Council MIN 11-14-1995 Special FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/STUDY SESSION Council Chambers - City Hall November 14, 1995 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Mary Gates opened the special/study session of the Federal Way City Council at 3: II pm, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington. City Council Present: Mayor Mary Gates, Deputy Mayor Phil Watkins, Councilmembers Jack Dovey, Hope Elder, Ron Gintz, Mike Park, and Skip Priest. City Staff Present: City Manager Ken Nyberg, Deputy City Manager Philip Keightley, City Attorney Londi Lindell, Community Development Services Director Greg Moore, Public Works Director Cary Roe, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Jenny Schroder, Management Services Director Iwen Wang, Assistant Management Services Director Marie Mosley, Administrative Assistant Becky Metcalf Mayor Gates introduced the topic as the 1996 proposed budget and turned over the floor to City Manager Ken Nyberg. Mr. Nyberg reviewed the format for the meeting, which includes a break at 7 pm for public hearing, and then reviewed the budget process as accomplished to this point. Mr. Nyberg presented the budget status, showing a projected long-term gap between expenditures and revenues that can be eliminated through the implementation of several key strategies. ß. PROPOSED 1996 BUDGET Mr. Nyberg then read comments he has received from 3 phone calls into the record: Norma Lucas: please support DAWN (a domestic violence program) by providing funding in human services budget. Elizabeth Soole: support DAWN Mr. Rfuhr (airline pilot): Why are you budgeting for the 3rd runway and cutting other services? The 3rd runway would decrease noise. Mr. Nyberg then passed the session on to Deputy City Manager Philip Keightley. Mr. Keightley showed Council one-time funding currently available totaling $1,364,556 and new on-going revenue of$44,061. Council began budget deliberations, making the following requests and decisions: . Increase airport funding by $50,000 . Reflect a total overlay budget of$900,000. ORIGINAL FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/STUDY SESSION November 14, 1995 - Page 2 Accept Parks Committee's recommendations and realize a $95,000 savings from increased recreation recovery rate. . Do not hire ROW inspector at this time; contract this function out for 6 months to a year, then re-evaluate. Increase inspection fees £rom $110 to $152 and charge hourly rate of $35 for additional inspections. Exclude residential single family residences from this fee increase. . Approval of Street Projects Engineer position, will allocate $27,000 to overlay. . Approval of SWM Construction Coordinator position. . Approval of Management Services .5 Office Technician position. . Support expressed to help with sign removal--one-time earth day event? Keep this in mind for usage of one-time funds. May be an appropriate topic for January council retreat. ill. PUBLIC HEARING At 7:00 pm, Mayor Gates recessed the special/study session, and announced the beginning of the 1996 proposed budget public hearing. The following citizens spoke: Cathy Peters: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Maryann Mitchell: Opposed cuts in human services budget, and gave insight £rom the state's point of view. John Metcalf: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Dini Duclos: Opposed cuts in human services budget Dr. Shelly Kleine: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Kate Cadoo: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Dr. Marty Ross: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Carolyn Cowan: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Judy Jindra: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Deann Puffert: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Lynn Roberts: Opposed cuts in human services budget. Cheri Harris-Smith: Support Celebration Park for November 96 election. Carla Sawyer: Support Celebration Park for November 96 election. Linda Purley: Opposed cuts in human services budget. There being no further citizen comment, Mayor Gates closed the public hearing on the 1996 proposed budget at 7:44 pm and resumed the special/study session. IV. PROPOSED 1996 BUDGET . It was suggested that the City Manager review proposed expenditures for books, maps, periodicals, travel and training, conference registrations, food and beverages and cut 5% £rom total amount. . Council requested an update of vehicle usage for Thursday. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/STUDY SESSION November 14, 1995 - Page 3 Councilmember Dovey called for an advisory vote on the inclusion of a property tax increase in the budget strategies. Councilmember Elder moved that the City raise property taxes by 1.91% for 1996. The motion was 2nded. Following discussion, the vote was taken as follows: Dovey Elder Gates No Yes Yes Gintz Park Priest Watkins No Yes No No The motion failed. Items for staff to prepare for the Thursday, November 16 meeting are: 1. Show what can be done to adjust the budget to address the recommended shortfalls in human services. 2. Show what additional costs can be taken out of the 1996 budget which would accommodate no tax increase. 3. Show impacts of#2 above on 1997 and 1998 financial outlook. v. ADJOURNMENT The agenda being completed, Mayor Gates adjourned the special/study session of the Federal Way City Council at the hour of8:38 p.m.