Council MIN 04-16-1991 Regular & Special FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Apri116, 1991 SPECIAL SESSION 6:00 P.M. - ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCE For Purpose of Executive Session Evaluation of City Manager RCW 42.30.110(g) ROOM Mayor Debra Ertel called the Federal Way City Council Special/Executive Session to order at the hour of 6:00 p.m., on the 16th day of April, 1991, in the Administration Conference Room, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington; and recessed the meeting at 7:00 p.m., to be reconvened following the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION 7:00 P.M. - COUNCIL CHAMBERS I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Debra Ertel called the Federal Way city Council Regular Session to order at the hour of 7: 05 p.m., on the 16th day of April, 1991, in Council Chambers, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Templeton led the Council, city Staff and audience in the flag salute. ill. COUNCIL ROLL CALL Council Present: Mayor Debra Ertel, Deputy Mayor Mary Gates and Councilmembers Jim Handmacher, Lynn Templeton, Joel Marks, Bob Stead and Jim Webster. City staff Present: City Manager J. Brent McFall, city Attorney Sandra Driscoll, City Clerk Maureen Swaney and Deputy City Clerk Chris Green. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Bruce Bannina, 28612 Redondo Beach Drive South, Redondo, spoke in opposition to the proposed Redondo Beach Drive Resolution; he feels a decision on the issue is premature at this time. ORIGINAL FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 16, 1991 - Page 2 v. VI. Mike Berry, 28632 Redondo Beach Drive, Redondo, spoke in opposition to the proposed Redondo Beach Drive Resolution; he was instrumental in obtaining over 1000 signatures on a recent petition drive opposing the reopening of the roadway. Rick Gardner, 309 SW 321st, Federal Way, expressed his concern about recent flooding problems in the Campus Woods area. Lisa Richards, 28806 Redondo Shore Drive, Federal Way, spoke in opposition to the proposed Redondo Beach Drive Resolution; she submitted written information to the Council from the Redondo Community Club membership regarding the issue. Doua Andrews, 28807 Redondo Shores Drive South, Redondo, spoke in opposition to the proposed Redondo Beach Drive Resolution; he feels a decision is premature at this time and asked the Council to table the issue. Sam Elder, 30105-2nd Place SW, Federal Way, spoke in favor of the proposed Redondo Beach Drive Resolution; he feels the road should be rebuilt to allow access for all citizens to enjoy the area. Jerry Parisi, 28636 Beach Drive South, Redondo, spoke in opposition to the proposed Redondo Beach Drive Resolution; he urged the Council to not make a decision at this time. PROCLAMATIONS A. B. C. National victims' Rights Week spring Clean Recognition of First Anniversary of Weyerhaeuser/King County Aquatic Center Mayor Ertel read all proclamations, and presented the spring Clean proclamation to Gina Hungerford, this year' s Chairman of spring Clean 1991 in Federal Way. The Aquatic Center proclamation will be hand delivered to County Counci1member Paul Barden. CONSENT AGENDA A. B. Minutes Voucher FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 16, 1991 - Page 3 Motion by Councilmember Marks to approve consent agenda; second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster yes yes yes yes Templeton Ertel Stead yes yes yes VIT. RESOLUTIONS A. Redondo Beach Drive A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, RELATING TO REDONDO BEACH DRIVE. Motion by Councilmember Stead to approve the resolution; second by Deputy Mayor Gates. Prior to a vote on the original motion, Councilmember Marks made an additional motion to table the resolution, as he feels the issue is out of the Council's jurisdiction; second by Councilmember Stead. Motion to table the resolution passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster yes yes yes yes Templeton Ertel Stead no yes no NOTE: No vote was taken on the original motion to approve the resolution. Mayor Ertel announced the issue would be added to the next regular meeting agenda, following King County's public hearing on the matter. Park lane Estates Division II Final Plat Approval B. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF PARKLANE ESTATES, DIVISION 2, DESIGNATED AS KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. 589-21. Senior Planner Stephen Clifton presented the City Staff report and recommendation and answered Council questions. One of the major concerns was the open space area allocated to the city under specific conditions. Also present was developer Brian McAloney who responded to various Council questions, and at the conclusion of the discussion agreed to accept additional conditions as outlined by Councilmember Handmacher. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 16, 1991 - Page 4 Motion by Councilmember Handmacher to approve the final plat with a few additional conditions, to-wit: (1) that Tracts C, D and E be dedicated to the City without a condition that it be considered as future open space for properties outside this plat; and (2) that pedestrian access at the southerly extension of 15th Place SW be delineated in a way satisfactory to City staff that will adequately protect pedestrians using the roadway; second by Councilmember Templeton. Motion to approve Resolution No. 91-58 "Parklane Estates, Division 2, Final Plat", with additional specified conditions, passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster yes yes yes yes Templeton Ertel Stead yes yes yes C. Park Funding A RESOLUTION FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR AN OUTDOOR RECREATION PROJECT TO THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION AS PROVIDED BY THE MARINE RECREATION LAND ACT. Mayor Ertel pulled the proposed resolution from the agenda, as the Parks Committee will be meeting tomorrow morning to further discuss the issue. VIII . ENACTMENT 0 RD IN AN CES A. zoning Code Amendment/cemeteries AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE (ORDINANCE NO. 40-43) BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 15.80, TO ALLOW CEMETERIES AS A PERMITTED USE IN CERTAIN ZONES. Motion by Councilmember Templeton to approve Ordinance No. 91-92 "Amendment to zoning Code/Cemeteries"; second by Councilmember Marks. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster yes yes yes yes Templeton Ertel Stead yes yes yes FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 16, 1991 - Page 5 B. Establishing Parks and Recreation Commission AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, ESTABLISHING THE FEDERAL WAY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION, SPECIFYING THE DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS THEREOF. Motion by Councilmember Webster to approve Ordinance No. 91-93 "Parks/Recreation Commission"; second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher yes Templeton yes Gates yes Ertel yes Marks yes Stead yes Webster yes IX. COUNCIL BUSINESS A. 1991 City Council Election Policy City Manager McFall explained the method of determining staggered terms of office for Council positions in the upcoming election would be as follows: positions 1, 3, 5 and 7 elected for four (4) year term and positions 2, 4 and 6 elected for two (2) year term; when the two (2) year terms expire, all positions will become four (4) year terms. Motion by Councilmember Webster to approve proposed Council election procedure as presented by City Manager; second by Councilmember Templeton. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher yes Templeton yes Gates yes Ertel yes Marks no Stead yes Webster yes B. Quarterly Financial Report City Manager McFall and Finance Director John Moir presented the quarterly financial report to Council. x. CITY MANAGER REPORT Mr. McFall presented an updated status report on the city's business registration program. He further explained the necessity for scheduling a Special Session FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 16, 1991 - Page 6 prior to next week's study Session, for the purpose of reviewing the lAC Funding Resolution, since all applications must be received by May 1, 1991. Motion by Deputy Mayor Gates to approve a Special Session on April 23, 1991, at 7: 00 p.m., for the purpose of considering the adoption of the lAC Funding Resolution, followed by scheduled Council study Session; second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster yes yes yes yes Templeton Ertel Stead yes yes yes, XI. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Handmacher reported the Planning, Public Works & Transportation Committee met last night; the next meeting will be April 29th, at 7:00 p.m., which agenda includes a presentation by Quadrant and City Staff on master drainage plan problems in West Campus area. He also reported that any proposed changes on the Metro Dial-A-Ride program need to be submitted by tomorrow, and inquired if Council of Whole would like to be present for the City Staff report. The decision was made to have Traffic Engineer Tim Miller report to Council following tonight's Special/Executive Session, with all interested councilmembers invited to attend. Councilmember Templeton reported he will be attending the Human Services Roundtable on May 15th, with the next work session scheduled for May 22nd. Deputy Mayor Gates reported the next meeting of the Administration & Public Safety Committee will be Friday, April 19th, at 7:30 a.m., to discuss Fire Department long range plans. Councilmember Marks reported he attended the recent Cultural Arts Commission meeting; they are currently working on publication of a newsletter. councilmember Stead had no report at this time. Councilmember Webster thanked City staff for the . excellent financial report. The Parks, Recreation & Human Services Committee will meet tomorrow, at 7:30 a.m., with discussions on open space, the street tree ordinance and lAC funding. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MINUTES April 16, 1991 - Page 7 Mayor Ertel reported the League of Women Voters will meet tomorrow night at Totem Junior High School. xu. CITIZEN COMMENT Ilene Marckx, 349l5-4th Avenue South, Federal Way, expressed her concern about the lack of surface water management for the proposed Park lane Estates II development. Ron Zaffino, 4332 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, submitted information to the Council regarding his request for a sign height variance; he is also interested in promoting food and beverage service within the City in a positive light following the newly adopted .08 intoxication level. H. David KaDlan, 30240-27th Avenue South, Federal Way, congratulated the Council for the additional condition requirements placed on the Parklane Estates II project. He also reminded the audience of Thursday night's public hearing regarding parks and recreation open space. xm. SPECIALÆXECUTIVE SESSION CONTINUATION Mayor Ertel recessed the Regular Session at 9:20 p.m., and reconvened the Special/Executive Session at 9: 30 p.m.. She adjourned the Special/Executive Session and reconvened the Regular Session at 10:10 p.m.. Motion by Councilmember Webster to renew City Manager McFall's contract at an annual salary of $84,000, with remaining provisions unchanged; second by Councilmember Stead. The motion passed as follows: Handmacher Gates Marks Webster yes yes no yes Templeton Ertel Stead yes yes yes XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Ertel journed the Regular Session at the hour of 10:12 p.m.. . Chr1st1ne Green Deputy City Clerk