Ord 00-379 ORDINANCE NO. 00-379 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 22 OF THE FEDERAL WAY ZONING CODE, ADOPTING SPECIFIC AMENDMENTS TO THE ADULT USE REGULATIONS. A. Amendments to the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) text are authorized pursuant to FWCC Section 22-216 pursuant to Process VI review; and B. The Federal Way City Council has considered proposed changes to the FWCC regarding adult uses; and C. The Federal Way City Council. pursuantto FWCC 22-517. having determined the Proposal to be worthy of legislative consideration. referred the Proposal to the Federal Way Planning Commission as a priority item for its review and recommendation; and D. The Federal Way Planning Commission. having considered the Proposal at public hearings during 2000 on October 18th pursuant to FWCC Section 22-523. and all public notices having been duly given pursuant to FWCC Section 22-528; and E. The public was given opportunities to comment on the Proposal during the Planning Commission reView; and F. Following the public hearings. the Planning Commission submitted to the Land Use and Transportation Committee ofthe City Council its recommendation in favorC'f proposed zoning text amendments adding sections to the FWCC as noted previously; and ORD # 00-379 . PAGE 1 CC(Q)~1f G. The Federal Way Land Use and Transportation City Council Committee met on November 6, 2000 to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission and take public comment; and has moved to forward the Proposal. with amendments. to the full City Council; and H. There was sufficient opportunity for the public to comment on the Proposal; NOW. THEREFORE, THE CITY COl)NCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. WASHINGTON. DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. FindinQs. After full and careful consideration. the City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respectto the Proposal and the proposed amendments to the Federal Way City Code ("FWCC"): 1. The Federal Way City Council adopted the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan in order to comply with the state's Growth Management Act; and 2. The proposed code amendments would not adversely affect the public health. safety or welfare; and 3. The Planning Commission. following notice thereof as required by RCW 35A.63.070. held a public hearing on the proposed regulatory amendments and provided opportunity for public testimony. written comments. and material from the public by and through said hearings. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-216 and based upon the Findings set 'forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following ORD# 00-379 . PAGE 2 Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the Proposal: The Proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. Section 3. Amendment The Federal Way Subdivision Code. Chapter 20. and Zoning Code. Chapter 22. is amended to provide as set forth in Exhibit A. and by this reference is incorporated herein. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause. sentence, paragraph. subdivision. section. or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance. shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage. as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 5th day of December .2000. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~..V~ /2?( , MÃYOR. MIKE PAR / / . . V ORD # 00-379 , PAGE 3 ATTEST: >r rat~~ ,4- CITY CLERK. N. CHRISTINE GREEN. CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: '--ffM ~~~ ~ITY ATTORNEY. BOB C. STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 11/14/00 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 12/05/00 PUBLISHED: 12/09/00 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/10/00 ORDINANCE NO. 00-379 K:\OrdinlAdult Retail Amend 2 ORD # 00-379 , PAGE 4 EXHIBIT A Sec. 22-763. Adult entertainment, activity, retail, or use ("Adult Uses"). The following uses shall be permitted in the community business (BC) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE U Ad"t, """,irun,",. "Iiv;.y, ""iI. 0' "". USE ZONE CHART DIREqIONS, FIRST, ",d down 1o find"",. .. TIffiN, "'oss Co, REGULATIONS MINIMUMS REQUIRED Y '" Z 0 ¡: -<: ..J ;0 ¡;¡~ " ~ § ~; ~~ ~i:ì Pmc,ssl,ll.III",dIV",d"crib,din 22-386-22-411. 22-431-22-460. 22-476-22-49g "'pecrivdy. ,",o,,",llINono Possibl, ,",oco" IV S" nolo I. ~ § :¡¡ ~ ~ 'S ~ ~~ !i:~ ~~ I fo,,"ch 300 ,q.ft. ofom" floo"",. B ~~ ~~ ZONE BC ~ 20' 0' 0' 35' ,bovo >V"'g' building dmliou. SPECIAL REGULAT,lONS AND NOTES I. a. E"'PI " 'pedfi,d und" p"agnopb I.b bolow. thi, ad,,11 u" m'y not loca" °' bo conductod do", th", th, di,tanco notod bolow 1o "" of Ib,following.wh,th"ino,oulofth,dty, 1) Within 1.000 f",of",y ",idonli,1 zono O"" ,ingl,-f""iI, o,m"ltipl,-f""il, ",id",i~ u.. ou"id, th,Community Bu,in"""n" b,,1 not i"l"din. nonconfo""in. ",id"rial "'" in Ih, Community B",i"" °' "",in", P"k zon,,; 2) Within 1.000 f",ofany p"bllcp"k; 3) Within 1.000 f", of any lib"",,; 4) Within 1.000 f", of",y d"c", conI" fo, children. nu",'Y. o'p,,-school; 5)Wilhin 1.000 f"l of""chutOh o,o'h" f"illty 0' institutionu..dprim"';I, fo"'lIgiou,p",l'O"'; 6) Within 1.000 f",ofan, public °' privot, ,10m,,'..,. °' ",ond..,. school; ",d 7)Within"""",~f,"ofan,oth",dultu",. Th, """,rion required botw"n '" .dull u.. and any ""iûvo u.. d"cribod .bovo in ",'ioo> 1('XI)-(6),b~1 bo mm...d <rom th,odg, 'I °' com"ofth, ",operty of,uch ..n,i,iv, u..,'o Ih, ,dg' °' com"ofth, pmperty oflb, .dult u... Th, ..pan..ion "qui"dbo_n adull "'" ,b~1 bom",u"d - th, poinl of public ace", ""ong th, buildings hou,ing ,uch u",. Thot non-"""ctod portion of any p""I,o,builttin" nol indud,d within any portion ofth, aboY< ref",ncod 1000 roo' ..,b," "'" may bo u"d Co, .dull u..,. b. Thocitymay. u,ing_'" IV. appmv' th;, u.. "ganll,ss ofi" "",ximity 10 th, u.., and zon" "",ifi,d in """graph La (7) abov,. b",d on th, following "'tori" 1) Th, "toul '° which th, lopognphy '" physical f"Iu,,' ofth, ",a would ""II iu ,ff,ctivo .."""rioo in to"'" ofvi,ibility and """"'; 2) Th,comp,ribility ofth, propo,od u" with ncarnyu",; 3) Th, '",k of availability of ~I,",'ûvo locaûOOJ Co, th, propo,od U". b"od on th, "qui"m,," ofp"'snPb I.a abovo; 4) Th, availability of_sportaûoo mul"lo ~Iow molo"," ond pod",""" 1O avoid th, propo..d u.. ifthoy wish '0 do so. 2. Th, city m,y. .mng -'ss IV. modifY ",!uired rani. h,igh,.landscape and buff" and oth".to d,... and cUm....on~ ",!ui"man" fa< a propo'od doy,lopman' th.1 moo" th, following ,"to"" ,. Th, p",po..d d""lopmonl will bo con,i""1 with adop"d oomp"b",ivo pi", pollci" Co, thi, wno; ",d b. Th, propo..d d,volopm,nl will bo con,i""1 with appll"bt, d"i.. guid,lIn,,; and c. Th, """. Ulilili,. ..d oth" inftaslNclu" in th, ",a '" ,d,quot' '0 "'ppon Ib, pmpo..d d""lopmoo!. 3. Nomoximrun 10' ="'g' i"",blish,d. In""" th, build,bl, "'. will bo d"'noinod by oth",ito dmlopmonl",!uimnoo". '-'" ""uired buff",. parlcing 1011..dscaping, ,uñacowal" f",iliri". ,to. 4. Fo' commonhy d"ign guid,lIn" th'l apply 10 th, pmj,ct. '" Ani,I, XIX. 5. Fo,l",d",ping ""u"'moo" thot'pply loth'proj,ct. '" Anid,XVD. 6. Fo"ign tOqui"",on" thot apply 1o th, pmjoel, ..,Anid,XVIII. 7. R,f" 1o Soc. 22-946"..q. lod"annin, whot oth"pmvi,ion,ofthi"bapto,m ay,pplyloth"ubjoclproporty. Fo,oth"infonootion aboul p"king and p"king ""', '" § 22-1376" soq. Fo' d,"iI,ofwhot m.ymood thi,h,igh' Hmi~ "'§ 22-1046 ". ..q. (O,d No. 90-43. § 2(50."). 2.27-90; O,d. No. 93-170. §7(E,h. ß). 4-20-93; "'d. No. 96-270. §5. 2-7-96; O,d. No. 97.291. § 3. '-1-97) Fo,d,,~ls tOg""'ng tOq,ired yanls",,§ 22-1131 ""q. S" noto2. I S" nolo 2. I ..-..._._"".".~,._._"'....._,.,"-O-.~.,,~"_._~_u ,~,.u~