Ord 91-092 ORDINANCE NO, 91-92 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE (ORDINANCE NO: 90-43) BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 15.80, PERTAII\II\G TO THE SUBURBAN ESTATE ZONE, AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 20,75 PERTAINING TO THE RS 7,2, RS 9.6 AND RS 15.0 DISTRICTS WITHIN THE SINGLE FAMILY RESTDENTIAL ZO:-\E, TO ALLOW Cß1ETERIES AS A PER~lIITED USE: AI\D BY ADDII\G A NEW SECTION 45,75, PERTAI1\¡:-\G TO THE COMMU:-\fTY BUSI1\ESS ZO:-\E AND A NEW SECTION 55.45, PERTAINING TO THE OFFICE PARK ZO1'\E, TO ALLOW CREMA TORIUMS, MAUSOLEUMS AND COLUMBARIUMS AS PERMITTED USES: AND BY A\fENDlNG SECTION 310, TO ADD THE DEFI:-\fTIO:-\ OF CE,\IETERY. WHEREAS, amendments to the Federal Way Zoning Code text are authorized pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §135 and §160; and WHEREAS, Federal Way Zoning Code §135,15 contains criteria for amending Zoning Code text; and WHEREAS, a threshold review of this proposal having been considered by the Federal Way City Council on November 6, 1990, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §160,20; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council, having determined the proposal to be meritorious, referred the proposal to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission having considered the proposal at a public hearing on February 6, 1991, and all public notice having duly been given, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §160,30 and §160.40; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission submitted its recommendation for proposed zoning text amendment to the appropriate Council committee; and WHEREAS, the Planning/Public Works/Transportation Council Committee having modified the recommendation of the Planning Commission on March 25, 1991, as ..contained herein, NOW THEREFORE COpy THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I, The Findings of the Fòderal Way Planning Cummissiun pertaining to these amendments and the Findings made in the Planning, Puhlic Works and Transportation Commit1ee are adopted by reference in totality by the Federal Way City Council. Section 2, Pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §135,15 and §160,75,2 and based up(>n the above Findings, ù¡e Federal Way City C(>uncil makes L~e [,¡Ilowing C(>nclusi"ns l1f Low: A, The proposed amendments are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, Pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan Framework Policies, the purpose of the Federal Way Comprehensh'e Plan is to guide development of implementing regulations, procedures and programs, This text amendment provides the means for bringing a non-conforming land-use into a conforming use, and through the proposal review process, will accommodate future land-use development programs. B. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relation to public health, safety and welfare, This code amendment that will allow the cemeteries to be located in the SE zones of the City, and to exist as a conforming use, Additions can be added to respond to the needs of the community, C, The proposed amendments are in the best interest of the residents of the City. Current and projected population growth in the area dictate a required need for expanded facilities at the sole cemetery facility in Federal Way. Section 3, The Federal Way Zoning Code, Chapter 15, is amended to add a new section 15,80, as set out in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, ~ The Federal Way Zoning Code, Chapter 3, is amended to add the following: CI-'.J>,?TER 3.05. 3.10. 3 - DEFI!HTIONS User Guide This Chapter contains the definitions that apply to t'ois CC'::e, Definitions iLe "",' ,- fC':::""'i.,,,! de: : 11 : - ,... '" . 1;' _',-......-.,,- """"""'" Cede u,",::'es,,;, ~~.- th.. cC',",::e>::: .. '-.. ,~"'ci fi.:.: la:cq'clage, a:wt::e:- ::"",,",i.::g is c::'ea::c::.;' i,",te::::EC:: 005, ?t'an..c=,o-"p.cJ - Y.nc.'-' , ,eli!lc;-"i,'-n,,~ cC' rich": c, c2.e.i:o tc t:',e S..:- 'c_t C:-ceé':::': c,,- st:-c;cc'""", - , . c:c that p::ceC'erty, 010. Accessorv ?, use, activi":'<', str~cture or Dart of a strJct~::ce which is' s~ordinate and ~lncidental to the main activity or structure on L~e subject prcpe::cty, . 012. 015. 020. Accessorv Livina Facilitv fu~ area or structure on the subj ect prope.rty, which is accessory to a penni tted use on the subj ect prope.rty, providing cooking, sleeping and other residential facilities for an employee on the subject property and that employee I s family. Adloinina Property that touches or is directly across a street from the subj ect property. For the pu¡--;cse of height regulations, any portion of a structure ~hich is more than 100 feet from a low density zone is not considered to be adjoining that zone. Adult Entertainment Activitv Dr Use .. All of the following: 1. Adul t theater ):leans a building or enclosure or any portion the.reof used for presenting material distinguish~d or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas (defined as follo~s) for observation by patrons therein and which excludes minors by virtue of age. a. Specified anatomical areas - Both of the following: 3 .. 1 1) ,,'hen less than completely opaquely covered - and a) Human genitals region; or pubic b) Human Buttock; and/or c) Human breast below a point iIT~ediately above the top ~. t',ec """-~,, .._,-_.. :::"~e ~,. ¿ se:c:. ~"l::; òisce:-nibly tur::¡id state, even if completely and opaquely ~~.. - - - " 'n .' , .. Ì::, ":,,c~:::.,cè S~>:',:~'. ~="::"::~:"":::' - .',~~ c' the follOl'Ilng: 1) E=e:-, geni tel s in a state of sexuel stimulation or arousal. 2) Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercou",se or sodo;:y, 3) Fondling or other erotic tollc:oi:og of h=a:1 genitals, pubic region, buttock or breast. 2. Adul t book store means an establ ishment which in -hole or in portion thereof has a substantial 0", significant portion of its s1:.ock and t",aòe books, ::'.agaz ines or other pericàicals, '..hich are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to ,"specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" (as defined in this Chapter) and which excludes minors by virtue of age. 3. Adult cabaret means a cabaret, nightclub or other establishment which features go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators, similar entertainers or attendants, who are so clothed or dressed as to emphasize "specified anatomical areas" (as defined in this Chapter) and/or whose performance or other activities include or mimic "specified sexual activities" (as defined 3 - 2 030, 035, 040, 050, 055, 070, in this Chapter) and which establishment excludes minors by virtue of age, Activities and uses defined as "Adult Entertainment Activity or LSC" are only jXm]]lled ¡¡¡the zonè \\hèfè lhdt teril1 IS specl11cally listed as an allowable use and only in conformance to the 'cq"irfn1C~t, é, q"'(\< fpr ti,:,t 'I'e 02~ ~~ric::!!",:!l l'", - ,\::\ :,~;::,:!:',:r:]l, S'(lt,!" ('r L..c:,:ock use :i,:cJ as an al1owabJe use Jiì the Suburban Estate zones, ::>, ~i'c]~--.: - l'1 ;:.C '-c - ,pi",e iÒ(,.. e ;he SLi':',.,'" oî ¡he ~roL"d AlJuviun1 - Soil deposits transported by surface waters, ApDlicant - Both of the fo]]owing, depending on the content: 1. A person who applies for any permit or approval to do anything governed by this Code, which person must be the owner of the subject property, the authorized agent of the owner, or the City, 2, Any person who is engaging in an activity governed by the Code or who is the owner of property subject to this Code, Averal!e Buildinl! Elevation - A reference datum on the surface topography of a subject property from which building height is measured, The reference datum shall be a point no higher than five feet above the lowest elevation taken at any exterior wall of the structure either prior to any development activity of at finished grade, whichever is lower, provided the reference datum is equal to or lower than the highest elevation at any exterior wall of the structure prior to development activity, (Rov]"d b)' 0,dl"o",<90-51) Average Slope - The average grade of land within each land area representing a distinct topographical change, Backfill - Material placed into an excayated area, pit, trench or behind a constructed retaining wall or foundation, Buildinl! - A roofed structure used for or intended for human occupancy, 075. 085, 087. UYO. 100, 105. 130. 135, 137. 140. Building Mountèd Si"ns - All of Ùle following: wall-mounted signs, marquee signs, under marquee signs and projecting signs, Bulkhead - A wall or embankment used for retaining earth, Cemetery - Land useD or intended to be used for Ùle burial of Ùle de"d and dedicated for cemetery Dumoses including columbariums ',I Cenl"r IJcntili,"li,'n Si~n -.-'\ bullJing-muunteJ sign l'r grc>und-mounteJ sign which identitIes Ùle name of a development containing more Ùlan :1,.\ :éc:cl;l\ ced Changing Message Center - A sign, message center or similar device whereby alternating rublic ser,ice information and commercial messages are displayed on Ùle same lamp bank, Church Svnagogue or Orner Place of Relioious Worship - An establishment, Ùle principal purpose of which is religious worship and for which Ùle principal building or orner structure contains Ùle sanctuary or principal place of worship. and whjch establishment may include related accessory uses. Code IÙlis) - The ordinance of Ùle City of Federal Way as adopted and amended from time to time, of which Ùlis definition is a part, including Chapters I Ùlrough 185 inclusive and constituting Ùle official Zoning Code of Ùle City of Federal Way adopted pursuant to RCW 35A,63. 100 and Washington State Constitution, Article XI, Section 11. Commercial Recreation Facility - An indoor facility and use operated for profit, wiÙl private facilities, equipment or services for recreational purposes including swimming pools, tennis court>, playgrounds and orner similar uses, The use of such an area may be limited to private membership or may be open to Ùle public upon the payment of a free, Commercial Use - The uses aJlowed in Ùle commercial zones and not permitted in any orner zones of Ùle City, Commercial Zones - BN, BC and Cc. l :~, . 155. 160. 165. 170. 175 145. Common Recreational Open Space Usable for Manv Activities - Any area available to all of the residents of the subject property that is appropriate for a variety of active and passive recreational activities (including ~ctJ. v J. tJ.es sUJ. table for all age groups) and 1S not - a, Covered by buildings driving areas; or or parking :::, Cc:','er.c:: "'ec;"':¿'~ '.c~ t:,ê.: ir.;:edes ê.ccess; è~.:: . c. On a slope that is rc-r~':::-~! ~=:~~~:~es, for too steep '----"-'-. - . c'::r':3:::~. .".r'èè c:- c~;,::c:-;c:use - ;',n area devoted to facilities and equipment for recrea tio:cal Durposes, such as s'.;i""",ina pool s, tennis ~ourts, playgrounds, co=uni tý club houses and other si~ilar uses ~hich area is rai:cte.::ce:: a:c:: cl='er~::ed ty a nc;-.p:'ofit club or organization ~hose membership is limited to t::e residents ;.'ithin a specified developrent or geographic area. CoDDre::ens~ve Plan 'I::e Ordinances of the ci ty of Federal Way, as adopted and amended form time to time, under RCW 35A.63,060 through BC" 35A.65.080 and the Shoreline Master Program. Construction Sian - A sign ~hich identifies the architec::s, engineers, contractors and anv other persons involved ~ith the co~struction of a building or use, Contour Line - The interconnection of points having the sa~e height above sea level. Convalescent Center - An in-patient facility, excluding facilities defined as hospitals, for patients ~ho are recovering froID an illness or ~ho are receiving care for chronic conditions; mental, physical, emotional or developmental disabilities; terminal illness; or alcohol or drug treatment. Out-patient care is limited to prior in-patients only. Cross Section !Dralolinq) A visual representation of a vertical cut through a structure or any other three-dimensional form. 3 - 5 180, 135, 19 205. 210, 220. 225. 230. 235. 240. 250. CUrb CUt - The connection of a drive~ay ~ith a street, which may entail a structural alteration to the curb by lowering the height of part of the curb. ¡'av-:-care. Facili:'; -::oe te:::porar/, ncn- resldentlal care of persons in a residence or other structure' on a regular, recurring t"" :CC', Dedic3tic~ - T:oe ¿eliber"te aDcrooriation of land bv its ow~er for public ~~e ~r ourpose reserving no other rights than those that ar~ .:: ~P'"C:::~': C" i?~"':: i ".' " :-,"2 " - .., enj'~l"'"e:-,: cf t::e ¡:c~li= '.::ses cr ¡J'"""cse which tte prepert; has tee~ ¿eve:ed, to DeveloD~ent Activitv - Anv ~ork, condition or activity which requires; permit or approval under this Code or the Uniform Building Code. Development Fermi t - AJ1Y permit or approval under this Code or the ~nifo~ Building Code that must be obtained before initiating a use or development activity. Domestic Animal - An animal ~hich can be and is customarily kept or raised in a home or on a farm. Dredqinq Removal of earth and other materials from the bottom of a body of ~ater or ~atercourse or from a ~etland. Dredqinq spoils The earth and other materials removed from the bottom of a body of water or watercouyse or from a wetland by dredging. Drive~av - An area of the subject property designed to provide vehicular access to a parking area or structure located on the subject property. Dry Land - The area of the subject property landward of the high waterline. Dwellinq unit One or more rooms in a structure or structures, excluding mobile homes, providing complete, independent living facilities exclusively for one family, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking and sanit"ation, A factory 3 - 6 255. 260, 265. 270. 275. built home or manufactured home is considered a d\"'ellir'g unit under this Code only if it meets the standards and criteria of a "designated manufactured he~e" established in RC"¡ 35A.63.l45. , There are the following three types of dwelling units: a). ~~ellinq Unit, Attached - A dwelling unit that has one or more vertical \"'a11s in cc:-,:-c:c "~~.. ~ - ,,:c::,"CC,~~ oth,"" d'."":l:.,,; -.. .. - - u:c:.t:; c t:,c:- '-',-,eo:; , - ";,cO doe:; he; ':,c Cc:>cc :.: '.' e : : c ;', '! ..c. D:1:' ::5 c:- o:Ch"", uses a~cve or telow it. bì. I".'f~l:.r':'_"-:~~.._-,:.r'---~..-:~r" .- ,', =----~.- ::~,3:: lS "c:: a::::"c,~e:: c':: ]::'::S:'0,"11::, ce"CCéc::ej te ",,':' Cc:C,o':: j'.',.:::.:cC; '-C:::'c c:- ocher use. c). D'.'ell inc chits, Stac::e:: .- A d'.elling unit that has one or more horizon::al walls in COD.:oon ',.¡ith or attè.=he::: to or.e or :r:c'::e other dwelling units or other uses and may have one or more '..erticè.l ',.¡a11s in co=on with or adj acen:: to one or ¡;oore other dwelling units or other uses. Easement Land which has specific air, surface or subsurface rights conveyed for use by someone other than the o\"~er of the subject property or to benefit some property other than the subject property. Electrical siGn - A sign or sign structure in which electrical '.'iring, connections and/or fixtures are used as part of the sign proper. Erosion and DeDosition - The removal of soils and the placement of these re:-oved soils elsewhere by the natural forces of wind or water. Excè.vate or Excavation The mechanical removal of soils and/or underlying strata. famil Y - An individual or t.,.¡o (2) or more individuals related by not more than four (4) degrees of affinity or consanguinity and including persons under legal guardianship, or a group of not more than five (5) persons who are not related by four (4) or fewer degrees of affinity or consanguinity. 3 - 7 2BO. 285, 290, 295. 300. 305, 310. 315, 320. 325. Fast Food Restaurant - An establishment which offers quick food service which is accomplished through one or more of the following mechanisms: a. Limited menu of easily produced items. b. Orders are not taken at the customer's table. c. Food is ser:ed in èispcc",-blc '.':-"p,:i:-.:;::; C:' cc:-.tai:-.c-:-c, Fence A man-made barrier or wall ccnc~~~c~c~ t~c ~~~~c~~ or ~cr1c~i~~ space c:- sep,,-:-ating parcels o~ land. fill Mate:-ial Dirt, s~r~c~~ral :-ock or gravel, broken conc:-ete and similar st~cct~:-al s~~s~ances c~stc~arilv used to raise t..."1e level of t~,e c::-c~:-,:::, :C"':'C. c.:cl-Jo:i:-,:; topsoil, ta:-\:, orna:::erc,:al roc\:s or gra';el placed on the surface of the ground, finished Grade The final contour land surface prior to landscaping, of the Floor The horizontal surface inside a structure designed and intended for human use and occupancy. Fuel Price sian - A wall-~ounted or pedestal sign displaying the price of fuel for motorized vehicles. Glare Both of the following: a. reflection of harsh, bright light, b, physical effect resulting from l=inances 0:- iDsufficiently shieldeà sources in the field of view. The The high light Government Facil i tv A use consisting of services anà facilities operated by any level of government, excluding those uses listed separately in this Code. Gross Floor Area - The total square footage of all floors, excluding parking area, in a structure as measured from ei ther the interior surface of each exterior wall of the structure or, if the structure does not have walls, from each outer edge of the roof. certain exterior areas may also constitute gross floor area, see Chapter 115 of this Code. Ground Floor - The floor of a structure that is closest in elevation to the finished grade along the facade of the 'structure that is 3 - B 330. 335. 340. 345. 350. Added by Ordinance> 351, 90-51. 353. 355. 360. r; 365. - " " " -', -370. principally oriented to the provides primary access to prope:-ty, street "'hich the subj ect Ground Mounted siOTI - Both of the following: pedestal signs and monument signs. ~:-"='èS 1-.'::'5tC - Xè'.. è:>,;o::;c::-co'.1$ ::.,,:ò c>'-::~e;::;el\' hazardous ....aste, incíuding' substanc~; composed of radioactive and hazardous cc::o::c::-:c:-:tc. (c.cc?:::-,.;C:-::>.~.tc::--O.2:~', Ra~ð~dc~~ ~~c.tc Stc:-3::;e The hcldi"g c~ da...'1ge::-cL:s '..as~e ~o::- a te.=pc::-ary pe::-icd (see WAC 173-303-040 (85)) . Ha~a~¿=~c. ~2s~e 7~eð~~en~ tne physical, che;::;ic2l c::- biological p::-ocec.sing of dangerous was~es to make such wastes nondangerous or less da...'1gerous, safer for transpc:-t, =enable for ene::-9",,' 0::- ¡:¡ate:cial resource recovery, amenable for storage, or reduced in vol~e (see WAC 173-303-040(97)). Heat - Added energy that causes substances to rise in te=perature, fuse, evaporate, expand or under~o any other related change. Height of otructure Hiqh Densitv Residential Use - Attached or 'stacked dwelling units on a subject property which contains at least 1,800 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit but not more than 2,399 square feet of lot area per d'welling unit. Hich Densitv Residential Zones following zones; RM 2.4, RM 1.8 comparable zones in other jurisdictions. The and Home Occuoation - An occUoation, enterprise, activity or profession ",hich is incidental to a residential use, which is car:.ied on for profit or custo!:lari1y carried on for profit and which is not an otherwise permitted use in the Zone in which it occurs. Horizontal Dimension The length of the facade of a structure as measured along a plane, excluding eaves which extend out no more than 18 inches from the exterior ",alls of the structure. Hospi ta 1 - An institution providing primary 'health services and medical or surgical care 3 - 9 375, 380. ~ ~ - , 390. 395. 400. 405. 410. 415. 420. 425. to persons, primarily inpatients, suffering from illness, disease, inj urj, defor::Ji ty and other abnormal physical or mental conditions, and including, è.S an integral part of the institution, related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient facilities, extended care ~acil~~~e~ a~c/c~ ~raining facilities, RQtgL_~l1otel - À single building or group o~ tu:~è_c,c;c, C:C:',~.,-,-,-;,": i:-.,ii'::.:::'c',l s:'c(>;:,'nr: uni~s in~en:::ei f:: tr2nsien~ cccu;anc:, Imoreve7",en'7: feature. '-.. ,~,. :::e.;o-::oaèe s~rcc'7:,lre or -' '. -~"C--' 0' ,,-~' - - ,- ':';0 ~.-.e - - ,0 'cses ac~c;..'e" ,5" i:o è."Y ;e=i~teè :,:-,è'CS-:::3l 3:-,::: ..- ~ : ::',es other zones of the City, Indus~riè.l Zones - Ihe following zones: and I1P. OP Institutionè.l Uses schools, c:-.urc:,,:es, parks, gcve~en~al utilities. The following uses: colleges, hospitals, fè.cilities anè public Instructionè.l sian - À sign which desiGnates public info=è.tion such as, but not limited to, public res~roo¡:s, public telephones, exitways and hours of operation. Intearè.l sian - À sign displaying a building date, ;nonili"Jent citè.tion, co=e:::orative inscription or si:::ilè.r historic infor::Jation. Irrevocè.ble License - À written irrevocable permission given by a proper..y owner to the city for specified purposes, Junk Old or scrè.p :oetal, rope, rags, batteries, paper, rubber, machinery; scrap wood; debris; trash; or junked, dis::::lantled or wrecked automobiles or parts thereof. Junk Yard - À property or place of business which is maintained, operated or used for storing, keeping, buying, selling or salvaging junk. Kennel - An establishment, generally retail in nature, ",hich houses, cares for, breeds, raises or sells dogs or cats. J - 10 430. 435. 440. 445. 450. 455. 460. 465. 467. , , Land Surface Modification - The clearing or removal of trees, shrubs, c;:-Qund cover and other vegetation and all gr';ding, excavation and filling activities. Landscapinq The pl~nting, removal and malntenance of vegetatlc:-, alo¡-,,; '.'i t:1 t:;e =ovement and displacement of earth, topsoil, rock, bark and similar substances done in ccnjunctic:c '.'it:, t:", pla:cti¡-,~, ;:-(::-='..;:;} '" =ain~c:can=e c~ ve;e~ation, L.anè'-'ard - Tc'.'ard dr-i land, Linear FrontaGe, O~...2.u.tjJ'èç~._",:r,"'I'r:_,=,:::' 'T:'" ~~~n~~~~, C:i:;'~~v~~:;j :t~"tsr_=¿=:e_':.~{~, a~l~~:n~:,~~ Interstate 5. If the subject property is not adjacent to an open, improved right-of-way, then the frontage 0: the s~ject property on any public èccess eèse!;Jents or tracts which serve the subject property èrod adjacent unopened a:cd/or unicproved rights-of-way. LQt A pèrcel of la~d having fixed bo~~daries described by reference to a recorded plat; by reference to metes and bounds; or by reference to section, township and range. Law Densitv Use - A detached d..elling unit on a subject property that contains at least 7,200 squère feet. La',.,' Dens::.t,; Zc:ce - The follo'-,i:cg zones: RS 35.0, RS 15,0, RS 9.6, RS 7.2 comparable zones in other jurisdictions. SE, and Mèlor Streèm Any stream, and the tributèries to any streèm, which contains or supports, or under normal circUJDstances contains or supports a locè1 or migratory fish population, Manufactured Homes A factory built structure transportable in one or more sections which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to required utili ties.' A manufactured home shall be built to comply with the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (regulations effective June 15, 1976). 3 - 11 470. 475. ~3C, 485. 490. 500. 505 510. 512. 515. ~ar~~ee Sian - Any sign which forms part of, or is integrated into, a marq-~ee, canopy or awning and which does not extend horizontally bey~nd the li~its of such marcr~ee, canopy or awnlng. MaxiDum Lot CoveraGe - The maximu:o percentage of the surface of the subj ect property that ~~\' te co\'crp~ ~i~~ ~ateria~s ~hich will not a¡¡c~ ~cr t~e ;~r~c¡~~:c~ ,:eta t:,.o '.' ~ t e:- C:-,"?ter for- u~derlyi~g so:ls, furt!-.e:- det3ils 115 See ;'e:òi'c~, De"s: :..: att3c:-:ed 0:- r<etac:-.e::, L'sC' s"ac:.ced d'_'e1¡:~,s 'c:~,:"s c~, a s~jec" ;::ro;::e::-t:,- which contains at least 3,600 square feet of lot area per è~elling unit ~ut not more than 7,199 sq-Ja:-e feet of 10" area per d'-,el1ing unit, Medium Densitv Zones - The following zones: RS 5,0 RM 3,6 and co::-¡pa:-a~le zones in other jurisdiccions. Mean Sea Level - The level of ?uget Sound at zero tide as established by the US Army Corps of Enginee:-s, Minor Stream - Any stream that does not meet the definition of major stream. Monument Sian - A around ¡¡¡ounted sian '",hich is attached to the ground by means of a wide base of solid appearance and which complies with the standards of Plate J. Mooraae Facil i tv A pier, dock, buoy or other structure providing' docking or moorage space for waterborne pleasure craft. Multi-Use ComDlex - All of the following: a group of separate buildings operating under a ~ common name or management; or a single" building containing multiple uses where there are specific exterior entranceways for individual uses; or a group of uses on separate but adjoining properties that request treatment as a multi-use complex. Natural Features - Physical characteristics of the subject property that are not man- made. 3 - 12 520. 525. 5]0. 535, 540, 545. 550. 555. 560. Natural Materials - Materials chemically un- altered from their natural state. Noise - The intensity, ducat ion and character of sound from any and all sources. Non-Conformance Al1y use, structure, lot, cc:c:::'.t:'.c", ,,-c'o:'.'::'.'.:,' cc "-C"; c'o;':écC- f'C"CèJ:'C c:- ele:;¡ent of private property or the use or utilization of private property that does not -:::,"c::-:-, '.:: ,2:',,' C: '.:~,'è ;cr-c'::,,:'.:::::,- ." '..C" ,.~,'.-- ~,~ec~a::: ~as nc::: a;C;Cccve:: b; t~c C:t; t~TC:::g~ .. . apprc;cr:'.a'oe dec:'.s:'.cn-~ak:::::g precess re~~l:ed u;cder th:'.s Cc::e, :¡,.~,_T~~,'::i.=-"'---.r:~~'.L:_:'_C',,'::P, G,a';e} , c:o:'.p¡:-c" back C, s:=:'.lar nc:-:-;c1l::::::::-:g c3teclal t:..,rc'~c:h '-':"':'.c:-, '-'ate, ca;o [""",1,' ;CC'ccclate to the soil beneath. Nu,si"a EcIT,e - See "CoTy;e.lesce;-,t CeI'>'oer". OccUDe.nt - A person that lege.lly occupies structure or proper~y. a Odor nerves. StÜ¡ul us affecting t:-,e 01 factory Off-Site Directional Sian A sign which gives directions to a busi!1ess or to merchandise, serv:'.ce, real este.~e, goods or entertainment which are sold, produced or furnished at a place 'Within the City other than the property on 'Which ~he sign is loca~ed. Office Use - A place of employment providing services other than production, distribution, sale or repair of goods or co=cdi ties. The following is a nonexclusive list of office uses: medical, dental or other health care; veterinary, accounting, legal, architectural, eng ineering, consulting or other similar professional services; management, administrative, secretarial, marketing, advertising, personnel or other similar personnel services; sales offices where no inventories or goods are available on the premises; real estate, insurance, travel agent, loan companies, brokerage or other similar services, The following uses are specifically excluded from the definition of J - 13 565. 575. 580. 585, 590. 595, 600. 605. office: banks, savings and loan companies, and si~ilar financial institutions. Office Zones - The following zones: PO. Official Notification Boards of the city The bulletin boards in the public areas of c~:.::' ..,'~: c,,~ ~--- -"'-~'-;,~ dcsig~3tcd t; ci~; On-site Hazardous öaste Trpot~ent and Storace facilities - Facilities which treat and store ~~=3r~c~s ~~S:C~ =c~cr2tc~ t:',,', S,3:-(> lc"c c:' c;eegr"phiea~:::' ec:-,:.iç"~c'~c be:-de:::ci:-,g cr' preFer:":', ~r"-;e: tet'."ê'2:-, c"c' prcper":ies divided by a public right-of-way, and owned, operated or controlled b::' the salOe person, shall be considered on-si:.e travel if: (a) the travel crosses the right-of-way at a per¡:cendicular inëersectic:c cr, (b) the right- of-way is controlled by the property owner and is inaccessi~le to the pu~lic (see Kò.C 173-303-040 (39)). O::oen SDace - Land not covered by buildings, roadways, parking areas or other surfaces through which water can not percolate into the underlying soils, Ordinary HiGh Watermark - On lakes, streams and tidal waters, that :Dark that will be found by exa::oining the bed, banks or shore and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so COm30n and usual, and so long continued in ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil or land a character distinct frO171 that of the abutting uplands; provided that any tidal area where the ordinary high water m"rk cannot be found based on the previous text of this definition, the ¿rdinary high water mark shall be the line of mean high tide. Outdoor - Not contained within a building. Outdoor Storace Any material or item, (including vehicles) being stored for or awaiting sale, lease, processing or repair and not enclosed within a building. Owner - In reference to real property, the person or persons holding fee title to the property as well as the purchaser or 3 - 14 610, 615, é='. 625, 630, 635, 640. 650. 655. 660. 665. 680. purchasers under any r"al involving the real property. estate contract ParkinG A~ea - Any area designed and/or used for parking vehicles, ParkinG Space - An area 'which is improved¡ maintained and used for the sole purpose of :C"::.¡:;c':-ar~>; co.c:::c::_::,c:',,;:i::,: " ::::ccr """I;icle that is not in use, ..-.', ,- .. c'. ... .'- cc,,::::-::::: -~ -::::',c ~:2:,:'~:-::'s -0' ",~ 2':'" :" Peo;so'l ",;-'J' i;-,di';id"-'3l, p"'-êneo:ship, association, corporation, unit of govern~ent o~ a~y ot~a~ leca' a::tity. Pla::'li::c,,-- c,:::.~;-_"c.:::c-:...~ T'c" :"co;c" :-:::::.("':: of the the Planning and Cc"~~ni:cy ~evelcp~ent or Depart;r,ent of COIT_C"c"ity Develc¡::=ent, as case :::ay be, of ::~2 City cf Federal Way, PlanninG Directcr The Direc':o", 0'" Direc::or of the Pla'lning Cepart~ent. acting planninG Official The Director of Planning Departmenë or his/her designee. the Political sian A sign advertising a candidate for public office, a political party or a particular VO::i,1g preference. Portable outdoor sicn - AT ouëdoor sign that is not permanently attachej to the ground or a stn.:cture. Primarv Vehicular ,~.ccess c The major street from ~hich the majority of vehicles enter the subject property. Private Advertisina sian - A sign announcing a temporary event, use or condition of personal concern to the sign user such as ¡ but not limited to, "garage sale" or "lost dog" . Private Club An association of persons organized for some co=on purpose, but not including groups organized primarily to sell merchandise or render a service which is customarily carried on as a business. 3 - 15 675. 680, 685. 690. 695. Private Notice sic~ - À sig~ announcinG a re- striction oc ",arning regarding the suLject property, such as but not limited to "no trespassing" or "beware of dog". \ Private Traffic Direction Sian - À sign on private property ",hich provides information $~- ",c,,_.~- .,'r. c' t':'-~ prc;::ert:' , pro~ecti"c 5i=" -;., sic:o, ct:oer t:oa:o a "'a' 1 mounted or ~arquee sign; ~hich is attached t~ a,.,d pro:iects fco" a stc.:ctèJre or buildi,.,a face, ProDertv Line These 1 ines enclosing the subject prcpecty a:od these lines defining a recorded ve~icu12r access ease3e~t or tract. The folle",ing are categories of property lines: a. The fcont preperty line is any property line t:~at is adjacent to a right-ot-",ay which is more than 21 feet in width, exch:di:-o; Interstate -, If the subject property is adj acent -r.o more than one right-of-way ",hich is ;:lore than 21 teet in ",idth, the applic2.:1t shall designate which of the said adjacent property lines is the front prope~y line and the remainder of said adjacent property lines will be considered as either a re2.r property line or side property line, based on the èefinition in this section. If the subject property is not adjacent to a right-of -way which is ¡¡¡ore than 21 feet in '"Iièth, then the front property line is the property line adjacent or principally oriented to the street providing primary vehicular access to the subj ect property, as èeterwined by the Planning Official. b. The rear proper-cy 1 ine is any property line that is farthest from, and essentially parallel to, the front property line, c. The side property line is any property line other than a front property line or a rear property line. Publ ic Park - À natural or landscaped area, provided by a unit of government, to meet the I " 3 - 16 700. "705. 710. 725. 720. 722. 725. .... active or people, passive recreational needs of Pub! ic Wor'<s Director - The Director of the Depart~ent of FcWlic Works of the City. ;"c!clic :.'-ci:'i:'.' - ""'C +"c" ;-,~c 0' ~ .,.-;..',.... busi~ess organiz~~io~ ~~~h- -~s .. ~- ~~;ilil;:~ :ez:v.l~:, ~orporation: . or a governmental agency r~..----"~ ~~:. ~-~..~c ~cr~~c~ a~d s~~jcct - s~cei"l çc~cr~=e~~al reg~la'Cie~s, the ser-:::,ees '.'hieh are paid fcr diree~lv by the reeipie~ts thereof, Such ser-¡ic~s shall include but are not linited to: water s~~p:'~ ele-trie pc~er, tele~hone, c"",levisicc, ~è.;:'J""l 9è.S a:cd ~rè.nSFCr-CaLlC:1 fcr persc:-_s a:-.c frei9:':~' The ter::l also includes broadcast toweocs, antennas and ocelated facilities o¡::eocated on a coD.':1ercial basis. peal Estate. Off site Sian A readily removable sign announcing the proposed sale or rental of pocoperty other than the property upon which the sign is located and pocoviding directions to the subject property. Real Estate, On site sian - A sign announcing the sale or rental of the property upon which the sign is located. Reaulated La'<es .. The follo',.;ing wetlands as shoW"TI in the King County Wetlands Inventory Notebooks, Volu~e 3 South: a. Lower Puget Sound 6, 17 . 7, 12, 15, and 16 b. Hylebos 2, 11, 13 and,16. Reaulated Slooes Any Class III Landslide Hazard Area, Class III Seismic Hazard Area and Erosion Hazard Area as shoW"TI on the Envirorunentally Sensitive Areas Map in the Comprehensive Plan and any area with an average slope which equals or exceeds 40%. Reaulated Wetlands - Each of the following: a. Each Class I (unique/outstanding) Wetland and Class II (significant) Wetland as shoW"TI in the King County Wetlands Inventory Notebook, Volume 3 South, 3 - 17 730. except the therein: following areas as shown 1) 2 ) Lower Puget Sound Beach; Lower F~get Sound 1 and 51; and 3 ) a:-<:,e~ :::C'~:'C,c,:,,~ a :-c'ë":-,'eJ' -",-, D, J.."'Y ',,'e:C1a'Cè, '.':ce:c:-:er c::: :c=:: :::3¡:,ce:::, the.'o r::ee'os, 0::: ::.S L:;-:,c'o::.c;-:",ll:' :::é:',,',:C::: tc a wetland that lOeets, one or more of the following criteria: 1) s::.çn::.f::.c,,:c:c Se::-;es .1",,;nc:cions, b::.o1cgic,,1 2 ) Se::-,¡es significa;-:,":: draiYlè.ge sedi:::eYl'oè.tion func,,::ions, aYld 3 ) S;-,::.elòs o:cher a:::eas from wave action, erosion or storm damè.ge. 4) Serves as valuable storage area for storm è.nd flood waters, 5) 6) Is a prime natural recharge area. Serves significant purification functions. water \ Although a site specific wetlè.nd :::ay not weet the criteria described above, it will be considered a regulated wetland if it is functionally related to another wetland that meets the criteria. Recruired Yards - The areas adjacent to and interior from the property lines and high watermark of a lot. If two or more required yards are coincidental, the area will be considered the required yard with the greater dimension. Required yards are categorized as follows: a. Front: That portion of a lot adjacent to and parallel with the front property lines and at a distance therefrom equal to the required front yard depth. b. Rear: That portion of a lot adjacent to and parallel with the rear property line and at a distance therefrom equal to the required rear yard depth. \. 3 - 18 735. 74 0. 745. 750. 760. 765. 770. 775. c. High Watedine Yard: That portion of a lot adjacent to and parallel with the high waterwark and at a distance landward therefroQ established in this Code. d, Side: Th~': pc:-':ic,-, of a lot adjacent to and parallel with each side property line and at a distance therefrom equal to the r,>:o:i:-ed ::;ice "?rcO de,:':h, ."11 rcc;-,,;:-ec "'ar:s no:: c:::,er-.-ise ca':e::;eri:ed s".all t-e èesi;ra::eè side ;ards, Residential Use - Developments and occupancy ~, '.'hich ::crs:crs sleep a"d prepare foed, e:::-.er ::::~" ,èe..'elepr,erts "sed fer traC1sie:l:: ecc"p3nc"' , Residential Zone - The following zones: SE, RS 35,0, RS 15.0, R5 9.6, RS 7.2, R5 5.0, R..' 3.6, RH 2.4, R..' 1.8 and ccmparable zones in other jurisdictions, Restaurant or Tavern Co=ercial use (excluding fast food restaurants) which sells prepared food or beverages and generally for consQüption on the pre~ises. Retail Establ ishment A co=ercial enterprise which provides gcods and/or services directly to the consumer, where such goods are available for i=ediate purchase and removal from the premises by the purchaser. Riaht-of-Way - Land dedicated or conveyed to the public or a unit of government, the primary purpose of which is the ¡¡¡ovement of vehicles and/or pedestrians and providing for access to adjacent pðrcels, with the secondary purpose of providing space for utility lines and appurtenances and other devices and facilities benefiting the public. Riaht-of-Way Realianment The changing of the horizontal position of the i¡¡¡provements in a right-of-way. ' Roofline - The line formed by the outside of the gable of the roof, or if the roof is flat or mansard, the top of the roof or mansard. Runoff - The overland or subsurface flow of water. 3 - 19 780. 785, 750, 800, 805, 810. Schools - Institutions of learning, excluding those offering post secondary education, offering instruction in the several branches of learning and study required by the Basic Education Code of the State of Washington to to tè.UC;"~ in ¡:;'.:::l~c, POCi':2::C and parochial schools. ~~?,'; - ,~,c S~.:~c Sc..:~:-c:cC": :-,::,:~ ?:~ic:;, ¡"c~ R,C,~. C~2¡:;~eoc 4ë,:cC, Sh2reò -"-ccess i'c:c,::s A CO::l,::W;1 point of vehicle access frc~ a street to more than one lot or use, sicyo - -",YO': ccC'_.,.,uc,:c?~~C:1 èe-:~ce, s~:--Jc~ure or fixture ús ing graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trade:oarks and/or I.Titten copy, which is in~ended to do eit~er or both of the following: a. To identify a building, use, business or even~, b. To Dro::¡ote the sale or recognition 0: a produc.:; business, use, service or goods, Painted '..all designs or patterns which do no.: represent a product, service or registered traàemark, and which do not identify the user, are not considered signs. If a painted wall design or pattern is combined with a sign, only that part of the design or pattern I.';,ich cannot be distinguished from the sign will be con- sidered as part of the sign. Sicm Area - The entire area of a sign on which graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademarks and/or written copy is to be placed, excluàing sign structure, archi tec- tural embellishments and framework. Sign area is calculated by measuring the perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of the module or sign field containing the graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademarks and/or written copy; proviàed, however, that individual letters, nwnbers or symbols using a canopy, awning or wall as the background, without added decoration or change in the canopy, a'w'ning or wall color, have sign area calculated by measuring the perimeter enclosing each letter, nwnber or symbol and totalling the square footage of these. Siqn Field, graphics, - The background upon 'Which the letters, figures, symbols, \ , J - 20 815. 820. o~=, 8]0. 835. 855. 860. 865. 870. 875. trademark placed. written or of sign copy a are SiGnificant Natural VeGetation Any area containing a concentration of significant trees; any area of significant biological lmportance; and any area containing dense, ~ature, native ve~etaticn, SiGnificant Trees Any evergreen tree 25 inches in circl::Cfe"'f'C'.ce ~- ""'f'~~",- a;-,d a:c',' ~~cid~c~s tree, other th~~ rEd alder a~ò c::ttcr:.'ocò t::ees, 37 i~chES in circ~::cfereClce e:- gre" Ler, eè.c:~ :::e"s'~:ced=:-:C' foCL è.:oo"-e L:-,~ :coot cro'"Tl. ,." - r- cé'~::-:ê;-.t .00. s.:cii pè.:cticles :::ebilized è.;-cd depcsited b::' Lee precesses of erosion end deposition. SinGle Use Buildina conte ins one use, building A ,..hich S;-all Ani;-"ls Dogs, ca~s, birds, s;::all exotic animals (snakes, gerbils, mice, guinea pigs, etc.), and foxes, bob oets è.nd sinilar small wild è.nimals. Storm Drainè.qe - The :Wove;::en~ of 'water, to precipitation, either surficially subsurficially. due or StorY - The areè. or a structu:ce between the floor and the horizontal supporting members of the ceiling directly above that floor, ::f a floor is, on average, at least] feet below finished grade, the area bet',,'een that floor and the ceiling directly above is not a story. Stream - A course or route, formed by nature, including those modified by :wan, and generally consisting of a chè.nnel with a bed, banks or sides throughout substantially all its length, along which surface waters naturally and normally flow in draining from higher to lower elevations. Street - Both of the following: a. A public right-of-way. b. A vehicular access easement or tract. Street ProvidinG Direct Vehicle Access - The street from which a vehicle can enter the 3 - 21 880. 8S5. SSG. 895. 900. 905. 910, 925. subj ect property without traversing another street or piece of property, In the case of a multi-use complex, the street providing direct vehicular access is the exterior street that borders the cc;:ple;.: and not an internal street surrounded by the complex. Structure Þ~ything which is built or ~~~~t~~te~,:c, an" cecd_i/ iceef o~c ~~il;~~y f COCfj ,,~~~ built-up or ¿o~posed of par~s joined together in Sc:ce defi:cite :C3:cner, Structura 1 Al tera tions A--.y change in the scpporti:cc :ce:ccer cf 2 tcildina or strJcture, ~cb4ect ?rccert~ - T~e e:c~ire lo::c or parcel, or series of lots or parcels, on '.'hich a develop;:ent, activity or use is or will locate or on which any activity or condition regulated by or subject to this Code is or will occur or take place. TemDorarv Commercial sian - A sign associated with a business, which is painted on a window or constructed of cloth, paper or similar flexible J:laterials, is readily rernovable, and displays a temporary commercial message, but excluding a real estate, on-site sign or real estate, off-site sign. Topsoil The uppe~os~ strata of soil containing a large percentage of organic materials and which is cacable of Drovidina suitable nourishment for vègetation,' . Traffic Control Devices Signs, signals, stripes and other mechanical or graphic items which control the flow, direction or speed of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Under MarQUee Sian - A sign which is attached to and suspended from a marquee or canopy and which does not extend beyond the marquee or canopy. Use The place on structures under the through 70 nature of the activities taking private property or within thereon. Each separate listing "Use" colillIlJ1 in the Chapters 15 of this Code is a separate use. J - 22 ~ The Federal Way Zoning Code. Chapter 20. is amended to add a new section 20.75 as set out in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by reference, Section 6, The Federal Way Zoning Code, Chapter 45, is amended to add a new section 45.75 as ~et out in Exhihit C, attacheD hereto and incorporateD herein ]-Iy reference. Section 7. The Federal Way Zoning Code. Chapter 55, i~ amended to add a new ~ection 55.45 as set out in Exhibit D, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference, Secti"n 8 - Ratiticati"n. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed, Section 9 - Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable, The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances, Section 10 - Effective Date, This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary consisting of the title of this ordinance, PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 16th day of April , 1991. Cj) ~ fkw Mayor, Debra Ertel FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: March 29, 1991 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 16, 1991 PUBLISHED: April 19, 1991 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 24, 1991 ORDINANCE NO, 9]-97 DIRECTIONS: V1 Z 0 '" ¡:; ~ ~ 9~ usu ~ ~ ~ QO'"~ 'OCllon "" "u"," p"" p,ce", . r'!:::: 'E1'!ETERT. I P,o"'H'~d"~""""""'" C<'~"""'\""",J"""""'"VO" ",,","",," """"" ,"o'pl" f ~I.-w..""""U"L n,nl. """'O, "EGlUlIONS MflllWIMS OJ é:! '" .... 0 ..J RII';"'J'OYAP.II;! ~ I;; ~ ,.J Iii .., . 0 I' r. 0 [~ "' CJ " V> Non, MAXIMIJMS 0, ~ g I~ I U DC> ~ ~ ~~I ", "01'", I co, 'Ì "" "y "" I""" ~~ ~ .. ,jU L:AHU:)t I "A" PAGE OF 2 USE ZONE CHAfTT f' ~ ¡z;M ¡;¡ú '" '" U -< .. ~:~ :; ;¡ a", OJ -< .. 0, WNE SE SPInAL RIJGULA nONS AND N0TI3S (J O'I..ml",d 00 0<0.. "y "" ""',", s.. 1. "', o.y"" "'Iorm", ", 'poe", '""'M.. """ loe"m.. """ [h, ooJu', oM ""01 0( VOI"O".."nt, wI/hln "", p..k ""," on ,I>, lon"""O loclo..: ° "" ".. ~"'ocollon 01 "" p..~ " """'IO""O<I>OO'J"""""","~"I,d, c, "" """""'" noo"," II" n,IO"""hoo" " ""'cl> ," I,,~," ~d [h, Cny 0< "Olon" """"', d, "" boot """,to "[h, publIC. Chop!", ,'" 2 r""'l_on"O'"UChx'on[h"LOJoe!proP'rtY"WlJh/nICUo('~W",o""u".[hQn""", . Th, h,'O"< 0( "'~ ,tNchx'. ,h" no< OXC"d '5 "",0., '""'0' ""1<",'0 ",,"'on; " '" 'I>, roc"", 0{ ",°' po<lIo<\ 0{ 0" ,!rucl..... p.."" to." taw ",n,., u"' ,I>" no< "cood "" n "nu"' :J. ",," 00 Chop<" 1 10 d,"""v" "",... ""'" P"~"o", 01"" COd, m,y ",pry to "" 'ubi'" prop,dy, U,,-"-1ls('_)et,~ 11. 'rhe City muY per~it this use only if it K ~asc by meets the fo] low~ng cr~terLa: "ase u.It will not unreasonubly interfere with JaSlS. any nearby res~dent~al Uses. b,The streets and ut~l~t~es serving the subJect property can support the traffib and demand generated by the proposed use and actlv~ty, c.Any undes~rable effects or impacts from th~s use are clearly outweighed by its benet~ts, 1 l1,/L_, 1:'3-' ',I.I~'",'.jl1,-,,-ned all 'l,y ';C~': !, if.:" T'r' -- I I [ L- 'oo 0"", "annol1on oboL(p"kIo(¡ ~d P"klnO ",QU. '00 el>""" "'" --- 'o<d,"",o{",o<oOUC"I/o...n",co/'oooy...,CI>"""", '-,- 'O<d"o"or","QOUCollon'n",c~'o,oy...,e""",,1XJ --'--'","oI"""""'o/moY"""U";I"""J""m~",e""'I"'" ---- --"""I"""o.."'no"',ol""y..O,.",C"""",,, -, The City may impose limitations to reduce or el~mlnate any undes~rable effectors or ~mpacts ot th~s proposed development. This muY ~nclude, but ~s not limited to,limitin the hours ot operat~on of the uses and tac~l~t~es on the subJect property. 3,Refer to Chupter 1 to determine what other PAGE 15, 13 :: ~ f - ¡-------- I .. " c , ~ ~ i~n~ ",-" J ¡ i ! i .---; iri j ¡ ¡¡I , I; I i i I , I . ,HIm 'fHH !Hn¡ ¡¡mi : : n n . "iH; ~S'~. - '¡ ~ ~ >-j > 0 ¡-:¡ -, - . -- 8g;:/~- I z ~n VI è;: "3'-""3 ::: H' H ZroO cloz Jl ~'I~' H \J,,"UI_'\'lO~S ! ! ,"""Y':D i I I_-__~~- ;: oc:s~ I 8 1'0 -,-~ ..1 "m: II~I -- , c I I, c,- - ¡::: II; i~ , I ~ I ----- . ! ;,:;~~'-,O= ,:é õ i~ I " I". I ': i~ I ~ I I ~ I § : ~~:~l~:/;õ i ,:- ¡ 0, ,c,,': c', I ;~~~,'~"se.CôS I I I I I I I .. ?) 1~13 ! I~ ¡ I ~; I ~ ~~, '~ U) :: " - > õ~ IT >: :r IX '" n '- 0 0 < Q, II ro 0 > 3 !OJ ~ v [] 3 ~ rt 0 IT :T ro - VI Z ~ US!! ~ 0.0 "'lIOn ><>'" CDmmun"y "",..1""""'" n""'~.. S,,1Ion 2000 P.- '..n.. sn.." ,"'lion 20'" l"UD'Ic~ Section 20 GD."nmonl' ....., DIRECTIONS: f-' ~ OJ Ov ",0 """ S" ~~ "'> OJ '" p,oe", "<no "'DCOII .. s.. NoI, 1 70 "'oe... . oJ N '" ... 0 -' A, "'00' """'~ "" ""*'" - S.. -". ""'" ""'" ""'" MINIMIJMS If""'.-_."",~, II<N. K'DII"" I 1("" A 'IONS RJDOtl'DYARI'; '" CJ :; ,;; ""Ii ~ :>: OJ '" t; 0 0 < ,~ '" - "' 0 ~ ~ " ~ 2U ", '" 0 0 0 XI 2U N XI 1O w I ~:.!.cl'l be I d':c:llI,Lè ------r,.,~c; , I T- "oe"""""""""""""." IJ.."... 14, "',,.'" ':>""1""'"'" S"P\anI......w"O..c/l""",o~-",. -, -- MAXlMIlMS "' o~ ~u .,:0 - '" OJ... J:~ "", 131 """, ...""""..*'\) .".-,., ,m I"'""",, ... ..."""""""\) .,~~... "'" 1 '" -- -""Du"*'\) ",.."'" ""'I"""'" I",... .. -"","'"""\) Not.. ,,~...... ~~ I fo t ~i 0 , " , Page of 2. USE ZONE CHART ZONE AS S P fOAL RR:; ULA TI 0 N S AND N CYIl3S \. ""-"""." "" "'. u.. . u ,"""": . "RS:noZ""'.D~",""""""",,.~tXXJ",.. b, "RS"oZ"""""""""""""'.""'~cro.q" , Inns..Z......"'-""'IOI~"..._.q n. "."OS,.2Z""',""""""""'IOI.".',200.o.n. . "RS'OZDno""""'-"'IOI.".~tXXJ.q" 2 llo<x..._""",may"".",.."..""".""",do...no..",..._...~u.... a ... do",," on<! op""" "'.. on<! """""........ ...,..."...,. "" "m... by "'" ",,>,10"""" ""o<1....n,..",.".........",... .. nol"""""""'IoO""""""~""-""""""""""'Cod'",OY"""""""_O<1"'DP""', ,. ........... ,"". "'" w"'........""" "'" """'". '.I.D<~.~"""""on<!_'on<!- ""~""""'Ih......."........."",--" ",opooty noo" not.. .""",.'" DYDUQh -... .I. 2 ....... _od ""'I' "",."""", "'...... "'""""'. ......... ""foot P'."..,.. n..",..., .....",..-.........."",......""......" a ""'-"'-"""'__--'00"'__""""",-, """"""""""""""""""""'-"'---bu-.g_"""".. b. ""'K""""""",-" """"""",..,.,- """""-"""""""."""",,, "'- ... """">'mayloq..8" --"'-'1*'9 """'.., on. Cu. "Ye.......... ~ """'0""""'" '0 dot".... --"..,........ .....""",-...""..... ""10<1""""",. on a c",;þ by [~ .---- '" OJ V < .. 0'" ~~ 3;;; Ç/", "'< "'.. B S.. Ctt""" 'oo 1 ,-, S.. N"" ...... B h. Cltoplol 'oo B ... CItooIot ".. 6. Permitted only in RS 7.2, RS 9.6, and RS 15.0 Districts within this zone. Additionally, the City may permit this use only if it meets the following criteria: a. It will not unreasonably interfere wit L- ",_W"""""'" """"""""'" """"""""......-ChopI.. "" """"""...---.........e.."""",..."""",,'" r".....,.."".............".....C8I"""""..",-ot"" r" ""........... maym.."... """"'.... ..."""",,"~ ..-,I"""""'o"""",..q,....y""""""""""" PAGE 20. f:J r-~~I-- Dine r-. ~ " u .0 'I' ?, , ~ II". )", u ,J, ~J- () ~~ Section 20,175 CEMETARIES (cont.) ~r- , noli' I I~ I~ I s i- e,"""",V""","",OOoO',. c"""",.., ',I)~ú ",S"'r. "'<'f. '," ,'oJ, """ ,. °, """,d ", ',..p'" , ",','" 1 I" I" ! 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This may include, but is not limited to, limitin~ the hours of operation of the uses and facilities on the subject property. 3, Refer to Chapter 1 to determine what other provisions of this Code may apply to .the subject property. -T_-'"'"""""'"""""""""""""""O""' I",""U"",,"'C"'(I""ú'l '"""'""""""'11"""""""""""',"".y,...c,..",..", ""Od""""""UU"'Io"""""""""",y.",c",",..,,, '"' """", 01 ,,',,' "'" ",.." "'" ".,<c", """, .. 0 C"O l'" , , , "'<I"""""",""""""""",",ú...."""",, ,,' PACE - n ~ ;u ; :: : ::J - - ~ ~ ~ - . ~ 0 0 Q::~- r5 ~ ~ ~H I H~ ¥.z - :' c--- i , 1- r- r-- I , ; " ; 0 IIIII õ . <;, . 5 ~HH 11m ~~~~~ " '" ", .. ; ;; . ~ ~?j ~ I ; I L "V > r-.. '-<' :-:-1 , - Õ n " . - õ ~ õ 3 "' ~ ¡;: 0 c ~ ~ ê 0 c ~ 1 ~ -< ~ c 0 ] ~ otli'" f-'¡::I'D'" ~ in S g 0 Pi >-', f-'rto Pi I'D 0 " ~. § ~. e; 1"1,,, 3 3 '" in ~O en "" !;:;16 , i' - . 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