Council MIN 06-18-1991 Regular I. II. III. IV. v. A. B. C. .~ FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING June 18,1991 - 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers - city Hall * * * * * * * * * * CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ertel called the Federal Way City Council regular meeting to order at the hour of 7:05 p.m., on the 18th day of June, 1991, in Council Chambers, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE councilmember Lynn Templeton led the flag salute. COUNCIL ROLL CALL Council Present: Mayor Debra Ertel and Councilmembers Jim Handmacher, Lynn Templeton, Joel Marks and Bob Stead. Excused Absence: Deputy Councilmember Jim Webster. Mayor Mary Gates and City Staff Present: City Manager J. Brent McFall, Assistant City Attorney Carolyn Lake, City Clerk Maureen Swaney and Deputy city Clerk Chris Green. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ed Stickel, 1228 SW 296th st, Federal Way, spoke in favor of voter pamphlet participation for the city of Federal Way; he feels such participation is essential to present unbiased information regarding issues and candidates. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Minutes - June 4, 1991 Approval of Voucher File/Accept Finance Report (City Staff Contact: John Moir) ORIGINAL FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 2 Motion by Councilmember Templeton to approve Consent Agenda; second by Councilmember Stead. Discussion: Councilmember Handmacher inquired about the nuisance beaver removal expense reflected on page 8 of the voucher and was given an explanation. Motion to approve Consent Agenda passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence VI. RESOLUTIONS (Next Res No. 91-63) A. Campus Highlands Division #5 Final Plat A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF CAMPUS HIGHLANDS, DESIGNATED AS KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. 1186-23, DIVISION NO.5. (City Staff Contact: Margaret Clark) Motion by Councilmember Handmacher to approve Resolution No. 91-63 "Final Plat Approval of Campus Highlands"; second by Councilmember Stead. Discussion: Councilmember Handmacher explained the plat approval was reviewed by the Planning, Public Works, Transportation Committee, and following discussion of the pro rata share contribution of the developer for improvements, recommended a pro rata share of $4,037 be accepted from Quadrant to fulfill the condition. The committee also recommended final approval of the plat. Motion to approve Resolution No. 91-63 passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 3 B. Vehicle License Fee A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, PROGRAMMING AND COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR USING LOCAL OPTION TRANSPORTATION REVENUES AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 82.80 RCW. (City Staff Contact: Greg McCormick) Public Works Director Philip Keightley provided the city Staff report to Council, explaining the process has been tailored to meet Federal Way I s needs following King County I s levied vehicle license fee effective July 1, 1991, and advised the city needs to adopt a process for meeting RCW 82.80 requirements prior to authorization of expenditures. Motion by Councilmember Handmacher to approve Resolution No. 91-64 "Vehicle License Fee"; second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence VII. INTRODUCTION ORDINANCES (Next Ord No. 91-102) A. Amendment to Underground Facilities Ordinance No. 91-90 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 91-90, TO DELETE THE REQUIREMENT OF UNDERGROUND CONVERSION FOR EXISTING UTILITIES, AND FOR RELOCATIONS, REPLACEMENTS OR UPGRADES THERETO. (City Council Contact: Councilmember Joel Marks) Mayor Ertel introduced the first reading, and asked Councilmember Marks if he would like to comment on his proposed ordinance. Councilmember Marks explained the amendment does not change existing utilities, only utility undergrounding requirements in areas of new construction. Mayor Ertel announced the second reading will be July 2nd. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 4 B. Spring Valley Condemnation AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, UTILIZING 1989 OPEN SPACE BOND MONIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF CITY PARKS IN THE SPRING VALLEY AREA OF THE CITY, TO- GETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY APPURTENANCES AND RELATED WORK NECESSARY TO MAKE A COMPLETE IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CITY STANDARDS ALL WITHIN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, PROVIDING FOR THE CONDEMNATION, APPROPRI- ATION, TAKING AND DAMAGING OF LAND OR OTHER PROPERTY NECESSARY THEREFOR; DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY OR HER DESIGNEE TO PROSECUTE THE APPROPRIATE ACTION AND PROCEED- INGS IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY LAW FOR SAID CONDEMNATIONS (City Staff Contact: Jenny Schroder/Carolyn Lake) Mayor Ertel explained this is first reading for the ordinance unless immediate action would be beneficial. City Manager McFall explained the sooner the condemnation is approved, all required documentation can be recorded and action commenced. Motion by Councilmember Stead to suspend rules and call for enactment vote; second by Councilmember Templeton. The motion to suspend rules passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks no yes Gates excused absence excused absence Councilmember Marks said he would like more time to review the issue. Mr. McFall explained it has already been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Parks, Recreation, Human Services Committee. Motion by Councilmember Templeton to approve Ordinance No. 91-102 "Spring Valley Condemnation"; second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks no yes Gates excQSed absence excused absence FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 5 VllI. ENACTMENT ORDINANCE A. Designated Vehicle Route AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WHICH RESTRICTS ALL VEHICLES RATED IN EXCESS OF 30,000 POUNDS GROSS WEIGHT TO DESIGNATED VEHICLE ROUTES EXCEPT FOR LOCAL DELIVERIES AND PROVIDES AUTHORITY TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO RESTRICT VEHICLES MAKING LOCAL DELIVERIES NUMBERING TEN OR MORE TRIPS PER DAY UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES TO DESIGNATED ROUTES. (city Staff Contact: Tim Miller) Mr. McFall reported the proposed ordinance has been reviewed by the Planning, Public Works, Transportation Committee with a recommendation for ordinance approval. Motion by Councilmember Stead to approve Ordinance No. 91-103 "Designated Vehicle Route"; second by Councilmember Marks. Discussion: Mr. Keightley provided an explanation for restricting commercial vehicle travel for trucks over 30,000 gross weight, and responded to Councilmembers' questions. Motion to approve Ordinance No. 91-103 passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence IX. COUNCIL BUSINESS A. steel Lake Circle Preliminary Plat 4th Year Extension (city staff Contact: stephen Clifton) senior Planner Stephen Clifton presented the City Staff report explaining this development is on the "B" list, which allows for construction and review under King County's supervision. He reported city Staff recommends approval of the extension. He provided overheads to compare City v. County requirements regarding fee in lieu of open space. councilmembers voiced their specific concerns about the half street, lack of open space and adequate surface water management. They also inquired about the City Council's authority to set additional FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 6 conditions prior to approval; Assistant city Attorney Carolyn Lake advised they have the ability to deny or require additional conditions. She further advised if the extension is denied, it would be returned to the City to meet its existing code requirements. Motion by Councilmember Stead to return the plat extension to Council committee for review of additional conditions to conform with city Code, i.e., half street and run-off surface water in the Steel Lake area; second by Councilmember Templeton. Discussion: Councilmember Handmacher said he understands the owner has a July deadline, so suggested the Council attach any additional conditions at this time, so he would have adequate time to comply. He expressed his concern about open space issues and feels it should be imposed as one of the conditions, however, he agrees with City Staff that the owner should not have to start over at this point. Councilmember Stead concurred with respect to half street and water run-off concerns. Mayor Ertel feels there is a serious need to review parks and the half street issues regardless of the size of the development. Councilmember Stead withdrew his motion, currently on the floor, to refer the plat extension back to committee for review; Councilmember Templeton concurred. The motion was withdrawn. Mr. Clifton introduced owner David Main and inquired if the Council would like to address inquiries directly to him at this time. At the Council's invitation, Mr. Main explained he has a note due by July 15th and is required to record the extension approval document by that date. He reported 20th Avenue South is a full street, and that the storm drainage system is functioning and effectively handled the lOO-year storm earlier this year. Mayor Ertel and the other Councilmembers all agreed one of their main concerns is the efficiency of the existing storm drainage system and would like City Staff to take another look at the issue and bring back an additional recommendation. Mr. Keightley reported he will attempt to have updated information ready for Council in one week. Mr. McFall explained all information is required for a final plat review decision. Mr. Clifton responded city Staff will try to have all requested information ready for the Planning, Public Works, Transportation FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 7 Committee review next week, and if approved would be brought back to Council for final plat review on July 2nd. Councilmember Handmacher would like to have City staff confirm the plat will conform with 1990 storm water plans. Mr. Main reported he is willing to abide by the conditions imposed, if at all feasible. Motion by Councilmember Handmacher to impose the following conditions: (1) grant extension subject to conditions by City staff that sidewalks be installed on both sides of 302nd and that they be installed as part of final plat approval; (2) developer may either dedicate open space of 11,979 sq ft or pay fee in lieu of open space in amount of $20,304.91; and (3) the storm retention system be designed to comply with current standards of the City; second by Councilmember Templeton. Discussion: Councilmember Handmacher suggested that two of the building lots be set aside for local recreational areas for neighborhood children. Mr. McFall explained that dedicated land or fee in lieu of could be used as a recreational facility, but under comp plan the preference is to concentrate on neighborhood parks instead of development of top lots because of high maintenance and relative low utilization. Councilmember Handmacher moved to amend his earlier motion to leave the land dedication and make it a fee in lieu of; Councilmember Templeton concurred with the stated amendment. Discussion: Councilmember Stead expressed concern about the developer being able to meet current 1990 storm water requirements within the necessary time element; Councilmembers Templeton and Marks concurred. city Manager McFall suggested the Council table the current motion and go on with the agenda, holding the matter in abeyance to allow City Engineering Staff some additional time to respond to Council's questions and concerns. Motion by Councilmember Stead to table motion now on the floor; second by Councilmember Handmacher. Motion passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 8 B. C. Planning and Public Works Staff left Council Chambers to review and prepare additional recommendations to Council regarding the Steel Lake Circle plat extension. King County Voters' Pamphlet Participation (City Staff Contact: Maureen Swaney) city Clerk Maureen Swaney presented Council with an updated report on the cost of participating in the upcoming voters' pamphlet. Estimated cost is between $800-900; King County must receive the City's complete information by July 2nd. Motion by Councilmember Marks to approve the City of Federal Way's participation in the 1991 Voters I Pamphlet; second by Councilmember Stead. Discussion: Councilmember Marks expressed satisfaction for such participation; he feels the expenditure is a good investment and will encourage voter participation. For information, Councilmember Templeton stated the City Council never considered being excluded from the pamphlet, but requested the City Clerk furnish more information prior to them taking a final vote on the issue. Councilmember Handmacher feels the cost is nominal, with such service being extremely valuable to the community. Motion to approve the City's participation in the 1991 Voters' Pamphlet passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence 1991 Asphalt Overlay Program (City Staff Contact: Ken Miller) In the absence of Public Works Staff (being out of Council Chambers at the time), Mr. McFall explained there are a number of streets in disrepair. The Planning, Public Works, Transportation Committee has concurred with the city's Public Works Department recommendations for specific construction projects for the 1991 asphalt overlay projects in the amount of $1,113,400. Motion by Councilmember Handmacher to approve the City's recommended 1991 asphalt overlay projects; second by Councilmember Stead. The motion passed as follows: FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 9 Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence x. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager McFall announced next week's city Council study session has been canceled. The Golfun progress report will be presented at the July 2nd regular meeting. He also requested the Council adjourn for a l5-minute executive session to discuss property acquisition prior to adjournment of the meeting. XI. COUNCIL REPORTS councilmember Handmacher reported the next Planning, Public Works, Transportation Committee will meet Tuesday, June 25th at 7:00 p.m., since the Council of Whole will not be meeting that night. Assistant City Manager Ken Nyberg, Long Range Planning Manager Larry Springer and Councilmember Handmacher attended a recent Metro Dial-A- Ride meeting. Metro will award the bid in July, with the service being available to the public in approximately September or October of this year. Councilmember Stead reported the next Administration & Public Safety Committee will be held June 28th at 7:00 a.m.; they will be discussing city council Rules and Procedure, as well as City Manager Evaluation Process. The applicant deadline for the Ethics Board has been extended through June 21st, so applications will be reviewed at the next meeting. Councilmember Templeton announced the Parks, Recreation, Human Services Committee has been canceled for tomorrow morning. The next meeting will be held July 3rd at 7:30 a.m.. He reported the Parks Task Force will meet June 27th at 6:00 p.m., to discuss the comp parks plan. He also reported applications for the Parks Commission will close June 28th. Mr. McFall announced the next Metro tentatively scheduled for July 29th. meeting is He then called upon Public Works Director Philip Keightley and Street Systems Manager Ken Miller to expand on his earlier explanation of the 1991 asphalt overlay projects. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 10 Xll. CONTINUATION/COUNCIL BUSINESS Mr. Clifton reported the developer could encounter high additional costs to increase the drainage system and would be required to set an additional bond. He proposed for City staff to review additional conditions set by Council tonight and present the requested information to the Planning Committee Tuesday night, in preparation of presenting a recommendation to city council on July 2nd. Mr. Keightley explained an additional biofiltration system will be needed, but existing pipes will not have to be removed from beneath paved street surfaces. with respect to a recommendation on the adequacy of the existing storm drainage system, city staff needs additional time to review the lOO-year storm issue. Motion by Councilmember Marks to continue a decision of the Steel Lake Circle preliminary plat extension and final plat approval to July 2nd meeting, in order to allow for additional recommendations from City Staff; second by Councilmember Templeton. The motion passed as follows: Handmacher Ertel Stead Webster yes Templeton yes yes Marks yes yes Gates excused absence excused absence XIll. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ilene Marckx, 349l5-4th Ave So, Federal Way, expressed her appreciation for the increased volume of the PA system in Council Chambers. Ed Stickel, 1228 SW 296th st, Federal Way, spoke in favor of the existing underground utilities ordinance and said he feels it reflects good Council action; he expressed his opposition to the proposed amendment and requested the City Council reject same. Rick Feutz, reported on the recent fishing derby at Steel Lake Park, and expressed appreciation to Mayor Ertel for her attendance at the event. XIV. EXECUTIVE SESSION To discuss negotiations for property acquisition pursuant to RCW 42.30.ll0(b). FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 18, 1991 - Page 11 Mayor Ertel recessed the regular meeting at 8:50 p.m.; she announced the city Council would convene for a 15- minute executive session to discuss property acquisition, and would return at 9:05 p.m.. Mayor Ertel announced the executive session adjourned at 9:05 p.m., with no action taken, and reconvened the regular meeting. xv. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the city Council, Mayor Ertel adjourned the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council at the hour of 9:05 p.m.. ~ ~ :;'.~ Deputy city Clerk