Ord 93-169 ORDINANCE NO. 91-169 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE, ORDINANCE 90-43, BY AMENDING SECTION 22-723 TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GROSS FLOOR AREA OF RESTAURANTS IN A BN ZONE FROM 5,000 SQUARE FEET TO 7,500 SQUARE FEET. WHEREAS, amendments to the Federal Way Zoning Code text are authorized pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-276 and §22- 516; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-517, having determined the proposal to be worthy of legislative consideration, referred the proposal to the Planning commission for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Planning commission, having considered the proposal at a public hearing on March 3, 1993, pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code §22-523, and all public notice having been duly given pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code 522-521; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning commission submitted its recommendation for proposed zoning text amendment to the appropriate Council Committee; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use Council Committee on March 8, 1993, considered the recommendation of the Planning commission and has amended the Planning Commission recommendation and has moved to forward the Committee recommendation to full Council; NOW, THEREFORE, ORD. NO. 93-169 , PAGE ~ COpy THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section l. Findinqs. The city Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to these amendments: 1. An increase in the maximum floor space from 5,000 to 7,500 square feet is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan which requires restaurants to be at a scale that serves a surrounding neighborhood of approximately 5,000 people. 2. The increase of 2,500 square feet will not give rise to adverse impacts on surrounding neighborhoods or on the neighborhood center itself. 3. The amendment would allow restaurants square footage to be of a maximum size comparable with other similar uses in the BN Zone, such as retail establishments, museums and art galleries. section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code 522-277 and based upon the Findings, the Federal Way City council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the Decisional Criteria necessary for this amendment: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan in that: Page 21 of the city of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan describes the purpose and intent of the BN Zone and allows for an increase in maximum floor ORD. NO. 93-169 , PAGE ~ space for restaurants in the BN Zone, provided the use is scaled to the neighborhood. A maximum floor space for restaurants of 7,500 square feet does not appear out of sync with a. neighborhood scale of development. 2. The proposal bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare in that: An increase in the maximum floor space of 7,500 square feet for restaurants will not adversely impact neighbors in terms of increased noise or traffic generation. 3. The proposal is in the best interest of the residents of the City in that: An increase in maximum floor space by 2,500 square feet will create more flexibility for restaurants to locate in neighborhood centers and serve local residents. This extends the range of alternatives to driving across town to the City Center or Pacific Highway; thereby reducing congestion on Pacific Highway and the city Center. section 3. Amendment. Federal Way Zoning Code S22-723 is amended as set out in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference, to increase the maximum gross floor area for restaurants in a BN Zone from 5,000 square feet to 7,500 square feet. ORD. NO. 93-169 , PAGE 3 section 4. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the city Council of the City of Federal Way this 6th day of April , 1993. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~J~~ ~ AS TO FORM' - CITY ATTORNEY, CAROLYN A. LAKE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE'CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: 4/16/93 EFFECTIVE DATE: 5/5/93 ORDINANCE NO. 93-169 3/10/93 4/6/93 la\kathleer\ordin\restaurant.amend.bnzonel ORD. NO. 93-169 , PAGE ~ ..... .:... 01 "" ~c. 22-723. Restaurants. taverns. ¡':xhiblt ^ The following uses shall be permitted in the neighborhood business (BN) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: 0 ~ êí MINIMUMS , REQUIRED YARDS '" w I ..... '" '" '" t! '" f- 0 ... f- Z 0 '" .. :c j '" c ¡;; USE -0 fIe"..ront orll7oœ.~Non. to""n I iCth. ,;:. 0,". wn.3 ",eo or Jm. O<h. .....i.. Prooo.. II. See Nolo 1. 20' 10' I ~ Pro.... I, II and III on d.O<ribec! in II 22.3_22"11. 22.431-22"60, 22,476--22"98 "'p"livoly, SHe Plan fIe".w i. d...rlbod in II 22.351-22.369 (Ord~No. 90-43~r2(40.20). 2-27-90) ~ '" '" 10' I USE ZONE CHART MAXIMUMS '" ~ ~ 0 U f- 0 ... ..¡;¡ ~~ :eu ,,::. ¡¡¡¡: :ern tI) ~ DIRECTIONS: FIRST, "ad d.wn .. nnd a.. ... THEN, a<lo.. C.r REGULATIONS ¡:: ~ ~ ~ g ¡;¡ C'" ",0, "';t r!\ :... Lý ~~ SO'llo ICadjolnin,alD 1.w don.ity ,.n. then 30' abov. ay. .ra,. boUdin, 01.. ,'alion. Other. wi.., 35' above av. era.. boUdin, 01.. valion. ~t;: ~8 Q.. ~~ ..W ¡¡ I I ~ 8 z~ £!< rnU rn .. .u ö: Qrn .." "'z 5g g<! "'0, I Cor ea.h 100 oq, n. oC .",.. floor area. ZONE BN I- / SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES I, IC tho .abj..t property, oJon, with any oonli",oa. area. In"ndod (0' Cato" u.. .. part oC tho bu.ln..... or oomplex on tho .ubject property. ¡, mOTe than 3 a."", tho .nli" d.. moot obtain ma,"r plan app""'oJ throu,h Procm 11, Tho ma."" plan ma.t .how tho ultimalo d.v.lopment oC tho .nti" .i.. in.Jadin, all baUdinr', antic. pated um, parkin, and .iroolation area., other nuojor Im,.-ov.mon".and bafTon. 2, Cro.. floor a"", oCthi. 0.. maynotexoeoð ¡¡.o""-......IL 7 'inn aq H 3. Th. hoa" oCoperation oCthi. a.. may b.llmi..d 10 "do.. ompa." on nearby r... id.nlial areaL 4. A..... 10 and Crom driv..throarh Caeliti.. ma.t be approved by tho pabll. w.r.. dopartm.nL Drlvo.throa,h (a<illlio. moot b. d..imod 00 thaI ..hi.J.. ..'11 no< bJ"k tram. in tho ,troot whil. wallin( in IIn. and will n.: anrealOnabIy in""C", ..,th on. .i.. tram. now, . 5. Any Cacad. oC a .tructa" that oxoooda 50' in lon(th mo.: be modulated .. Collow" a, Tho minimum d.pth oC tho modaIalion i. 3', b. Tho minimam width DC tho modalation ¡, 0', .. Th. maxlmam width DC tho modulalion i. 35'. 5, IC any portion DC a .tru.tu", on tho .ubj..t property i. ",ithin 100' oC a low don.ity ,on., th.n .ith..... a. Th. h.i,ht DC that .tructur. .hall not exceed IS' abov. avera.. buUdin. .I.va. lion; Dr b. Th. Caoodo oC that portion oC the .tru.tu" parallel to tho low d.n.ity ,on. .hall not .xceed 50' in I.nrth- 7. Rofer 10 I 22.S05 ot oeq. to d,"nnin. what other provi.ion. oC thi. chaplor may apply to tho ,object property, L For olher Informalion about parkin, and parkin. or"" .., I 22.1375 .: ..q, For d."U..C Ih. "..Iali.n.ln lhi. """'Y, ",122.1596 ,I ..q, F.r d,"U. .Cth. "..lali.... in lhi. """!)" ...122.1551 ,I ..q. F.r d,"U..Cwhal mayo....d lhi. h,lrhl hmil, ",122.1045 .I..q. For d."U. "ranlin, "qui"d yard."o< 122.1131 "..q.