Ord 97-296 ORDINANCE NO. 97-296 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn... OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPI'ER 22 OF THE FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE, PERTAINING TO LAND USE AND ZONING, ADOPTING NEW REGULATIONS FOR PARKING IN THE CITY CENTER CORE AND FRAME AS CALLED FOR IN THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. A. The Federal Way Comprehensive Plan has goals and policies that address parking in the downtown, City Center area, including: (1) CCG20- Reduce the demand for parking; (2) CCP4l Reduce requirements for the number of parking stalls required for City Center deye1opment in comparison to other areas of the City; (3) CCP42- encourage public and private parking structures; (4) CCP43-The city shall encourage structured parking through bonuses; (5) CCP46 - Allow on-street parking to create a buffer-between pedestrians and traffic depending on street characteristics and role within the City Center. On-street parking should be viewed as a component of the parking supply for the area; and (6) CCP47- The City shall encourage shared parking; and B. Amendments to the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) text are authorized pursuant to FWCC Sections 22-216 and 22-217 pursuant to Process IV reyiew; and C. The Federal Way City Council has considered proposed changes to the FWCC regarding the percentage of compact parking stalls that may be proyided for projects in the City Center, regarding a method by which property owners may reduce on-site parking requirements in the City-Center by contributing to on-street parking, implementing a traffic demand ORD # 97-296 ,PAGEl (C(Ö)\?lf management plan or providing shared parking, and regarding incentives for provision of Structured parking through height bonuses; and D. The Federal Way City Council, pursuant to FWCC 22-517, having determined the Proposal to be worthy of legiSlative consideration, referred the Proposal to the- Federal Way Planning Commission for its reyiew and recommendation; and E. The City of Federal Way SEPA responsible official has determined that the proposed amendments are procedural in nature and categorically exempt from SEPA as authorized by WAC 197-11-800(20); and F. The public was giyen opportunities to comment on the Proposal during the Planning Commission reyiew; and G. The Federal Way Planning Commission, haying considered the Proposal at public hearings during 1997 on March 19 and April 2 pursuant to FWCC Section 22-523, and all public notices haying been duly giyen pursuant to FWCC Section 22-521; and H. Following the public hearings, the Planning Commission submitted to the Land Use and Transportation Committee of the City Council its recommendation in favor of proposed zoning text amendments affecting various sections of the FWCC as noted previously; and I. The Federal Way Land Use and Transportation City Council Committee met on April 21, 1997 and on June 16, 1997 to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and has moyed to forward the Proposal, with amendments, to the full City Council; and J. There was sufficient opportunity for the public to comment on the Proposal; NOW, THEREFORE, ORD # 97-296 , PAGE 2 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASIllNGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section t. Ew:liu&s. After full and careful consideration, the City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to the Proposal and the proposed amendments to the Federal Way City Code ("FWCC"): 1. The Federal Way City Council adopted the Federal Way Comprehensiye Plan in order to comply with the state's Growth Management Act; and 20 The Federal Way Comprehensive Plan contains policies (including policies CCG20, CCP41, CCP42 , CCP43 , CCP46 and CCP47) that allow for the reduction of parking requirements in the City Center and provision of incentives for structured parking and shared parking, in order to intensify the downtown deyelopment and reduce surface parking; and 3. The Federal Way SEPA responsible official has determined that the proposed amendments are procedural in nature and categorically exempt from SEP A as authorized by WAC 197-11-800(20); and 40 The proposed code amendments would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare; and 50 The Planning Commission, following notice thereof as required by RCW 35A063.070, held work sessions and public hearings on the proposed regulatory amendments and has considered the testimony, written comments, and material from the public by and through said hearings; and ORD # 97-296 , PAGE 3 Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-217 and based upon the Findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the Proposal: 1. The Proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: A. CCG20-Reduce demand for parking in the City Center. B. CCP4l- Reduce requirements for the number of parking stalls required for City Center deyelopment in comparison to other areas of the City to encourage more intensive development and reflect the improyements in local and regional transit service. Increases aboye the required number of stalls may be allowed, on a case by case basis, when structured or underground parking is provided. C. CCP42 - Encourage public and priyate parking structures (below or aboye ground) in the core area. Consider a public priyate partnership. tò develop structured parking in the downtown commercial core area. D. CCP43 - The City will encourage the provision of structured parking through the use of bonuses and incentiyes. E. CCP46 - Allow on-street parking to create a buffer between pedestrians and traffic depending on street characteristics and role within the City Center. On-street parking should be viewed as a component of the parking supply for the area. E. CCP47 - Encourage shared parking between uses to maximize the use of available parking within the City Center. ORD # 97-296 , PAGE 4 2. The Proposal bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety and welfare because it implements the policy of intensifying the downtown area to reduce sprawl City-wide. Section 3. Amendment. The Federal Way Zoning Code, Chapter 22, is amended to proyide as set forth in Attachment A which is attached and by this reference is incorporated herein. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. SI:di!m..S. Ratifir1ltion. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effectiye date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. ~. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force fiye (5) days from the time of its final passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this Of~U10 I ,1997. a CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 7i1v / - day ~K:P MAYOR, MAHLON S. PRIEST ATIEST: ORD # 97-296 , PAGE 5 m~ CITY CLERK, N. C APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~, ~ CITY ATTORNEY, LONDIK. LINDELL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 05-27-97 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 06-17-97 PUBLISHED: 06-2l-97 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06-22-97 ORDINANCE NO. k:lordinlparking.rev 97-296 ORD # 97-/% , PAGE 6 ATTACHMENT A ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 22-1. Definitions. * * * * Structure shall mean anything which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. Structural alterations shall mean any change in the supporting member of a building or structure. Structured oarkina shall mean parkinG Drovided on more than one level and within a structure. either above- or below-Grade. Structured Darkina shall not include a surface Darkina lot. * * * * ARTICLE XV. OFF-STREET PARKING* ---------- *Cross reference(s)--Traffic and vehicle regulations, 15; requirements for conformance of nonconforming parking, 334; supplementary district regulations regarding vehicles boats, § 22-1176 et seq.; yard requirements for driveways, parking areas, fences, structure protruding beyond exterior walls of a structure, retaining walls, walkways, and certain other improvements or structures, § 22-1133; vehicular access easement improvements required, § 22-1496 et seq.; landscape requirements, § 22-1561 et seq. ch. § 22- and ---------- DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 22-1376. Exception in the city center CC zone. If ~ the-provisions of this article (other than Section 22-1377) conflict with the provisions of section 22-791 et seq. regarding properties in the city center ~ zone, the provisions of section 22-791 et seq. will be followed. ~ event of a conflict. all ~ provisions of this article that do 1 not conflict with section 22-791 et seq. apply to properties in the city ....o!:hte:r CC zone. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.10), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1377. Number of spaces--Minimum. (a) Generally. ExceDt as Drovided in subsection (c)below, the number of parking spaces required by Sections 22-596 - 22-871 for a anv Darticular use is the minimum number of parkinG SDaces required for that use. and the applicant shall provide at least that number of spaces. (b) Guest parking for residential uses. For residential uses, the city may require guest parking spaces in excess of the required parking spaces, ~f there is inadequate guest parking on the subject property. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.15), 2-27-90) (c) Exceotions. The number of Darkina SDaces reauired by this Code for a particular use may be reduced only when the use for which the Darkin9 is reauired: 1. Provides shared parkinG in accordance with Section 22-1422: 2. Is located in the CC-C or CC-F zones and is accompanied bv a traffic demand manaGement plan which. as a condition of Droiect approval. the aoolicant shall implement. In such an instance. the Director mav aoorove reduction of the reauired number of oarkina soaces by UP to 20%. Transoortation demand manaGement ootions which can be considered by the Director include. but are not limited to. the followinG: (i) Private vanpool operation: Iii) Transit/vanpool fare subsidy: (iii) Preferential oarkina for carpools/vanoools: (iv) Flexible work-hour schedule: Iv) Particioation in a ride-matchinG oroaram: or (vi) Bicycle parkinG facilities: 2 3. Is located in the CC-C or CC-F zones. is adiacent to a nublic street riaht-of-wav classified to allow on-str~et ~~rkin~ ;~d ~he annlicant makes a one-time contribution to a Cit;; f~~d established strictlv to fund develonment of on-str~~t narkina. The amount of the contribution will be based on ~ ~~; ;t~îî ~ost established by the City. and the reauired number of ~t~ïï~ m~~ be reduced on a 1 for 1 basis accordina to the amount of the contribution naid . 4. Provides a narkina studv in accordance with Section 22- 1398(2) Sec. 22-1378. Same--Not specified in use zones. If this chapter does not specify a parking space requirement for a particular use in a particular zone, the Director of Community Development shàll determine a parking requirement on a case by case basis. The Director of Community Development shall base this determination on the actual parking demand on existing uses similar to the proposed use. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.20), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1379. Same--Fractions. ',~ If the formula for determining the minimum and maximum number of parking spaces results in a fraction, that fraction will be rounded up to the next higher whole number. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.25), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1380. Bonds. The City may require or permit a bond under section 22-146 et seq. to ensure compliance with any of the requirements of this article. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.120), 2-27-90) Bonds, § 22-146 et seq. Secs. 22-1381--22-1395. Reserved. DIVISION 2. MODIFICATIONS* ---------- *Cross reference(s)--Administration, ch. 2. 3 Sec. 22-1396. Generally. The provisions of this division establish the circumstances and procedure under which the requirements of this article may be modified, either at the request of the appellant or at the initiation of the City. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(1)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1397. Authority to grant. (a) If the proposed development or use of or on the subject property requires approval through process I, II, or III, any proposed modification will be considered as part of that process using the criteria of th~s division. (b) If subsection (a) of this section does not apply, the Director of Community Development may grant or require a modification in writing under the provisions of this section. The decision of the Director to require, grant or deny a modification under this division may be appealed using the appeal procedures of process I. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2 (105.115 (2) (a), (b)), 2-27-90) ~ Cross reference(s)--Process I review procedure, § 22-386 et seq.; process II review procedure, § 22-431 et seq.; process III review procedure, § 22-476 et seq. Sec. 22-1398. Criteria. The City may grant or require a modification to the provisions of this article if the City determines, based on the submitted plans and/or other information that the following criteria have been met for modifications to the applicable sections: (1) The parking area design provisions of sections 22- 1441(b) and 22-1452 may be modified if: a. The modification will not create any vehicular or pedestrian safety problems; b. The modifications will not affect the ability to provide any property with police, fire, emergency medical and other essential services; and 4 (2) c. One of the following requirements is met: 1. The modification is necessary because of a pre-existing physical condition; or 2. The modification will produce a site design superior to that which would result from adherence to the adopted standard. A decrease in the required number of parking spaces under section 22-1377 may be permitted if a thorough parking study documents that fewer parking spaces will be adequate to fully serve the uses. :&. ~HC:rCU~C ~l. Ll.c H......,.Le:r of PUJ.h.~H'" ~pð.Gc~ l-'e:rn,itte...! UH...!C:r .3eGL~vl. 22 lJ77 II,ð.'y Le pern,ittcd if a tl.oJ.vdgh parkil.." .5tl:lcl} docm"el.t., LLat tl.e GvH.,~.5tel.t o:r fLcquel.tl:\l LCCI:l:rJ.~H9 puJ.kL.." Hced.5 of tl.c u.,e exceed tl.c l-'cLmltte...! H......,.LeJ. vi .5pace.5. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(3)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1399. Parking area requirements. The parking area location requirements of section 22-1421 may be modified if: (1) (2) (3) The proposed parking area will have no adverse impacts on adjacent properties; It is reasonable to expect that the proposed parking area will be used by the employees, patrons and others coming to the subject property; and A safe pedestrian and/or shuttle connection exists, or will be created at the time of occupancy, between the subject property and the proposed parking area. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2) (c)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1400. Landscape requirements. The landscape requirements of section 22-1444 may be modified if: (1 ) The modification will produce a landscaping design in the parking area comparable or superior to that which would result from adherence to the adopted standard; or 5 (2) The modification will result in increased retention of significant natural vegetation. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2) (d», 2-27-90) seq. Cross reference(s)--Landscape requirements, § 22-1561 et Sec. 22-1401. Curb and sidewalk requirements. The curb and sidewalk requirements of section 22-1445 may be modified if: (1) (2) (3) The modification will result in superior landscaping and/or increased retention of significant natural vegetation; The modification will not result in increased hazards for pedestrians or vehicles; and The modification will not result in increased erosion of unpaved areas onto the parking area, driveway or streets. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2) (e)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1402. Buffer requirements.- if: The buffer requirements of section 22-1446 may be modified (1) (2) (3) The existing topography of or adjacent to the subject property decreases or eliminates the need for visual screening; The modification will be of more benefit to the adjoining property by causing less impairment of view or sunlight; or The modification will provide a visual screen that is comparable or superior to the buffer required by section 22-1446. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2 (105.115 (2) (f)), 2-27-90) 6 Sec. 22-1403. Surface material. The surface material requirements of section 22-1453, may be modified if: ( 1) (2) (3) (4) The surfacing material will not enter into the drainage system, or onto public or other private property; The surfacing material will provide a parking surface which is usable on a year-round basis; Use of the surfacing material will not result in dust or deterioration of air quality; and Runoff from the parking area will not degrade water quality. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2) (g)}, 2-27-90) Secs. 22-1404--22-1420. Reserved. ---------- DIVISION 3. LOCATION OF PARKING AREAS* *Cross reference(s)--Traffic and vehicles, ch. 15. ---------- Sec. 22-1421. Generally. (a) Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, the applicant shall provide the required number of parking spaces either: (1) (2) On the subject property; or On a lot adjoining the subject property, if that lot is in a zone that permits the use conducted on the subject property. (b) If the parking is located on a lot other than the lot containing the use which generates the parking space requirements, the owner of the lot containing the parking must sign a covenant or other instrument, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, requiring that the lot be devoted in whole or in part to required parking for the use on another lot. The 7 applicant must record this statement with the county to run with all affected properties. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.30), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1422. Shared facilities. a. Two or more businesses or uses may share parking areas. The number of parking spaces that must be provided in such shared areas must be at least 90 percent of parking spaces required by this chapter for all such businesses or uses that are open or generating parking demands at the same time. The owner of each lot must sign an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, stating that the owner's property is committed to providing parking for the other property. This statement must be recorded ~ in-the ~County ffilditor, at the applicant's expense, and shall run with the properties. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.35), 2-27-90) b. A request for shared Darkina on DroDerties located in the CC-C and CC-F zones must meet the followinq reauirements: fi) The applicant must submit a parkinG demand study. preDared by a Drofessional traffic engineer. demonstratinG that the Deak hours of parkinG demand for the businesses or uses which propose to share parkinG will not substantially conflict: Iii) The shared parkinG facilities and buildings which they serve shall be connected with Dedestrian facilities imDroved accordinG to the standards set forth in Section 22- 16341d) f2). and no buildinG or use involved shall be more than 500 feet from the most remote parkinG facility. The distance between the Darkina facility and the buildinG or use which it is to serve shall be measured from the closest portion of the Darkina facility to the nearest buildinG entrance that the parkinG area serves fiii) Notwithstandina subsection la) above. a business or use located in a CC-C or CC-F zone and proposinG to share Darkina may reduce the number of required Darkina spaces. UP to a maximum of 20 percent of the number of SDaces otherwise reauired. provided that the reduction shall not exceed the number of shared SDaces reasonably anticipated to be available to the apDlicant durinG the applicant's Deak hours of parkinG demand. 8 The Drovision for a 20 Dercent maximum parkina remJirement reduction is suaaested as an administrative auideline only. Plannina Director shall ultimately determine the size of the Darkina reduction. subiect to the other reauirements of this paraaraDh. The liy) A written a~reement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and executed by all Darties concerned assurina the continued availability of the number of stalls desianed for ioint use. Sec. 22-1423. Adjoining low density zones. The applicant shall locate a parking area for a use, other than a detached dwelling unit, as far as possible from any adjoining low density zon~ or existing permitted low density use. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.40), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1424. Required setback yards. For regulations on parking areas in required setback yards, see section 22-1135. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.45), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1425. Structured Parkina in the Citv Center Core and ~ The heiaht limit for structures containina stacked. above- around parkina is a maximum of 135 feet for all uses in the CC-C zone and a maximum of 100 feet in the CC-F zone. Secs. 22-1426--22-1440. Reserved. DIVISION 4. PARKING AREA DESIGN Sec. 22-1441. Generally. (a) The applicant shall design parking areas in accordance with Article XIX, Community Design Guidelines. (b) The Director of Community Development is authorized to adopt standards, specifications and requirements, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, which shall be on file in the city clerk's office, regarding the design and dimensional requirements of parking areas, driveways and related 9 improvements. These standards, specifications and requirements shall be followed and have the full force and effect as if they were set forth in this article. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.50, 105.55), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 96-270, § 3(D), 7-2-96) Sec. 22-1442. Compact car spaces. The applicant may develop and designate up to 25 percent of the number of parking spaces for compact cars. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.60), 2-27-90) In the CC-F and CC-C zones the aDDlicant may desianate UD to 40 Dercent of the number of Darkina SDaces for comDact stalls if the parkina lot has more than 20 SDaces Sec. 22-1443. Barrier free access. l. The applicant shall design the parking area using standards set forth in state regulations for barrier free access. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.65), 2-27-90) Sees. 22-1444--22-1450. Reserved. Editor's note--Ord. No. 93-170, § 6, adopted April 20, 1993, repealed former §§ 22-1444--22-1450, relative to landscape and buffering requirements of parking area designs, which derived from Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.70--105.90), adopted Feb. 27, 1990. Sec. 22-1451. Traffic control devices. If the parking area serves a use other than a detached dwelling unit, the applicant shall clearly delineate parking spaces, traffic directions and entrance and exit ways. The city may require other traffic control devices necessary to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.95), 2-27-90) Cross reference(s)--Traffic and vehicles, ch. 15. 10 Sec. 22-1452. Backing on to street prohibited. A parking area that serves any use, other than one serving detached dwelling units, must be designed so that traffic need not back on to any street. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.100), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1453. Surface materials. (a) The applicant shall surface the parking areas, driveways and other vehicular circulation areas with a material comparable or superior to the surface material of the right-of-way providing direct vehicle access to the parking area. (b) Grass grid pavers may be used for emergency access areas that are not used in required permanent circulation and parking areas. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.105), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1454. streets used in circulation pattern prohibited. A parking lot may not be designed so that a street is used as part of its circulation pattern to get from one part of the parking lot to another part of the parking lot. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.110), 2-27-90) k:\ordin\parking4.att 11 � ATTACHMENT A ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL • Sec. 22-1. Definitions. * * * * Structure shall mean anything which is built or constructed, an edicfice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. Structural alterations shall mean any change in the supporting member of a building or structure. Structured parking shall not include a surface narkina lot. * * * * ARTICLE BV. OFFSTRLET PARRINt3* *Cross referenc�(s)--Traffic and vehicle regulations, ch. 15; requirements for conformance of nonconforming parking, S 22- 334; supplementary district regulations regarding vehicles and boats, § 22-1176 et seq.; yard requirements for driveways, parking areas, fences, structure protruding beyond exterior walls of a structure, retaining walls, walkways, and certain other improvements or structures, § 22-1133; vehicular access easement improvements required, � 22-1496 et seq.; landscape requirements, § 22-1561 et seq. DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 22- 1376. EXCeption in the city center CC zone. If an �ke-�provisions of this article �other than Section 22 conflict with the provisions of section 22 et seq. regarding properties in the city center "CC" zone, the provisions of section 22-791 et seq. will be followed. In the event of a conflict, all �e provisions of this article that do not conflict with section 22-791 et seq: apply to properties in the ��-��r+�'!�—CC zone. (Ord. No. 90-43,'§ 2(105.10), 2-27-90) � • �.. � l � _ �,. .y: ,,, ;:.;� ..Y `, ,� ��:. :�� :� ,� ., ,,,, � � � Sec. 22-1377. Number of spaces--Minimum. n U '(a) Generally. Except as provided in subsection � below, the number of parking spaces required by Sections 22-596-- 22-871 for any particular use is the minimum number of parking spaces required for that use, and the applicant shall provide at least that number of spaces. (b) Guest parking for residential uses. For residential uses, the city'may require guest parking spaces in excess of the required parking spaces, if there is inadequate guest parking on the subject property. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.15), 2-27-90) � Exceptions The number of garkinq spaces required bv this Code for a particular use mav be reduced only when the use for which the parking is required: 1 Provides shared �arkina in accordance with Section 22-1422; 2. Provides structured parking in accordance with Section 22- 1425; 3 Is located in the CC-C or CC-F zones and is accomuanied bv a traffic demand management plan which, as a condition of t�roiect approval the applicant shall implement In such an instance, the Director may approve reduction of the re quired number of parking spaces by up to 20� Transportation demand manaaement options which can be considered by the Director include, but are not limited to, the followina: ,�I) Private vanpool operation; �ii) Transit/vanpool fare subsidv: Liii) Preferential parkinq for carpools/vanpools; ,�iv) Flexible work-hour schedule; ----- ------ — - . applicant makes a one-time contribution to a Citv fund established strictly to fund development of on-street parkincr.- The amount of the contribution will be based on a per stall cost established b� the Cit�, and the required number of stalls mav be reduced on a 1 for 1 basis accordina to the amount of the contribution paid. Sec. 22-1378. Same--Not specified in use zones. If this chapter does not specify a parking space requirement for a particular use in a particular zone, the director of -- community development shall determine a-parking requirement on a case by case basis. The director of community development shall . � base this determination on the actual parking demand on existing uses similar to the proposed use. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.20), 2-27-90) Bec. 22-1379. Same--Fractions. If the formula for determining the minimum and maximum number of parking spaces results in a fraction, that fraction wi11 be rounded up to the next higher whole number. (Ord. No. 90-43, g 2(105.25), 2-27-90) SeC. 22-1380. Bonds. The city may require or permit a bond under section 22-146 et seq. to ensure compliance with any of the requirements of this article. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.120), 2-27-90) Bonds, $ 22-146 st seq. SeCS. 22-1381--22-1395. Reserved. DIVISION 2. MODIFICATIONS* *Cross reference(s)--Administration, ch. 2. Ssc. 22-1396. Gsnerally. The provisions of this division establish the circumstances and procedure under which the requirements of this article may be modified, either at the request of the appellant or at the initiation of the city. (Ord. No. 90-43, � 2(105.115(1)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1397. Authority to qrant. (a) If the proposed development or use of or on the subject property requires approval through process I, II, or III, any proposed modification will be considered as part-of that process. using the criteria of this division. (b) If subsection (a) of this section does not apply, the director of community development may grant or require a modification in writing under the provisions of this section. The decision of the director to require, grant or deny a modification under this divisiori'may be appealed using the appeal procedures of process I. u • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2)(a), (b)), 2-27-90) Cross reference(s)--Process I review procedure,-$ 22-386 et seq.; process II review procedure, � 22-431 et seq.; process III review procedure, � 22-476 et seq. Sec. 22-1398. Criteria. The city may grant or require a modification to the provisions of this article if the city determines, based on the submitted plans and/or other information that the following criteria have been met for modifications to the applicable .sections: (1) The parking area design provisions of sections 22- 1441(b) and 22-1452 may be modified if: a. The modification will not create any vehicular or pedestrian safety problems; b. The modifications will not affect the ability to provide any property with police, fire, emergency medical and other essential services; and c. One of the following requirements is met: 1. The modification is necessary because of a preexisting physical condition; or 2. The modification will produce a site design superior to that which would result from adherence to the adopted standard. (2) A decrease in the required number of parking spaces under section 22-1377 may be permitted if a thorough parking study documents that a fewer parking spaces will be adequate to fully serve the uses. An increase in the number of parking spaces permitted under section 22-1377 may be permitted if a thorough parking study documents that the consistent or�frequently recurring parking needs of the use exceed the permitted number of. spaces. (Ord. No. 90-43, � 2(105.115(3)), 2-27-90) sec. 22 -1399. Parkinq area requirements. The parking area location requirements of section 22-1421 may be modified if : (1) The proposed parking area will have no adverse impacts on adjacent properties; (2) It is reasonable to expect that the proposed parking • • area will be used by the employees, patrons and others coming to the subject property; and (3) A safe pedestrian and/or shuttle connection exists, or wi1T be created at the time of occupancy, between the subject property and the proposed parking area. (Ord. No. 90-43, � 2(105.115(2)(c)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1400. Landscape requirements. The landscape requirements of section 22-1444 may be modified if: (1) The modification will produce a landscaping design in ' the parking area comparable or superior to that which , would result from adherence to the adopted standard; or { (2) The modification will result in increased retention of significant natural vegetation. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2)(d)), 2-27-90) Cross reference(s)--Landscape requirements, § 22-1561 et seq. Sec. 22-1401. Curb and sidewalk requirements. The curb and sidewalk requirements of section 22-1445 may be modif ied if : (1) The modification will result in superior landscaping and/or increased retention of significant natural vegetation; (2) The modification will not result in increased hazards for pedestrians or vehicles; and (3) The modification will not result in increased erosion o€ unpaved areas onto�the parking area, driveway or streets. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2)(e)), 2-27-90) S�c. 22-1402. Bu�fer requirements. The buffer requirements of section 22-144b �nay be modified if : (1) The existing topography of or adjacent to the subject property decreases or eliminates the need for visual screening; (2) The modification will be of more benefit to the C� • adjoining property by causing less impairment of view or sunlight; or (3) The modification will provide a visual screen that is comparable or superior to the buffer required by section 22-1446. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2)(f)), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1403. Surface matsrial. The surface material requirements of section 22-1453, may be modified if : (1) The surfacing material will not enter into the drainage system, or onto public or other private property; (2) The surfacing material will provide a parking surface which is usable on a year-round basis; (3) Use of the surfacing material will not result in dust or deterioration of air quality; and (4) Runoff from the parking area will not degrade water quality. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.115(2)(g)), 2-27-90) SeCS. 22-1404--22-1420. Res�=ved. DIVISION 3. LOCATION OF PARKING AREAS* *Cross reference(s)--Traffic and vehicles, ch. 15. 8�c. 22 Qenerally. (a) Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, the applicant shall provide the required number of parking spaces , either: (1) On the subject property; or (2) On a lot adjoining the subject property, if that lot is in a zone that permits the use conducted on the subject property. (b) If the parking is located on a lot other than the lot containing the use which generates the parking space requirements, the owner of the lot containing the parking must sign a covenant or other instrument, in a form acceptable to the city attorney, requiring that the lot be devoted in whole or in � � • "� ��� �; �. fi ;� 5i�'�f'�:ro"s� ��s r;. '�; _:t,: � � �; . . • • part to required parking for the use on another lot. The applicant must record this statement with the county to run with all affected properties. (Ord. No. 90-43, g 2(105.30), 2-27-90) sec. 22-1422. 8hared facilities. a. Two or more businesses or uses may share parking areas. The number of parking spaces that must be provided in such a shared areas must be at least 90 percent of parking spaces required by this chapter for all such businesses or uses that are open or generating parking demands at the same time. The owner of each lot must sign an agreement�, in a form acceptable to the city attorney, stating that the owner's property is committed to providing parking for the other property. This statement must be recorded with �—the King C�ounty Auditor, at the applicant's e�tpense, and shall run with the properties. (Ord. No. 90-43, � 2(105.35), 2-27-90) �arking area serves. Siii) Notwithstanding subsection (a� above, a business or use located in a CC-C or CC-F zone and proposing to share parking may reduce the number of re quired parkinct spaces, up to a maximum of 20 percent of the number of spaces otherwise required provided that the reduction shall not exceed the ` number of shared'spaces reasonably anticivated to be available to the applicant during the applicant's peak hours of parking demand. paragraph. assuring the continued availabilitv of the number of stalls serve shall be connected with improved pedestrian tacilizies and no building or use involved shall be more than 500 feet • designed for joint use. 8ec. 22-1423. Adjoininq low density $ones. �� The applicant shall locate a parking area for a use, other than a detached dwelling unit, as far as possible from any adjoining low density zone or existing permitted low density use. (Ord. 90-43, § 2(105.40), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1424. Required setback yards. For regulations on parking areas in required setback yards, see section 22-1135. (Ord. No. 90-43, � 2(105.45), 2-27-90) Sec. 22-1425. Structured Parkinq in the City Ceater Core and Frame. A. The heiqht limit for structures containinc staak�d, above-qround parking is a maximum of 135 feet for all uses in ths CC-C zone and a maximum of 100 feet in the CC-F zone. Secs. 22-1426--22-1440. Reserved. DIVISION 4. PARKING AREA DESIGN S�c. 22-1441. Generally. (a) The applicant shall design parking areas in accordance with Article XIX, Community Design Guidelines. (b) The director of community development is authorized to adopt standards, specifications and requirements, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, which shall be on file in the city clerk's office, regarding the desiqn and dimensional requirements of parking areas, driveways and related improvements. These standards, specifications and requirements shall be followed and have the full force and effect as if they were set forth in this article. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.50, 105.55), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 96-270, § 3(D), 7-2-96) Sec. 22-i442. Compaat car spaces. � The applicant may develop and designate up to 25 percent of u • the number of parking spaces for compact cars. (Ord. No. 90-43, � 2(105.60), 2-27-90) T., +-�,o �r_ an� ec-c ��nes the aY 40 percent ot tne num�er o= narxing sr�d��� L�i_ ��.�.wa�� �V�isv �� the �arkincl lot has more than 20 spaces The compact stalls must be intersuersed throughout the site. Sec. 22-1443. Barrier free accsss. 1. The applicant shall design the parking area using standards set forth in state regulations for barrier free access. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.65), 2-27-90) Seas. 22-1444--22-1450. Reserved. , Editor's note--Ord. No. 93-170, § 6, adopted April 20, 1993, repealed former $§ 22-1444--22-1450, relative to landscape and buffering requirements of parking area designs, which derived from Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.70--105.90), adopted Feb. 27, 1990. Sec. 22-1451. Traffic aontrol devices. If the parking area serves a use other than a detached dwelling unit, the applicant shall clearly delineate parking spaces,''�traffic directions and entrance and exit ways. The city may require other traffic control devices necessary to ensure the saf e and ef f icient f low of traf f ic . (Ord. No. 90 � 2(105.95), 2 C=oss referenee(s)--Traffic and vehicles, ch. 15. Sec. 22-1452. Backinq onto street prohibited. A parking area that serves any use, other than one serving detached dwelling units, must be designed so that traffic need not back onto any street. �ora. rro. 90 -43, $ a�io5.ioo�, a-a�-9o� Sec. 22-1453. Surface materials. (a) The applicant shall surface the parking areas, driveways and other vehicular circulation areas with a material comparable or superior to the surface material of the right-of-way providing direct vehicle access to the parking area. (b) Grass grid pavers may be used for emergency access areas that are not used in required permanent circulation and parking areas. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.105), 2-27-90) C� � Sec. 22-1454. Streets used in circulation pattern prohibite8. A parking lot may not be designed so that a street is used as part of its circulation pattern to get from one part of the parking lot to another part of the parking lot. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(105.110), 2-27-90) k:\ordin�parking.rev � Secs. 22-763-22-790. Rescrved. Sec. 22-791. Oftice use. D1VISION 8. Cl1'Y CLNTER-COItL (CC-C) ANll C1TY C�N'PCR-F1tf11vIC (CC-1�) The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECITONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, ecrose for REGUTAITONS MIIVIMUMS � z ' o ° y xEQua�D � ZONE � U YARDS � w z CC C7 A a .c � u; •• � � (� � -��' � U �, �., �1 . USE �3 ��� � ��� � a a y SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Oft3ce uu. Pcocess II None a a 0' 95' 1 for each 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other site design and dimensional Possible Process III or 399 400 requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See note 1. - or - 145' sq. 8. of a. T'he proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for Uus wne; and gross tloor b. The proposed development will be consistcmt with applicable design guidelines; and 10' a a See note 2. area. c. The sVeet, utilities, and other infrasttucture in the azea are adequate to suppoR the propoud developmenl 2. Building height may be increased from the pertnitted outright height of 95 feet to a maximum height of 145 feet in eacchange for See notes 1& 3. providing public open space on site, or payment of a fee-in-lieu of providit�g the open space on site. The procedure and formula for plculating on-site q� space and altemative fee-in-lieu shall be approved by the City Council, adopted by the D'uector of Community Development Services, shall be on file in the City Clerk's office, and shall be followed and have the full force and effect as if set forth ' in full in,this aRicle. Public open space under this uctian shall be in addition to any other outdoor space or landscape azw required by this code, and shall meet design requ'vements established in Article XIX Section 22-1639. 3. A 10' front yazd setback is required unless all of the following criteria are met, then the setback is 0 feet: a. The gound floor facade fronting on or visible from the righi-of-way is a minimum of 60°/. transparent glass; and b. A major building entrance fronts on or is clearlyvisible from the right-of-way; and � c. Methods to nwfiilate and adiwlate building facade(s) that are visible from the right-of-way meet or exceed the minimum standards established in .4rticle XIX, Community Design Guidelines; and d. The development is consistent with a11 other applicable design standards established in Atticle XIX, Community Desi� Guidelines. • 4. The following regulations apply t6 veterinary office only: a. May only treat small. animals on t1u subject property, b. May not include outside nuu or otha outside facilities for the animals; c.'Ru site m�ut be designed so that noise from this use will not be sudible off the subject property based on a cert�cate to this effect si�ed by an acoustical engineu and filed with the development pertnit applications. 5. Assembly or manufacture of goods on the subject properry is pertnitted amly if: a The assembly a manutadure is cleazly accessory to an allowed uu conducted on the subject propecty and is directly related to and dependent on the allowed use; b. 'Il�e assembled a maz�ufxtured goods are aveilable for purchase and removal from the subject property and are for sale only to retail purchasers; and c. There aze no outwazd appearance or impacts from the a4sembly or manufacture. 6. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detamined by other site development requirements, , i.e., required bufT'ers, parking lot landscaping surface water facilitia, etc. 7. For community design guidelines that appty W the pcojed, see Article XIX. 8. Fw Iandscaping requirements that apply to the projed, sse Article XVII. 9. For sig� requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 10. Refa to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detertnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply w the subject property. Process I, II, lII and IV aze described in . §§ 22-38l�22-411, For other infom�ation about parking and parking areas, see 'cle 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq: For aerai�s regaraing:«iuirea yaras, see g 22-i lai et s«�. � • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.50), 2-27-90; Ord, No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-792. Retail use. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... T'f�N, across for REGLJl.A1'IONS MINIMUMS � w F y REQUIItED � �,� ZONE a � Y.�s � Q CC-C � Q x � Q h C7 a W x^�� � USE � � � h � � " �� � � � � � � � � � � ,�, ' SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Retail establishment selling Process II None 0' 0' 0' 60' I for each3A6 1. The City may, using Prceess III, modify required yard, heigh; landscape and buffer and oiher site design and dimensional goceries, produce and related Possible Process III or 350 sq. ft. of requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: items; drugs and personal care See nou 1. -or- 95' goss floor area. a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and producu; books; liquor, hardware, b. 1'he proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and garden, home elecVOnics, sporting 10' 0' 0' See notes 1& c. The street, utilities, and other infrastructure in the area an adequate W support the proposed developmenc goods; and related items; or works 2. 2. Building height may be increased from the permitted outright height of 60 feet to a maximum of 95 feet in exchange for of aR (excluding bulk retail). See notes 1& 5. public open space on site, or payment of a fee-in-lieu of providing the open space on site. The procedure and formula for calculating on-siu open space and altemative fee-in-lieu shall be approved by the City Council, adopted by the D'uector of Retail variety, speciality, or Commiu�ity Develapmc�t Savices, shall be on file in the City Clerks office, and shall be followed and have the full force and depactment stores. effect as if set forth in full in this article. Public open space under this section shall be in addition to any other outdoor space or landscape azea required by this code, and shall meet design requirements established in Article XIX, Section 22-1639. Retail establishment providing 3. Retail establishments providing vehicle or boat sales, service or repair, vehicle service stations, and re[sil establishtnents banking and related financial providing public mini-wazehouse or storage facilities are not pertnitted in this wne. services. 4. Drive throu� facilities may be pennitted fa banks and related financial secvices. Access to and from drive-tluough facilities must be approved by the Public Works Department. Dcive tluough facilities must be designed so that vehicles will not block Retail establishment providing V�c in the sVeet wMle waiting in line and will not unreasonably interfere with on-site traflic flow. laundry, dry cleaning, beauty and 5. A 10' front yard setback is required unless all of the following cciteria are met, thrn the setback is 0 feet: barber, video rrntal orshce repa'v t a The ground floor facade fronting an or visible from the right-of-way is a minimum of 60% transparent gtass; and services. b. A major building enVance fronts on or is clearly visible from ihe ri�tof•way; and a Mdhods to modulate and articulate buitding facade(s) that are visible from the right-of-way meet or exceed the minimum Printing and duplicating servias. standards established in Article XIX, Communiry Desi� Guidelines; and d The development is consSstent with all other applicable design standards established in Article XIX, Communiry Desigp Other retail not specifically listed. Guidelines. See nou 12. 6. Assembly or manufacture of goods on the subject propeAy is pemutted only if: a The asseanbly a menufecAue is cleady accessory to an allowed use conducted on ihe subject propeRy and is directly related to and dependent on this allowed use; and b. The assembled or manufactured goods are available for pwchase and removal from the subject property and are for sale only to retail purchasers; and c. There is no outward appearance or impacts from the assembly or manufacture. 7. No maximutn lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detertnined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 8. For wmmunity dasign guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 9. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 10. For si� requirernents that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 11. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detecmine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. 12 Otha retail uses not specifically listed in this mne may be approved by the D'uector of Community Development Smices if the proposed use is detemuned W be consistent with adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone. Process I, I1, III m�d N are described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other inf'omiation about parking and parking ateav, see ; �= _'� �.Article XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may w�ceed this height limit, aee § 22-1046 et uq. For details regarding nquired yaTds, sa § 22-1131 et seq. • • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.35), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 2-7-96) Sec. 22-793. Entertainmen� The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIItECTIONS: FIItST, read down to fmd use ... Tf�N, across for REGULAI'IONS . MINIMUMS z o ° � xEQuu�D ZONE � N a o Y�s � Q CC-C oa � o� USE a 5� � � W � �� � � �'� o °� � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Retail establishment providing Process II None 0' 0' d 60' Private 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yarcl, hei�t, Iandscape and buffer and other site design and dimensional entertainment, recreational oi Possible Prxess III or clubs and requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: cultural services or activities. See note 1. -or- 95' lodges: a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for tlus zone; and ] for each b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guiddines; and Private club or lodge. 10' d 0' See notcs 1& 200 sq. ft. c. The sVeet, utilities, and other infrasWcture in the area are adequate to support the proposed development. 2. of gross 2. Building height may be inaeased from the permitled outright height of 60 feet lo a maximutn of 95 feet in exchange for public open Health Club. See notes 1& 2. floor area. space on site, or payment af a fee-in-lieu of providing the open space on site. The procedure and fortnula for calculating on-site open space and altemative fee-in-lieu shall be approved by the City Council, adopted by the Director of community Development Services, Restaurant or tavem. shall be on file in the City Clerks office, and shall be followed and have the full force and effect as if set fotth in full in this aRicle. All others: Public open space under tlus section shall be in addition W any other ouWoor space or landscape area required by this codq and shall Fast food restaurant. 1 for each meet design requirements established in ARicle XIX, Section 22-1639. 100 sq. fl. 3. A] 0' front yard setback is required unless all of the following criteria are met, then the setback is 0 feet: of gross a. The ground floor facade fronting on or visible from the rightof-way is a minimuen af 60% transparent glass; and t floor area. b. A major building entrance fronts on or is clearlyvisible fcom the right-of-way; and c. Methods to modulate and atticulate building facade(s) that are visible from the right-of-way mcet or exceed the minimum standazds established in Acticle XIX, Community Design Guidelines; and d The devel�t is consistent with all other applicable design standards established in ARicle XIX, Community Design Guidelines. 4. Drive-through facilities are not pemutted for Uus use in this wne. 5. No mauimum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detetmined by other site development requirements, i.e., required bufl'ers, parking lot Iandscaping, surface water facilities, ete. 6. For community design guidelines that apply ta the project, see Article XIX. 7. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 8. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 9. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detertnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject prope[ty. Process I, II, III and IV ere dacribed in For other infortnation ebout parking and parking azeas, see ¢�3abe,t-aeqr Artide XV. §§ 22-386-22-411, 221331-22-060, 22-476-22�98 respectively, For details of the regulations in this cnugory, see § 22-1596 et seq. Fa details regarding requirod yards, see § 22-I 131 et seq. � r u (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.15), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 2-7-96) Sec. 22-794. Adult entertainment, etc. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHA.RT DIRE�CTIONS: FIRST, cead down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS MINIMUMS ° N �Q�D � ZONE � W Y,axDS � � a � � ¢ CC-C � Qa � � Q � USE � � � � � � � � � � � � a � � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES ` Adult enteRainment activity Process II None 20' 0' 0' 35' above 1 for each 1. a Except as specified under paragaph 1.6 below, this use may not locate or be conducted closu than 1,000' (measured along a straight use. Possible Rocess IV average 300 sq. ft. line from any point of public access to the building housing this use) to any of the following, whether in or out of the city: See note l. See note 2. building of gross 1) Any wne in which residential use is an outright pem�itted use; elevation. floor azea 2) A public park; 3) A library; See note 2. 4) A day care facility or school; 5) A church, synagogue or other place of roligious worship; 6) Any other adult entertainment use or activity. b. The city may, using Process IV, approve this use regardless of its proximity to the uses and zones specified in paragaph l.a (6) above, based on the following criteria: 1) The extent W which the tc�ogaphy or physical features of the area would result in effective sepazation in temu ofvisibility and access; * 2) The compatibility of the proposed use with nearby uses; 3) The lack of availability of altemative locations for the proposed use, based on the requiremenu ofpazagaph l.a above; 4) The availability of transportation routes to allow motorists and pedestrians to avoid the propoud use if they wish to do so. 2'1heCitymay, using Process TV, modify requ'ued yard, height, landscape and Miffer and other siu desigii and dimensional requirements for a proposed developmart that meets tlie following criteria: a. The proposed development will be consistent with adopted cpmprehensive plan policies for this zone; and b. The proposed development will be con.aistent with applicable design guidelines; and c. The street, utilities, and other infrastructure in the area aze adequate W support the proposed developmenL 3. No maximum lot coverage is established. Insuad, the buildable area will be determined by other site developmrnt requirements, i.e., required bu$'ers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 4. For community design guidelines that apply to the proJect, see Atticle XIX. 5. For landscaping requirecnents that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 6. For sign nquiremenfs that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 7. Refer to Sec. 22-946 ct seq. to detertnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply W the subject property. Process I,1t, IQ and N are described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other information about parking and parking areas, ue §�3-}3�lrelaecr ic e XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what tnay exceed this height limit, sec § 22-] 046 d uq. For details reguding required yards, see § 22-1131 et seq. L� • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.45), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20=93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 2-7-96) Sec. 22-795. Hotel, convention or trade centers. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: r USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fmd use ... TfiEN, across for REGULATIONS MINIMtJMS . v� u ., � N REQUIRED � y ZQ� ? � Y�S � Q CC-C � � � � Q �7 W 3 � � a � �' � � � o °� � � � � a SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Hotel, convrntion or trade centcrs. Proccss II None a a 0' 95' Holel: 1. The Ciry may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other siu design and dimensional Possible Process III or 1 for each gucst requirements for a proposed development that meets the following crit�ia: See note I. -or- 145' room. a. T'he proposed development will be consistent with the adopted wmprehensive plan policies for this zone; and b. The proposed development will be wnsistent with applicable design guiddines; and 10' 0' 0' Sec notes 1& Convention or c. The strcet, utilities, and other infraSWcture in the area are adequate to suppoR the proposed developmcnt. 4. trade centers: 2 Ifihis use inc►udes accessory meeting, convention or other facilities that will be used by persons other than ovemight guests at See notes l, 3 Detertnined on the hotel or moiel, the Ciry may require additional parking on a caae by case bazis, based on the extrnt and nature of these accessory & 7. a case by caze facilities. bacis. 3. A 10' front yard setback is required unless all of the following criteria are met, then the setback is 0 feet: a. Tha ground iloor facade fronting on or visible from the right-of-way is a minimum of 60°10 transparent glass; and See note 2. b. A major building rntrance fronts on or is clearly visible from the right-of-way, and t c. Methods W modulate and aRiculate building facade(s) that are visible from the right-of-way meet ar excccd the minimum standazds utablished in Article XI3C, Community Design Guidelines; and d. The development is consistent with all otha applicable daign standards establ'uhed in Article XIX, Community Desi� Guidelines. 4. Buildirg height may be i�xrreasedfrom the pumitud outright height of 95 feet w a maximum height of 145 fcet in exchange for providing public open space on site, or payment of a feain-lieu of providit�g the opat space on site. The ptocedure and formula for calculating on-site open space and altemative fee-in-lieu shall be approved by the City Council, adopted by the Director of Cocrurnatity Devdapma�t Savias, al�all be m Sle in the City Clerk's offia, and shall be followed and have the full force and effect as ifset forth in fiill in this article. Pubiic open space undu this section shall be in addition to any other outdoor space or landscape area required by this code, and shall meet design requiranents established in Artiele XIX Section 22-1639. 5. No nwdm�an lot covaage is establislxd. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other siu developmrnt requ'ucments, i.e., requ'ued buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 6. For community desi� guidelines that apPly W the project, see Article XIX. 7. For landsceping requirements that apply to the project, sa Article XVII. 8. For sig� requirements that apply W thc project, see ARicle XVIII. 9. Refu W Sec. 22-946 et seq. to dete�mine what otha �ovisions ofthis chapter may apply to the subject properry. Process 1, II, III and N are dacribed in §§ 22-386-22-411. For other infocmation about parking and parking azeas, see §42-}396alsafArticle XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what tnay exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regazding required yards, see § 22-] 131 et seq. � � (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.25), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 2-7-96) Sec. 22-796. Parking garages. The following uses shall be pennitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read dovm to fmd use ... TE�N, across for REGi7LATIONS MINIMUMS �n w � o F � REQUIRED � N Z NE a � Y�s � a CC-C a Qa Q � C9 a W � c7 � � `�� ° � � � � �� � ,� ��, �, � a SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Above-grade sWCtured parking Process III None ] 0' d 0' 45' Determined 1. No front yard setback is required if the ground floor facade fronting or visible from the ri�tof-way is 60% retail, office or other facilities. on a case by uses(s) permitted in this zone, or otha uses detemvned by the Director of Community Development Services to be cot�sistent with -or- cace basis. comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and the envance(s) to this use or uses are oriented to the right-of-way. Othecwise, a 10' setback is required. d 0' 0' 2. No ma�timum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be dete[mined by otha siu developmmt requirements, i.e., roquired buffers, parking lot Iandscaping surface water facilities, etc. Sec notes 1, 4 3. For community desigi guidelines that apply to the pmject, see Article XIX. & 5. 4. For landscaping requiretnents that apply to the project, see ARicle XVII. 5. T'he City may require additional landscaping or buffe[s on a case by case basis. 6. For sign requirements that apply w the project, see Article XVIII. r Process I, II, III and N aze described in §§ 2238�22-411, For other infortnation about parking and parking azeas, see §-�3-}3�Cret,soq� 'c e XV. 22-431-22-460 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regazding required yards, see § 22-1131 et seq. � • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.55), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-797. Multi-unit housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find uae ... THEN, across for REGUTAITONS MI1JIMiJMS � y REQUIRED � [�s Zi�� a W YA�S � a CC-C � o � A � C7 Qa � � � �z USE a a> � o W� ] d � � � � o � Q � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Multi-imit k�ing (attached and/o Process II None Multi-unit 35' Multi-unit l. The City may, �i� Process III, modify required yazd, height, lot coverage, and other site design and dimensional requirements stacked dwelling unit). Possible Process III housing: same or housing: for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See note 1. See notes 8 as these 85' ].7 per unit. a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for tivs wne; and Senior citizen or special nee 8c 12. regulations for b. The proposed development will be consistent with the applicable design guidelines; and housing. gound floor Sce notes 1& Mixed tue c. The street, utilities, and other infrastructure in the azea are adequate W support the propased development. use. 6. developmert, 2. SecKion 22-946 et seq. contains regulations regarding home ocwpations and other accessories, facilities and activities associated senior citiun and with this use. See note 3. special needs 3. No front yard setback required for multi-unit housing if the ground floor facade facing the right-of-way is 60% glass and is housing: consistent with design standards established in Article XIX; othecwise 10' front yazd setback required Senior citizen Detertnined on a 4.'Ihe subject propaty mus[ contaitt at least 900 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit or 48 dwelling units per acre for building or special needs case by case height to 35'. Density may be increased proportionately, to a maximum 80 units per acre, pursuant to note #6 below. housing: basis. 5. Multi-unit housing may not be located on the ground floor of a stiucture fronting a public right-of-way, but may be located on 20' S' S' the ground floor whae not fronting a right-of-way, provided a minimum 20% of the goss floor area of the gound floor of the structure fronting the right-of-way contains retail or commercial use(s) allowed in this zone. However, senior citiun or special See notes 1& needs housing may stand alone. 10. 6. Building height may be increased from the permitted ouVight height of 35 feet to a maximum height of 85 feet in exchange for * providing public open space on site, or payment of a fee-in-lieu of providing the open space on site. The procedure and formula for calculating on-site open space and alumative fee-in-Geu shall be approved by the City Council, adopted by the D'aector of Commimity Development Savice, sl�all be on file in the City Clerk's officq and shall be followed and have the full force and effect as if set fath in fiill in this mticla •Public open space under Hus section shall be in addition to any otha outdoor space or landscape azea required by Uus code, and shall meet design requirements established in Article XIX Section 22-1637. 7.The subject propeRy must contain at least 400 sq. R per dwelling unit of common recreational open space usable for many activities. At least 10% of ihis required open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. If the subject ptopaty contains 4 or more unils, Uus requirod open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25'. In addition, if the subject properiy contains 20 or more units, at leest 50% of t}tis required open space must be in one or pieces each having a leng[h and width of at least 40'. The total atnount of open space required under this note may be reduced by up to 50% for developments providing public on-site open space pursuant to note #6, above. Any open space requirements for senior citiun or special needs housing will be detemtined on a case-by-ca5e basis. 8. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable arw will be detemvned by other site development requiremenu, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface waur faciGties, etc. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, sce Article XIX. 10. For 18ndscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Atticle XV II. 1 I. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 12. Refer to Sec. 22•94G et seq. to detertnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject properry. Arxess I, II. IQ and N an drscribed in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other infonnation about parking and pazking area4, see ¢�x-F396�eef Article 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exceed this haight limit, see § 22-]046 et seq. For details regarding requ¢ed yards, see § 22-1131 et seq. • • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.55), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-798. Hospital, convalescent centers, nursing homes. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fmd use ... Tf�N, across for REGULATIONS MINIMLJMS O � H � � N ZONE � Q � va.E�s � Q ¢ CC—C a 3 � � � � USE � !� � � U �3 � � � � � � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Hospital facilities, convalescent Process II None 20' 0' 0' 35' above Detem�ined 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other siu design and dimensiona! cenurs or nursing homes. Possible Process III avaage on a case by requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See note 1. See notes 1& building case basis. a. 7'he proposed developmrnt will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and 4. elevation. b. The p�oposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and See note 1. c. The street, utilities, and other infrastructure in the area aze adequate W support ihe �oposed development 2. No ma�timinn lot mverage is establisFied Instead, the buildable area will be detemuned by other site development requirements, i.e., required butTers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, ete. 3. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 4. For landscaping requirements that apply to the pmject, see Hcticle XVII. 5. For si� roquiremenu that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 6. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. r Process I, II, III and IV are described in For other infwmation about and aze sce Article XV. 44n.ss6--i2-a�i. ��s r�*��s �. §���- 22-431-22j160, 22-4'76-22�398 respectively. For details of what may exceed tlus height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yazds, sce § 22-1131 et seq. • � (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.80), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-799. Schools; day care facilities; churches. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-�) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: . � USE ZONE CI3ART � DIRFCTIONS: FIRST, read down w find uae ... THEN, acroeo for REGUTAIIONS MIHIMiTMS 'n w z o ° � x�uixEn � ZONE � , a � YARDS � a CC�C d � Qa u � �[7 � � � � � USE � � W � � � � � � � � � � � ,, SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Schools, business college or Vad Pcoccss II None 2Q' 0' 0' 35' above Schools and 1. The City may, using Procus III, modify rcquired yard, heig}�t, landscape and butfer and otha site desi� and dimensionai school. Possible Process III average day care: requiremcnts for a proposed dwelopment that meets ihe following critcria: See note 1. See nous 1& building Detemuned a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies foc this zona; and Day care faciliry, except class I 8. elevation. on a case by b. The proposed developmcnt will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and home occupations. ca5e basis. c. The sVeet, utilities, and other infraswcture in the azea are adequate to suppoR the proposed develo�xnent See note 1. 2. Day care facilities must contain an outdoor play area with at least 75 sq. ft. for each child using the area at any one time. This play Churches and other placa o Churches: area must tie completely enclosed by a solid frnce or other screen at least 6' in height Play equipment and swctured play azeas must religious worship. 1 for every 5 be set back at leatt 5' from each property line. people based 3. Day caze facilities may include saessory living facilities for one stafT'person. on maximum 4. All activities pertaining to business college and trade school must take place withitt an enclosed building. cecupancy 5. Day care facilia�s and schools must comply with the requuemenu of the state depaztment of sacial and health servicu and/or the � load in the state superintendent of public insVuction. principle 6. No tnaximum lot cnvcage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detcmtined by olher site development raquirements, wocship arw. i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 7. For community desig� guidelines that apply W the project, see Article XIX. 8. For landscaPing requuements ttiat apply to the project, see Acticle XVII. 9. For sign requirements that aPP �� P%1�. ���e XVIII. 10. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et uq. to detecmine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject properry. Prooess I, II, III end N ere ducribed in #� 22-386-22-411. For other intormadon about parking and parking azeas. see §�32-i�3i6ct-seq: 'cle XV. 22431-22-460, 22s176-22-498 ie:pectively. For details of what may exceed this height limil, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regazding required yards, ue § 22-1131 et seq. � • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.70), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) � Sec. 22-800. Government facility. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: � USE ZONE CHART DIRFCTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... TI�N, across for REGULATIONS MINIMUMS O w z o ��D � � ZONE . � Q � Y�s � � CC—C � �3 � � � �� � � �'� � °� � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Govemmcnt facility, public parks Procas II None Government 75' Detwmined I. The Ciry may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and otha site design and dimensional and public transit shcltcr. Possible Process III facilities: on a case by rcquirements for a proposed developmrnt that meets the following criterie: See note 1. 20' a a See note 1. case basis. a The proposed developmeni will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and Public parks: c. The street, utilities, and other infraswcture in the azea are adequate to support tha proposed development. Determined on 2 Propaud parks must be consistent with the Cit�s adopted comprehensive parks plan. a case by case 3. No maximum lot covaage is atablished. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, basis. i.e., requircd buffers, parking lot landscaping, surfece water facilities, etc. 4. For community dcsign guidelines that apply W the project, see Arlicle XIX. Public traruit 5. For landscaping requaements that apply W the project, see Acticle XVII. shelter: 6. For sign requuemrnts that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 0' d d 7. Rcfer to Sea 22.946 et seq. to detertnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. 8. Other retail uses not specifica►ly listed in this zone may be approved by the Director of Commiutity Development Services if ihe Scc note 1. proposed use is determined to be consistent with adopted comprehensive plan policies for this wna. Proeeas 1, II. III and N aze duuibed in §§ 22-38�22-411. Fw other infamation about parking and ParkinB areas. aee §�}3a6�etsc4r �Arucle XV 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For detaik of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yuds, see § 22-1131 et seq. � r u (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.92), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-801. Public utility. The following uses shall be pernutted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CIiART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... TEIEN, across for REGiJLATIONS MINIMUMS � z o � � t�tn�n � �, Z01�1E YARDS �? r � Q � � Q a Cl. C7 w w W � � USE � � � � � � � � � � �'� o °� � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Public utility. Process II None 20' 0' 0' 35' above DUermined 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, hcight, landscape and buffu and other site desi� and dimensional Possible Prceess III average on a case by requiroments for a proposed development that meett the following criteria: See note ]. See notes 1& 5. building case basis. a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and elevation. b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and a T'he sVeet, utilities, and other infrastructure in the azea are adequate to support the proposed developmtnt See note 1. 2 If detamined necessary to mitigate visual and noise impacts to sutrounding propecties the City may requ've additional landscaping or buffers on a case by case basis. 3. No m�am�un lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable azea will be determined by other siu development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parku�g bt landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 4. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 5. For landscaping requiremenu thaz apply to the projec; see Article XVII. f 6. For sigii requirements that apply W the project, see ARicle XVIII. 7. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detemtine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject pcope[ty. - Process I, II, III and N ece described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other information about parking and pazking aroas, see �ee�sce� 'cle XV. 22-431-22-460. . 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. F� a�ts re��g rw�a raras. �§ z�� isi �c �. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.90), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) LJ . Sec. 22-802. Reserved. Sec. 22-803. Office use. The following uses shall be pemutted in the city center frame (CC-F) wne subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIl2ST, read down to fmd use ... TT�N, across for REGLJLATIONS MINIIvItJMS � w ° � ��D � N ZONE d Yaxns � w� � � � N CC-F °' � � A �7 USE � � � � � � � � a' � � � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES °� �a a � �a �a a Otl'ice use. Process II None' 0' 0' 0' 35' above 1 for wch 1. The City may, using Process III, modify requirod yard, height, landscape and buffu and other site desi� and dimensional Possible Ptocess III � average 398 40Q requirements far a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See note 1. - or - building sq. ft. of a. T'he proposed development will be consistent with the adopud comprehensive plan policies for tlus zone; and elevation. goss floor b. The proposed development will be wnsistent with applicable design guidelines; and 10' 0' 0' azea. c. The street, utilities, and other infrasWCture in the area aze adequate W suppcttt ihe proposed development See notes ]& 2. No front yard setback required if the gound floor facade fronting on or visible fcom the right-of-way is 60% transparent glass and See notes 1, 2, 5 5. is consistent with design standards established in Article XIX; othenvise 10' front yard setback required. & 8. 3. Assembly or manufacpue of goods on the subject propeRy is pcmutted cmly if: a The asseanbly a mazuif'adure is clearly accessory to an allowed use conducted on the subject property and is directly related W and * dependent on this allowed use; h The asseinbled a manufac�zued goocis are available for purchase and removal from the subject property and are for sale only to retail Purchasecs;and c. There are no outward appearan� or impacts fr�n the assembly or manufacture 4. The following regulaUwu appty W veurinary office only: a. May only treat small animals on the subject property; b. May not include outside rutis or other outside facilities for ihe animals; c The site must be designed so tl�at noise from this use will not be audible off the subject propeRy based on a certificate W this effect signed by an acoustical enginecr and filed with the development pertnit applications. 5. ff azry pcetiai ofa scuchae on the subject property is within ] 00 feet of a raidential zone, thrn that portion of the stcucture shalt not exceed 30 fed aUove average building elevation and the sWcture shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line of the �esidential zone. G No maximum lot coverage is established Instead, the buildable area will be detemrined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 7. For community desig� guidelines that apply to the project, ue Article 7QX. 8. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 9. For sign requiruneMs that apply to the project, sce Article XVIII. 10. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detertnine what oUur provisia�s of this chapter maY aPP�Y to the subject propecty. Process I, ii, III snd N�e desaibed in For other inforroation about parlcing and parking areas, see §�}}76stxg 'cle §§ 22-386-22-411, 22-431-22-460, 22476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exce� this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. Fa aetails resardins n4� YaT�. see § zz-1 lsl et sey. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.50), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord No. 96-270, § 5, 7-02-96) � • � Sec. 22-804. Retail use. The following uses sha11 be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fmd use ... TE�N, across for REGULAT'IONS MINIIv1UMS ° � �Q�D � N ZONE YARDS � � � � ¢ CC-F ° Q a :� � � � c� USE a � � � o �' � , � o �� � a � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES � �a�a a � ti �a � �aa Retail establishment ulling Process II None 0' d 0' 35' above General retail 1. The City may, using Piocess III, modify raquired yazd, height, landscape and butfer and other site desi� and dimensional goceries, praduce and related Possible Prceess III average establishments: requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: items; dmgs and personal care See note 1. -or- building 1 for each36B a. T'he proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and products; books; liquor, hardware, elevation. � sq. ft. of b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and gardeq home elecVOnics, sporting 10' a a �oss floor area. c. The street utilities and other infrastructure in the azea ere adequate to support the proposed development. goods; and related iums; or works See notes ]& 2. No froM yard setback required if the ground floor facade &onting on or visible from the right-of-way is 60% transparent glass of a[t (excluding bulk retail). See notes 1, 2, 6 6. Retail and is consistent with daign standards established in Article XIX; otherwise 10' front yard setback required. & 10. establisiunents 3. Assembly or manufacUue of goods on the subject propeity is pemutted onty if:� Retail variety, speciality, or providing a. The assembly or manufacture is cleazly ancillary to an altowed use conducted on the subject propecty and is duectly related depaRment stores. entertaintnent, to and dependent on ihis allowed use; rocreation or b.'Rie assanbled or manufactured goods aze available for purchase and removal from the subject propeRy and are for sale only Retail establishment providing cultural: to retail purchasers; and banking and related financial Detetmined on c. Thero aze no outward appearance or impacts from the assembly or manufacture. services. a case by caze 4. Retail establishmrnts providing vehicle or boat sales, se[vice or repair and retail establist�ments providing public basis. mini-wazehouse or storage facilities are not permitted in this zone. Retail establishment providing 5. Access to and from drive-Ihrough facilities must be approved by the public works depattmenG Drive-tluough facitities must laundry, dry cleaning, beauty and * be desi�ed so thatvehicles will not block haffic in the skeet while waiting in line and will not unreasonably interfere with on-site barber, video rental or shoe repa'v Vaffic flow. services. 6. If any poAion of a shucture on the subject propecty is within 100 feet of a residential wne, Uien that portion of the stcucture shall not exceed 30 feet aboye average building elevation and the sWCture shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the Retail establishments providing propetty line of the residrntial zone. limited medical manufacturing 7. Ouldoor use, activity and storage is regulated by Sec. 22-1113. services such as dental labs, 8. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detemuned by other site development prosthe.tics labs, opttcal services, requirements, i.e., required buffers. Packin8lot landscaping surface water facilities, etc. on a caze by case basis. 9. For community desi� guidelictes that apply to fhe gmject, see HRicle XIX. Sce note 13. 10. For Iandscaping requirements that apply to the project, sec ARicle XVII. 11. For si� requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. Priuting and duplicating services. 12. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detemune what other provisions of this chapter may apply W the subject property. 13. Limited manufacturing services and otha retail uses not specifically listed in this zone may be approved by the D'uector o Other retail not specifically listed Community Developc�a�t Services if the ptoposed use is detecmined to be consistent with adopted comprehensive plan policies in this zone. for this zone. See note 13. Process I, II,1II and N aze described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For otha infomiation about Pazk1n8 and Perki�8 azeas. see §�3�3�be�aeq: �t cle XV 22-431-22-460, 22-47C�22-098 respectively. For details of whac may exce.ed this height timit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see § 22-I 131 et seq. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.35), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) � C� Sec. 22-805. Entertainment, etc. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIItST, read down to fmd use ... TI-IEN, across foY REGi1L.ATIONS MINIMUMS � � � x�Qu�D � � ZONE � W YARDS �? � � Q CC-F � Q 3 3 � A � USE � � � � � � � � � � � o � � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTE5 Reteil establishment provi ' Process II None a a 0' 35' above P r i v a t e 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other site design and dimensional rntettainmrnt, recreational o Possible Process III average clubs and requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: cultural services or activities. See note 1. -or- building lodges: a. The proposed development will be consisunt with the adopted comprehcnsive plan policies for tlus zone; and elevation. 1 for each b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and Private club or lodge. ]0' 0' 0' 200 sq. R. c. The sVeet utilities and other infrastructure in the area are adequate to support the proposed development See notes 1& of goss 2. No front yard setback required if the ground floor facade fronting on or visible from the right-of-way is 60% transpazent glass and Health Club. See notes 1, 2, 4 4. floor azea. is consistent with design standards established in Article XIX; othenvise 10' front yard setback required. & 7. 3. Acccss to and fran fast food drive-tivough facilities must be approved by the public works department; drive-tluough facilities must Restaurant or tavem. be desig�ed so that vehicles will not block vaffic in the sueet while waiting in line and will notunteasonably interfere with on-site AII others: vatT'ic flow. Fast food restaurant 1 for each 4. If any partion of a sVucture on the subject propecry is within 100 feet of a residariial zone, then that portion of the structure shall See nou 3. , ] 00 sq. ft. not exceed 30 feM above average building elevation and the sWctute shall be set back a minimutn of 20 feet from the pmpeRy line of gross of the rosidential zone. tloor area. 5. No rt�axim�un lot covewge is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by olher site development requirements, i.e., required buffus, parking lot landscaping, surface watec facilities, etc. 6. For community design guidelines that apply to the Prolect. see Article XIX. 7. For landscaping requiremenu that apply W the project, see Artide XVII. 8. For sign requirements that apply to the pmject, see Article XVIII. 9. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to deurtnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. Process I, II. III and N ace described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For otha infortnation about parking and parking areas, see §'�3'13a6e4�se9c icle XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see § 22-1131 d seq. � • (Ord No. 90-43, § 2(50.15), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-806. Adult entertainment. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F� zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: U5E ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIItST, read down to find use ... TI-IEN, across for REGiILATIONS MINIMUMS � w O N �� � W Ya,x�s � � ZONE � � � a CC Aa C1�' a �3 w � W U �ch � W � U � ��� o °� � � � � a SPEC1AL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Adult enteRainment activity Process III None 20' 0' 0' 35' above 1 for each l.a Fxcept as a spec'if'ied under paragaph l.b below, this use may not locate or be conducted closa than 1,000'(measured along a sVaight use. Possible Process I V average 300 sq. R. ►ine Gom any point of public access to the building housing this use) to arty of the following, whether in or out of the city: See notes 1& 2. See notes 1, 3& building of gross 1) Any mne in which residential use is an outright permitied use; 6. elevation floor azea 2) A public park; 3) A library; See notes 2 4) A day care facility or school; 8c 3. 5) A church, synagogue or other place of roligious worship; 6) My other adnit entertainment use or activity. b. The city may, iuing Process N, approve this use regardless of its proximity to the uses and wna specifted in paragaph la. (6) abovq based on the following critecia: 1)17x extad to which the topogaq�hy a�ysical feetures of the azea would result in effective separation in tertne ofvisibiliry and access; 2) The compatibility of the proposed used with nearby uses; * 3) The lack of availability of altemative Iceations for the proposed use, baud on the requirements of paragraph la above; 4) The availability of transportati� mutes to allow motorists and pedestrians to avoid the proposed iue if thi.y wish to do so. 2 The City may, using Aocas N, modify requ'ued yard, height, landscape and buffer and other siu desig� and dimensional requircments for a proposed development that meets ihe following criteria: a. T'he proposed development will be consistent with the adoptcd comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and b. The proposed development will be coiuistent with applicable design guidelines; and c. The street utilities and other infrasWchffe in the area are adequate to suppoR the proposed development 3. If any portion of a strucWre on the subject properry is wiihin 100 feet of a residential wne, then that poztion of the structure shall not exceed 30 feet above average building elevation and the structwe shall be ut back a minimum of 20 feet from the properiy line of the residential zone. 4. No ma�omian ld covaage is esWblished. Instead, the buildable area will be detemtined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 5. For wmmunity desi� guidelines that apply to the project, ace ARicle XIX. 6. For landscaping roquuements that apply W the project, see Article XVII. 7. For sigi requirements that apply W the project, see Article XVIII. 8. Refu to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detettnine what other provisions of tlils chapter may apply to the subject propaty. Process I, II, III and N are described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other infom�ation about parking and parking areas, see §�-}346ctseq 'rt ck XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of whac may exaed this height limit, see § 22-1046 d seq. For details regarding required yards, see § 22-1131 d, uq. (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.45),2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) • � _ _ _ �i� Sec. 22-807. Vehicle service station. The following uses shall be pemutted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS; FIItST, read down to fmd use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS MINIMLJMS � O (n REQUQZED w a W Y � S � U ZONE � o � � � cc-F � Q a � W Q � 3 v U � � �'� � °� � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Vehicle secvice station or Process II 22,500 40' 15' 15' 35' above Determined 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and butler and other site desipi and dimensional car wa4h Possible Prceess III average on a case by requirements for a proposed dwelopment that mcets the following criteria: See note 1. See notes 1, 6& building case basis. a. T'he proposed deve►opment will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and 10. elevation. b. The proposed development wiil be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and c. The street utilities and other infrasWcture in the area are adequste W suppoR the proposed development. See notes 1& 2. This use may not include any of the following: 6. a. Vehicle or boat collision repair, b. Vehicle chassis repair, c. Vehicle or boaz painting 3. Gas p�anp islands may extend 25' into the required &ont yard. Canopies and covers wer gas pump islands may not be closer than 1S to azry property line. Outdoor parking and service areas may not be closer than 10' to any property line. If gas pump island is on � the side or reaz and station includes mini-maK, setback is 0' for front yazd. 4. AII service and repair activities other than those service activities that typically take place at gas pump islands, must take place within an enclosed building. 5. May not be more than two vehicic se[vice stations at any intersedion. 6. Ifarrypation of a sWcture on the subject property is within 100 feet ofa residential wne, then that portion of the structure shall not vcceed 30 fcet above avuage bui}ding elevation and the st�ucture shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line of the residential zone. 7. Outdoor use, activity and storage is regulated by Sec. 22-I 113. 8. No cc�aximiun lot coveragc is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, i.e., required bufTers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 10. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 11. For sign roquirements that apply to the project, see Article XV III. 12. Refer to Sea 22-946 et seq. to detertnine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. Process I, II, III and IV are described in §§ 2238Cr-22-411, For other infortnation about parking and parking areas, see §3?-}396slaeq� icle XV. 22-431-22jiK1, 22-476-22-498 respedively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yacds, see § 22-1131 et seq. � • (Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-808. Hotel, convention and trade centers. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIItECTIONS: FIKST, read down to fmd use ... Tf�N, across for REGULATIONS MINIMUMS � ° � �Quu�D � � ZONE YARDS c7 U a � � Q CC-F QP ' w �` � Q � USE 3 � � � � � � o ° � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES �a�a a � �a v, �a Hotel, motcl, convention and trad Process II None a a 0' 45' above 1 for each 1. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other site design and dimensional ccnters. Possible Process III average guut room. requirements for a proposed development that mepts the following criteria: See nou 1. -or- building a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted canprehensive plan policies for this zone; and elevation. Facilities b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and 10' 0' 0' with no guest c. The street utilities and otha infraswcture in the area are adequate W support the proposed development. See notes 1& rooms: 2. No fiait yard setback requirod if the �ound floor facade fronting on or visible from the right-of-way is 60% 7anspazent glazs and See notes 1, 2, 4 4. Detertnined is consistent with design standacds esWblished in Afticle XIX; othe[wise 10' front yazd setback required. & 7. on a case by 3. If ihis use includes accassoty meeting, convention or other facilities that will be used by persons other than ovemight guests at the case basis. hotel or motel, the city may require additional parking on a case by case basis, based on the eactent and nature of these accessory tacilities. See note 3. 4. If azry portion of a stcucture on the subject propecty is within 100 fcet of a residential zonq then that portion of the strudure shall t not exc�ed 30 feet above average building elevation and the sVuctwe shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line of lhe residential zone. 5. No maximian lot covaage is established. Instead, the buildable atea will be detertnined by other site development roquirements, i.e., requited buffers, pazking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, ete. 6. For communiry design guidelinea that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 7. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 8. For sipi requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 9. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what other provisions of Uus chapter may apply to the subject propeRy. Process I, II and III are described in §§ 22-386-72-411. For otha infortnation about �rarking and parking areas, see ��e.q icle XV. 22-431-22-460 22-476-22-498 respectively. Site Plan Review is described in §§ 22-361-22-369 For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details reg�rding required yards, sce § 27.1131 et seq. � u (OD. No. 90-43, § 2(50.25), 2-27-90; OD. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-809. Multi-unit housing. The following uses shall be pernutted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section USE ZONE CHART DIltECTIONS: FIItST, read down to fmd use ... T13EN, aaoss for REGULATIONS MINIMUMS rrz u , ° � x�Quu�D � W ZONE � � Y.�,�S � a CC-F � Q� .� � Q� � 3 � � � � � � � � ° � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES � Multi-tmit housing (attached and/o Process II None. Multi•unit 35' Multi-unit l. 7'he City may, using Process III, modify required yatd, height, landscape and buffu and other site dosigtt and dimensional stacked dwelling units). Possible Prceas III housing: or housing: requirements for a proposed develo}unnent that meets the fol►owing criteria: See note 1. See note 7. Same as these 85' 1.7 per unit. a. The proposed development wi II be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and Senior citizen or special ne requirements for b. The proposed developmrnt will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and housing. ground floor Sce notes l, 5 Mixed use c. The street utilities and other infrastruchue in the area are adequate W support the proposed developmmt. uses. & 6. deve(opment, 2. The subject propecry must contain at least 726 sq, ft. of !ot azea per dwelling unit or at least 1 acre for every 60 dwelling units. senior citizen Density may be incceased propoRionately to a maximum 80 units per acre, pursuant to note 1l5, below. Senior citizen or and special 3. Multi-unit housing may not be ►ocated on the ground floor of a skucture fronting a rip�t of way, but may be located on the special needs needs grow�d floa whae nol fronting a ri�u of way; provided a minimum 20% of the gross floor azea of the ground floor of the structure housing: housing contains one or more other use allowed in this wna Senior citizen a special needs housing may stand alone. 2d 5' S' Detertnined 4. Sectia� 22-94G et seq. contains regilaliau regarding home occupations and other accessories, facilities and activities azsociated on a case by with this use. See notes 3, 6& case basis. 5. Building height may be increased from the pemritted outright height of 35 feet to a maximum height of 8S fcet in exchange 10. for providing public open space on site, or payment of a fee-in-lieu of providing the open space on site. 11u procedure and focmula for calculating on-sile open space and altemative fee-in-lieu shall be edopted by the D'uector of Community Dcvelopment Services, shall be on file in the City Clerk's office, and shall be followed and have the full force and effect as if set forth in full � in this article. Public open space under this section shall be in addition to any otha outdoor space or landscape area required by this code, and shall meet design requirements established in Ar[icle XIX Section 22-1639. 6. ff any ponion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 feet of a single family residential zone, then that portion o the shucUue shall not exceed 30 feet above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line of the residential zone. 7. The subject property must contain at least 400 sq. ft. per dwelling unit of common recreational open space usable for many activities. At least 10% of this required open space must be developed and maintained with childcen's play equipment. If the subject propecty coMains 4 a more units, this roquired open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least. ZS'. In addition, if the subj ect propeRy contains ?A or more units, at least 50% of this required apen space must be in aie � mae pieces each having a length and width of at least 40'. The wtal amount of open space required under ttSs note may be reduced by up to 50% for developments providing public on-site open space pucsuant w note #5, above. Any oprn space requiremrnts for senia citiun or special needs housing will be detertnined on a case-by�caae basis. 8. No maximum lot coverage is established.• Instead, the buildable area will be detcm�ined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 9. For community design guidelinGS that apply to the projccy see A�ticle XIX ] 0. For IandscaPinB re9uirements that apply W the ProJect. see Article XVII. 11. For si� requirements that apply to the project, see Nrticle XVIII. 12. Refa W Sec. 22-946 ct seq. to detemzine what other provisions of this chapter �y apply to the u�bjxt property. Process L II, tII and IV are described in §§ 22-386-22-41 I, For other infortnation about parking and parking areas. see §�3�3�6s�xgArti e XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-416-22-498 respectively. For details of what may ezceed this height limit, see § 22•1046 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see § 22-1131 et seq. � • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.55), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-810. Group homes. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... TF�N, across for REGiJLATIONS MINIIv1CJMS o � � � ZONE a � Y'�°s � a CC-F a � ti V U' a � � � � � � U � � �'� o �° � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Group Homes Type II-A Process III None 20' 0' 0' 35' above Detertnined on l. a. Except as specified in para�aph 1.6. below, the facility must be: average building a case by case 1) Distanced az least 1.000 fed from airy school, park, church, playgrovnd, or day care center, mea4ured by following a straight line, witho d Group Homes Type II-B Process IV See notes 11 & elevation. basis. to intervening buildings, from the nearest point of ihe parcel or property or land use distrid boundary line from which the proposed we is to be 14. separated. See note ] 1. 2) Distanced at least ],000 feet from any other Group Home Type II, Group Home Type III, or Sceial Service Transitional Housing as defined by this chapter; and as measured by the same method as the separation requirement described hereia 1. b. The City may, using the specified review process, approve this use regardless of its proximity to the uses spec�ed in pazagraph l.a. above, based on the following criteria: i) The extent to which the [opo�raphy or physical features of the area would rosult in effective sepazation between existing uses and the proposed development. 2) The compatibility of the proposed use with nearby uses. 3) The lack of availability of altemative ►oca[ions for the proposed use based on Uu separffiion requirements. 4) The extent to which the proposal is consisient with Uu public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The facility and pcogaen must secure and maintain all licenses and/or approvals as required by the state, including verification from the Departrnent of Jwaule Justice, which shall be reviewed by the Police Depaztment, that the proposed facility meeu state standards for such facilities and that the facility will meet state laws and cequirements. 3. Nomaximian Idcovcage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detertnined by other siu development requiremrnts, i.e., required buffecs, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. * 4. 'R�e progazn mtst be operated under the authority of a reputable gweming board, social setvicq oc govemment agency, or proprietor, to whom staff aze responsible and who will be availabk to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concems pettaining w the facility. . 5. The facility will have staffing, supervision, and security azrangements appropriate W the mimber of clients and to its houcs of operation. 6.'Ihe subjed propetry must be situated in close proximity to, and have c�venient access to, public transportation, s}iopping, health care providers, and otha services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the propecty. 7. Floor area requiremenu, minimum sleeping areas, and bathroom facilities will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 8. The facility will not create unreasonable impacts on traffic, public utilities and services or on neazby ruidences. � 9. The facility has adequau off-sVeet parking and the appearance confmms with the character of suerounding uses. 10. The facility is in compliance with applicable health, fire, building and safety requirements. 11. If atry pation of a structiue on the subjed propeRy is withitt 100 feet of a single family residential zone, then that poRion of the stiuchue shall not exceed 30 feet ahave av�ge building elevation a� the structtue shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the pcopeRy line of the residential zone. 12. No mudmum lot covaFge is established. Insuad, the buildable area will be determined by otha site development requirements, i.e., requ'ved buffers, pazking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 13. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see ARicle XIX. 14. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. 15. For sigi requirements that appty to the project, see t4ticle XVIII. 16. Refa to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what otha provisions of this chaptec may epply W the subject property. Process I, II. IIT and N ere described in §§ 22-386-22-41 ], For other infomiation about parking and pazking azeas, see ¢33•}3abels�q ic . 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exeeed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yards, ue § 22-1131 et seq. (Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-811. Social service transitional housing. The following uses shall be peimitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FII2ST, read down to fud use ... THEN, across fa REGULAI'IONS MINIMUMS z o ° W � xEQu�D Y�s � � ZONE � v � a CC—F Q �a' q 'n U.SE a� f� N [-� u � � U ' � � � �'� o °� � � � � a SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Sociat Servicas Transitional Housing Process III None 20' 0' 0' 35' above Detertnined on a 1. The City tnay pemut these uses only if' Type A or Type B average ca5e by caze basis. a. The facility is distanced at least 1,000 feet from any other facility under this classification. See notes 4& 7, building b. The facility and program secures and maintains all licenses and/or apprwals as requued by the state. elevation. c. The subject property is situated in clou proximity to, and has convenient access to, public Vansportation, sFapping health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utiliud by the residents of the properry. See note 4. d The progam will be opecated under the authority of a roputable goveming board, social setvice, or govemment agency, or proprietor, to whom staff aze responsible and who will be available to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concems pertaining to the facility. e. The facility will have stalT"uig, supervision, and security arrangements appropriate to the number of clients and to its hours of operation. f. The facility will not eaeate �mreasonable impacts on traffic, public utilities and setvices or on nearby residences. g The faciGty has adeq��ate off-street parking and the appeazance confoims with the chazacter of sucrounding uses. h. The facility is in compliance with applicable health, fire, building, and safety requiremenu. I. The facility will opaate �der a written management plan, approved by the goveming agency, board, or official, whichmustmtaadntinist�ative standacds, specifications. and requirecnents, which shall be adopted by the D'uector of Community Development Services, and which shall be on file in the city clerk's office, and which shall be * followed and have Uie full force and effect as if they were set fatfi in full in this article. 21he City will detemune the numba of dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites pemutted in the proposed development based on the following criteria: a The specific natqre of the occugancy and the persons that will be housed in the proposed development b. The size of the dwellicg unitr a ooa�ancy rooms or suites and the specific wnfiguration of the facilitia within these units, rooms, or suites. c. T'he impacts on neazby residential uses of the proposed development. 3. Floor area requiremenu, minuniun sleeping areas, and batluoom facilities will be determined on a case basis. 4. If azry portion of a structwe on the subject properly is within 100 feet of a single faarily residential zonq thar that patiai ofthe shuctiue shall not exceed 30 feet above average building elevation and the sVucture shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet fmm the properiy line of the residential wne. 5. No maximum lot coverage is established Inseead, the buildable area will be detem�ined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping surface water facilities, etc. 6. For community desi� guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX 7. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XV II. 8. For sign requ'uements that apply to the ProJect, see Article XVIII. 9. Refa to Sec. 22-946 et seq. tu ddamine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. Process I, II, III and IV are desaibed in §§ 22-386-22-411, For ofher infortnation about parking and parking areas, see §�3-}396sheer icle XV. 22fi31-22-460, 22�476-22-498 respective}y. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-] 046 et seq. For details regarding required yards, ue § 22-1131 et uq. (Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-812. Schools; day care facilities; churches. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CF) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DFRF�CTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... TT�N, across for REGULATIONS MINIMUMS � O � F � x�Qu��D � ZONE � � Y.�S � Q CC-F � Qa � � �� � 3 � g � U � � � � � °� � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Schools, business college or vade Process II None a a 0' 35' above Schools and 1. The Ciry may, using Prceess III, modify roquired yard, height, landscape and buffa and other siu dui� and dimensional schooL Possible Process III average day caze. requ'uements for a proposed development that meets tku following critecia: See note 1. See nous 1, 2 building DetertnineA a. The proposed developmrnt will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; Day care faciliry, except class II & 6. elevation. on a case by b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and home occupations. case basis. c. The street utilities and otha infraswcture in the area aro adequsu to support the proposed development. See notes 1& 2. Day care faciliUes must contain an ouidoor play area with at leatt 75 sq. R. for each child using the area at any one time. This play Churches or othtt places of 6. Churches: area must be completeiy �closed by a solid fence or other screen at least G in heig}tt. Play equipment end sWctured play azeas must religious wotship. 1 for every 5 be set back at least 5' from each property line. people based 3. Day care facilities may include accessory Iiving facilities as defined by Sea 22-1. on maximum 4. Day care facilities and schools must comply with the requirements of the state depazUnent of social and health services and/or the cecupancy state superintendent of public instruction. � load in the 5. All activities pertaining to business college and Vade schaol must take place within an enclosed building. principle 6. If any pation of a sVucture on the subject property is within 100 feet of a residential zone, thrn that portion of tha sWcture shall worship area. not excead 30 feet above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line of the residential zone. 7. No maximiun lot caverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be detertttined by othcr site development requiremrnu, i.e., required bufl'ers, parking lot landsceping surface water facilities, etc. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Aiticle XIX. 9. For landscaping requiretnrnts that apply to the project, sce Article XVII. ` 10. For sign requirements thet apply to the project, see Article XVIII. 11. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject propecty. Pra�cess I, II, III end N are described in §§ 22-386-22-411, 22-431-22-460, For other infortnation about parking and parking areas, see ¢s�3-}396�clyeqr icle XV. 22-47�22-498 nspecuvely. For details of what may exceed this heig►u limit, see § 22-1046 daeq. For aesails roearains reqwr�a ratas. see g zza � 31 et seq. �� �� (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.70), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-1'70, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-813. Hospitals; convalescent centers, nursing homes. The following uses shall be pennitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART ' DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fmd use ... THEN, across for REGiJLATIONS MINIMUMS � w F � REQUIRED O � � �, ZONE a � v�s � Q CC-F W p � a Qa � m � USE 3 � � Cti W � U � � � � o � � � � � a SPECIA,L REGULATIONS AND NOTES Hospital facilities, convalescen Process II None 20' a a 35' above Ddermined ]. The City may, using Pracess III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and oiher site design and dimensional crnters or nursing homes. Possible Process III average on a case by requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See nou 1. See notes 1& 2. building case basis. a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adapted comprehensive plan poiicies for this zone; elevatioa b. The proposed development wi11 be wnsistent with applicable design guidalines; and c. The sVcet utilities and other infrasWcture in the area are adequate to support the proposed development. See notes 1& 2 If any portion of a sWcture on the subject property is within 100 feet of a residential zone, then that poRion of the swcture shall 2. not exceed 30 feet above average building elevation and the sWcture shall be set back a minitrmm of 20 feet from the property line of the residential zone. 3. No ma�cimutn lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be ddermined by other site development requirements, i.e., required bufl'ers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 4. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Atticle XIX. 5. For landscaping requirements that apPly W the project, see Article XVII. � 6. For sign requirements that appty to the projeci, see Article XV III. 7. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to detetmine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the;ubject properiy. Process I, II, III end N are described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other infortnation about parking and parking areas, see §�3-}3abe.txqr icle 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 rapectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see § 22-1131 et uq. � • (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.80), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-814. Parking garages. The following uses shall be pernutted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIItECTIONS: FIRST, read down to fi� use ... Tf�N, across for REGLTI,ATIONS MINIMUMS `� w � � REQUIRED O Y � S � W ZONE a �d � Q CC-F C�7 Qa .^e � Q� 3 v US�E � �� � � � � � �� �a a �� � a SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Above-gade sWct�ued parki Process III None 20' Y 5' 35' Determined l. If any portion of a swctwe on the subject property is within ]00 feet of a residrntial zone, then that portion of the swcture shall facilities. a� a case by not exceed 30 feet abovc avuage building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimutn of 20 feet from the property line See notes ], & See note 1. case basis. of the residential mne. 3. 2. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requiremenu, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 3. The City may require addiGona( landscaping or bufTers on a case-by-case basis. 4. For communiry design guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 5. For sign requirements that apply to theproject, see Articte XVIII. 6. Refer to Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subjed property. r Process I, II, III and N are described in §§ 22-386-22-411, For other infocmation about pazking and parking azeas, see §�3-t3�6�etxqr 'cle XV 22-431-22-460, 22-476-22-498 respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding requ'ved yards, see § 22-1131 et seq. � L J (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.90), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-815. Government facility. The following uses shall be pernutted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIR$CTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... Tf�N, across for REGULATIONS MINIMUMS z o ° � x�Qcru�D � � ZONE ~ YARDS � w /� a Cl.–F U � Q� L �� Q�n W 3 � � � USE � � rJ `"' o °� � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES �w� Govemmrnt faciliry, public parks, Process II None Govemmrnt 35' above Determined I. The City may, using Process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other site design and dimensional and public transit shelter. Possible Process III facilities: average on a case by requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See note 1. 20 0' 0' building case basis. a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for tlils mne; and elevation. b. T'he proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and Public pazks: c. The sVeeYutilities and other infrastaucture in the area are adequate to support the proposed developmrnt DeteRnined on a See notes 1 8c 2. Proposed parks must be consistent with the City's adopted comprehensive park plan. cau by case 3. 3. If any portion of a swcture on the subject property is within ]� feet of a residential zone, then that poRion of the sWcture shall basis. rrot eatceed 30 feet above average building elevation and the sVUCtwe shall be set back a minimutn of 20 feet from the property line of the residential wne. Public transit 4. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instcad, the buildable area will be determined by other site developmrnt requirements, shelter: i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surFace water facilities, etc. 0' Q' 0' S. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 6. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Article XVII. See notes 1& 3. 7. For sign requiroments that apply W the project, see Article XVIIL 8. Refer zo Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what other provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject property. Process I, II, III and N are described in §¢ 22-386-22-41 l, For other information about par�ing and parking areas; see §�}2-}3?6�etseqArticle XV. 22-431-22-460, 22-47(r-22-498 respectively. For details of what may eacceed this hei�t limiy see § 22-1046 et seq. For details regarding requued yards, see § 22-1131 et seq. � � (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.92), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) Sec. 22-816. Public utility. The following uses shall be pennitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRFGTIONS: FIRST, read down to fmd use ... THEN, across for REGULATTONS MINIML7MS � k, � �, REQUIRED H W Yaitns � � ZONE � � � a l.l. C7 Q a .� � Q � 3 `� � � U � � �' o ° � � � � � SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES �a �a a � �a Public utility Process I I None 20' 0' 0' 35' above Determined l. The City may, using Process III, modify required yazd, height, lot coverage, and other site design and dimensional requirements for Possible Process III average on a case by a proposed development that meets the following criteria: See note 1. See notes 1& building case buis. a. The proposed development will be wnsistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this wne; and 4. elevation. b. The proposed development will be consistent with the applicable design guidelines; and c. The street, utilities and other infrasWdure in the area are adequate to suppoR the proposed development. See notes 1& 2. See AdminisVative Commercial Design Guidelines Article XIX. Applicable Sections IA-C, IIA-F, IIIA-D. 4. 3. Ifdetermined necessaryto mitigate visual and noise impacts to surrounding properties the City may require additional landscaping or bufi'ers on a case by case basis. 4. If any poRion of a swcture on the subject property is within 100 feet of a residential zone, then that portion of the sVUCtwe shall not exceed 30 feet above average building elevation and the sWCture shall be set back a minimutn of 20 feet from the property line of the residential mne. * 5. No rr�aximinn lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other sitc development requirements, i.e., roquired bufl'ers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 6. For communiry design guidelines that apply to the project, see Article XIX. 7. For landscaping requiremenis that apply to the projat, see Article XVII. 8. For sign requiroments that apply lo the project, see Micle XVIII. 9. Refer lo Sec. 22-946 et seq. to determine what olher provisions of this chapter may apply to the subject praperty. Process I, II, III and N aze desccibed in §§ 22-386-22-411> For other information about Parking and pazking areas, see §�k346�el��eqr 'c e 22-031-22-460, 22-476-22-498 rapectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see § 22-] 046 et aeq. For details regazding nquired ymds, sec § 22-1131 et seq. � �� (Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.90), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96) � • MEMO TO: City Council Land Use Committee FROM: Kathy McClung, Deputy Director CDS �" DATE: May 12, 1997 RE: Downtown Parking The Federal Way Comprehensive Plan sets several policies to implement a denser downtown. One way is through different parking strategies. The prQposed changes encourage structured parking, increase compact stall ratios, shared parking criteria, and the ability to increase or decrease stalls based on certain criteria. Attached are the following: 1. Planning Commission Recommendation and Findings 2. Staff report prepared by Don Largen of McConnell/Burke, Inc. 3. Draft Ordinance with suggested code language I ` � � � � CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Planning Commission DATE: APRIL 15, 1997 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: ROBERT VAUGHAN, CHAIR SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION - DOWNTOWN PARKING ���������������������������������������������������������������� BACKGROUND � One of the code amendments identified for the 1997 Planning Commission work program is to review parking requirements in the downtown area and make recommendations to implement the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan for a more dense downtown. II. PLANNING COMMISSION PROCESS The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on downtown parking on March 19, and April 2, 1997. The only public testimony given was from representatives of the SeaTac Mall. City staff has made the modifications requested by the Planning Commission and has indicated text to be removed from the FWCC by using �+{ce--Att�s and indicating added text by using underlinina. This allows the Council to easily distinguish the changes being recommended by the Planning Commission. The revised FWCC chapters are attached to this document in the form of a draft ordinance. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES The following list summarizes the major code amendments reviewed and��approved-by the Commission during this code revision process. A. Increase the compact stall ratio from 25% up-to 40% and-require the.compac�:- stalls to be dispersed throughout the site. B. Establish the parking stall requirement for office uses in the downtown from 1 stall for every 300 square feet of gross floor area (GFA) to 1 for every 400 square feet of � � � GFA. Establish the sta�l requirement for retail uses from 1 stall for every 300 square feet of gross floor area to 1 stall for every 350 GFA. C. Establish the ability for property owners to reduce on-site parking on a one to one basis if they contribute to the city to fund on-street parking and the streets adjacent to the site are classified to allow on-street parking. D. Establish the ability forproperty owners to reduce their on-site parking by 20% by providing documentaion of a traffic demand management plan. This is directed at large employers. E. Structured parking in the downtown should be encouraged by allowing an increase in height or up to a 20°/a reduction or 20% increase in parking if structured parking is provided. F. Shared parking in the downtown area should be permitted when there is not conflict in the peak hours of parking demand, there are pedestrain facilities provided, no building is more than 500 feet from the most remote parking, no more than 20% of required parking may be reduced, and a written agreement is filed by all parties. IV. PLANNING COMMISSION FINDINGS H� RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Commission bases its recommendation of adoption of the proposed amendments to the FWCC to implement the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan on the following findings: 1. Whereas, the Federal Way City Council adopted the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan in order to comply with the state's Growth Management Act; and 2. Whereas, the City of Federal Way's Comprehensive Plan contains policies that call for the reduction of parking in the city center, encouragement of structured parking and shared parking in order to intensify the downtown development and reduce surFace parking. (Policies CCG20, CCP41, CCP42, CCP43, and CCP47); and 3. - Further study of the downtown parking may be warranted when the transit secvice . is further improved and serves the region more effectively; and 4. Whereas, the proposed code amendments would not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare. G,� , �.—_ Robert Vaughan, Chair � Federal Way Planning Commission �: �f � � � DATE APPLICANT PROPOSED ACTION STAFF REPRESENTATIVE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Planning Commission March 12, 1997 City of Federal Way Text Amendments to Chapter 22, Article XV of Federal Way City Code (City Center Parking) ;1 Don Largen, AICP Planning Consultant McConnell/Burke, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION I. INTRODUCTION Staff. recommends that the Planning Commission use the attached working draft of the City Center Parking Standards as basis upon which the Commission develops a recommendation of proposed .City Center parking amendments for City Council consideration. A number of code revisions have been identified and prioritized by the City Council for completion during 1997. One of these items is an analysis of the City Center parking situation and a recommendation for code revisions to be consistent with the goals and polices of the City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. This study began on February 25, 1997. 4 ,-� , The City is proposing text amendments :to Chapter 22 (zoning code) Article XV of the FWCC. The proposed amendments are related to the City Center parking requirements. The amendments are intended to address areas of implementation contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Specific issues are discussed in Section III below. 11. PROCESS The work program for the City Cent�r Parking Study included the following goals: analyze and modify, if necessary, the number of required parking spaces and the ratio RECEIVED BY COMMUNITY DEIlELOPMENT DEPARTMEM MAR 2 4 1997 � � of allowable compact to total parking stalls; encourage parking structures; and encourage shared parking. The first step in this study was to review: existing background data and studies and : analyze the current City regulations to see which sections might be amended to meet the goals of the work program. Included in this step was an inventory of the current parking situation in the area. Public works provided acreage numbers for the amount of - "paved area" in the core and in the frame. Aerial photos and -a field survey provided an approximate number of parking spaces within the core and frame. The second step was to research local and national trends in city center parking stall requirements. An analysis was done using Washington State and national zoning codes and numerous documents dealing specifically with parking published by the American Planning Association. This research forms the basis for many of the options presented in section III. � � The third step was to research national and local car sizes and buying trends as they relate to the 25 percent compact car parking allowance contained in Sec. 22-1442. In addition, a number of codes form similarly sized cities were analyzed to see how other municipalities allow for compact cars. The range for allowable compact spaces _ appears to be from 25 percent to 50 percent. The fourth step was to analyze the current and future barriers to building parking structures. Studies were examined that dealt specifically with problems associated with building structures without the aid of some type of bonus or incentive. The general research and analysis regarding parking structures and the interviewing of key individuals done specific to Federal Way provided the basis for the options for encouraging parking structures presented in section III. The final step in this study was to examine the current regulations and draft recommended amendments to implement the staff recommendations presented in fhe following sections. I11. ISSUE IDENTIFICATION / ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS 4'- The 1995 City of federal'Way Comprehensive Plan contains a chapter d�dicated'to the - City Center. Goal CCG20 of �this chapter aims to reduce demand fo� parking �in the City - Center. Included with this goal are seven policies. Strategies to implement three of these policies are presented in this section. The remaining tMree polices will require further study and are presented in section IV. The issues included in this section are as follows: • Reduce Parking Requirements • Encourage Parking Structures 2 � • Encourage Shared Parking � Clearly the intent of altering parking requirements and parking facilities is to free-up - land that is currently used for on-site surface parking in order to reduce- the land requirements for individual uses within the City Center. Over time this should contribute to the City's goal of encouraging mor� intensive City Center development, creating a more pedestrian oriented 'downtown' area. - A. Reduce Parking Requirements Policy CCP41 aims to reduce the number of parking stalls required for City Center development in comparison to other areas of the City in order to encourage more intensive development and reflect the improvements in local and regional transit service. The number of required stalls is related to the overall demand for parking, which in turn is a function of land use type and the availability of other transportation options. Some of the literature reviewed suggests that on average parking supply exceeds demand in the Puget Sound Region by up to 30%. �� Policy CCP46 aims to allow on-street parking to create a buffer between - pedestrian and traffic depending on street characteristics and its role within the City Center. Providing on-street parking could be credited towards a project's parking requirement. The effect of using on-street parking as part of the parking requirement would be a net reduction in the amount of parking to be provided on-site by a given project. Part of the City's parking provisions is a requirement to provide compact parking stalls at a ratio of 25 percent. Compact car parking requires less square footage of actual parking space and less aisle width. Obviously, increasing the ratio for compact stalls will reduce the amount of overall space devoted to parking. There is a curious lack of specific information concerning consumer car purchases relative to vehicle size. Country-wide statistics from the American Automobile Manufacturers Association suggest that small and mid-sized cars command approximately 75% of the current market. A small telephone survey of local auto dealers supports this conclusion. Currently, the 209 acre Core area contains approximately-10,150 parking spaces � that encompass 95.3 acres of paved area for an average of-409 square feet per parking space. The 205 acre Frame area contains approximately 7,150 parking spaces that cover 79.3 acres of paved area for an average of 482 square feet per space. 3 0 � � � J 1. O tions Below are several options for reducing the amount of parking required in the City Center area. a) Increase the percentage of allowabie compact car parking. Currently, FWCC Sec. 22-1442 allows up to 25 percent of the number of required spaces be sized for compact cars. Staff has analyzed trends related to the size of automobiles sold in the United States and has examined the ordinances of other similarly sized city centers. It appears that percentages range from 25 to 50 percent� with a majority occurring between 35 and 50 percent.` b) The number of required parking stalls for certain uses in the City Center Core (CC-C) and Fr�me (CC-F) zone could be reduced to better reflect the long-term vision for the core, its unique features and building densities and its proximity to local and regional transit service. c) On-street parking could be counted as part of the parking supply in the City Center. This would be based on the classification of the street and would be decided on a case by case basis. This is clearly a limited option since there is a finite amount of linear footage available on existing streets. d) For businesses a reduction of somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of the required number of parking spaces could be allowed by the planning director based on the provision of alternative programs aimed at the reduction of employee off-street parking demand for the building or use. These Transportation demand management options which could be considered by the planning director include, but are not limited to the following: (i) Private vanpool operation; (ii) Transidvanpool fare subsidy; ; (iii) Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools (iv) Flexible work-hour schedule; (v) Participation in a ride-matching program; or (vi) Bicycle parking facilities. e) Set a maximum of allowable spaces that could be constructed. This maximum can simply be a percentage above and beyond the minimum amount of required parking spaces. 4 � � 2. Staff Recommendation a_ Staff recommends that a combination of the above options be impiemented. They are as foilows: A. Reduce the current FWCC CC-C and CC-F zone parking standards for the following uses: (i) Office use: currentty 1 space is required for every 300 square feet of gross floor area. Reduce this requirement to 1 space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area. (ii) Retail use: currently 1 space is required for every 300 square feet of gross floor area for retaii uses and is determined on a case by case basis for retail establishments providing entertainment, recreation or cultural activities. Reduce the base requirement to 1 space for every 350 square feet of gross floor area. B. Uses in the CC-C and CC-F zones rnay develop parking up to the following maximums: (i) 10% above the base minimum for projects requiring 100 parking spaces or less. (ii) 5% abbve the base minimum for projects requiri'ng greater than 100 parking spaces. C. Increase the percentage of required compact parking spaces from 25% to 40% for lots having greater than 20 stails. A dispersion standard should also be instituted to ensure compact/full size stalls are not ail located in the same area. D. Where a project is adjacent to a public street right-of-way, and the street is classified to allow on-street parking, a project proponent may satisfy their parking requirement on a 1 for 1 basis by making a one-time contribution to a City fund established strictly for the development of on-street parking. The amount of the contribution wili be based on a per stall cost established by the City. E. Allow up to a 20% reduction in the number required parking spaces upon documentation of a traffic demand management plan. . _ � 3. Analysis Currently, the City Center (Frame and Core) is dominated by on-site surface parking. The City Center contains approximately 17,300 surface parking spaces. - Studies suggest that this represents an over supply. As improvements to the transit system and shifts in consumer trends occur, the demand for parking should also change. No one regulatory approach by itself is going to provide both the desired goal of parking reduction and design flexibility. The recommended parking requiremen�s for the City Center are intended to 5 � • reflect future changes in parking utilization by offering a combination of regulatory reductions in the required amount of parking. B. Encourage Parking Structures Policy CCP42 aims to encourage public and private parking structures, below and above ground, in the core area. The City may wish to consider a public private partnership to develop structured parking in the downtown commercia� core area. However, there is the question as to whether the City wants to be involved in the actual development of parking structures or to rely on substantial incentives to induce the market to provide structured parking. Barriers to the construction of structured parking are primarily regulatory and market driven. The costs associated with developing parking structures can be p�ohibitive. Building abov�ground parking is substantially less expensive than underground parking. Above ground structured parking costs on average approximately $9,900 per space, compared to $13,400 for underground parking. Studies suggest that structured parking generally makes economic sense when land costs are more than $20 per square foot. In Federal Way there do not appear to be regulatory barriers as such since parking structures are an allowed _ use in the City Center. However, there are also no real incentives in place to encourage their development. Policy CCP43 aims to encourage the provision of parking structures through the use of bonuses and incentives. These can include such things as increased floor areas, increased building heights, and reduced parking requirements, to name a few. Bellevue has successfully used floor area bonuses to induce underground and structured parking in their downtown area. Floor area and � height bonuses can off-set some of the cost of providing structured parking since the developer gains additional leaseable floor space. 1. Options Below are several options for encouraging or requiring #he development of underground andlor structured parking in the City Center. . -� a) Developers could pay a fee to the City in lieu of providing parking. The pooled fees would be used by the City to construct parking structures. b) Municipal bonds could be issued to fund the development of parking structures. c) A special assessment tax on real property in the City Center could be established as a method to obtain revenues from the beneficiaries of publicly owned parking structures. � � � � � d), The City could reduce the minimum parking requirements by a pre- �- determined percentage if structured parking was used instead of surface parking. e) The maximum allowable building height in the City Center could be increased under specific conditions, e.g. the maximum height could be increased if structured or underground parking was int�grated into the building design. - f) The maximum amount of lot coverage could be increased' if structured parking were included withi� the building design. _ g) A floor area bonus could be used whereby some percentage of additional leaseable floor space would be allowed for every square foot of - underground or structured parking provided. h) 2 � The City could simply set a mandatory percent of required parking spaces that would have to be built either underground or in a structure. Staff Recommendation - It is recommended that a combination of options 'd' through 'g' be used to encourage structured parking in the City Center. Specific provisions are as follows: A. Provide floor area bonuses for structured parking at the following ratios: (i) Underground parking: 4,square feet of additional floor space for every 1 square foot of below grade parking. (ii) Stacked Parking: �quare feet of additional floor space for every 1 square foot of stacked parking. B. Allow height increases for structures containing parking up to �175' maximum for all uses in the CC-C zone, and up to a 10b' maxim� fih the CC-F zone. ' C. Allow up to a 20°k reduction in the number of required parking stalls for � projects that orovide structured parking. t - D. Allow for a 50% increase in lot coverage for projects that contain parking within the primary structure. 3. - Analysis • These recommendations assume that the City would rather not get into the business of developing structured parking and should rely on incentives. For that reason options 'a' through 'c' are not recommended. Similarly, option 'h' is also not recommended at thi� time, but if the incentive ?pproach does not 1 � • � produce the-type of development the City envisions for the City Center, then mandatory structured parking provisions may be necessary. These recommendations also assume a review and revision of several other provisions of the zoning code. These are discussed briefly in section IV of this report. C. Encourage Shared Parking Policy CCP47 aims to encourage shared parking between uses to maximize -the use of available parking within the City Center. By fully utiliZing the opportunity ;; for shared parking areas, the supply of land may increase in the City Center by reducing the total number of parking spaces. T�e success of a shared Rarking scheme will ultimately depend on the mix of land uses in the City Center. In particular shared parking will work when there is a substantially different peak hour demand between the uses sharing the facility. 1. Options Currently, FWCC Sec. 22-1422 provides the opportunity for shared parking - facilities. Two or more businesses or uses may share parking areas, provided that the number of spaces in shared parking areas contains at least 90 percent of the parking spaces required for all businesses or uses fhat are open or generating parking demands at the same time. To increase the use of this provision, code amendments can be made to provide more opportunities for multiple businesses to share parking. a) A revised procedure for shared parking could be implemented Shared parking facilities within the boundaries of the City Center may be granted up to a 20 percent parking reduction for uses with significantly different peak hours of operation. b) Do not amend the current provisions for shared parking contained in FWCC Sec. 22-1422. 4 ' 2. Recommendation Staff recommends that option 'a' be implemented. Requests for shared parking must meet the following requirements: (i� A parking demand study will be prepared by a professional traffic engineer and shall be submitted by the applicant demonstrating that there will not exist substantial conflict in the peak hours of parking demand for the uses for which joint use is proposed. 0 • L J (ii) The shared parking facilities and buildings which they serve are.�onnected _ �ith improved pedestrian facilities and no buildin�'or use involved is more ` than 500 feet from the most remote parking facility. The maximum distance shall be measured from the closest portion of the parking facility to the nearest buiiding entrance that the parking area serves. {iii) The number of parking stalls which may be credited against the requirements of the structures or uses involved shall not exceed the number of stalls reasonably anticipated to be available during differing hours of operation. (iv) A written agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and executed by all parties concerned assuring the continued availability of the number of stalls designed for joint use. (v) The provision for a 20 percent maximum parking requirement reduction is suggested as an administrative guideline. The planning director shall ultimately determine the size of the parking reduction. IV. OTHER ISSUES The following issues are related to the issues presented in section III, however, these issues will require additional study to formulate specific code amendments for - implementation. A. Landscaping Buffer Requirements Policy CCP44 aims to buffer parking areas to increase compatibility between surrounding uses. These provisions should be revisited to ensure the landscaping requirements, particularly buffer widths, are not in conflict with the goal of establishing a dense urban center. B. Open Space Bonuses Currently, in both the CC-C and CC-F zones an increase in building heights is offered as a bonus for providing open space. This also may be in conflict with the goal of creating a dense city center. Height bonuses might be more � appropriately applied to the provision of structured parking. C. Design Standards for Parking Structures Parking structures can offer great relief for a constrained land supply in a city center, however, careful attention must be given to the visual and locational impacts of these new buildings. If parking structures are to be encouraged, an analysis of the impact of these new buildings on the City Center must be undertaken. Once such a review is done, design guidelines should be implemented to make sure that the appearance, size, scale and bulk of the parking structures are compatible with the City Center vision. The City could � r � � - require such things as street-level retail space, staggered setbacks to soften the impact parking structures at street level and architectural compatibility between parking structures and the buildings they serve. D. Allowed Land Uses in the CC-C and CC-F zones The current allowable land uses in the City Center Core and City Center Frame should be reviewed to see how they could be revised to best reflect the long- term vision of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. E. Lot Coverage At present, there are no set lot coverage requirements established for the City Center area. Lot coverage is derived through other requirements such as landscaping and parking buffers. The City may wish to establish base lot coverage requirements for the different uses and then allow increases over the base coverage as an incentive to providing structured parking. V. CONCLUSIDNS The recommendations contained in Section III should be viewed as a package of incentives and options that can be used together. This report is intended to provide a starting point for the Planning Commission's review of these issues. Our review concludes that the current parking codes for Federal Way have produced an over supply of surface parking. Consumer tastes in vehicles have changed and the typical small versus large car viewpoint may no longer be valid. Mini-vans, sport/utility vehicles, and the advent of the 'mid-sized' car all suggest that different parking requirements and dimensional standards may be appropriate. Conversations with local developers suggests that the primary incentive to providing structured or underground would be increases in floor areas, height, and lot coverage. In order to fully utilize these types of incentives, other portions of the City's code structure may need to be amended as discussed in section IV. , 0 10