Ord 89-004 ,'-"--"'-."""0 " '.. ORDINANCE NO. 89-4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FEDERAL WAY APPROVING AN INTERIM BUDGET. WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way expects to be9in rece~Ying funds from various sources and incurring $xpenses in operating and maintaininq the City; and WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.130 provides that the city may acquire needed facilities, supplies, equipment, insurance and staff prior to its formal incorporation; and WHEREAS, prior to its official incorporation it is in the best interests of the City to have an interim budget; NOW, THEREFO:RE,. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: The City Council hereby approves the interim budget that is attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein Þy reference. Copies of the interim budget shall be maðe available to interested taxpayers of the City at the offices of the city. The City council here~y finds that an emergency exists requiring the immediate adoption of the interim budget in order to .account tor expected expenditures to bemaðe by the City and funds to be received by the city. Because of the recent formation of the City and election of the Council of the city, the city is unable to comply with the statutory timetable for aàoption of budgets by incorporated cities. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and puÞlication as required by law on the date of incorporation of the city. FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON (jJ~lM, fb Mayor K;\nmn\FSO35.89.001\210.0ZV ATTEST Æ~~ fl. ~~ Delores A. Mead, Cl Y Clerk, CMC -' -; COpy J- P', 112-/C;.,,\ - FEDERAL V,l A V C IT'",I eOUNe I L E::-(PEND ITURE~3 Ci t!d CClune1! ~;ô 1 ôri es Elenefits E:>~penses Supp] i es 8<. ~;8r'..,li C8:; ~"1i S c, Total Council Ci t~d r--1ôni:¡!~er 0~3;j 1 ðri es Benefi ts E::<penses ' ~3 u p p 1 i e s .3.. ~3 e r-'",I ice s t"li SC. Tota] t1anflger Fi mmee ônlj Account i ng S fI ]¡:¡ ri e :; Beneti ts E:>::pensas '-'¡Ippl¡'c.,-' "" '::-c.r-"l'c-'-' ':'o~ ç,jt:;".'_'Ç y .,1::'.,;, t"1i s c, T otô] Fi nanee 1989 I nteri tOn Budget Oct $"~I l~tjl'~1 ('f() -.' - ~ . - ~ 500.00 1.,000.00 1 000.00 .' 500.00 $5,900.0(1 $1..000,00 100.00 500.00 1 })OO,OO 250.00 $r¡ '='C:i) nn , ~,I-'._f""J'J :$ 0 0 0 1,5(:10.00 250.00 ,to 1 7 c: (' (I ,0) .~I "I...),),.,l No'.." 't.,) I:) (IL'o. f)'(¡ "'-,-~ .'- 50.0.00 1,,::)00,00 6,()00.()0 500.00 't-i n I:¡nn (In '.'!'o'..-"J'J,-o""; $Ei..500.00 2, 125.00 1,,500.00 2,500.00 500.00 't- 1 c: , '":' c: ,0'1 (I '.' -' , "- '-' . tJ ',' $7,500,00 ,0 1..875,00 l..CiOO,O() 1 c:-' n (¡ !)o, Ci ..' ., ~.' , 500.00 ,r',,) ",\7C: (In ... -..'" I ..J. ~ v Dee 't-') '-I L"I () I)' (I .iI-,=' -, ~ 500,00 1..000.00 ';, n(ln ()' ()' -) V J. 500,00 $6)900,00 't- ,-, c: .', ,0, .~ .', .41 Ü ) ....J I.) I.) .1.) I.) 2) 125,00 ',500,00 ,-, c: t ,', ,',~. L .' ,_I .) 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',' ,~ 750,00 250.00 ,) n ('I ('I (,(: -, ',' 'J '~ , '~ 'J 250.00 ,£'::: "~Ir=(1 ('(I , I_I..-,.J~"J 'J $25,OC'O.OC) 300.00 1.,000,00 200.00; $26.,5()O:(:'() ,t ,,~, (: (I (¡ (I (, (¡ '<1- '0'., '.' '.' '~. '.' '.' $ 5..000,00 t c: (I (I (! (:(, '. '- , '.'".' '~ , .' '~ ,£ ~, () (I ".'1 (: (, , 'oJ ,'- '~ ,~ , ~ 'J $10,1)(11:),(:10 't'11~1t:"'."."o, "'1 "'..1,_11.),1)1.) $3..00C),OC' 750,00 250,00 ';, (1(1('1 (\(1 -,'~ 'J '.', .' 0 250,00 t ,- ,-, t:" ,', ,', ,', '<I b .' ..::. _II.) , I.) I.) ,)c::; n(¡(1 (1('1 - '-, J 'J '.' , .' .' 301:),00 2,000,(:10 200.00 ,{" ,-, ~ t:" ,', ,', .', ,', ,~'..::. ... ,,_11.)1.),1)1.) :t20 one) (I c) . ., ,., 0 , :£ 5..00(),OO ,t t:" ,',~, ,", ,', ,', ;.' ,_I .' !.) I.) I.) , u I.) " $10..00(:1.1)0 't- 1 (I:¡ 1 c:; n ( n '+' .)~.. '-~.'~'~ $ 241,(iOO,OO ,t' ,) ",1 1 (¡ (I (I (I () ,~, - '-t .. - '~ 'J , '~ 'J FEDEF-~AL \,," A 'y' C ITV CDUNC I L 1989 nter-i rn Bulj!jet Backup I nforrni:!t ion D~PEND ITURES: Ci ty Counci 1 Salaries - Provi,jes for 6 Councilmernbers at $400 per month ðnlj Mayor at $500 per rnonUL ' Benefíts - Provides for necessar~d payrnent of socia] security, etc.. E~<penses - Tra'y'el, food, etc. for Ijoi ng city busi ness. Supplies & Services - $4000 in Nov. for pos:;iÞle Ret.r-ei~t Faciliti~tor. Ci t!d f1anager Sð 1 ari es - Oct funljs for rwur] ~d fee; Nov &, Dec. provi Ijes $6,500 for fv1eJnager and $2000 for Adrni n. Sec. Benefits - ProviJjes funds for 25~~ benefits. , , Finance ,:).. Acctng . S¡j]¡:wies - Pro"lilje:; $4000 per- monUì for Finance Director-; $2000 per monUì for Accountant; and $ 1500 for c 1 eri ca 1. . .'. ",0 " City Clerk, ' Salat~ies - Proviljes r"or a city clerk p~sition. " I !. Pl anni n!j " Contract - ProvÏljes up to $40,000 for Land Use Consultant Firm for contract. Lel~a 1 ~ ~ Contract - PnJ',/i (1e:; up to $40,000 for rli ri ng 1 egô 1 :;ervi ce:; for be 1 ance of year. ," Offi ce Equi pment Suppl i es I~ Servi cas - ProvÏljes funds for purctìôse of some suppl i es anlj equl pr"nent and/or renta 1. Rent.$.. Utilities , , Ser-I",li cas - Pr-o'".'i Ije:; fw",ljs f or..T a] aphona, 1 i ght, gas', etc. Insurance S e r-v ice s 7" Pro v i Ij 13 S for Ins u ra n caP re m i u m f 0 t- Co u n c i 1. Mi see 11 aneou:; - Amount to take care of unforeseen :;itutati ons.