Ord 93-190 ORDINANCE NO. 93-190 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE TO ADD A NEW ARTICLE III ENTITLED "ANNEXATION," PROVIDING FOR THE PROCEDURE FOR ADOPTION OF INTERIM ZONING AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIONS, AND INITIAL ZONE AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CLASSIFICATIONS FOR PROPERTY LIKELY TO BE ANNEXED AND/OR RECENTLY ANNEXED TO THE CITY AND ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE OF CITY PARTICIPATION IN PRE- ANNEXATION CONCOMITANT AGREEMENTS. WHEREAS, it is within the interest of the public health, safety and welfare to provide a procedure to insure that the initial zoning of annexed territories is in conformance with city goals, policies and plans; and WHEREAS, Chapter 35A.14 RCW authorizes a process for annexation by code cities; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.l4.330 authorized the legislative body of a code city to prepare proposed zoning regulations to be effective upon the annexation of any area which might reasonably be expected to be annexed by the code city at any future time; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Amendment. Chapter 19 of the Federal Way Code is hereby amended to provide for a new Article III entitled "Annexation" as follows: 19-46 - 19-99. Reserved. ORD. # 93-190 , Page 1 COpy I 19-100. Annexation ComDrehensive Plan Desianation. Whenever the Council shall determine that the best interests and aenera1 welfare of the city would be served bY annexing territory. the Plannina Manaaer shall cause an examination to be made of the Comprehensive Plan of the city. 1& Outdated or No ComDrehensive Plan. If the Planninq Manaaer determines there is no Comprehensive Plan desianation. or if the ComDrehensive Plan desianation is not current for the area of the proposed or recentlv annexed area. the Planninq Manaqer will cause an application to be made for amendment of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Federal Wav city Code Section 22-236. l!ù. CUrrent ComDrehensive Plan. If the Plannina Manaqer determines that a current Comprehensive Plan exists for the proposed or recentlv annexed area. the Planninq Manaqer will cause an application to be filed for an initial zonina desianation accordinq to that process described in Federal Way Code 19-103. 19-101. Annexation - rnterim ComDrehensive Plan Desianation. 1& Established bY Council. Upon annexation of property and in the absence of a pre-established Comprehensive Plan desiqnation therefor. the city Council shall. within the annexation ordinance. establish an interim classification for the property on the City's official Comprehensive Plan map. The Interim Comprehensive Plan desianation ORD. # 93-190 , Page 2 shall consist of one of the followinq. at the election of the council: ill Urban Residential Zone. Property. includincr all annexed property not otherwise classified on the official Comprehensive Plan map. may be classified as urban residential and shall be croverned bv the provisions applicable to that Comprehensive Plan desicrnation as defined in Federal Way Comorehensiye .ill. Plan. Retained Comorehensive Plan Desianation. The area annexed to the City shall retain the Comorehensive Plan classification of its former iurisdiction until amended bv the city. To effectuate the retained Comorehensive Plan desicrnation as the Interim Comprehensive Plan desicrnation. the city council shall adopt bv reference the applicable county comprehensive plan orovisions pursuant to RCW 35A.13.180. .!!!l Term of Comorehensive Plan Desicrnation. The Interim Comprehensive Plan desiqnation shall be in place no loncrer than 12 months unless otherwise provided by ordinance. For all prooerty classified bY an Interim Comprehensive Plan desiqnation. the Planninq Manaqer shall commence all steps necessary to establish an initial Comprehensive Plan classification pursuant to the ORD. # 93-190 , Page 3 procedure described in Federal Way citv Code Section 19- 100(a). 19-102. Annexation - Interim Zone. 1.äl Established bY Council. UDon annexation of property and in the absence of a pre-established zoninq desiqnation therefor. the Citv Council shall. within the annexation ordinance. establish an interim classification for the property on the city's official zoninq map. The Interim Zone shall be consistent with the areas' Comprehensive Plan desiqnation or Interim ComDrehensive Plan desiqnation and shall be of one of the followinq. at the election of the Council: ill RS-9600 (Residential Sinq1e-fami1Y) Zone. Propertv. includinq classified all annexed property not otherwise on the official zoninq map. may be classified as RS-9600 zone and shall be qoverned bY the provisions applicable to that zoninq district as defined in Federal Wav Zoninq Code Section 22- 631. et seq.: or ill Retained Zone. The area annexed to the citv shall retain the zoninq classification of its former iurisdiction until amended bY the city. To effectuate the retained zone as the interim zone. the city Council shall adopt bY reference. the applicable county comprehensive plan and zoninq provisions pursuant to RCW 35A.13.180. ORD. # 93-190 , Page 4 1!ù. Term of Interim Zonina. The Interim zone shall be in place no lonqer than l2 months unless otherwise provided by ordinance. For all propertv classified in the interim zone. the Planninq Manaqer shall commence all steps necessary to establish an official initial zoninq classification pursuant to the procedure described in Federal Way Citv Code Sections 19-101 and 19-102. Annexation - Initial Zone Classification. 19-103 l.9.l Plannina Commission Recommendation. Upon application bY the Planninq Manaqer and upon completion of all applicable SEPA review. the citv's Planninq Commission shall hold at least one public hearinq to consider the. initial zoninq for the area of the proposed or recently annexed area. The P1anninq Commission public hearinq shall constitute the first of the two public hearinqs reQuired pursuant to RCW 35A.14.340. The Council shall hold the second public hearina as set forth in FWCC 19- l03(b)(2). ill Notice. A notice of the time. place. and purpose of the hearinq shall be as described in Federal Way citv Code 22-521 and. in addition. shall be published in a newspaper of aeneral circulation in the city and in the area to be annexed at least ten days prior to the hearinq. ORD. # 93-190 , Page 5 .ill. ilL .L4.l ill ORD. # 93-190 staff ReDort. The Planninq Manaaer shall prepare a staff Report as described in Federal Way Zoning Code 22-522. Public Hearina. The Planninq Commission shall hold a public hearina on each apPlication. which shall be ODento the Dublic. The Plannina Commission shall make a complete electric sound recordina of each public hearina. Public Comments and ParticiDation At the Hearina. Anv person may participate in the public hearina in either or both of the followina ways: .lil submittinq BY written comments to the Planninq commission either bv deliverinq these comments to the Plannina Manaqer' s office prior to the hearina or by qivinq these directlv to the Plannina Commission at the hearina. 1.lil appearina By in throuah person or a representative at the hearina and makinq oral directlY comments to the Plannina Commission. The Planninq Commission may reasonablY limit the extent of oral comments to facilitate the orderlY and timelY conduct of the hearinq. continuation of Hearina. the The Planninq Commission may continue the hearina if. for anv , Page 6 ORD. # .ill 93-190 reason, they are unable to hear all of the public comments on the or matter if the Planninq commission determines that they need more information on the matter. If durina the hearina. the Plannina Commission announces the time and place of the next hearina on the matter and a notice thereof is posted on the door of the hearinq room, aiven. no further notice of the hearinq need be ill Recommendation by the Plannina Commission. .ü..ü (iii) il.Y.l GenerallY. After considerinq all of the information and comments submitted on the matter and followinq the public hearinq, the Plannina Commission shall issue a written recommendation to the city Council. Timina. Unless a lonqer period is aqreed to by the applicant. the Planninq Commission must issue the recommendation within ten workinq days after the close of the public hearina. Decisional criteria. The Plannina commission shall use the criteria listed in FWCC section 19-103 (b) (5). Conditions and Restrictions. The Planninq commission include in the written shall recommendation conditions and anv , Page 7 ORD. # 93-190 iY.l. restrictions that the Planninq Commission determines are reasonably to necessary eliminate or minimize undesirable anv effects of qrantinq the application. include Contents. The Planninq Commission shall the followina in the written recommendation to City Council: 1& lID. 1.Ql .illl , Page 8 A statement of facts presented to the Plannina commission that supports its recommendation. includinq any conditions and restrictions that are recommended. A statement Planninq of the commission's conclusions based on those facts. A statement of the criteria used bv the Plannina commission in makina the recommendation. The issuance the date of of recommendation and of the summary riqhts. as established in this article. of the applicant and others to request reconsideration and to challenae the recommendation the Planninq of commission. 1.Yil Distribution of Written Recommendation. The P1anninq Manaqer shall distribute copies of the recommendation of the P1annina Commission within two workina days after the Planninq Commission I s written recommendation is issued. a COpy will be sent to the applicant. to each person who submitted written or oral testimony to the Planninq commission and to each person who specificallY requested it. 1.!ù. Council Action. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Plannina Commission for the initial zonina of the area recently annexed or proposed to be annexed. and at least thirty days followinq the Plannina Commission public hearinq on the matter. the Council shall hold a public hearinq on the application. 1.!.l Notice. A notice of the time. place. and purpose of the hearinq shall be as described in Federal Wav city Code 22-521 and. in addition. shall be published in a newspaper of aeneral circulation in the city and in the area proposed to be or recentlv annexed at least ten days prior to the hearinq. ill Public Hearinq. The Council shall hold its own public hearina on each application. which shall be open to the public. The Council shall make a ORD. # 93-190 , Page 9 ORD. # ill ill. 93-190 complete electric sound recordinq of the Dub1ic hearinq. Public Comments and Participation At the Hearina. Any Derson may particiDate in the public hearina in either or both of the followinq wavs: lil. submittinq Bv written comments to the Council either bY deliverinq these comments to the city Clerk's office prior to the hearina or bY aivinq these directlY to the Council at the hearinq. .ü..U appearinq in BY throuqh person or a representative at the hearinq and makinq oral comments directlY to the Council. The Council may reasonably limit the extent of oral comments to facilitate the orderlv and timely conduct of the hearinq. continuation of Hearina. the Council The may continue the hearinq if. for any reason. they are unable to hear all of the public comments on the matter or if the Council determines that they need more information on the matter. If durina the hearinq. the Council announces the time and place of the next hearinq on the matter and a notice thereof is posted on the door of the hearinq room. no further notice of the hearinq need be aiven. , Page 10 .Œl Decisional Criteria. The citv Council shall approve the recommended zoninq classification on if: ill It is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: ilil. It is consistent with all applicable provisions of the chapter. inc1udinq those adopted by reference from the Comprehensive Plan: (iii) It is consistent with the public. health. safety and welfare. 1.2.l. Decision. After consideration of the entire matter before the record of the Planninq Commission, and at the close of the public hearinq on the matter. the citv Council shall. bv ordinance approved bv a maiority of thå total membership, adopt an ordinance establishina the initial zonina desiqnation for the area. l.çl Effectiveness. The ordinance adoptinq the initial zone classification shall be effective thirty davs after its passaqe and publication if the area affected bY the ordinance has been annexed to the City: or if the affected area has not yet been annexed to the city. shall be effective upon annexation of the area into the city. The city Clerk shall file a certified COpy of the ORD. # 93-190 , Page 11 1Ql 19-104. 1& 1.Ql ORD. # ordinance and any accompanyinq maps or plats with the Countv Auditor. Judicial Review. The action of the city mav be reviewed for il1eqal. corrupt. or arbitrary and capricious action in the County suDerior Court. The Petition for Review must be filed within fourteen days after the date of the hearinq at which the Council acted to Dass the written ordinance. Pre-annexation Concomitant Aqreement. PurDose. The intent of a pre-annexation concomitant aqreement is to create a process to Dromote diversity and creativity in site desiqn and to protect and enhance natural and community features. The process is provided to encouraqe unique develoDments that mav combine a mixture of residentiaL commerciaL office and industrial uses. Bv usinq flexibility in the provisions of a Dre- annexation concomitant this process will aqreement. promote developments that will benefit the citizens that live and/or work within the city. ADDlication DescriDtion. General Process The application process includes an informal review process. state Environmental policv Act compliance. review bv the ci tv's Lonq-Ranqe Planninq Division and Annexation Review Committee ("Committee") and public hearinqs before the city Council. 93-190 , Page 12 l.çl .úü 1& III 1.gl ORD. # Committee Defined. city.s The Annexation Review Committee shall consist of at a minimum: city Manaqer. Plannina Manaaer. Public Works Director. Development Services Manaaer. Parks Director and city Attorney. Xnformal Review Process. applicant An shall meet informallY with the Committee to discuss anv proposed pre-annexation concomitant aqreement. The purpose of the meetina is to develoD a proDosal that will meet the needs of the applicant and the ob;ectives of the city as defined in this ordinance. SEPA. The State Environmental Policy Act reau1ations. and city SEPA requirements shall be completed prior to formal review bY the Lonq-Ranqe Planninq Division and the Committee. Concomitant Review. After informal review and completion of the SEPA process. the proposals shall next be reviewed bY the City's the Planninq Division Lonq-Ranqe and Committee. Recommendation to citv Council. The Planninq Manaqer shall prepare a recommendation to the city Council on the proposed pre-annexation concomitant aqreement. which recommendation shall incorDorate the comments of the committee. .ill Decisional criteria. The recommendation shall be quided bY the fo1lowinq criteria: 93-190 , Page 13 ORD. # 93-190 ill 1...i..U (Hi) (a) The proposed ore-annexation concomitant aqreement shall have a beneficial effect uPon the users community and of the development which would not normally be achieved bv traditional application of Citv zonina districts and shall not be detrimental to existinq or potential surroundina land uses as defined bY the Comprehensive Plan. (b) Benefits include. but mav are not limited to. the securina of annexation of DroDerties: .:. located on critical transDortation corridors: .:. of historical sianificance: .:. of environmental sianificance: .:. or to oreserve an existina sianificant land use or community. Unusual environmental features of the site shall be maintained preserved. and incorporated into the desiqn to benefit the development in the cornrnunitv. The proposed pre-annexation concomitant shall provide for areas of openness by usinq techniques such as clusterinq. separation of , Page 14 ill ORD. # 93-190 .liYl 1.Yl Content. buildinq qroups. and use of well-desiqned open space and/or landscapinq. It is Comprehensive consistent with the Plan. It is consistent with the public health. safety and welfare. The recommendation Council to shall include any conditions or restrictions that the commi ttee determines are reasonabl v necessarv to eliminate or minimize any undesirable effects of approvinq the pre-annexation concomitant include: application. In addition. the recommendation shall ill .ül.l .ti.iil 1iY1. 1.Yl A statement approval. recommendinq modification or denial of the application. Any conditions are restrictions that or imposed. The identification of the existinq Federal Way Boninq desicmation most comÞatible to the terms concomitant. which the of the concomitant shall overlay. A statement the of facts that support decision. inc1udinq conditions and any restrictions that are imposed. A statement of on conclusions the based those facts. , Page 15 1.Yil A statement of the criteria used in makinq the recommendation. (vii) The date of the recommendation. 1hl. Council Action. Council action shall be as described in Federal Way Zoninq Code Section 19-103(b). (c) and (d). section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, clause or phrase of the sections herein are for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitution- ality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of the chapter. Section 3. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the city Council of the city of Federal Way this 9th day of November , 1993. FEDERAL WAY )¡¿~ ORD. # 93-190 , Page 16 APPROVED AS TO FORM: CI~'M'ORN~LYN A. LAKE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: October 13, 1993 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: November 9, 1993 PUBLISHED: November 13, 1993 EFFECTIVE DATE: December 9, 1993 ORDINANCE NO. 93-190 MAR YKlO RD IPREANNEX . 0 RD ORD. # 93-190 , Page 17