04-05-2022 - 04-04 16:20 Lynne MooreCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity Public Comment - Written Meeting Type: City Council - Regular Meeting Meeting Date: April 05, 2022 Name: Lynne Moore Resident/Business Owner: ❑✓ Yes ❑ No Comment Topic: The Unhoused Among Us Written Comment: I understand that the unhoused will be a topic of discussion at the meeting on Tuesday. Although I will be unable to attend, I would like to make a statement for the record. I keep hearing that housing is in short supply, such that the situation is frequently described as a "Housing Crisis." For example, a quick online search yielded the following: "understanding King County's housing affordability crisis" https://kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human- services/housing/affordable-housing-committee/data.aspx. Washington Section 8 Waiting Lists Open Now I understand that people want to improve their surroundings, but I believe treating human beings as vermin is not the answer, doing so not only displays an absolute lack of compassion, it is cruel, intolerant, and inhumane. Clearly, people are bothered, I understand that. I also can imagine how I would feel if I were not lucky enough to have a home. Unhoused people have no safe, private place to rest, never mind sleep or in which to store their belongings. Unhoused people have no addresses, and without an address, no employer will hire them. I saw a news documentary in which a reporter followed an unhoused man and his son, showing how they had to work all day just to get food and something to drink, but they had no safe place to rest, never mind reliable access to a sink, toilet, or shower. The man desperately wanted to have a home and provide one for his son, but without an address he couldn't get a job. I do not smoke, drink, or use drugs, yet if I had to sleep outside in the cold and wet, without comfort or safety, I can imagine that after enough days of those miserable conditions, I might resort to drinking or using drugs —anything to numb myself from the pain and anguish of having no safe, comfortable, place to rest or store my belongings, no way to get a job, feeling trapped in endless danger, discomfort, exposure, and being reviled by many in the community, particularly when I gathered with others to try to establish a safer, more comfortable place to sleep. I have heard, and readily believe, that the longer someone is homeless, the longer someone has to endure the misery of discomfort, suffering, and community revilement, the more difficult it is for them to manage to turn their life around and have a home, a job, and community acceptance and respect. I would support having parking lots where unhoused people with cars can safely remain overnight. I would also support a community of tiny houses where needed services are available. Some houses that have long been vacant and boarded up --such as one on the corner of SW Dash Point Rd & 12th Ave SW --could be refurbished and used as a transitional group home with full-time trained staff (such as graduate students working on Social Service/Psychology/Social Work/etc. degrees and licensure) managing the household, making appropriate referrals, and assisting residents with accessing needed services and overall recovery in order to regain their lives, transition to holding jobs and having permanent housing. The city could also provide single occupancy sleeping & storage spaces, much like some airports have for travelers to have a berth big enough for one person. At the very least, the city could provide lockers where the unhoused can store their belongings and facilities where the unhoused have reliable, safe access to sinks, toilets, and showers. Please enter my statement into the record. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. I would also appreciate it if you would seriously consider my suggestions and doing more to meet the need. Received: 04:04 04:20