Ord 93-196 ORDINANCE NO. 93-196 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC CITY FUNDS; DEFINING THEIR PURPOSE AND REVENUE SOURCES, SPECIFYING THE FUND ADMINISTRATOR TO BE THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS OR HER DESIGNEE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUED APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS BEYOND THE END OF A CALENDAR YEAR, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE FOR INTERIM FINANCING AS NEEDED FOR CERTAIN FUNDS (AMENDS ORDINANCE NO. 91-121). WHEREAS, the establishment of separate accounts for every accounts for every appropriation or fund of a municipality is required by the provisions of RCW 43.09.210; and WHEREAS, the administration of the City requires additional funds to be created for the city of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, the city seeks compliance with the provisions of RCW 43.09.210; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Amendment. Ordinance No. 91-121, section 1 is amended to add the following accounts: section 1. Establishment of Accounts. 25. SOLID WASTE/RECYCLING FUND. PURPOSE: To account for the special refuse collection fees used to manaqe the Solid Waste and Recvclinq proqram. ORD. # 93-]96 , PAGE 1 COpy ORD. # REVENUE SOURCES: Revenues supportinq this Fund I S acti vi ties include refuse collection fees. arant funds. interest earninas and other revenue sources as may be authorized bv the city Council. FUND ADMINISTRATION: The city Manaqer or his or her desianee shall maintain a separate record of accounts showina the receipts and disbursements of each and every qrant assianed to this fund. The Department assianed. bv the terms of the City's acceptance of said qrant. to administer any proqram or activity financed wholly or in part bY the arant financiallv controlled bY this fund. shall approve all expenditures therefrom and shall maintain such records documents. such and and prepare reports as mav be required bY the qrantor aqencv or the citv Council. 26. SPECIAL CONTRACTS/STUDIES FUND. PURPOSE: account receipts and To for disbursements related to special contracts and special proiects where completion is likelY to extend beyond the calendar year. 93-196 , PAGE 2 ORD. # REVENUE SOURCES: Revenues supportinq this Fund's activities interqovernmental include revenues. inter fund transfers. interest earninqs and other revenue sources as may be authorized bY the citv Council. FUND ADMINISTRATION: The city Manaqer or his or her desiqnee. OTHER GENERAL/FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Fund appropriations shall not lapse at the end of anv calendar year but shall remain in effect until the pro;ect is completed. 27. CAPITAL PROJECT - PARKS FUND. PURPOSE: account receipts and To for disbursements related to acquisition. desiqn. construction related Park's any other and capital pro;ect expenditures. REVENUE SOURCES: Revenues supportinq this Fund's activities include bond proceeds. qrant proceeds. mitiqation fees. interfund transfers and other revenue sources as may be authorized bY the city Council. 93-196 , PAGE 3 FUND ADMINISTRATION: The city Manaqer or his or her desiqnee shall maintain a separate record of accounts showinq the receiots and disbursements of each and every qrant assiqned to this fund. The Department assiqned. bv the terms of the city's acceptance of said arant. to administer anv proqram or activity financed whollY or in part bv the qrant financially controlled bv this fund. shall approve all expenditures therefrom and shall maintain such records and documents. and prepare such reoorts as mav be required bv the qrantor aqencv or the city Council. OTHER GENERAL/FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Fund appropriations shall not lapse at the end of any calendar year but shall remain in effect until the proiect is completed. The city Manaqer or his or her desiqnee is authorized from time to time to arranqe for any needed interim financinq at the prevailinq market interest rate. ORD. # 93-196 , PAGE 4 ORD. # 28. CAPITAL PROJECT - SWM FUND. PURPOSE: To account receipts for and disbursements related to acquisition. desiqn. construction and other related Park's any capital proiect expenditures. REVENUE SOURCES: suDPortinq this Revenues Fund's activities include bond proceeds. arant Droceeds. mitiqation fees. inter fund transfers and other revenue sources as mav be authorized bv the City council. FUND ADMINISTRATION: The city Manaaer or his or her desiqnee shall maintain a separate record of accounts showinq the receipts and disbursements of each and every qrant assiqned to this fund. The Department assiqned. bv the terms of the city's acceptance of said arant. to administer any proqram or activity financed whollY or in part bv the qrant financiallY controlled bv this fund. shall approve all expenditures therefrom and shall maintain such records and documents. and prepare such reports as mav be required bv the qrantor aaencv or the city Council. 93-196 , PAGE 5 ORD. # OTHER GENERAL/FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Fund appropriations shall not lapse at the end of anv calendar vear but shall remain in effect until the proiect is completed. The citv Manaqer or his or her desianee is authorized from time to time to arranae for any needed interim financinq at the prevailina market interest rate. 29. CAPITAL PROJECT - TRAFFIC FUND. PURPOSE: account receipts and for To disbursements related to acquisition. desiqn. construction related Park's and anv other capital proiect expenditures. REVENUE SOURCES: suDDortina this Revenues Fund's activities include bond proceeds. qrant proceeds. mitiqation fees. interfund transfers and other revenue sources as mav be authorized bY the citv Council. FUND ADMINISTRATION: The citv Manaqer or his or her desiqnee shall maintain a separate record of accounts showinq the receipts and 93-196 , PAGE 6 ORD. # disbursements of each and every qrant assiqned to this fund. The Department assiqned. by the terms of the City's acceptance of said qrant. to administer any proaram or activitv financed wholly or in part by the qrant financiallv controlled by this fund. shall approve all expenditures therefrom and shall maintain such records and documents. and prepare such reports as mav be reauired by the qrantor aqency or the citv Council. OTHER GENERAL/FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Fund appropriations shall not lapse at the end of anv calendar year but shall remain in effect until the pro;ect is completed. The citv Manaqer or his or her desiqnee is authorized from time to time to arranqe for anv needed interim financinq at the prevailina market interest rate. 30. CAPITAL PROJECT - STREET FUND. PURPOSE: account receipts and for To disbursements related to acquisition. desiqn. 93-196 , PAGE 7 ORD. # construction and other related Park's any capital proiect expenditures. REVENUE SOURCES: Revenues supportina this Fund's activities include bond proceeds. qrant proceeds. mitiqation fees. inter fund transfers and other revenue sources as mav be authorized bv the Citv Council. FUND ADMINISTRATION: The city Manaaer or his or her desiqnee shall maintain a separate record of accounts showinq the receipts and disbursements of each and everv qrant assianed to this fund. The Department assiqned. bv the terms of the city's acceptance of said qrant. to administer any proqram or activity financed whollY or in part bv the qrant financial Iv controlled bv this fund. shall approve. all expenditures therefrom and shall maintain such records and documents. and prepare such reoorts as mav be required bv the qrantor aqencv or the city Council. OTHER GENERAL/FINANCIAL Fund INFORMATION: appropriations shall not lapse at the end of 93-196 , PAGE 8 ORD. # any calendar year but shall remain in effect until the proiect is completed. The City Manaqer or his or her desiqnee is authorized from time to time to arranqe for .anv needed interim financinq at the prevailinq market interest rate. 31. RETREAT CENTER FUND. PURPOSE: To account for the revenues and expenses related to the acquisition. capital improvements. maintenance and operations of the city-owned Retreat Center facility. This fund is established an Enter~rise Fund as wherebY the intent is to recover. primarilY throuqh user charqes . the costs (expenses. includinq depreciation) of providinq services to the qeneral public on a continuinq basis. REVENUE SOURCES: supportinq this Revenues Fund's acti vi ties include bond anticipation note interqovernmental revenues. proceeds. user fees. inter fund other transfers and revenue sources as mav be authorized bv the City Council. 93-196 , PAGE 9 ORD. # FUND ADMINISTRATION: The City Manaqer or his or her desiqnee. FINANCING: The city Manaqer or his or her desiqnee is authorized from time to time to arranqe for any needed interim financinq at the prevailinq market interest rate. 32. STRATEGIC AIRPORT RESERVE FUND. PURPOSE: To account for monies held in reserve for the specific purpose of potentiallY fundinq actions necessary to safequard the public interest of Federal Way as it relates to planned excansion of the SeaTac AirDort. REVENUE SOURCES: Revenues to SUPDort this account shall be transferred from the Citv's existinq strateqic Reserve Fund. or other revenue sources as mav be authorized bY the citv Council. FUND ADMINISTRATION: citv his or her Manaqer or desiqnee: provided. however. that no disbursement from this fund shall be made without prior authorization bv the city Council. 93-196 , PAGE 10 section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. section J. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and Rrior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City council of the city of Federal Way this 7th day of December , 199J. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~t~~ MA R, ROBERT STEAD SWANEY, CMC FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: 12/11/93 EFFECTIVE DATE: 1/6/94 ORDINANCE NO. 93-196 11/10/93 12/7/93 MARYK\ORDIFUNDORD,93 ORD. # 93-196 , PAGE 11