Ord 92-147 ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE SALE, HANDLING, DISCHARGE AND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS TO BE UNLAWFUL WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, EFFECTIVE JUNE 26, 1993. (AMENDS ORDINANCE NOS. 90-54, 90-60, 92-138). WHEREAS, chapter 70.77 RCW is the State law relating to fireworks sale and use; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding chapter 70.77 RCW, the State Legislature has not preempted the ability of local jurisdictions to adopt local ordinances relating to fireworks; and WHEREAS, the state fireworks statute chapter 70.77 RCW does not prevent a city from enacting an ordinance more prohibitive than RCW 70.77.395 as to the dates and times that fireworks may be sold and used; and WHEREAS, this ordinance which imposes a ban on the sale and use of fireworks within the City limits does not conflict with the State statute, as it merely prohibits a wider scope of activity that the State statute; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Findinqs of Fact. The City Council hereby adopts by reference the document, entitled "Proposed Prohibition of Fireworks Sale or Use in Federal Way," prepared by King County Fire Protection District No. 39 and attached hereto. The City Council also makes the following Findings of Fact: COpy 1. The risks of fires and the danger to public safety and property damages are increased by the sale and use of fireworks within the City. 2. The types of fireworks involved in fires within the City include both the illegal (dangerous) fireworks, and legal (common) fireworks as defined in RCW 70.77.136. 3. Banning the use of all fireworks within the city is rationally related to the Council legislative purpose of reducing and/or eliminating the risk of major property damage and risk to public safety which results from the sale, possession and use of any fireworks. section 2. Amendment to Ordinance 90-54. Ordinance No. 90-54 is amended as follows: section 1. DEFINITIONS. The definitions of chapter 70.77 RCW as now stated or hereafter amended shall govern the construction of this ordinance, when applicable. RCW 70.77.120, through and including RCW 70.77.230 as now stated or hereinafter amended, is adopted by this reference and a copy of such shall be kept on file -2- in the office of the City Clerk for public use and inspection. In addition, the following terms are defined: (1) Dangerous Fireworks: Any fireworks not defined as a "common firework" under the provisions of RCW 70.77.136. Section 2. SALE OF FIREWORKS UNLAWFUL. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell any fireworks within the City atheE' thaI'! these fiE'eweE'Jes àesi'!Jnateà in seetien Five ef this eràil'!al'!ee; provided, that this prohibition does not apply to duly authorized public displays.... al'!à sales pliE'SUaRt te seetiel'! feur (4) ef this eE'àinanee. Section 3. POSSESSION. USE AND DISCHARGE OF DMICEROU¡;: FIREWORKS UNLAWFUL. Except as authorized by State license and citv permit qranted Dursuant to RCW 70.77.260(2) (public disDlav) or RCW 70.77.311(2) (use bv qroup or individual for reliqious or other specific purpose on approved date and as approved location). it is unlawful for any person. firm. or corporation to enqaqe in the retail sale of. or to sell, possess, use, transfer, discharge or explode any àal'!~eE'eliß firework§ of anY kind within the city.... -3- FI?E"';ORKS. provided th~t thi~ prchi~~~ic~ E~a11 -c- .~?l~ \.u ":::ul:r E.ut:-.~r' _-d pili:..~c d'cpl3.:/EO section ?E?JHT R:::CUT?ED TO SELL O? 4 . It is unla~ful for aDY person, fi~ or corporation to pn~a~e i~ ~h~ r~tàil ~à1G of or to sell any :irc':or;,," 0- to hold, conduct or engage in a public display of fire~orks ~ithin the city without first having obtained and being the holder of a valid per--it issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. £eetian 5. ~T1~ LHE':' £ST Œr E;J'.L3 J'.1!D USE. He permit holder ahall o:::or :or rata-il-sa-le-, e)rpe,"e fer ret~il EalG er s:all any fironorks- W~LllÌIl t:hE. city except f:::oa t"elye (12' GO) "eon te B1Bvan (1:: aG-t---=G-..;:¡. on the 28th of Ju.w~, nil,... (:1.00) a.1I\. ta eleven (11:00) ¡¡¡.m. en 'the t'¡enty ninth d3.Y 0: June through the third day af J~ly¡ and fr~m nine (a.aO) a.m. ~o nine (9:00) p.m. on the fourth day af July af 3.ny :,'o3.r Pronided, thB s:ale Q'" fire,'QrkE: aD previded in this ~cctio~ ~hall be limited to theDe ::ire,;er],a do::ined a5 "COB.."3on fire ',;orks" in RCH 79.77.126. The term oa::ffi\en fire',;er],;:c àee," Bet incl'.:.àe :irm'arks ee::h";1enly )a.e'<n a3 fir¡:erae:]t¡:r3, DalateD, eha!3e:n:;, ,"ky -r<JcketE:, ans. miE:Dile tÌpe reo;¡¡:t:3. ::xoept ë:.3 autheri£cà BY a Gtate license û"d city ~ermit' <;ranted fJèlr!3èl1:.nt te nCT 70.77.2GO(2) (pl:lblic di£pl~y) or RC~ 79 77.2:1 (2) (uE:e ~y group c:::' individual fer religious er ether Gpceific purpeE:e 8" a¡¡¡praved date and at appre;ed leeatieR) 1'18 perE:8R shall iqRite or ài~eharge' any firç.erJt3 nit:hÍI, t:,e. "itj c~~~!:,L [u.. LLe p~riod from 71.11:[ li:'t '"hr.nagh July 4th (incl\lli:iuQ) ef any year aet',een the hours of nine (g. gO) 3..m and e;.cvcn (11,100) p."" section ~. 2 PERMIT ?EE:t-. 'I'he annual fea for a "::eller'E: per::;it" for '"hB E:ale of fire"orkE: 3.E: ::J.3.y be 3.utherized under this ordi"anee, shall ~e enD hu"dred àell3.rE: _per year fer each eeller'e permit, paY3.ble in ad', aRce. The fee for a "public displ<;!.y pennit" for the public display of fireworks -4- DISPLAY shall be advance. hundred è.ollars, paYè.ble iT! or-,e section ;¡.-, 6 ISSUi'~"ICE--'IONTRÀ"IS FER.".BLE--VOI DIiiG. E:lcn ¡¡alle""'s 'Qa=it i~sUQd "nr'e"" '"his ordinanc9 ¡¡hall. D9 fer enly one rg'"ail outlet No person. fi~, or corpor~'"i~n shall racai"ß ::lOrQ '"haD t.,o :¡:e=i'"¡¡ for ""he sale of . fira'lork¡;: during any ona calendar yaar. E:lc::, 3cllcr'c Dar:-:,it iE:E:ucd DUrE:Uant ""0 thi¡;: , ordinanca ~hall be valiá o~ly ~or thß current' Y°3.r, E:hall bo UE:od only by taG dacignatad pGrmitte9 and ¡¡aall De Tlont""an¡;:fer~lQ Each public display permit issued pursuant to this ordinance shall be valid for the specific authorized public display event only, shall be used only by the designated permittee and shall be nontransferable. Any transfer or unauthorized use of a permit is a violation of this ordinance and shall void the Dermit granted in addition to all other sanë~ions provided in this ordinance. section -8". 1.. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC DISPLAY PERMIT. Applications for a permit to hold, conduct or operate a public display of fireworks as defined under RCW Chapter 70.77 shall be made to the building official for a permit. such a permit shall also require the approval of the fire chief or his/her duly appointed representative. Applications shall be made at least fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled event. Applicants shall meet all qualifications and requirements of state law regarding public display of fireworks and all fire and safety requirements as set forth in the standards for public display and, in particular, shall hold a pyrotechnic operator license issued by the state of Washington as defined by RCW 70.77 and Chapter 212-17 WAC. 3c....tiob ÃI':-LI C;;:IOn :-OR EELLER'S :3. CONDI"E'IONO rOR ICCUhHCE. A~pliçations fo~ 5~llðr'3 pcrmit3 3flall bc made to tho city b~ilàin'J official aRn~ally on . or ::lftßr 1'.pril l¡;t of tho ~'eâr far '!Ì1.ich thQ permit io iosued anà thc filing :¡¡crieà ohall ele¡;e en June lot of oBoen J'aar 'W1le¡:s e¡ctendod -5- l'EPJIIIT - by ¡¡otion 0::: t::o city co":1'\c:..2.. :,'Çp2.' C::lt:..cn3 Gi'.:lll be <:ignod "of ora a :-.otar"' 'Çubl' c 1:1 t:-.c ret¡¡il collor, i::: an ind-iv-i.áu::ll, or b~' t~c duly àuthorj 7<?d officer. if an s,££cciatio1'\ or ë:ðr']?orlltio1'1. It ic '.11'110":::'.11 :::or 3. :::irC':or:cc m3onufacturgr, "holeca.ler or s":,plior ':0 ;;¡::,]cc applie3.tion for or to ci:t3.in 3. retail 3alc3 permit on boha' f 0::: 3.]'\::" r¡,t3.ilor ¡¡ollor' c pormit£: for --he c3.1e of ':hoGC :::i_e,'-õr;c3 allo"~å purGuant to Goct:..o1'1 ::::..?e (5) Ghllll be i3aQ~d only "0 ~ppl:"c3.ntD _oo":"1'\g the follortin~ eondi':ion3: A. B. c. Tho retailer or porDon in charge and re£:ponciblo fer "he re':ail oper¡¡tien aholl be oyor ~'enty one yoar£: of °'°, of ,eed mor¡¡l ehllr¡¡otcr a"d of dc.:mofl3trated res¡por.cibili t:¡ ¡ The a13131icant chall h3."o a '¡al:..d ::.nd cur:::,,::"::- lice::::e '::cued by the. ,laGhinEJton £tate diroctor of cemmunitl' do'o'olopment threu,h the ,:::.sÞJ.i1'\gton ¡¡toto direotor of fire protoetion pur3uant to Cha~tèr 70.77 nC,) authorizing t::e holder thereto to er.EJage in the retail sale of fire'_õrJc3-: 'rho e:E;,elicant Ghall m.'11 or ha.Hg tag right ~o P';;;3C33 a te:JI\pOrëlry fire',:srkc ct3ond ce'!!\plyin'3 ',Ii th the relf'J.ire:me.:1ta of thi3 ordin3onee If tRe g'm8~ QQg~ ngt ",'n Gr have tag rigat "G po~<:e<:c a ':e!i\~sr3.ry fire_er]m 5tanå com",l:Z inq -ith 1::he: £:tandard£: herein cet fsrth fer te~~erllry firo'"ork~ ~--ânQ¡;, 'i;::i;t'i'¡:¡ thQ ap:,lj o:-<!n;- 3hall hëlve as a place gf sale a ~uilding ..l.':'...!. i.s of firc:eroof Ganctr,¡~tion a.nd. ~ith pre~er firefighting 8~ipm8nt lu<';4 L",ù. Lt.",... "'.:... "';0 1I.J?J?ro. ed b:¡ ~h~ fire ¡¡hief er hia/her à',¡ly authgriz9d repre::Hmtative. In illl C.5:81i. thQ plaeinq of fire"..or:~a fer displ3.Y and salQ 3hall be in Gush a mannor as to ~g b8yond the reaeh of suctemora; 'D. Tng applieant shall Fresure and Pâintàin a pelicl or ~slieie,. "f I""" i,.. , i ""i' ; tel' and prop8rty àama,e in5uraflce i55~eå bl a company or somp3onioE: 3.pprsHod by th8 city. in the follo,'ing mini-',¡,;a a-Giant... 'fi"" h~ndred thou3afld dollars for injuries to anyone f er50n iR one accident or -6- E. -: OCC\J.rrQnce; or;e ::4:..11:..on doll arc ~ :e::- =~~U~~~~d;~~-c~~C;~cI~::-~f~~ ~~~¿~~~ tr-.euc::md dollùrc :0::- dù:3:lge ':0 ¡:n:oBerty in uny one ::lccider!: or occur:::c:-:cc;- enD million dollar:> comb' ,.ed :Jingle l:":3it fer ~nl enc :lccidcnt or occurrence. In ~ddition, ~hc city :..C to be an ::lddition::ll named incured and the pol'cy chall provide :or thc immediate notification of the city by the ino~:::er of any cancella tion of oaGh policy The lia~ility policy or polig:..cc ~a-l-l-be aFP::-o"ed by ,the gity a...torn9~' for 1eg¡¡,lHy iind ¡::¡ufficienc~' before any permi'" ch:J.ll bG i¡;cuelå; The po~it holder'c locs,"'ion or ~laca of Businaoc ohall bG only in thoce ;rea¡; or zoneD idbntified u:> 3 N, Beer C C zcn~s -¡ithin t"e gity; p::-ovidGd, that the sale of tr""'" :ê; ,e'7"'rks; ii"thori7¡od by this ordinance chall not be deo::aed an eFllar3e¡¡¡ent af aR o¡!:Ìetin'3" neneenfermin<:¡, ~; 6. ~~. ~ppJican" s;h~)' po... ui..r "'~e city a ~erfaraanee bo~d or a each de~aDi~ iR an (l!l!o\Ult Rat le¡;¡; than fi-;e huRàreà dollarD, Ganditiened upeR ~~e prompt rl;me.al ef the tc::ll'erary firco'erJcc ctand ~nd the. eleo.ning ~'¡3 of 3.ll d~brio from the ::;ite ef the c::.and, -.ia' en àepooit chall Be returned ta the applicant aBly . in the Q,HBl'lt ~¡ut Ì19 =g-""'¡o¡: th'il tcmporarI stand and cleans up all debri£ . te tae ¡;atisfastion af ""'9 fir\¡ chi"! ", bl:lildil'l.'3 official of the ci"'y TM ..~" ",v"",t of hi3/her :ailure to dG ¡:O. the perfð~ance BeRd or casa dapaoit ghalJ bQ forfeited. In no B"¡O¡:l't s;];p)] t-~" "pplic8.!'",t ße anti ::.:..cd to t" Q rilt"rn "f the performance bond ar Gash. depesit if h~/3hl; ha3 failcd ~o reDo"e 1;:"9 s;t~M'; "Mrì 0..;1""", Uj,' 1>11 debri3 by the tenth of ¡'J.ly follo"in'3 the ::;alo::; periad; 0 I'll) one permit 03a11 );¡Q isiõued ..n """,n appli':'~n'" II. lIe Deller's parmi'" s;h<l)) ",0 is""""; rnr é\ temperer]. ctand location which r~; 1 <: ton -ï- 1. J. !,,~et the c~ i teri:J. Ge':. for-:.h ;:ì E 3c'C:.on - te], (10) of t~.i3 e~":L,B.,ce, incL:ding t~.c ,..inL"u::! "tar,d 3c-crc"':'on rcG'-li::- ...cnt. \;r.~n ..ece""ary, i; order to - dctermir.e priori t1 5.3 tõ a "'~ o>-,u,¡ed loca ;"iUd, c.:"" eð.J:lie3t ¿ate and th,~ of filL,g of an application for a "eller' 3 per:J\it ~ith thc city e~e:::t 3hall be controlling; The applic:J.nt chall pay the annual pe~it fee c¡:tabli¡:hed in ¡:cc~ion 6 of thi¡: ordinancc; The applicant Ehall pr~'idQ a map or plot plan Ehoning dimenEiom: of the firC"or:';:E 3t.and, i t3 lcca t:..on, and ee'E:rpl :":J.nee vi th the requirc:aents of ':.his erdÌ1'lùnce, in partieula::, scetien 11 e3 to tc...¡?Or5oJ:1 E:tands Cect:..en 19. E:\LE F"C~ CT.'.:!:)C ~XC=I'1'IO!¡C . Þ.ll appreved fire,:or],s as Get fare.. in Gcetion five (§), eJEee:§lt toy pa:¡¡e.r cap:) eer,tainil,q not more ~haR t-:enty five hUl'ldredths §'rain ef . eJrpla¡:¡i ve eo:æpaund fer each eap, tric]t er nevclty devie_s net cla3sificd a3 eemmen fira':orkE: aBd "s:§Iar::lers, II cRall Be seld . and" sr di!3tributed only from '::cm:¡¡erary stùl".ds. Ce.ctisn 11. £T.".HDl'Jl.D£ :-011. TEMPgp_"..l"1.Y :;;T1\lTD:O. 'J:'he temperaI') stands ef all ccller'¡:¡ pexwit helders shall cenferm te the fello~iB§' mi:nimum "l<:u¡Jð.J:ds and condition:!: A. Te:;¡peraI') fixcnerk3 3t.!l.l,ds n~!.d j',ot. 'Comply ....ith all pre'¡i:3ion:s of tha B1iildirlg esde I provided, hs,:cyer, that: all o~e~ stand3 b~ ereeted unàer the su:§IervisieR sf the fire ehief 5X ¡".is/her d~l) a~thðri~ed rc~r~3entcti.e, .he shall re~ire all stands te Be cen:)tructed iR a safe mam:¡er cl'Imò.ring the safety of 'atte.ndant:s and patrons. In t-~e event: any t.cmporar1 3tand is "ired fer eleetriGi~y, the ~iring shall csnfcr3 ts the electrical cede sf the state sf Ha3hil"3"ten. Ho hc.a'tinej w.it. or device i'lit.h a ~tlrfac~ t.e.mpcratuxc capaBle of ignitin§' firc-,:ar:,s, or :¡3.vil'lg- an c-pen -8- D. 'C. D flaJ:',c ',.-ill 'lit;¡i:1 an:l DE) a2.1o"gd [~_~"G~k3 ~~&~d. )!a tc:Bpor~rf firg"çr'K¡: ¡:t:md ¡:ha2.l bE) . located ',.-ithin fif~~' feet of 3.ny other building or otructure, or ~ithin t"o hl:lndrcd fifty feet of any ga301ine. otatien, oil S~OrâSQ tank or prcmiccc "here fla:-.J!Iablc liq'..l::.do or g"-OC;) arc Jtept or otored. Dach tcm]?erar¡ fire'"'orJeo s'::and :::;J.uo:t haul;! at lea(¡t t"o exi'-¡: "hich ¡:'"all be I:ll.ob3tr.J.stcd at all ~imQ¡: ~a~h ~ø~rn'~~I ~;rø~nr~~ ~~~Mð çh.ll 41ave, in a rs;¡,dily a("c..~,iblg leGation, a.t. least t',;s (2) t','o and enc hill:: gallon pn:aa<1riz¡:à ',,'a.ter fi::E) m¡ti:A§"uiche::3 ,IRish 3.re iR .,.eed "orkin'3 erder. £'..lch ex'::Ül'!fld.iohe:: £::-.:-..12. 1:: e e::. t:J.e:: UL or PM appreved. :E 1>11 "e9Q,. 'Jr."" .1'1';' cow';-",,-!;:iblg material 3hall be cleared frgn the locâtiol'1 of ~Me tcm]?erarj" fire"ork(¡ EJtand aRà the si;ir¡;8<lnàin'3 a::ea ~o 3. diE:~ancQ of not le.ss than tncnty Ï::.ve feet, meaoured from th~ exter:or ha.l2.o sf tHo toIDpe¡;arj" fire,;erko o'::a.nà. r. He omoJti:A'3 shall sa permittsQ in <;;-r r.ea.:t1 a 1::e::mperary fire',,'erks staRs. far 3. Qistance af net ~ess thaR f::.=ty feet JIIcesureå from the ext..ri<;;-r ,,~, 1" n~ ~M ø te;mparary fire'larks sta1'là. "He smeJti:AEJ" :'!Ii¡;l'ls, he:; iREJ let.ter:'!l at least t',18 i:Ashes in hci':Jht, sflall. be pesteà in :a. con:'!lpiC~e~3 leeat::.cn en all feu¡; oiàes of the t~m!?orc.r) fire...-er~(3 ota.nd. G. Daeh temperary firm.-orJ~s st3.nd ¡:hall :be I:l¡.de.¡; the. direction of a eem-petent. aài;il t. per36R, eiEjHteen year(¡ of :a.gB ar elder. Hv >,"'.I."UH ",..der tr.€. aEJc. ef eiqhteBR YB:a.rEJ ~hall ba pcrmit'::ed BY the permittee. to 'Fork in such (¡tang. Firc'n'or}t(¡ may be. left iR te1!l ¡larar¡ fire'.,'erkEJ EJtanàs at ¡.;;'~l.t pro. ide.d the. .3tzu.d i& locked ar.d a ~ard is poste.d. Such suaràs ¡:aall nat stay '..-ithiR "':he fire.,'erk¡: ~~~M"; rirc',,'or]{3 remeved fram the fireuorkE;. -9- H. I :J. ~~~nd at night ~h~~l bc ¡¡torage 'oc~t;cn ~~Drovcd ehief or h:.c/hcr dc¿:.-gnce. ::;torcd in a by ';:~c f':'~", l.ll un¡¡ald :;toc:: ~!'.d accoap3.nying lit~cr dull be roDo"od :rOEl tha tamporllry fircnorks 3tand J:¡y t'..cl,c (12:00) noon on tha oi¡¡th d3.Y of July of c:lch ycllr. }:fa tompor~ry firc','or~c3 ::;tand cRall bc located ,'ithin L.u hundred fifty feet fram 3.ny other tcmpo:-ary firc','erJc3 3tand. 1õ:3.0h te::<Ferar.l ::irc"ork¡¡ ¡¡~~nd ¡¡h~ll ha'"c pre','ÌE¡iam: for Gu=fiaient eff ::!tn:ct ] arJcil'lo:J, :It lcao'- fifteen' ¡¡paCeD, te aoYoid inr¡¡eàing a oontinuQl1.E: fla,.. of traffic 3.t entranCE::! and cxit::; frem the pre;aÌE: Be.. c¡ro"idcdl 1'1e vehicle parJcing £:hall be per::aittcd "ithin t"enty fi'lC feet af a firenorJc3 3tanà, inellldin9 curs£:iàe parki~g, ~!'.d ouGa area chall sc rC'po,.; or J:>arrieaded to prevcRt 3<lch p'il.rkir:lg. K. }fa perea!> clull àioshargc any =ire'"'ar~cc ~ithiR t~e h<lndrêd fift~ f~~t of th~ exteriar ',1al~o af the te1!\!,erar-.r fi:¡;¡::nerJc3 stanà and oio:JFJ3 3t:¡tin~. 110 àiseharo:Je of vithin 2ãG feet, fire',,'orkE shall se :¡¡8¡¡teeJ. on the C¡¡';:e.:::.er af all u::Üls sf taG temp8::ary fir¡mer)cs otand. L. Na AoempGrar¡ fire'l~rk ¡, st..n,.; ",¡",,1' located en a 13W3lic right of-,'âl' ".. H. lJ.ll oio:Jl'Is rclatino:J ta temporary fj ':'9'lork.. "tð.l,¿S ~Lall ¥ò¡"...lj' "ith the. eitl 1:3 :3i~n re.~latianc section ~. §.. STAND~~DS FOR PUBLIC FIREWORKS DISPLAYS. All public fireworks displays shall conform to the following minimum standards and conditions: A. All public fireworks displays must be planned, organized and discharged by a State-licensed Pyrotechnician. -10- E. c. A per::\it ~ust be obtained fro7:l the city and approved by the fire chief or designee prior to any display of public f ire',¡orks . The pe=i t shall include the name of the applicant and his address, the name of the Pyrotechnician and his address; the exact location, date and time of the proposed display; the n~cber, type and class of fireworks to be displayed, the manner in which the fireworks are being stored prior to the public fireworks display; and shall include the name and address of the insurance company providing the bond required. A drawing shall be submitted to the fire chief showing a plan view of the fireworks discharge site and the surrounding area within a five-hundred- foot radius. The drawing shall include all structures, fences, barricades, streets, fields, streams and any other significant factors that may be subjected to ignition or that may inhibit firefighting capabilities. D. When, in the discretion of the Fire Chief / such requirement is necessary to preserve the public health, safety and welfare, the permit may require that a city fire department pumper and a minimum of two trained city firefighters shall be on site thirty minutes prior to and after the shooting of the event. Firefighters shall receive a minimum compensation as per the Washington. stãte Chiefs Association's fee schedule. All compensation for fire department apparatus will be as per the Washington state Chiefs Association's fee schedule and shall be designated to the Federal Way General Fund.' All combustible debris and trash shall be removed from the area of discharge for a distance of three hundred feet in all directions. E. F. All unfired or "Dud" fireworks shall be disposed of in a safe manner. -11- G. H. A ~inimun of t~o 2A-rated Dressurized ~ater fire extinguishers and one fire blanket shall be recruired to be at the fireworks discharge site. The permit may be i~ediately revoked at any time deemed necessary by the fire chief or designee due to any noncompliance, weather conditions such as extremely low hu."1lidi ty or .wind factor. The display may also be cancelled by accidental ignition of any fonn of combustible or flammable material in the vicinity due to falling debris from the display. 1. Areas of public access shall be detennined by the fire chief or designee and maintained in an approved manner. Gcetien 13. 01\U:: or :::T:'U::í;QR:C:J TO fJ::::'30N3 UNB~R 'THE AGIJ or GIJ¡'1'IJE1! I'ROIIIDI'1'J:D. PUBLIC LAND It i3 uIÜauful ts Dell =ire\:sr~(s ts any perssn I:lndcr thc a~e. sf 3ix1::e"l. )eaJ:3. The. seller shall re~ire presf sf a~e. by means sf ài3play sf a l1asRil'!§'tsn ctate àrive.r:> lice.,:>!!. er þhete identifieatisn eaL'à issl:le.à by 1:::-.<:. ~;a.!l.L.", tOl, £tate Departx.ent sf Liee.1'l3Ü"'9. 11,::, ,::,t:.~J: ful.-m sf ià6Rtificatisn chall àe asce~ted. section ~. 9. USE OF FIREWORKS IN PUBLIC PA-~KS AND ON It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or possess any fireworks upon public land or in any public park, owned by the city of Federal Way, provided, however,i, 1::hat euch' use cRall Be pe:r::aitteà under the fellsliing eircnm.ctaRces : A. This. l'rsvisisn GRall ns"c. af'ply to 8the~:ioe lâ~f~l 1:l3<:' en pl:lblic ri9ht3 of .,;ay 51:lch as 3iè.c'"al;t3 âl'là planting £t:E'i¡¡os. 'I'fiis sW9se.etisn srHÜl not be. a defense ts a eaar§e of csotrlacting traffic sr stRe~:isc eBetrllcting the l'YÐlie ri§hts ef vay. -12- D. The ~ira chief or :Ü,,/ho:= da£ignaa :'!3 ~~thori3Gà ~o dc"ignatc ~'~i~od araa!3 for uoo àurinq ~he BOUrG "Dor::littoti fer tr.ô. dÜ3ch;ugc of firc"'or;,; no; Ð.l~o"ed L::¡ cactiol'l fi"Q (5) of tìÜ£ ordinanco. In doing co, ~hc =ire chief oh~ll consider! 1 Tn'" 1õ:9m:iti"ity of cnviroRment, ~ildlifc hn:ei~a'1r.; th9 ~""""'c: and "n'ilàlife :2 . Thg ; -c~:1vQniencQ and nuiE:ance aJ;¡uttin<j prop9rty S,ffi9rs; to J. The oafety :md ouitability of the arô.a aD a plncc =or ~hc dio;ehargc of .firenork3, ar.d . 4. Dan~cr of fire er other àeo~ruction ef pliSlie ~re~erty anti im~revemonto from tfie uo;e of the fir9,'orJcc: c. Upon àesignatien of any arca, ~t o;hal1 Be sigRcd a:Ad :f ootcd by .July lot of each J car for uo;c eR July '.tfi sct',;eeR tho heurs of :):00 a.m. al'H3. 11.00 "".¡u. De£ignatisFl of 3.ny 3.rlu, may };:9 iippealed in ,1ritiRg to the eity eeufleil 'o;¡ an;¡ eitizen of the ci-y The deci£iol'l of the ceuneil shall so =:'R~l. ..g.,...-' Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the authority of the council to allow event display of special fireworks under a pe=it issued in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. section ~.lQ. SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA. This ordinance does not prohibit the asseTIlbling, compounding, use and display of special effects of whatever nature by any person engaged in the production of motion pictures, radio, or television productions, theatricals or operas when such use and display is a necessary part of the production and such person possesses a valid permit issued by the city of Federal Way to purchase, 'possess, transport or use such fireworks. -13- section ~ll. NONPROHIBIT~D i".CTS SIGNAL PUR?OSES. FOREST PROTECTION. This ordinance does not prohibit the use of flares or fuses in connection ~ith the operation of motor vehicles, railroads, or other transportation agencies for signal purposes or illumination or for use in forest protection activities. £eetioR I:. AI'I'LIC~.BIL::T:: . The pre"1::.zionz ef tìÜi3 ordinance !3flall be. applic.ablE: te thE: 3alE:.3 and 1:l.3c. of ~~~ "CC1'~~~ fire,:er](z" at3 defined ih Rei. ïC.1ï.136, <=^,-<=¡¿L toy paper gape 6eRtaiRin~ Rot =ere than t',:enty fi':e hur.dreè.tht3 '!Jrain ef explet3ivc compeunà for each sa:!" triek er nevclty devieeo net glasE!ifieà :3.£: CQm:GO¡::¡ fir9norks, and "!3pa¡;JÜero. u section 18.12. ORDINANCE IN CONNECTION WITH STATE LAW. This ordinance is intended to implement Chapter 70.77 RCW, and shall be construed in connection with that la~ and any and all rules or regulations issued pursuant thereto. section 19. .u. ENFORCEMENT. The fire chief, or designee, in coordination with the building official, is authorized to enforce all provisions of this ordinance and, in addition - to criminal sanctions or civil remedies, he/she may revoke any permit issued pursuant to this ordinance upon any failure or refusal of the pennittee to comply ~ith the orders and directives of the fire chief or designee, and/or to comply ~ith any provisions of this ordinance relating to temporary structures. ~<='- L';'UH ¿ 6. REC1CL'C33 FARm¡TAL OUrr:RYIOIOH REOUIRED. DIOCIIARCB OR UCE PROHIBITEDj A. It iz 1ll1la',rf,Ü fer a¡:¡~'. psn:on to dit3ehareje er <loe fi¡;c'...erJc3 iR a ree]clco.~ manner ,:hiefi ereate!3 a s'l:ÙlotaRtial :z:ioJc of ¡;loath er serieuo pfiysieal iRj<iry to anotQsr perseR or d~a'!Je to ~e prepc.rt~ of aRotaQr -14- B-. ChilEireR IiREieJ!' ~he a'}e sf siuteeR (11» shall have a ~areR~ SJ!' J!'es~snsièle aEililt sli~eJ!'7isiR'} the àiaehaJ!'~e eJ!' liae sf f irewer]ta. section 14. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, part or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 15. This ordinance shall be effective on June 26, 1993, which is more than five (5) days after publication of an approved summary consisting of the title to this ordinance. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 2:3 day of J"v\"\e. , 1992. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY "~:) ~ \, r-' , ;~.d~~:a'rEY' eMC - APPROVED S TO FORM: ~l.~ MAYOR, ROBERT STEAD FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY-THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: June 26, 1992 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 26, 1993 ORDINANCE NO. 92-147 June 19,1992 June 23,1992 92l606 -15-