Ord 93-168� �� � 9 3-168 � !�N ORDINANCB OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDBRAL WAY, WASHIN�3TO�i, AIITHORISIN�i AND DIRBCTI�TG BBECOTION OF A�T AORBE�LENT TO ACCLPT FBDERAL !'II�TDS BROI[ THE liASBINt;TON STATg DLPARTI[ENT OF TRANSPORTATIO�T FOA �STABLISHI�TG A BAOJECT WZTHIDi THB aRANT FtJ�iD; �MENDI�Ta THS BIIDQ�LT FOA THIB GRAI�iT FIIND BY APPROPZtIATI�IG IINANTICIPATLD l�i�iD FIITIIR$ �EVBDTQ$8 TO TH7►T FIIND; AIIT80RISING l[ATCHI�i�i FIINDB BY TH8 CZTY; 711iTD 11IIT80RISI�1a �BPENDITOEt88 OF BAID GRA�1T FIINDS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLIAWS: Section 1. The City Manaqer or hi� or her designated representative is authorized and directed to execute that certain Washington State Department of Transportation City/County Agreement between the Washinqton State Department of Transportation ("DOT«) , and the City of Federal Way ("City") providing for the distribution of funds to the City received by DOT pursuant to the Federal-aid Project Agreement ("Aqreement«). Section 2. The City commits to supply matchinq funds pursuant to the Agreement which requires the City to provide funds equal to $141,000. Section 3. The appropriate administrative offici�ls of the City are hereby authorized to receive tha federal fwad monies from DOT and to expend the same as authorized in the Agreement. `'" Section 4. At the time of execution of the Aqreement and acceptance of the federal funds, a project shall be •�tablished within the Grant Miscellaneous Government Fund, into which all said monies shall be depo�ited. ORIGINAL � � Section 5. The City Manager or his or her desiqnated representative shall have responsibility for the administration of the federal monies received from DOT and shall have all authority necessary to enter into aqreements regarding the use thereof. Section 6. The approximate amount and anticipated source of revenue for the grant proposal and acceptance is: Washington State Department of Transportation -$333,000 Section 7. Upon execution of the Aqreement, the budget for the Grant Miscellaneous Government Fund shall be aaended by appropriating to the fund unanticipated revenues in excess of estimated revenue, in the amount of the grant groposal currently estimated to be in the following amount: Description Grant Miscellaneous Government Fund - Washinqton State Department of Transportation - BPA Trail Phase I- City Center Segment �-,� . _ � , . . . . _. $474,000 Provided, however, that if the actual revenue received from DOT should be more or less than the estimated amount set forth above, the appropriation shall be adjusted to be equal to the aaount actually received. Section 8, Ratification. Any act con�istent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratif ied and af f irmed. Section 9. Seyerability. The provisione of thie ordinance are declared s�parate and severable. The inv�lidity of any clau�e, sentence, par�qraph, subdivision, s�ction, or portion - 2 - � � of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other per�ons or circumstahces. Section 10. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after passage as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way at a regular meeting thereof, this ��� day of �rch � 1993. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON ,` , j+- � I" �. , � • �.' ► +-.� - . � •• ••: �� ; I�AUREEN M. SWANE�fI, CMC APFR ED AS T'O FORIrt : CITY ATTORNEY, CAROLYN A. LAKE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: �/16/93 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 3/16/93 PUBLISHED: �/24/93 EFFECTIVE DATE: 4/16/93 ORDINANCE NO. 93/168 LLARYYWRD\W8DOTti�['.�PA - 3 -