Council MIN 12-17-1991 Regular MINUTES FEDERAL WAY cm COUNCn... 33530 First Way South Federal Way, WA 98003 December 17, 1991 I. CAIL MEE11NG TO ORDER Mayor Debra Ertel called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m., in City Council Chambers, City of Federal Way, 33530 First Way South, Federal. Way, Washington. II. PLEDGE OF AILEGIANCE Led by Council.member Handmacher. III. COUNCn... ROIL CAIL Council.members present: Deputy Mayor MtIrY Gates, Jim Handmacher, Lynn Templ.eton, Joel. Marks, Bob Stead and Jim Webster. Staff present: J. Brent McFal.l., city Manager; Sandra Driscol.l, city Attorney, and Maureen SWaney, city clerk. IV. PRESENTATIONS a. Federal. Way High School Girl.s' Soccer Team Mayor Ertel. presented the championship team and read congratulatory proclamation which was presented to the team. a b. outgoing Councilmembers Deputy Mayor Mary Gates gave a Webster, Texas pin to Councilmember Jim Webster; chocolate dice to council member Jim Handmacher, and a copy of "Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery Day" proclamation to Mayor Debbie Ertel.. At this time, Deputy Mayor Gates presented engraved plaques to each outgoing councilmember. Councilmember Templeton recited a poem entitled, HOde to Debbie, Jim and Jim," a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part of the minutes. c. Arts Commission Mayor Ertel presented certificates to outgoing Arts Commission members shirley Mitchell and Louise Porter. ORIGINAL City Council Minutes December 17, 1991 - Page TWo v. CITIZEN COMMENT Gail Pierson, 3516 South 336th, Auburn, Washington, thanked the outgoing councilmembers on behalr or Federal Way School Board. Councilmember Webster inrormed the counail that Ms. pierson has just been elected chairperson or the school board. VI. CONSENT AGENDA a. b. c. e. r. g. h. Minutes - 11/26/91,12/3/91,12/10/91 Voucher Accept/File Financial Report Renewal or Public Derense Contract Interlocal with school District Approval or Interlocal with King County - Police Services Arts Commission Appointments Motion ror approval or the Consent Agenda without item #d by Councilmember Stead; Second by Councilmember Templeton. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Harks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes d. Adoption or Legislative Package Councilmember Webster reminded starr that certain changes had not. been made since this item was presented at study session. He moved that this item be approved with the previously requested amendment under personnel on page 5 or the starr report; Second by Council member Stead. Motion passed as rollows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes VII. ENA CIMENT ORDINANCES Council member Stead moved to suspend the rules on ordinances listed under a, b, c, d and e so as to enact these ordinances at one meeting; Second by Council member Handmacher. Motion passed as City counci~ Hinutes December ~7, ~99~ - Page 3 :fo~~ows: Handmacher Gates Harks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel stead Yes Yes Yes a. ORDINANCE NO. 9~-~~8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNt;!IL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO $OCIAL SECURITY, AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AS REQUIRED BY INTERNAL REV'ENUE SERVICE. (AMENDING ORDINANCE 90-74) Motion :for approval by Council member TellJpleton; Second by Deputy Mayor Gates. Mr. McFall explained the necessity o:f this ordinance, and the ordinance to :follow, both o:f which relate to the IRS requirements o:f the Federal Way Retirement System. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Yes Templeton Yes Gates Yes Ertel Yes Marks Yes Stead Yes Webster Yes b. ORDINANCE NO. 91-119 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO SOCIAL SECURITY, AMENDING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO PROVIDE THAT PART'I'IME SEASONAL AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES SHALL CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIAL SECURITY IN LIEU OF PARTICIPATING IN THE CITY'S PL/iN; AND THE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SHALL CONTRIBUTE TO A SECTION 457 I.R.S. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN IN LIEU OF PARTICIPATING IN THE CITY'S PLAN; AND TO PROVIDE FURTHER THAT THE PARTICIPANT ACCOUNTS IN THE PLAN ARE TO BE VALUED QUARTERLY, RATHER THAN ANNUALLY AS NCM PROVIDED. (AMENDING ORDINANCE 90-74 AND ORDINANCE 91-118) Motion for approval by Deputy Hayor Gates; Second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as :follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes city Counci~ Minutes December ~7, ~99~ - Page 4 c. ORDINANCE NO. 9~-~20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 90-24 WHICH FIXED LEAVE PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEES. Motion for approva~ by Council member Temp~eton; Counci~member Stead. Motion passed as fo~~ows: Second by Handmacher Yes Templeton Yes Gates Yes Ertel Yes Marks Yes Stead Yes Webster Yes d. ORDINANCE NO. 91-121 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUN(J:rL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLI$HIN4 SPECIFIC CITY FUNDS; DEFINING THEIR PURPOSE AND JœVENUE SOURCE(S); SPECIFYING THE FUND ADMINISTRATOR TO B.E TiJ:¡¡; FINANCE DIRECTOR, OR AS MAY BE DESIGNATED BY THE CITY MANAGER; PROVIDING OTHER PERTINENT GENERAL AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION RELATED TO EACH FUND; AUTHORIZING THE MlU'tING OF INTERFUND LOANS OF MUNICIPAL MONIES TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RCW 43.09.210, PROVIDING FOR THE ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES WHEN SUCH INTERFUND LOANS ARE MADE, AND AUTHORIZING INTERIM, TEMPORARY LOANS BE'lWEEN FUNDS WITHIN A FISCAL YEAR. Motion for approval counci~member Stead. by Councilmember Templeton; Second by Councilmember Webster wanted the city Manager, in lieu of the Finance Director, to be responsible under the terms of this ordinance. He moved to amend the motion to designate the City Manager as the fund administer; Second by Councilmember Handmacher. Motion to amend passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton .Ertel stead Yes Yes Yes Original motion, as amended, passed as tollows: Handmacher Yes Templeton Yes Gates Yes Ertel Yes Marks Yes Stead Yes Webster Yes city council Minutes December 17, 1991 - Page 5 e. ORDINANCE NO. 91-122 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A PORTION OF THE REVISED 1991 BUDGET Motion for approval by Councilmember Gate"; Second by Councilmember Templeton. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Yes Templeton Yes Gates Yes Ertel Yes Marks No stead Yes Webster Yes f. ORDINANCE NO. 91-123 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE (ORDINANCE NO. 90-43) RELATING TO REGULATEIJ WETLANDS, BY AMENDING SECTION 80.145 RELATING TO DE'l'ERJlINATION OF REGULATED WETLANDS; AND BY AMENDING 80.155.4 TO AI.J.tCM CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF LOCATING AND/OR RELOCATING IMPROVEMENTS OR LAND SURFACE MODIFICATIONS, CONDITIONED UPON MITIGATION OF IMPACTS WITHIN REGULATED WETLANDS. Greg Fewins, Senior Planner, gave a brief staff report on the remand issues. He said the council hàd been presented wi th a recommended ordinance from the planning Commission and a substitute ordinance from the Planning/Public Works/Transportation Committee. He told the council they could approve, deny or modify the ordinance. Motion to suspend the rules and enact this ordinance in one reading by CouncilJ/lember Handmacher; Second by Councilmember Templeton. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes Motion by Councilmember Handmacher :for approval of the substitute ordinance :from the council committee; Second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as :follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes 'l'ej¡ pløton Ertel Stea4 Yes Yes Yes City Counci~ Minutes December ~7, ~99~ - Page 6 g. ORDINANCE NO. 9~-~24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING A SOLID WASTE UTILITY, AND CREATING A SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND RECYCLING PROGRAM. Pear~ Kronstad, Engineer III, reviewed this ordinance and re~ated contract. Hs. Kronstad informed the council that if this ordinance was delayed it could jeopardize grant applications; the city has already been granted extensions in forming this utili ty and associated programs. The council was advised on the previous public hearings, public meetings and mailings related to this issue. After a brie:t discussion on the rate structure, Deputy Mayor Gates coJ J ented on a needed educational program and urged this program get underway. Motion to suspend the rules and enact this ordinance at one meeting by Deputy Mayor Gates; Second by CounCillllember Handmacher. Motion passed as :follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes No Motion to approve the ordinance by Deputy Mayor Gates; Second by Council member Handmacher. Motion passed as :follows: Handmacher Gates Harks Webster Yes Yes No Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes (~) Contract with Féêleral Way Disposal Motion for approval by Councilmembe~ Handmacher; Councilmember Templeton. Hotion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster TemplØton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes Yes Second by Yes Yes Yes City Council Minutes December ~7, ~99~ - Page 7 IX. RESOLUI10NS a. RESOLUTION NO. 9~-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN EMERGENCY SERVICES ORGANIZATION AND DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS OR HER DESIGNEE AS THE HEAD OF THE ORGANIZATION Deputy Mayor Gates reviewed this proposed resolution since it was discussed at the council's Administration Committee meeting. Motion for approval by Deputy Mayor Gates; Second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes !1'emp,t.øton Ertel støad Yes Yes Yes b. RESOLUTION NO. 91-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF HAMPSTEAD GREEN, DIVISION 2, DESIGNATED AS KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. SB9PO044. Motion for approval by Councilmember Stead; Second by Councilmember Handmacher. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes x. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Gateway Monument Proposal Deb Barker, Community Development De~tment, explained this proposal which is to be located off t~. I-5 exit on 320th; the project will be funded entirely by donations. The council was told this monument is a structure and not.... sign; funding (approximately $15,000) will be obtained prior to construction. Motion to authorize city Manager to enter into agreement by Councilmember Stead; Second by council member Handmacher. Motion City council Minutes December 17,1991 - Page 8 passed as follows: HandJDacher Gates Marks Webster rrempj. eton Erte Stead Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Councilmember Templeton publicly thanked the Federal Way Lions Club for their work on t;his project; Deputy Mayor Gates mentioned this project was first discussed when city Hall was still at the Steel Lake Fire Hall. XI. CI1Y MANAGER REPORT Mr. McFall reminded the council that this was Finance Director John Moir's last council meeting. a. Performance Based Pay Plan Mr. McFall explained this proposal which would be a merit based system; he requested council authorization to proceed with implementation. Motion to approve by Deputy Mayor Gates; Second by Councilmember Webster. Councilmember Wel>ster complimented the city Manager on what looks like an excellent program. Councilmember Handmacher agreed and stated that the adl1linistration of said plan needs to be monitored. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster rrelllpleton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes Yes b. Purchasing Policy Yes Yes Yes Mr. McFall reminded the council there was a motion on the floor from the December 3, 1991 meeting; this motion had been tabled. Motion to remove from table by Councilmember Stead; Second by Councilmember Handmacher. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes December 3, 1991 motion for amendment té:! have bids for materials, supplies and equipment in excess of $20,000, instead of $50,000, City Council Minutes December 17, 1991 - Page 9 was voted on and passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes Deputy Mayor Gates moved to amend t~. main motion by adding whenever reasonable the Purchasing Mana~ør will purchase recycled materials; Second by Council member steaa. Motion to amend passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster Yes Yes Yes Yes Templeton Ertel Stead Yes Yes Yes Councilmember Webster reminded the council that recycled materials usually cost more. Mr. McFall said staf:f will bring the council a set guidelines. The December 3, 1991 main motion, as amended, passed as follows: Handmacher Yes Templeton Yes Gates Yes Ertel Yes Marks Yes Stead Yes Webster Yes (Note to Record: The motion made Dectamber 3, 1991, as amended December 17,1991, is to approve the staff recommended purchasing policies.) XlI. COUNCIL REPORTS Council member Webster reported on Parks/Recreation/Human Services Committee which will meet on Wednesday, December 18,1991, at 7:30 a.m.. Councilmember Webster commented on the interlocal agreement which had been on tonight's Consent Agenda; this is a milestone that :formalizes a working partnership between the School District and the Ci ty. He offered his congratulations to John Moir and told him he would be missed. Deputy Mayor Gates reported on the Administration Committee which will meet on Friday, December 20,1991, at 7:30 a.m.. Deputy Mayor Gates mentioned Mayor Ertel and councilmember Handmacher are invited to a Metro Council meeting on December 19, 1991. City Counci~ Minutes December ~7, ~99~ - Page ~O Counci~member Handmacher reported on the Planning, Transportation, Public Works Committee by saying their work for the year had been finished. Councilmember Handmacher agreed with the comments about John Moir JDade by Council member Webster. He offered his appreciation to the city staff and said he hoped the city didn't lose them; he valued his time working with both the staff and the council and would treasure the time spent and the work accomplished. Councilmember stead said he would echo many of the comments he has heard this evening; he has spent more time with Mayor Ertel and Councilmembers Handmacher and Webster than his family and that he wou~d expect certain services from these three peop~e on occasion; he thanked them for all they have done tor the city. Councilmember Webster said it has beøl1 a pleasure working with this council and the staff and it was going to be a pleasure taking the high road; this council was a class act 4nd they have done a pretty good job. His advised the incoming council to do it right and set a good pace for the community. Mayor Ertel agreed with all the col/J ents made and thanked the staff and the council for an exceptional two years. Councilmember Templeton requested the City Manager send the appropriate communication and condolences to the Yarborough family. XIII. CI71ZEN COMMENT None. XIV. EXECU11VE SESSION The council recessed into executive session at the hour of 8:37 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Prior to 9:00 p.m., a 5 minute extension was requested. xv. AD! 0 URNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.;/þ; I I ~ 'f1íJ If ODE TO DEBBIE, JIM &: JIM 1WAS the week before ChristmlJS and throughout City Hall few creatures were stirring The budget's done, 4fter all THE City was dressed up with shoppers galore in hopes that our sales U1X would toUÙ - MORE .AND MORE WHEN w1wt to my wondering eyes did appear but Ertel, Webster and Handmacher - a vision so clear NOW Debbie's aglow - it must be that ring though the shine off that rock's such that 1 can't see the dam thing .AND Jim W is all smiles - just look at his grin - cause when asked of the Airstrip, he says, "talk to Lynn"! .AND look at Jim H, the widest eyes of them all. No nwre land use meetings instead Monday Night Football YES, the City win progress, since we won't change its name but without our three heros it just won't be the same FOR 110 11Wtter who succeeds her for years UlIJO thee to me Debbie's the "Mayor" and always shall be .AND each time 1 walk in a park new or old I'll think of Jim Webster who stood strong and bold a". am:~ Ojffœ 12111J/91 AND never again will we do ill to the land Jim HlJIIdmacher's tribute is ÙUJl growth will be planned IT'S two years si1l£e I spoke to our group with a rhyme I expressed at that hour - fJlll. nwment in tþtIe ÙUJl my wish for us wasn't shrouded or jest I hoped our FIRST COUNCIL would be thought as our best IN my mind ÙUJl's true, not folly or whim and the folks who saw to it wert Deb, Jim and Jim SO, though our new paths will not meet quite as often OUR friendships are steadfast and never shall soften for Jim, Jim and Debbie - two truths are now found YOU care about people and cared for our town I take my last words from a nwst lovely PS(llm: May the waters of your crossing be gentle and calm. CoÙ1lCilmember Lynn Templeton December 17, 1991