Ord 01-391 ORDINANCE NO. 01-391 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASIDNGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 15 OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE ADOPTING STATE STATUTES AND AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY TO APPOINT VOLUNTEERS TO ENFORCE PARKING FOR DISABLED PERSONS (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90-70,92-131,94-207, 94-213, 97-303) WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council adopted the Traffic and Vehicles Code Chapter 15 in 1990 and subsequently modified it; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature has modified state law wherein certain violations of law previously classified as misdemeanors are now classified as felonies; and WHEREAS, the State Legislature authorizes the City to commission volunteers to enforce disabled parking violations; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is in the best interest of its citizens to update the Traffic and Vehicles Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it is in the best interest of its citizens to authorize volunteers to enforce disabled parking violations; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Article 1 Section 15-1 of the City of Federal Way Traffic and Vehicles Code is amended as follows: ORD # 01-391 ,PAGEl t~~lf 15-1 Code adopted. The "Washington Model Traffic Ordinance," Chapter 308-330 WAC, including any future additions to, and amendments and repeals thereof, is hereby adopted by reference, with the exception of the following provisions: (1) RCW 46.90.500 through 46.90.540, relating to bicycle licensing. (2) RCW 46.90.555, relating to bicycles on sidewalks. (3) RCW 46.90.418, relating to prohibition against crossing roadways in a business district. (4) RCW 46.90.600 through 46.90.660, relating to parking meters. (5) Reserved. (6) RCV! 46.90.710, relating to !fIffi{imH!fI peB8.ltÌes. (7) RCW 46.61.515, rel!lting to penalties for the offense of driving ',vaile !inlier the ffifl!ienee of i!ltoxie!lting lié !ior or drug and paysieaJ. eefltreI. (86) Reserved. (97) Reserved. (Ord. No. 91-91, § 1,4-2-91; Ord. No. 92-163, § 1, 1-19-93; Ord. No. 94-212, § 1,6-21-94; Ord. No. 95-243, § 1,9-5-95; Ord. No. 96-260, § 1, 1-16-96) Section 2. Article I, Section 15-3 of the City of Federal Way Traffic and Vehicles Code is repealed as follows: Displa)ing or possessing of suspeftdd or revoked driver's lieeose or idefttifieatieft eard. (8.) RCW 46.20.336 is aereb) adopted by reference. 153 ORD# 01-391 ,PAGE 2 (b) Any penon" ho , ielates the pre. isiens ef tltis seetiBn shall be g\lilty Bf a traffic infraetiBn and shall be 'J\lBished by a peB!llty Bf H6t fH6re tflaB $250.00. Section 2. Article I, Section 15-4 of the City of Federal Way Traffic and Vehicles Code is amended as follows: 15-4 Mandatory criminal traffic civil assessment. (a) In addition to the crinlinal penalty provided herein, any person found to have committed an act designated as a crinlinal traffic violation under the provisions of this chapter shall be assessed a civil penalty in the amount of $20.00. The funds collected from this civil penalty shall be transmitted to the city of Federal Way traffic safety fund for the purpose of funding public safety traffic inlprovements, including but not linlited to installation of school safety signs, traffic safety signs, traffic speed bumps, and all such other traffic safety-related expenses as may be incurred by the city and authorized by the city council. (b) For the ourooses of this section. G.:.'.crirninal traffic violations under the provisions of this chaoter" are defined to be the following: (1) Driving with the license from another state while suspended in Washington, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.4W~; (2) Hit and run unattended, FWfCÇ 15-1 (RCW 46.52.020{£}); (3) Actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug, RCW 46.61.504; (4) Driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug, RCW 46.61.504; ORD # 01-391 , PAGE 3 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) ORD # 01-391 Display or possess any fictional or fraudulently altered driver's license, RCW 46.20.0921(1); Permit unlawful use of driver's license or ID RCW 46.20.0921(6); Driving while license suspended or revoked in the first degree (habitual traffic offender), FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.342(1)(a»; Driving while license suspended or revoked in the second degree, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.342(1)(b»; Driving while license suspended or revoked in the third degree, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.342(1)(c»; Willful failure to stop, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.61.022); Failure to surrender a suspended, revoked or cancelled driver's license or identification card, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.0921(4»; Lending an operator's license to another, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.0921(2»; Negligent driving, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.61.525); No valid operator's license, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.005); Failure to surrender license, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.021(4»; Violation of occupational driver's license, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.410); Hit and run unattended or property damage, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.52.010); ,PAGE 4 (18) Failure to register vehicle, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.16.010(1»; (19) Operating a motor vehicle with suspended registration, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.29.605); and (20) Unlawful representation of driver's license or identification card, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.20.0921 (3» and (21) Operating a motor vehicle in violation of trip permit requirements, FWCC 15-1 (RCW 46.16.160); and (22) Other criminal traffic violations as mav be adooted in the Revised Code of Washington; all as they all now exist or as may be hereafter amended, deleted or added thereto. Section 3. Article I, Section 15-11 of the City of Federal Way Traffic and Vehicles Code is repealed as follows: 15-11 State la'II' Crimes af abandanment af a dependent persan ill the third degree, stalking and aperating a matar veltiele ill ,i61atian af trip permit requirements. RCW 91..42.080, 9<'..42.090, 9<'..46.110 !Iftd 46.16.160 113 e¡¡rre!!tl) emlified er 113 hereafter arnellded, IIfC hereby adepted by referenee. Section 4. Article II, the following new Section is added as follows: 15-31 Driving Under the Influence, ORD # 01-391 , PAGE 5 The following state statutes. including all future amendments. additions or deletions. are adooted bv reference: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) ORD # 01-391 RCW 46.61.500. Reckless driving - Penalty. RCW 46.61.502. Driving under the influence. RCW 46.61.503. Driver under twenty-one consuming alcohol - Penalties. RCW 46.61.504. Physical control of vehicle under the influence. RCW 46.61.5054. Alcohol violators - Additional fee - Distributions. RCW 46.61.5055. Alcohol violators - Penaltv schedule. RCW 46.61.5056. Alcohol violators - Information school - Evaluation and treatment. RCW 46.61.50571. Alcohol violators - Mandatorv aooearances. RCW 46.61.5058, Alcohol violators - Vehicle seizure and forfeiture. RCW 46.61.506. Persons under influence of intoxicating liquor or drug - Evidence - Tests - Information concerning tests. RCW 46.61.513. Criminal history and driving record. RCW 46.61.5151. Sentences - Intermittent fulfillment - Restrictions. RCW 46.61.5152. Attendance at orogram focusinl!: on victims. RCW 46.61.517. Refusal of alcohol test - Admissibilitv as evidence. , PAGE 6 (15) RCW 46.61.519. Alcoholic beveralZes - DrinkinlZ or ooen container in vehicle on highway - Exceptions. (16) RCW 46.61.5195. Disguising alcoholic beverage container. Section 4. Article 11, Section 15-34 is repealed as follows: 15 34 Admissibility or refusal evideoee. RC"V 16.61.517, ineltidiftg all fumre ameoomeftts, additiefts or deletiofts, is adopted by refereftee. Section 5. Article II, Section 15-38 is repealed as follows: 15 38 f.ssessmeDt fee. (a) (1) IR atlditieft te pellillties set fertli ill this aet, a $125.00 fee shall be assessed te a persall '{the is eitbcr eeR.ieted, se!!tefteed te a lesser eharge, or gi'/eR deferred preseelltieR, as a restllt ef!lft arrest for lÌolatiRg FWCC 15 31 er 15 32. This fee is for the purpese of fuRàiB.g the WashingteR State Texieelegy Laboraklry II!là the WashiRgt13n State Patrol Breath test program. (2) Opan a ,erified petitian by the persall assessed the fee, the eollrt mlt) sllspeRà pII}meRt of all ar part of the fee if it finds that the persaR does Rot ha Ie the abilit) ta pay. (3) When a miRor has beeR atljlldieated a jll, eRile offeftàer far aR offcRse .vhieli, if eamm.itted by an adtllt, ',{etlld eoRstitllte a violatieR af FWCC 15 31 er 15 32, the eellrt shall assess the $125.00 fee tlRder sllbseetieR (a) af thi~ seetiaR. OpeR a .erified petitiaR by a miRar assessed. the fee, the ecmrt mil} sllspeRà payment af all or part ef the fee if it finds that the minor does Rot ha,e the ability to pa) the fee. (b) The fee asscssed Ilftder stibseetioR (a) of this seetioR shall be eolleeted by the derk af the ORD # 01-391 , PAGE 7 cel:lrt ami distrilnited as falle,/s, (1) Fert) 'Jereellt shall be subject ta eistributielluooer RCW 3.46.120,3.50.100, 35.20.220, 3.62.020,3.62.010, or 10.82.070. (2) If thc ease illvel,es a.blaee test b) the State Taxiealagy Labarater), the n:!Hailleer af the fee shall be far ."areee to the State Treasurer fer ee 'Jasit ill the death ill ¡estigatialls aeeellfit t8 be used sale!)' far fuooillg the State Taxiealeg)' Laberatel) bleed téòstiRg 'Jregr!lffi. (3) Othéòrwise, tlte re_ilieer af tlte fee shall be far',vardee te the State Tæasurer far åéò 'J6sit ill tlte state patrelhigh"a)' aœeuHt te be used salel)' for fuooiRg the WaslliRgtoa State Patral brcath test 'Jf6grarn. Section 6. Article II, Section 15-39 is repealed as follows: 15 39 Treatmcnt. (a) t. 'Jéòrsea subjœt ta a!eehol aSseSS!Heat aae treat!Héòllt Ulldéòr this act shall be reé[uiréòd b) the ea1:lrt t8 cempkte a ea1:lrse ill aa aleollel iftfarmHti(la scll(l(ll IIfJpf6, ed by åie '.v ashillgtea State DepartmeHt ef Seeial anà Health SerlÌees er ta eemplete !Here iliteasive treatmeHt ia a pregr!lffi IIfJpra,ed by the Washillgtea State DepartrneHt af Seeial and Hea!tIt Services, as dctéòrmÌlléòd by the court. The eeurt shallootify the Washiagtea State Devartmeat (If Lieeasillg '.vhéòlle, er it erders a persaa te eempléòte a éòe1:lfSe er treatmeHt pr(lgrlllR 1:Iooer this seetiell. (6) f. diagll8stie e,al1:latieft and treatmeHt ree8!fIIHeooHti(lll sllal! be prepared 1:Iader the direeti8ft aftlle e61:1rt b) aft aleeheli3!H ageac) appre,ed by tftéò WashÌllgtea State Déòpartméòllt ef Secial and Héòalth Services (lr a é[ualifiéòd prebatieft departmellt IIfJpr(l,ed by tlte Wasllillgtell Statéò Déòpartmeat ef Social aoo Health Séòr, ices. A e(lp)' ef the œport sllal! be f(lrv¡ardéòd te t-ile ORD # 01-391 , PAGE 8 Washillgtall State Del'artmellt ef Liccllsillg. Based 011 åJ.e diagllostie eyaluatieR, the eetlrt shall determille .....hether the persall shall be feljllired to eoffi Jlete II eourse ill all aleahol illforllHltiÐII sehool !ljJpra\ed b) the WllshiHgtoll State Departmellt of Soeial and Health Sef"lÌees or Ift6re illtellsi. e treatmellt ill a I'regrlllll !ljJl'ro, eà by tile VI ashillgtoll State Del'artmellt ef Saeial alld Health Ser. ices. Ce) Stalldards for al'l'royal fur aleohel treatmellt I'regrllllls shall be I'reseribed b) tile Washillgtoll State Del'artmellt of Seeial alld Health Services. The Washingtoll State Departmellt of Social alld HealåJ. Ser, ices shall periodically re'iie" the costs ef aleohol illformlltioll schools aad treatffiellt I'rogrlllfls. Cd) f,1IY agelleY åJ.at pre rides treatmellt ordered IIlIder Lam 1994, Ch!IjJter 275, Seelioll 4, 5 or 6, shall immediately report te åJ.e !ljJl'rel'riate pfßbatioll dep!li'tmellt where !ljJpliellble, Ðtller ,rise 10 the eollrt, alld ta the Washingloa State Del'artmellt ef LieensiHg !If!) lIolleaffi¡Jliallee by a persall with the eallditioas af his or her Ðrdered treatmellt. The eallrt shall lIati£) the WashiHglall State Del'artffiellt af Lieell5illg alld the 'NashiHgtoll State Dep!li'tmellt ef Soeial aftd Health Ser, ices ar aIi) failllre by all agelley to so report ft6fteoffi¡Jli!lftee. AllY agelley \áth kft6v/ledge af lIolleoffi¡Jlianee that fails to so report shall be filled $250.00 by tile Washillgtoll Stale Departmellt of Social !lftd Healtll Services. Ol'ell three SlIeR failllre3 by all ageftey "ithill aIle year, åJ.e WashiHgtell Stale De¡;!Ii'tmeat of Seeial aIId Health Ser. ices shall re'/oke Ihe ageftc)'s al'pro.allillder tIIis seetioll. (e) The ',vashiHglOII State Dcpartmellt ef Lieeft3illg alld thc Washingtall State Department of SÐeial alld Health Seuiees ma) adÐI't sHeIl rilles as are ftCeeS3ar) Ie carr) out åJ.is ORD # 01-391 , PAGE 9 seetie&-. Section 7. The following new section is added to Article Ill: Parking Privileges for Disabled Persons. The following state statutes. including all future amendments. additions or deletions. are adooted by reference: (a) RCW 46.16.381. Soecial oarking orivileges for disabled oersons - Penalties- Enforcement. (b) RCW 46.61.581. (c) The Deoartment of Public Safetvmay aDooint volUllteers to enforce the oarking laws for disabled oersons as set forth in RCW 46.16.381(13) as currently written. or amended in the future. Section 8. Severabilitv. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 9. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date ofthis ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 10. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. June PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this ,2001. 19th day of ORD# 01-391 , PAGE 10 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ATTEST: ~; ~.æ~ MAYOR, MIC ÝÁRK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~c~ CITY ATTORNEY, BOB C. STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. OS/29/01 06/19/01 06/23/01 06/28/01 01-391 K,\ORDlN\c,,",,"" 15updole Rev""" 4/16/01 ORD # 01-391 , PAGE 11