Council MIN 10-06-1992 Regular Federal Way City Council Council Chambers - City Hall Regular Meeting October 6, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. MINUTES I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Stead called the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council to order at the hour of 7:04 p.m., in Council Chambers, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington. Councilmembers Present: Mayor Bob Stead, Deputy Mayor Joel Marks, Councilmembers Ray Tomlinson, Mary Gates, Ron Gintz, Lynn Templeton, Skip Priest. City Staff Present: City Manager J. Brent McFall, City Attorney Carolyn Lake, City Clerk Maureen Swaney, Deputy City Clerk Chris Green. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Lynn Templeton led the flag salute. III. PRESENTATIONS Public Service Awards Susan M. Titus Sean P. DePan Dion D. Demars Floyd A. Shafer Jerry R. Mendenhall Mayor Stead called on Police Chief Bob Evans to briefly explain the events surrounding the apprehension of a criminal and identify those citizens who assisted in the suspect's arrest. Mayor Stead expressed the City's appreciation to those in attendance and presented public service certificates to Susan Titus, Dion Demars, Jerry Mendenhall and Floyd Shafer. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT John Swenson, 401 So 289th, Federal Way, Marine Hills resident, is opposed to the City's issuance of a specific building permit in the Marine Hills community. ORIGINAL FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCn.. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 6, 1992 - Page 2 John Rand, 424 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. MeI!an Rand, 424 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Bill Hicks, 29217-17th PI So, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Rick Gardner, 309 SW 32lst, Federal Way, extended an open invitation to attend the next Community Council forum, to be held at the Educational Service Center on October 15th from 7-9:00 p.m.; discussion will be centered on the pros and cons of a modified school calendar. Marv Ann McDonnell, 412 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Patty Fitzoatrick, 1422 SW 305th PI, Federal Way, discussed and distributed information regarding the National Disabilities Act and its implementation. Brian Tibbot, 433 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Peter Townsend, 1668 So 3lOth #12, Federal Way, discussed aircraft noise and third runway. Norm Inllersoll & JerrHorn~, 3515 So 312th PI, Federal Way, representing the Military Road Safety Committee, distributed a petition signed by 431 concerned citizens with respect to road design hazards of Military Road between South 272nd and South 32Oth Streets; they feel public safety is more important than travel convenience. Staff will forward a copy of the petition to County Councilmember Paul Barden. Mar2aret Nelson, 32904-4th Ave SW, Federal Way, complimented Councilmembers for their support of the recent arts exhibition, as well as that of Campus Drive Park. Marv Weis, 413 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Barbara Buescher, 421 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Christonher Buescher, 421 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Mike Mizumoto, 417 So 289th, Federal Way, same as Mr. Swenson. Bob Sweeney, 36010-16th Ave So, Federal Way, expressed concern about flooding in Marine Hills and Panther Lake areas because of excessive construction. Alexandra Eframo, l06 SW 332nd St #1505, Federal Way, didn't address Councilmembers, but requested a review of landlord-tenant laws with respect to "just cause" eviction. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 6, 1992 - Page 3 Mayor Stead commented and referred the following concerns to City Staff and!or City Council Committees for review: - Patty Fitzpatrick/National Disabilities Act Compliance - Peter Townsend! Aircraft Noise - Norm Ingersoll & Jeff Home/Military Road Traffic Safety - Alexandra EframolLandlord- Tenant Laws Mayor Stead also responded to Marine Hills residents. v. CONSENT AGENDA a. b. c. d. Minutes - September 22, 1992 Voucher - October 6, 1992 Bid AwardlRight-of-Way Maintenance South County Area Transportation Board Resolution Councilmember Gintz pulled items (b) and (d) for purposes of additional discussion. Motion by Councilmember Templeton to approve items (a) and (c) of the consent agenda; second by Deputy Mayor Marks. Motion passed as follows: S tead Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Marks Gates Templeton yes yes yes Councilmember Gintz requested information on the following voucher payments under item (b) of the consent agenda: Waldron & Co, Dena Laurent, Northwest Leadership Conference. Councilmember Tomlinson requested additional information on the following items for payment: Bruce Lorentzen, Warren Law Firm. City Manager McFall responded to the requests. Motion by Councilmember Templeton to approve the voucher under consent agenda item (b); second by Councilmember Priest. Motion passed as follows: Stead Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes no no yes Marks Gates Templeton yes yes yes FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 6, 1992 - Page 4 Councilmember Gintz asked for an explanation of the stated recommendation for approval of item (d), since it was not initiated by Administration Committee as indicated. City Manager McFall explained the named originating committee was listed in error--the adoption recommendation came from the Regional Affairs Committee. Motion by Councilmember Priest to approve the resolution as presented; second by Councilmember Templeton. Motion to approve Resolution No. 92-121 "Establish Soutb County Area Transportation Board" passed as follows: Stead Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Marks Gates Templeton yes yes yes VI. COUNCIL BUSINESS Arts Commission Vacancy - Review Applications Mayor Stead appointed an ad hoc committee to review applications and present appointment recommendations to the full Council; committee members appointed are Deputy Mayor Marks and Councilmembers Gintz and Priest. At 8: 15 p.m., Mayor Stead announced a short recess; he reconvened the regular meeting at the hour of 8:28 p.m.. VII. CITY MANAGER REPORT City of Federal Way 1993 Proposed Budget - City Manager Overview City Manager McFall presented an overview of the proposed 1993 City budget, and responded to Council questions. To meet the City Council's request, an aggressive schedule will be established for departmental presentations and final budget adoption. Mr. McFall, Deputy Mayor Marks and Councilmember Tomlinson commended Finance Director Deborah Larson and her Finance Staff for their dedication and excellence in preparation of the proposed budget. VIII. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Priest reported on progress of airport noise discussions, and advised there will be a public hearing on October 20th at 4 p.m., at the Seattle Center Flag Pavilion. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCn.. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 6, 1992 - Page 5 Councilmember Templeton reported Land Use Committee meetings are scheduled for October 12th and 19th at 5:30 p.m.; he requested Assistant City Manager Nyberg and City Attorney Lake establish a time line to draft and present a landlord-tenant "just cause" ordinance for the committee's review. Councilmember Gintz announced the Public Safety Committee will hold a special meeting on October 15th at 9:30 a.m., to discuss neighborhood traffic safety issues. Councilmember Tomlinson reported the Administration Committee has been reviewing employee benefits. Councilmember Gates reported she will attend the upcoming King County/Metro merger briefing on October 13th. Other current issues scheduled for the Regional Affairs Committee include water caucus and community health briefings. The Puget Sound Regional Council will next meet October Sth. Council members Priest and Gates expressed support for Mr. Townsend's concerns with respect to airport noise, 4-post plan and third runway issues. Mayor Stead confirmed Ms. Eframo's landlord-tenant concerns will be scheduled for early review by the Land Use Committee. He reported that he and Public Works Director Keightley attended the recent Water Governance meeting. Other active City issues include the King County/Metro merger, Regional Justice Center, Pipeline 5 and BPA Trail. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION Pending Litigation - Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(i) Mayor Stead recessed the regular meeting at 10:00 p.m., and announced a 15-minute executive session to discuss pending litigation. At 10:15, the executive session was continued for an additional 30 minutes. Mayor Stead adjourned the executive session at 10:45 p.m., and reconvened the regular meeting. x. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to com meeting of the Federal Way City Coun