Ord 95-235 oj ORDINANCE NO. 95-235 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ARTICLE IV OF THE FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE, RELATING TO NONCONFORMING SIGNS AND AMENDING ARTICLE xvm OF THE FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF SIGNS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way determined that it was necessary to establish reasonable sign regulations; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the public health, safety and general welfare that reasonable sign regulations be in place; and WHEREAS, amendments to the Federal Way City Code ("FWCC") text are authorized pursuant to FWCC Sections 22-216 and 22-217 subject to Process IV review; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered a proposed change to the FWCC relating to sign regulation and nonconforming signs ("Proposal"); and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council, pursuant to FWCC Section 22-517, having determined the Proposal to be worthy of legislative consideration, referred the Proposal to the Federal Way Planning Commission for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Planning Commission, having considered the Proposal at public hearings on October 19, 1994, October 26, 1994, November 9, 1994, November 16, 1994, November 30, 1994, December 14, 1994, January 11, 1995, January 18, 1995, January 25, 1995, February I, 1995, February 8, 1995, February 15, 1995, February 22, 1995, March I, 1995, March 8, 1995, and ORD #95-235, PAGE I COpy March 15, 1995, pursuant to FWCC Section 22-523, and all public notice having been duly given pursuant to FWCC Section 22-521; and WHEREAS, following the public hearings, the Planning Commission submitted to the Land Use & Transportation City Council Committee its recommendation in favor of a proposed zoning text amendment to Article IV Nonconformance and Article XVIII Signs; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued for the Proposal on October 14, 1994, and no adverse comments were received; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use and Transportation City Council Committee convened a public hearing on April 3, 1995, as a committee of the whole City Council to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use and Transportation City Council Committee convened as a committee of the whole City Council to further consider the Proposal on April 17, 1995 and May I, 1995 and then moved to forward the Proposal, with amendments, to the full City Council; and WHEREAS, there was sufficient opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed amendments to Article IV Nonconformance and Article XVIII Signs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findinl!s. After full and careful consideration, the City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to the Proposal and the proposed amendments to the Federal Way City Code ("FWCC"): 1. The unregulated proliferation of signs detracts from the economic value of the community. ORD #95-235, PAGE 2 2. Such proliferation can and does create a visual distraction for drivers of motor vehicles and thereby detracts from traffic safety. 3. Reasonable regulation of signs serves to alleviate visual clutter and thereby preserves community scenic, economic and aesthetic values. 4. The regulation of signs supports and enhances the economic well-being of all businesses within the City while providing the opportunity for all businesses to identify their premises and advertise their products. 5. Sign regulation protects the public health, safety, and welfare by controlling the placement, removal, installation, maintenance, size and location of signs. 6. The removal of billboards and other nonconforming signs from the City after a period of amortization is a reasonable method of accomplishing the above-stated public purposes. 7. A ten (10) year amortization period for the removal of billboards and other nonconforming signs, commencing from the date of the original adoption of the City's sign code on February 28, 1990, is sufficient to ease the economic impact of such removal on businesspersons with substantial investment in signs in existence on the date of the adoption of this code and will allow such signs to be amortized in their value. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-217 and based upon the Findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the Proposal: 1. The Proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan because it is supported by the following Federal Way Comprehensive Plan ("FWCP") Commercial/Industrial Policies: (FWCP pg. 12) "Assure that neighborhood business areas are designed and landscaped to minimize impacts on adjacent residential uses." ORD #95-235, PAGE 3 (FWCP pg. 12) "Establish criteria for redevelopment of highway commercial areas to improve access, reduce sign clutter and upgrade landscaping." (FWCP pg. 13) "Prepare regulations to improve the quality and appearance of buildings, public facilities and street and sign graphics within the CBO." (FWCP pg. 13) "Prohibit billboards and regulate identification and advertising signs in commercial and industrial development." 2. The Proposal bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety and welfare because it addresses concerns for the public health, safety, and welfare by establishing coherent regulations that are consistent with state law and reflect a reasoned balance between the rights of individuals and the community interest. 3. The Proposal is in the best interests of the residents of the City because it responds to community concerns about compatibility of signage with the visual impact on the community at large. By establishing comprehensive and concise regulations by which to regulate signage, it provides city staff with sufficient criteria by which to evaluate proposals, and assists businesses in providing adequate provisions to identify the location of places of business. Section 3. Amendment - Nonconformance. Article IV, Nonconformance, of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 81313. 22 335. 8ame NoHeoHfol'HliHg sigll5. If the stl&jeet propert) eoHtaiHs a HoHcoHformiHg sigH, this floflcoHformaHee must Be eoffeeted: (I) If the applieaHt is makiHg structural wteratioHs or iHereasiHg tRe gross fleor IH'-ea of any strueture that hotlses or Stlpports tAr usc \\ith ",hieh the HoHeoHformiHg sigH is associated; (2) If, except as specified iH S\:lBSeetioH (I) of tliis seetioH, the applicant is mEllflHg changes, wteratiOHS or doiHg otlier work, otRer than normal mainteRaRee or other than tenant impro.ements, in 1111) 12 moHtli period to an) strtlctme that houses or stlpperts the use nith ",hieh tlie noneonformiHg sign is assoeiated aRd tile fair mark-et valMe of these ehaRges, alteratioRs or other werle e)(eeeds 25 pereeRt of tRe assessed or ap¡mtised vwlle ORD #95-235, PAGE 4 of that struetlire. The app1ieant may pro. icie all appraisal of the impro'¡emellt \. RicA has beell damaged. The apPfaisa-l mlist be from a somee that is aeeeptaele to tl1e eity. The e6mmullity developmeHt ciirector may require the applicallt to ¡¡ro,>,ide all appraisal fr-om a soliree aeeeplftl¡le to tl1e eit) if the assessed .alliatioll appeaf3 to be illappropfiate. If an ap¡¡rttisal is provided by thc applieallt or reql:lired by tl1e eity, the larger of tl1e tW6 amolillts sl1an be I:Ised; (3) If the applicallt is makillg ehallges, alteratiolls or doillg other work to the lIolI.eollÍ0rmiflg sigll, other than lIormal maintcRaRee ill. any 12 molltl1 period, the fair mark-et ¡aI\le of '.,>,hich e1leeeds 35 percellt of the rep1aeemellt east of tl1e lIolleollfofmillg sigll; (1) If the sl:lbjeet property has beeR aballdolled for 90 or more eollseel:lti. e cia) s or the \lse condl:leted 6n thc subject property has eeased for 180 or more e6l1Se6l:1tiye da)s; 6f (5) EJ¡eept as pro ¡icioo bclo.¡, 011 or before March I, 1995: a. The applieallt ma), throl:lgh process 11, appl) for all extellsioll of time to briflg siglls on the subject property iato eollformaRee with this ehapter. The city will grant this request if it dctermilles tl1at tl1e applicallt IICOOS additisllal time beyolld March 1, 1995, to amortize tl1e cost of man\lfaetliriag and illstallillg tHe sigll: As part of the applicatioR, tl1e applicant shall sl:lbmit doel:lmellt!Üioll demollstratillg 110w tl1e cost of manufactlirillg and installing the sign is or was depreciated for Federal Incomc Tax purposcs. Section 22-335. Nonconformin!! Sie:ns A. Purvose. In order to ease the economic inlDact of this code on businessoersons with substantial investment in signs in existence on the date of adoption of this code. this section provides for up to ten 00) years of continued use of a nonconforming sign in its existing state. During this period. it is expected that the sil!n may be amortized in its value over this ten 00) year time oeriod and/or may be amortized for federal income tax purposes: provided. however. that whether a sign is amortized for tax oumoses shall not affect the application of this section. B. Definitions. A nonconforming sign shall mean any sil!n as defined by Section 22-1597 which was lel!ally in existence on the effective date of this code. February 28. 1990 but which does not comply with the sign regulations of Article XVIII. "Signs" or any other sections of this code. Any words. terms or ohrases used in this Section and which are not otherwise defined shall have the meanings set forth in Sections 22-1 and 22-1597 of this code. C. Le!!al Nonconformance. ill Eligibility. Any nonconforming sign located within the city limits on the date of adoption of this code. February 28. 1990. or located in areas annexed to the city thereafter. which does ORD #95-235, PAGE 5 not conform with the provisions of this code. is eligible for characterization as a legal nonconforming sign provided it meets the following requirements: (j) The sign was covered by a sign permit on the date of adoption of this code if one was required under applicable law: or (in If no sign permit was required under applicable law for the sign. the sign was in all respects in compliance with applicable law on the date of adoption of this code. ill Allowed. All legal nonconforming signs are allowed subiect to all vermit reQuirements. the provisions covering loss of legal nonconforming status and other limitations set forth in this section. ill Exclusions. No temporary signs. portable signs special signs. or incidental signs shall be eligible for characterization as legal nonconforming signs. D. Le!!al Nonconformin!! Si!!n Permit. ill Required. A legal nonconforming sign permit is required for each legal nonconforming sign. The permit shall be obtained by the sign user or the sign owner. or the owner of the property upon which the sign is located. within sixty (60) days of notification by the City that the sign is legal nonconforming. The permit shall be issued for no fee and shall expire at the end of the applicable amortization period prescribed in FWCC 22-335Œ)' ill Necessary Information. Applications for a legal nonconforming sign permit shall contain the name and address of the sign user. the sien owner and the owner of the proj:>erty upon which the sign is located. and such other pertinent information as the director of community development may require to ensure compliance with the code. including proof of the date of installation of the sign. ill Failure to Comply. A legal nonconforming sign for which no permit has been issued within the sixty (60) day period shall within six (6) months be brought into compliance with the code or be removed. Failure to comply shall subiect the sign user. owner and/or owner of the property on which the sign is located to the remedies and penalties of Section 22-1604. E. Amortization. All legal nonconforming signs shall be discontinued and removed or made conforming within ten (10) years from the effective date of this code. on or before February 28. 2000. and all signs which are made nonconforming by a subsequent amendment to this code shall be discontinued and removed or made conforming within five (5) years after the date of such amendment (collectively the "Amortization Period"), Upon the expiration of the Amortization Period. the sign shall be brought into conformance with this code. with a permit obtained. or be removed. A sign prohibited pursuant to Section 22-1600 may not be brought into conformance and must therefore be immediately removed upon the expiration of the Amortization Period. .!!:. Extension or Exemption from Amortization Period. ORD #95-235, PAGE 6 ill Applicability. This subsection applies to any sig:n which is required to be removed pursuant to subsection (E) of this section following expiration of the Amortization Period. ill Purpose. A sign amortization exemption or extension is a mechanism by which the city may provide relief from the effect of the sign amortization program when its enforcement would fail to noticeably improve the appearance of the neighborhood and the city and when a hardship would result from its enforcement. ill Who May Apply. The property owner or the person displaying: the sign which is reQuired to be removed pursuant to subsection (E) of this section may apply for a sign amortization extension or exemption. ill Decisional Criteria. An application for a sign amortization exemption or extension may be approved or approved with modifications if it satisfies all of the following criteria: (a) The sign is compatible with the architectural design of structures on the subiect ~ (b) The sign substantially complies with the requirements of the sign code for the land use district in which it is located. For purposes of this subsection "substantial compliance" shall mean that the heig:ht of the sign is within ten percent (10%) of the sign height required by Article XVIII of this code and that the sign area of the sig:n is within twenty percent (20%) of the sign area reQuired by Article XVIII of this code. Minor deviations from these percentages may be approved by the administrator if he or she concludes that the resulting sign is harmonious with the character of the primary structures on the subject prODerty and with the signs and structures on surrounding properties: (c) The enforcement of this code would result in a substantial hardship to the applicant due to the size. shape. topography. location or surroundings of the subject property and such hardship was not created by any action of the applicant or would result in a substantial economic hardship to the applicant because the applicant erected a sign. or made an application for a sign permit. between February 28.1990 and June 6. 1995 in compliance with the existing: sign code: (d) The sig:n complies with the city's minimum sight distance at intersection reQuirements pursuant to Section 22-1151 et seq.: (e) If illuminated. the sign is oriented away from residentially developed or zoned property or is adeQuately screened so that the source of light is not directly visible: (f) It is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan: and (g) It is consistent with the public health. safety and welfare. ill Applicable Procedure. Except as otherwise provided by this subsection (F). the city will process an application for a sign amortization exemption or extension through Process 1. Article VI of this code. ORD #95-235, PAGE 7 G. Loss of Le!!al Nonconformin!! Si!!n Status. All nonconformin!! signs shall be immediately removed or modified to conform to all the provisions of this chapter. and a new permit secured therefor. and such nonconforming sign shall immediately lose its legal nonconforming designation when one or more of the following events occurs: ill Structural changes. The applicant is making structural alterations or increasing the gross floor area of any structure that houses or supports the use with which the legal nonconforming sign is associated: ill Other Alterations. The applicant is making any change. alteration or performing work other than normal maintenance or other than tenant improvements. in any twelve (12) month period to any structure that houses or supports the use with which the nonconforming sign is associated and the fair market value of these changes. alterations or other work exceeds twenty- five percent (25 %) of the assessed value of that structure as determined by the King County Assessor' ill Abandonment or Business Cessation. The subject property containing the sign is abandoned for ninety (90) or more consecutive days or the activity conducted on the subiect property ceases for one hundred and eighty (! 80) consecutive days: ill Sign Alterations. The applicant is making changes alterations or performing any work to the legal nonconforming sign other than regular and normal maintenance. Prohibited sign alterations include relocating the sign or replacing the sign' provided however. that replacing an individual tenant's identification sign in either a center identification sign which separately identifies the tenants or in a tenant directory sign shall not result in the loss of such sign's legal nonconforming sign designation. ill Change in Use. There has been a change in use on the subject property as that term is defined by Section 22-1 of this code. ill Change in Tenant. property. There has been a change in tenant or business on the subject In connection with any multiuse or multitenant complex. the foregoing events which reQuire that a nonconforming sign be either removed or brought into conformance with this code. shall apply only to the individual owner's or tenant's building mounted or freestanding signs who has triggered the elimination of the legal nonconformance and not to the other signs located on the subiect vroperty. including any copy change in a center identification or tenant directory sign in order to include such tenant's name. H. Historic Si!!ns. Nonconforming on-site historical signs may be retained through Process II. Article VII of this code if the sign is determined to be of historic significance by satisfying all of the following criteria: ORD #95-235, PAGE 8 ill The sign is used in connection with a building which has been designated as a historic building Dursuant to any federal. state or local preservation authority: ill The subject sig:n or sig:ns are substantially unchanged or unaltered since initial installation: ill The subject sign or signs are a good exam DIe of the Drevajling: signag:e during the period in time it was installed: and ill The subject sign or signs have been well maintained and are not materially detrimental to the public health. safety and welfare. L. Exemption. The City may elect not to apply any provisions of this Section 22-335 èe not appl) to IffiY sign if the removal of ¡j tltftt sign would require the city to pay compensation under illl): federal. state or other law. including RCW ch. 47.42. Section 4. Amendment - Silms. Article XVIII, Signs, of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended as follows: ARTICLE XVIII. SIGNS See. 22 1596. Purpose. It is tHe p\upose of tHis article to promote: (I) (2) (3) (1) (5) (6) Commereial comm1:lRicatioRs tHat aceommodate tHe Reed of tl1e IJ1:IsiRess COmm1:lRity to collvey iRf.ormation to the l'njIJlie; THe protection and enHancement of tHC ,'is1:lal CHaracter and iàeRtity of tHe eommtlRity IJy the tH01:lgl1tful placement and desigR of sigHs; THe elimiRRtion of el1:lttcr RRd .is1:lal àistmetion; FlexiIJility and inceRtive for creative and innovative sigH desiglls; Tl1e proper mltlRtelìtillCe of sigHs; and CoRsisteney v,'itH tl1e eompreHeRsive plan. See. 22 1597. Seape and exelHsiaIlS. ORD #95-235, PAGE 9 This article applies to all signs erected, Aloyed or altered after February 27, 1990, except this article ¡laes not apply tB the f.ollowiHg: (I) (2) (3) (1) (5) (6) (7) Triiffie sigHs, direetional signs and sigHs displaying a ptiBlic ser/ice message ,.hen any Bf these signs is installetl By a govermnenta1agency. Point of ptlrehase advertising displays StIeR as prodtlet dispensers. National flags and flags of political stlbdivisions. Gra:'iestones. Historieal site p1al tles and signs integral to an historic Btli1ding, Struet\lres or irApro.eAleRts inteRded for a separate lise, s\lel\ as phoAe Booths, Cood..il1 eontfliners aAd ReWSpl1per ree)e1iRg BOJ(es, B\lilding addresses with A\lmbers aAd letters Hot more thaA teA inches in height. See. 22 15'98. Sign, building codes; compliance FÐ( uiFed. (11) Each sign ereetetl or altcrcd after Febrmlry 28, 1990 rAtist eoA1pl) ..ith the provisioAs of the UAiforAl SigA Code adopted iR sectioR 5 281 aRd thc URiform Buildin; Code adopted iR seeti6R 5 66 by the eity. (6) If aft) pro.isioR of this article eoRflict3 ..ith the URiforAl SigR Cotle or the UAiforAl B\lildiAg Code, the pro'iisiof! of this article Vim govem, See. 22 1599. l. 'J 'JFo,'al from de 'JaFtment of community dEYelo 'Jment. THe IIpplieant AI\lst OblllÌA the writtell approv¡ì! [roAl tHe departAlellt of eomflHlllity develop meAt in artier to erect or display a new sign or to move or alter an eJ[isting sign, eJwept that ..ritten appro.aI from the departmeAt of coAlmtiAity duelopAlcnt is Rot reqtJircd for the following: (I) (2) Real e3tB.te OA site sigRs, real estB.te off site signs, eBAstf\letioR sigRs, teAlporlH)' commercial signs, integral sigRs, priyate notice siglls, instructiollal sigHs, private advertising sigRs, private traffie tlireetioR SigRS aRd off site directioRaI sigHs, Change iR the teAlporary Alessage OR a reader Board or eleetroAie Ales:¡¡¡ge eeHter. See. 22 1699. Disepetionap~' 'Jepmit3. ORD #95-235, PAGE 10 If the pJ'epoaed Hse or development of or oa the sHbjeet property ret¡Hire3 IIt3proval thfOHgh process I, II or III of this chapter, the director of eommHaity development may re¡¡Hire that ElRY sign proposed for or a3 pMt of that Hse or dcvclopmcat be appro.ed throHgh that same proeess if the direetor determines that this Hill providc more eoorcliaated, effccti,e signs. See. 22 1691. Bends. The eit) ma) re( Hirc a bond Hnder sectioa 22 146 et Be( :. to easme eompli!ll1ee "itH ElRY aspect of tHis Mtiele. See. 22 1692. PFehibited deviees. (a) Except as spccificall) allo.led Hacler sH6sectioa (l3) of this seotioll, the follo.ving cle.iees 8.Rd facilities are specifically proHibited ill the city: (I) (2) (3) ( 1) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (I a) (11) PeaaElRts, baaAers, streamers aad private flags eJlee¡'Jt as permitted Hilder stJction 22 -lM6-. Strings of light3, flashiag lights, colored lights, ad terti sing seMeh lights and flMes. T"irlers, propellers ancl "iad aeti.iltecl cle,iecs. Bal1oolls. SigHs of a garish or of il camivallike Hatme. f.n) sigH that rolfltes, tmas or mo. es by electrical or mcchallical meaHS except eMber pelæ-. Projectiag 8.Rd HAder mar( Hee sigHs, except as permitttJd by sectioa 22 1616. Aay sigll atlflched to, or placed oa, a vehicle or trailer Imrked on pHblie or pri'tate property. The prohibitioa of this sHbsectioa (8) does not prohibit the idelltifieatioll of a firm or its priaeipal prodHets on a vehicle operatiag dming the normal eom3e of ~ Exeept as sdlowed in seetioa 22 1616, IIl1Y porlflblc OI:!tdoor sigll. f.ay sigH ,;¡ith the shape and eolon of a traffic sign. f.IIY sigll '.vhieh eonstitHtes a traffic hazard illclHdiag bHt not limited to sigHs eontainiag words sHah as "stop," "look," "daager. " ORD #95-235, PAGE 11 (b) The pre,isioAs ef stibsectioA (lI) of tHis seetioA ào AOt appl) to tHe fellov,iAg: (I) (2) (3) (1) IIoliàa) àeeoratioAs appropriate!) àispla)ed. THe tlSC of àuices àescribeà iA slibseetioA (a) of this sectioA for Ae more thlm se.eA days to aRAe\iACe tHe graAà apeAiRg af a new bliSiRCSS or lIse. The \ise af àuiees àeseribcà iA stibsectioA (lI) af tHis sectiaA if appro,ed aA a tempeflH) ba3is, AOt ta e¡¡eeeà ORe )ear, IIsiflg proecss I, if tHis '..ilI Rat be àetrimeRæI to aflY Rcarby fleigHborhood or IISC. CHangiRg me3sage ceRtcrs. See. 22 1693. Sign maintenance and Femeval. (a) All sigfls m\ist be kÐl3t iR gooà rÐl3air and ifl a safe manfler at all times. The prepert) OV,Her m\ist repair damageà or deterierateà sigHs witHiH 30 daj's of HotificatiaH by the city. THe area sllrro\iHdiHg graüRd motlHted sigHs müst be Iccpt free of litter aAà dcbris at all times. (b) Uflless otherwise specified iH or t!;roügh tHis chapter, thc property ovmer m\ist remo.e all signs withiA 30 àays of thc date of the closHfe or discontiAtiaRce of the busiAess, \ise er eveRt with viÌÜeh the gigAs were associateà. See. 22 1694. CemflFehellSiYe design fllan. (a) CÔ1~ffllly. This seetioA pro.iàes a mechaRism \iHàcr >tRieR special eoRsidemtioH ean bc giveR to sigHs ',y}Üch Bse II eompreheAsi'.'e desigA plaH to facilitate the iAtegratioA of sigHs iAte the site desigA of the slIÈJject property. To do this, the eity may allo.. deviatioAs fr-om the reqüircmeHts of this artiele coHsisteHt ..ith the eritcria listed iH sübscctioA (d) of t!Üs sootieR. (6) Rcqui:'cd luin. pmœss. ,'.A app1ieatioA fer a cempreheAsi,e desigH plan HAder this SCetiOR will be re't'Ìewed and decided \ipOA üsiAg l"reeess II. (e) Requirt:ti irifûmletìan. As part ef an)' applieatieA for a eomprøheAsive de3igH plan BHder this SCCtiOR, the applicant shall sllbmit the fallowiRg iRf.ormatiaR: (1) (2) A Harrati.e dcscribiAg how the prOl"03al is caRsisteAt with the eriteria listed iR sübsectioR (d) of this seetiaR. Colored reRàeriAgs of the ¡¡roposed sigHs iA relatioA to àevelo¡¡meRt iR thc area anà OR the süÈJjeet ¡¡raperty. (d) C. ifel'ia. The eit) may a¡¡pro. e a preposed eompreheRsÏ\ 13 de3igH ¡¡laH if: ORD #95-235, PAGE 12 (I) (2) (3) The proposal maflifests e¡¡eeptional effort ta""arå ereating Yi311al harmony Between the signs, IHiÌldiAgS and otRer eomponeftts of tRe sllejeet property tRrollgR IRe IIse of a eonsistent àesign theme. TAe propased deviations are the minim 11m neeessary to ereate reaåaBle signs from tile street proviàing àirect vehiele aeeess to tile sllejeet preperty eased on tmffie speeès anà patterns in the arOll. TRe signs are in eAaraeter and orientfltioa '.\ itll plaAned and eJ(isting IIses in the area of the sllbjeet property. See. 22 l(iOS. LoeatioR of signs, (a) EJ(eept as allo..,ed tlnåer stlhsectian (e) of this section, caeh sign mtlst be laeated On tile same lot or property as the lise, lmildiag, or e,ent "itA "hieR the sign is assoeiateð, (b) All signs shall Be loBated o!ltside those areas req!lired ia division 10 of artiele XIII of this chapter to be kept elear of sight oestwctioas. (e) Thc provisions of this scction do not apply as f.ollo dS: (I) (2) (3) (1) Thc provisions of stlBsection (a) of this section do not apply to the sigHs reg!llatcd tinder scction 22 IsIs. Viall mo!lnted and marqllee signs may eKtend into a right of way ¡¡¡¡¡¡tting the s!lbject property on1) tlpoa !!f!pfOVal of tRe dcj'Jartmeat of pllb1ic ",orb. Monumeat gigAs mtlst be set baele at least fiye feet from all property lines, exeept in ZOAes that hll',e AO req!lired yaràs. The o,¡nefJ of t"o or more properties that abtlt or are separated onl) by a vehie!llllf' aeeess easement er traet may propese a joint sigH paelffige to the eity, The eity will revie'N and deride IIpon the proposal !Ising proeess 1. The eity may !!f!prove tfle joint sign paelffige if it "ill pro,¡jde more eoordiAateà, effeeti..e anà effieient sigHs, In determining the toW aUowahle size area f.or all of the signs on the pllf'tieipaling properties, tile eit) "illllse the total area of sigHs tRat ,,01116 Be allo" ed for all of the partieipating properties if they were not proposiAg a joint sign pae1cage. See. 22 1 (jg(j , Exceptions f.aF Recessar)' ideRtification iR limitcd aRd uRusual eiFcumstaRces. Eli) PaNG)' Sfflf£ment. It is the specific poliey of the city that all signs ereeted, maveè or altered after Febwary 28, 1990, comply with tRe provisions of IRis artiele. lIo'Never, as many of the ORD #95-235, PAGE 13 eommereial areas ef the city ha.e Eleveleped \.ith sigHs which arc of a type aAEI size prehieiteà by this article, tHere may ee a HeeEl, iA limiteEl aAEI \JA\lsual cire\Jmstanoes, for sigHs to ee ereeted, moyed or altered tflat do Hot eomply witH tHe ro( uircmcnts of tHis artiele iA order to proyide tHe iJ\JsiAess or !lse ',vith whieh tHe sigH is associated with rcasonaiJlc iElentifieatioA. It is f\lrther the c){pressed polio) of tHe city tHat tHe proyisioAS of this sectioA OAI) ee uscd WHere eompliaAee ,vitH this article wo\llEl Elo irr-eparaele aAEI UAfeasoAaiJle HanA to a busiAess or \ISO. (b) Permissible signs. VAder tHis scotioA, the city may allow allY type, size or AHmeer of sigH er--sigffl-. (e) Re'l/;tiFCd rcric,y precess. THe eit) ..illl'Cticw IIflEl deeiEle HpOA 1'C( \lests !Imler tHis seetioA usiAg process III. (11) CI'ÎfeR!:I. The eit) ma) ap\3ro.e a ret ucst \JRGer tHis seetioR OHI) if it fiRI1S that: (I) The proliferatioR of pree¡¡istiAg sigHs iA the area of the sHbjeot property wlÜeH do ROt colIform to this artie1e is SUCH that sigHs coAsisteAt witH tHis article ViO\lIE1 Rot Be reasoaably yisible to poteAtial patroas or users, eoAsideriAg stick factors as the topograpHY of tHe arca and tHe posted speed limits of EIfld yolHmes OR tHe street or streets pro tidiAg Elirect veHicle access to thc S\lÐj cct propert) . (2) A sigH package coAsisteRt .. itH tHe pro lisioAS of this article wO\J1E1 Rot pro, iEle the use or busiRess .. ith effeeti, e SigHS. (3) Thc t)\3e, AumBer aAG size of sigHs requcstcd is thc miAimuffi Aeccssary to pro.idc the \lse or B\JsiAess with cffceti\c signs. (e) CellditiertS (t,1d "esr.-kHans. As part of any appro\a1 of a requcst \JRder this seetieR, the eity may impose any limiffitioAs or restrietioAs it eoAsiders appropriate \:Iflder tHe cireHmsl!lflees. This may iRel!lEle, I'llit is AOt limited to, re( uiriAg that the O'llRer of the s\lbject property sigH a coveAant or other wriUeA doe\JmeAt to be filed ',;'itH tHe eoHAt)' to fHA "litH tHe property BY wIlieR, at a time eerl!lÌA or HpOA speeified e,'eHts, tHe SigHS OR tHe sHBjeet property woHld Be BroHgllt iHto eomplillflee vlitH all applicable eit) reg\JlatioAs theR iA effect. The eit) ma) also ret \lire a performRRee baRd Hader scetioA 22146 et seq. to iasHre oompliRRee '¡titll RAY s\loll ooaditioa ar restrietioR. See. 22 1697. SigH t) pe. Permitted t)pes of SigHS for eaCH sigH category are listcd Belo.v: (1) Sign c{tt-cgery ,1. '.'iall mo\lHted and pedestal SigHS. Electrical SigHs are Hot permiUcá. Cofflffiereial messages are Hot permitted. ORD #95-235, PAGE 14 (2) Sign Nltcg8lY B. Wall matlAted, manltlee Ilßd pede3tal sigHs. CkaAgiAg message eeAters arc Aat permitted. (3) Sign Cfltcg8riCS C, D flIul E. Wall motlAtcd, manltlee, pedestal aAd maAtlmerlt sigHs. See also sectioA 22 1616 for permitted special sigHs. See. 22 1(¡OS. Maximum Humber of sigHs. Tke maximtlm permitted Htlmeer of sigHs for eaCH sigH eatcgary is listed eela\,. THis maximtlm IIj3plies oHly to tHe sigH types listed iH seetioH 22 1607 aAd does Aat apf'ly to tHe speeial sigH descrieed iA scctieA 22 1616. (I) Sign catcgery A. a. SigHs identif) jAg a d l;'clliAg ,!Ait: one. e. SigHs ideAtif) iAg a eompleJ( or stlecti. ision: OAC for eaCH street providiAg direet veHicHlar access to wHicH tHe sigH is oriented. (2) Sign cBreger)' B. One for eaCH street providing direct veHicHlar access to wkiek tke SigH is orierlted. (3) Sign cB:egeries C, D and E. a. Wall mol;lAted sigHs: AO limitation. e. Marqtlee sigHs: ORe per busincss or tlse per street pro.idiAg direct .efiiellla:r access to ..fiid! tfie sign is orieAted. e. Pedestal or mOAHmeAt (includiHg ceHter ideHtificatioA sigHs): aRe f'er street proYidiHg direet ,eHiel:1'lar aeeess to wHieH tHe sigH is orieHted. See. 22 1609. SigH area. Tke maximl:1'm permitted sigH area fer eaCH sigH category is listed eela... THe ffiaximllffi permitted a:ree. IIj3plies oHI)' to tfie sigH types listed iH seetioA 22 1607 aFId does Hot IIj3ply te tHe speeial sigHs deseneoo iH seetioH 22 1616. (1) Sign cmegery A. a. SigHs ideHtif)'iAg a èv..e!liHg I:1'Hit: t,vo sql:1'are feet. b. SigHs ièeHtifyiHg a comple¡( er Sl;lbèi"isioA: 32 sql:1'are feet per sigH faee. ORD #95-235, PAGE 15 (2) (3) gig,! ca:egery B. Thirt) t"o s'ltlflfe feet per sigH facc. Sign cat-egø:ies C, D and E. As !fIore specifically esta.BlisHed iR sliBsectioRs a., B. Illid e. Be10", the slilYjcct propert) ffiay eoAtaiA the sigH area allowee iA those three sliBsectioRs: a. The SIi6jcct pro pert) fRay eoAtaiA thc sigH area sho" A iA the ehart iA seetioA 22 1610. If tHe slibjcet property eoRtaiRs or ma) eoRtain !fIore tHaR ORe lise or teRaRt, the applieaRt ffiliSt sliBffiit to the eit) a letter aHoeatiRg sigH area fer tHe sliBjeet property to the variolis lises, teAaRts, or leasable areas aRE! to the SigH or sigHs, if any, "..-hieh identify the sliBjeet propert). The RflfJliewt !fItlst agree iR this letter to iRe1t1 Je the specified sign allocation in all leases, rental agrecfRents, conàoIRiAilifR dee1aratioAs aAà siffiilar àoetlffients. B. Each tlSC or btlsiness "ithiA a ffitJltitlse eompleJ( is allo.vcE! the falla"ing sigH lIfea for sigAs to identify the speeifie 10catioR or entrance of or ta that tlse or ~ 1. For sigH catcgories C anà D, 30 s'ltlare feet per Btlsiness or lise. 2. For sign Cfitcgory E, one s'luam f{Jot for each t,','o linear feet of the facade of tHe I:ltIilding or POrtiOR tHereof, ocelipied BY the lise or btJsiness, on "flick thc sign is loeatcà ar to which it is oriented; provideà that each Busincss or lise is allo,,(')à at least 30 3'1t1l1fe feet of sign lIfea wd !flay not have !fIore tHan 80 sqmlre feet of sigR lIfea tinder this subsectioH. c. Eaeh !fIultiusc co!flplcK containing scvcn or more liSes or !msinesses is 8:llov..ed 64 squarc feet per street providiHg àirect ,ehieli1ar access to Be tlsee onl) far a center ideHtificatioH sigH or sigHs. Signs allowed liAder this sliBseetioR !flay Rot have iHtcmally liglltee sigH fields; ffiliSt Be constftlcted of ffiaterials, colors, shapes afld other lIfe!Üteettlr£l featmes which are the saffle as or eonsistent with the Buildings on the slibject propert); afld !fIliSt be orieHled 10 the street fro!fl wIlieR the right to the sigH arises. See. 22 1610. SigH area chart. The followiHg CAllft esta.blishes tHe sigH lIfea allovled tlflder section 22 1609(3)(a). The sigH area is pri!flarily def'Jefldent on the liHear fr-ofltage of the stl6ject propert) wE! the sign eaægory of the tlse. To tlse this ehart, first find the applieable sign eategory aloRg the top of the ehart, then fiHd the liHear fr-oHtage of the slibjeet property 8:l0flg the left !fIargiH of the ehart. Where the sigH eategory IIßd tHe liHear frolllage !fleet tHe !fIaxi!fltl!fl sigH area for tHe sliejeet properly .viII Be fotlnd HIlder seNioR 22 1609(3)(a). Next, re.ie.v the sigH ar-ea !fItlltipliers listed OH the rigHt JiBe of the eHart to E!eter!fliHe if there are an) inereases iH tHe !fIaxi!fltlm allo"aBle sigH ar-ea. 1. PiHà the sigH category that applies to )Otlf USC. ORD #95-235, PAGE 16 2. Pinå the 1incaf frontage of the suajeet propcrty. 3. Where sign eategory and linear frontage meet, the maximum sign size for tHe subjeet property "ill be f.tJtJnå. 4. Use tl1e multiplier to tl1e rigl1t of tl1e el1art to determine if ma¡¡iffillffi allowable sign Rfea is increa3ed by the factors listed. Sign Categories Total Lifleaf G & B Frofltage of SlIbjeet Property ~ is Less TI1an. ~ ~ 'M 48 39 ~ ;!-8 ~ ~ ~ ;!9 ~ 49 U 3+ ~ ~ U ~ 'H- ~ ~ :B S9 ~ ;g 34 &l- eg ;g ~ 63 (B ;!4 3é é4 - :¡{) ~ ~ 66 ORD #95-235, PAGE 17 ~ ~ ~ é& gg ~ ~ 69 ~ ~ 4G 'ffi 9G R 4G :n % R 4+ +3 we ;;g e 14- W:} ;;g e ~ +W ;W 43 ~ ill ;W 44 18 m 3G 44 f9 ill 3G 4:} gg BQ 3G 46 8+ ill 3+ 46 ~ -t49 3+ 41 ~ ~ ~ 41 84- .J.W ~ 48 ~ ~ ~ 48 86 ORD #95-235, PAGE 18 .wi :H 49 &+ ~ :H 49 8& +7G :H W &9 ill 34 W &9 +8G 34 M 9G ~ 34 M 9+ m 34 ~ 'h! !% ~ ~ 9; ~ ~ £ 94 ~ ~ £ 94 m 36 £ % ill 36 ~ 96 m 36 ~ fR. m 36 ~ fR. ~ ?rl ~ 98 m ?rl ~ 99 ;!4{) ?rl ~ 99 ORD #95-235, PAGE 19 ~ 3& ~ we ~ 3& ~ M.J. (Meastlre6 iH 1iHeftf' (Meastlred iH s(jtlare feet) feetf 1. 2. SIGN ARE-^. MULTIPLIERS If HO sigHs OH the subjeet property have iHtemally lighted sigH fields, theft ffililliply the figtlfe iH the ehart B) 1.25. If all sigHs, otHer Üllm eeRter idcRtifieatioR sigHs, are BllildiHg ffiOIlHted sigHs, ffililtiply either the aÐove prod'let or thc figure iH thc cHart BY 1.25. If tHe 1iHea£ froHtage of the sHbjeet property e)(ceeds 250 feet, please ref~r to sectioH 22 1617. See. 22 H;l1. Deyclepmcnt centaining IISCS in more than one sign category. If tHe subjeet propert) coHlRiHs Hses assigHed to differeHt sign categories, tHe sigHs fur the eHtire delelopfficHt mtlst eompl) "itH tHe sign catcgory assigHed to the tlses that preåomiHate OH the subject propert) , as determiHeå by the direetor of eoffimuHity dcvelopmeRt. See. 22 1612. SigH height and other dimensional requirements. THe ma.J(imHffi perffiitted heigHt of sigHs for each type of sigH is listed Below: (I) (2) (3) (1) Wall mÐumed a/'ld ma/'{juee signs. Wall ffiOIlHt afld marquee sigHs shall Hot pr-oject aÐove the roOfliHC of the BllilåiHg to dhieh they are atlRehed. Under l'Iuir.l¡,¡æ signs. UHdcr ffiarql:lee sigHs shall Hot exteRd fllrther frem a BllilèiHg faeaåe thR!! the marquee or eano 3) Ie ,\ hiGh they are atlReheè. .TJ.ctkstal signs. Peclestal signs shall eoHfiJrffi to the cliffieHsioHal slRRèarcls showH OH pIftte+. Jlenumcnt sig/'lS. MORl:lmeRt sigHs sHall COR form to tHe dimeRsioRal sl!ißållfås shO'l/H OR plate 3. See. 22 1613. Landscaping ar6unè ground mounted signs. ORD #95-235, PAGE 20 Afl &rea Ilrotlflè lAC BilGe of each ground mounteè sigfl eqtlal to tAc sigfl Ilrea mliJt be landseapeà to improve tHe oyerall appcaraReG of the sigH aAd to rcduee tHe risk ef automebiles HittiRg the sigH ar supports of tHe sigH. THis landseapiRg must iRelude ','egettltioR aRd may iRelude otAer mllterials tlßè eempoReflts StieA as Briele or eoflerete BIl3CS, plllflter BoRes, pole eo.ers or deeoratiye frilmiflg, See. 22 1614. Stmetlll'ftl components, o.erall appearanee. To tHe mllJcimum exteRt possible, sigfls sAeuld be eeflstHieteè aRE! iRstalleE! so tHat WIgle iroRS, guywires, braces WId otAer structural elemerlts fife Rot visible. This limittlkaR dees Rot !lj3ply to stmctllral e1emefltJ tAllt are IlR ifltegral pllrt of tAe e. er-all èesigR stleft IlS èeeorati. e metal or weeffi-. See. 22 1615. Illllmination limitatioft5 OH eleetrieal SigHS. No sigH may coAtaiR or utilize aRY of the f.ollowiRg: (I) (2) (3) (1) (5) (6) (7) .^.n) cxposeè iRCllfldcsccnt lamp .vith a "attage ifl CXCCS3 of 25 \.atts. .^.ny eJ[poseE! iRcIlnde3ccnt lamp ,¡¡th an iAtemal or eJCtemal refleetor. ¡.FlY eoRtiAuous or sequeAtial fla3hiRg deviee or operatioFl, EJceept for CHaRgiFlg message eeFlters, aFlY iFlcandeGeeFlt lamp iRside an iRtemally liglücd signs. Extemal ligHt sOlm:es direeted to uards or sHiRiRg OR ,'eHieular ar pcdestftWl trilffie ar OR a street. IRtemllUy ligHted sigHs !!SiRg gOO milliamp or larger balht3ts if tAG lamps ar-e 5fJaeeà eloser tAWI 12 ifleHes eft eeAter. IAtereally ligHted sigAs tlSiAg 425 milliamp or larger ballaGts if the lamps are 5fJaeed eloser tHaA six iAches OR eeAter. See. 22 1616. Speeial sigHS. THe follo"iFlg eAart establisHes reglllatioAs tARt apply to AtlIHersUS SigHS that Have a limited purpose or special Aatme. THese SigHS are permitteE! iA additioR to tHe sigFls permitted iR sigH categories f. tHffltlgH E, Exeept as specifically sttlted iR tAe f.QUo" iRg eHart, the sigHs iR tHat eHIIft are ROt subjeÐt to tHe regtllatioAs of sCÐtioAS 22 1605 aAd 22 1607 througH 22 1613, Te HSe tAe follo,It'iFlg CHB:rt, first read deliA to flRcl tile t)pe ef sigH iA '",lIiell )eu are iAteresteà, theft read aeress for tAG releYaRt regtilatioAs, CoAsult tHe clefmitieRs iFl seetioFl 22 I for the meaniRgs and defiRitioRs af tile t)'pes of sigRs listed: ORD #95-235, PAGE 21 Tyþe ef SigH Ma:x.im\lm Ma:x.imtlm SigH Permitted Permitted N\:ImBer of Are!! beetttioo DtlratioH of SigfI5 ~ Real estate, OH ~ D,velliHg tlHits: Sttbjeet Must remove site d',. elliHg \lHit, 6 sq. ft. PC[ ~ wIleR property \iSe-ff sigH face. is sold or de.eloþmeHt: 1 Other 1:ISCS or feftted-. þer broker per de.elopmeHts: al'mttiHg right 32 sq. ft. per ef-way-. sigH face Hot to exceed 64 sq. ft. per propert) f.or sale or refit. R¡;al ¡;stat¡;, off Scc footnotc (1) 6 sq. ft. pcr PtWate M1:Ist rcmo.¡; site sigH face. ~ wheA property is sold or feftted-. CoHstflletÌoH 1 þer ab\:lttiHg 32 sq. ft. per Sttbjeet Shall Hot be right of '¡¡ay. sigH facc. ~ displayed prior to isslolanee of a 6ttiltlffig permit. M\:Ist be removed tffieHe is31:1liHee of a certificate of oee\:lþaney. Temporary No ma:x.imum. See footHote Sttbjeet M1:Ist remo.e at commercial ~ propert). M1:Ist end of tlse be eHtirely ~ attached to a eoflditioH. btlildiHg face. Iffiegftll I per structure. 6 sq. ft. per Sttbjeet No limitatioH, sigH face. ~ ORD #95-235, PAGE 22 Private Rotiee No maximum. 2 sq. ft. per 8OOjeet No limitfttioR. af!è sigrl face. ~ instflletioRal Private No maximtlm. 16 sq. ft. per No eloser Hum Mllst f-Cmeve at advertisiRg sigR face. 50 ft. from eRd sf lise, fiflother sigR e>reflH)r advertisiRg tile coRditieR. san'!e lise, eveRt or eonàitioR. Private traffic No maximum. 4 sq. ft. per £OOjeet No limiætieR. direetffifl sigH face. ~ G#-site h 16 sq. ft. per Where DetermiRed OR direetioRaJ.. See liSe, Rot to Rccessary to case b) ease footRete (3) exceed 64 sq. direet tile 9asffl-.. ft-. ptlblie to the 5tffijeet properties. PeHtieal No maximum. 6 sq. ft. per Private No SOORer than sign facc. ~ 30 clays prior to thc primary election and no later tllaR -: da) s afier the fiRal eleetioR. ProjeetiRg and I per pedestrian 4 sq. ft. per £OOjeet Ne limiætieR. linder mar-qllce or vchicular sigR face. property right effifftBee-. of way a\HlttiRg 5tffijeet propert). For lises stlbjeet to sign eategories C, D, E and oRly. ShaH not projcct above roofline of stfllcttlfe to wllicH sigR is attaefleè-. Fliel price I pcr a( lJttiRg 20 sq. ft. per £OOjeet No limiætioR. rigllt of ',vay. sign faee. ~ ORD #95-235, PAGE 23 ['ootflotes: (I) (2) Per propcrt) for sale or n:mt, not fAore tRafl one e.cry 1.500 ft. Ofl any street. To!!ll leflgtR of sigfls !flay flOt exceed 40% of length of the facade to ','¡'RieR atlfteRed. SigH area fAay flat e¡¡eeeà 10% of the area of the facade to which it is at!!lchcd. (3) Must be appro'. cd thro\:lgh preee33 I, as dcseribecl ifl sectioHs 22 386 throllgh 22 111. Shall oHly be appro.ed if there is a defAOHstrated fleed for aH off site sigfl beeallse of poor yisibility or traffie patterns. All \:Ises ifl afl area wantiflg a per!fl8.fleflt off site direetiofled sigfl !flllst IIse ORe sigfl. The applieaHt fAl:lst sho',>,- that the preposed sigfl eM acco!fl!flodate ed111ses ifl the B.i'-et! that fAa) reasoflabl) fleed to be listed Ofl the sigft-. See. 22 1617. f.llowable size of signs. The folloviÌHg !!lble estaBlishes the allowable size af sigHs ifldieated by the sigfl categories p\:lfS\:l8.flt to the liflear frofl!!lge of the s\:lbject property: PL\ TE I ,^.LLOWABLE SIZE 0[' SIGNS bifleaf 5igft 5igft 5igft ['rofllftges Gfttegefy Gfttegefy Gfttegefy of S\:IÐjeet G"- WI' E" PfeIJef!Y ~ ~ ~ 'M -48 -W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;\9 ~ ---4G U M ~ ~ U ~ ~ ORD #95-235, PAGE 24 -w ~ ~ -:S9 -4S B 34 -6+ -69 B ~ ~ ~ ~ 3é -64 ---fG ~ ?,+ -6é ~ ~ ;g -ß8 ---&9 ;y; ~ -@ ~ ;y; 4G -+G -99 ~ 4G ~ -% ~ 4+ ~ -lOO ;;& e ~ ~ ;;& e .::¡.f¡ -l-lB ;w 43 -'R --l-J:3 ;w 44 --+8 -lW 3G 44 -'1í) ~ 3G 43 -W -+3{) 3G 4é -M ORD #95-235, PAGE 25 ~ :H 46 ~ --l4e :H 4+ --%3 ~ ~ 4+ -&4 --l-Se ~ 4& ~ ~ ~ 4& -86 ~ ~ 49 --%+ --M:S ~ 49 ...gg --i-fe ~ W -m -l-ß 34 W -m -l&G 34 ~ -ge ~ 34 ~ -9+ --f.9B 34 £ ~ -l% 3:S £ -93 ~ 3:S ~ -94 -w§ 3:S ~ -94 -RG ~ ~ -% ~ ~ 34 -96 ORD #95-235, PAGE 26 ~ 36 §4 -'R ~ 36 ~ -'R ~ ?rl ~ -98 ~ ?rl ~ -99 ~ ?rl ~ -99 ~ ;& ~ -tOO ~ ;& 'H M.J. ~ ;& 'H M.J. ~ ;& 'H .¡.m ~ 39 ~ -lœ -¥K) 39 ~ -lœ -R-S 39 ~ .w4 ~ 39 ~ ~ ~ 39 ~ ~ ~ 39 ~ -l% ~ 4G 60 -l% -300 4G 6G -tW ORD #95-235, PAGE 27 ~ 4G M W8 -3-W 4+ M W8 ~ 4+ M W9 ~ 4+ fu! W9 ~ 4+ fu! +W -3-3G 4+ fu! H-l- ~ e é3 H-l- --';4G e é3 +h! ~ e é3 +h! -3W e é3 +B ~ e é4 +B -36G 43 é4 H4 ~ 43 é4 H4 -3fe 43 g ill ~ 43 g ill --3W 43 g H6 ~ 44 g H6 ORD #95-235, PAGE 28 -3ge 44 66 +H -3% 44 66 +H -400 44 66 -H& ~ 44 é+ -H& -4W 45 é+ H9 -4tS 45 é+ H9 -4W 45 é+ HG ~ 45 68 HG -439 45 68 +U ~ 45 68 +U -44G 45 68 +U --445 46 69 -tB -45G 46 69 ill ~ 46 69 ill -46G 46 69 H4 ~ 46 :ro H4 --4+G 4f :ro H4 ORD #95-235, PAGE 29 ~ 4+ ~ +:ð -4&G 4+ ::m +:ð -485 4+ ++ ~ -49G 4+ ++ ~ -4% 4+ ++ H+ ~ 48 ++ H+ ~ 48 +t: H+ -4W 48 ft m -:S.J::S 48 +t: m -£0 48 +t: m ~ 48 ~ m ~ 49 ~ m ~ 49 ~ Be -M{} 49 ~ Be ~ 49 ~ ffi 4)g 49 14 ffi ~ 49 ~ ffi ORD #95-235, PAGE 30 ~ 49 +4 ~ ~ W +4 ~ -,S'7{ W +5 H3 ~ W +5 H3 -5W W +5 H3 ~ W +5 H4 --3W W +5 H4 ~ W c:¡.f, ~ -600 W c:¡.f, ~ ~ §+ c:¡.f, ~ -6W §+ c:¡.f, Bé ~ §+ R Bé -fu3G §+ R Bé ~ §+ R W ~ §+ R W ~ £ R B& --é49 £ 18 B& ORD #95-235, PAGE 31 ~ ~ 1& B8 --M{) ~ 1& +39 ~ ~ 1& +39 ...ß6G ~ 1& +39 -6M ~ ::¡í) -I4G -6+G ~ ::¡í) -I4G ~ £ ::¡í) -I4G -68e £ ::¡í) -I4G ~ £ ::¡í) .J-4+ -69G £ ::¡í) .J-4+ -6% £ ::¡í) !e -100 £ 8G !e -fG3 £ 89 !e --RO £ 8G +43 ~ 34 8G +43 -1W 34 8+ +43 ~ 34 8+ +44 ORD #95-235, PAGE 32 -'BG ~ &+ +44- ~ ~ &+ +44- -'t4G ~ &+ !# --f# ~ ~ !# ~ ~ ~ !# ~ ~ ~ .J.46 --%G ~ ~ .J.46 ~ ~ ~ .J.46 --+1B ~ ~ .J.4.1 ~ ~ &; .J.4.1 --189 ~ &; .J.4.1 ~ ~ &; -l-48 ~ ~ &; -l-48 -'l% 56 &; -l-48 --800 56 84 M9 ~ 56 84 M9 -&+B 56 84 M9 ORD #95-235, PAGE 33 -&l5 56 84 M9 -&W 56 84 -l-3B ~ 56 84 -l-3B --83e 56 ~ -l-3B -83:S 56 ~ ill -84{J 5jf ~ ill -&# 5jf ~ ill --8W 5jf ~ ~ -&§ 5jf ~ ~ -86G 5jf &i ~ --&M 5jf &i ~ --&+e 5jf 8é ill ~ 5jf 8é ill -88{ 5jf 8é ill ~ §& 8é -l-34 -mg §& &1 -l-34 -&% §& &1 -l-34 ORD #95-235, PAGE 34 -900 58 8+ H4 ~ 58 8+ ~ -9lG 58 8+ ~ -9t5 58 8+ ~ -9W 58 &8 H6 ~ 58 &8 H6 -9W ~ &8 H6 ~ ~ &8 H6 -949 ~ &8 Hf -94,S ~ &8 Hf -9:5G ~ &8 Hf ~ ~ 89 H& -96G ~ 89 H& -%S ~ 89 H& ~ ~ 89 H& ~ ~ 89 H9 -98() 6G 89 H9 ORD #95-235, PAGE 35 -985 6G 9G +59 -99G 6G 9G +59 -995 6G 9G !6G lOOG 6G 9G !6G ~ 6G 9G !6G ww 6G 9G -l6!- -lGtS 6G 9G -l6!- ~ 6G 9+ -l6!- ~ 6G 9+ -l6!- M3G 6l- 9+ ~ .JÆ:S 6l- 9+ ~ W4G 6l- 9+ ~ ~ 6l- 9+ ~ ~ 6l- 9+ M3 ~ 6l- ~ M3 W6G 6l- ~ M3 ~ 6l- ~ M3 ORD 1195-235, PAGE 36 -lGfG 6} ~ M4 -l1m 6} ~ M4 lG8G ~ ~ M4 ~ ~ ~ M4 W9G ~ 93 ~ W% ~ 93 ~ HOO ~ 93 ~ ~ ~ 93 ~ HW ~ 93 M6 -l-!-M ~ 93 M6 H1{) ~ 93 M6 ~ ~ 94 M6 H3G ~ 94 W ~ 6J 94 W H4G 6J 94 W ~ 6J 94 W H5G 6J 94 M8 ORD #95-235, PAGE 37 .J:-l§ é3 94 +68 H6e é3 % +68 H6S é3 % +68 H1G é3 % -l69 ~ é3 % -l69 mG é3 % -l69 ~ é3 % -l69 Hge 64 % m -l-l% 64 96 m HOO 64 96 m ~ 64 96 m ffi.G 64 96 m Ht5 64 96 H+ ~ 64 96 H+ ~ 64 96 H+ ~ 64 96 H+ ~ 64 9f ~ ORD #95-235, PAGE 38 H4e 64 CR m ~ ~ CR m ~ ~ CR m ~ ~ CR ill HéG ~ CR ill ~ ~ CR ill 1m ~ CR ill ~ ~ 9& ill H8G ~ 9& H4 ~ ~ 9& H4 H9G ~ 9& H4 H% ~ 9& H4 BOO ~ 9& ffi ~ é6 9& ffi HW é6 9& ffi HtS é6 99 ffi -ill{! é6 99 m ORD #95-235, PAGE 39 Bð éé 99 H6 H3G éé 99 H6 ~ éé 99 H6 B4G éé 99 m B# éé 99 H'f ~ éé 99 H'f ~ éé lOO H'f Hé9 éé lOO H'f ~ €Çl. lOO H'f ~ €Çl. lOO ~ H+:S €Çl. lOO ~ B8G €Çl. lOO ~ B8; €Çl. lOO ~ H9G €Çl. lOO H9 H% €Çl. Wl H9 -l4OO €Çl. Wl H9 ~ €Çl. Wl H9 ORD #95-235, PAGE 40 -l4W €if WI- H9 .J:4.l.:5 €if WI- +8G -l4W €if WI- +8G -1:42§ 68 WI- +8G !43G 68 WI- +8G ~ 68 lm +8G l44G 68 lm fM +4# 68 lm fM ~ 68 lm fM ~ 68 lm fM !46G 68 lm ~ -l46:S 68 lm ~ -l41G 68 lm ~ ~ 68 .un ~ -l48G 68 m ~ .J..4&5 68 m -l-83 l49G 69 m -l-83 ORD #95-235, PAGE 41 I: I: I: I: Fef li!'leaf fFe!'l!llges pefttel" tIItlR 1500 feet, Hse the falle"illg ferffiHlas fer the apl'ft!J3riate eltlegery te detel"ffiÎfle tile a:lle" aåle sigllage: Sigll Category C 6 ~./ Lilleaf Prell!llge Sigll Category D 9 ~/ LiHeaI' FroH!IIge SigH Category E - 16 ~/ Lillear PrOfltage *SIfHare Feet of SigHage PefffiitteEI See. 22 1(i18. Pedestal signs. The f{)llowiHg draYo'ÍHgs illHsffilte the standards for peàeslftl sigHs: PEDEST,^.L SIGNS INSERT DIAGR..^.MS PROM MSP 5310 HERE Miller èeviatieHs freffi the diffieflsioflal StaHdM-ElS fer pedestal sigfls, eKeept for ffilHt:iffiHffi sigH height, ffillj' be IIfJl'fðveEI b) the pllifilliHg efHeia:l if he er she etJHelHlles t. ¡at the resHltiHg sign has a dear Mil SHbSlftntia:l yisHa:llifllœge to the groHfld. See. 22 1619. Moa_eat sigHS. The felle',Ying IIrtt'¡Ii!'lgs illHstrate the 3taHèlifds f-or ffioHHffieflt sigHs: MONUMaIT SIGNS PU Diagraffi ORD #95-235, PAGE 42 DESIGN CRITERIl. SIGN BASE: The base af ~he sigH ffitlst be aaHe iH laHèseape eoHstruetiaH ffiateria.l.s StIeR as briek, sæeco, steHe,...ark, teJÜtlr-etl ¡¡oed, tile ar te¡¡ærOO eOHerete ar ffiateria.l.S that are harffi611i61l3 'I\'it.fi the ehllf!lt)ter ef the Pflffiffi)' struet.¡¡res aH t.fie sll&jeet pFefJerty !!Ha subject to pllII1Hing affi.eial aJ'lIlFe. a.I., Ne yisible gap sha.l.1 be a.l.1a1\'OO beti,'eeH tfte SigH base IIml tfte fini3hOO greåe. SIGN P!.CE: The 6alor, shape, ffiateria.l., letteriHg, iIfIè ather lIfehiteettlflll aelftils af tfte sigH fllee ffillst be hlH'ffieniolis witft tfte ehllf!lt)ter of the ]3rima.ry struetllres, MINOR DEVIl. TIONS Miaer ae'¡jatioas freffi the èiffieHsioaa.l. stanèarès fer ffiOAl:lffiÐat sigHs, ÐKee¡:Jt fer mæHffil:l1R sigH height, ffill)' be approvOO by the fJllIfIHillg offieia.l. if he or she eoHe11ièe3 that the restlltiag sigH aaes Hot sigHifi6lllltl) ehllHge the re1ati,c fJrOportioH of the sigH base ~a the sigH fRee. . If the height of t.fie SigR base is greater thlll1 three feet theR the "ièth of the base may be as RaffßI'! a3 90 ¡Jereeat of the "iàth af the sigH face. msr:<RT DIf.CR.\M FROM BOTTOM OF MSP 5312 HERE ARTICLE XVITI SIGNS Section 22-1596. PurDose. It is the DUI:pose of this article to balance DubHe and private needs, Within this broad puJ1>Ose are the following: objectives: ill Recognize the visual communication needs of all sectors of the community for identification and advertising puJ1>Oses: ill Promote a positive visual image of the City and Drotect pro.,perty values by 1) encourae:ine: signs that are ap,propriate and consistent with surrounding buildine:s and landscape in both scale and design appropriate to the size of the subject DfOperty and the amount of street frontae:e adjacent to the subject property. and aDpropriate in relationship to the size of the building. and 2) discouraging excessive numbers of signs: ill Protect the DubHc health. safety. and welfare by regulating the Dlacement. removal. installation. maintenance. size and location of signs: ORD #95-235, PAGE 43 @ ill... @ ø ill m SU!?port and enhance the economic well-being: of all businesses within the City. and in varticular recoe:nize the needs of all businesses to identify their vremises and advertise their products: Assure equal protection and fair treatment under the law through consistent ap.,plication of the reg:ulations and consistent enforcement. Consistency with the comDrehensive plan' Recognize that the aesthetic value of the total environment does affect economic values of the community. and that the unrestricted proliferation of sie:ns can and does detract from the economic value of the community: Provide controls on sig:n proliferation to preserve community scenic. economic. and aesthetic values: and Provide for the elimination of billboard sig:ns after a reasonable amortization period recog:nizing that billboards affect the aesthetic value of the community thereby reducing Dfoperty values and imDacting traffic safety because of the distraction that is created by large signage along Dublic rights of way. Section 22-1597. Definitions. The followine: words terms and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section. except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: L. b J.... ~ s... Abandoned Sie:n means any sign remaining in place after a sie:n has not been maintained for a period of ninety (90) or more consecutive days or if the activity conducted on the subiect DfOperty ceases for one hundred and eie:hty (180) consecutive days. Administrator means the Director of Community Development or his/her designated representative. Animated or Movine: Sie:n means any sie:n that uses movement. by either natural or mechanical means. or change of lie:htine:. either natural or artificial. to depict action to create a special effect or scene. A wnine: or Canopy SÌlm means a nonelectric sig:n on the vertical surface or flaD that is printed on painted on. or attached to an awnine: or canopy. (See also "MarQ..uee Sie:n. ") Balloon means a decorative inflatable device. generally composed of a thin layer of latex or mylar. into which a gas (typically helium) is inserted in order to cause it to rise or float in the atmosphere. (See also Inflatable Advertisinl!: Device) ORD #95-235, PAGE 44 • � 6. Banner means a si�n made of fabric or any nonri�id material with no enclosin� framework. 7. Billboard means permanent outdaor advertising off-site si�ns containin� a messa�e. commercial or otherwise, unrelated to anv use or activity on the subject property on which the sig;n is located, but not includin� civic event si�ns• �:overnment si�ns, or instructional signs. �� lk� �� — — �. - �� — ----- � -- �� � -- i _. `� — — �1 i� . 3-Uimensio�al View Side View Fiqure 1 Awning or Canopy S 8. Building Mounted Signs means any sign attached to the face of a building includin� without limitatian wall si�ns mar�,uee signs under cano�y s�ns and pro�ecting signs 9. Cano�v Sign. See Awning or Canopy Sign. 10. Center ldentification S�n means a building, mounted or freestandin�sign that identifies the name and/or lo�o of a develo�ment containin� more than one office. retail, institution or industrial use or tenant and which may senarately identify the tenants 11. Chan�eable Co�,y Si�n means a sign whose informational content can be chan�ed or altered (without chan� og r alterin t� he sign frame, si�n supports or electrical partsl by manual or electric, electro-mechanical or electronic m�ans. A si�n on which the messa�chan�es more than eight (8� times a day shall be considered an electronic �han�eable message sign and not a changeable co�y si�for purposes of this chapter. A si on which the chan is an electronic or mechanical indication of time and/or r�perature shall be considered a"time and temnerature" si�n and not a changeable copy . S � 12• ritv means the City of Federal Way, a Washin�ton municipal cor,�oration unless the context clear� indicates otherwise. ORD �{95-235, PAGE 45 � � 13. Clearview Zone means the definition set forth in Section 22-1151 et sea. of this code for intersection, si�ht distance rec�uirements. 14. Community 5ervice Event or Civic Event means an event (such as a food fest. concert. fun run and/or meeting) sponsored by a�rivate or public or�anization, includine a school, church or civic fraternal or�anization not �rimarily for the purpose of selling or vromoting merchandise or services. 15. Construction Sign means a temporary s�n identifyin� an architect contractor subcontractor, and/or material su�plier �articipatin� in construction on the prope on which the sign is located. 16. ���the �raphic content of a sig�n surface in either permanent or removable letter„picto�raphic svmbolic or al�habetic form. 17. Directional Sign, On-site means a si n�g.iving directions. instructions. or facilitv information and which may contain the name or lo�o of an establishment but no advertising co�y (e �parking, exit or entrance si�ns)• 1g• Electrical Si�n means a sign or s�n structure in which electrical wiring� connections. or fixtures are used. 19. Electronic Chan$eable Messa�e Si�n means an electronically activated si�n whose message content, either whole or in part mav be chan�ed by means of electronic vro�ramming. 20. Exposed Building Face means the building exterior wall of a sin lg e occupant building or the building exterior wall of an individual tenant's leased space in a multi-tenant complex includin� the vertical distance between eaves and ridge of a pitched roof above it used for sign area calculation for building�mounted si�n, s. 21. Facade means the entire buildin�front including the parapet. 22. Festoons means a strin� of ribbons, tinsel, small fla�s, or pinwheels. 23. Flag means any niece of cloth of individual size color and desi used as a symbol, si�nal, emblem or for decoration. 24. Flashing Sign means a sign when any �nortion of it chan�e, s light intensity. switches on and off in a constant pattern, or contains moving�arts or the optical illusion of motion caused b� use of electrical ener_gy or illumination. ORD #95-235, PAGE 46 � � , _. ------ Figure 2 Freestanding Sign � Freestanding Sign means a si�n sunnorted permanently upon the �round by poles. pvlons braces, or a solid base and not attached to any building. Freestanding signs include those signs otherwise known as "�edestal si n�s," "�ole si�ns ', '"�, ly on signs," and "monument si�ns• 26. Frontage means the length of the �ropert� line along ��,nublic right-of-way on which it borders. 27. F�ontage. Building mean$ the length of an outside buildin� wall on a�ublic right-of- wav• 28. F�el Price Sign means a sign displaying the�rice of fuel for motorized vehicles. 29. Graffiti means the inscri�tion of symbols words, or pictures b�painting, spray painting or other means of defacin�public or private property. 30. Government S�n means any tem�orary or�ermanent si�n erected and maintained by any citx, Aublic utilit�, countv state,� or federal government for desi�nation of or direction to any school, hospital historical site, property, or facility, includin� without limitation traffic si�ns, directional signs, warning signs, informational si�ns, and signs displayin�a public service message. ORD #95-235, PAGE 47 � � 31. Height (oF a 5ign) means the vertical distance measured from the hi�h�point of the si �n to the grade of the ad�.acent street or the surface grade beneath the sign, whichever is le s. 32. Identification Sign - A si�n whose co�y is limited to the name and address of a building, institution or person and/or to the activity or occupation bein� identified. 33. Identification Sign (Subdivision) - A freestanding or wall sig,n identifyin��a reco�ed subdivision, condominium com�lex, or residential development. 34. Illuminated Sign means a si�,n with an artificiallight source incorporated internally or externally for the purpose of illuminatin tg he sign. 35. Ixicidental Sign means a small sign, emblem, or decal informing t�nublic of go�s. facilities, or services available on the premises (e. g. , a credit cazd sign or a sign indicatin� hours of businessl. 36. Inflatable Advertisin� Device means an advertising device that is inflated by some means and used to attract attention advertise �romote, market, or dis�lav �oods and/or �ervices These devices include large sin 1� e displays or disnlays of smaller balloons connected in some fashion to create a lar eg r display. 37. Instructional si�n means a si which desi n� ates public information including, without limitation public restroom si n�s, vublic telephone signs, exit si�ns and hours of �eration si n�s. 38. Kiosk means a freestanding, si.gn which m� have a round shape or which ma� have two or more faces and which is used to�rovide directions advertisin� or general information. 39. Maintenance means the cleanin� naintin� and minor repair of a si�n in a manner that does not alter the basic copy, desi�n, or structure of the si� 40. Marauee Sign means any sign attached to or supported by a marquee. which is a nermanent roof-like projectin�structure attached to a buildin�. 41. Monument Si.gn means a freestanding si�n havin tg he appearance of a solid base of landsca.�e construction materials such as brick, stucco stonework, textured wood, tile or textured concrete materials harmonious with the materials of the primary structure on the subj ect pro�ertX,, 42. Multi-tenant com�lex means a complex containing two (2� or more uses or businesses. � Multiuse complex means the definition of "multiuse complex" set forth in Section 22-1 of this code so long as each complex contains five (5) or more uses or business. ORD #95-235, PAGE 48 • � 44. Mural means a desi ng or representation that is �ainted or drawn on the exterior surface of a structure and that does not advertise a business, product, service, or activity 45. Nameplate means a nonelectric on-nremise identification sign ig�vin�only the name. address, and/or occupation of an occu�ant or group of occupants of the building. 4�i. Neon (Outline �bing) Si�n means a slgn consisting of �lass tubing, filled with neon as or other similaz gas, which glows when electric current is sent throu�h it• 47• Obsolete Si.gn means a si� that advertises a�roduct that is no longer made. a business that is no lon�er in operation or an activity or event that has already occurred. excent for historical signs. � Off-Site Si.gn means a si ng, relatin� throu�h its messa�e and content. to a business activitX, use, product or service not available on the subject propgrty on which the si�n isl at . 49. Qn-Site Sign means a sig,n which contains only advertisin sg trictly applicable to a lawful use of the subject propertX on which the si�n is located includin� without limita.tion si�ns indicatin� the business transacted,�rincipal services rendered. and �;oods sold or produced on the subiect .�ronerty or name of the business and name of the person occupyin t� he subject �roperty. 50. Person means anX individual, corporation�„ association, firm, partnership, or other le�al entitv • 51. Pedestal means freestanding si ng s sup�orted �ermanently upon the �round by one or �nore solid bases, which base or bases shall be e�ual to at least fiftv nercent (50 %�, of the si�n width (See drawin� set forth in Section 22-1602(DZ, Fi ur�, e 61• 52. Point of Purchase Displav means advertisin� of an item accompanyin it� s displav indicating on� the contents or pur�ose of the item (e.g. an advertisement on a�roduct dispenser tire displax, rec_yclin,g containers, collection containers, gas gumps, phone booth.s etc.). 53• Pole or Pvlon signs means freestanding si ng s sunnorted uermanentl�von the rg ound h;� 1Ps or braces and not attached to any building (See drawin� set forth in Section 22- 1602�,D�, Fi u� re 7). 54• Political S�n means tempora� si�ns advertising a candidate or candidates for �ublic Plective office or a political �artv or si ng s urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot in connection with a local state, or national election or referendum. 55. Portable S�n means any sign designed to be moved easily and not permanently affixed to the �round or to a structure or buildin_g,. Portable si�ns differ from temporary signs in that portable si.gns are made of durable materials such as metal, wood, or plastic ORD #95-235, PAGE 49 • � 5� Private Advertising Sign means a temnorarv sign announcing an event. use or condition of �ersonal concern to the si�n user includin� without limitation "g�,ge sale" or "lost animal" si� ,- ��:== ��. s � � ��?��=_ �" �, i �. r � r-: � ,t_� . - ' . i.S �J ; f; . - - � . J :�t �t . �• .' � w. . �.�..���� 1 I . ; �; i r'u : ( - � � �.-_,; I : I - _ "_- -_ - - - � Figure 3 Projecting Sign 57: Projecting Sign means a si� other than a flat wall si�, which is attached to and Arojects from a buildin� wall or other structure not s�ecifically designed to support the si�n• 58. Public Ri�ht of Wav means land owned dedicated or conveyed to the public, used nrimari� for the movement of vehiclgs wheelchair and nedestrian traffic and land urivatel,y owned used primarily for the movement of vehicles wheelchair and estrian traffic, so long as such priv�tely owned land has been constructed in compliance with all �.�licable laws and standards for a public right of way. 59. Real Estate. Off-Site Si�n means a„�ortable or tempo� si�n announcing t proposed �al� of property other than the pro,pert}�pon which the si.gn is located and providing directions to the subject pro�ert� 60. Real Estate. On-Site Si,gn means a sign placed on the subject property and announcing the sale or rental of the subject property. ORD #95-235, PAGE 50 � • 61. Roof Si�n means any si�n erected above the eaves or on the roof of a buildin� or structure. 62. �gn means any device structure, fixture, or �lacard that uses colors, words, letters numbers svmbols granhic desi ng s lo�os, or trademarks for the purpose of: al uroviding information or directions• or b) identi�in�or advertisin�any place. establishment. nroduct �ood, or service and includes all sup.�orts, braces, guys and anchors associated with such sign. C3. Sign Area means the entire area of a sign on which graphics, letters. fi urg es. symbols. trarlPmarks and/or written co,py is to be nlaced excludin� sign structure, architectural embellishments and framework S�n area is calculated by measurin� the perimeter enclosing�the extreme limits of the module or s�n face containin�the �raphics. letters. fi�ures svmbols trademarks and/or written copv; provided, however, that individual letters numbers or symbols usin� a cano�y, awning or wa11 as the back�round, without added decoration or chang�e in the canonv awnin� or wall. have si�n area calculated bv measuring t�perimeter enclosin,� each letter, number or symbol and totallin t� he square footage of these �erimeters. f° �a� - -1 . � �b�Q��� , VIDEO . �'c' SHOES �"d' DELI �'e'�- I a x ( b+c+d+e ) ( = sign a�ea ± Fiqure 4 Calculat Sign Area ORD �}95-235, PAGE 51 Gh�f-o+c+e+r+y = si area � • 64. � 66 � 68. Sign Face means the area of a si�n on which the graphics, letters. fi urg es, symbols. trademark or written co�y is placed. Snipe Sign means a temporary si�n or �,oster posted on trees, fences, li�ht posts or utility poles, exc�t those posted by a government or public utility. Temporarv S�n means a si�g,n not constructed or intended for lon�-term use. Tenant Directory S�n means a sign for listin��the tenants or occupants and their suite numbers of a building, or center. Time and Temperature Si�n means any si�n that displays the current time and tem�erature without any commercial messa�e. 69. Under Canouv Si�n means any si�n intended eg nerally to attract uedestrian traffic sus nended ben eath a cano�y or marauee which is at a ninet de rg � right an�le to the a' -Pnt ex�os�d building face and which contains no commercial messages other than the name of the business. __--.-- — . ...................:,::.:.- _— - - -- - ���. �� --- � � ; j/� - � il - > 5 - Wall sign 70. Wall Sign means either a sign a�lied with paint or similar substance on the surface of a wall or a sign attached essentially_parallel to and extending not more than twenty-four �,24) inches from the wall of a building with no copy on the sides or ed�es. 71. 72. Warning Signs mean an� si�n which is intended to warn �ersons of �rohibited activities such as "no trespassing," "no huntin� " and "no dumpin .�' Window Signs mean all si ng s located inside and affixed to a window and intended to be viewed from the exterior of the structure. ORD #95-235, PAGE 52 � Section 22-1598. Scope. • This article ap�lies to a11 existing signs and a11 s�ns erected moved relocated enlarg�, structurally changed or altered after Februar�28, 1990, and all such si�ns must comply with the requirements of this chapter. Section 22-1599. Permits. A. Permit Requirements. No si�n �overned by the provisions of this code shall be erected. moved, enlarged, altered or relocated by any nerson without a permit issued b�the C� unless such si,ng is exnressly excluded from this permitting rec�uirement �ursuant to Section 22-1599(Cl. An ��licant sha11 pav the permit fees set forth in the city's fee schedule. No new permit is reauired for signs which have valid existing�ermits and which conform with the rec�uirements of this code on the date of its adoption unless and until the sign is altered or relocated. Signs which, on the date of ado�tion of this code, do not conform with this code's rec�uirements may be eligible for characterization as nonconforming si�ns and for nonconformin�sign �ermits under Section 22-335 of this code. B. Permit Ap�lications A� lip cations for �ermits shall contain the name and address of the owner and user of the sign the name and address of the owner of th�,pro�erGy on which the si n� is to be located, the location of the sign structure, drawin�s .or photographs showin� the desi�n and dimensions of the sign details of the sign's�ro�,osed placement and such other pertinent information as the administrator m� r�q,uire to insure compliance with this code. C. Permit Exceptions. �,1� Maintenance and Operation A siQn permit is not reauired for maintenance of a sign or for overation of a chan�eable co�y sign and/or an electronic chan�eable messa�si�,;n f21 Exempt Signs A sign permit is not required for the following_ si�ns or modifications to signs;�rovided however that such si�ns shall complv with all of the following__rec�uirements• �, Address identification with numbers and letters not more than ten (10) inches in height. �..�b Balloons no �reater than eig,hteen 18) inches in diameter and no more than five (51 balloon�er displa.y with a tether no longer than thirty-six (361 inches. � Barber poles. � Construction signs so lon� as such signs are limited to two (2 signs per proiect and each �gn does not exceed thirty two (32��uare feet per sign face and ten (10) feet in height. Construction signs sha11 not be displaxed prior to issuance of a buildin�permit and shall be remaved prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. ORD #95-235, PAGE 53 � � � Directional si�ns On-site Each si�,n shall not exceed four (4) square feet in sign area if the directional sign is indicatin� one direction and shall not exceed ei�ht (8) sauare feet in sign area if such sign is indicating more than one direction. Center or comvlex names or logos shall not com�rise more than 20 % of the total sign� � Fla s�an� nation �overnment educational institution�or noncommercial org;anization. Decorative fla�s without cor�orate logos or other forms of advertisin� are also excluded from �,ermit rec�uirements All fla�s must be a minimum size of five f5) sauare feet unless it is a national or state flag and the official national or state flag is less than five �S,Lsquare feet in size and not larger than forty (401 square feet in size. � Fuel �rice si ng s Signs shall be located on the property where fuel is sold. sha11 be limited to one (1) monument si�n per street fronta.ge not exceeding five feet (5') in height and sign area shall not exceed twent}r (20�quare feet �er si ng f,_ ace. �h,� Government s�ns The location, number and the content of such signs must be approved � the Cit}�. � Gravestones or other memorial displaxs associated with cemeteries or mausoleums. � Historical site plaques and signs integral to an historic building or site. ,(k� Holiday decorations displayed in con�unction with reco�,nized holidays. �1,� Incidental si�ns attached to a structure or building, �rovidin� that the total of a11 such si�ns per use or business shall not exceed two (21 square feet. �m,� Instructional signs. �n,� Integral desi�n features when such features are an essential part of the azchitecture of a building�including reli ious s mbols� and when such features do not represent a product. service, or re is� tered trademark. �o,� Interior siens located completelX within a building or structure and not intended to be visible from outside the structure, exclusive of window signs. � Nameplates not to exceed two (2Lr�uare feet �er si n� face � Non-blinking� small string lights which are part of decoration to be used in association with landscaped areas and trees. � Point of purchase displays. �s,�, Political si�ns so lon� as the maximum area per sign is limited to six (6) square feet. No �olitical sign shall be dis�lav_, ed later than seven 7) calendar days after a final election. ORD #95-235, PAGE 54 • • �t,� Private advertisin� n� s The sign shall be limited to eight (8Z square feet per sign face and five ,�) feet in height the si�n must be immediatel�removed at the end of an event use or condition the si� must contain the address of the event or adverti'ser, and there sha11 be no more than six (,6� such signs advertising an event. �u,� Rea1 estate si�ns. �1,� Off-site The number of off-site real estate sig�ns shall be limited to six (61 per pronerty�er age��rovided however that there shall be a minimum separation of 2001ineal feet between such signs. The area of such si�ns shall be no r� eater than six 61 sq_.uare feet per sign face. All off site real estate si�ns must be removed each day at the conclusion of the open house or other sales event and are permitted only between sunrise and sunset when the seller or the agent are in attend�nce at the subject property. � On-site The number of on-site real estate signs shall be limited to one (11 per age`per street fronta�e or �.ublic entrance if no street frontage exists. For dwellin� units the area of the si�n shall be no greater than six (6Z square feet per si�n face For other uses and developments, the size shall not exceed thirty-two (32) s quare feet �er si�n face All on-site r eal estate si gns must be removed when the sale closes or in the case of a rental or lease, when the tenant takes nossession. � Temporary business signs for tem�orary businesses defined by Section 9-386 of this code;�rovided, however that each licensed temporary business is only allowed two (2� signs of sixteen (16) sc�uare feet per s�n face If onlv one 1) sign is used that si�n may be twenty-four f24Lquare feet per si ng fa,ce. ,(w� Under cano�y si�ns not exceedin�the width of the cano�y and ei�ht_(8Lquare feet in size and.�rovided that a minimum senaration exists between such si ng s ec�ual to twenty (201 lineal feet or more. � Warnin�.si�ns. � Window, si not exceeding twe nt.y-five percent �25%1 of the window area only to advertise uroducts �oods or ser vices for sale on-site business identification, hours of o�eration, address, and emer�encX information. E. Temporary and Special Signs. No.�ermit for any sign for any civic event. communitv service event, special sale/promotional event grand openin�s mural display or scoreboards sha11 be issued unless such sign complies with the si�gn tvne maximum number maximum sign face area. mu�imum hei�ht location, duration and all other allowances and limitations for those uses described in Table 1"Allowances for Temporar�and Special Signs - Permit Required". F Residential Zone Signs. No permit in an}r residential zone shall be issued for any si�n unless such si n��lies with the sign tvpe, maximum number, maximum si�n area, maximum heiQht, ORD #95-235, PAGE 55 • � location duration and all other allowances and limitations for those uses described in Table 2"Si�n Allowances for Residential Zones - Permit Required" . G Sign Registration No person shall maintain a sign in the City without first having been issued a�roner and current sign re�istration unless the si�n is ex�ressly exempt from such reg�istration rec�uirements All signs exempt from the permittin�guirements set forth in Section 22-1599(C) shall be exem�t from the re�istration recaiuirements The sign re�istration shall be issued in connection with a nerson's business registration �ursuant to Section 9-29 of this code or issued after the City has indevendently obtained the dimensions of the sign and other necessary information. Sign owners or users who on the date of adoption of this code, have current business re�istrations are not reauired to auulv to re,gister their si�ns until the next renewal of their business registration. A si�n re�istration sha11 be valid until such time as the ap�licant alters the si n� in any way, in which case the applicant will be rec�uired to a�plv for a new si�gistration and sign permit No�ermit fees will be charged in connecrion with such si�n re ig s, trations The City will assign a re�,istration number to each sien uuon issuance of the business re isg tration ap�roval of a si�n re�istration ��lication or upon the City independently obtainin� the measurements of a� sign The City shall affix the re�istration sticker containin t� he registration number to the face of the �ermitted si�n U.�on issuance of a re�istration, the City will advise an a�licant if his/her si�n is in com�liance with this code. is a legal nonconforming si�n nursuant to Section 22-335, or an ille�al nonconformin�gn pursuant to this code. H Bond The City m� require a bond under Section 22-146 et seq,. to ensure compliance with any asnect of this article. Section 22-1600. Prohibited Signs. The following signs or displays are �rohibited in a11 zones within the City. Prohibited si ng s are subject to removal by the City at the owner's or user's expense nursuant to Section 22-1604 of this cha,�ter: A. Abandoned or obsolete signs. B. Animated or moving signs. C. Banners excent as ex�ress� allowed pursuant to Table 1 and Section 22-1599(c)(2)(fl of this code. D. Billboards. E. Dilapidated. non-maintained si�ns. F. Flashing signs, exce,�t electronic chang_cable messa e�s'i�ns or� changeable co�y si n�s. G. Graffiti. H. Inflatable advertising devices exc��t as expressly allowed in Section 22-1599(E) I. Mylar balloons. ORD #95-235, PAGE 56 � � J. Obstructing si�ns which obstruct or interfere with free access to or egress from a re�uired exit from a buildinQ or structure. K. Pennants streamers ribbons spinners whirlers, propellers, festoons, blinkin� li�hts, or similar items that attract attention throu�h movement, reflection or illumination unless �presslv allowed �ursuant to Table 1 of this code. L. Portable signs exce�t as expressly allowed in Section 22-1599(CZ2Z M. Real estate signs providin,g, information other than the name of the development and that the subject property is for sale, lease or rent, such as si�ns which only announce the fPatures or amenities of the subiect pro.�ertv (i e features such as indoor pool, jacuzzi tubs, fireplaces, skyli�hts covered parking, free cable laundromat services, communitv centers, etc.l N. Right-of-wa�si�ns includin�n.y si�n in a public right-of-way except government si�ns. Q Roof sign. P. Simulations of traf�c si �ns. A� si �n usine the words "sto "look," or "dan eg r•,_"or any other words svmbols, or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead� or confuse vedestrian or vehicular traffic. Q Snipe signs. R. Vehicle sisns includin an� si�n attached to, or placed on a parked vehicle or trailer �sed princivally for advertising�urooses rather than transportation, but excludin�gns relatin to the sale lea se or rental of the vehicle or trailer and excluding. si�ns which identifv a firm or its �rinci�al product an a vehicle operated durin� the normal course of business. ORD #95-235, PAGE 57 TABLE 1 ALLOWANCES FOR TEMPORARY AND SPECIAL SIGNS - PERMIT REOUIRED SIGN PURPOSE/ APPLICABLE SIGN TYPE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM SIGN MAXIMUM LOCATION REMARKS DESCRIPTION ZONES ALLOWED NUMBER AREA HEIGHT CNIC EVENT OR ALL Banners, temporarv HANDLED ON A HANDLED ON A CAS� HANDLED ON A ON-STTE & OFF- ThiRV (30) davs COMMUNTTY SERVICE portable siens, CAS&BY-CASE BY-CASE BASIS CASE-BY-CASE SPTE vrior to the event. EVENT (TemoorarY) inflatable adveRisinQ BASIS BASIS Remove within five devices, search liehts (5) davs of the close & beacons. of the event. CIVIC EVENT OR ALL FreestandinQ One ver site. The total si¢n area of Monument sians - Non-residential Electronic chanee- COMMUNITY SERVICE monument or freestandin¢ monument six (6) feet. zones - on/off-site. able messa¢e si¢ns EVENT (Permanent) wall siQn siQns shall not exceed sixtv Freestandine siens - Residential zones - allowed. Si¢ns four (64) square feet for the twelve (12) feet. on-site onlv. cannot contain total of all faces and no one Wall siQns shall not commercial face shall exceed thirtv two proiect above the messa¢es. (32) sq. ft. Wall siens shall roofline. not exceed seven ('� percent of the exposed buildinQ face to which it is auached. SPECIAL NON-RFSIDENTIAL Banners onlv. HANDLED ON A HANDLED ON A CASE- HANDLED ON A On-site. Banners Special promotions - SALE/PROMOTIONAL ZONING DISTRICTS CASE-BY-CASE BY-CASE BASIS CAS�BY-CASE must be auached to thiRV C30) davs total EVENT (e.Q. anniversary BASIS BASIS an exposed buildinQ per calendar vear. sale. etc. face. Dces not include window sietts. GRAND OPENINGS NON-RFSIDENTIAL Banners. temnorarv HANDLED ON A HANDLED ON A CASE- HANDLED ON A On-site. Banners Grand oveninES - ZONING DISTRICTS portable siens, CAS�BY-CASE BY-CASE BASIS CAS�BY-CASE must be attached to thiRV (30) davs. inflatable advertisinE BASIS BASIS an exposed buildin� � devices, search liehts face. & beacons. MURAL DISPLAY NON-RESIDENTIAL Painted Mural HANDLED ON A HANDLED ON A CASE- HANDLED ON A HANDLED ON A ZONING DISTRICTS CAS�BY-CASE BY-CASE BASIS CASE-BY-CASE CAS�BY-CASE BASIS BASIS BASIS SCOREBOARDS ALL Electronic ChanQeable HANDLED ON A HANDLED ON A CASE- Ht1NDLED ON A HANDLED ON A (Aihletic Fields) Messa¢e Sien CAS�BY-CASE BY-CASE BASIS CASE-BY-CASE CAS�BY-CASE BASIS BASIS BASIS ORD �#95-235, PAGE 58 TABLE 2 SIGN ALLOWANCES FOR RESIDENTIAL ZONES - PERMIT REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL ZONES = SUBURBAN ESTATES (S�, SINGLE FAMILY (RS). MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R1vD LAND USE APPLICABLE SIGN TYPE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM SIGN AREA MAXIMUM LOCATION REMARKS ZONE ALLOWED NUMBER HEIGHT AGRICULTURAL SE Canonv Sicn One sien for each The total si¢n area of Wall and canopv Subiect pmoeRV: Internallv illuminate siens •Croo raisine or Monument SiQn street fmntaee monument siens shall not siens: cannot oroiect setback five (5) foot are not allowed. keepin¢/raisinf� of Wall Siftn providine direct exceed thirtv two (32) sauare above the roofline. minimum. Commercial messaees siQns, foraeine or ¢razin¢ vehicle access. feet for the total of all faces Monument sians: six are al(owed. Citv mav animals. fowl or and no one face shall exceed 6 feet. imvose additional rabbits. sixteen (16) s4. ft. Wall limitations on siens to be •Stabies: public or siens and canoov si¢ns shall comoatible with nearbv n p • vate• not exceed seven ('7) vercent residential areas. of the exnosed buildin¢ face to which it is auached. INSTITUTIONAL SE,RS.RM Canovv Si�n One sien for each The totat siQn area of Wall and canopv Subiect pronertv: Internallv illuminated siens •Gov't Facilitv Monument Si¢n oublic entrance monument si¢ns shall not si¢ns: cannot proiect setback five (5) foot are not allowed; provided, •Pub(ic Park Pedestal Sien providine direct exceed sixtv four (64) square above the roofline. minimum. however, that electronic •Pubiic Utilitv Wall Si�n vehic(e access. feet for the total of all faces Monument siens: six chaneeable messaee aiQns •Schooi and no one face shall exceed (6) feet. Pedestal and chaneeable copv siQns thirtv two (32) sq. ft. Wall siQn: twelve (12) are allowed. Citv mav siQns and canopv si�ns shall feet. imuose additional not exceed seven ('%) oercent limitations on siQns to be of the e�cposed buildinQ face compatible with nearbv to which it is atiached. residential areas. RECREATION SE,RS,RM Canoav SiAn One sian for each The total si¢n area of Wall and canopv Subiect propertv: Internallv illuminated siens •Golf Course Monument Sien street frontaae monumen[ siQns shall not siQns: cannot proiect setback five (5) foot are not allowed; provided. •Recreation Area or Pedestal SiQn providinQ direct exceed si�ctv four (64) square above the roofline. minimum. however. that electronic Clubhouse Wall Sirn vehicle access. feet for the total of all faces Monument siQns: six chanQeable messa¢e siens •SpoRs field - private, and no one face shall exceed (6) feet. Pedestal and chan�eable coov si¢ns non-commercia! thirtv two (321 sq. ft. Wall sien: twelve (12) are allowed. Citv maY � si¢ns and canopv siens shall feet. imnose additional not exceed seven ('7) uercent limitationa on siQns to be of the exuosed buildin� face compatible with nearbv to which it is attached. residential areas. RFSIDENTIAL SE,RS,RM Monument SiEn One ver dwelline unit. Two (2) sauate feet. Wall and canopv Subiect oropeRV: Commercial measa¢es not •Dwellin¢ Units Wall Si¢n ' si¢ns: cannot proiect setback five (51 foot allowed. Internallv above the roofline. minimum. illuminated or electrical Monument siens: si¢ns not allowed. five (5) feet. •Subdivision SE,RS.RM Monument Sien Two (2) oer maior Thictv two (32) sauare feet Wall and canoov Subiect orooertv: Commercial messaces not Identification Wall SiQn entrance. ner entrance. siens: cannot oroiect setback five (5) foot allowed. Internallv above the roofline. minimum. illuminated or electrical Monument si¢ns: siens not allowed. five (5) feet. ORD #95-235, PAGE 59 LAND USE APPLICABLE SIGN TYPE MAXIMUM MAXIMUM SIGN AREA MAXIMUM LOCATION REMARKS ZONE ALLOWED NUMBER HEIGHT •Manufactured Home RS.RM Monument Si¢n Two (2) uer maior Thittv two (32) sauare feet Wall and canoov Subiect oroaertv: Commercial messaees not Park Identification Wall Sien entrance. per entrance. siens: cannot uroiect setback five (5) foot allowed. Internallv above the roofline. minimum. illuminated or electrical Monument si¢ns: siens not allowed. five (5) feet. •Multifamilv Complex RM Monument Si¢n Two (2) aer maior ThiRV two (32) sauare feet Wall and canopv Subiect propertv: Commercial messaees not Identification Wall Sien entrance. pec entrance. siens: cannot proiect setback five (5) foot al(owed. Intemallv above the roofline. minimum. illumina[ed or electrical Monument siens: siens not allowed. five (5) feet. UNIQUE SE.RS Handled on a case-by- Hand(ed on a case-bv- Aandled on a case-bv-case Handled on a case- Handled on a case- •Cemeterv case basis. case basis. basis. bv-case basis. bv-case basis. •Church. SynaQOQUe, SE.RS,RM Canopv SiQn One (1) siAn for each The total siQn area of Wall and canopv Subiect propeRV: Electronic chan¢eable or other nlace of Monument SiQn street frontaee monument siens shall not si¢ns: cannot proiect setback five t5) foot messa¢e si¢ns and worship. Wall Sien nrovidine direct exceed sixtv four (64) square above ihe roofline. minimum. chan¢eable copv si¢ns are vehicle access. feet for the total of al! faces Monument siens: allowed. Citv mav impose and no orn face shall exceed five (5) feet. additional limitations on thiRV two (32) sq. ft. Wall siens [o be comnatible with siens and canopv siens shall nearbv residential areas. not exceed seven (� percent of the exaosed buildin¢ face to which it is attached. ORD #95-235, PAGE 60 C� Section 22-1601. Si�ns in Non-residential Zoning Districts • A. F�eestanding Signs. All ,�ermit a�lications for freestanding si�ns shall be desi n�ted as qualifying for a hi�h profile medium profile or low �rofile si�n based upon criteria regarding both the size and zoning designation of the development The si�n nrofile des�nation sha11 control the si�n ty�es, si�n height, si�n area and number of signs allowed. ,� Hi�h Pro�le Sign. � Criteria A sub�ect �roperty meeting a11 of the following criteria is permitted a hi�h profile freestandin�sign: � A minimum of two hundred and fifty (250� feet of fronta�e on one public ri�ht of way: ii A zonin designation of either Citv Center (CC) or Community Business �BCI; iii A multiuse comAlex�and iv A minimum site of fifteen 1151 acres in size. �b Sign Tvues The following. si�n types are allowed for a high profile sign: � Pylon or �ole signs,; Arovided,..., however, that an�pylon or pole sign must have more than one (1) nole or structural support; ii Pedestal signs� iii Monument signsi iv Tenant director�si�ns: and ,�.v,�, Kiosks Sign content for an�pvlon or �„ole sign .or for an�pedestal or monument si� lieu of a pylon or �ole sign may include electronic changeable messages, center identification si�ns and/or chan�eable c�v si n� s. Any hi�h profile si�n may be an electrical sign, an illuminated si�, and/or a neon si� � Sign Hei,ght. A hi h�profile si�n shall not exceed the followin�; ma3cimum hei�hts: � �lori or�ole si�n - twenty five feet (25'). ii Pedestal or monument si�ns - twelve feet (12'1 if in lieu of a pylon or pole si�n Utherwise Aedestal and monument si�ns shall not exceed five feet � iii Tenant directory or kiosk signs - six feet (6') unless the si�n is set back a minimum of fiftv feet (50'� from any_public rig,ht of way, in which case it maX be ten feet (10'). ORD #95-235, PAGE 61 U � � Sign Area A high profile si�n shall not exceed the following maximum si�n areas: � Pvlon or pole sien - four hundred (400Z square feet for the total of all �ign faces with no one sign face exceeding two hundred (200Z square feet. ii Pedestal or monument signs - one hundred twenty eight (128Z square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one face exceedin�sixty four 64� square feet. iii Tenant directory or kiosk si�ns - fifteen (15) square feet per si ng face• � Number of S�ns A subject pro�ertx aualifying for a high profile sign may have the followin�maximum number of si�ns: � �lon or pole sign - one �,) sign unless the subject propertv has an additional five hundred feet (500') of street frontage for a total of seven hundred and fifty feet 1750') of aggre�ate fronta eg on any public righ, ts- of-way in which case the subj.�ct �roperty will be allowed one ll) additional hi�h �rofile s,�n,. not to exceed a maximum of two (2 such si�ns per subject �roperty; ii Pedestal or monument signs - If the pedestal or monument sign is in lieu of a�ylon or pole sign, the number of signs allowed shall be determined pursuant to subsection (,g,)(i) In addition, two (2) monument si�ns which identi� the name of any multiuse com�lex are allowed, per entrance from a nublic right of waX, not to exceed five feet (5' in height: and iii Tenant director,y or kiosk si�ns - one�ll sign per fronta eg on a public right of way. �, Medium Pro�le Si�n. � Criteria �1 subject pro�erty that does not qualify for a high profile si�n pursuant to Section 22-1601(A)(1) and is not a low profile sign by being zoned Office Park (OP) or Professional Office (PO) pursuant to Section 22-1601(A)(3) is permitted a medium nrofile freestandin�si� � Sign Type The followin,g si n�ty.pes are allowed for a medium �rofile si� � Pedestal si�ns; and ii Monument si�ns. Sign content for any medium profile si�n may include electronic chan�eable messages, center identification signs and/or chan�eable copy si ng s_Any medium profile si�n may be an electrical sign, an illuminated si�n, and/or a neon si�n. � Sign Height. The hei�ht of a medium profile si�n shall be calculated at the rate of 75 feet in si�n hei�ht for everx ten �lOZ,lineal feet of fronta eg on a public ri h� t of ORD #95-235, PAGE 62 � � wax; nro vided, however that si�n height shall be calculated at the rate of one and one- half (1-1/2�feet in sign height for ever�ten (10) lineal feet of frontage on a nublic ri�ht of wa for an,}! mu lti-tenant com,plex and�rovided, further. that such sign shall not exceed a maximum height of twelve feet (12'1 and every avulicant is entitled to a minimum heig,.ht of five fg,et rS'). � ��¢n Area For an,..y multi-tenant com�lex s�n area allowed for a medium nrofile si�n shall be calculated at the rate of two�21 square feet per lineal foot of frontage on a public ri�ht of wav not to exceed a maximum si�,n azea of one hundred twenty-eight (128) square feet for the total of all si�n faces on each permitted si�n with no one sign face exceeding s�y-four 64) square feet. For other uses. si�n area allowed for a medium nrofile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one (1) square foot ner lineal foot of fronta�e on a public right of way not to exceed a ma3cimum si�n area of eigh� (80� sauare feet for the total of a11 si gn faces on each permitted si�n with no one si�n face exceedin,� fortX (401 square feet Notwithstanding the foreQOin� siQn area calculations, ever���licant is entitled to a minimum si�n area of fifty (50) sauare feet for the total of all si�n faces with no one sign face exceedin t�� wenty-five 1251 sauare � � Number of Si�ns A subject pro�erty c�ualifying for a medium profile sign may have one (l�pedestal or monument sign. � Low Pro�le Sign. � ['riteria A subject r� onerty located in the Office Park (OP) or Professional 4ffice (PO) is ggrmitted a low profile freestanding sign b� Si�n Type The following si�n ty.�es are allowed for a low profile si�n: �i�, Pedestal signs; ii Monument signs; and iii Tenant directorY sig�r s. Sign content for anv nedestal or monument sign may include center identification signs and/or changeable canv signs Anv low �,rofile sign may be an electrical si n, an illuminated si�n, and/or a neon sign. � Sign Hei�ht A low profile si�n shall not exceed the followin� maximum heigh, ts: � Pedestal or monument signs - five feet (5'l. ii Tenant directo� si.�,ns - six feet (6') unless the si�n is set back a minimum af fiftX feet 50'Zfrom an�public rieht of way. in which case it mav be ten feet (10'). ORD #95-235, PAGE 63 . � Sign Area. � (i) Pedestal or Monument signs - sign area allowed for a low profile si�n sha11 be calculated at the rate of one (11 square foot per lineal foot of fronta.ge on a public right of way nrovided however that a low profile sign shall not exceed a m�imum sign area of ei�ht�(80� square feet for the total of all sign faces on each �ermitted si�n with no one sign face exceedin�forty�40) square feet. and every a�licant is entitled to a minimum si�n area of fifty (50� square feet for the total of all si�n faces with no one sign face exceedin� t� wenty-five 25) square feet• ii Tenant directorv si ng s-_fifteen (15) squaze feet per si�n face. � Number of Signs A sub�ect nro�ertv qualifying, for a low �rofile si�n may have the followin.g maximum number of si�ns: � Pedestal or monument si ns - one 11 sign �er fronta e� on a�ublic right Qf way; and ii Tenant directorv signs - one �11 sign per fronta e� on a public ri h��t of wav• � Combined Sign Package for Adjacent Propertv Owners. The owners of two (2l or more pro�ertie� that abut or are �eparated only by a vehicular access easement or tract may nropose a combined si�n package to xhe City. The City will review and decide u�on the pro�osal using ,process I The Ci� may approve the combined si�n packa�e if it will provide more coordinated effective and efficient si�ns. The allowable si�n area, sign . e si�eight �nd number of signs will be determined as if the annlicants were one multi-tenant complex. B. Building..Mounted Signs. � Sign TXpes The following may be buildin�mounted si�ns and are allowed in all non- residential zoning districts: � Awning or canopy si�ns. � Center identification si�ns � Chan�eable copy signs �, Civic event signs � Directional si�ns, on-site �f Electronic chan�eable messa�e signs � Instructional si� �h,� Marquee signs ORD #95-235, PAGE 64 � � � Projectin� si�ns � Tenant directory signs � Time and temperature signs � Under cano�y signsi and � Wall mounted si�ns Any buildin� mounted sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated si�n, and/or a neon si�n• � i n He�ht No sign shall proiect above the roofline of the exnosed buildin� face to which it is attached. � �gn Area. The total si�n �rea of building mounted signs for each business or tenant, excludin� under cano�v signs, shall not exceed seven percent (7%) of the exposed building face to which it is attached;.,�rovided however, that no individual si n�shall exceed a si�n area of two hundred forty (240� square feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of thirty (30� square feet. � Number of Signs The number of building mounted signs permitted each user is dependent upon the surface area of the largest sin 1� e exposed building face of his or her buildin�, as follows: Lar eg� st Exposed Building Maximum Number of Face of Si�ns Less than 999 sq. ft. 2 1.000 - 2,999 sq. ft. 3 3.000 - 3,999 sq. ft. 4 4 000 and over sq. ft. 5 Buildings with more than 4,000 s�uare feet on an�exposed buildin� face with several clearly differentiated departments, each with separate exterior entrances, are permitted one (1 sign for each different denartment with a separate exterior entrance. in addition to the five,�5� �ermitted. An a�plicant is not permitted to transfer sign area calculated pursuant to subsection (31 from one buildin�,f�ce to another but is allowed to move allotted si�ns from one building face to another. Each business or use sha11 be permitted under cano�y sig;ns in addition to the other Aermitted buildin� mounted si�ns subject to the size and se�aration repuirements set forth in Section 22-1599(Cl(2��,x) of this code. ORD #95-235, PAGE 65 • • C. �gn Area Multipliers The si�n area and si�n number allowed, as set forth in Section 22-1601(Al(11(d) for hi�h profile signs,,.s211d) for medium�rofile signs, and (3)(d for low �rofile si� and Section 22 1601(B�(31 for building mounted signs may be increasetl in the following instances; nrovided, however that in no event shall the s�n exceed the maximum si��n area allowed• � � � If no signs on the subj.ect �roperty have internally li h� t� ed sign faces. then the rc,ra �ign area allowed may be increased b t� wenty-five rcent 25 %� If all signs, other than center identification signs, aze building; mounted signs. the total si n�azea allowed ma�be increased by twenty-five �ercent 25 %� A time and temperature si�n may be included with any si�,n and such time and tem�erature si�n shall not be included for,�ur�oses of calculadn�maximum sign azea or maximum number of signs. Section 22-1602. Construction Standards. A. Structural Components. To the ma�cimum extent possible, signs should be constructed and installed so that an�le irons �uvwires braces and other structural elements are not visible. This limitation does not a�lv to structural elements that are an integral part of the overall design such as decorative metal or woods. B. �gn Setback Requirements The rec�uired setback from the �ro�erty lines for a11 signs shall be not less than five feet (5'Lfrom the subject �ronerty line in residential zones and not less than three (3) feet from the subiect vropert}� line in all other zones. C. Dimensional and Design Standards. � Pe,d„�stal, Pole or Fvlon Signs The following,drawing� illustrate the dimensional standards for �edestal, �ole or pxlon signs: f�-- D -� I A>=50%OFB A>=50%OFD R = HFTCTHT nF Si(�N s�� 8,� `. . . �� .�.,�; �. ,.,..:� .�,:.,. .� r• AVERAG£ GRfl(J!� �v�raorr r� s�rt aASE • B = HEIGHT OF SIGN �Maximum Hei�ht - Sec. 22-16011 C > = 20 % OF B E > = 4 INCHES � �C . 3lCN FAC� B E I (� �v��c� caouNo =_ ELNATiaN FOR ~ -'-�-- �, _ 3tGN BASE cROVKO — a.�v�noN � Figure 7- Type B Pole or Pylon Sign. Monument Signs. The following.fi�ures illustrate the dimensional standazds for monument si n�s�. ORD #95-235, PAGE 67 � • � .':;, � SIl3N eA3E""=:•; �,k=; L AYERAQE FtNISN GRAOE ..�. ; _ O FOR S1aH BASE L Hm�: urvosc�HC �s aECxuaea �a sscnav 22-1602 (E) _ __ — _ ---------- — Figure 8 — Monument Sign A: MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF SIGN PER SEC. 22-1601 B: MAXIMUM = 200 % OF A C: MII�TIMUM = 20% OF A D: EQUAL TO 100% OF B � Design Criteria. � Si�n Base• The base of the sign must be done in landscape construction materials such as brick stucco, stonework, textured wood, tile or textured concrete or materials that are harmonious with the character of the p rimarv structures on the sub ject �roperty and sub�ect to the administrator's a�proval No visible gan sha11 be allowed between the sign base and the �nished rg, ade• ii Si�n Face• The color sha�e material letterin� and other azchitectural details of the sign face must be harmonious with the character of the nrimary structure. � Minor Deviations Minor deviations from the dimensional standards for si�ns, excgpt for maximum si�e�ht, mav be a�roved b..y the administrator if he or �he concludes that the resulting si�n does not significantly chan�e the relative vroportion of the sign base to the sign face. ORD #95-235, PAGE 68 � � D. Location. No sign shall be located so as to physically obstruct any door or exit from a buildin No si shall be located so as to be hazardous to a motorist's or pedestrian's in re� ss or � ress from buildings or �arking areas No sign shall be located within the clearview zone. E Landsca .�'ing around freest�ndin� signs. To improve the overall avvearance of the sign and to reduce the risk of motor vehicles hittin tg he si n�g�, or supports of the si�n, an area adjacent to the base of each freestandin��n must be landscaped e�ual to the sign area;�rovided, however that the city will not rec�„uire more than two hundred (200�sauare feet of landscaped azea. This landscaping must include vegetation and may include other materials and com�onents such as brick or concrete bases as evidenced in plazas,_.patios and ather pedestrian areas,�lanter boxes pole covers or decorative framing. F. Illumination limitations on electrical signs (does not apply to neon signage). No si� may contain or utilize anX of the followin�: � Any exposed incandescent lam� with a wattage in excess of twenty five (25) watts• � Any exnosed incandescent lamn with an internal or external reflector. � Any continuous or sequential flashing device or operation. � Except for electronic chan..geable message si n� s' any incandescent lamp inside an internally li htg ed signs. � External li�ht sources directed towards or shinin� on vehiculaz or pedestrian traffic or on a street. �6,� Internally li�hted sig,ns usin�ght hundred (800)-milliamp or larger ballasts if the lamps are s�aced closer than twelve,�.12) inches on center. �7�, Internally li�hted si�ns using four hundred and twenty five 425 -milliamp or lar eg r if the lamps are spaced closer than six (6) inches on center. G. Setback and Distance Measurements. The following guidelines shall be used to determine compliance with setback and distance measurements: �1,� The distance between two (2) si�ns shall be measured along a strai�ht horizontal line that renresents the shortest distance between the two (2 si�ns. � The distance between a sisn and a propert� line shall be measured alon� s raight line representin� the shortest distance between the sign and the property line• ORD #95-235, PAGE 69 � Section 22-1603. Variance from Sign Code. u A. Scope. This section establishes the procedure and criteria the city will use in makin� a decision unon an a�lication for a variance from the provisions of the si ng_ code. B. Reguired Review Process The city will review and decide upon applications for a variance to any of the provisions of this article usin�Process II. Article VII of this code. C. �''riteria. The city ma�grant the variance only if it finds all of the following: �, The literal interpretation and strict �lication of the provisions and repuirements of the si��n re�ulations would cause undue and unnecessarv hardship because of unique or unusual conditions„�ertainin� to the specific building, parcel or subiect nro�erty � A sign packa e� consistent with the �rovisions of this article would not provide the use or the business with effective signs: � The variance is nece�sary because of s�ecial circumstances relating to the size, shape topography, location or surroundings of the subject pronerty to nrovide it with use riehts and ,�rivile.ges nermitted to other pronerties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is located: � The variance is not .granted for the convenience of the applicant or for the convenience of re�ional or national businesses which wish to use a standazd si�n; � The special circumsta.nces of the su�ect�roperty are not the result of the actions of the a�plicant, the owner of the nroperty or a self-induced hardship; and � The rg,, anting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the �ronerty or im�rovements in the vicinity and in the zone in which the subje�t propertv is located. D. Conditions and Restrictions As �,art of any variance approval of a rec�uest under this section�the city mTpose anv con,� ditions, limitations or restrictions it considers annronriate under the circumstances This may include,_,.but is nat limited to, requirin� that the owner of the subiect nropert� sign a covenant or other written document to be filed with the count�to run with the nrouertv � which at a time certain or u.Ron specific events, the signs on the subject property would be brought into com,�liance with all a,�licable cit.y regulations then in effect. The city may also reauire a performance bond under section 22-1599(Hl to insure compliance with any such condition or restriction. ORD #95-235, PAGE 70 � Section 22-1604 Com�liance and Enforcement. � A. Compliance with other Applicable Codes All signs erected or altered under this Article must complv w_, ith all applical�le federal state and local regulations relating to si�ns, includin� without limitation the provisions of the Uniform Si�n Code adopted in Section 5-281 and the Uniform Buildin�Code ado.�ted in Section 5-66 by the City If any nrovision of this code is found to be in conflict with an�vrovision of any zonin� buildin�,� fire, safety or health ordinance or code of the city, the �rovision which establishes the hi h�er standard shall prevail. B. Sign Maintenance All si�ns must be kept in good repair and in a safe manner at all times The property owner must repair dama�ed or deteriorated signs within thirty (301 days of notification bv the cit,y The area surrounding freestanding si�ns must be kept free of litter and debris at all times. � Administrative Fee All signs removed by the city shall be available for recovery by the owner of such si ng f� or a period of two (2) weeks after which thgy will be destroyed Recovery of any si�n removed by the City shall be sub,. j,ect to pavment of an administrative fee to partially cover the City's cost in removin�and storin� the si�n as follows: � First violation fee -$5.00 per sign ii Subsec�uent violations fee -$7.00 �er sign The city shall not be responsible for dama.,�es or loss during removal or storage of any si�ns. This administrative fee shall be in addition to anv civil penalt�imnosed �ursuant to this chapter. D. Civil Penalty� � Order to Correct Violation. ,�i� Issuance Whenever a code enforcement officer determines that a violation of this sig,.n code has occurred or is occurrin� he/she shall pursue reasonable attempts to secure volun conection, failin� which he/she may issue an order to conect violation to the property owner or to any person causin�, allowin� or participatin� in the violation. ii Content The code enforcement officer shall include the following, in the order to correct violation: � The name and address of the property owner or other nerson to whom the order to correct violation is directed• and � The street address or descri�tion sufficient for identification of the sign for which the violation has occuned or is occurring; and ORD #95-235, PAGE 71 � • � A description of the violation and a reference to that provision of the city's sign code which has been violated; and ,�4,� A statement of the action required to be taken to correct the violation as determined b� the code enforcement officer and a date or time by which correction is to be completed; and �5�, A statement that a monetary penalty in an amount per day for each violation as specified by Section 22-1604(D)(3� shall be assessed against the person to whom the order to correct violation is directed for each and �verX da,y or portion of a da,L on which the violation continues following the date set for conection. iii Servic�of order The code enforcement officer shall serve the order to conect violation n.pon the erson to whom it is directed. either personally or by mailin�copy of the order to correct violation by certified mail, postage �repaid, return receipt requested to such person at his/her last known address or by posting�, a copy of the order to correct violation cons�cuouslv on the affected nroperty or si Proof of service sha11 be made at the time of s�rvice b a written declaration under penaltX of p,�rjury executed bv the nerson effecting the service, declarin,g the time and date of service and the manner bv which service was made. iv Extension U�on written rec�uest received prior to the correction date or time, the code enforcement officer may extend the date set for conection for �ood cause. The code enforcement officer may consider substantial completion of the necessary correction or unforeseeable circumstances which render completion im�ossible by the date established as a �ood cause. (2) Issuance of Civil Citation. � General. Followin�the date or time b�which the conection must be completed as r ec�uired by an order to correct violation, the code enforcement officer shall determine whether such correction has been completed. ii Issuance If the required conection has not been com len ted by the conection date or time as specified in the order to correct violation the code enforcement officer may icc��e a civil citation to each nerson to whom an order to conect violation was directed; nrovided, however that the code,�nforcement officer may issue a civil citation without havin� issued an order to correct violation where an emergency exists or when a re�eated violation occurs The civil citation issued �ursuant hereto represents a determination that a civil infraction has been committed. This determination is final unless contested as vrovided herein. ORD #95-235, PAGE 72 • • iii Content The code enforcement officer shall include all the followin� in the civil citation: �1,� All information rec�uired to be included in the order to conect violation pursuant to 22-1604(D)(1�(ii : and �2,� A statement that the person to whom the civil citation was directed must ��mplete conection of the violation and either vav the monetarv�tX imposed to the citv clerk or a�eal the civil citation as provided in Section 22-1604(D1f41. iv �ervice of Citation The code enforcement officer shall serve the civil citation pursuant to the service requirements for an order to correct violation as set forth in Section 22-1604(Dl(lt(iii). (3) Monetary Penalt� ,(i� Amount The amount of the monetary penalty per day or portion thereof for each civil violation is as follows: ,� First violation, fiftv dollars ($50.00); � Second violation, one hundred dollars ($100.001: �3.� Third violation, two hundred dollars ($200.00); �4,� Additional violations in excess of three, four hundred dollars ($400.002 ii Continued Duty to Correct. Pa,yment of a monetary penalty pursuant to this chapter does not relieve a person of the duty to correct the violation. iii Declaration of Com�liance. When the vi�lation has been conected. the code enforcement officer shall issue a letter which shall so state, and shall also record the date upon which the violation was fully corrected, bevond which no further penalty sha11 accrue. (4) Appeal to Hearings Examiner. � General A person to whom a civil citation is directed may appeal the civil citation, includin.g determination that a violation exists, or may appeal the amount of any monetarX penalt,�,imnosed to the hearin�s examiner. ii How to a,p�eal A person may a�peal the civil citation by filing; a written notice of a�eal with the office of the ci� clerk within seven f7) calendar days from the date of service of the civil citation. ORD #95-235, PAGE 73 • • iii Mone nenal� The monetarv nenalty for a continuing violation does not accrue during the �enden� of the a�eal�however, the hearin�s examiner may imuose a daily monetarXvenaltX from the date of service of the civil citation if he finds that the ap�eal is frivolous or intended solely to delay compliance. iv Hearing;s examiner process A�peals of issuance of a civil citation shall be conducted using Process II, Article VII of this code. � Action of hearings examiner. � The hearings examiner shall determine whether the city has proved by a nre�aonderance of the evidence that a violation has occuned and shall affirm, vacate, sus�end or modify the amount of any monetarv nenaltv im�osed b,�he civil citation with or without written condidons. �, The hearin�s examiner shall consider the following in makin� his/her determination: �a,� Whether the intent of the a�peal was to delay compliance. or �b Whether the anueal is frivolous, or � Whether the a�licant exercised reasonable and timely effort to comply with the si�n code, or � Anv other relevant factors. 5�' Collection of Monetar�Penalt� � The monetary,,,penalty constitutes a.�ersonal obli�ation of the person to whom the civil citation is directed Anv monetary venalty assessed must be �aid to the city clerk within fourteen (14) calendar d�s from the date of service of the civil citation or, if an apneal_ was filed �,ursuant to Section 22-1604�D114), within fourteen (14) calendar days of the hearin�s examiner's decision. ii 'T1�e citv attorney, on behalf of the city, is authorized to collect the monetarv venalty by use of a�ropriate le�a1 remedies the seeking a grantin� of which shall neither stay nor terminate the accrual of additional per diem monetary penalties so long as the violation continues. E. Additional Enforcement Procedures. The provisions of this chapter may be used in addition to other enforcement provisions or remedies authorized by this code or other anplicable law. ORD #95-235, PAGE 74 • • F. Ins,pection The administrator is empowered to enter or inspect any buildine, structure or premises in the citv upon which or in connection with which a sign, is located. for the uuroose of inspection of the sign its structural and electrical connections, and to insure compliance with the vrovisions of this code Such ins�ections sha11 be carried out during business hours. unless an emer�ency exists. G. Abatement by the Citv 1 Authority to remove sign The city or its a�ents may enter unon the subject propertv and cause any s�n which violates the provisions of the si�n code to be removed at the expense of the owner, tenant lessee or occu�ant, either jointly or severallv. 2 Statement of costs A verified statement of the cost or expenses shall be sent by certified or registered mail to the record owner at his last known address and to the lessee. tenant or occuvant The record owner or the lessee shall be liable, jointly or severallv. for the navment of such costs and expenses. '� Civil �enalty The pavment for such costs and e�enses shall be in addition to any civil penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter. 4 Lien In the event the record owner fails to �ay the costs and exnenses. the City mav file a lien against the real �ro�ert,y in the amount of such costs and expenses and record such lien with the Kin� Countv Records Office The validity of any such lien shall not be contested in any action or proceeding unless the same is commenced within thirty�30) days after the lien is filed An ��peal from a final jud �ment in such action or �roceedin�; must be filed within thirtv (301 davs after the entry of such judgment. Section 22-1605. Reserved - Comprehensive design plan. Section Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, sentence, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Rati�cation. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval, and publication, as provided by law. ORD #95-235, PAGE 75 � � PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this � day of 995. CITY OF FEDERAL W Y �� -' � � MAY R, M RY E. GATES EST: C � CIT CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROV D AS TO FORM: �,. ,.--�- r, CIT ATTORNEY, LONDI K. LINDELL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: x:�ora��s���.� May 09, 1995 J�ine 06, 1995 June 10, 1995 June 15, 1995 ORD #95-235, PAGE 76