Ord 92-133 ORDINANCE NO. 92-133 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO APPEALS UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, AND PROCESS II OF THE FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE PROVIDING FOR A REQUIREMENT OF PREPARATION OF A WRITTEN TRANSCRIPT IN THE EVENT OF AN APPEAL FROM A HEARING EXAMINER DECISION TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT THEREOF BY APPELLANT; AMENDING FEDERAL WAY ORDINANCE NO. 90-40 AND ORDINANCE NO. 90-43. WHEREAS, the State Environmental Policy Act and related regulations require the city Council to make provisions related to appeals of threshold determinations or the adequacy of final Environmental Impact Statement for the conditioning or denying of an action; WHEREAS, the City Council has so provided in Title 20, Environmental Policy, and has determined that written transcripts of SEPA appeals to the city Council from the Hearing Examiner decision shall be required as a part of the staff report the cost of which should be borne by the Appellant; and WHEREAS, the Council further determines this procedural requirement is appropriate for all Process II appeals of the Hearing Examiner to Council; and WHEREAS, amendments to the Federal Way Zoning Code text are authorized pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code § 135 and § 160; and WHEREAS, Federal ¡'Iay Zoning Code § 135.15 and 160.75.2 contains criteria for amending Zoning Code text; and WHEREAS, a threshold review of this proposal having been considered by the Federal Way city Council on March 5, 1991, COP" pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code S 160.20; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way city Council, having determined the proposal to be meritorious, referred the proposal to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission having considered the proposal at a public hearing on February 12, 1992, and on March 4, 1992, and all public notice having duly been given, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code S 160.30 and S 160.40; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission submitted its recommendations for proposed zoning text amendment to the Council; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. The Federal Way City Council makes the following Findings: 1. The Federal Way Zoning Code as written does not require those hearings conducted by the Hearing Examiner and appealed to the city Council to have transcripts prepared. This is in conflict with the FWC Title 20. 2. Transcripts have been identified as an essential source of information for the City Council when appeals are heard. The requirement of preparing written transcripts needs to be reflected in code language. 3. It is clearly demonstrated that existing fees do not cover the cost of processing the appeal. The costs should be distributed between the party filing the appeal and city providing the appeal process. - 2 - section 2. Pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code § 135.15 and § 160.75.2 and based upon the above Findings, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law: A. The proposed amendments are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan: A review of the city's comprehensive plan does not disclose any provisions that wo~ld specifically support the recommendations. However, the code revision does address an obligation for the city to provide for efficient processes within the ordinances that have been adopted to implement the goals, policies, and objectives of the comprehensive plan. Definition of the procedural requirements and financial obligation provides citizens with an understanding of the appeals process that they are involved in. B. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relation to. public health, safety and welfare. The amendment being proposed provides the City with a more efficient process for responding to legislative actions proposed either by the public sector or private sector. The improved process is viewed as a positive action and is not anticipated to adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare. C. The proposed amendments are in the best interest of the residents of the City: Amending the municipal and zoning code to address deficiencies, particularly where city process issues are involved, would indubitably be in the best interest of the citizens of Federal Way. - 3 - Section 3. Chapter 150 of the Federal Way Zoning Code is hereby amended as follows: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - 4 - . . . , CHAPTER 150 P~OCESS II 150.05 150. 10. ~50.15 150.20 150.25 150.30 150.35 150.40 150.45 150.50 150.55 150.60 150.65 150:70 150.75 .9150.80 150;oS . 150.90 150.9S .. 150..100. 150.:!.OS 150.110 150.11S . ,. 150.120','" 150.1':2S' " 150.130 150.:!.35 150.:!.40 150.:14S 150.0S 150.10 User Guide Proposals Re~~iring Approval Thro~gh Process II or III Applications Co~Dlial1ce With SE?A Official File Notice Staff ReDoct Public H~ar il1g Electronic Sound Recording Burden of Proof Public Co~el1ts al1d ?articipatio~ at the Hearing Contil1uation of the Hearillo Hearing Exa~ine~/s Decisic; Effect of the Decision Request for Recol1sideration ÀDDeals .' N~tice of the Appeal Hearing ?artioiDation ill the ÀDDeal SCODe of the ÀDDeal '. f.. Staff ReDort oñ- the À~eal Public Úaring . . El~ctronic Sound Recordings Burden of Proof . ': Continuation of the Eearillg Decisio~ o~ the ÀD-¡:eal . Judicial Reviev " LaDse of ÀDDroval :soñès . - Complete C~~pliance Required ..t User Guide Various Dlaces i~ this Code indicate that certai:'! èevelop=ènts, activi-.:ies or~ses a~e pe~itted only if approved using Process .!..:.. This Chapter describes Process II. Ullder Precess II the Hearing Exa~iner ~ill ~axe -.:he illi-.:ial ¿ecisio:'! iolloving a public hearing. ci-.:y council vill èecièe appeals. ?roDosals Re~~i~inc ADDroval 7h~ouch Process. If the deveIoD~el1t, Use or activitv that reC'Uires apP~oval thro~gh Process II is pa~ of a pn;posal that also re~.¡ires approval through Process III, t"", entire :::rC::ocsêl ...ill be decided UDon usillG Process !II,' if the ?lal'.l1ing Direc-.:or dete~ine~ tha-.: -':his viII res-.:lt ill ::ore efficient decisioll ::aJdng. 15~ - 1 _.~.,--_::.-"-=~::-',c::-=",~-," ,::-' ,~-:7~':_~,':"::'-=--~~' .'..-:O"-=:==--=.-C':"'~,', 150.15 150.20 ," - """~'.'-' -. jl,DDlications 1. ~ño Hav jl,DDlv - Any person nay, personally or through an agent, apply for a decision regarding prope~y he/she o~~s. 2. ;;0\.1 to ADDlv - The applicant shall file: the fol10'../ing infoDatio~' ',.,ith the Planning Departnent: a, A co::opleted application, ...,ith supporting affidavits, on for-...s provided by the Planning Depart;::ent. b. Sta::ODed e~velopes \.lith adåress labels obta l"ed f::o:l 'Ki;,g Co>.:nty, ..., i thin the p::ior six ;::cnt::s, containing the na::es and aèè.::esses of the. Derso"s receiving the p::operty tax sta-te:;.ents for the subject property "nå ,,11 DroDerties :,.¡i.thin 300 feet of each bounò,,-ry -of the subJect prope~ty. ~ c.' sta::ODed enveloDes \.lith address labels ¡:¡"rkèd "reside;,t". containing the addresses of all property on or adjacent to t....e s~ject p::operty. c" ". d. A copy of t.'1e King County Assessor's Hap identifying. the properties specified:'" in paragraphs 2.b and ¡.c of this section, e. A vicinity r.ap sho...,ing the subject property a;,d all property 'within <\ 00 feet of each boundary of the subject property. f. MY ii.!or:oatio;, or ::oate:d"l that. is sDecified in the "ro'"ision of this Code that desc::ibes tne-applied for decision. g. MY ad-õitional bfor=ation or J:>aterial that the ?lam'1il1g Official dete~ines is reasonablY ;,ecessar-v fo:: a èecision 0:"1 the ::oatte:. - :¡ . :ee Wit:. the aDDlication, the a?:?licant shall sub:!it t::e fe~- establis::ed by the city. The application '..ill not be accepteå u;'lless it is 2.cco~:?anied by t.~e re~ùi::ed fee. Co~Dliance ....ith S~?~ S:t:PA applies to sc::e of t;.,e èecisic:-.s that '-'ill be ::>ade using this C;.,~;:te::. 7he ?la:-.ning Official 15ù - 2 150.25 .. --'_.~--'--'----' shall evaluate eðch application' and, "'here appl icabl e, co!:\ply ..,i th SEPA ðnd '" i th State regulations and City ordinances issued under the authority of SE?A. Official File 1. Contents - The Plðnning Official shall compile an official file on the application containing the following: a. All aDDlication the a pp-lic ant" by x:aterials submitted b. The st~ff report. c. All on the '.-ritten received co=ents :oatte::. d. .- 'I.he electronic recording hearing on the!:\atte::. . ~ The decision of the Hearing Examiner. of the public e. f. If the decision of the Hearing Exa¡:¡iner '.. is. appealed". t.~e f,ollo...ing ....i11 be included in the file: ..-...- . .. .'.---.'-",."" (l{ The letter of appeal. .. (2) All -...ri tte.¡¡ ...' submitted co=en~s regarding the appeal. . (3) (4) The staff report on.~~e appeal. Th.e electronic sound recording and ::inutes of the heari;)g on the ðppeal. (5) The decision of City Council on the appeal. . g. À,--.y cti1er =atter. i¡;fc=atie:1 t::e relevant to 2. -Availabilitv - The o:..ficial file is a Du.blic record. It is avaihble fer insDecti;n and copying in the Planning Depa::t¿ent during regular business hours. . . 150 - J . . . ._,- --... 150. J 0 L Notice .....-... ..- .. Contents ~ The ?lanning Official shall prepare a notice of each application containing the fo110~ing infor=aticn: a. .b. c. ,.,' . ,-,' '."f.. The na=e of the applicant and, cable, the project na:::e. if appli- The street address of the subject property or, if' this is not available, a 10catioi".al description in non-legal lanquage. Except for notice published in the official ne"'spaper of the City, the notice J:ust also include a vicinity :::ap that identifies the subject property. . The citation of t..'1e Drovision of this Code describing the applied for decisicn, d. À brief verbal ¿escription . requested decision. .4 of the e. The. date, - ti=e and place of the public hearing. .. À' statêJ:ent of t.",e official file. availability of the g.. . A stateJ::lent. of the-right of any person to sub~it -.-ritten co=ents to the Hearing- Ex~iner 2000 to a'O'Oear at the 'Oublic -..-.---- neãrbg" of' the :"eaiing Ex'a:>iner tõ give co~ents orally. 2. h. À state:ent that only perscns ....ho sub¡:,i t -.-ritten or oral co=ents to the Hearing Exa~iner .:::ay appeal. the Hearing Exa:>iner's decision. Distribution a. The ?lan:1ing Official. s!-.all distribute this notice at least fourteen (14) calendar days :,efore the public hearing as follo'w's: 1) )." CODY '"ill be se:1t to the perso:1s recej..~ing t..':e propere] tax state::ei".ts for all property '~'ithi:1 300 fee"- of each boundary of the su=ject property. 150 - 4 3. _. - - -_. '.. :'::::,",~-~=.:'--"-":"- 2) À copy ~ill be sent to the resident of each piece of property on or adjacent to the subject property. 3) À copy ~il1 be pllblished in official ne~spaper of the city. the 4 ) À copy ~ill be posted on each of the official notification boards of the city. Public Notification Sian a. .' General - The applicant shall erect at least one publi~'notification sign ~hich co~plies ~ith standards developed by the Planning Department. This sign shall be located en or near the subject property facing the right-of-way or vehicle acces§ ease~ent or. tract providing direct vehicre access to the subject'property. The Planning Official ~ay require the place~ent of additional public notice signs on or near the subject property if he/she dete~ines that ~~is'is appropriate to provide notice to the public. . -,-'.~._"-'"'_=r_..",""-":,,,,,,,~ -,-,"--,,",,",'-';~.:--..- b. - Timing -The public notification sig1; or - signs :::ust be in -olace at leist fourteen -., ---,.:" -c:.':'-,.-..-.--. (:1.4) <;:alendar day;; before the public hearing-and re:::oved ~i~~inseYen (ï) calendar days after the final decision of the City on"the :::atter. 150.35 sfa ff ~eport 1. Contents - The Planning Official shall prepare a staff repor':: containing the follo'"'ing infor-.-ation: a. b. c. d. Àll pertinent application ~aterials. All CC~~ents recardino the :::atter received by the ?la;ning Depart:::ent prior to distribution of the staff report. ~, analysis of the application under the relevant provisio~s of this CcdQ ~nd the Co~prehensive Plan. À state::e:- t of the facts found by the Planning Official and the conclusions dra~~ f=o~ those facts. 150 - 5 .-- . '- ,- ,~:.;~- .,-::::.~:.~-"-.':'-'-:~':-.~-......_-- --:~:--~ ._--- - :;:-----:--.. 2. 150.~0 1. 2. 150.';5 e. À reco~e~èation on the ~atter. Distribution .>.t least seven (7) calendar days before the hearing, the ?lanning Official shall distribute the staff report as follo~s: a. À copy ...,ill Exa1:>iner. Hearing be se"t to the b. À copy ...,ill be se~t to the applicant. c. À copy ...,ill be sent to any person ...,ho has specifically re~ested it. ?ublic ::'earlno General - The :-':eariilg =:xa::iner shall hold p~blic hearing 0" e~c~ a~plication. a Hearil".o -Declared CDën. - T:-::e :..ëarincs of t~e Hearing =:xa~iner are open to the pUbíic. Electronic Sound Recordina , .The., Hearing,. Exa:niner . shall 1:a)(a a co!:lplete electronic sound recording of eac~ Dublic hearing. ....---=--. ::=-::-':.-:-:"~ -. - ~ - ,~~5:~~~- .;1?urden~o,f_~ ---~,~, ' - ~The~òOp~icant~has~~~ë-resDonsibiilty_of~conviñëina-- . ~M~l~~»:\(fJÌit\~}j~~~t ~~ q~~~tr,{t~~ J;~~~ ~-;:.. -. ':-';-"'r.r_'~':'" . '. 150.55 ;>ubl ic Co!:\;::e!1ts Heari~a ?i! ct iei Di!t ion and at the Any person :a1' participa'::e in the public hei!ring in eiëher or bo'::h of the follo...i11; ...ays: 1. 3y subDitëing ...ritten cc~"en'::s to the Hearing Exa1:>iner, ei'::he:::- by èelive:::-ing these cc=e;-¡ts to ~"e ?la~!1i"g Deþar':.:e;-¡t prior to the heari~g Dr by giving -::hese èirectly to the ::.earing ExaDiner at '::he hearing. 2. 3y appearing i;-¡ perso;-¡, or through a representative, at the heari~g a~d 1:>aking o:::-al CG~"e~ts direc'::ly to '::he Eearing Exi!::iner. The ::'earing Exa~iner :ay reasonably li:oit the extent of oral co;:"7.e;-¡ts '::0 facilitate the o==erly and tiDel] co;-¡duct of the hearing. 150 - 6 . .. -u.., - . . . ...n..- ._.__n.. '" . \'-::"-:-:-:-"r.-..'"::-.7'-.~.-,'~C:" ..- ... 150.60 150.65 ... ,'.. ..', . " ,.. Continuaticn of the HearinG The Hearing Exa"iner tay contim~e the hearing if, for any reason, he/she is unable to hear all of the public co=ents on the tatter or if the Hearing =:xa"iner deter:Dines that he/she needs more infor=.aticn on the ::atter. If, "èurir:g the hearing, the Hearing =:xa,"iner announces the ti;;,e and place of the next hearing on the J:atter and a notice thereof is posted on the door of the hearing rOO1:, no further notice of that hearing need be given. HearinG Exa::>iner's Decision 1. Genera 1 After cons ide ring a 11 of the infor=.ation aT'.d co~ents s~b~itted on the ::atter, the ::earing Exa::li!1er shall issue a .ritten decision. 2. TiJ:1inq - Unless .a longer period is agreed to by the. applicant, the Hearing Exa,"in~ J:ust issue the decision ~ithin ten (10) ....orxing days after the close of the public hearing. 3. Decision criteria - The Hearing =:xaJ:iner shalL " "use the criteria listed- in the provision of ~~is.Coòedescribi!1g the requested decision in deciding upon ~~e application. In addition, the Hearing Examiner 1::ay. approve the application only if - a. It is consistent .ith the.Cò::>prehensive ?lan; b. It is 'consistent '",ith all provisions of this Code; and applicable c. It is consistent ,-,ith the :,:>\.:blic health, safety and welfare. 4. Conditions and ~estrictions The Hearing Examiner shall include in the written decision any co..ditioi1s and rest:::-ictio..s. that the Examiner deter::>ines a!"e reasonably necessary to eliminate or J:ini::ize any undesirable effects of granting the application. ;'~--.y conditions and restrictions tha"C are iJ:posed becoJ:e part of the decisio... 5. Contcnts - 7~c E¿êrin; ~^a~ii1Qr shêll i~cl~èe the follO'o'ing i:-> the Exa:oiner's ....ritten decisio:1: 150 - 7 a. b. . c. d. e. ~ state::ent granting, ~odifying granti~g or denying the ðFPlication. ð!'>d A...y co:-.åition and i::.pcseå. restrictions that are A state::e!'>t of facts presented to hi~/her t;,at SUpport t;,e decision, including ar..¡ ccnditio:-.s and rest:dctions that are i::pcsed. .\ state::ent of t;;e :;eari1'.g :::xa;:¡ine::'s conclusions ~ased on these facts. À state::.ent of t;;e c::-ite::ia used by t)-:e ':;ea::i1'.; :::xa~iner in ~axi1'.g the decision. The date of issIJance of the decisicn and a S\::O--:2r',1 of t:,e rio;,ts, 2S es-:ablis:,ed i;-¡ , this' Ch2pte::-, of the applicant a:-.è ,,~.ot;""da::s to ::e~es;t.~rë(:cnsiè~::aticn and'to, appeal tne' decisio;-¡'" of the. Hearing .. -,- :::xa:;?iner. . ,'. - . .. -...,. 6. . Distributic;'\ of "';ritten Decisic;-¡ - '"it11in t.o.o -- ...._-~:,(2),,"",?rki11g day.s.after_th~.,.r.eari11g, Exa:ciner's '...ritte;) è.ecisic;-¡ is issued, the ?lam'ling Official,:', shall... distribute the decision as "'-.- _.~}~.i)-~.'-:.~:~~;.._.::_.,-, "'" ': .. -- F:':'-:~~':: ¡;;r::' 150_ÎO a. À copy '...ill be sent to" the app1 icant. b. À copy \Jill be sent t"o each ::erson '..;ho- sub:::>itted "'ritten or oral testi::\ony to the r.e2ri;'\g Exa:::>i;)er. c. >. COD',1 '...ill be sent to any pe::-scn '...no has specifically re~~ested it. :::ffec~ of the ~ecisio;'\ The a::Dlical1t :02:',1 not el1cace in 2no; ac::. i v i tv ::a s ed on th-e- decision -\::-.-..11 the -thi::-:! ,,";r:Üng èaŸ a:;;te::- the ti::.e to a::::eal h2s ex-oireò. :;:f the èecisicn is aDDealed or off a ::ec---es-t for ::econsièe::-ation is g~"~nted, t;-.e 2ppl ic2-nt ::ay not eng age in 2ny activity based c;'\ the decision '--:1ti1 the thi::d ~orxi~g åay afte:: the City issues a fi~al èecisicn on the -:::atter. H t~e èecisio;'\ of t);e :-:eari;-;g .:.Xë;:¡lne;: is ;cC'C ècoceëleè 0;: ::eccnsi¿e::ed. ",,::ë-: òecisic~ is t::e fin;i ¿ecisio:1 of t::a city. 2~O - 3 150.75 Bequest for Reconsideration 1. Ge~e-al - Àny person ~hD has a right tD appeal a èecisiD:l u:-:èer Section 80 of this Chapter =ay re~est the ~earing ~xa~i~er to reconsider any aspects of his/her decision by delivering a ....ritten request for reconsièe:-a1:iDn 1:0 1:r.e. Planning Depart=ent \Jithi71 seven (7) calendar days after the date of issuance of the Hearing :;:xa¡:¡iner's decisio:l. The person re~estir>:; the reconsièe:-ation s):al1 specify in tr.e re~est '",hat aspec':: Of t:-:e decision he/she ~ishes to have reconsidered ar>d the reason for the reÇlJest. :2 . Distribution' of Ke,=,~est T:-:e ",erson reÇlJesting reco~sièe:-ation s:-:all, 'o'ith,in the same ti:>,e li::.its establis:,ed in ",araara",h 1. of, this S,,<:tio.:1, :-,ail o. ;;,==s<:"a1'1., è;'li:;er a copy of th" re«-:"st for r"econsièer-atio¡-¡ alo¡-¡g '",ith a ¡-¡otice of- the è"adline for responàing to the r"C"~"st for reconsièeratio:1 as ,established. i~ tarabratn 3. 'of this Section to those persons \Jho h~ve'a richt to atteal under Sectioñ 80 of this - Çhapte:;.. ?ro~f of such ::oail 0::- personal- delivery shall be ::oade by affidavit attach"å to' the reC'Uest for , -:-rec:6nsideration:.~ deliver'ed-'-.to the- Planning Depart::oe..t. .1 3. ?es'Co!)se to Ke=est - }.-"1'j :¡::e:-scn receiving a ,copy- of.. the .:. rec¡uest fo!:' :reconsideratio!1 pursua¡-¡t to påragraph 2 of" t);is Section ¡oay file. a ....ritten res;:,o!)se to the reC'Uest. Such response 1:>\Jst be - :received by thè Planning Depart:ent vithin seven (7) calendar days af~er ~he ~ritten re~es~ for reconsideration ....as filed vith t)¡e p'lanni71g De?er~::ent" A..y perso~ fili~g a res?c~se s~all èistribute that res~o..se a~d file an affidavit Df èis~ributio¡-¡ as ~stablis~ed in paragraph :2 of ~his Sec~icn" , . Decision tD ;:<ec:cnsièer ',;i-¡:hin ".:e.. (10) ""or>cing days after receivi~g a req-c:es".: fo!:' recc~sièeratio", t):e ::'ea::ing :;:xa~i"e¡:- shall notifv t~e 1:>erSC:lS '-'hD ~ave a richt to a~~eal under- Sec".:i'O" 80 Df this Cha:>t,,'r '-'hethè; or not the decisio:l '...ill be rec~nsièered. TJ':e Heari..g :::xa:::i:-:er ::ay reco:1sièe::- the decision o¡-¡ly if he/she cc:lch,èes ~ha,;: the::-e is s'~stè:l,;:ièl ::e::i,;: 1:1 the re~est. s. Effect re~es~ If ".:he :;eo::i"g :::xa"'l:-:e::- 9:-a..ts a ".:0 reccnsièe:- a;-:: aspec:,;: of the 150 - 9 . :": :'.:---:' .' .~-'_.':--"--"~"" :-:;",~::-n.,.--.____..-- -.'.',,-;-._n_..'.. . . " ..'... . .. - .. -.. . ...- _. . ... . ,".. . . . . -- ~ 1.~~'._80 6. decision, the city ~ay not process any appeals of the decision until the Hearing Exa:ciner issues his/her \.Iritten decision on the reconsidered aspect. Process - If the Hearing Examiner reconsiders any aspects of the decision, the provisions of section 30 through 70 'of this Chapter will be fol10\.led, except that the Hearing Examiner may li~it the reconsideration by - . a. Limiting the persons \.Iho ~ay participate in the reconsideration to those perso'r.s \.Iho have a right to appeal the decision under sectio¡¡, BO of this ChaDter. If this occurs, only such person"s will be give¡¡, notice u¡)è.er section 30 of this Chapter; b. , Limiting the aspect of the decision that will be reconsi~red; and/or. Li:citing. .--the-- nature of the reconsideratio¡¡, by only receiving vritten co~ents and by not holding a new p~lic hearing. .' ..-- " c. Any licitations ....ill be include~ in the notice given under Se~tion 30 of this Chapter. "- _. - . '. - -. "-DDeals ---"--"-'-----' . :L w~o May ÀDDeal - The decision of the Hearing Exa~iner may be appealed by any person vhe is to receive C!. copy of that decision under section 65 .of this Chapter. Ro'", and ....-tien t'o À!:oeal - The appeal, in the foI"J:\ of a letter of ¡n::::.eal, must be de'livered to the Planning Depårtment ....ithin fourteen (14) calendar days after the issuance of the Heari¡¡,g Exa¡:ine='s decision or, if a re~est for reconsideration is filed the¡¡, ....ithin fourteen (14) calendar days of either the ¿ecisio:1 of the Hea=ing Exami,..,er de.-:ying the re~est for reconsi¿eratio¡¡, or the re¿onsidered decision, as the case ::.ay be. The letter of appeal ::.u?t contai:1 - :2 . a. A clear reference appealeè.: a"d being the matte:::- to b. À state:-.ent of the sDecific factual findings and co.-:clusions' of the i-'.ea=i"g 150 - 10 150.85 150.90 Examiner disputed by the person filing the appeal. 3. ~ - The person filing the appeal shall include, with the letter of appeal, the fee established by the City. ð.... In addition to the aDDeal fee. the ADDellant shall Dav an amount sufficient to cover the cost of Dreparina the written transcript of the Hearinq Examiner hearinq. at the cost of Sl~ 00 per hour. !h In lieu of payment of the transcript preDaration costs. the Appellant may choose to Drepare the transcript from taDes of the hearina Drovided bv the City. at ADDellant sole cost. The prepared transcript shall be submitted to the City Hearinq Examiner Secretary for distribution no later than twenty 120\ days prior to the date of the hearina on aDDeal. and shall be accomDanied bv an affidavit or certification bv the ADPellant as to the accuracy and comDleteness of the transcript. .£." The appeal will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by the required fee and approDriate costs. .Q.." The cost of the transcript shall be refunded to the ADDellant if the ADDellant substantially Drevails on aDPea1. The City Council shall decide whether ADDellant substantially prevailed on appeal and that decision shall be final. The transcript refund shall be limited to actual costs of transcript DreDaration as follows: .L. h City Staff preparation: preparation. ADDellant preDaration from tapes: Actual costs as shown bv certified receipt or other evidence sufficient to the City. hourly cost of 4. Reauest to Reconsider Not Reauired - The decision of the Hearing Examiner may be appealed whether or not there was a request to reconsider the Hearing Examiner's decision. 5. Jurisdiction - Appeals from the decision of the Hearing Examiner will be heard by City Council. Notice of the ADDeal Hearina 1. Contents - The Planning Official shall prepare a notice of the appeal containing the following: a. The file number and a brief ~ description of the matter being appealed. A statement of the scope of the appeal, including a summary of the specific factual findings and conclusions disputed in the letter of appeal. b. c. The date, time and place of the City Council public hearing on the appeal. d. A statement of who may participate in the appeal. e. A statement of how to participate in the appeal. 2. Distribution - At least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing on the appeal, the Planning Official shall send a copy of this notice to each person entitled to appeal the decision under Section 80 of this chapter. Participation in the ApDeal Only those persons entitled to appeal the decision under Section 80 of this Chapter may participate in either or both of the following ways: 150 - 11 150.95 150.100 1. By submitting 'wTitten co=ents to the Planning Department prior to the hearing or to the city Council at the hearing. 2. By appear ing in person, or through a representative, at the hearing and making oral co~ents directly to the City Council. The Council may reasonably .limit the extent of the oral co~~ents to facilitate the orderly and timely conduct of the hearing. Scope of the Appeal The scope of the .appeal is limited to the specific factual findings and conclusions àisputed in the letter of app~al. The appeal will be con;idered.only on the record developed in the hearing before the Hearing Examiner and the city Council will not consider new factual information. staff Report on the Appeal 1. Contents - The Planning Official shall prepare a staff report on ,the appeal containing the following:" . a. The staff report prepared for the hearing befor; the Hearing Examiner. The ~itten decision of 'the Hearing Examiner. public b. c. All ~itten.comments submitted to the Hearing . Examiner. d. A su=ary of the co=ents and information presented to the Hearing Examiner... ~ a statement of the availability of the electronic sound recording of the hearing.L. and a 'wTitten transcript of the Hearincr Examiner proceedinos. e. The letter of appeal. f. All 'wTitten co~"ents received by the Planning Department from. persons enti tled to participate in the appeal and within the scope of the appeal. g. An analysis of the specific factual findings and conclusions disputed in the letter of appeal. . 150 - 12 150.i05 150.110 150.115 150.120 150.125 2. Distribution Th.e Planning Official shall distribute copies of the staff report as follows: a. Prior to t~e ~earing, a copy ~ill be sent to each ~erober of the city Council. b. At least seven (7) calendar days before the hearing, a copy will be sent to - 1) the applicant; 2) 3 ) the person .ho filed the appeal; and each Derson who received a copy of the Heari~g Examiner's decision. Public Heari!1o 1. Hearino in General - city Council shall hold public hearing on the appeal. a 2. Heari!1q Declared ODen - The hearings of the City Council are open to the public. Electronic Sound Recordincrs 1. city Council shall-~~e.a.co~plete electronic sound recording of each hearing. Burden of Proof The person filing the appeal has the responsibility of convincing the city council that the Hearing Exa:miner :made an incorrect decision because of erroneous findings of fact or conclusions. Conti!1uation of the Heari!1q city Council may continue the heari!1g if, for any reason, it is unable to hear all of the Dublic comments on the appeal. or if city Council determiñes that is needs ~ore information within the Scope of the appeal. If, during the hearing, the ti¡¡¡e and place of the next public hearing on the matter is announced and a notice thereof is posted on the door of the hearing roo~, no further notice of that hearing need be given. Decision on the ADDeal After considering all com¡¡¡ents within the scope of the appeal submitted by persons entitled to participate in the appea 1, City Council sha 11, by ...................... 150 - 13 ,~---,-,,---"-_U_------'_h'_--"'.' - / -'-" - -." ::ootion approved by a !:ajority vote of :ceI:\bers present, taKe one of the folloving actions: L 2. :I . If city council detenines that the disputed fi;-,èi;-,gs of fact a;-,d c:o;-,cl\;s10ns are the correct findin<;s of fact and conclusions, the Council shall affin -:he decision. If City council dete=ines that the disputed findings of fact and c~:"'clusions are' not co::::ec':. a;-.d that co:::ct findings of f2-ct a;-.è conc1\.1sio;-.s do not s~==o::t the decision of the ~ea::ing ~xa~ine::, th~-Council shall ::ooàiiy or reverse the decision. I.. 2-11 ot:,e!' cases, the cc\;;-,cil shall eithe!' di::ec':. -':':-.e :-::a::;-.;; :::xa::in::: to :":olà 2- ::e-hea::inq en -:::e ::.,,--:-:e:: or decide to hold 2- city Co\:;-.cil :-,ea:-i;-,'1 c;-. -:::,e ::oatte::. The ~otio.. =ay li=i-.:. the sco~e of the ~2-tters to ~e co;-,sièe'::ëd 'at - thi's . re-)-,earing or city council hearing. The provisions of' Sections 30 thrc1.:gh 50 cL this. Chapter - a?ply to 2- re-he2-::ing 0:: citico~~cii hearfng ~nèer this pa::2-<;raph, except if City council holds 2- heariI".g,-,-~~--!~:,-.?,~tt::..._::- -:- ~ -_.-:.~-~.; a; . It ~2-Y. -.either:_szant._or-, der>Y, the- per::>it or 2-pp::ova1 .only_.!;y ":';öti'on'- approved ':;y ::O2-j ò::íty-' of-- i 1:S -i'öt'aY 'Ù!iõe::ship. This. :ootio.. :.-e?laces, - the_~Tittln decis io.. rec;:.¡ired in 5ection_.55 of, th_s Chepter. The decision of city council is the final decision of the ci~y. '"otice of -:-inal Pecision -- b. 4. 2-. General - :-ollo~ing the final decisio.. of the City Cc\;ncil, the ?lannin<; Official shall prepare a ;-.otice of the City's final decision o~ L~e ap?lic2-tio~. b. Dis":'-~:'\J,;:io;) '"it~i~ t....o (2) '...o:::'::i1':<; å2-vS after "~e Citv cc\Jncil's decision is ::"~e, "1':e ?l,,;-.;i:-:g official s;.a11 èist:.-i'::>u';:e ';:):e ;-.otice of the decision ~s follo'...s: 1) A CO?: ~ill be se~~ to the applicant. :2 ) ~ ccpy '...i11 ':::e sent to ~ho filed -:he "F?eel. the persc;) 150 - 1~ ; I ' -_.- - -- . --,.- ,., , . - - - ' -.'-:-:-:===..:..:.-.c~,.."-":;-"_., .- , , ..,. - _._-,_.,--- --' --,.,-,------.-.- .-." ----" -- . 3) A copy ....ill be sent to any perso;'\ ....ho sub¡;¡itted ""ritten or oral co~ents to the City Council. 5. 150.130 Effect - The decision of City Council is the final decision of the City. Judicial Revie\J The action of the City in granting or denying an application under this Chapter ~ay be revie.ed for illegal, corrupt or ar:,itrary or capricious actio;) in the King County- Superior Ccurt. The petiticn for revie\J :::ust be filed ...ithin fou~een (1~) calendar days after the final decisicn cf the City. 150.135 LaDse of ^DPrcval -; -.,-,L._,.General.-- -,,-The'- applicant :toust begin construction or.sub:toit to the City a co~plete Building -- .?eait application for, the- -',::-:---~_:.,:'~-= develop:::e;)t_activity, use of land or other actions aDDroved under this ChaDter ,-,ithin o;)e -.'... "-"'~--':.~':"!:~;::'(l)~year-:after~-the..final decision on the -- -, ::Iatter,--or the decision-- becomes void. - The_- - -~-~:-':. -": --::;-::: z::,:n:::-:,.,"- :: T::êäppïië-ánt7" _:-.. -~!l_s-( ---- š'ú.bstantially co!::>plete - - -.. - construction for the: developJ:>ent activity, use of--land,- or other. actions' approved \ll1der this ChaDter and cc:::Dlete the aDDlicable conditions listed in the decision ...it.hin five- (5) years" after the final decision of the city on the :catter, or -the decision becoJ:>es void. 'If litigation is initiated pursuant to Section 130 of 'Chis Chapter, - the tbe ,li:ci t of this paragraph are autoz:atically extended by the length of ti:::e bet'...een the co¡;oüoence:::ent and final 'ç.eainaticn of that liti<;aticn. If the develop;:,ent activity, use' of land, or ot11er actions aDDroved under this ChaDter i:-:cluèes phased coñ~trücticn, the ti:::e li:cits of this paragraph :oay »e extended'- i" t:~e decisicn 0:-> the applicaticn. -- - -" 2. Tiõ7,e Exte;1sion a. ^'O'.:>lication ?rior to the lapse of approval under paragraph 1. of this Section, the applican'Cs :::ay sub:oit a ""ritten aDPlicatie:-> i:-> the fer;:¡ of a letter '...it~ supporting doc'~:::e:->tation to the ?la"ni~,g Depart=e;-¡t re,,~esti;1g a cr,e ti=e exte~sien of these ti~e li~its of ~? to e;oe year. 150 - 15 . . '. ~,-.;::,"-:-::,~:'..:'_-:":';..".' 0 . ---'-""'--._n'..__"--" "'-0 -..--.--.,. - -,-----'-'-.. -.-:._n:n,__::-=::'::':"'.-....., e. . '];'D'Deals - Any person ....ho is aggrieved by the granti~g or èenying of a reques~ for ~ --- a- ti1"e-'extension \.mèer' this. section :may a'D'Deal that decision. The a'D'Dellant ~ust flie a letter of. appeal indiêàting how .y.-... the decision 'on: the: ti~e extension. . effects t.'Je appellant's property ar\d - :.;. 'prešëñtirig- any relevan~ :materi.al or. - --::7U,-.-~,'= info=at,ion:. supportiD9:,tl)e., a?p_el:!,~nt' s ... - -- - - ._--, contention'. The> å-Dt,èal~ "Will be heåid- årid ,.._' . decided upon usini?rocess II, èescribed ..., ._n'.' "-'in Chapter 150 of t..'1is' code- ~ _. , .,-.":.'::'- . . - _.. - ---- ,--. ,- .'", '."--'?,7/--::_-::~-~"'-'- n..-..- _h- _. 150.140' Bo:"lès . . ..- -..---- '- ------.------- b. criteria - The request !Oust de:::>onstrate . that the applicant is ~aking substantial progress on the develop~ent activity, use of land or other actions approved under this Chapter and that circu:::>stances beyond the applicant's control prevent co~pliance "With the ti:::>e li~its of paragraph 1 of this section. c. ~ - The applicant shall include, ~ith the letter of re~est, the fee as established by the city. The application "Will not be accepted unless it is acco:mpanied by the required fee. d. ~evie~ ?rccess'- An application for a ti:::>e extension ~ill be revia~ed and decided u;on by the planning Official- The Hearing. Exa:::>iner and City council ~ay re~ire a bond under Cha'Dter lõO of this Code to "insure co=?liance "'it~ any aspect of a pe=it or approval. 150.145 Co~plete co~pliance ~ë~i~ad l. 2. General - Exca::t as specified in -.::arao::-a-:::'1 2 of this sec"Cièn, tha- applican-.:. ';ust" cc"=.ply vith all aspects. incluåing conditions and =estrictio¡;s, of a:. approval gra¡;ted u¡;c:er this Chat::ter i;-¡ order to do eva::-vthing authorlze¿ by that approval. - Exce'Dtio:. SubseC'\Jent 1-'.oõification If a specific use or site pla;-¡ for the subject property vas approved under "Chis Chap-.:er 0::- any quasi-juèic:.al process unc:e" a previous zoning ccc:a, the applicant is :'0-': requi"ed t, 15' - 16 section 4. hereby amended as follows: Title 20.240 of the Federal Way Code is 20.240 Administrative Appeals .10 .20 .30 .40 Any interested party may appeal to the Hearing Examiner a threshold determination, or the adequacy of a final EIS conditioning an and or denial of action except as provided in section .20 below. The appeal shall be conducted under provisions the of Process II, Chapter 150 of the Zoning Code. Any governmental action not requiring a legislative decision that is conditioned or denied by a nonelected city official shall be directly appealed to the legislative authority (City Council) as provided by RCW 43.21C.060. All appeals filed under this section must be filed in writing with the city Clerk within 14 calendar days of the date of the decision appealed or the conclusion of the comment period or completion of the giving of required notices, whichever is longer. All appeals shall contain a specific statement of reasons why the decision of the Responsible Official is alleged to be in error. All relevant evidence shall be received ......2Q .....§.Q ..-5G .58 ~ ~ ....1Q .80 during the appeal and the decision shall be made de novo. The determination by the city's shall Responsible Official carry substantial weight in any appeal proceeding. Far aflY appeal \H~àer ~his see~ioR, ~he ci~y shall pro'dàe fer a reeard ~hat shall eaflsis~ af ~he fallo~in~: A. Findin~s and eaflelusions. B. TestimaflY ~fldor aa~hl anà c. A taped ar '~ittefl traflseript. The decision of the Hearing Examiner on an appeal filed under this section shall be final. Appeals of the Hearing Examiner's final decision shall first be to the Federal Way City council as provided in Process II, Chapter Way of the 150, Federal Zoning Code. For anv appeal under this section. the Citv shall provide for a record that shall consist of the followinq: A... Findinqs and conclusions. 1!.... Testimonv under oath: and A taped or written transcript. Q.... Upon filing an appeal to the citv council .Q.t:. judicial any certified appeal, a copies or written transcripts required for such shall be prepared by the city ~ at the expense of the appellant, subject to possible reimbursement of transcript preparation costs as provided in Federal Way Zoning Code 150.80 (3) (D). section 5. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after publication of an approved summary consisting of the title hereto. PASSED by the City Council of the city of Federal Way this 21st day of April , 1992. ~~ MA OR, ROBERT STEAD (y . SWANEY, CMC ~PM~ AS TO ro~, \ V Á--- . ~ \ / .-----------. ACTING CÍTY ATTORNEY, CAROLYN A. LAKE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: April 24, 1992 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 29, 1992 ORDINANCE NO. 92-133 April 1, 1992 April 21, 1992 LA\SUSANM\ORD\92-99.SUB