200370287 $95.46 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 280684 2/28/2022 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC, 11/5/2021 59621 $11.485.81 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 280739 3/15/2022 AGRISHOP INC, 3/1/2022 66882/1 $215.51 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 260798 3/15/2022 GRAINGER INC, 2/2/2022 9200370287 $95.46 FLT-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $145,425.40 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $1,752.80 PKM-MAINT SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $754.26 PKM-MAINT SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $3,307.13 PKM-MAINT SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $105.00 PKM-MAINT SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $14.00 FLT-MAINT SVCS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $-1,519.00 FLT-RTN MINOR EQUIP 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $505.89 PWST-MAINT SVCS Key Bank Page 40 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280648 2/28/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (217/2022 1-45891 $4&94 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280648 2/28/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/7/2022 1-45897 $2,738.42 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280715 2/28/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2/2/2022 1141 $1.623.98 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280715 2/28/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2/2/2022 11438 $5,339.85 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280715 2/28/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2/2/2022 11442 $968 86 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280731 2/28/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/3/2022 711250 $104.90 CHB-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280722 2/28/2022 WA STATE LABOR & INDUSTR2/3/2022 346466 $605,60 PKM-FACILITIES BOILER INSPECT 280715 2/28/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2/3/2022 11443 $1,623.98 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280664 2/28/2022 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 2/9/2022 55717P $426.14 FLT-MAINT SVC 280658 2/28/2022 GOODYEAR TIRE & SERVICE 2/10/2022 195-1160925 $1,077.04 FLT-MAINT PARTS 280629 2/28/2022 ARC DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS2/14/2022 2544960 $148.02 IT-2/22 MPS PLOTTER WORK ORDER 280649 2/28/2022 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 2/14/2022 16044 $460.74 FLT-MAINT SERVICE 280648 2/28/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45971 $53.89 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280648 2/28/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45975 $48.94 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280648 2/28/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45976 $807.51 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280683 2/28/2022 NOR -PAC SEATING CO INC, 9/1/2021 7593 $874.19 DBC-INSPECTION & MAINT 280689 2/28/2022 OLSON BROTHERS PRO -VAC 2/5/2021 99742 $1,925.00 SWM-ETTRUCKAND CREW 280716 2/28/2022 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPORi1/31/2022 85892 $792.72 PKDBC-AG19-224 LANDSCAPE MAINT 280646 2/28/2022 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1/31/2022 INV2420056 $173.88 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 280646 2/28/2022 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1/31/2022 INV2420056 $999.78 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 280646 2/28/2022 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1/31/2022 INV2420056 $999.79 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 280646 2/28/2022 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1/31/2022 INV2420467 $19,52 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 280646 2/28/2022 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1/31/2022 INV2420467 $112.27 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 280646 2/28/2022 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 1/31/2022 INV2420467 $112.27 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 280715 2/28/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI1/10/2022 11393 $5,835.30 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280714 2/28/2022 TERMINIX, 1/27/2022 416594231 $201.48 PKM-PEST CONTROL Key Bank Page 41 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280714 2/28/2022 TERMINIX, 1/24/2022 416497215 $102.39 FWCC-PEST CONTROL 280910 3/15/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI3/3/2022 11487 $66.06 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280910 3/15/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI313/2022 11488 $550.50 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280835 3/15/2022 MACMOR INC, 3/3/2022 16333 $1,682.47 SWR-AG17-107 LANDSCAPE MAINT 280773 3/15/2022 DMX LLC DBA MOOD MEDIA, 3/1/2022 56706531 $51.00 IT-03/22 MEDIA SERVICES 280835 3/15/2022 MACMOR INC, 3/1/2022 16326 $2,629.94 PWST-LANDSCAPE MAINTAG17-107 280835 3/15/2022 MACMOR INC, 3/1/2022 16326 $4,746.22 PWST-LANDSCAPE MAINTAG17-107 280836 3/15/2022 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 3/2/2022 255049 $44.04 SWM-2021 STREET SWEEPING SVCS- 280836 3/15/2022 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 2/28/2022 255015 $8,283.85 SWM-2021 STREET SWEEPING SVCS- 280913 3/15/2022 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOR2/28/2022 86237 $792.72 PKDBC-AG19-224 LANDSCAPE MAINT 280788 3/15/2022 FEHER CONSULTING, JOHN C2/24/2022 20220224A $275.00 PKM-MAINT SVCS 280790 3/15/2022 FERRELLS FIRE EXTINGUISHI2/23/2022 35358 $3,988.93 PKM-FIRE EXTINGUISHER & SVC 280910 3/15/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2/23/2022 11479 $935.85 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280910 3/15/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPR12/23/2022 11480 $715.65 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/2312022 1-46011 $1,873.91 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/23/2022 1-46067 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/23/2022 1-46075 $226.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/23/2022 1-46076 $3,730.42 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/25/2022 1-46090 $265.62 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V'2/25/2022 711679 $87.32 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280802 3/15/2022 GREENPOINT LANDSCAPING 2/25/2022 76183 $1,568.93 FWCC-AG19-119 LANDSCAPE MAINT 280818 3/15/2022 KING COUNTY RADIO, 2/26/2022 00453676 $1,314.05 IT -REPAIR & MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2128/2022 1-46112 $3.258.71 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/28/2022 1-46118 $147,21 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (213/2022 1-45851 $3.841.12 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/4/2022 1-45866 $407,90 PD-VEHICLE MAINT Key Bank Page 42 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (214/2022 1-45874 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/4/2022 1-45878 $328.58 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280845 3/15/2022 MVTOWING LLC, 2/1/2022 24364 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/1/2022 1-45837 $-747.63 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/1/2022 1-45838 $978 83 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280929 3/15/2022 WASHDUP, LLC, 1/31/2022 483 $287.17 PD-JANURARY CAR WASH SERVICE 280817 3/15/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/31/2022 117407-117413 $206.20 PW/PWTR/SWR/IT-RSD FW#117407-1 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/712022 1-45904 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (218/2022 1-45909 $1.574.36 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/8/2022 1-45916 $43.98 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/8/2022 1-45921 $485.05 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280910 3/15/2022 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI2/8/2022 11453 $1,761.60 SWM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 280837 3/15/2022 MONARCH COLLISION CENTE2/8/2022 1610 $509.73 PD-VEHICLE MAINT SVC 280835 3/15/2022 MACMOR INC, 2/8/2022 16247 $3,704.80 SWR-AG17-107 LANDSCAPE MAINT 280937 3/15/2022 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C2/9/2022 547718 $124.00 CHB-AG20-949 CARPET CLEANING S 280937 3/15/2022 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C2/9/2022 547719 $2,126.00 CHB-AG20-949 CARPET CLEANING S 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/9/2022 1-45920 $4.229.88 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280893 3/15/2022 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 2/8/2022 6005-2076820 $33.03 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 280893 3/15/2022 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 1/12/2022 6005-2072151 $697.90 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V'1124/2022 710364 $83.07 PARKS-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VAC 280858 3/15/2022 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 1/27/2022 54320 $49.55 PD-CAR DETAIL 280781 3/15/2022 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 1/28/2022 15780 $270.00 FLT-MAINT SERVICE 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1/31/2022 1-45826 $747.63 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1/31/2022 1-45828 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1/31/2022 1-45829 $1,303.64 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280893 3/15/2022 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 1/11/2022 6005-2071935 $433.80 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR Key Bank Page 43 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Tota I 280872 3/15/2022 RWC INTERNATIONAL LTD, 12/9/2021 RA103002549:01 $1,453.53 FLT-MAINT SVC 280895 3/15/2022 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 2/22/2002 4736935 $71.57 PKM-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2021 1-45991 $77.01 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280836 3/15/2022 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 11/17/2021 252827 $44.04 SWM-2021 STREET SWEEPING SVCS- 280906 3/15/2022 TERMINIX, 2/21/2022 417448763 $102.39 FWCC-PEST CONTROL 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/21/2022 1-45178 $375.50 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/21/2022 1-46035 $3,162,58 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/21/2022 1-46055 $714.74 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280909 3/15/2022 THE TREE RECYCLERS, 2/21/2022 20221 $3.360.00 TREE CLEARING SERVICES FOR 296 280909 3/15/2022 THE TREE RECYCLERS, 2/21/2022 20221 $339.36 Sales Tax 280792 3/15/2022 FROULAALARM SYSTEMS IN(2/1812022 236272 $1,157.52 FWCC-FIRE ALARM MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2022 1-46033 $1,489.61 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2022 1-46040 $93.50 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2022 1-46044 $1,180.84 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2022 1-46047 $43.98 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2022 1-46048 $121.10 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/19/2022 1-46049 $53.89 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/18/2022 1-46017 $57.70 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280833 3/15/2022 MACDONALD MILLER SERVIC2/17/2022 PM118080 $9,853.95 CHB-AG19-042 HVAC SVC- 280752 3/15/2022 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 2/16/2022 JANUARY 2022 $236.00 PD-JANUARY 2022 VEHICLE WASHES 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/10/2022 711361 $296.83 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45943 $3,844.14 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45949 $1,232.92 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/12/2022 1-45967 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/1412022 1-45973 $48.94 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/14/2022 1-45980 $269.74 PD-VEHICLE MAINT Key Bank Page 44 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/16/2022 711540 $41.40 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/16/2022 711541 $64.68 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/16/2022 1-45999 $935.03 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/16/2022 1-46002 $722.42 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/16/2022 1-46003 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280902 3/15/2022 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/14/2022 41102 $701.79 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 280902 3/15/2022 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/14/2022 41131 $207.90 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 280902 3/15/2022 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/14/2022 41165 $121.28 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 280902 3/15/2022 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE12/14/2022 41197 $602.59 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/11/2022 1-45948 $1,121.77 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/14/2022 1-45982 $182.14 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/22/2022 1-46056 $25.49 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/2212022 1-46059 $1,180.64 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280887 3/15/2022 SMS CLEANING, 2/22/2022 FEDWAY-0222 $7,923.91 CHB/PKM-AG 20-022 JANITORIAL S V 280887 3/15/2022 SMS CLEANING, 2/22/2022 FEDWAY-0222 $6,772.63 CHB/PKM-AG20-022 JANITORIAL SV 280814 3/15/2022 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 2/22/2022 55867P $605.93 FLT-MAINT SVC 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/22/2022 711605 $92.99 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/22/2022 711606 $87 48 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU 280936 3/15/2022 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V2/22/2022 711607 $122.21 PKM-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VACUU ROAD SVCS/PERMITS-INTGVT $54,478.95 280712 2/28/2022 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 1/19/2022 101181223 $26.04 PWTR-11/13/21-01/18/22 1909 SW 280666 2/28/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/31/2022 117417-117465 $53,114.31 PWTR-RSD FW#117417-117465 280817 3/15/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIc1/31/2022 117407-117413 $281.26 PW/PWTR/SWR/IT-RSD FW#117407-1 280817 3/15/2022 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:1/31/2022 117407-117413 $1,057.34 PW/PWTR/SWR/IT-RSD FW#117407-1 SALARIES & WAGES $7,096.62 280671 2/28/2022 KPG INC, 2/4/2022 1-9422 $5,328.42 SWM-AG19-182 ON -CALL SURVEYING 280671 2/28/2022 KPG INC, 2/4/2022 1-9522 $1,767.20 SWM-AG19-182 ON -CALL SURVEYING Key Bank Page 45 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description Arnoun,GL Total SALES TAX PAYABLE $1,067.59 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $1,066.68 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $0 91 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX SALES TAX PAYABLE-RECREAT $6,726.18 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $65.37 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPARTV25/2022 601-223-538 $5,660.81 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX SBCC SURCHARGE $805.50 280726 2/28/2022 WA STATE -STATE R EVEN U ES,2/14/2022 JAN 2022 $468.00 FI-01/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F 280927 3/15/2022 WA STATE -STATE REVEN UES,3/10/2022 FEB 2022 $337.50 FI-02/22 STATE PORTION REMIT F SEWER BILLINGS $446.74 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2115/2022 101 $37.62 PKM-01/22 31132 28TH AVE S #A 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2115/2022 824102 $75.24 PKM-01/22 30000 14TH AVE S M#5 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2f15/2022 888103 $88.84 CHB-01/22 31132 28TH AVE S M#9 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2115/2022 888302 $57.32 IIKM-01/22 31104 28TH AVE S M#1 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2i15/2022 899802 $7702 PKM-01/22 2410 312TH ST S BEAC 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/10/2022 460602 $49.44 PKM-01/22 2645 312TH ST S #191 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC-2/10/2022 3671801 $61.26 PKM-01/22 31600 20TH AVE S. M# SMALL OFFICE APPARATUS $592.22 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 1/18/2022 2103285-0 $401 81 F'I-OFFICE SUPPLIES 280645 2/28/2022 COMPLETE OFFICE, 9/13/2021 2077170-0 $190.41 CD/PW-OFFICE.EQUIP SMALL TOOLS - SHOP $3,627.63 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $568.11 PKM-SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $653.94 CHB-SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $439.26 CHB-SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/14/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $27.68 SWIM -SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $286.77 SWM-SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $505.36 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $-125.39 SWM-REFUND SMALL TOOLS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $123.72 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS Key Bank Page 46 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 280718 2/28/2022 TRINITYACE HARDWARE, 2/11/2022 224187 $24.21 PWST-SUPPLIES 280674 2/28/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/7/2022 23702 $16.72 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 280811 3/15/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/25/2022 1350362 $160.55 PWST-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 280811 3/15/2022 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250072/23/2022 3623880 $137.05 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2125/2022 02033 $178.56 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280739 3/15/2022 AGRISHOP INC, 2/24/2022 66831/1 $124.40 PWST-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 11/23/2021 02752 $358.74 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 280798 3/15/2022 GRAINGER INC, 12/2/2021 832719462 $16.48 PWST-FACILITY MAINT SUPPLIES 280832 3/15/2022 LOWE'S HIW INC, 2/23/2022 02784 $31.37 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES STATE GRANT $10,934.98 280725 2/2812022 WA STATE TRANSPORTATION2/15/2022 2/15/22 $10.934.98 PW-TIB REIMBURSEMENT STONE & GRAVEL $186.21 280762 3/15/2022 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 2/4/2022 364050 $186.21 SWM-CONCRETE SUPPLIES TAXES/ASSESSMENTS-INTERGOVT $401.04 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $21.14 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $401 04 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $-21.14 FI-01 /22 REMIT SALES TAX TIRES $11,346.12 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $589.73 FLT-TIRES 280673 2128/2022 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 08/2022 37800568920 $27.50 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/25/2022 1-46101 $1,340.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/9/2022 1-45929 $335.22 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/1/2022 1-45832 $3,425.45 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/15/2022 1-45984 $2,395.24 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/14/2022 1-45981 $824.68 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 280776 3/15/2022 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/11/2022 1-45946 $2,407.36 PD-VEHICLE MAINT TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS $139.00 280883 3/15/2022 SHIN, MARTIN K 3/1/2022 0992100293370 $139.00 MC -REFUND OVERPAYMENT #0992100 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT $3,536.77 Key Bank Page 47 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $59.00 FLT-VEHICLE LICENCE FEE 280632 2/28/2022 BUD CLARY CHEVROLET, OL19/28/2021 3NN169. $3,476.77 FLT-FORD F550 LATE FEE USE TAX PAYABLE 225223485 2/25/2022 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART2/25/2022 601-223-538 $51.08 FI-01/22 REMIT SALES TAX WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $27.30 SWR-COMM GARBAGE AUDIT 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $40.31 SWR-REST GARBAGE AUDIT 280898 3/15/2022 STERICYCLE INC, 2/28/2022 3005922652 $12.14 PD-MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SVC 280831 3/15/2022 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/23/2022 3329376 $706.49 SWM/PWST-CONCRETE ASPHALT 280831 3/15/2022 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 2/23/2022 3329376 $706.49 SWM/PWST-CONCRETE ASPHALT 280827 3/15/2022 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 12/16/2022 37800570150 $11.51 PWST-TIRE DISPOSAL 280898 3/15/2022 STERICYCLE INC, 1/31/2022 3005884309 $12.14 PD-MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SVC WATER BILLINGS 224229491 2/24/2022 US BANK, 2/24/2022 JAN 2022 PROCARD $5,130.00 PKM-PERMIT FEES LAKEHAVEN 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 822402 $361.54 PKM-01/22 30009 16TH AVE S IRR 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 824102 $179.24 PKM-01/22 30000 14TH AVE S M#5 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 888302 $40.41 PKM-01/22 31104 28TH AVE S M#1 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 835904 $28.96 PWST-01/22 30421 16AVE S IRR 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 888103 $90.95 CHB-01/22 31132 28TH AVE S M#9 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 924602 $28.96 PKM-01/22 2301 S 292ND ST IRR 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 896402 $28.96 PKM-01/22 2410 312TH ST #89640 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/15/2022 899802 $202.14 PKM-01/22 2410 312TH ST S BEAC 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 101 $28 96 PKM-01/22 31132 28TH AVE S #A 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/15/2022 2322804 $928.07 PAEC-01/22 31510 20 AVE S. IRR 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 2426304 $216.86 CHB-01/22 2141 314 ST. S. #087 280672 2/26/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/15/2022 2426604 $28.96 PAEC-01/22 2141 314 ST. S. IRR 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 2446104 $15.02 PAEC-01/22 2141 314 ST. S. DIET $51.08 $1,616.38 $9,113.52 Key Bank Page 48 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor invoice Date Invoice Description AmowntGLTOtal 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 2814401 $28 96 PKM-01/22 2645 312TH IRR/ANNEX 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/15/2022 3088801 $2898 PWST-01/22 2000 312 ST S IRR M 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 3200201 $75.61 PWST-01/22 32001 WEYERHAEUSER 280672 2128/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 3642501 $28.96 PWST-01/22 30801 14TH AVE S M# 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 3653601 $509.00 PWST-01/22 31114 28 AVE S M#46 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 3657701 $28.96 PWST-01/22 1456 S 308TH ST 308 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 3702201 $33.57 PWST-01/22 1119 S DASH POINT R 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/15/2022 3791001 $28.96 PWST-01/22 2139 S 316TH #19211 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2118/2022 3568001 $28.96 PWST-01/22 30399 PACIFIC HWY S 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/4/2022 2832301 $28.96 PKM-01/22 30619 16TH AVE SW M# 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/4/2022 2984001 $28.96 PKM-01/22 31850 7TH AVE SW M#6 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/10/2022 460602 $186.11 PKM-01 /22 2645 312TH ST S #191 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/10/2022 2049903 $28.96 PKM-01/22 31531 1STAVES M#59 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/10/2022 3586001 $65.76 PKM-01 /22 31531 1 ST AVE S M#42 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/10/2022 3671801 $128.56 PKM-01/22 31600 20TH AVE S. M# 280672 2/28/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC2/10/2022 1941803 $94.23 PKM-01 /22 31600 20 AVE S M#191 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 2961401 $28:96 PWST-01/22 34727 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 3238401 $28.96 PWST-01/22 32001 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC3/7/2022 3336201 $28.96 PWST-01/22 32409 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC3/7/2022 3336301 $28.96 PWST01/22 32402 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 3383601 $28.96 PWST-01/22 33300 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIG317/2022 3383701 $28.96 PWST-01/22 32500 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC3/7/2022 3513001 $28.96 PWST-01/22 33647 20TH AVE S I 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC3/7/2022 3518001 $28.96 PWST-01/22 35205 PACIFIC HWY S 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 3541001 $28.96 PWST-01/22 930 348TH ST S IRR 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC3/7/2022 3552401 $28 96 PWST-01/22 35503 PACIFIC HWY S Key Bank Page 49 of 49 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 3563701 $28.96 PWST-01/22 101 S 348TH ST IP3 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 3578601 $28.96 PWST-01/22 1283 S 336TH ST M#4 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'3/7/2022 3715001 $28.96 PWST-01/22 930 348TH ST S IRR 280823 3/15/2022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'2/18/2022 3033601 $74.53 PKM-01/22 28159 24TH PL S M#97 ZONING COMPLIANCE FEE $152.00 280861 3/15/2022 PSE POTELCO, 2/1/2022 22-100255 $152.00 CD -REFUND PERMIT 22-100255 Total $3,032,738.38 02/18/2022 CW-PAYROLL VOUCHERS 02/01-02/15 $1,715,828.96 $2,156.563.06 CW-PAYROLL VOUCHERS 02/16-02/28 03/04/2022 $3,872,392.02 7d, COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 ITEM #: ... .... ... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 2022 HIGHLINE COLLEGE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER (SBDC) INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City of Federal Way enter into an interagency agreement with the Highline College through its Small Business Development Center to continue to provide complimentary business development resources to small and medium sized businesses in Federal Way? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: March 22, 2022 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Tim Johnson, Director of Econ. Dev. DEPT: Mayor's Office Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Attachment A, Highline College SBDC Interagency Agreement Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed interagency agreement. 2. Do not approve the proposed interagency agreement and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option I. C� MAYOR APPR[VAL :� / � � � ry DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 1 '? 4) >< Coln& tte Catlnci Initiall�atc Init nllF}a�c Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move to forward the proposed interagency agreement to the April 5, 2022 consent agenda for approval. " Com 'littee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the interagency agreement between the City of Federal Way and the Highline College as presented and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. " ow (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 11/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: February 28, 2022 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Tim Johnson, Director of Economic Development SUBJECT: 2022 Highline College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Interagency Agreement Financial Impacts: Highline College will be charging the City of Federal Way $20,000 for the continued provision of complimentary business development resources and services to small and medium sized businesses in Federal Way. This will be paid out of the 01-5200-075-558-70- 411 fund. There are no other additional planned or expected costs associated with the 2022 annual agreement. Backeround Information: Since 2006, The City of Federal Way has partnered annually with the Highline College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for the provision of complimentary business development resources and services to small and medium sized businesses in Federal Way. Under the agreement, the SBDC will provide business advisory services to Federal Way businesses (See Attachment A, 2022 Highline College Small Business Development Center Interagency Agreement). Business advisory services include but are not limited to the following: • "One on One" business advising services; • Research as part of the SBA funding delivered through the SBDC; • Training and education in areas such as business operations, marketing, management, use of technologies, and access to capital with traditional and alternative lenders; • Provide international trade and export assistance; • Participate in the City -sponsored Foreign Consulate Event (Spring 2022) and work with other Highlight College Trade Programs and SBA partners to support Federal Way's lead in event programming; and • Provide information to Federal Way businesses on "Doing Business in Federal Way," provided to SBDC by the City. Throughout the duration of the agreement, the SBDC will provide quarterly progress reports and an annual report to City. The reports will reflect performance goals set out to achieve the Rev 7/18 minimum business advisory services to eight (8) businesses per quarter and thirty-two (32) annually of unduplicated eligible clients with funds provided in this agreement. The period of performance of this interagency agreement is from January 1, 2022 to December 31,2022. Recommendation: Approve the approval of the Interagency Agreement between the City of Federal Way and Highline College as presented and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. Rev. 7/18 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT Between STATE OF WASHINGTON HIGHLINE COLLEGE And CITY OF FEDERAL WAY THIS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between HIGHLINE COLLEGE, PO BOX 98000, DES MOINES, WA 98198, hereinafter referred to as "HIGHLINE COLLEGE," and the CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 33315 8th AVENUE SOUTH, FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY." WHEREAS, IT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS AGREEMENT to provide partnership and support for the community through the efforts of the Small Business Development Center and to provide complimentary business development services and resources to small and medium sized businesses. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: STATEMENT OF WORK The Small Business Development Center, ("SBDC") at Highline College will provide business advisory services to Federal Way based businesses, (established or start-up) for the City in 2022. The Scope of Work is defined in Exhibit A. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Subject to its other provisions, theperiod ofperformance ofthis Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2022 and be completed on December 31, 2022. PAYMENT The City will pay Highline College for the service provided in an amount not to exceed a total of Twenty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($20,000.00) for the length ofthe contract from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. BILLING PROCEDURE Highline College shall submit a request for payment on an annual basis upon the completion of the contract December 31, 2022. Payment will be made by the City within 30 days of receipt of the request. PERFORMANCE MEASURES The SBDC under Highline College's management will provide the services as identified in the Scope of Work in Exhibit A Page 1 RECORDS MAIN i`ENANCE Highline College shall submit quarterly and annual progress reports to the City. The reports will reflect all the Performance Goals set out and agreed to by both parties as outlined in Exhibit A of this contract. Highline College will maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs "incurred." These records shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit by personnel of the City, other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law. All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Agreement will be retained by Highline College for six years after the expiration of this agreement and the Office ofthe State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties, shall have full access to these materials during this period. Records and other documents, in any medium, furnished by Highline College to this agreement to the City, will remain the property ofthe furnishing party, unless otherwise agreed. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This agreement may be amended by mutual written agreement of the parties. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 30 days' prior written notification to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If for any cause, either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any ofthese terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If failure or violation is not corrected, this Agreement maybe terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. DISPUTES In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined by a Dispute Board in the following manner: Each party to this agreement shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The members so appointed shall jointly appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall review the facts, contract terms and applicable statutes and rules and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. As an alternative to this process, either ofthe parties may request intervention by the Governor, as provided by RCW 43.17.330, in which event the Governor's process will control. GOVERNANCE This agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the State of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this agreement shall be construed Page 2 to conform to those laws. In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a. applicable state and federal statutes and rules; b. statement of work; and C. any other provisions of the agreement, including materials incorporated by reference. ASSIGNMENT The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising thereunder, is not assignable or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this agreement shall not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this agreement, and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. RATIFICATION Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this agreement is hereby ratified and affirmed. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The program manager for each of the parties shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement. Highline College: All correspondence and notices related to this agreement shall be delivered or mailed to the Executive Director of Business Development, Rich Shockley, Highline College, PO Box 98000 MS CV-320, Des Moines, WA 98198. City of Federal Way: Communications and billing contact person shall be Tim Johnson, Director of Economic Development, 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way; WA 98003. Page 3 INDEMNIFICATION Highline College shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents, from all claims, costs, damages, or expenses arising out of the negligence of Highline College, its officers, employees, and agents in connection with this Agreement. The City shall indemnify and hold hainAess Iighline Collcgc, its officcrs, cmployces, and agents, from all claims, costs, damages, or expenses arising out of the negligence of the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents in connection with this Agreement. In the case of negligence of both Highline College and the City, any damages allowed shall be levied in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to each party. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement effective January 1, 2022. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: ATTEST: Jim Ferrell, Mayor DA Page 4 City Clerk, Stephanie Courtney, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM City Attorney, J. Ryan Call HIGHLINE COLLEGE: By: & Printed Name: (a►-— Title: Y y 7- -51-�- J'L 1V1% A.If ST�T�j Date: _;^ STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS. COUNTY OF KING On this day personally appeared before me M �VVL t( � l wyi to me known to be the V�' U V rL5 %V-" -I- of ', s 1 ti (c s1Lt? that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the ree and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. Given my hand and official seal this Sk day of J enOwn , 20z Z Notary's signature r l�l Notary's printed name rte �`l r (" C4 �`�`� Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires 3 z S ZS Page 5 out of 7 He5L;7MMj AAcBrMn 5� Oon �com�ix aio EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK The following is the Scope of Work for business advisory services by the Small Business Development Center ("SBDC") at Highline Community College for the City of Federal Way, Washington ("City") to Federal Way based -businesses in 2022. The SBDC shall do or provide the following: 1. Provide "One on One" business advising services; 2. Research for said business as part of advising services (secondary research) provided as part of the SBA funding delivered through the SBDC; 3. Training and Education in areas such as, but not limited to: Business operations, marketing, management, use of technologies and access to capital with traditional and alternative lenders; 4. Provide international trade and export assistance; 5. Participate in Association of Foreign Consulate Event, (Spring 2022) sponsored by the City of Federal Way; work with other Highline College Trade Programs and SBA partners to support Federal Way's lead in event programing; and 6. Provide information to Federal Way businesses on "Doing Business in Federal Way," provided to SBDC by the City. SERVICE DESIGN To meet the above objectives, the SBDC will provide counseling that may include financial analysis and forecasting, formulation of a marketing strategy, organizational analysis and strategy, or other services needed for small business development for businesses in Federal Way. DELIVERABLES The SBDC will provide quarterly progress reports and an annual report to the City. The reports will reflect all of the performance goals set out to achieve the minimum business advisory services to eight, (8) businesses per quarter and thirty-two (32) annually of unduplicated eligible clients with funds provided in this agreement and agreed to by parties. In an annual report, the ("SBDC") will provide to the City, summaries of work it has completed for Federal Way businesses served that includes the following: • Number of clients/businesses served in 2022. Identify current state of clients business as one of the three following types: (existing, start-up and/or pre -venture); Then identify in one of the following categories: o Retail o Wholesale o Manufacturer o Food Processor o Restaurant Page 6 out of 7 o Professional Business Service o Medical/Healthcare o Construction o Information/Communication/Technology o Hospitality o Arts o Transportation • Identify type of service provided. • Identify if client and business received capital. • Identify the number of jobs created and retained. • Identify demographics by gender, race and veteran status. Page 7 out of 7 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 ITEM #:_ 7e CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: SPECTRA VENUE MANAGEMENT 2021 INCENTIVE FEE Policy Question: Should the City Council approve the Spectra Venue Management 2021 Incentive Fee in the amount of $69,755.00 and authorize staff to submit to finance for payment? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: March 22, 2022 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator DEPT: Parks Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the Spectra Venue Management 2021 Incentive Fee in the amount of $69,755 and authorize staff to submit to finance for payment 3. Do not approve and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDA',ION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: �WID.t.C� RECTOR APPROVAL:CIniInitial/Dnic COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "1 move to forward approval of the Spectra Venue Management 2021 Incentive Fee in the amount of $69,755.00 to the April 5, 2022, City Council consent agenda for approval.'aAj6-jA-,z&" �UE - Coin flee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "1 move approval of the proposed Spectra Venue Management 2021 Incentive fee in the amount of $69,755.00. " (BELOIV TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 11/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: March 14, 2022 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Brian Davis, Interim City Administrator FROM: Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator SUBJECT: Spectra Venue Management 2021 Incentive Fee Financial Impacts: The cost to the City for the 2021 Spectra Venue Management Incentive fee is $69,755.00. This item was not directly included within the approved budget for the Performing Arts and Event Center. As proposed, it will be funded by budget savings from contributions made to the 115-Performing Arts and Event Center Fund from the General Fund. Per Section 3.2 of AG 18-088, Spectra Venue Management Contract, there will be a cost for the incentive fee each year. The total cost is dependent on Spectra's ability to reduce the subsidy provided to the 115-Performing Arts and Event Center fund from the General Fund. Background Information: Per Section 3.2 of AG 18-088, Spectra Venue Management Contract, there will be a cost for the incentive fee each year. The total cost is dependent on Spectra's ability to reduce the subsidy provided to the 115-Performing Arts and Event Center fund from the General Fund. Rev. 7/18 - -- - 8a- .COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 05, 2022 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT LIEN FOR ABATEMENT AT 30601 1ST PL SW, FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve staff to place an assessment lien on the property located at 30601 1" PL SW, Federal Way, WA 98023 in the amount of $4,320.34 for abatement costs involving the clean-up of nuisance conditions on the property. COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Curtis Moser, Code Enforcement Officer DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed tax lien on Pelkey property in the amount of $4,320.34. 2. Do not approve proposed tax lien on Pelkey property and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N(A Nipf DPIRECTOR APPROVAL• r � - 22 Initial/Date 01A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: `I move approval of the proposed tax lien in the amount of $4,320.34. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: 04/05/2022 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Brian Davis, Community Development Director Curtis Moser, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Pelkey Property Abatement Lien FINANCIAL IMPACTS: On October 21, 2021, the Community Development Code Compliance Division abated the Pelkey property located at 30601 1st PI SW. Per the contract and purchasing manual, a competitive bid process was done and BioDecon was selected for the project. The total cost incurred by the City was $4,320.34. Due to ongoing costs associated with normal operations, the City would benefit greatly in recovering those costs as a result of the abatement. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Shirley Pelkey's property has a long history of documented, repeated code violations dating back to April 5t', 2017. Documented complaints included exterior junk, storage of building materials, vehicles and equipment, generators, motors, scrap metal, lawn equipment, trailers, pallet stacks and dilapidated structures in the back yard. Although records show numerous attempts by the city to obtain and retain compliance, the property has a cyclical history of refusal to comply with violation orders issued to Mrs. Pelkey. The city has investigated and attempted to enforce city public nuisance provisions related to unfit premises, and provisions of the Development Code, Title 13 and 19 under FWRC. ABATEMENT In the most recent case, No. 21-102312, a Notice of Violation and Order to Correct ("NOV") was filed on June 91h, 2021 for Mrs. Pelkey's property. Code enforcement made numerous attempts to contact Mrs. Pelkey's estate since she passed away in March of 2019. Code enforcement was able to contact Mrs. Pelkey's daughter, Roxanne Pelkey and her grandson, Shane Dunn who was living on the property. Roxanne told code enforcement she had power of attorney to Mrs. Pelkey's estate but failed to complete any clean-up of the property. Code enforcement lost contact with her shortly after. Code enforcement then talked with Shane Dunn who repeatedly said he would clean the property and bring it into compliance but this did not happen. Dunn was told several Page I 1 believes the charges incurred are just, reasonable and should not be reduced. Therefore, the Mayor recommends the City Council authorize these costs as an assessment lien against the properties to ensure payment through the tax system. COUNCIL OPTIONS 1. Authorize placement of an assessment lien on the parcel for $4,320.34. 2. Revise the amount and authorize placement of an assessment lien on the property. 3. Do not authorize placement of a lien. Page 13 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 ITEM #: 8b ........ . ..... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF $10,000 GRANT FROM KING COUNTY FOR A VETERANS COMMITTEE PROJECT TO RECOGNIZE GOLD STAR FAMILIES. POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council accept a $10,000 grant from King County for a Veterans Committee project to recognize Gold Star families? COMMITTEE: NA MEETING DATE: NA CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing X City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve McNey, Intergovernmental and Public Affairs DEPT: Mayor's Office Officer See staff report. Options Considered: (1) Approve (2) Do not approve MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the acceptance of a $10,000 grant from King County for a Veterans Committee prtgjgct to recognize Gold Star Families. MAYOR APPROVAL: L- / �V.J//—` ` 1--� -W-/ )-'an -DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to approve acceptance of a $10, 000 grant from King County for a Veterans Committee project to recognize Gold Star Families " (BELO IV TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: April 5, 2022 TO: Federal Way City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Steve McNey, Intergovernmental & Public Affairs Officer SUBJECT: COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF $10,000 GRANT FROM KING COUNTY FOR A VETERANS COMMITTEE PROJECT TO RECOGNIZE GOLD STAR MOTHERS AND THEIR FAMILIES. The City of Federal Way has been allocated a $10,000 grant, via King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer, for the Veterans Committee to honor Gold Star Families. Funding is from the King County Veterans grant program whose purpose is to "help support and honor service members and veterans in the community." The grant funding must be spent by December 31, 2022. America's Gold Star Families organization was created to provide honor, hope and healing to those grieving any military loss through active duty service and includes all family members representing all conflicts, all branches of service and all circumstance of death. The Federal Way Veterans Committee was formed by the Mayor in 2018 with the purpose of informing the design of what is now the Veterans Monument that was dedicated on September 11, 2021. Members of the committee included area veterans from all service branches, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda and staff. During committee deliberations, the recognition of Gold Star families was discussed with the participation of Monica McNeal, Washington State President of American Gold Star Mothers. It is the recommendation of the Mayor to reconvene the Veterans Committee to make recommendations in order to honor Gold Star Families. It is the Mayor's recommendation that the Council accept the grant funding. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: V c SUBJECT: COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF $100,000 FROM KING COUNTY FOR A GRANT PROGRAM FOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND COMMUNITY GROUPS IMPACTED BY COVID-19. POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council accept a $100,000 from King County for a grant program for small businesses and community groups impacted by COVID-19 pandemic? COMMITTEE: NA MEETING DATE: NA CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing X City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve McNey, Intergovernmental and Public Affairs DEPT: Mayor's Office Officer See staff report. Options Considered: (1) Approve (2) Do not approve s MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the acceptance of a $100,000 from King County for a grant program for small buses and community groups impacted by COVED-19 pandemic. MAYOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A �IRECTOR APPROVAL: - � Initial/Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to approve acceptance of a $100,000 from King County for a grant program for small businesses and community groups impacted by COVID-19 pandemic. " _ (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYCITYCLERK'S OFFICE} COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 42019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: April 5, 2022 TO: Federal Way City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Steve McNey, Intergovernmental & Public Affairs Officer SUBJECT: COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF $100,000 FROM KING COUNTY FOR A GRANT PROGRAM FOR SMALL BUSINESSES AND COMMUNITY GROUPS IMPACTED BY COVID-19 The City of Federal Way has been allocated a grant, via King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer (District 7), to support small businesses and community groups impacted by COVID-19. This funding will provide $100,000 to the City of Federal Way to disperse the funding to small businesses and community groups via a grant program. This King County grant funding is intended to provide $100,000 to support community recovery and reopening efforts in the City of Federal Way through programs such as small business assistance grant programs and community support grant programs. King County will make a subaward to the City of Federal Way, who will administer the grant program for the community. King County will work with the City of Federal Way to ensure that the grant program is eligible for CLFR (Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery) funding and meets all other applicable requirements. King County's rationale for allocation of this funding is that small businesses and community organizations in the King County District 7 community have been severely affected as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency, due to, among other things, the lockdowns that occurred to prevent the spread of COVID-19, other public health restrictions, and decreased customer traffic. Small businesses have seen decreasing revenue due to less in -person customer traffic, and community organizations have had their ability to raise funds limited due to restrictions on gathering and event sizes. Small businesses are integral parts of local economies, helping to create jobs, and foster broad -based prosperity by providing opportunities to people to achieve financial success and independence. This program is intended to help small businesses and organizations to recover financial losses due to COVID-19 and support them as the region continues to reopen. The use of this award by the City of Federal Way must be completed by December 31, 2022. After acceptance of the grant is approved, a scope of work will be created for review by Council outlining the proposed grant program including eligibility, application process and timeline. It is the Mayor's recommendation that the Council accept the funding and ask staff to a create a scope of work for the grant program for Council review. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 ITEM #: 8 d CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION APPOINTMENT — ALTERNATE TO VOTING MEMBER POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council appoint a current alternate Senior Advisory Commission member to fill a voting term? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtney, City Clerk DEPT: Mayor's Office Background: Per Federal Way Revised Code 2.62.030, the Senior Advisory Commission is comprised of up to nine (9) voting members and three (3) alternate members who are appointed by the City Council. Members and serve three (3) year terms without compensation. In accordance with the Council Rules of Procedure 19.10(2), when a position becomes available mid-term the City Council may appoint an alternate commissioner who is serving on that same commission. Alternates who were previously interviewed within twelve months of the vacancy being created do not need to be interviewed. There is currently one vacant voting position due to resignation on March 9, 2022. Current alternate member Tammy Dziak was interviewed March 1, 2022 and is seeking appointment to this vacant voting position. Options Considered: 1. Appoint Tammy Dziak as a voting member with a term to expire August 31, 2024. 2. Direct the City Clerk to advertise for additional applicants. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A N/A CITY CLERK APPROVAL: I'ttl 5101/14M Committee Council Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to appoint Tammy Dziak as a voting member of the Senior Advisory Commission for a term to expire August 31, 2024. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL, # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 4/2019 RESOLUTION # COUNCCO L MEETING DATE: April 5, 2022 IL .................. ...... ....... ........ ..... ........ ITEM #: 8 e CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: RESOLUTION: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY INVESTMENT POLICY POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed updates to the Investment Policy COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: March 22, 2022 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing N7City Council Business ® Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Resolution City of Federal Way Investment Policy 3. Policy Outline Options Considered: 1. Approve proposed resolution. 2. Do not approve proposed resolution and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL .3 3 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: C nnni cc Lunn India}! ate IniiiallRate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed resolution to the April S, 2022, :F'aq Coca nx'zL �'NF� , mrnittee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed resolution. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 11/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF ��.. Federal Way TO: City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director DATE: March 2, 2022 RE: 2022 Update of 2013 Investment Policy FINANCE The City of Federal Way's investment policy needs revision in order to correct a couple of problems and also to articulate an investment policy that permits and encourages a well- informed staff investment program suitable to the needs of our city. The most immediate limitation to correct is eliminating the 5% per -issuer language that prevents investment in federally -backed government sponsored agencies which have the equivalent safety of a Treasury with a slight improvement in yield. The current investment policy is silent on the percentage that can be put into State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) (currently 82.1%, it should authorize up to 100%). The policy was last reviewed and approved in 2013. The proposed policy offers many advantages in structure and readability and accounts for some realities of investment not addressed in the old policy. Staff recommends updating the policy to tailor it to the financial vehicles suitable for our city and specifically articulating the investment strategy proposed. The proposed policy, the 2013 policy, and a redline comparison are attached. Because the existing and proposed policies are so different, the following bullet list summarizes the intended changes to the policy, in addition to structuring the policy more clearly and simply: 1. The specific purposes of the investment policies are now stated. 2. Safety and liquidity are prioritized over yield. 3. Pooling of cash across funds is now expressly authorized. 4. The "prudent investor standard" is now better defined. 5. The objectives, in priority order of Safety, Liquidity and Yield are explained. 6. Delegation of Authority is now traced from enabling legislation with citations, through city council and Mayor to the investment officers. Provisions allowing contracted investment management are included. 7. Conflict of interest requirements are clearly articulated. 8. Authorization of brokers is more specifically outlined, with a Broker/Dealer Questionnaire included in the policy as an addendum and the requirements now specified. 3/2/2022 1 of 2 Updated 3. Memo - Investment Policy update 03-02-2022 CITY OF a Federal Way FINANCE 9. Authorized investments are now split into those expected to be primarily used from those not expected to be used but still allowable, should future circumstances change. Corporate notes are now included and properly described. Prohibited investments now include specific prohibitions, including cryptocurrency and equities. State law prohibits municipal investment in negotiable CDs, although they are common for municipalities in other states. Should this change, the policy could, and should, be updated at that time. a. Staff plans on utilizing only Treasuries, Agencies, the Local Government Investment Pool, and Corporate notes, therefore these are identified as the primary investment instruments and all other permitted investments are noted as being allowable but with explanation and disclosure of rationale. b. Staff anticipates the City of Federal Way will likely never use Repurchase Agreements, Bankers Acceptances, Commercial Paper, Time Deposit (Non- negotiable) CDs, municipal bonds, money market funds and mutual funds. 10. Collateralization is now a separate section, cites state statues and includes a list of authorized depositories. 11. The Diversification section establishes percentages by category and issuer that were previously omitted. It allows agencies to be up to 100% of the portfolio, up to 40% per issuer, (compared to 5% per issuer in the current policy, which is far too low to be practical). 12. The Maximum Maturities section clearly includes state investment pool balance. Per - issuer limit language is moved to the Diversification section. 13. The Internal Controls section no longer refers to the State Auditor as an internal control and properly identifies state audits as controlled by state statute instead of city policy, 14. The Investment Strategy section clearly defines and articulates the intended investment program strategy. While this is more procedural, it provides the process for successors to follow and for city council policy makers to understand. 15. A benchmark of the State LGIP is identified, the next best alternative and the financial vehicle the city has relied on in the absence of an investment program. 16. A specific protocol for expectations for the process to follow when the credit rating of securities are downgraded post -purchase is stated. 17. The Reporting section now defines what specific items are to be reported to council. 18. The Investment Policy Review and Adoption section is streamlined by eliminating language already stated in other sections. Throughout the proposed policy, specific RCW citations are noted, and are then included in the addenda, for the casual reader who may not know how to look up RCWs. The Broker/Dealer Questionnaire (BDQ) and Acknowledgement are included as an addenda — it is standard practice to require brokers to attest they have read the investment policy so it makes sense to combine them in this document. Also, by replacing prior vague language in the policy with the requirement of a BDQ, the BDQ itself is now provided. 3/2/2022 2 of 2 Updated 3. Memo - Investment Policy update 03-02-2022 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Federal Way, Washington, repealing Resolution No:13-633 and modifying and adopting the investment policy to govern the investment of public funds. WHEREAS, the City Council seeks at all times to maintain the highest fiscal integrity with the respect to its administration of public funds, and WHEREAS, the assets of the City also include a certain percentage of reserve funds which are available to be invested with the opportunity for the highest, prudent investment potentials to ensure a reasonable return on the reserve funds with the highest investment return with sufficient security and liquidity and WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby adopted the most recent Investment Policy on March 5, 2013, by Resolution No. 13-633 and WHEREAS, amendments to the investment policy are necessary to reflect best practices, city -specific circumstances and current language. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 2022. Section 1. Resolution No. 13-633 with all attachments is hereby repealed effective April 5, Section 2. Investment Policy: The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby modifies and adopts the Investment Policy as attached hereto as Exhibit A, and hereby incorporated in full by this reference. Resolution No. 22- Page I of 3 Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this resolution are authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, resolution numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. Section 7. Savings Clause Resolution No. 13-633, a portion of which is repealed by this resolution, shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this Resolution and shall remain in full force and effect in the event this resolution is unvalidated in its entirety. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON this day of , 20_ [signatures to follow] Resolution No. 22- Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Resolution No. 22- Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A CITE' OF Federal Wa Centered -on Opportunity Investment Policy of the City of Federal Way DRAFT For review / approval 2022 Effective Date: Authorized by- Supersedes. - Policy Dated: March 5, 2013 Authorized by. Resolution No. 13-633 City of Federal Way, Finance Department 33325 8th Ave South, Federal Way, WA 98003 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Table of Contents Purpose .......................................... 3 Policy.............................................3 III. Governing Authority a. Enabling Legislation..................3 b. Delegation of Authority ............. 3 IV. Scope and Applicability ..................4 V. Objectives a. Safety ....................................... 4 b. Liquidity....................................4 c. Yield.........................................5 VI. Prudence........................................5 a. Ethics and Conflict of Interest ...5 VI1. Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions......................................6 VIII. Authorized Investments a. Washington State Treasurer Local Government Investment Pool .........6 b. Agencies, Federal government - sponsored enterprise obligations .... 6 c. Treasuries, Obligations of the U.S., agencies, wholly -owned corporations, and supranational...... 6 d. Corporate notes........................6 e. Washington State/local government bonds ..........................7 f. Other-State/local government bonds.............................................7 e. Same -county local government registered warrants .........................7 f. Bankers' acceptances ...............7 g. Commercial paper ..................... 7 h. Non-negotiable CDs .................7 i. Prohibited investments ....................7 *14W XV1. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. Diversification................................7 Maximum Maturities ........................8 Safekeeping and Custody...............8 Collateral ization ..............................8 Performance Standards ..................8 a. Downgraded Securities.............8 Reporting and Disclosure a. Monthly.....................................9 b. Quarterly...................................9 Investment Strategy a. Buy and Hold ............................9 b. Segmented Portfolio .................9 Internal Controls ...........................10 Review, Approval and Adoption ....10 /we5=6l.3 Glossary.......................................11 Text of Washington Statutes (RCWs).........................................15 Text of City's Municipal Code .......20 Broker/Dealer Questionnaire ........22 Approved Broker/Dealer List ........25 Confirmation of Policy Receipt ...... 26 p. 2 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Investment Policy I. Purpose The purpose of this Policy is: ➢ To establish investment objectives and parameters necessary to safeguard public funds entrusted to the City of Federal Way, ➢ To articulate the City Council's intent for the governance of City investments ➢ To communicate clear policy and strategy guidelines for City investment administration ➢ To demonstrate to citizens, taxpayers and voters a transparent and accountable stewardship plan. The City's manageable cash ranges from $60 to $90 million, of which only a portion may be invested in a laddered portfolio after assuring sufficient liquidity and safety. Cyclical liquidity is kept in the Washington State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool ("LGIP") and the safety of operating cash is maintained in depository bank accounts. II. Policy It is the policy of the City of Federal Way to invest public funds in a manner that, giving first regard to safety, suitability and liquidity, will maximize long-term yield in conformance with State Statutes and Federal Regulations, and City Ordinances. III. Scope and Applicabi The investment policy applies to all financial assets of the City of Federal Way. These are accounted for in the City of Federal Way's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and include: ➢ General Fund ➢ Special Revenue Funds ➢ Capital Project Funds ➢ Enterprise Funds ➢ Internal Service Funds ➢ Trust and Agency Funds ➢ Any new fund created by Council, unless specifically exempted by Council. Investments of City Funds may be made on a pooled basis across all funds, with principal and interest apportioned for the benefit of the various participating funds or for the benefit of the general fund. (RCW 35.39.034) IV. Governing Authority Enabling Legislation All investments shall be managed in a manner responsive to the public trust and consistent with state law. Authority to manage the City's investment program is derived primarily from RCW sections 35A.40.050 and 35.39.032 and from the Federal Way Revised Code sections 3.45.010 and 3.45.020. p. 3 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Delegation of Authority This policy provides for accountability and transparency to the City Council. The City Council authorizes the Finance Director or their designee, to engage in investment -related transactions consistent with this policy without further approval. The Finance/Economic Development/Regional Advisory Committee (FEDRAC), comprised of three city council members, may review and conduct oversight of transactions and monthly reporting prior to council review Management responsibility for the investment program is delegated to the Mayor and Finance Director, who shall establish procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this investment policy. Investment procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions to provide adequate redundancy by properly trained and informed staff. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided by this policy and the procedures established by the Finance Director. The Director shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials. All staff engaging in investment transactions shall attend public investment training, which may include staff training by a qualified Finance Director. Staff shall not engage in any policy -allowed investment transaction for which they cannot articulate a rationale for having done so. Contracted Management Any external investment manager engaged to assist in the management of the City's investment portfolio will be held to the prudent investor standard of care (RCW 11.100.020). V. Objective The suitability of all investments will be evaluated with the following objectives in mind (in order of importance): ➢ Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City of Federal Way shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of principal in the overall portfolio. Each investment transaction shall be conducted in a manner to avoid principal loss arising from security default, institution default, broker -dealer default, safekeeping fraud, or the avoidable loss on the premature sale of an investment ➢ Liquidity: The City's investment portfolio will be structured to maintain adequate liquidity to meet all expected obligations in a timely manner and to avoid the premature sale of an investment at a loss of principal. This is to be achieved by comparing investment maturities with forecasted cash flows and maintaining sufficient liquidity for contingencies across all funds. A 3-5-year historical liquidity trend history, combining the City's main checking accounts, LGIP, and the investment portfolio, will clearly indicate annual seasonal low cashflows. ➢ Yield or Return on investment: The City's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining as high a rate of return as prudently possible having first satisfied the objectives of Safety and Liquidity. p. 4 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy VI. Prudence The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the "prudent investor standard," as defined by State Statute (RCW 11.100.020). Specifically: 1) A trustee shall invest and manage trust assets as a prudent investor would, by considering the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. In satisfying this standard, the trustee shall exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution. 2) A trustee's investment and management decisions respecting individual assets must be evaluated not in isolation but in the context of the trust portfolio as a whole and as a part of an overall investment strategy having risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the trust. Investment officers acting in accordance with the written procedures and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for individual security's credit risk or marketplace changes. Deviations from expectations shall be reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from, or disclose, personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose to the Mayor any material financial interests in the financial institutions to conduct business with in this jurisdiction, and they shall further disclose any large personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the City's portfolio. Employees and officers shall subordinate their personal investment transaction to those of the City of Federal Way, particularly with regard to the time of purchases and sales. Disclosure rather than divestment is deemed an adequate proof of impartiality as for an officer or employee investing City funds as an employee is highly unlikely to personally own a controlling interest in a security that becomes the best investment for the City such as a highly rated Microsoft or Coca-Cola medium -term note and should not have to sell their personal position in order to serve the City). Employees and officers shall refrain from, or disclose, any personal investment transactions with the same agents with whom business is conducted on behalf of the City and shall avoid, or disclose, transactions that might impair public confidence. Consistent with the City's Ethics Code, officers and employees involved in the investment process may not accept any valuable gift, favor or gratuity that is made on the basis of his or her position in the City's service. VII. Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions The Finance Director or their designee will maintain a list of broker/dealers that are authorized to provide investment services. To be eligible to do business with Federal Way, a broker/dealer must provide a Broker/Dealer Questionnaire that includes the following: audited financial statements, current securities -related licensing; proof of registration and licenses held with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA); proof of registration with the State of Washington p. 5 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Securities Division; current active municipal client references; and certification of having read the City's current investment policy. An annual review of the financial condition of qualified bidders will be conducted by the Finance Director, or their designee. VIII. Authorized Investments Washington State law limits the types of investment vehicles available to municipalities. Those primary and secondary investment instruments listed below comply with state law. A. The primary investment instruments expected to be utilized in the City of Federal Way's Investment Portfolio are: ➢ State of Washington Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP), the public funds investment account for investment and reinvestment by the state treasurer. RCW 43.250.040 Agencies. Federal home loan bank notes and bonds, federal land bank bonds and federal national mortgage association notes, debentures and guaranteed certificates of participation, or the obligations of any other government sponsored corporation whose obligations are or may become eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the board of governors of the federal reserve system; RCW 39.59.040(5) Treasuries. Certificates, notes, or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States; or United States dollar denominated bonds, notes, or other obligations that are issued or guaranteed by supranational institutions, provided that, at the time of investment, the institution has the United States government as its largest shareholder; RCW 39.59.040(4). Corporate notes purchased on the secondary market; with a minimum credit quality rating of upper medium investment grade - at least A by Standard and Poor's, A2 by Moody's, or A by Fitch - on the date of purchase. RCW 39.59.040(8) and Washington State Investment Board Policy No. 2.05.500. B. The following secondary investment instruments are not expected to be routinely utilized in the City of Federal Way's Investment Portfolio, but are also authorized by state statute and will be disclosed and justified to council through on council monthly reporting if used: Bonds of the state of Washington and any local government in the state of Washington;" RCW 39.59.040(1) ➢ General obligation bonds of a state other than the state of Washington and general obligation bonds of a local government of a state other than the state of Washington, which bonds have at the time of investment one of the three highest credit ratings of a nationally recognized rating agency RCW 39.59.040(2) ➢ Registered warrants of a local government in the same county as the government making the investment;" RCW 39.59.040(3) p. 6 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy -)i­ Bankers' acceptances purchased on the secondary market. -where the issuing bank's credit rating at the time of investment is not less than one of the three highest ratings as rated by a nationally recognized rating agency and a short term credit rating at the time of investment is not less than P-1 as rated by Moody's and/or A-1 by Standard & Poor's and/or F-1 by Fitch Rating Agency. RCW 39.59.040(6) -)o­ Commercial paper purchased in the secondary market with maturities not exceeding 270 days, and with a short term credit rating at time of investment not less than A-1 by Standard & Poor's Rating Services and/or P-1 by Moody's Investors Service and/or F- 1 by Fitch Rating Agency. Furthermore, the long-term credit ratings of the issuer at the time of investment shall not be less than one of the three highest ratings as rated by a nationally recognized rating agency. RCW 39.59.040(7) and Washington State Investment Board Policy No. 2.05.500 ➢ Non -Negotiable Certificates of deposit with financial institutions qualified by the Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission. RCW 39.58.130 Prohibited Investments Equities (stocks), collateralized mortgage obligations, money market mutual funds, inverse floaters, negotiable certificates of deposit, repurchase and reverse repurchase agreements, cryptocurrency and any investment type not expressly permitted by City Council in this policy are not eligible investments for the City. IX. Diversification Investments in securities shall not exceed the following percentages of the portfolio at time of purchase: ➢ Washington State's Local Government Investment Pool 100% ➢ Government Sponsored Agency Securities 100%, (40% per issuer) ➢ Treasury Securities 100% ➢ Corporate notes - 15%, (the lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer) ➢ Bankers Acceptances 15% ➢ Commercial Paper 15%, (the lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer) ➢ Same-State/Local Securities 15%, (the lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer) ➢ Certificates of deposit 10%, (the lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer) ➢ Other-State/Local Securities 5%, (the lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer) ➢ Same -county local government issuer — only by city council resolution X. Maximum Maturities Staggered maturities are to be a component of the diversified investment strategy, employed to minimize reinvestment risk due to rate fluctuations building a reasonably laddered maturity schedule. The average maturity of the portfolio will not exceed 2.5 years, including cash in depository accounts and the state investment pool. (For the purposes of this calculation, the maturity date of callable securities will be the final maturity date). p. 7 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy The expected and final maturity of any security will not exceed 5-years at time of purchase. XI. Safekeeping and Custody Security transactions entered into by the City of Federal Way shall be conducted on a delivery - versus -payment (DVP) basis. Securities will be held by third party custodian designated by the Finance Director, or their designee, and evidenced by safekeeping reports that will be reconciled monthly to the portfolio. Third -party custodial reports shall be required to list, at a minimum each month, each individual security, CUSIP, purchase date, cost, market value, par value, and maturity date. XII. Collateral ization All City investments shall be collateralized as required by state law. Specifically, RCW 39.58 requires that all deposits of public funds be made with qualified public depositaries, protected through the actions of the Public Deposit Protection Commission (PDPC), which is comprised of the State Treasurer, Governor and Lieutenant Governor. State law requires that all deposits of public funds over and above federally insured amounts (including Certificates Of Deposit) be collateralized in accordance with regulations of the PDPC. All collateral is held by the PDPC. The PDPC ensures public funds deposited in banks are protected should a financial institution become insolvent. The names of authorized public depositaries may be found at: https://tre.wa.gov/pdpc- hanks/ XIII. Performance Standards Benchmark. The City's cash management portfolio shall be managed using a comparison object of the yield of LGIP, the Washington State Treasurer -administered local governmental investment pool, which is typically the next investment choice for available cash if not invested for longer. The City portfolio will have a longer average maturity than the 60-90-day average portfolio of the benchmark, so it will be less volatile. This means it can be expected that the city portfolio's average yield will trail the benchmark's yield in times of rising interest rates and lead the benchmark's yield in times of falling interest rates. Downgraded Securities. The City may, from time to time, be invested in a security whose rating is downgraded. In the event a rating drops below the minimum allowed by this policy, the Finance Director will review and recommend an appropriate plan of action to the Mayor and City Council. If the City utilizes an Investment Advisor, that Investment Advisor shall notify the City and recommend a plan of action within one month. The City may continue to hold a downgraded investment to maturity if a probable outcome is the eventual realization of full value, rather than a realized loss if divested prior to maturity. XIV. Reporting Monthly Reports The Finance Director shall make a monthly report of all investment transactions to the City Council FEDRAC Committee. (RCW 35.39.032) p. 8 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy The Finance Director shall prepare an investment report to FEDRAC, Mayor and City Council that provides a summary of the current investment portfolio and the individual transactions executed to show holdings and activities during the reporting period conform to the investment policy. The report will include the following: ➢ An asset listing showing par value, cost and market value, type of investment, issuer, days to maturity and interest rate of each security; ➢ Average days to maturity of the portfolio; ➢ Maturity distribution of the portfolio and distribution by type of investment. ➢ Credit quality of portfolio holdings; and, ➢ Average weighted yield to maturity of portfolio on investments ➢ Performance comparison to benchmark XV. INVESTMENT STRATEGY Buy and Hold. As a strategy, the City of Federal Way's investments will not be actively traded, meaning that no attempt to "buy low and sell high" or "time the market" will be made. Investments purchased with the intent of providing investment income shall be intended to be held to maturity, relying on following a prudent course of action for income rather than predicting market direction. Securities may be sold before they mature if market conditions present an opportunity for the City to capture a benefit or to avoid a risk, but the strategy will be primarily buy -and -hold. Portfolio Segmenting. In keeping with the priorities of Safety, Liquidity before Yield, the first considerations of investing will be the immediate operational needs and scheduled disbursements of capital expenditures and debt service payments. ➢ The Safety Segment of the Portfolio is held primarily in the State LGIP. This will allow for seasonal fluctuations, primarily the April/October inflows of Property Tax and outflows of capital projects. ➢ The Liquidity Segment of the portfolio is held primarily in the City's depository bank, and will be maintained at adequate levels to ensure availability. ➢ This Yield Segment of the portfolio is the portion of the City's cash reserves which, based on historical analysis, long-term budgetary planning or council -approved reserve policy, will not be subject to seasonal spending and can be invested comfortably long-term. This segment is invested in a laddered portfolio comprised of Agencies, Treasuries and other authorized investments. XVI. Internal Controls The Office of the State Auditor requires that in accordance with Revised Code of Washington 43.09.260, the City of Federal Way must undergo annual financial examinations performed by State Examiners. Investment management is to be included as part of the annual independent audit to assure compliance with this investment policy. The City's internal controls shall be designed to prevent losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties, or unanticipated changes in financial markets. Controls that the City deems important include, but are not limited to: • Control of collusion p. 9 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy ➢ Separation of functions ➢ Separation of transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping ➢ Custodial safekeeping ➢ Avoidance of bearer -form securities ➢ Specific limitations regarding securities losses and remedial action ➢ Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members ➢ Written confirmation of telephone transactions ➢ Supervisory authority of employee actions ➢ Minimize the number of authorized investment officials ➢ Documentation of transactions and strategies XVII. Investment Policy Review and Adoption The City of Federal Way's investment policy shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The policy shall be reviewed annually by the Finance Director and any significant modifications must be approved by the City Council. p. 10 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum: Glossary Accrued Interest— Interest earned but not yet received. Active Investment Management — the active trading of securities, selling prior to maturity and purchasing secondary issues, in an effort to earn higher portfolio yield by the continual monitoring of financial markets, spreads and pricing opportunities of individual securities. Requires substantially more staff time than passive investing. (see also Passive Investment Management) Agencies — (See Government Sponsored Entities) Entities chartered by Congress, such as: Fannie Mae (FNMA) Freddie Mac (FHLMC), Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB). These entities carry an implicit guaranty of the federal government. Amortization — a mathematical calculation that pays off a balance evenly while at the same time adding interest for every period. Asked — The price at which securities are offered. Bankers' Acceptance (BA) — A draft, or bin of goods, or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. Bid — The price offered for securities. Broker— A broker brings buyers and Sellers together for a commission paid by the initiator of the transaction or by both sides; he does not hold a position. In the money market, brokers are active in markets in which banks and institutional investors buy and sell bills, notes or bonds and in interdealer markets. Bullet (Non -callable Bond) — a bond issue in which all of its outstanding principal amount may not be redeemed before maturity by the issuer, therefore assuring interest earnings through to the end maturity date. Callable Bond — a bond issue in which all or part of its outstanding principal amount may be redeemed before maturity by the issuer Certificate of Deposit (CD) — a deposit of funds for a specified period of time that earns interest at a specific interest rate. Collateral — Securities, evidenced by a deposit or other property which a borrower pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public moneys. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) — The independently -audited annual report for the City of Federal Way. It includes entity -wide financial statements as well as financial statements for major funds and fund types, notes to the financial statements and required schedules. Certificates of Deposit (CD) — A time deposit with specific maturity and interest rate evidenced by a certificate. p. 11 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Commercial Paper — Unsecured short-term corporate obligations with maturities less than 270 days. Coupon — (a) The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder as a percentage of the bond's face value. Cryptocurrency — a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, typically decentralized networks based on blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger enforced by a network of computers. Currently prohibited because it can lose principal, and is therefore unsafe. It is not legal tender, essentially a risky, anonymous, volatile foreign currency. Custody— (Safekeeping) A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities are held by an independent third party for protection from fraud or theft. Dealer — A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for their own account. Delivery versus Payment (DVP) —Delivery of securities with a simultaneous exchange of money for the securities used in conjunction with a third -party custodian to assure integrity of the exchange and to prevent fraud or misdirection, similar to an escrow process in real estate. (Delivery versus receipt is a delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities.) Discount — The difference between the cost price of a security and its value at maturity when quoted at lower than its face value. A security selling below original offering price shortly after sale is also considered to be at a discount. This can be the normal mathematically equalizing of the stated rate of an investment with prevailing market rates. Discount Securities — Non -interest -bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value. Diversification — Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns and credit quality. Federal Credit Agencies — Agencies of the Federal government and guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the US Government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., Ginnie Mae, Sallie Mae, Tennessee Valley Authority. Fannie Mae — The trade name for the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), a U.S. GSE (government -sponsored entity). Farmer Mac — The trade name for the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (FAMC), a GSE (government -sponsored entity). Federal Funds Rate — The target rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is currently pegged by the Federal Open Market Committee. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) — Consists of seven members of the Federal Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank is a permanent member while the other presidents serve on a rotating p. 12 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy basis. The Committee periodically meets to set Federal Reserve funds target rate and guidelines regarding purchases and sales of Governments Securities in an open market as a means of the influencing the volume of bank credit and money supply in the economy. Federal Reserve System — The central bank of the United States created by Congress and consisting of a seven member Board of Governors in Washington, DC. There are 12 Region Banks and about 5700 commercial banks that are members of the system. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) — A Federal Agency that insures bank deposits, currently capped at $250,000 dollars per deposit. FEDRAC — Finance / Economic Development / Regional Advisory Committee, an advisory committee comprised of three city council members. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) - a private corporation that acts as a self - regulatory organization (SRO). FINRA is the successor to the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD) and the member regulation, enforcement and arbitration operations of the New York Stock Exchange. Freddie Mac — The trade name for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), a GSE (government -sponsored entity). Ginnie Mae — the trade name for the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), a GSE (government -sponsored entity). Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs) — ("Agencies") Entities chartered by Congress, such as: Fannie Mae (FNMA) Freddie Mac (FHLMC), Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB). These entities carry an implicit guaranty of the federal government. Interest Rate Risk — the risk associated with declines or rises in interest rate that cause an investment in a fixed -income security to increase or decrease in market value. Leverage - Increasing the output compared to the input. In investments, a negative application would be multiplying the yield on investable funds by investing using borrowed funds in addition to cash on hand; the risk is that when a loss is experienced, the borrowed funds must be repaid in full, multiplying the loss to the investor. Liquidity — A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash Liquidity Risk — the risk that an entity (i.e. the City) may be unable to meet short term financial demands due to the inability to convert investments to cash without a loss of principal and/or interest income. Market Risk — the risk that the value of a security will rise or decline as a result of changes in market conditions, typically interest rates. Market Value — The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. Maturity — the date upon which the principal of an investment is due and paid. p. 13 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy New Issue — An investment available at the time of issuance, and therefore not subject to the secondary market that would involve competitive bidding or price uncertainty. Non -callable Bond (Bullet) — a bond issue in which all of its outstanding principal amount may not be redeemed before maturity by the issuer, therefore assuring interest earnings through to the end maturity date. Par Value — (face value) the amount of principal that must be paid at maturity. Passive Investment Management- investing methodically, managing primarily diversification and maturities, with the intention of holding to maturity rather than seeking to make gains through market price fluctuations. Principal - the original sum of money put into an investment at time of purchase. Reinvestment Risk - the risk that the proceeds from the payment of principal and interest would have to be reinvested at a lower rate than the original investment. This is a risk of all investments regardless of maturity date or call feature because of the uncertainty of future interest rates. Call features increase reinvestment risk because of the added uncertainty; issuers typically call their bonds in a declining interest rate environment. Safekeeping — A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities and valuables of an types and descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for protection. Secondary Market— A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues following the initial distribution. SEC Rule 15C3-1 — See uniform net capital rule. Securities and Exchange Commission — Agency created by Congress to protect investors in securities transactions by administering securities legislation. Treasury Bills — A non -interest bearing discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to finance the National Debt. The above most bills are issued to mature in three months, six months, or one year. Treasury Bond — Long-term U.S. Treasury securities having initial maturities of more than 10 years. Treasury Notes — Intermediate term coupon bearing U.S. Treasury securities having initial maturities of from one to ten years. Yield — the rate of annual interest income return on investment, expressed as a percentage. p. 14 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Text of Washington Statutes (RCW) Governing Investments of Public Funds by Local Governments (Intended only for easy reference for the reader — current statutes should be confirmed) RCW 11.100.020 Management of trust assets by fiduciary. 1) A trustee shall invest and manage trust assets as a prudent investor would, by considering the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. In satisfying this standard, the trustee shall exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution. 2) A trustee's investment and management decisions respecting individual assets must be evaluated not in isolation but in the context of the trust portfolio as a whole and as a part of an overall investment strategy having risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the trust. 3) Among the circumstances that a trustee shall consider in investing and managing trust assets are such of the following as are relevant to the trust or its beneficiaries: a) General economic conditions; b) The possible effect of inflation or deflation; c) The expected tax consequences of investment decisions or strategies; d) The role that each investment or course of action plays within the overall portfolio, which may include financial assets, interests in closely held enterprises, tangible and intangible personal property, and real property; e) The expected total return from income and the appreciation of capital; f) Other resources of the beneficiaries; g) Needs for liquidity, regularity of income, and preservation or appreciation of capital; and h) An asset's special relationship or special value, if any, to the purposes of the trust or to one or more of the beneficiaries. 4) A trustee shall make a reasonable effort to verify facts relevant to the investment and management of trust assets. 5) A trustee may invest in any kind of property or type of investment consistent with the standards of this section. 6) A trustee who has special skills or expertise, or is named trustee in reliance upon the trustee's representation that the trustee has special skills or expertise, has a duty to use those special skills or expertise. RCW 35.39.030 Excess or inactive funds —Investment. Every city and town may invest any portion of the moneys in its inactive funds or in other funds in excess of current needs in: (1) United States bonds; (2) United States certificates of indebtedness; (3) Bonds or warrants of this state; (4) General obligation or utility revenue bonds or warrants of its own or of any other city or town in the state; (5) Its own bonds or warrants of a local improvement district which are within the protection of the local improvement guaranty fund law; and (6) In any other investments authorized by law for any other taxing districts. RCW 35.39.032 Approval of legislative authority —Delegation of authority —Reports. No investment shall be made without the approval of the legislative authority of the city or town expressed by ordinance: PROVIDED, That except as otherwise provided by law, the legislative authority may by ordinance authorize a city official or a committee composed p. 15 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy of several city officials to determine the amount of money available in each fund for investment purposes and make the investments authorized as indicated in RCW 35.39.030 as now or hereafter amended and the provisions of RCW 35.39.034, without the consent of the legislative authority for each investment. The responsible official or committee shall make a monthly report of all investment transactions to the city legislative authority. The legislative authority of a city or town or city official or committee authorized to invest city or town funds may at any time convert any of its investment securities, or any part thereof, into cash. RCW 35.39.034 Investment by individual fund or commingling of funds —Investment in United States securities — Validation. Moneys thus determined available for this purpose may be invested on an individual fund basis or may, unless otherwise restricted by law be commingled within one common investment portfolio for investment. All income derived from such investment shall be apportioned and used for the benefit of the various participating funds or for the benefit of the general or current expense fund as the governing body of the city of [or] town shall determine by ordinance or resolution: PROVIDED, That funds derived from the sale of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds or similar instruments of indebtedness shall be invested, or used in such manner as the initiating ordinances, resolutions, or bond covenants may lawfully prescribe. Any excess or inactive funds on hand in the city treasury not otherwise invested, or required to be invested by this section, as now or hereafter amended, may be invested by the city treasurer in United States government bonds, notes, bills, certificates of indebtedness, or interim financing warrants of a local improvement district which is within the protection of the local improvement guaranty fund law for the benefit of the general or current expense fund. All previous or outstanding investments of city or town funds for the benefit of the city's or town's general or current expense fund which have been or could be made in accordance with the provisions of this section, as now or hereafter amended, are declared valid. RCW 39.58.020 Public funds —Protection against loss. All public funds deposited in public depositaries, including investment deposits and accrued interest thereon, shall be protected against loss, as provided in this chapter. RCW 39.58.030 Public deposit protection commission —State finance committee constitutes —Proceedings. The Washington public deposit protection commission shall be the state finance committee. The record of the proceedings of the public deposit protection commission shall be kept in the office of the commission and a duly certified copy thereof, or any part thereof, shall be admissible in evidence in any action or proceedings in any court of this state. RCW 39.58.050 Collateral for deposits —Segregation —Eligible securities. (1) Every public depositary shall complete a depositary pledge agreement with the commission and a trustee, and shall at all times maintain, segregated from its other assets, eligible collateral having a value at least equal to its maximum liability and as otherwise p. 16 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy prescribed in this chapter. Eligible securities used as collateral shall be segregated by deposit with the depositary's trustee and shall be clearly designated as security for the benefit of public depositors under this chapter. (2) Securities eligible as collateral shall be valued at market value, and the total market value of securities pledged in accordance with this chapter shall not be reduced by withdrawal or substitution of securities except by prior authorization, in writing, by the commission. (3) The public depositary shall have the right to make substitutions of an equal or greater amount of eligible securities at any time. (4) The income from the securities which have been segregated as collateral shall belong to the public depositary without restriction. (5) Each of the following enumerated classes of securities, providing there has been no default in the payment of principal or interest thereon, shall be eligible to qualify as collateral: (a) Certificates, notes or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States; (b) State, county, municipal, or school district bonds or warrants of taxing districts of the state of Washington or any other state of the United States, provided that such bonds and warrants shall be only those found to be within the limit of indebtedness prescribed by law for the taxing district issuing them and to be general obligations; (c) The obligations of any United States government -sponsored corporation whose obligations are or may become eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the board of governors of the federal reserve system; (d) Bonds, notes, or other securities or evidence of indebtedness constituting the direct and general obligation of a federal home loan bank or federal reserve bank; (e) Revenue bonds of this state or any authority, board, commission, committee, or similar agency thereof, and any municipality or taxing district of this state; (f) Direct and general obligation bonds and warrants of any city, town, county, school district, port district, or other political subdivision of any state, having the power to levy general taxes, which are payable from general ad valorem taxes; (g) Bonds issued by public utility districts as authorized under the provisions of Title 54 RCW, as now or hereafter amended; (h) Bonds of any city of the state of Washington for the payment of which the entire revenues of the city's water system, power and light system, or both, less maintenance and operating costs, are irrevocably pledged, even though such bonds are not general obligations of such city. (6) In addition to the securities enumerated in this section, the commission may also accept as collateral a letter of credit from a federal home loan bank or a federal reserve bank on behalf of a public depositary, naming the commission as beneficiary. Such letters are not subject to a completed depositary pledge agreement. As such, the commission must act as the safekeeping agent for letters of credit. (7) A public depositary may also segregate such bonds, securities, and other obligations as are designated to be authorized security for public deposits under the laws of this state. (8) The commission may determine by rule or resolution whether any security, whether or not enumerated in this section, is or shall remain eligible as collateral when in the commission's judgment it is desirable or necessary to do so. RCW 39.58.135 Limitations on deposits. p. 17 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Notwithstanding RCW 39.58.130, (1) aggregate deposits received by a public depositary from all treasurers and the state treasurer shall not exceed at any time one hundred fifty percent of the value of the depositary's net worth, nor (2) shall the aggregate deposits received by any public depositary exceed thirty percent of the total aggregate deposits of all public treasurers in all depositaries as determined by the commission. However, a public depositary may receive deposits in excess of the limits provided in this section if eligible collateral, as prescribed in RCW 39.58.050, are pledged in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the value of deposits received in excess of the limitations prescribed in this section. RCW 39.59.010 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) "Bond" means any agreement which may or may not be represented by a physical instrument, including but not limited to bonds, notes, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness, that evidences an obligation under which the issuer agrees to pay a specified amount of money, with or without interest, at a designated time or times either to registered owners or bearers. (2) "Local government" means any county, city, town, special purpose district, political subdivision, municipal corporation, or quasi -municipal corporation, including any public corporation, authority, or other instrumentality created by such an entity. (3) "State" includes any state in the United States, other than the state of Washington. RCW 39.59.020 Authorized investments —Local government authority. (1) Local governments in the state of Washington are authorized to invest their funds and money in their custody or possession, eligible for investment, in investments authorized by this chapter. (2) Nothing in this section is intended to limit or otherwise restrict a local government from investing in additional authorized investments if that local government has specific authority to do so. RCW 39.59.040 Authorized investments —Bonds, warrants, certificates, and other investments. Any local government in the state of Washington may invest in: (1) Bonds of the state of Washington and any local government in the state of Washington; (2) General obligation bonds of a state and general obligation bonds of a local government of a state, which bonds have at the time of investment one of the three highest credit ratings of a nationally recognized rating agency; (3) Subject to compliance with RCW 39.56.030, registered warrants of a local government in the same county as the government making the investment; (4) Certificates, notes, or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States; or United States dollar denominated bonds, notes, or other obligations that are issued or guaranteed by supranational institutions, provided that, at the time of investment, the institution has the United States government as its largest shareholder; p. 18 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy (5) Federal home loan bank notes and bonds, federal land bank bonds and federal national mortgage association notes, debentures and guaranteed certificates of participation, or the obligations of any other government sponsored corporation whose obligations are or may become eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the board of governors of the federal reserve system; (6) Bankers' acceptances purchased on the secondary market; (7) Commercial paper purchased in the secondary market, provided that any local government of the state of Washington that invests in such commercial paper must adhere to the investment policies and procedures adopted by the state investment board; and (8) Corporate notes purchased on the secondary market, provided that any local government of the state of Washington that invests in such notes must adhere to the investment policies and procedures adopted by the state investment board. RCW 43.250.040 Authority of official to place funds in the public funds investment account --Investment of funds by state treasurer --Degree of judgment and care required. If authorized by statute, local ordinance, resolution, or other appropriate official action, the state treasurer, a government finance official or financial officer or his or her designee, or authorized tribal official, may place funds into the public funds investment account for investment and reinvestment by the state treasurer in those securities and investments set forth in RCW 43.84.080 and chapter 39.58 RCW. The state treasurer shall invest the funds in such manner as to effectively maximize the yield to the investment pool. In investing and reinvesting moneys in the public funds investment account and in acquiring, retaining, managing, and disposing of investments of the investment pool, there shall be exercised the judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of the funds considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital. p. 19 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Text of Federal Way Revised Code Federal Way Revised Code contains no language pertaining to investments. This page is to confirm there are no City -level restrictions beyond state statutes. p. 20 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Broker/Dealer Questionnaire The Washington City of Federal Way, incorporated in 1990, provides a range of municipal services, including general government, police, streets, community development, planning and zoning, code enforcement, parks and recreation, and municipal services. Roughly 340 employees serve about 96,000 residents covering about 23 square miles with an annual operating budget of around $85 million. The City's manageable cash ranges from $60 to $90 million of which about $40 is invested principally in Treasuries and GSE medium term notes with remaining liquidity maintained in the Washington State Treasurer's Local Governmental Investment Pool LGIP. The City has adopted a written Investment Policy that regulates the standards and procedures used in its cash management activities. The most current policy is publicly available and should be reviewed prior to completing this form. Firm Name: Year Founded: Corporate office address: Telephone #s: Principal, Managing Name Title Direct phone Director or Partner: E-mail address Is your firm a broker (does not own securities being offered Is your firm a dealer (does own securities being offered)? _ Local office address: Please attach a bio or resume of the primary and secondary representatives covering this account, including securities -related employment history, licensing, certificates, complaints, disciplinary action, arbitration, litigation: Primary Representative: Name Title Direct phone E-mail address Secondary Representative: Name Title Direct phone E-mail address p. 21 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Provide proof of registration with State of Washington Provide proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Provide documentation that your firm is qualified under SEC rule 15C3-1 (Uniform Net Capital Rule) Provide most recent audited financials Is your firm is examined by and subject to rules and regulations of: FDIC SEC NYSE Comptroller of Currency Federal Reserve System List three current, active, comparable, municipal client references: Entity Name Contact Address Phone / E-mail Entity Name Contact Address Phone / E-mail Entity Name Contact Address Phone / E-mail ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No What market sectors are you and your firm currently involved? (Please feel free to provide additional information regarding specialization in any of the following market sectors). Firm Involvement US Treasuries US Agency Bonds Washington State Bonds Municipal Bonds Corporate Bonds CDARS Commercial Paper Other Broker Involvement Please provide your normal custody and delivery process, including specific banking relationships. What was your firm's total volume in US Government and agency securities trading last year? p. 22 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Has this firm, or the representatives assigned to this account, been subject to a regulatory agency, state or federal investigation for alleged improper, disreputable, unfair or fraudulent activities related to the sale of securities or money market instruments that resulted in a suspension or censure? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Is there outstanding litigation which would materially affect your financial stability? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Do you provide any fixed income research and economic commentary? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Describe the precautions taken by your firm to protect the interests of the public when dealing with a local public entity. ❑ Attached ❑ NA Has any client sustained a loss on a securities transaction engendered from a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the risk characteristic of a financial instrument by your firm? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Please confirm that you are: (1) familiar with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Sections 39.59.010 et al. (2) have read, understand and agree to comply with the provisions of City of Federal Way's current investment policy by signing below. Name: Signature: Title: Date: Name: Signature: Title: Date: Name: Signature: Title: Date: p. 23 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Approved Broker/Dealer List p. 24 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Acknowledgement of Receipt/Adherence to Current Policy City of Federal Way requires an annual certification from authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions of having read the current investment policy. It is the intent of the City of Federal Way to pro -actively contact current existing financial institutions annually, or at any change in the City's investment policy, and to maintain the current investment policy on the City's public website. This is to acknowledge receipt of the City of Federal Way's current Investment Policy adopted by City Council on 03/05/2019. Entity name: Name: Signature: Please sign and submit via mail or email to: City of Federal Way 33325 8th Ave South, Finance Department Federal Way, WA 98003 Title: Date: Current staff contact information is available on the City Website: https://www.cityoffederalway.com/content/Finance p. 25 of 25