Ord 90-028 0072.08002 RPB/tw 01/31/90 ORDINANCE NO. 90-28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE CHAPTER 6.24 OF THE KING COUNTY CODE, ENTITLED" PRIVATE SECURITY"; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council wishes to enter into an interlocal agreement with King County for the licensing and regulation of private security investigators, guards and businesses and such agreement requires the City to adopt an ordinance which is the same or substantially similar to that adopted by King County, and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council finds that this ordinance is necessary to comply with the interlocal agreement and it will promote effective and efficient enforcement of private security regulations, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Kinq Countv Requlations Adopted bv Reference: Chapter 6.24 of the King County Code entitled "Private Security," including all future amendments, is hereby adopted by reference as if set forth in full herein; provided, that any references to "unincorporated King County" or "King County" in sections 6.24.020, 6.24.200 RPBO18870 -1- COpy ~., and 6.24.270, as well as any other sections pertaining to the application of this ordinance, shall be changed to refer to the City of Federal Way. Section 2. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective as of the date of incorporation, February 28, 1990, which is more than five (5) days after publication of an approved summary consisting of the title to this ordinance. PASSED by the city Council of the City of Federal Way this 13th day of February, 1990. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY i3k.~ MAYOR, DEBRA ERTEL ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: Æ/ffb~ cl. ~//,{¿ CITY CLERK, DELORES A. MEAD APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: By5ifL p tJJ~ RPBO18870 -2- FI LED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 1/31/90 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 2/13/90 PUBLISHED: 2/16/90 EFFECTIVE DATE: February 28, 1990 ORDINANCE NO. 90-28 -3- SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE ; 2- 1-90 ; ,,: j!U LUU,+,+'V," 'v , --- --- 6.20.110 - 6.20.150 'RTJRTNF.RR T.T"'~NR1i'C¡ IltaTn QV~fJUlIDXO)10 6.!ð.1.J.ð ~&.cu,...l'..u,öl>l:Ll~y oi. .1.~CBnøe or parDL1.t. AllY license 01: permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall apply to a .in91e location only and shall not be tran.ferable to other locations; provided, however, that the license or permit may be transferred to another person provided such person satisfies the license or permit requira~ents cont~ined herein and pay. a transfer fee of twenty-five dollars. (Ord. 2095 § 11,1974). 6.20.120 civil penalty. In addition to or as an alternative to any otòer penalty provided herein or by law, any person who violates any provilion of any busineu licen8e ordinance shall bit subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollarB per violation to be directly assessed by the director. The director, in a reasonable manner, may vary the amount of the penalty asseBsed to consider the appropriateness of the penalty to the size of the business of the violator¡ the gravity of the violation, the number of past and present violations committed, and the good faith of the violator in attempting to achieve compliance after notification ot the violation. All civil penalties as&a.sed will be enforced and collected in accordanae with the procedure specified under this title. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV § 1, 1!;J74). 6.20.130 Additional enforcement. Notwithstanding the existence or use of any other remedy, the director may seek legal or equitable relief to enjoin any acts or practices which constitute or will constitute a violation of any bu&1no8S license ordinance or other tegulations herein adopted. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV § 2, 1974). &.20.140 Licensing - ~troactivity. All licenses i88ued prior to the effective date of Ordinance 7832 shall entitle the holder o~ such license a period of thirty-five days, following the effective date of the ordinance, to comply with the provisions ot X.C.C. 6.20.002, .004, .010, .020, .030, .072, .074, .090 and .100. (Ord. 7832 i 10, 1986). 6.20.1$0 Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion ot this chapter. (Ord. 7832 § 11,1986). Sections. 6.24.010 6.24.020 6.24.030 6.24.040 6.24.050 6.24.060 6.24.070 6.24.080 6.24.090 6.24.100 6.24.110 6.24.120 Chapter 6. 24 PRIVATE SECURITY Definition.. Licenae required. Exemptions. License - Applioation. Procedures required of licensee8. Background check. Licenee ~ Scope and clasliti~åtlon. Licen8. - Fees. Lieen.e - Denial. License - Revocation or suapension. License - Tranøterability. New officers. (King'County 12"86) 196 SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACl 15.24.010 Det.t.nitionlih For the purpose of this chapter the warde and ,phrase. used herein, unless the context otherwise indicate., shall have the following meaningsr A. "Annored-transport aqencies" provide armed perllonnel to convey valuable articles for a fee. B. "Contract guard or patrol agencies" inOludes, partnerehipll, corporations joint ventures, as well as individuals who are self"employed which provide privately employed guards or patrolmen for It. fee. C. I'Contract investigative agency" includes partnerShips, joint ventures, as well as individuals who are self-em{lloyed þrivate investigative serviofl8 for a fee, except individuals bodily injury or property damage actions under the supervision attorney. D. "Credit investigation agencies and or edit invest1glttora" are businesses and persons who conduct investigations primarily to furnish information as to the bu8iness and financial standing and credit responsibility ot persons, fi~s, or corporations. E. IIIn"house gu~rd forces" provide private guard services e)(clusively in oonneotion with the Affai~8 of the on~ business that employs them. F. "In-house investigative foroesll provide private investigative lIerviceø exclusively in connection with the affairs of the one busine88 that employs them. G. "P2:'ivate guardsll a,1:'e perØons who protect or a.ttempt to protect perlonl or property fJ:'om dama.ge, injuJ:y, loss, or any criminal act and inClude. "guard dogs, II IIwatchmen," IIsecurity officer," IIproteotive agent," "merchant 9uar~,11 and "special officer.1I H. 'IPrivate/merchant patrolmen" perforln the same functions ae guardl, but do BO at a number at different locations, 4cceSB to wh1òh is accomplished by means of travel on public property. I. IIPrivate investigators/detectives" 6.24.130 6.24.140 6.24.150 6.24.160 6.24.170 6.24.laO 6.24.190 6.24.200 6.24.210 6.24.220 6.24.230 6.24.240 6.24.250 6.24.260 6.24.270 6.24.280 6.24.290 6.24.300 6.24.310 6.24.320 6.24.330 --,..._'...... ",., '"-. ' -.._-----_.. : 2- 1-90 : 11:20 20, 70215-+ 206 839 9310:# 6 PRXVATE SECURITY 6.24.010 Licensee responsible for conduct of .m~lQy'e. Emergency equipment. Certain pJ:'4ctioee prohibited. Uniforms. Approval required. Divulgence of information. Advertisements - Solicitation of business. Surety bond required. Insurance coverage required. Bond and insurance - License suspeneion or denial for failure to file. Branch otfioe.. Rè9i.tr~tion of employees. ticeneeeB and registrants - Knowledge and ability to use firearm.. Registration - Exempt employees. RegistJ:'ation - Denial, suspension or revocation. Registration w Issuance. Termination ot regietrant with licensee. Registration ~ Fa.. Renewal of license, registration or permit - Late penalty. Violation - Penalty. Civil penalty. Additional enforcement. corporations, which provide inveltig&tinc¡ of a ltceneed are personnel who conduct:. SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE : 2- 1-90 : 11:21 2064470215-' 206 639 9310:# 7 6.24.010 - 6.24.040 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS investigation. for 11 contract invest1qa~ive agency, including undercover agents employed by contract agencies, but excludinq in-houøe inveet1c¡ative farce employee8, credit inveatigators, insurance investiqator8 and adjusters. J. "Private investigation" includes investiqation8 by a privately emplOyed peraon(s) for the purpose of obtaining information concerning 1 1. Crimes or ~ronq., done or threatened, 2. The identity, habits, conduct, movements, whereabouts, associations, transoiotJ..on, credibility, reputation, employment history, cz:-iminal record, or character of any person(s), qroup, or business, for any purpose, 3. The location of lost or stolen property, 4. The cause. and responsibility for fires, libel, slander, 10S"8, accidents or injurie., 5. The whereabout. Of missing persons. x. "Private security" includes all privately employed 9uards, investigator., detectives, patrolmen, and any other personnel performing similar 8ecurity functions or serVices. (Ord. lB88 Art. V § 43, 1974' Ora. 1492 § 1, 1973). 6.24.020 License required. No contract investigative agency or contract guard or pat~ol agency shall furnish private security services, nor shall they advertise, solia:t.t, nor in any way promise nor inform anyone that they will perform Buch servioe. in unincorporated Xing County without receiving from the director a license as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 1492 f 4, 1973). 6.24.030 ~.mþtions. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to: A. A person employed a8 an inwhou8e guard and/or investigator by only one employer in connection with the affaire of such employer and where there exia~a an employer-employee relationship; B. An officer or employee of tho United States 01; America" or of this state or /!I. political subdividon the't'eof, while the employee or officer is engaged in the performance of official duties: c. A person engaqed exclusively in the business of obtaining and furnishin9 information in relation to the financial rating of persons, D. An attorney-atwlaw in performing his duties, E. Admitted insurers, agents, and insurance brokers licensed by the state, ,performing duties in connection with insurance transacted by them. (Ord. 1842 f 1, 19731 Ord. 1492 § 5, 1973). 6.24.040 Ligen.. - Application. A. An application for a HeensQ under the provisions of this chapter ehall be in the fOrm prescribed by the director and shall include the followin9: 1. Full name and business address of the applicant, 2. Name under whieh the applicant intends to do business; 3. A statement as to the general nature of the budneu in which the applioant intend. to enqaq8' 4. Whether or not a firaar1l\ is to be used in connection with the applicant's duties as a licensee, 5. A statement as to the clauification under which t.he applicant desires to be qualified, 6. The full name and re8idence addre88 of each of its officers, partn8't'8, and directors, it the applicant is an entity o~h8r than an individual, 7. Three recent photographs of the applicant, of a type to be grB8cribad ~~ba-Air.~~n~~ SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE : 2- 1-90: 11:22 2064470215'" 206 839 9310:# 8 PRIVATE SECU~ITY 6.24.040 - 6.24.070 8. A classifiable eet of fingerprint81 9. A atatement of experience qualifications: 10. Employment hiatory for five years prec8Qinq the date of the applicationl 11. A list of arreets, convictions or confinements, and, 12. Any other information, evidence, Itatementl, o~ documents a8 may be requi~ed by the director. B. The applicant tor a license, under t.he provisions ot this chapter, sh.a 11 be eighteen years of age or older and have two yeara ex'pe~ience in security work determined to be adequate by the directo~. SeQurity wo~k determined to be adequate 8hall1nclude, but is not limited to, the following. 1. Two yeau active expe~ience in private security work whUe in the mt 1.i t:a ry, 2. Two years active expertence in public law enforcement, 3. Succeøeful completion of two years of college level study in law enforcement, police science, criminOlogy, or areas of like nature, 4. Sucoenful completion ot a. course of study which has been approved. by the director and a representatJ.ve of the King County Department of Public Safety, on the basis that such course provides sufficient material to enable students thereof to operate competently a8 a licensee under this chapter; 5. Two years active experience as a registrant under the provision. of this chapter, and 6. Any combination of the abOve acceptable to the director. c. Thé applicant for registration und.ér the provisions of th1e cha,ptor " -,hill. ba ni crbt~C"\. _~~..I.Jr ~rrn..Q.....Ul'ð'l\........"1.I.¡.... '1AS'".lit.;,I¡;,,¡;,tldbu 'W~1;n 1;ne Allng County Department of Publio Safety will result. Regarding this end, license.. Mhall. , A. ReconunenQ to their customer,s that, in the event of ð. police problem the customer should first call their respective police department, 8. If a customer calls about a law enforcement problem, instruct the cuBtome~ to call their department of public 8I.fety if possible: and 1f not CQIA1hlflt.thAltl"'ans/88",",11nn1lo4'¡¡n,",- ..- ...,,' ~""","~"'<A"""'.J """""4..)' 1..1It: L4lØpar1:rnent. or puoJ.1.C safetYI D. If s19n of entry 1s noticed by an employee on duty, instruct employees to immediately notify the department of public safety: E. Use all reasonable efforts to inform and advise their present aQd prospective officers, directors, partners, ageQts, representativBS, employees, and all other persons acting under, for, or on behalf of the licensee, of the provisions of this chapter, and direct them to comply therewith. COrd. 1492 § 7,1973). -~ 6.24.060 BackgToun4 check. Each person, as defined in this chapter, will be subject to a background check, as determ1neQ by the director, through the departmen't of public safety. The Department of Public Safety shaH send a letter to the director concerning the bllLckgrounQ of t.h... applicant, which may contain any objection or recommenQation as to the application. COrd. 1492 § B, 1973). 6.~4...070 Licen.. ~ Soope and Cla88ification. A. No' person may engage in ~,~, SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE 2- 1-90 : 11 :22 2069~1 0215" 206 639 9310:# 9 6.24.070 - 6.24.100 SUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS any private security operation outside the scope of hie license. B. FQr the purpose of defining the 8cope of license8, the following license cla,.ific~t!ons are e8tablished. 1. Cla'$ A. contr~ct inv.stlwative agency, covering operations .e defined in Section 6.24.010 C'l 2. Clal. B I Contract lJUard or patrol agency, covering operations as defined in Section 6.24.010 I. and J.J 3. Cla88 C. Covarihg the opar.tions included within Cla88 A and Cla88 S, a8 defined in Section 6.24.010. COrd. 1492 § 9, 1973). 6.24.080 Licen.. - Pee., chapter are fixed as follows. A. Class A license - .150.00 per year, S. Class B license - 5 or more registrants - $150.00 per year: - 4 or le88 registrants - '100.00 per year, c. Cla.s C license ~ $250.00 per year. There shall be no lower tee, based on number of reW!strants, for CluB C license. COrd. 1492 § 10, 1973). Fees for licenses under the provisions of this 6.24.090 License - Denial. The director may deny a license if the applicant, it an individual, has, or if the applicant ie a person other than an individual, that any of its officers, directors, or partners have: A. Committed any act constitutinq fraud, B. Committed any act, which, if committed by a licensee, would be a ground for tho euspenaicn or revocation of a l1C$k1$* UIlr.1~t the provisions ot this chapter, C. Committed any act resultlnw !n conviction of a felony or a crime involvinq moral turpitude: D. A record, based upon reliable evidence, which leads to the re~8onable conclueion that the applicant is not competent to pertonn the duties and fulfill the responsibilities of a licensee under the provisions ot this chapter: E. Dean refused Ii liC::t¡Huie under the provisions or this Chapter or had a license revoked; provid~d, however, that any applicant denied a license under the pro~ision8 of this chapter may reapply after six months if the basis for such denial no lonqer existsJ F. Been an officer, director, or partner who knowinqly participated or acquiesced in the acts or conduct of any person, as defined by this chapter, for which that parson was retueed a license, or whose Heenee was revoked under the provisions of this chapter, G. While unlicensed, committed or aided and abetted the commission of any act for which a lioen.e is required under the provisions of this chapter; H. Failed to succeBBfully complete the firea~s test specified in section 6.24.240, I. Made any false statements in hie application; or J. Failed to comply with the requirements of Section 6.24.050. 1492 § 11, 1973). COrd. 8.24.100 Licenee - ~vocation or iuipan81on. ~. The director may 8uspend or revoke a license issued under the provi$!ons of this chapter it he determines that ~ha licensee, if an individual, has, or if the 1ioensee is a person other than an individual, that any of its officer., directors, or partner. have. 1. Made any false statement or given any false information in connection with an application fo~ . ligen.e g~ . ~enewal or reinstatement of ~uQ '..-- - ----~- SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE ; 2- 1-90 ; ,,: 23 2064470215" 206 839 9310:#10 PRIVATE SECURITY 6.24.100 a license; 2. Violated åny of the provisions of this chapter, 3. !een convicted of a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude, 4. tllag~lly used, carried or polsesseda dangerou8 weapon: 5. Violated any rule of the director adopted pu~euant to hie authority contained in this chapter, 6. Committed ot' permitted any employee to oonunit any act, while the license was expired, which would be cause for the suspension or revocation of a license, ot' ground. for the denial of an applic~tion for a licen8el 1. ~nowingly violated, or advised, encouraged, ot' ..siated the violation of ~ny court order or injunction in the course of bueine.. as a license., 8. Acted as a runner or capper for any attorney' or 9. Committed any act which 1e a ground for denial of an application for license under the provisions of this chapter. B. The director may suspend or revoke a license issued under the provisions of this chapter if he determines that the licensee, if an individual, has, or if the licensee is a person other than an individual, that any of its otficers, directore, or partners have knowingly employed, or knowingly has in his e~ployment ftny person who: 1. Has committed any act, which, if committed by a liceneee, would be grounds for auspension or r.~oo.tion of a license under the p~ovi.ions of this chapter, 2. turpitude, 3. Hu a record, based upon reliable evidence, which lead. to the reasonable conclusion that the applicant is not competent to perfo~ the duties and. fulfill the responsibilities of a tegilltrant under the provisions of th~. chapter, or 4. Does not po.sess . valid registration card issued under the provisions of this chapter. o. Tlil; ! ù.1.uu.,;!;.tH" mAY suBPena or rpvnltP ;II l1cenll8 i8C1uac! undo. êhð provision. of this chapter if he determines that the licensee. if an individual, has, or any of the officers, directors, partners, or employees if the licensee is a person other than ~n individual, have committed or used any unfair or deceptive acts o~ practices in the course of the licensee'a business. Examples of such acts and practices are: 1. En9'aginq in retail installment transactions with members of the public in the state of Washington without complying with all applicable ~rn,,1 '"' iot111 of RCW '2.14 :to WIIðl'uiaå, 2. Using a name different from that under which he 18 currently licensed on any advertisement, solicitation, or contract for business, 3. Knowingly making a false report to his employer or client for who~ the information was b61"q obtained, , 4. Wilfully failing or refusing to render a client service. or a report U agreed between the parties and for which compensation has been paid or tendered in accordance with the agreement ot the parties, if required by law, s. Making any f.lse, d$éeptive or misleading representations to members of the public cono$rning the qualificat:.ion" of employees and agents or the liceneee, the nature or extent of the services provided by the licensee, or the COSt to members of the public of services by the licensee: 6. Manufacturing evidence, 7. Knowingly making a ralse statement rela~inq to evidence or information obtained in the course of employment, or knowingly publishing a Has been convicted of a felony or any crime involving ~ral 201 SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLAC~ : 2- 1-90 : 11: 24 20b..470215" 206 839 9310:#11 6.24.100 - 6.24.150 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS slander or libel in the Course ot busines8, or, 8. Acceþtinc¡ employment ac!vene to a client or former client relatine¡ to a matter with respect to which the licensee has obtained confidential Ih£ormation by rea$on ot or in the course ot his employment by such client or former client. D. Suspension or revocation or a license issued under the provisions of thia chapter sh_ll takei affect only after the exp!ration of the period in which an appeal thereof may be filed. E. In ca.es of suspension, the license or registration shall be . reinstated upon compliance with the Violated pt'ovisionCs) of this chapter or until the period of euepension fixed by the director has expired. In cases of revocation, the license or reg!etration shall be cancelled, provided, however, such revocation for violation of any of the prO1¡idone of this chapter shall not relieve the licensee or registrant of the penalties otherwise provided tor in this chapter. COrd. 1492 § 12, 1973). 6.24.110 Licen.. - Transferability. A license issued under the provisions of this ohaptø~ shall apply to a $1n91e location only and shall not be transferable to other location a or to any other p~r50n other than that designated on the license; provided, however, that, in the event of death of the ind.t vidual, pArtner t s) or officer (s) who satisfied the requirements of Section 6.24.040 !I., the surviving Spouse, partnerCs) or offioer(.) may operate under the existing license for a period not to exceed ninety c!.YlSl further provided, however, that, at the end of this ninety day period, the sur~iving spoulSe, partnerCs) or officer(s) shall satiSfy the requirements of Section 6.24.060 B. tOrd. 1492 § 15, 1973). 6.24.120 New officer.. Apþlications, on forms prescribed by the director, shalt be submitted by all new orficers or partners. The director may suapend or revoke a license issuec! under the provisions of this chapter if he determinu that at the time the person becomes an officer or partner of a Hcenue, any of the faots in Sections 6.24.090 and 6.24.100 existed &8 to such person. COrd. 1888 Art. v § 44, 19741 Ord. 1492 § 17, 1973). 6.24.130 Licensee respon,1ble for conduct of employee. A licensee shall at all timea be legally responsible for the good conduct or each employee while on duty. COrd. 1492 § 18, 1973). 6.24.140 Imarc¡anc)' equip=ent. It is unlawful for any licensee, or hia a98n'l:8, to use emergeney equ1pment, such as $irens and flaahing red or blue lights, on vehicles owned or operated by the licenlee, except a8 specifically authorized or licensed by the et:.te ot Washington or any of its political subdivisions- COrd. 1492 § 19, 19'3). 6.24.150 Certain practice. prohibited. A. It is unlawful tor a licensee to represent to members or the public in any way, either directly or indirectly or by implication, that: the liceneee is an official or semiofficial law enforcement orgarlization or that employees, agentEl or solicitor. ot the licensee are authorized by the state of Washington or any of its political ~ubdivisions to act as law enforcement officers, including, by way of example but not li~itation, the followin9 conducts 1. Use of any name or initials in the course of business which haa 'l:he capacity or tendency to convey said repreaentation to membe~8 of the cons~ng public, including but not limited to any name using the words "police, n SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE : 2- 1-90 : 11:24 2064470215.. 206 839 9310:#12 PRIVATE SECV~ITr 6.24.150 - 6.24.190 "department," "Kine¡ County PoU.oe," or IlXing County Deteotive", 2. Use of any uniform, badge, insignh., bus1neu card, stationery or any other deviae, object, or type of apparel, which is not readily distinguishable to average member. of the coneuming publio from such devices, objeots, or typel of apparel which are used by authorized law entO2:"Oement offican, 3. Vse any uniform, badge, insi9ni~, title, or identification card, or m~ke any .tatement with the intent to give an impression that the licenlee is connected in any way with the federal government, a state government, or any political subdivision of either, or 4. Use any letterhead, advertisement, or other printed matter, or in any manner illegally represents that the 11oensee is an instrumentality of the federal government, .tate government, or any political subdivision of either. B. It is unlawful for any licenlee to engage in any acts, practices, or conduct which hampers the operations and activities of authorize4 law enforcement and public safety officials. (Ord. 1492 ¡ 20, 1973). 6.24.160 Uniforms - AfJproval required. No licanse shall be issued under:' the provisions or this chapter until approval is given ~ the director an~ the Department of Þublic Safety, ot the uniforms and accouterments to be worn by registrants ot the lioensee. (Ord. 1492 § 21, 1973). 6.24.170 Divulqenc. of info~ation. Any licensee o~ of~icer, director or pa2:"tner or a licensee shall divulge to ðny law enforcement officer or proaecuting atto~ney, or hie representative, any information he may acquire as to any criminal offense, as he may be requiräd by law So to do; provided, however, that he shall not divulge to any other person any information acquired by him except at the direction of the employer or client for whom the information wae obtained. (Ord. 1492 f 22, 1973). 6.24.180 Advertisements - Solicitation ot bu.ine.8. A. Every advertisement by a licensee advertising or soliciting business shall contain hi, company name and address as they appear in the records of the Pepartment of Executive Administration, General Services Division. 8. Licensees, in their promotional literature and oral sales presentations to member. of the pubUo, shall not claim any relationship or affiliation with any official or een\iofficid law enforcement organization. Such literature 'or sales presentation shall be accompanied by <tn accurate and clear delilcript!on of the servicell which the licensee does in tact of tel' or provide. C. SoUcltofs pørtonning oral salell presentations to member. of the public shall not carry visible weapons. COrd. 1492 § 23, 1973). 6.24.190 Surety bond required. A. No licensa shall be issued under the provisions of! th1e chapte!: unless the applicant file, with i;he direQtor a surety bond executed by a aurety company authorized to do business in thi8 øtate in the swn ot ten thousand dollars conditioned to recover: against the principal, its servant., officers, a¡ents, and employees by reason of its ~~on9ful or illegal acts in conducting such business licensed under the prov1aions of this Ordtnanee: provided, however, that applicant. requesting a Cltu,. B license, who employ four or leBa registrant., shall be permitted to file a five thou.and dollar surety bond. The director shall require a certified copy o~ said bond to be filed in his office. B. The bond requj,~ed by this chapter shall be made payable to King SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE : 2- 1-90: 11:25 2064470215-+ 206 839 9310:#13 6.24.190 - 6.24.230 BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS County, and anyone .0 injured ~ the principal, its servant., otticere, /1Ç1ents, and employees,' 8h.ll have the right and $hall be permitted to sue directly upon this obligation in their own names, and thie obli9ation shall be eubject to successive, suits for reçovery until complete exhaustion of the face amount hereof. (Ord. 1492 § 24, 1973). 6.24.200 Insurance eoverei. requi~8d. A. under the provisions of this chapter un1eu director a certifiaate of insurance naming insu1"ed. B. ~nimum coverage i8 fixed as tollows: Bodily injury - one hundred thou.and to three hundred thousand dollar., Property dama~e - one hundred thou.and dollars. (Ord. 1492 § 25, 1973). No license shall be issued the applicant file. with the King County a. an additional 6.24.210 tile . A.' Every license. sball at all times maintain on file with the direc~or the surety bond and insurance required by thi8 chapter in tull force and effect and upon failure to do so, the Ucense of such lieenus shan be suspended and sball not be reinstated until this requirement is met. B. The director ehall deny the application tor a license if the applicant fails to satisfy the surety bond o~ insurance requirements. C. The director may refuse to reinstate a license notwithstanding the lioenseels compliance with this section, 1f, during the suspension, the director: 1. Finds any reason which would justify refusal to isBue or justifies a suspension or revocation of . license; or 2. Finds performance by an applicant of any practice, while under sUspension for failure to keep his 8urety bond or insurance in' force, tor which a license under the provisions of this chapter is required. COrd,1492 § 26, 1973). Bond and in8urance - Liceh.e 8uspen.ion or 4enial for failure to 6.24.220 Branoh oltices. Each licensee shall file in writing with the director the address of each branch office, and within fourteen daye after the establishment or closing' of .uch otfice, or change of location of a branch oftiae, shall notify the director in writing of such fact. (01"4. 1492 § 27, 1973) . 6.24.230 Registration of employ.e.. A. Exoept.s otherwise provided in this chapter, every employee ot a 11ceneee, including dispatche1"8 I and .01ieito~8, shall be regi8tered with the director in the manner preeeribed by the provisions of this chapter. ~. The application for registration under the provisions ot this chapter shall be on a form prescribed by the director and shall include: 1. rull ad4res8, telephone number, date of birth, and place of birth, 2. A listing of any and all aliaSes used by the ápp11cant, 3. The nante and address of the licen8151e and the date the employment commenced; 4. A letter from the liceneee requesting that the employee be . registere4 under his license, S. Tbe title of the pó8!tion occupied ~ the employee and a desoription of his duties; 6. Whether or not a firearm 18 to be used ~ the emp~oY$e in connection with his duties a. a registrant, 7. ThrQa recent photographs of the employee, of a type described by the I " l, SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE : 2-1-90: 11:26 2064470215'" 206 839 9310:#14 PRIVATI SECURITY 6.24.230 - 6.24.300 director, and a classifiable set of fingerprint., 8. Employment history for five year8 preceding the date of the application, and 9. Such o~her informAtion, evidence, statements, or document. a. may be ranuir8ð-bv rbm-d.t,'.8.-"..- .!Ofi!...l"O~<illn_nRuu¡2IJ". AIIQ .uu.¡.~y ~g UM" U.r..rIl8. A. An applicant for a license or registration who us.s . firearm in conneoUon with employment regulated unde~ the providons of thil chapter, shall be te.ted by the director and a representative of the King County department ot pubUc safety in order to determine that 8ugh applicant has sufficient knowledge and ability to use .uch firearm in a competent and .af. manner. B. The content of such test shall be determined by the director and a representative of the King County department of public .afety and ah.ll b. in a torm prescribed by them. (Ord. 1492 S 29,1973). 6.24.250 Registration - Exempt employees. Notwithstanding any other provision ot this chapter, employees of a licensee who are employed exclusively in stenographic, typing, filing, clerical Ot other activities which do not constitute the work of providing private security as described 1n this chapter, shall not b, required to register under the provisione of this chapter wi~h the director. (Ord. 1492 5 30, 1913). 6.24.260 Registration - Denial, suspension or revocation. The ditector may refuse to register any employee, or may suspend, or tevoke a previous registration, if the individual has committed any act which, if committed by a licensee, would be a ground for refueing to i&8ue a licenee, or for the suspendon or revocation of a license under the provisions of this chapter. (Or<1. 1492 5 -31, 1973). 6.24.210 Registration - tssuance. Upon completion of registration the director shall issue to the registered employee a registration card, which shall be carried On his person a~ all times. The exhibition of this card to the lioens.. sball be consid.ted prima facie evidence that the person i. registered by King County, under tbe licsn.ee's license number. (Ord. 1492 S 32,1973). 6.24.280 Termination of ragistrant with licensee. Each person register.d under the provisions of ~his chapter whose employment has been terminated with the licensee shall immediately Surrender his registration card to the licensee # and the licensee liihall surrender eame within seven day. thereafter to tbe directol: for cancellation. A notation stating tha~ the registered employee was terminated and for what cause may be enclosed with the registration card. The licensee Iball notify the directot in writing within- rea.onable time of any change in the te.ident addre.. of a regiatereð employee. (Ord. 1492 5 33, 1973). CS.24.no Registration - Fee. The registration fee for employee. of a lleen..e i8 fixed as follow8! rift.en ~g11a~ø per year. (Ord. 5799 S 4, 1981: Or~. 1492 S 34, 1973). 6.24.300 Rene~al of llcen.., reiistration or permit - Late penalty. A 205 (King County 6.84) - .u--,--------, .--.---- . SENT BY:OGDEN MURPHY WALLACL 2- 1-90 11:27 2 O~ ,7021 5.. 206 639 9310:#15 6.24.300 - 6.24.330 BUSINESS LICENSeS AND REGULATIONS late penalty shall be charged on all applioations for cenewal of a lioense, registration or pecmit received late; than ton working days after the e)(piution date of such license, ughtntion or permit as let forth in the respective resolution or ordinanc:e ..tablishing the exph'ation dat.e of .ugh 11cen.., 't'egistration or permit. The amount of .ugh penalty is fixed .8 follows: For a license, reght.X'ation or perrllit requiring a fee of fifty cents or more, but 18s8 than fifty dollars - twent.y percent of t.he required fee. For a 1ioense, registration or permit requiring a fee of fifty dollars or more, but le88 than one tho~.and dollars - ten percent of the required fee. For a l!Qene8, registration or pnmit. requidng a tee of one thou.and dollars or more - five percent of the required fee. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV S 3, 1974) . 6.24.310 ViolaUon - Penalty. Any parson violating or failing to comply with ant of the provisions ot this ohapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviotion thereof shall be punished by a fine in any sum not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars or by impriaonment in the King County jail for a period not to exoeed ninety day.. (Ord. 1492 S 36, 1973). 6.24.320 Civil penalty. In addition to or as an alternative to any other penalty provided herein or by law any perlon who violatel any provision of any business license ordinance IShlll be SUbject to a civil penalty in an amount. not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars per violation to be directly ..se88ed by the director. Tho director, in a reasonable manner, may vary the amount of the penalty aueBoed to consider the appropriateness of the penalty to the size of thQ business of the violatorJ the gravity of the violationJ the number of past and present violations committed and the good faith of the violator in attempting to achieve compliance after notification of the ViOlation. All civil penalties al.essed will be enforced and collected in accordance with the procedure speoified under this title. COrd. 1888 Art. IV S 1, 1974). 6.24.330 ' Additional enforOement. Notwithstanding t.he exi.tenee or use of any other remedy, the director may seek legal or equitable relief to enjoin any agt. or pract.ices which con.titute or will constitute a violation of any busln... UClan.e ordinance or other regUlations herein adopted. (Ord. 1888 Art. IV S 2, 1974). Seotion. I 6.26.010 6.25.020 6.26.030 6.26.040 6.26.050 6.26.060 6.26.070 6.26.080 5.26.090 6.26.100 Chapl1er 6.26 FIuwousl Scope. DeUni Uonl. Permit.. Authority to tssue permita and enforce Chapte~. Le9al firework.. Retail Sales and DiSCharge of Firework.. Operation of Retail Outlet.. Public Display of Pirework.. Prohibited Actl. Seiau~. of Fireworks. 1. [StatutofY prov1aiona - See RCW 70.77] /R'~..", (""......... I:_A4 \ ,,,.\;: .~ . ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 II . ,4(; 96--21 t.<) . SCAN~~ED PRIVATE SECURITY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this S7IL day of F~ , 19~, between KING COUNTY, State of Washington, hereinafter called the "County," and the CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, Washington, a non-charter code city, hereinafter call d the "City," under authority of Title 39, Revised Code of Washington, and particularly RCW 39.34.080, King County Ordinance No. 1888, and City of Federal Way Ordinance No. 90-28. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and the City have jurisdiction to regulate the activities of private security personnel including, but not by way of limitation, private guards, merchant patrolmen, and detectives within their respective boundaries1 and WHEREAS, the business of private security presents peculiar licensing and law enforcement problems of a multi- jurisdictional nature1 and WHEREAS, it is desirable in order to adequately protect the interests of the County and the City, and the citizens thereof, to provide for a uniform County-wide system of licensing such private security activities and the persons therein engaged1 and WHEREAS, the County and its employees and more particularly the Business License Section, Division of General Services, Department of Executive Administration, are well qualified and able in matters relating to the licensing and enforcement of laws relating to the conduct of the private security business1 and WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain the assistance of -1- ORIGINAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 e . the County in matters relating to the licensing and enforcement of laws relating to the conduct of the private security business and the persons engaged in such activities; and WHEREAS, the County is ready, willing and able to act to assist the City in matters relating to the licensing and enforcement of such laws. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, mutual agreements and covenants hereinafter contained and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, it is hereby understood and agreed by the parties hereto as follows: 1. The City has enacted and shall amend from time to time Ordinance No. 90-2~ which is substantially similar to King County Code, Chapter 6.24, as now or hereafter amended. 2. The City shall delegate the power to determine eli- gibility for licenses issued under the terms of the above men- tioned city ordinance to the Director of the King County Department of Executive Administration and his/her authorized representatives, subject to the conditions set forth in the above mentioned city ordinance and subject to the review power of the King County Board of Appeals. 3. The City shall delegate the power to enforce the terms of the above mentioned city ordinance including the power to deny, suspend or revoke licenses issued thereunder, to the Director of King County Department of Executive Administration and his/her authorized representatives subject to the conditions set forth in the above mentioned city ordinance and subject to the review power of the King County Board of Appeals. Nothing in this agreement is intended to divest the City of authority to issue notices of violation and court citations for alleged viola- tions of City ordinances. The authority to issue notices of -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 e e violations and court citations may be exercised by either the County or the City. 4. The County shall perform, consistent with available resources all services relating to licensing and enforcement of city ordinances relating to private security activities and the persons conducting same in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the above mentioned city ordinance. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, .the minimum level of service which will be provided shall be the same minimum level of service that is and shall be hereinafter during the terms of this agreement provided for the unincorporated areas of the County by the aforementioned King County Department of Executive Administration. 5. Except as set forth in section lOA. below, services to be provided by the County pursuant to this agreement do not include legal services, which shall be provided by the City at its own expense. 6. The rendition of such services, the standards of per- formance, the discipline of employees and all other matters incident to the performance of such services and the control of personnel so employed shall remain in the County. In the event of a dispute between the parties as to the extent of the services to be rendered hereunder, or the minimum level of manner of performance of such service, the determination of the Director of the King County Department of Executive Administration shall be final and conclusive in all respects as between the parties hereto. 7. The City agrees that all fees collected by the County pursuant to the licensing and registration of private security persons shall be and remain the property of the County -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ::J.. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 e e subject to the provisions of Clause 7 of this contract. 8. The County shall pay over to the City on a yearly basis the sum of: a. $50.00 for each Class A License issued to an agency having its principal office in the City; $50.00 for each Class B License issued to an agency having its principal office in the City; $83.33 for each Class C License issued to an b. c. agency having its principal office in the City; 9. The parties agree that all fines levied by a court of competent jurisdiction or civil penalties assessed by the Director of the Department of Executive Administration for viola- tion of the city ordinance subject to this agreement shall become the property of King County. 10. Indemnification: A. The County shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason of or arising out of any negligent action or omission of the County, its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, in performing services pursuant to this agreement, t6 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ruo~. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the City, the County shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided, that, the City retains the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment be rendered against the city and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against the City and the County and their respective officers, agents, and -4- ~1 2 3 4 5 6 ~7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 *17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 e e employees, or any of them, the County shall satisfy the same,~ ~~ 1 t:Iu- ~ rLL-l6.-~, B. The City shalf indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason of or arising out of any negligent act or omission of the City, its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them) iA~ ~~ ~ ~ l!~7~ nuLi:J~~ In the e~entVthat any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the County, the City shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the County retains the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public laws is involved; and if final judgment be rendered against the County, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against the County and the City and their respective officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, the City shall satisfy the sameJ~ ~a;;...t- OJ tiu- (! Lft; 1..5 1U.f~~. C. In executingUtRis agreement, the County does not assume liability or responsibility for or in any way release the City from any liability or responsibility which arises in whole or in part from the existence or effect of city ordinances, rules or regulations. If any cause, claim, suit, action or administra- tive proceeding is commenced in which the enforceability and/or validity of any such City ordinance, rule or regulation is at issue, the City shall defend the same at its sole expense and if judgment is entered or damages are awarded against the City, the County, or both, the City shall satisfy the same, including all chargeable costs and attorney's fees. 11. A. This agreement shall be effective on the 1st day of January , 1991, and terminate on the 31st day of December ,1993. It is further agreed that should both parties -5- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 . e desire to continue this agreement after the termination date, this contract may be renewed for a period of one year on the same terms and conditions, upon the giving of written notice by either party to the other not less than thirty (30) days before the expiration of this agreement. B. Either party shall have the right to cancel this agreement at any time upon the giving of 90 days written notice to the other of such cancellation. In the event of such cancellation, all monies allocated under this agreement shall become immediately due and payable. The cancellation of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of any license issued pursuant to City Ordinance No. 90-28 as now or hereafter amended. 12. This writing embodies the whole agreement of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. The parties further agree that no liability shall attach to either of the parties by reason of entering into this contract except as expressly provided therein. III -6- . . 1 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first hereinabove 3 written. 4 5 KING COUNTY CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 6 7 FOR BY~ y /t"F.;'~ BY 8 9 10 ATTEST: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 FOR: Administration APPROVED AS TO FORM: - M,t\AAvrtv\ MaJ~ Deputy Prosecuting Attorney COPSFED7(-6) (ABl) -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 (!/l & 9tJ -~ I . . PRIVATE SECURITY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ,27 day of f{ \:>r\.4, G. ~. "\ , 19QO , between KING COUNTY, State of Washington, hereinafter called the "County," and the CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, Washington, a non-charter code city, hereinafter called the "City," under authority of Title 39, Revised Code of Washington, and particularly RCW 39.34.080, King County Ordinance No. 1888, and City of Federal Way Ordinance No. qb :)~. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County and the City have jurisdiction to regulate the activities of private security personnel including, but not by way of limitation, private guards, merchant patrolmen, and detectives within their respective boundaries; and WHEREAS, the business of private security presents peculiar licensing and law enforcement problems of a multi- jurisdictional nature; and WHEREAS, it is desirable in order to adequately protect the interests of the County and the City, and the citizens thereof, to provide for a uniform County-wide system of licensing such private security activities and the persons therein engaged; and WHEREAS, the County and its employees and more particularly the Business License Section, Division of General Services, Department of Executive Administration, are well qualified and able in matters relating to the licensing and enforcement of laws relating to the conduct of the private security business; and WHEREAS, the City desires to obtain the assistance of the County in matters relating to the licensing and enforcement of laws relating to the conduct of the private security business and the persons engaged in such activities; and -1- ORIGINAL /(1 . . 1 WHEREAS, the County is ready, willing and able to act 2 to assist the City in matters relating to the licensing and 3 enforcement of such laws. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of payments, mutual 5 agreements and covenants hereinafter contained and subject to the 6 terms and conditions hereinafter stated, it is hereby understood 7 and agreed by the parties hereto as follows: 8 1. The City has enacted and shall amend from time to 9 time Ordinance No.q6--J~, which is substantially similar to King 10 County Code, Chapter 6.24, as now or hereafter amended. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2. The City shall delegate the power to determine eli- gibility for licenses issued under the terms of the above men- tioned city ordinance to the Director of the King County Department of Executive Administration and his/her authorized representatives, subject to the conditions set forth in the above mentioned city ordinance and subject to the review power of the King County Board of Appeals. 3. The City shall delegate the power to enforce the terms of the above mentioned city ordinance including the power to deny, suspend or revoke licenses issued thereunder, to the Director of King County Department of Executive Administration and his/her authorized representatives subject to the conditions set forth in the above mentioned city ordinance and subject to the review power of the King County Board of Appeals. Nothing in this agreement is intended to divest the City of authority to issue notices of violation and court citations for alleged viola- tions of City ordinances. The authority to issue notices of violations and court citations may be exercised by either the County or the City. 4. The County shall perform, consistent with available resources all services relating to licensing and enforcement of -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 . . city ordinances relating to private security activities and the persons conducting same in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the above mentioned city ordinance. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, the minimum level of service which will be provided shall be the same minimum level of service that is and shall be hereinafter during the terms of this agreement provided for the unincorporated areas of the County by the aforementioned King County Department of Executive Administration. 5. Except as set forth as section lOA. below, services to be provided by the County pursuant to this agreement do not include legal services, which shall be provided by the City at its own expense. 6. The rendition of such services, the standards of per- formance, the discipline of employees and all other matters incident to the performance of such services and the control of personnel so employed shall remain in the County. In the event of a dispute between the parties as to the extent of the services to be rendered hereunder, or the minimum level of manner of performance of such service, the determination of the Director of the King County Department of Executive Administration shall be final and conclusive in all respects as between the parties hereto. 7. The City agrees that all fees collected by the County pursuant to the licensing and registration of private security persons shall be and remain the property of the County subject to the provisions of Clause 7 of this contract. 8. The County shall pay over to the City on a yearly basis the sum of: a. $50.00 for each Class A License issued to an agency having its principal office in the City; -3- 1 2 3 4 5 e . b. $50.00 for each Class B License issued to an agency having its principal office in the City; c. $83.33 for each Class C License issued to an agency having its principal office in the City; 9. The parties agree that all fines levied by a court 6 of competent jurisdiction or civil penalties assessed by the 7 Director of the Department of Executive Administration for viola- 8 tion of the city ordinance subject to this agreement shall become 9 the property of King County. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 10. Indemnification: A. The County shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason of or arising out of any negligent action or omission of the County, its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, in performing services pursuant to this )\ agreement} ~ _~ .-'-1r:~ 4 d.. ~~ ~ # A -...!:JJI In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the City, the County shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided, that, the City retains the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public law is involved; and if final judgment be rendered against the city and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against the City and the County and their respective officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, the~unty s. hall satisfy the same; ..t .u~4a~/4~1 A/, B. The City's~all in emnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, from any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nature whatsoever, by reason of or arising out of any negligent act or omission of the City, its -4- .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . . .4 ..\-0 thL €\( \-t"" -\ 4 ~-( CrtY~ "'('s\~S(...,"(, officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the County, the City shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the County retains the right to participate in said suit if any principle of governmental or public laws is involved; and if final judgment be rendered against the County, and its officers, agents, and employees, or any of them, or jointly against the County and the City and their respective officers, agents, and ~ t~{ employees, or any, of them, the jCi.ty shall s~~isfy the same, ~vh...., \- o~ "'''" C\t ~ j She :)'\ ~()r-<: e. A J... QJ.)~ C. In executing this a~reement, the County does not assume liability or responsibility for or in any way release the City from any liability or responsibility which arises in whole 16 15 or regulations. If any cause, claim, suit, action or administra- or in part from the existence or effect of city ordinances, rules 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 tive proceeding is commenced in which the enforceability and/or validity of any such City ordinance, rule or regulation is at issue, the City shall defend the same at its sole expense and if judgment is entered or damages are awarded against the City, the County, or both, the City shall satisfy the same, including all chargeable costs and attorney's fees. 11. A. This agreement shall be effective on the 28th day of February, 19~, and terminate on the 31st day of December, 1990. It is further agreed that should both parties desire to continue this agreement after the termination date, this contract may be renewed for a period of one year on the same terms and conditions, upon the giving of written notice by either party to the other not less than thrity (30) days before the expiration of this agreement. B. Either party shall have the right to cancel this agreement at any time upon the giving of 30 days written notice -5- . . ' I. . e 1 to the other of such cancellation. In the event of such 2 cancellation, all monies allocated under this agreement shall 3 become immediately due and payable. The cancellation of this 4 Agreement shall not affect the validity of any license issued 5 pursuant to City Ordinance No. ;10~~Z as now or hereafter amended. 6 12. This writing embodies the whole agreement of the 7 parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations 8 other than those contained herein. The parties further agree 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 that no liability shall attach to either of the parties by reason of entering into this contract except as expressly provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. KING COUNTY By\g~~ County Executive CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BY~~ B~ Ci ty ~ ATTEST: Director Department of Executive Administration APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ /Deputy Prosecuting Attorney v~ COPSFEDl(CO.3) -6-