Ord 91-104 ORDINANCE NO. 91-104 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO CABLE COMMUNICATION FRANCHISES, GRANTING CONTINUATION OF NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES FOR CABLE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS, AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND EXTENDING THE NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE WITH VIACOM. WHEREAS, prior to the effective day of incorporation of the city of Federal Way, King County granted a non-exclusive cable communication system franchise to, amongst other entities, Cable TV puget Sound, Inc. d/b/a viacom Cable (hereinafter "viacom"), and its predecessor companies by King County Ordinances No. 7841 and 8443, and motions and amendments related thereto and Franchise No. 560 and amendments thereto (collectively, the "Viacom Franchise"); and WHEREAS, such cable franchises have been extended and renegotiated for, among other things, permi tting uninterrupted service during any negotiation periods; and WHEREAS, the current franchise as granted by King county to viacom expires February 13, 1992; and WHEREAS, the city of Federal Way incorporated as a non- charter code city effective February 28, 1990; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.02.160, the Viacom Franchise was automatically canceled upon incorporation of the city except that, by operation of law, the franchise must continue for a term not less than the remaining term of the original franchise; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.11.030, the City of Federal Way has the power, among other things, to grant franchises; and COpy WHEREAS, the city and viacom have met and begun negotiating possible non-exclusive franchise terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the city and viacom to ensure that sufficient opportunity exists for the parties to fully and openly negotiate franchise terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, in order to ensure time exists to determine the public needs and negotiate terms and conditions, it is in the best interest to incorporate the existing terms and conditions and fees under the franchise between King County and viacom with the Federal Way franchise for a period of approximately one (1) year beginning February 14, 1992, through February 14, 1993; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. The terms, conditions and fees in the current non-exclusive franchise between King county and Viacom are attached hereto as Exhibit A, incorporated herein and adopted by reference as of February 28, 1990, by the city of Federal Way and extended in accordance with section 2 below. section 2. The non-exclusive franchise for cable communication systems along, across and upon the public streets, ways, alleys, and places within the City of Federal Way is extended by a period of approximately one (1) year effective February 14, 1992, through February 14,1993, pursuant to terms, conditions and fees established in the current non-exclusive franchise granted by King County to Viacom. Fees established in the current non- exclusive franchise is attached as Exhibit A. - 2 - section 3. The city Council declares that it is its intent by the adoption by reference of this non-exclusive franchise and the extension to grant the opportunity to meet the requirements for negotiations and public hearings in order to ensure that the continued best interests of the public are served, all in accordance with the Cable communications Policy Act of 1984 and applicable amendments. section 4. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after publication of an approved summary consisting of the title hereto. PASSED by the city Council of the city of Federal Way this 20th day of August , 1991. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 9JJ:~~ MAYOR, DEBRA ERTEL l).,T'l'E-s'{ : / \ I / - 3 - APPROVED AS TO FORM: CIT FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: August 23, 1991 EFFECTIVE DATE: August 28, 199; ORDINANCE NO. 91-104 August 15, 1991 August 20, 1991 91LIO90 - 4 - ~, - '---'Þíl: l~lfìß 4 FRAHCHISE No. ~) ~ (') 11't1.ttA"b6 5, f\I"'Cf (0"'" 1,,/ 1=/= 10 In the ma tter of the 'applica tion of TfUBUJIE PUI3LISHING COMPIlNY (KTIIT TV) ( to conotruct, maintain Bnd operate transmission and distribution lines ¡ or cablcs for the transnitting and distribution of television, FH radio and othcr audiovisual electric signals. Vi": BOARD OF COUNTY COfTI'JISSIONEns OF KING COUNTY, 1VASHI1/CTO¡¡, granting franchise righ,lj! to TRIBUJ1E PUBLIs;Jn/G COIIPIlHY (KT11T TV) for installation, 'maintenance and oparation. ",-,/~<.A//}'.u );/1 ~"é/'O Tha application of TRIBUJIE FUBLISnIHG COHPIllIY (KT1IT TV) 101' Q ¡ranchise to construct, maintain anu operate transmission ond distribution'lines or cables for the trans-., mitting and distribution of television, FM rodio, and other oudio- vIsusl electric sißnals, toßether ;,ltl1 paleo ond other oppurtennncas upon, o'ler, clon[;, underneath and ccross the public roads end'riGhts of Ilay of KinG County, situsted Hithin the doseribed sections, Town- ship and ronee of Kine County, Fcshincton, having come on before the " undersigned Boord of ](ing County ComO1lssIonero thIs lilt" doy of --........ . Fe~_, 19 67, ond it hav,ing been made to appear to tne saiu Bosrd thot 011 of such county roods and rights of Hay lies within King County and outsido of any incorporated cities or tOllnS; and It further oppeoring that due end leGal notice of said hearing on application for franchise having been posted Bnd published in the monner prescribed by 10;'; and Tho Board of King County Commissionero hovinß hold a þublic hccring in respect to such application, having considered the respe'çtive interests proposed ond advanced, and beinG fully edvisad in the pre/¡¡ises, : does hereby find that the granting of this franchise to be in the public interest, ORDö:RED by tho Board of County Com:nissioners of ¡ang County, Heshington, that there be and there is hereby gronted to said "'1JI.ôIllE. PUFlT.TST1T1W CQI'!EA!ILl..K1'1IT..TY..L.., hel'oinan"r callod the Grsnteo_, and to their ouccessors ond Ossigns, Subject to ell the term3 ond conditions hereof for tho term of """n~Y-F1vA Ynnp, from the data hereof, the riGht, privileGe, ouChority cnu iro~chioe for ltself, its Successors and osDieno, to conDtruct, maintain ond oporate tranomission and distribu- tion linGo ond/or cableD for the tronomlttinG ond diotributin¡; of tele'lision, Fn redio, cnd other audio-visual .loctriccl siGnols. togethor \lith poles, 'and other appurtenances, ltpon, O'IOr, alonG. underneath ond across all county roodo and ri[!hts of ;'"", nOH cxisting or horeaftor existing, \'Ìtbir, 0,," Úulu"lnG-aescribed sections, town- ohipo cnd range of King County: The location ond nature of tho franchiso being moro particulary described as follolls: LECAL DESCRIPTIO~I all ATTACHED PAGE EXHIBIT ,:d..... \ ,'. /> ,.,---------.-----"'--- , , ' ".. Area bounded as follows: North - North tine Township 2t,h south - Souther 1 Y 30undary of King County East - East lines sec. 4-9-16-21-28 Twp. West - puget sound Shore Line Less any portion Idthin an Incorporated area. , --,,-,-,.. - -." 'i. 21 N.. R.rE.vl.l~. //1.. ~I /t: / ¡,;- '<,;, '.V. Cable ?g. 2 '3ubject to tha following conditions and stipulations: 1 . The ~'3'ë.f!'d!l1d ~-."",s,haiJ..Jaoa..taIlll1a~IU-ll'S!ØII!x1r8,t:1:n gllP-!',_lä. s W1i7'.~'á.1"1'Ðï;Ÿe"'ë'n'd"'P'ï'a'c.tfc'á'i51"", unlass wai vad in writing by the King County Engineer, through. joint usa pola agreement wJ.th any other puòlic utility which has previously installed and maintains poles along End acroSS the public roads and rights of way within the sactions, townships and range described herein. Th1\~n.o.b1.ee_ho1J;\~r-iihaÀ:L- 1 i ]t Wh¡¡f}4L~1\, t ,0 ¡¡.d.u.~g~..ts1Il"Q.~.J1Ii~,~.8P.9j1¡C;>;J at~~9,t b'Øl1rIrn'ðJIíi'friím:šr:. frsnën~a~~hb~~S~s.h~"~~gIa~~~~~ðh~Sð.sn~WP~rlU~ to maintain its lines and f a"'dJ'lM1te:8...t:l¡:mIUllbb:ø88melllm).~g.bJia~y;" Where a IJ.ne of poles J.s shared by two or more franchise holders, the ownar of the line of poles may charga tha odditJ.onal users a use charge, that is proportionate to the number of franchise holders using the line of poles ond is proportionate of the fair value of the li'1~ of poles. Hhenever the line of poles, or parts thereof, are required to be re- moved, repaired, raised, lowered, or relocated by or under the terms of this fronchise, such costs or chorges are to ba apportioned to tha franchise holders ~sing such line of poles in such a manner as is reflected in the use chorge. 2. Fronchise holder sholl have the right to J.nstal; its facili- tivs J.n underground condui t, notwiths tanding Sec tion 1 herein, and moy be raquired to install, or ramove, existJ.ng facilities and re- install its facilities in underground conduit if so deemed by the King County Engineer to be consistont with the installations of other franchise holders in the same or nearby area of this franchise. 3. The franchise holder shall hava the right and authority to enter upon the county roads and rights of way described herein, and . situated without anY.incorporated citias or towns, for the purpose of constructing, axtending, repairing or replacing, servicing and otherwise T.V. Co'ole :>;;. J ",,'c,:,," , 0:°(: c':O:':l::,',oonar,t ",eD:i,tic:", c,n"¡c~r.noctini3 'ohe so¡r,o ';;0 ~.::',~~~: :~~ =":nt":~ln~ :~" ~rnco~;o,ion r~A ði.t::,i~ution l~nes or eoc,;;',,~,~::' ::"':-"';,00 1;,r.~3, t';'J"" t:,ry U,N' t'",t ¡rt':lor'to ouch ',;0::':' ',:", ' , ..",<:,.c",cr,"'<;'oc"""';""';"C ".", ,',' '." " , ," .. ',co.-:: "," :",':,:; ;"'c':': :",", ;::.;, 7,°'-:-,,;, ':0, \'::',0';1-.°" t:',o 1<°"",: to \;e \;0 '07 the ,",,',:ec, 0: '."" ;:'C"~C',C""O holdnr, i:;3 ;:>"rt"os oc::,.':.: ;;";;[ó ',00 - ',' ~,r,os o'r eo'oJ,0 or oy>pm'tonont of tto " , c,-"~e,,',,oo 'n~l¿'o"', 0'0011 '00 0;0;,1;.°" for r,nc: ,,:ivon ~n 'aho name' of the ,,-:::',',:,..000 ',.0;.<;0::' "':,0 .:'011 bø ",01,] ,.,osT'°noià1e for 011 "ork done ',:-.r:,-OO',-,,:O:- . ),.,.3 Co:"'""c Encincc1', 1,;00 "".-,y ro~l\'""o cn,';'O" o~ 1'10'-,5, blucpri;-cts, ;,,;:,:,;:',(;ot.':,on ¡'O"' IJO";' PO:',,",;,':: "',:c,;,:., [;1'0\; be presented to the C~D"" ..ctions or 9uch ~urther ~..cl: or '::ho work t6be done nD is, o~ ~"Y be, ~.~atr.d by :-..ù:":"~~ ~~ o:;ho~ ino~c~c." of \Jork within -,<,:,:c r::;"to or \,;oy. i,:,,:, ;:0'"-'.: ,tc" ;-"""e:':'.-.",or ,':,:,-,:. ièlCluGO necozsory " ",-;,',:,o~, 'co,:,.."o;>".>"::::,,,',:,,~c:'..c, ..:"-'",J'; o,'r'<',ot of "IOY, o;-cd )o:,c;:o".:;, C',-0(;;:".3 n',','; "'::' ( C':, ° '"':C' 0;":, / c, ,c..zo::,y ra:;:>oj r, : :,:..,~ c'" ':;0 tho oc,'c;,s:'oc',:o:", 0:' ;;;0') :':;,,: COI"oty ;::~;>c,OOc". {. :,c,::o, ',-,;oo,'a<;;;'c, :,c,': ":o,-::',,',-.-c,:.',:,,, ",.c...oc.oc' o:oè ""oy be o:':;'Joe:; '00 t,:e ,:,:,: ":O":: C,':.. ;;:',:,:",zoO', c,"'; :"-"-:";':-Cù :'Gro'::,',¿o:" ";,01:;', bø òo:oe o,.:;"c,~...:;:;o;-c, ino;-..oc'o';o;-c 0'-,(, ::):-,;-c",.:: o~ tbe ¡':i~3 CO"C1ty S:OCi:oeor, or 0,;0:, :,~"r,:; 0:' .".[,::'oyo" ,0:' ~:o c:' cX,c,:,'.-,'~, '0:':';; ~n oceorà"c,eo, r.ol,:eVel', :OC'QOO :,c,è 'or"o'" CU'~ or ;>r"'-,3<'. ,,';.,:.J,:' '00 pro",?~ly ro""oved ¡'ro,,". toe : ,'.-, 'c',oo :",;:0 C',;: ';','0 S'~r..:,;o ",' ',:0:,:',;',:;:,':"'" ,,;:>;:>:",co,,::,o 'oherùtO. 1.1.1 ,'o:>òo:-,-i:-;.,'oot',cc:c. ;","¡:,:,c';;eò, co",nectod¿an:d Ú;:~t.:çn',Ô, 5. I ¿:'l Kiro. uood by ~~a f~o~oh~'. ~o¡{er sholl b. oo:-ef"lly ('c,:,;:; r,r,r..~,'-.c'~ ",;1:;-. 0:':""'; ¿ll :.c::1t~00 i:oclu{{n3 K::-CC .~oll bo 00 ;:>o.it;.onoè a:od C (,,',7,C.':, "0O O¡' ":';,O:,,"~ '-,0 ,.-"..;; '~o :,,':;o:-to:"O ";::,'c~, t:,G ,..'C ,....,-;:,:::",:"",y.':::;-""'C';" of ,- '( T.V Cabla Pg. 4 ~, ~ special equipment upon the road or right of wa~ shall necessitate the raising or temporary removal of tha lines of the franchise holder, they shall be raised or t.mporarly~emoved upon written notice by the Board of Co,^",iss:loners of at least twenty-four hours (2lJ,) in advance of the time for such raisin£; or re¡noval. "henever the franchise holder shall permanently discontinue the use of any pole or line erected by it whi~h is not lawfully in use by any other franchise holdar, such unused pole or line shall - be immediately removed by the franchise holder. vl11enever the poles, lines or cable of the fFanchise bolder shall be contiguous to any airport, landing field or airplane approach pattern, whether private or public, as sucb airport, landing field or approach pattern now exists or as may come into existence in whole or in part, the franchise holder sball immediately so modify its lines or cables and other appurtenant facilities as to conform with the regulations of any governmental agency having jurisdiction and authority over such airport or landing field, or upon written notice from the Board of Commissioncrs to lower, remOVE> or adjust, such poles, lines or cable of the franchise holder. In every case the franchise holder may elect wbether to lower its poles¡ lines or cable, or, to install such lines or cable in conduit underground. 6. All rights granted unto the franchise holder under this document shall not be construed to preclude King County from perform- ing work upon its road or right of way or appurtenant drainage facilities in the nature of constructing, altering, renewing, paving,' widening, grading, blasting or excavating. In such instance as work upon the rood or right of way or appurtenant drainage facility by King County ahall reasonably necessitate the removal and relocation of the lines, cable or appurtenant facilities of tho franchise holder, the same shall ba proo,ptly remo\'eà or relocated upon written notice by the Board of Commissioners to the francbise holàer. In the event that franchise holder sball foil to remove and relocate its line, coble or appur~nant fscilities eo requested by written notica, King County may do so, and franchise holder, upon rendition of bill therefor, shall be liable for all reasonably necessary coot9, including labor and equipment, incurred in the removal and relocatioD of the same.. ~?: \'( T.V. Cahle Pg. 5 ,n] damage suffered to the line, c ahle or appurtenant facilitie 3 by the removal or relocation by King County, after failuro of franchi3o ,oldor to so promptly removo and relocate upon written notice, shall be without remedy or compen3ation from King County. 7. Tho franchi3e holder, it3 3ucceS30r3 and aa3ign3, 3hall indemnify King County and 3ave it harmla3s from any and all loss, do","go or liabill ty by reason of injury or damage to the person or property of another cau3ed by or resulting from the'conatructlon, malntenance or operation under this franchise; provided that, in tho event any suit or action is brought for injuI'! or damage to persons or property of others against King County booed upon, or alleged to be arising out of, the conotI'uctlon, maintenance or operations of the franchise holder, King County shall give written notice of 3uch Bui t or action to franchiBe holder and the franchi3e holder 3hall defend the some at it3 own cost and expon3e by counael of it3 own 3election. If final judgment Bhall be rendered or given againBt King County in any 3uit or action, the Bame Bhall be paid and BatiBfied in full by the franchise holder, itB BUCCO3sorB or aBBignB. ô. So long aB the Franchise holder Bhall exercise any right or pri vilege grantod by thiB orcHnance, it Bhall provido and maintain in full force and ofroct public liability insurance, with tho. County as on additionAl inaur~ provIding for a limit of not leso than One Hundred ThouBand Dollars ( $.100,000 ) for all damag"" adsIng out of bodily Injuries to or dcath of one porBon, and subject to that limit for oach por30n, 0 total limit of not les3 than Five Hundrod Thou3and DollarB ( $ 500,000) for all damages ari3Ing out of bodily injurie3 to or death of two or moro per30n3 in anyone occurrence; and property domago.1IabilIty insuranco providIng for a limIt of not 10s3 than Fifty Thouaand Dollara ($ 50,000) for all damago ari3Ing out of Injury to or de3truction of property in anyone occurrence. A copy of 3uch policy or certificate evidencing the 3ame 3hall be filed in the office of tho County Engineer prior to iB3uence of any permit forconetruction nnd Bhall provide for ten (10) daYB notic" to the County of any change, cancellatIon or lapse thereor. .' ~, ' <' T.V. Cable 'rg.6 9. If any pole, line oable or oppurtonont facility of tbe chiae holdor or ito oonatruotion, operation or maintenance, shall .ncroooo,the hazard of travel along the rood, upon demand of tho Bosrd of Commia,ionoro, tho fronoh1oa holòor sholl 'install, maintain end operoto auffloiont safety lighto ond w~rning do...icoa os ara commonly i~inilar oituatione upon public roada of King County. " @lOfj Rotaa charged by the franchioe holder for eer...ioe hereundor uaed oholl bo fair ond rea.onable and dooigned to moot all neooeaory ooate of' oervico, including a foir rate of return on the not valuation of ita proport1ee devoted thereto, under effioi"nt snd' aconomiool manegoment. ~he fronohioo holdor .hal1 be e~bjOot to 011 authority noW or hereofter poooeooed by King, County, or any oDhar governmental body having competent, jurisdiction to fix just; raosonoblo and componsatory ao~...ioo ratee,/Y1 Tbo fronohieo bolder ahall offer servioe to all, persona deo1ring to , BubDorlbod to tho Bor...lces of tho fronoh ,oo holdeX' foX' 8 minimum period of ana yaar, whoro ouch person'rosides wi, thin tho area of this ,f1:ancbioe ond tho point of raoeption is within throe hundred feeD of the clooeot ,oting fooili ty of fronchiae bolder, a" to two or'more aubncribera for a diotonce from the existing focllitieo lit tbe ratio of ono Dubacribor per throe hundred feet" The coot of extnnding'facilitioe alo~g the road ,or right of 'IOY ahall be borne by the frcmchioe holder, and ,the, coot of,': oxtonding linoo from the road or right of way to the subaoriber rosy bo contracted for between the fronohise holder and oubooriber, providoc1 the' The forogoing aholl :' ,ohorgea for extenoion and conneotion are resaonsble. not be conatrued ee to preolude fronchion holder from oxtending Borviceo upon ito own tormo to eubocribers whorB the point of reception io beyond the ratio of ono subscriber per three hundred feet, or multiples thereof. In no'ovent Bholl franchise holder extend services where the point of reception' ia outBide of~~a franchise oraD ," "e1 'ehel1, ""y I'~' --8l'-luIted -ø.--eny-',.(Bci'11 ty-1n.s.tal'led"under-thi:; frBnChl'i",,"be-,uaod,-fo':"";'perBt'ion ,.oL-.B Pay-'fV ~Yatom'-"'it.hin"Oho-.cöun't':f,,<)~'King.Ð:-/~Ié,d :S~e C~llc1 (f,-./ CC " 11. Thin franchise, onti all 11no" , ccbl, and Appurtonont fodl1tioo, -,eonotructod and mointoined )1oreby io subjeot to the exerciee of ominent domoin. ~ho volue to'be attributed to all the rights granted under thio frnnohioo ohsll in nO inatonoe oxoood tho sotual cost paid King Count7 in obtainir\g thin franohioe, in tho inotono" of an exoroioo of' eminent dam. in " ile T.V. Cable Pg. , 12. Whenever the decision, requirement or approval 13 by thi,s document to be e determination of the King County Engineer, tr.at d~termination shall be conclusive upon the parties hereto, except in th.t in"tance where the determination is arbitrary, made in bad faith or t,o d~frau<l tee parties hereto. 13. All rights arising to the franchise holder herein are nonexcl"sive, and King County reserves the right to grant other and similar francr.ises to other and similar persons, private corporations and municipal corporations upon the county roads and rights or way subject to this franchise, to the extent that such other and similar franchises are in the public interest. 14. If upon expiration of this franchise, franchise holder shall not have renewed or caused to have reissued a franchise for its lines, cable and appurtenant facilities, upon the county roads and rights of way included herein, King County sholl have the right to remove or relocate the same; provideõ, that the removal or relocation is reasonably necessary for the safe condition of the road, right-of-way, or the lines and facilities of other franchise holders, or are reasonebly necessary for the construction, rene~Jing, altering, or improving of such road or right of way; and further provided, that such removal or relocation is done wi thin tHO years from the If frenchise holder shall have failed to apply expiration hereof. for a renewal or reissuance of a franchise wi thin two yaars from the expiration hereof, all right, title and interest to .its lines, cable and appurtenant facilities shall be forfeited unto King County, at the election of the Board of Commissioners. In no event,upon expiration of this franchise, shall the franchise holder have any right to the operation, maintenance or revenue to franchise "holder fro:;! th~ operation or maintenance of the lines, cable or appurtenant facilities created or existing hereby. 15. 'l'tre""!; 00 rll"'ô'f'¡Y~'Ï'ö!l'ð""..maYr",uP'Qn.g~J¡ngoø:t hi'X',ty...da>ys; )'!£j"tt en'JO\iò',t'f'ë'è""bõwjJhe"iJra1'!<:i!h<!>a e",hoJ:d e'1'>"6f-S=i'ffifIrn:tllonzo o...t o",d ° ¡'I â1i!"'añ'ð.':""iWt'è!r<';!E"'h a n-g ..o.J3..e,uppJ¡e m. n,t1!tt h'ewrjrg h,t saa n,daJ:la1!P.o n!s:!>.b i.;¡',iti'e S' ~e"tèd.hëreö~~ {" (" T.V. Cabl. Pg. 8 If th. franchis. holder, its succeooors or aooigns, stall violate or fail to comply with any of tho terms, conditions or attpulattons of thts franch1"o, for a poriod of thirty days aftcr rcco "lng >lrl tton notice from tho Board of Commiaoionors of suoh v101a lion or foiluro to comply "1 tb this franchiso, then this franchiso may be declared revokod by tho Board of Commissioners, if thoy after hAving a public hooring find such revocation to be in the public interest. 16. Tho fNnchise holdaI' sholl not havc the right to assign this fronchise "ahout consent of the Boord of Commisaioners given by Resolution. No such assignment shall bo of any force or effoct unless an acceptanco by the assignoa of all rights, conditions, terms provisions and responsibilities contained hcrein, and the posting of all "urety bonds aa thc Boord of Commissionars may doom necossary. doomod to hAve forfeitod and abandoned all rißhts grante'd horeby, 17. Tho franchise holdor, its succossors and as'Úgns, sholl bo unloos tho feanchiso holdor ahAll within thirty days aftor the grAntinl> of tela franchise, execute its acceptance of the right,9, pri vllog"s. oblie;ntions and responsio11i ties provided heroin and this franchis" ahall be null and void and of no forco or effec~ unless Franohiao bOlder shall within thirty (30) days after tho effectiv6 dato of this ordinsnce file' wi th the Board of County Commissioners its >lritton acceptAnce of the rights and privileges hereby conforrod and the torms, conditions and restrictions hereby imposed; and shall at the s.mo time file with said Board of Commissioners a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of Twenty-five Thousond Dollars ($ 25,000) executed by a aurety company authorized and qualified to do businoss in the Stato of Washington as s suroty, conditioned thst Franchise holder shall strictly comply with Bach and ovary condition snd covenont of this ordinance; Provided, whenever in th, judßment of the Board of County Commissioners, any bond or bonds filed by Franchise holder pursuant to the provisions hereof sholl be deemed insufficient 'to satisfy the conditions of tho bond, the Franchiso holdor shall upon demand furnish a new or additional bond in such amount as may bo spocifiod by tho Board of County Co:r.missioners. rt (, T.V. Cablo Pg. 9 18. As rental and componsation for the use 01' count roads and occupancy of such roods and rights of way, franchiso ho ~or way, and to a.,ist in reimbursing King County for tho unto Kin~ Count~ on tho lOth dA~ of F.b., tho 10th dAy of Mn of ';u¡:;ust and tho 10th day of Novo,"bor, ooch yoRr, on "mount 0 1',r cent (11%) 01' the gross income roeoived for such aorvicos rendered "n the County of King for which any port of the rights oxorcised Such ~uarterl a ments shall be based undor this 1'rancr1iso are used. ~the gross inco;::e from such busineso 1'or tbe throe month period procedIng thoso dates end ending respectively on De,comber 31, March 31, June 30, and Soptember 30, of each year. Said quarterly payments shall become delinquent if not paid on or before thirty (3°) days after the dete due, and shall thereafter bear interest at tho rate of ten per cent ( 10~) per annum of the amount due until paid. FrAncbise holder sholl make available a t all times its records end booles of account relative to its oparations under this franchise 1'or in"pection by an eutborized representative of the Board of County ,om\l1J.s8ioners. Such informAtion as ,"ay be ~ainod by inspection 01' franchise holder and tho Board of Commissioners, or enyone authorized eoid records and book3 of Account sh"ll be doemed confidential between to act on their behalf, oxcept that tho soma may be used to enforce the provioions of this 1'ranchise. 19. The franchise bolder shall, within six months (6 Months) 1'rom oxocuting its "cceptonce 01' this 1'rencbi3e as hereinbefore providod, co,"menoo end provide a reasonable program for the completion of the construction ond location of it" transmission lines or cables upOT] tho County roade and rights of way situated within the area of this franchiee. Foilure by tho franchiae holder to hove oonstructed and located such .lines and cable" eholl at the....option of tbo Boord of County Commissioners operate oe an abondomr.ent of the rights under this franchise to thoDe aroos whorei' such 11noo o~d cables are not loco~d. 20. 7;,ls franchise sholl be construed as to effectuate the purpoeos and uses under this franchise consistent with economical and efficient services rondered in the public interest. (' 'i:.V. ~JO~O ",c,. ~V Qol11d an:] þ!'ovision of thio franc!>!."" , or its applicntion, be. bold lid, the remainin¡; pro,-1~tNt.'" '" tÞo fronchioo 0\'1(\1.1. ,,\.\b8iot nnd :romo:!:." -,,::U-:1/ 0,,1000 tho do,"1.nont pur,,"O" ,0T: 'Bhe' frenc'hi.¡¡e 0::' 'i:;,~ pllbl:lc intor05t 1.5 t)-,or01n is t,hwn",te,<J, thereby. I1ndor tbt.. .t:roncbi'o :21. ,J\.,1.Â, ri¡;ht~ nnd !'rl":nocon conJ:or"""" ,"nJ:1.C~pl1'~ .../t~J'lÔ /3, , FJ"li- ( 25 Yoo",') ;:~;':;:; :;:¡; RZCü:,;,¡; SZSSIQ); I;'; ';.';;15 077XGZ OF ';'i.¡z BO,\RD 07 COUX?Y It¡' -: do;/, of CO;:J-~¡;G-..:O:~Y' .w,S:;X;'C?O>:, t\110 (f ~ ' , , ' , '1'",,\,,',1 0:' cnm:TY co;,;xrSSIO}"'ERS", ' , ;Ü;:G CCi",;':Y, ;'iAS;,nG';.'O¡; , ' , ð¿'~OL~ ~ii~~~::ci4 k.~~ ",' -';;-~,<'-!(7")"""O"~,"'NG,"o;-'-"O~,~" " ' , '-,' ~r'~i'~:~ï,'t¡~,:;,:i::~.-.e' . ~ 3' KiJß.!- V 'J ,l v~.,'-' ÅV"~" " ' , ' , ", j DO?U'"y , qY~ 0.,';1' '..10, '0,,0 nncio:,oic;ncc1, CJ :,,'oo¡,(¡r;~.'c c:ccr!Soc:"o'cory; ,-oopoctivol¥ of , 'oè,o ~ ~"d ¡J~ ',¿?~ , '~ll t;,o l-i[;',"C" oDd p,.~vi1úCo~ 0; 'c'"o ',:i'c'"in ;,-onci';'80 ol1bj'cct to 011 0 '..1c~\',in::;to", co"po,-otion, o';,ci 0;; ',)ú'..",:,~ o~ ocid CO1')o1'o;;ion, occopt ~~o tc1'~O, condi;;~on~; Dt~?~l~'tio~o ~~¿ obl~G~tionD contoined thòroin. :;¡ UI';.'};ESS HEREOF; HO ;'0'/0 DC';' O~,- \1~n<'lo end DbOJ.. of: 'c\1o /~Æ ¿OJ of t?~~ , ' , ' S)¿~Jl~~ .. 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