Council MIN 01-04-1994 Regular FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Council Chambers - City HaIl January 4, 1994 - 7:00 P.M. MINUTES I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER City Clerk Maureen Swaney opened the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council at 7:05 p.m., in Council Chambers, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington. City Council present: Council members Bob Stead, Mary Gates, Ron Gintz, Skip Priest, Hope Elder, Phil Watkins. Excused absence: Councilmember Ray Tomlinson. City Staff present: City Manager Kenneth Nyberg, City Attorney Carolyn Lake, City Clerk Maureen Swaney, Deputy City Clerk Chris Green. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Priest led the flag salute. ill. SWEARING IN CEREMONY Councilmembers Priest, Elder, Watkins and City Manager Nyberg were sworn into office by City Clerk Swaney. IV. SELECTION OF MAYOR & DEPUTY MAYOR Ms. Swaney explained the election process and opened nominations for the position of Mayor. Councilmember Gintz read a prepared statement and placed the name of Councilmember Mary Gates into nomination as Mayor of the City of Federal Way and moved for nominations to be closed; second by Councilmember Priest. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes absent yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes ORIGINAL FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 4, 1994 - Page 2 Councilmember Priest instructed the City Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for the appointment of Councilmember Mary Gates as Mayor of the City of Federal Way; second by Councilmember Watkins. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes absent yes yes Watkins S tead Elder yes yes yes City Clerk Swaney then opened nominations for the position of Deputy Mayor. Councilmember Elder placed the name of Councilmember Phil Watkins into nomination for the position of Deputy Mayor. There being no additional nominations, Councilmember Gintz moved to close nominations; second by Councilmember Priest. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes absent yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes Councilmember Priest instructed the City Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for the appointment of Councilmember Phil Watkins as Deputy Mayor of the City of Federal Way; second by Councilmember Gintz. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes absent yes yes Watkins S tead Elder yes yes yes Mayor Gates recessed the regular meeting at 7:15 p.m., to allow time for a brief public reception honoring the newly appointed Councilmembers and City Manager. * * * RECEPTION * * * Mayor Gates reconvened the regular meeting at the hour of 7:34 p.m.. v. PROCLAMATION Mayor Gates read the proclamation honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., and extended an invitation for all persons to attend the city's upcoming King celebration scheduled for Monday, January 17, from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Visitation Retreat Center. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 4, 1994 - Page 3 VI. CITIZEN COMMENT M. C. Scheerer - prefers the ordinance adoption process be slowed to allow for citizen input; John Gallo - wants more city control of homeless shelter providers within the community; John Cawley - submitted a list of suggestions provided by citizens during his recent campaign for City Council; Dee McGinnis, Roger Simmons, Mashelle Kloppel - oppose the recently established homeless shelter in the 328th Street area; Ken Wilson - wants city to require stricter regulations of facilities and personnel providing homeless shelters and programs, including a closer review of nonprofit agencies; David Wallis - requested a Council directive for the Planning Commission to review land use processes for homeless shelters, enabling the city to enforce stricter regulations; Ray Dimick, Kathy Brischle - opposed to homeless shelters in neighborhoods because of a reduction in property values; H. David Kaplan - congratulated the newly appointed Councilmembers, as well as the newly elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor, and inquired as to when the city can expect to receive in lieu of mitigation fees from King County since the interlocal to transfer funds was signed on July 28, 1992, and the monies should have already been received by the City of Federal Way (Note to record: Mr. Kaplan said he'll wait for three months and remind Council if monies haven't been received). Mayor Gates thanked the citizens who addressed their concerns to Council. She said she would like to see the homeless shelter issue as one of the city's "Top 10" priorities in 1994, and requested a staff briefing during the upcoming February 1 Council meeting. VII. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. CONSENT AGENDA Voucher/January 4, 1994 Minutes/December 21, 1993 Accept/File November 1993 Financial Report Council Bill #80/Enactment Ordinance/Viacom Cable Franchise APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 94-204 Council Bill #81/Enactment Ordinance/TCI Cable Franchise APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 94-205 Council Bill #82/Enactment Ordinance/Cable Rate Regulations APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 94-206 Council Bill #83/Enactment Ordinance/Traffic Penalty Provision Amendment APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 94-207 Increase of 1994 CDBG Funds Council member Gintz pulled item (a) and Councilmember Priest pulled item (c) for additional information. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 4, 1994 - Page 4 Motion by Councilmember Gintz to approve the consent agenda, excluding items (a) and (c); second by Council member Stead. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes absent yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes Councilmember Gintz asked for clarification of the voucher payment to Construction Enterprises in the amount of $19,123.54 for community center renovation; Parks Director Joe Stevens responded. Councilmember Priest inquired about the anticipated sales tax revenue; Acting Management Services Director Marie Mosley responded. Motion by Council member Gintz to approve consent agenda items (a) and (c); second by Councilmember Stead. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes absent yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes Vill. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Nyberg reported there will be a meeting room constructed on City Hall's second floor to provide space for Councilmembers to meet with their constituency. He will also be publishing a weekly newsletter to keep Council members updated on events around the city. He reminded Council members that an Administration/Public Safety Committee has been scheduled for Thursday morning--Mayor Gates and Council members Gintz and Elder offered to serve on the membership until the permanent members are selected. Mr. Nyberg also reminded Council- members of the need for a brief executive session prior to adjournment. IX. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Priest reported on recent 4-post plan committee meetings and said the full task force will be meeting on January 18--Mayor Gates, Councilmember Stead and he will represent the city. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES January 4, 1994 - Page 5 Mayor Gates thanked Councilmember Stead for two years of outstanding service as Mayor of the City of Federal Way, and also thanked the past committee chairs for their time and contribution. She referred Councilmembers to page 28 of the Council Rules of Procedure and asked that they identify their preferences for membership on Council Committees as soon as possible. x. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. b. Property Acquisition/Pursuant to RCW 42.30. 110(b) Personnel Matter/Pursuant to RCW 42.30. 110(g) Mayor Gates recessed the regular meeting at 8:25 p.m., and announced a 15-minute executive session to discuss property acquisition pursuant to RCW 42.30. 110(b) and a personnel matter pursuant to RCW 42.30. 110(g) , with the possibility of action being taken at the conclusion of the session. At 8:40 p.m., Mr. Stevens announced a continuation of the executive session for an additional fifteen minutes. Mayor Gates adjourned the executive session at 8:56 p.m., reconvened the regular meeting and announced there would be no action taken. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Gates adjourned the regular -.. of the F""'" W.y City c~ W ( ( -:I 1-( HL- ~ N. 'stine Green Deputy City Clerk